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jocrude · 11 months
I just watched Four Lions. Hilarious. I wish Chris Morris had more of a following on Tumblr.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Toons for Our Times: The Casagrandes: Four Course Catchup
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I take some time to catch up with everyone’s faviorite mexican-american family with a four course meal of shenanigans. 
Mexican Makeover: The thorny issue of racial identity erasure is handled via a lot of costumes, spicy food and a second Sergio, which suprisingly isn’t my own personal hell. Then again giving rusty a brother wasn’t either so there’s a precident.  Uptown Funk: Carl goes full Zach Morris, minus the white privlage, and marries Adelaide to get a free train ride, then let’s his hallucinations talk him into nearly killing everyone. At least the Leprechaun in the sandbox isn’t telling him to burn things anymore.  Bo-Bo Business: Hector won’t respect Bobby’s genius new ideas so Bobby sets shop at the near by hong’s market and procedes to nearly get murdered by bunnies. Dear god Anya was right.  Blunder Party: Ronnie Anne and Sid host their first event as a couple, a sleepover campout on the roof with their running crew. Adilade and Carl crash it causing their sibling and cousin to send the two on a dangerous scavenger hunt. As you do.  Context for what’s going on the page image under the cut. 
So yeah I originally wasn’t going to add the Casagrandes to regular coverage.... but what can I say. I had way more to talk about with the recent crop of episodes than I thought, the show often airs with loud house so it increases my coverage output and most importantly.. i’ts just damn good. While still having some kinks to work out, like forgetting to use CJ, the show is just really charming and uses i’ts premise well. So yeah when the show, at least according to the wiki, so expect full coverage of both this years halloween special and the show in full when it comes back in november... and with bobby being hypnotized into thinking he’s a cat apparently.. so yeah i’d be watching anyway, so why not go all in.  .So with that out of the way we’ve got a lot of ground to cover so, Golpeteo de pitter, which is spanish for pitter patter... maybe. If google translate mangled that I apologize. 
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Mexican Makeover: 
Like with our last bit of loud house coverage, we start with the least of the episodes first. That being said this one isn’t TERRIBLE, just a waste of a good concept and something intresting to explore. It’s also a real shame given this episode is written by Lalo Alcaraz, the writer of the comic strip La Cucaracha who works as a consultant on the show and previously wrote my favorite episode of the season, Croaked!, which we’ll be talking about soon. But he seems like a great guy, but everyone dosen’t bat a thousand.  This episode centers around Rosa, whose mother Mama Lupe, and her parrot sidekick Paco, coming to visit. Paco is a recolor of sergio which actually explains a LOT honestly, as I now feel Sergio is the Quaks to Paco’s Squaks. 
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As in the crappy recolor who dosen’t have as many skills. As you can tell I don’t like Sergio much. He’s annoying, not very funny and only rarely has his moments and also spent one episode constnatly being obnoxious to Bobby, who as we’ve discussed and will soon discuss some more, is my boy. My precious baby boy. So bullying him is the equilvent of slapping me with a dueling glove. So yeah Paco is better than Sergio, being more laid back, less obnoxious.. and voiced by, of all people, legendary cartonist and the namesake of the parrot sergio, Sergio Aragones. I grew up with the guy in middle and high school as he frequently, and I belivie still does, work for parody magazine MAD Magazine, and while I haven’t read it also did 80′s indie comic Groo the Wanderer with Mark Evainer of Garfield and Friends Fame. The guy’s really damn funny and it was a real treat to find out he’s involved here, especailly since the namesakes for the loud pets have all sadly passed, so it’s nice at least one pet namesake between shows gets to guest star.  But my fanboying aside, Rosa is worried she hasn’t been making her family Mexican enough and thus goes a bit absolutley nuts. She steals the kids clothes and replaces them with various traditional mexican outfits, which is a bit psycotic, and gives us a shot of carl’s ass when he compalins about his underwear being replaced, which...
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Yes thank you wayne. I’m sure even some of the 7 year old’s watching this don’t want to see a fellow 7 year old’s butt. Stop that. There’s a reason the parent show stopped the gag of having Lincoln in his underwear all the time and it wasn’t just because only chris savino thought it was funny. It’s especially creepy given after Savino’s sexual harassment, John K’s reveal of being a pedophile and whatever Dan Schinder did they refuse to talk about to the public but has ciruclated around, you TIHNK the’yd be more congizant of not showing borderline child porn. I mean it’s one thing to have a kid in underpants for a gag it’s another to have a close up of his butt. Just stop. Stop.  So the episode goes as you’d expect, Rosa keeps pushing things harder without explaining herself, including trying to force the kids to speak in spanish, feeding them extra spicy food and againt eh whole replacing their clothes thing.. which\ do look nice though and we do get that blessed image of bobby up top. The kids eventually confront Rosa who reveals she just dosent’ want to give her mom a heart attack, they go along with it with Sergio feeding ronnie anne spanish, which is nice continuity as her not knowing i’ts come up before, and everyone putting on a show.. which goes horribly wrong with super spicy food understandably not being built for a 80-100 year old woman, and while i’ts nice Bobby’s buddy par, we’ll cover their episode at some point too, shows up he also heavy metals so hard it knocks her over and destroys the painting, which yeah of course. Rosa comes clean and Lupe.. is entirely fine with it and feels that culture is more in values than in what you know about it, though she will teach them a few things because knowing where you came from is still important. Also Paco returns and.. why coudln’t both he and Lupe stay. For all my issues with the episode besides Carl’s butt shot, which we’ll get to in a second, I do really like Lupe and Paco is better than sergio in every way shape and form apart from the name. just color him read and have him smother sergio in his sleep and we’re up a better parot. 
Final Thoughts for Mexican Makeover:  This one was eh. I saved my thoughts on the main plot for here because it IS a topic worth talking about: loss of cultural idetntity,�� especailly for first or second generation, as our main kids and their parents are, kids, how to ballance the cultures, what really matters.. it’s all good, deep really senstiive topics that i’m in no way qulaified to entirley judge because i’m very much white and am not going to whitesplain topics that I have no personal experince with.  But I can at least say they could’ve done MORE with this. For one thing Maria was absent, and it would’ve been REALLY intresting to get her take on it since Croaked! established she didn’t really give Ronnie Anne at the very least much of a lesson in their heritage. You can’t really BLAME HER: She works a demanding job, ended up having to raise them alone, and is tired a lot. As I said i’ts a VERY complex topic that’s created some VERY brilliant works around the subject, and while i’m not asking for “Moonlight... for Kids!” I am asking you to explore something like this. How aclimated the kids are to white culture is a topic worth exploring and could’ve been a special and while yes I know, it probably would’ve been “A Very Special Episode”..sometimes you need to tackle complex topics for kids. The Proud Family was also a screwball comedy, but it tackled the civil rights movement, xenophobia and other heavy subjects from time to time.. it also thought music piracy was the root of all evil but as I said no one bats a thousand. And it wouldn’t lack jokes as Alcaraz’s career is in satire: He knows how to write jokes about heavily charged topics and be clever about it on the freaking comics page, and given The Casagrandes like it’s sister show is basically a comic strip in animated form, he has the right format tow ork with it just ultimately becomes instead the cliche “person is coming time to hide everything we’ve been doing plot”, which has never been that good and is even worse on top of a more interesting idea. I don’t expect the show to be super deep all the time but I expect better than broaching a clearly difficult subject and not really giving it any weight. 
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Uptown Funk: Now we’re past the one I was eh on because I knew how it’d turn out, and somehow got even less on board as it wasted a good concept and good ideas, and to the one out of the four I was most pumped for. And of all things it was a CARL episode.  I passingly mentioned last time I didn’t like Carl, and that opinon’s started to change. I’m still not a huge fan, his voice is grating and he STILL hasn’t given  up on Lori seasons later after Clyde long has and the other show long regonized this was a bad idea. Buuut i’ve come to realize he has his moments, with Monster Cash, which i’ll cover very soon for Halloween Havoc, and this very episdoe which is utterly fantastic. Though part of that is also the supporting cast, who were the reason I was pumped.  I talked abotu the Changs Breifly in my Operation Dad review but since Adalaide and Stanley are more promenent here and Becca will be, if not in person, in Croaked!, i’ll gladly dive into them. The Changs are the Casagrandes next door neighbors and EASILY one of the best parts of the show. A lovely interacial nuclear family, the four are all really likeable and distinct. I’ve talked about Sid before, so we’ll save more of that for in a bit. Stanley her dorky dad voiced by Kim Jeong who works as the subway conductor for Great Lakes City. He’s just a treat, in both sense of hte word, and really sweet interacting with his daughter and has a tendency to make small apperances due to Ronnie Anne and Sid riding the subway wherever they need to go. As i’ve said it’s nice to see Ken Jeong get to play a goofy, normal-ish dad and be funny without having to either play an over the top lunatic, weirdo or asshole. I love community but Chang could be a lot but this Chang is alright.. and probably dosen’t speak to his community college student brother that often for his family’s saftey. He does have Rabi Chang, his other brother over a lot though. Look if Teen Titans go can be jammed into the same multiverse as ok ko and steven universe, this show can take place in the same unvierse as community. 
Becca is stan’s wife and the head zookeeper at the zoo as well as the runner of their various shows, voiced by melissa joan hart and while not around as mcuh as her husband, is still a delight and it’s a delight to have clarissa back. Also together with her husband they make one hell of a couple to get sandiwthced between.. and no shame there, and yes i’m aware they have kids, i’d be happy to help raise them. I”m no asshole. 
Anyways speaking of those kids, we lastly have Adalaide, the star of this show and an adorable 6 year old and as Sid calls her “A sass bucket” which is accurate both for 6 year olds in general, and for this one, though like most kids her age she flips from being adorable to entirely blunt when warranted. She also has a Frog, named Froggy II. We’ll get into what happened to Froggy I and how she met Froggy II in October. 
So yeah two of my faviorite side characters, I consider sid main, PLUS one of my other faviorites Vito in a supporting roll. What’s not to love? As for the plot Carl brushes off Adalaide, because he’s a little jerk festival, but changes his tune when he overhears Stanley offering to have Adilaide join him on the train even see the control. Carl being a fanboy for trains among many other things which I shall list now: Things Carl’s a Fanboy For: 1. Money 2. Petty Schemes 3. Zack Morris 4. The Ladies 5. AC Slater 6. Luchadores 7. Trains. 
He naturally has his eyes light up like a christler buliding and given numbers 2 and 3 on the list quickly comes up with a scheme to get that train ride, since Stanely offered her a plus one. Granted he could’ve PROBABLY just asked Stanley for a ride and being the upstanding guy he is, and given Carl’s also a train nerd and stanley is their king, he would’ve said yes, but this is the same boy who thought his adult cousin’s same aged girlfriend would want to go out with him when said girlfriend lives in a house with at least 3 girls close to his age instead she could set him up with. The boy is more of a short term planner, like most schemers in fiction really, he sees the dollar signs like eddy from ed edd n eddy and has some good ideas, but not the more obvious solutions that aren’t as scheme based around him. I swear if this kid didn’t have a moral center this would be him in 50 years
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I mean the only reason the boy hasn’t used sharks or explosives is because his parents and grandparents won’t’t let him.
Anyways Addie is skepteical for about 5 seconds and my one real complaint about the episode is it felt like she was genuinely skeptical, and playing him slightly with their games.. but it turns out nope she just genuinely bought it. But as smart as she is she’s also only 6, and her being adorably trusting works just as well.  So they play games. They have a tea party, with carl wearing a truly glorious peacock that I guarnatee sid has worn both for playing with her sister and just to feel fancy. They then play with Froggy.. which gets uncomfotable as Adaladie forces Carl to kiss him, and then basically goes full on “NOW KISS” when it fails to turn froggy into a prince and Froggy runs because he wisely dosen’t want to make out with Carl, and is omly passable and not disturbing instead because she’s 6 and dosen’t know better. They then play chase froggy, which Carl wins but gets flies thrown at him in hte process so does he really?  They get to their final game superheroes, with carly playing his faviorite el falcone.. but also being the hostage while Adalaide saves him because this is 2020, she don’t need to be no damsel in distress. And this to me is why the episode works.. Carl IS a huge jerk here, manipulating a younger child who just wants to be his friend to get a train ride he could’ve gotten just by asking her.. but he gets put through the ringer, and most of his “humilation” is stuff that isn’t that bad: Tea is alright, there’s no shame in wearing makeup or a veil, and being rescued by a woman is awesome. It’s just Carl’s own baby’s first toxic masuclinity that makes these situations minus kissing froggy uncomfortable, so it adds to it as Addy’s doing nothing wrong really and any pain on carl’s part is an accident on hers. She’s just an imaginatiee little lady and he’s jsut a jerk. But they pair well together his underserved ego with her adorablility and creativity and as we’ll see smarts. Part of the reason I was so excited is their one real scene togehter in monster cash, when Carl is throiwng everyon’es money back at them which is also the best bit of the episode and we’ll get to that when we cover it her response is a stern “Don’t you even dare” and he hands it back to her because you don’t mess with Addy. 
Addy then brings up pretend marriage and while Carl has his first , and probably not last, panic attack over comitment he does realilze this can be used and gets his train ride over it, with the two taking Froggy along as their baby. But being Carl, he’s not ready for marriage to a strong judge on the supreme court who makes him change the diapers and humilaties him in public, whcih i’d be more upset about if again he didn’t deserve it. We also have VITO! Local itallian, the Mercado’s best customer and Hector’s only friend. He also has his two winer dogs with him which.. yes. Just yes. And they have matching hats and sweaters because Vito is the best.  Hedecides to toss froggy and book it for the train car. Adalaide realizes she’s been played and is understandably pissed but sadly, needing to find her friend her husband threw, dosen’t storm into Stanley’s conductor car and throw him off the train.
Instead Carl geeks out with Stanley over the train, which means he probably is meant to marry into this family, and Stanley’s glart awards. When Stanley’s called away to deal with the frog fracas, Carl is left told not to touch anything. So the obvious happens.. Carl hallunciates a bunch of pre school level choo choos who tell him to press the button. I love .. everything about this. It’s just pure hilarity and insanity and I’m here for it and a really creative, and insane gag and a nice take on the shoulder devil trope. 
Naturally Carl, being Carl, presses the big button which turns on the ac and then blasts Stan’s train mix. Which sadly isn’t just this over and over and over and over again. 
With Carl possibly banned from trains for life he naturally turns to his wife for help, who is none to happy with his bullshit, and not willing to help him because why would she? But Carl.. genuinely apologizes. It’s why I mentioned he has a moral center. Unlike say Zack morris 80% of hte time or Eddy from Ed Edd N Eddy at his worst, Carl can FEEL human emotions like guilt, and while he does need Addy’s help to not get in massive trouble, you can tell he genuinely feels bad about hurting her and is only asking because she’s his only hope and for the sake of the various passengers who if she dosen’t step in will go off the rails on a crazy train, she agrees.  Turns out though Addy is pretty badass on top of being adorable, and uses Froggy II as a grappling hook, then turns out to have inherited her dad’s knowledge of trains, which was foreshadowed earlier as she said she’s gone with him a lot and was bored at his offer and won two time junior glart awards.. which given that likely includes teens and tweens, is Valeria Richards levels of acomplished. God damn kid. Kudos. Stanley gets understandably mad at carl But Addy covers for him and since she saved her dad’s awards, Carl can live.. and come back sometimes. Carl, first through his action figure then himself apologizes for being a jerk toa ddy and manipulating her.. a genuine one that shows he means it and finds she’s pretty cool. Gues this marriage CAN be saved. And so we end this episode as you’d expect. 
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No.. for one thing i’td be leprechaun-train monstrosity. For another the happy couple team up as superheros and thwart froggy being hit by a train , who greatfully smooches carl who, having grown, takes it in stride. Happy end
Final Thoughts: I love this one. It was funny, intresting and had carl develop as a character while fleshing addy out and giving us some great stanley stuff. It made having a jerk as the protagnist here work and made me go from begrudgingly liking carl to actuallyl iking him. while he’s pretty terrible here he suffers for most of his actions and learns from it, and he and Adelade ahve a great dynamic that we thankfully do indeed see again this very marathon. But first. IT’S BOBBY TIME. 
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Bo-Bo Buisness It’s my first episode starring Bobby on this blog and i’ts been TOO long and there will be more to come I promise. As i’ve made no secret of Bobby is my faviorite character here, and as you can tell that’s a tight race, and is just.. great here. The move to the city fleshed him out by giving him drive with his desire to run the mercado, franchise it, and go to buisness school to do all of it properly, while keeping his loveable sweetness, stupidity and relationship with Lori which has gone from deeply unhealthy to awwwwwwwww. 
So naturally I was on board for another Bobby Bonaza, and this one like most of his eps is pretty good: This time around it focuses on Bobby’s hard work ethic and youthful energy..and it leading him AWAY from the mercado.  Bobby tries setting up free wifi and a table like a cafe in the Mercado, but Hector flatly refuses and refuses anthing Bobby comes up with, citing his 30 years running the place sucessfully, while Bobby cites his less than a year of it and his book of ideas, though Hector refuses to budge. And what I like here is that while hector IS still the bad guy here, it’s not in a one dimensional “Jerk for the episode’ way this show’s sister episode tends to fall into. Or treating a character being a jerk like their the wronged party, or.. you get the idea. Point is hector has SOME points: He has run a small buisness in a huge city for 30 years, beating out gentrification, racisim, big buisness and other threats to run at thriving mercado, even with another market across the street. He also owns a sizeable apartment with room for two diffrent families, 5 adults, 6 kids, a dog and an asshole, and his wife is super for the building as a whole. He’s done MARVELOUSLY for himself and deserves to be proud and his stubborness likely comes from just how much he’s been able to acomplish while others fell around him.  However.. Bobby is still sympathetic. It’s very clear working here is his dream job: His plan for his life is to expland the place into a franchise and run it himself one day, he’s the clear sucessor and Hector wont’ be around forever.. probably for a LONNNG time still, and his ghost will probably haunt the place with Rosa’s scolding him, but since ghosts can’t own property probably, someone has to take over. Bobby is his clear sucessor and his ideas aren’t bad.. poorly exceuted in this case, but not bad. As we’ll see in a bit the table idea can work, bobby just didn’t think it through and Hector could’ve HELPED HIM with it and as we’ll see most of the ideas Bobby ends up doing elsehwere are just common sense for this day and age and the one that isn’t is the one that does him in. But Hector, likely seeing any change as a threat to his bottom line and his legacy, rejects him out of hand. H’es likely scared that his protege can do BETTER, or worried that one wrong move could cost him his life’s work. I also find this ironic since a few episodes ago, though I still need to see it, Bobby himself had the same problem letting go and letting someone else control the buisness with his sister and cousins running the place while he had his anniversary with Lori. Bobby DESERVES to be given his shot.. and so when he decides to quit the mercado in a huff and take his table and his ideas with him.. you agree with him. Sure he’s leaving the family legacy.. but if Hector wont let him make it his own or appricate how much fucking work he does or love he has for the place, then what legacy is there? That got heavy. We get a great joke next as bobby makes a metaphor about the dinosaurs.. then wonders what happened to them and like me on any given day stops to google it.. and since he uses a laptop unlike me and my desktop computer or phone, and his table, he inadveratly sets up a table outside.. which fixes the problems with his idea, if by accident and impresses Mr.Hong the owner of a nearbye market who could use a fresh faced go getter like bobby and hires him right on sight and agrees to start putting his ideas in. 
And the wifi table.. is a huge sucess and putting it outside gave the customers more room, so it fixes the one flaw in his plan, and serving out cafe and snacks I can’t prounounce or spell properly, bobby shows his idea WOULD have worked: instead of creating loiterers it simply gives customers like Vito, who pretty much lives at the Mercado anyway so why not, a place to sit, eat and check their email and stuff, and bobby’s a good enough salesman he can convince them to eat and given the mercado already has a customers only policy on toilets.. they could’ve just made the table purchase only, and once per hour, and their regulars would’ve lapepd it up. Hector refuses to accept this though and stews and drives sergio and carl away.. which yeah if you can out asshole Sergio, you may be the bad guy here.  The two feud over dinner to their family’s confusion, and to Rosa’s annoyance and dope slaps when she spills her hard worked on food over their petty sniping but bobby’ sstar continues to rise with a music video for hongs including that bit seen above, rapping and just.. whatever the fuck that video was it was the third best rap in nick history behind that “nnnnnnick” rap and this. 
So yeah with the comeerical, Hongs has tons of customers, and Hector stews more. However things can’t be good forever, as the last 4 years have proven they can be bad for an especially long time but good? Sadly no, as Bobby gets what he always wanted: The keys to the store.. maybe not the store he wanted but still and gets to run hongs solo.  Sadly though Bobby ends up fucking up, letting people bring their pets which wrecks the place, and ends up with bobby getting swarmed by an ever multiplying batch of bunnies. 
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As Bobby is cuddled to death, his exact words, Hector finally relents and saves the boy from literally drowning, and the two get the rabbits out.. but well with social media and all that hong knows what happen and bobby’s fired. But back at the Mercado, Hector rehires bobby, and genuinely apologizes. I do feel it comes a bit quick.. but I guess after your grandson almost got bunnied to death, you rethink your life choices. Bobby admits he was in over his head while Hector genuinely admits Bobby has good ideas and he was being a stubborn jackass and decides he can use them after all. Starting with the commerical where the two perform a nice mexican song, the whole family adorably dresses up like various mercado items as seen at the veyr top and we also get this. 
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Yes, yes to all of this. And we’re out.. for a moment then back in but you get it. 
Final Thoughts for Bo Bo Buisness: While not the best Bobby episode, that would be the one that introduces Par and again i’ll get to that one, this one is still pretty good. While I do feel Hector turns around a bit quick, otherwise it’s funny enough and has enough character stuff with bobbby, even if i’ts mostly just from knowing him in this series to work out. I”m not ANTI-nonsense episodes, I just don’t want them there when ther’es clearly a way heavier issue your steping around. This wasn’t the BEST the series has done comedy wise but it was fun enough. Alright one more...
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Blunder Party: 
And we end on another pretty good one. And oddly for this show it’s the only Ronnie Anne focused one of the four. Usually she’s dead center but it seems the series is getting comfortable enough, much like it’s parent show, to ease out of focusing on just one character as the viewpoint and letting the others breathe. Still this was a good un and let’s talk about it. 
It’s Party Time and Ronnie and Sid are having a sleepover on the roof. Their first party of a couple.. i’m so proud of by baby gays.. or gabies as I call them. I mean.. yes i’m not subtle with my shipping but they act less like close friends and more like two tiny lebisan awww factories.  Anywho the whole crew’s here, which as with a lot of things this episode let’s talk about them: Casey, Nikki and Sameeer were introduced in a loud house I haven’t seen and naturally carried over to the show proper, showing up when Lincoln visted in an episode I will defintely cover at some point, and accepting Ronnie Anne wasn’t a born city kid. They have neat designs, are nicely diverse, and while lthey do need some fleshing out, given that like Lincoln’s own friend team squad they show up in a good chunk of ronnie anne episodes, we got time for that so we’re good. There’s also new addition Laird, the school’s own screech powers, and your standard awkward dork whose not that great. So yes even this group has a waste of a character, though he’s not AS bad as rusty or useless as Liam, just feeling a bit less essentail than Ronnie Anne’s running crew, who match her general vibne, and Sid whose her soulmate. 
But as the pizza arrives via Sergio, because he has to be useful at least once, our heroes soon find the party crashed by Great Lakes City’s newest power couple: Carl and Adelaide! Looking like their fucking team rocket. Seriously I had other options for this episode, including bobby sliding around on his back comically, so it says something just how great that iamge is and how fucking gloriously smug yet awesome they look. 
The two want to join and even outdo the big kids at stretcing and flinging pizza, but as many little siblings like myself know all too well, the big siblings don’t want you there. I can’t count the number of times I wanted to hang with my brothers friends, but he refused frome lementary all the way up to high school. It was maddening. SO I sympathize with them, but i’ve grown tor ealize grown up kids want to have their own time and fun so I sympathize with both parties: Carl and Addy just want pizza and games and to hang with the big kids and Ronnie Anne and Sid just want to host a party as a couple without watching their siblings. 
However Carl forces a compromise.. by using his special mood.. whining loudly and summoning Rosa.. whos eriously just.. teleports behind the kids. I thought only Lucy could do that in this unvierse. Respect. 
Rosa however is resonable. While she dosen’t want the kids to be excluded, and it’s understandable and nice of her: The kids just wan’t to feel included and Rosa is resonable enough to say they will have to leave eventually wehn it’s time for bed. A fair compromise. Also i’d wonder why Adelaide is here but I assume the Chang Parents had her come over there, which Rosa being the lovely person she is agreed to. I didn’t get into her above but I do like Rosa a lot as a character as she’s a resonable authority figure.. but liable to slip into her own foibles, and is kind and loving with her family if strong and strict when she needs to lower the boom. Mostly on Hector who i’m amazed survived last episode and getting his own grandson to leave in one piece. 
But yeah I mean I can only imagine what’s going on there...
Also  sex obviously, but since I obviously can’t and won’t show you that, have this video to jodeci’s freak n you instead and let your imagination fill the blanks if you want. 
I will use this song any time I can. Anyway, Sid being the peach she is tries to convince Ronnie anne all is not lost. Earlier she used a metaphor saying how they had all the perfect ingredents like a smore, and now adds pizzza.. which ot be fair a pizza smore, but using bagles or something sounds great, but pizza on a smore sounds like my own personal hell.. though Sid likes it so i’ll let it live.. for now. That’s also why Sergio is alive. FOr now. 
But even sid has a limit and the power couple soon break those: An attempted scary ghost story session goes bad as they break poor sameer by predicting eveyr story he has even the one the poor kid wings, and he and his prehinsile hair are sad. Cheer up kid at least you can probably go live on Krakoa at some point. Free health care, free housing, living on a giant  paradise. Good stuff.
The two then ruin an attempted dance party, which unlike the above which was just bad timing, this time their just obnoxious as addy wnats to ballet, and Carl wants to... put it to his butt whle playing fart noises. Okay for starters. 
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Secondly if he wanted to do that he could’ve got a cd of Nickleback cheaper and no one would’ve noticed.. then again they might of thought the poor boy had Dihera.  Somehow this isn’t the last draw. Nikki, being a real one, holds a gross drink contest which carl spits out on the crowd.. which really WHAT DID YOU ALL EXPECT. This is how those things end. WIth spit up and fury. 
Anyways enough is enough, so our ambigiously gay duo hatch a plan and send the little kids on a scavanger hunt. So while the Ronnie’s Running Crew have fun, and spot bobby and his best buddy par and bobby flop on some mangos and slide around on mango juice all episode as a result, the dream team work on getting that list done. From getting one of Hector’s nosehairs to Mr. Nakamura’s faviorite sweatervest (which takes a while) , to Carlota’s diary they do it with flair. Of note is the two having to steal Sergio’s crackes.. and nearly getting murdeered by the parot who seriously looks like he’s about to skin a child.. thankfully when HE does a shining by crashing through the door, he just gets stuck so no child murder tonight. Horay! Well until Carlota finds out her diary missing then this happens. 
But things get dire when the kids think they see the smaller kids get stuck in par’s truck. Thankfully bobby knows where his best friend is at all times, because he’s consdierate and knows where he’s headed next, and the kids end up following him, while Sameer stays behind to distract with his hair puppets since Rosa wants to little ones to go to bed. 
Sid and Ronnie anne and co head to the dump , shenagins insue and they think they lost their sibling and cousin.. only to find them, the two having gotten a mango that looks like Vito and won.. and Sid and Ronnie apologizing and admitting their scam. In a nice bit though while Carl gets upset, Addy quickly points out they DID ruin their fun, and crash the party, and Carl begrudingly admits he’s wrong. Again, keep them married show. Carl needs Addy to keep him honest and Addy needs carl to hide the bodies of her enmies. They make a good pair, just like their big sis and cousin. 
Anyways, Ronnie Anne and Sid ask to have the kids for just a bit longer to repair them and again this is why I repsect Rosa. She finds out the kids disobeyed her or at least found a loophole but isn’t mad and gets both sides learned from it. Our kidlets get a giant ass smore for their heroic efforrts, Nikki returns Carlota’s diary in secret to avoid their deaths while Sergio is arrested for attempted murder of two minors. A good night all around. Bobby joins in to close out, which isn’t met with any resitance because who dosen’t love bobby, while Hector wakes up to the vito mango and wonders what happened to him.. okay apparently Vito’s been turned into a non-sapient piece of fruit before and I want details show.  Final Thoughts Finally: A pretty good one. Carly and Adleadie continue to prove to  a hell of a combo, whie the proven dream team of Sid and Ronnie Anne work well off their younger counterparts. It overall leads to a fun episode with lots of great gags.. and also bobby sliding around on his back comically like he’s a goddamn roomba and I am hear for it. Just overally really good stuff and a really fun plot. This really feels like stife of the party done right. Both sides screw up but make up instead of one just getting their way because protaganist. And overall this batch of episodes was really damn good and I look forward to watching the series reguarlly from now on. Until then, just one more day then this blog gets all spooky! SO stay tuned, stay safe and go team venture! Play us out nickleback! WAIT WHY DID i SAY THAT NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOO
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Link Tank: The Best Games to Preorder this July to Escape the Summer Heat
Itching for a new game to play? Here are the best releases you can preorder this July.
“The heart of the summer usually isn’t the most exciting window in the game release schedule, but if you’re looking for some cool games to pour hours into while escaping the heat, July has some new releases that you can really savor over the long haul. From role-playing adventures like The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD and Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin to engrossing simulations like F1 2021 and Microsoft Flight Simulator, there might be something here to tickle your fancy. And if not, there’s also NEO: The World Ends With You and The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles to consider.”
Read more at The Inventory
Chris Pratt is more than just Andy from Parks and Recreation as the leading man strives to be taken more seriously.
“When Chris Pratt is your leading man, you can expect some belly laughs. Whether he’s playing Star-Lord in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, dinosaur handler Owen Grady in Jurassic World, or the inch-tall Emmet in The Lego Movie, Pratt has become a reliable source of unusually funny thrill-rides. But lately, the one-time Parks & Recreation favorite has been changing his tune.”
Read more at Inverse
How did Boba Fett escape the sarlacc pit? Here’s what will (hopefully) happen in The Book of Boba Fett.
“There is a lot of anticipation around Star Wars’ The Book of Boba Fett for a number of reasons. For me, I’m just excited to see this character that I never really cared about until recently come to life in this new way. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I never thought Boba Fett was cool until The Mandalorian showed us Boba in action, coming to Din Djarin’s aid, and suddenly made me care about Boba Fett.”
Read more at The Mary Sue
Stop being mean to Marcel! The animal trainer for Friends is sick of David Schimmer’s attitude towards his monkey co-star.
“While fans were arguing whether Ross and Rachel were on a break, a deeper Friends conflict was brewing: Ross vs. Marcel. David Schwimmer complained about the monkey yet again on the Friends reunion, saying, ‘It was time for Marcel…you know, f–k off.’ Now, the monkey’s trainer, Mike Morris, is speaking out. ‘People would laugh at the monkey and I think [Schwimmer] got jealous because it wasn’t him getting the laughs,’ Morris told The Sun. Two monkeys played Marcel, and one recently passed away, prompting Morris to deem Schwimmer’s comments ‘despicable.’ The trainer said it’s clear Schwimmer holds a grudge, but the monkey probably doesn’t even remember him.”
Read more at The Week
Is this man the king of Pokémon cards? One collector has put the community into a frenzy.
“You’ve probably heard all about the Pokémon card frenzy unfolding within the last few years, and the high prices that some old-school cards from the original run can command on the market. Possibly, you’ve also heard that this fervor was driven in part by influencers like Logan Paul, who have taken every opportunity to talk up their collections. But unless you’re actually in the Pokémon card community, you likely haven’t heard about Gary ‘King Pokémon’ Haase, the 67-year-old man who owns the most expensive collection in the world. And recently, a clip of King Pokémon talking about his Charizard card set has set the community ablaze in fury.”
Read more at Kotaku
How long did you keep your Tamagotchi alive? Check out a brief history of the digital pets.
“Think about the life span of toys. The classics—Barbies, G.I. Joes, Hula Hoops, and Teddy Ruxpins—can keep kids engaged for hours at a time, but eventually the novelty wears off and the child will go in search of new play adventures. But what if someone invented a toy that demanded a kid’s attention all day, every day? What if they were so committed to this toy that they couldn’t bear to be without it? That even a tiny little beep caused them to stop whatever they were doing to interact with it, like a Pavlovian pocket monster? And what if this toy was so psychologically addictive that when it stopped working, the kid started crying?”
Read more at Mental Floss
The post Link Tank: The Best Games to Preorder this July to Escape the Summer Heat appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3hsZAkV
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wazafam · 4 years
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Ryan Oubre and Clara Fergus are the wild card couple on this season of Married At First Sight. They are simply one of those pairings where fans will have to wait until decision day to see if their relationship will last. So far, they have had ups and downs, but they do have the potential to work if they are willing to put the effort into their relationship. Ryan’s serious personality could be in part due to his career as a senior transition specialist representative for Paycom. He has been mindful about his money, and the 29-year-old has accumulated a humble net worth.
The Atlanta edition of MAFS has been a crazy ride thus far, all because of Chris Williams. Unfortunately, his bad behavior has also affected other couples on the series. Chris got into it with Clara Fergus, Ryan’s wife, who tried to give her opinion about his situation with Paige. What resulted was a big blow-up, though Ryan managed to stay mostly out of the drama. After the argument, it was safe to say no one was a fan of Chris. Ryan, however, pulled Clara aside and told her to be careful of what she says, as she tends to talk too much. Clara agreed but wondered if her new husband was trying to control her. Though she admitted she should be more mindful of her words, the interaction created lingering doubts about her husband.
Related: Married At First Sight: Chris Williams' Net Worth & How He Makes His Money
Clara being more outspoken than Ryan, and him being on the reserved side, echoes in their career choices. Clara switched from a politics degree to her flight attendant career, which shows her willingness for change. With Ryan, however, it is evident that he prefers logic and stability over spontaneity. According to Stars Offline, Ryan attended Kennesaw State University and studied communication and film. He now works as a senior transition specialist representative (TSR) for Paycom. His salary is estimated to be $51,485 a year. This information combined with his personal, unidentified assets leads to a reported net worth of $250,000.
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Ryan managed to work his way up the ladder in his career. He originally worked as an advanced repair agent for Geek Squad for five years. After that, he joined Paycom as a TSR. In 2017, he was given a promotion and became the TSR manager for Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Cleveland, and New Jersey. In May 2018, he started working as a TSR in Atlanta, the position he currently holds. Beyond his job, which he seems very dedicated to, Ryan enjoys staying active and fit.
Ryan and Clara are an interesting couple. So far, Clara has admitted their lack of sexual intimacy is confusing for her. She even went as far as to say that she has not seen Ryan with his shirt off. However, they still have six weeks until decision day, and fans are sure that, once Ryan has gotten comfortable with Clara, they will consummate the marriage. The experts seem to hope that Clara’s wide-eyed hopeless romantic personality will rub off on Ryan, who has never been in love before. But even if things don't work out with Clara, it sounds like Ryan will have a steady job to return to after Married At First Sight. 
Next: Married At First Sight: Briana Morris’ Net Worth & How She Makes Her Money
Married At First Sight airs Wednesdays at 8 pm ET on Lifetime.
Source: Stars Offline
Married At First Sight: Ryan Oubre’s Net Worth & How He Makes His Money from https://ift.tt/3btYp1C
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theultimatefan · 5 years
Goldblum, Levi, Guttenberg Q&A’s, Cosplay, Live Podcasts, Creative Panels Head Programming At Wizard World Chicago; Most Included With Any Admission
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Q&A sessions with Jeff Goldblum (Jurassic Park, Independence Day), Zachary Levi (Shazam, “Chuck”), Steve Guttenberg (Police Academy franchise, Cocoon), Cary Elwes (The Princess Bride, “Stranger Things”), Henry Winkler (“Happy Days,” “Barry”), Chris Sarandon (The Princess Bride, Nightmare Before Christmas), and “Charmed” (Holly Marie Combs, Brian Krause, Drew Fuller and Billy Zane) plus Kelly Hu (“Arrow,” “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”) and more, workshops, cosplayer and comics creator sessions, adult and kids costume contests, live podcasts and more highlight the programming offerings at Wizard World Chicago, Thursday through Sunday at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center. Most programming is included as part of the standard event admission and is in addition to the live entertainment options (dancing, music, etc.) all weekend.
Some highlights of the more than 200 hours of panels scheduled to date include:
Group sessions with “Buffy” stars Amy Acker and Emma Caulfield (Saturday, 11:30 a.m.); “Charmed” foursome of Combs, Krause, Fuller and Zane (Saturday, 12:30 p.m.); “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” voices Rob Paulsen, Barry Gordon, Cam Clarke and Townsend Coleman (Friday, 4:30 p.m.); “The Orville” cast Scott Grimes, Mark Jackson and Kelly Hu (Friday, 5 p.m.); “Heroes” foursome Greg Grunberg, Adrian Pasdar, Jack Coleman and David Anders (Saturday, 1:30 p.m.); The Nightmare Before Christmas stars Sarandon and Ken Page (Sunday, noon); “Arrowverse” trio of Hu, Matt Ryan and Teddy Sears (Sunday, 11 a.m.); Classic TV greats Winkler, George Wendt and Brad Savage (Saturday, 3:30 p.m.); “Batman vs. Superman” Kevin Conroy and Dean Cain (Saturday, 4 p.m.); and The Princess Bride reunion with Elwes & Sarandon (Saturday, 5 p.m.)
CONversations with Levi (Friday, 2:30 p.m.), Goldblum (Saturday, 3 p.m.), Guttenberg (Friday, 2 p.m.), Winkler (Friday, 3 p.m.), Powell (Saturday, 5:30 p.m.), Dan Fogler (Fantastic Beasts, Saturday, 2:30 p.m.) Mark Sheppard (“Supernatural”; Saturday, 1 p.m.), Melissa Joan Hart (Sunday, 1 p.m.)
Pro wrestlers Honky Tonk Man and Rob Van Dam (Friday, 4 p.m.) and “Women of Wrestling Torrie Wilson, Lillian Garcia, Lisa Marie Varon and Katie Forbes dish on their favorite ring promotions (Saturday, 1:30 p.m.)
Disney Trivia panel with Walt Before Mickey star Thomas Ian Nicholas (Rookie of the Year, American Pie), moderated by Handbook for Mortals author Lani Sarem and Samm Levine (Saturday, 6 p.m.)
Creator sessions with industry superstars Mike Watson, Kurt Lehner, Joe Wos, Mostafa Moussa, Jeremy Clark, Stuart Sayger, Gavin Smith, Josh Lyman and more
Blood Drive by Versiti Blood Center of Illinois, all weekend
Podcasts hosted by Seth Everett (Hall of Justice, Sports with Friends) and Mo Lightning (WrestlingAudio.com, 97.7 QLZ host); 3 Geeks, Plus Ultra My Hero, Toys Were Us Podcast tapings and Paranormal Podcasting panel by Hysteria 51, Blurry Photos, Freak of the Week, Bob After Dark and Blastropodcast
Interactive Workshops hosted by experts in Cosplay Foam Building/Foamsmithing; Intro to Sculpting; Intro to Resin Casting; Intro to Drawing; Cosplay Posing & Photoshoot; Cosplay Painting & Weathering; Worbla/Thermoplastics Cosplay (additional ticket required)
Psychologist Travis Langley will be on hand doing deep dives into fan favorite topics including "Supervillain Psychology: Who Wants to Be the Bad Guy?" "Broken Superheroes: Inside the Minds of Spider-Man, Batman, Jessica Jones, Deadpool, The Umbrella Academy and More!" and several others
Author Trevor Mueller will be doing three instructional panels - one on self-publishing, one on crafting fictional worlds and one on making webcomics; James Morris and Jared Bartemeyer will also conduct writing panels
Trivia panels on Family Guy & The Simpsons, Marvel vs. DC, Princess Bride, Stranger Things, and horror movies, plus daily Singo with FreeN’ Fun Bar Bingo
Fan- and industry-based panels on subjects ranging from Game of Thrones, geeks and depression, DC Movies, Black Panther, Dragonball Z, horror film characters, props, audio drama, the MCU phase 4, animation, Disney, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, toy hunting, pop culture & comedy, dating, underground comics, tabletop games/D&D, brand building, webcomics, positive fandom, diversity in comics, streaming app and more
The Enchanted World Of Rankin/Bass Productions With Official Historian/Biographer Rick Goldschmidt
Kids programming all four days (and Kids 10 and under are free every day with paid adult)
World-famous Wizard World Adult Costume Contest, Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Kids Costume Contests on Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m.
Cosplay with special guests Hendo Art, Thousand Faces, Papa Bear, Galaxy Amethyst, LadyDragon Creations, Shield Labs, Wulfgar Weapons and CosAwesome Studios, throughout the weekend
Unless noted, programming events take place in the designated General Programming Rooms or show floor stages at the convention center. VIP tickets or additional costs may apply to ensure access to select activities, as noted.
A full list of Wizard World Chicago programming is available at http://wizardworld.com/programming-entertainment/chicago (subjects, guests, times and rooms subject to change).
Wizard World events bring together thousands of fans of all ages to celebrate the best in pop culture: movies, television, gaming, live entertainment, comics, sci-fi, graphic novels, toys, original art, collectibles, contests and more. The eighth event scheduled on the 2019 Wizard World calendar, Chicago show hours are Thursday, August 22, 4-9 p.m.; Friday, August 23, noon-7 p.m.; Saturday, August 24, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sunday, August 25, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Kids 10 and under are admitted free with paid adult.
Wizard World Chicago is also the place for cosplay, with fans young and old showing off their best costumes throughout the event. Fans dressed as every imaginable character – and some never before dreamed – will roam the convention floor and participate in the famed Wizard World Costume Contest on Saturday evening.
For more on the 2019 Wizard World Chicago, visit http://wizd.me/ChicagoPR.
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joementa · 7 years
Week Of May 1, 2017.
This week was the kick-off of what I have deemed Emo Fest 2K17, consisting of four consecutive (for me) Ryan Adams/DRA shows.  I won’t complain about that.  Although after four DRA shows in a row, my emotions might be doing some complaining. Night 1 of Emo Fest 2K17 was at the Beacon Theatre in NYC.  Alex Edelman, a stand-up comic, opened the show.  I really enjoyed it.  I’ve always felt a connection with stand-up comics.  Not because of humor (I like to say that I TRY to be funny.  I don’t necessarily think that I AM funny), but because I think stand-up comics face one of the loneliest and most naked positions you could ever be in.  And a part of me has felt that way my entire life.  DRA’s show was fantastic, of course.  He was in a great mood, and was very funny, too.  The songs sounded great.  They ROCKED. The crowd was really great, too. They were locked into it, and everyone stood for the entire show.  That was nice, because as I said, this was a rock show.  
If you go to a lot of shows, you know that NYC always brings a great crowd.  And that’s emphasized more when a musician or band has a connection to the great city, which DRA does.  He played “New York, New York” solo acoustic, right up at the front of the stage, and you could hear a pin drop during that performance.  I was really happy that he played “Kim”.  It’s one of my favorite songs of his, from his great self-titled album.  “When The Stars Go Blue” was of course absurdly beautiful.  He also included a cover of “Wonderwall”, solo on electric guitar. What a performance.
Emo Fest 2K17 Night 2 was back at the Beacon, another sold out show.  One thing that was different from the previous night – I had a FRONT ROW ticket.  Pretty tough to beat that!  The show of course was great – both the band and the crowd rocked.  There’s nothing like an NYC crowd.  This show had TWO solo acoustic performances, and they were truly acoustic – no plugging in at all.  It was just DRA with an unplugged acoustic guitar, singing into the microphone.  Unlike the previous night, “New York, New York” was played full-band.  This may have been even more powerful than the night before.  There’s something very moving hearing DRA sing that great song in that great city.  I’ll never get tired of seeing shows in this city.  
After the show, two people approached me and told me that I was fun to watch.  They said it looked like I was having a lot of fun.  I actually have had many people over the years tell me this after shows, and my response is always, “Thank you.  And, if it looked like I was having fun, well that’s because I was!”  I can’t help but express myself when I’m at a show.  Often to a fault, music is my main form of communicating.  A feeling comes over me at a show, ESPECIALLY at a rock show, that is almost out of my body and mind.  I am singing and dancing and clapping and doing my signature finger pumping (those who have been with me at a show before know what this is).  I am completely lost in a higher place. That’s why I go to the shows.
Night 3 of Emo Fest 2K17 was at the Tower Theatre, outside of Philly.  I’m a big fan of that venue and have seen a bunch of great shows there over the years.  DRA’s show this year was a little weird.  The band, of course, was awesome.  DRA probably interacted with the crowd even more than in NYC.  He told a funny story about how a vending machine took his money in high school, so he shook it to get his candy and it fell on him, breaking his pinky.  He topped it off by saying that a high school friend said he was a member of Rage Against The Vending Machine.  That’s so cheesy that it’s hilarious.  
Although the story was funny, I come to these shows to feel it from the band and the crowd.  Like Bruce says, “in the crowd I feel at home.” I did not feel at home in this crowd. All of DRA’s main set was played with an electric guitar, and as I’ve said before, this was a true ROCK show.  At most rock shows, I am on an emotional journey, both internally and externally.  And you would think that a Saturday night crowd in Philly would have some sort of external reaction in a rock show.  Guess again.  Almost nobody stood up during this show, and for the few of us who did, we were verbally attacked by the crowd for doing it.  To top it off, DRA closed the show with “Come Pick Me Up” in the encore, which he traditionally plays.  This version was solo acoustic.  Guess what the crowd did.  If you guessed that they sat in their seat like they did for all of the rock songs, you would be wrong.  They stood and sang during the entire song.  Then the show was over.  Oh well. I still enjoyed the show.  I just had to enjoy it internally.
There were a bunch of new albums that came out this week that I need to check out, but because of Emo Fest 2K17, I’ve only had a chance to check out a couple of them.  In particular, I love the new Afghan Whigs album In Spades.  This should not be a surprise to anyone who knows me, because I love that band.  Their lead singer, Greg Dulli, is one of my favorite singers.  He does a fantastic job of combining a variety of genres and emotions in his voice.  I saw him live once, but unfortunately have not yet seen The Afghan Whigs live.  That will change this year, as they just announced a fall tour in the US, which I will not be missing.  The tour dates are right here.  I cannot give their show my own stamp of approval since I’ve never seen them, but I can’t imagine that they would put on a bad show.  I’m really looking forward to those shows later this year.
There are a lot of reissues coming up, and I think all of these are worth being excited for.  
A bunch of Iron Maiden vinyl reissues are slated for this summer.  Below is the schedule.
May 19
Fear Of The Dark
No Prayer For The Dying
The X Factor
June 23
A Matter Of Life And Death
Brave New World
Dance Of Death
Rock In Rio
July 21
Death On The Road
En Vivo!
Flight 666
The Final Frontier
Purple Rain is being reissued on June 23, and there is a lot to be excited about here. There are a variety of options, but the Deluxe – Expanded Edition is the way to go, in my opinion.  Disc one is the original album (obviously), the second disc is 11 songs from the vault including 6 never before heard songs, and a third disc all of the singles and B-sides from the Purple Rain era.  Plus it comes with a DVD of Prince and The Revolution live on March 30, 1985.  No word yet on whether or not this is coming out on vinyl, but count me in either way!
One of my favorite albums ever is Exodus by Bob Marley.  It turns 40 years old this year, and not surprisingly, they are doing a massive reissue to celebrate.  There are a few different versions that will be released, which you can read about right here. I’m particularly excited about the super deluxe reissue version.  It includes FOUR vinyl LPs (including the original album, a “restatement” version that includes previously unused and unheard vocals, a live show), plus a bonus 7” with a previously unreleased version of “Waiting In Vain”.  Apparently the “restatement” version of “Turn Your Lights Down Low” is really good, and has an R&B vibe.  I’m excited to hear that one.  “Turn Your Lights Down Low” is my favorite Bob Marley song.
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band was released 50 years ago this year, and they are celebrating it in a big way.  One again, there are a variety of options.  The double vinyl release includes a new stereo mix of the album for disc one, and a full disc of complete early takes from the Sgt. Pepper’s sessions in the same sequence as the album proper.  More music from The Beatles that has never been heard before. I will not complain about that. This comes out May 26.
Warpaint by the Black Crowes is being reissued on June 16
Here is a list of some of the music I’ve been listening to the past week.  Format: musician – album title, or musician – “song title” (album title).  As you can see by the list below, I listened to a lot of Bruce this week.  I’m still riding high from his storytellers discussion in NYC last week, and to keep it going, I had to listen to a lot of his music.  I usually do that when I see one of my favorite musicians.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lot of DRA on this list next week.
The Counting Crows – “A Long December” (Recovering The Satellites)
The Gaslight Anthem – “Mae” (Handwritten)
Bruce Springsteen – Greetings From Asbury Park, New Jersey
Bruce Springsteen – The Wild, The Innocent & The E-Street Shuffle
Bruce Springsteen – Born To Run
Bruce Springsteen – Darkness On The Edge Of Town
Bruce Springsteen – The River
Bruce Springsteen – Born In The U.S.A.
Bruce Springsteen – “Save My Love” b/w “Because The Night”
Bruce Springsteen & The E-Street Band – Scottrade Center, St. Louis, MO 8/23/08
Karen Elson – Double Roses
Iron & Wine – Archive Series Volume 3
Lady Gaga – “The Cure”
Prince – Prince
Prince – “I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man” (Sign O’ The Times)
The Afghan Whigs – In Spades
Chris Stapleton – From A Room, Volume 1
The Afghan Whigs – Black Love
The Afghan Whigs – “Faded” (Black Love)
Maren Morris – Hero
Ed Sheeran – Divide
Joni Mitchell – Court and Spark
D’Angelo – Brown Sugar
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gokul2181 · 4 years
Looking forward to playing under leadership of Virat Kohli, says Aaron Finch | Cricket News
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/looking-forward-to-playing-under-leadership-of-virat-kohli-says-aaron-finch-cricket-news/
Looking forward to playing under leadership of Virat Kohli, says Aaron Finch | Cricket News
NEW DELHI: “I know how competitive and driven he is,” said Australia’s limited-overs skipper Aaron Finch while talking about the prospect of playing under the leadership of Virat Kohli for Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) in the upcoming Indian Premier League (IPL) 2020. The IPL 2020 will be played in the UAE from September 19-November 10 and the tournament will run for 53 days. In the players’ auction which was conducted in December 2019, RCB managed to bag key players like Finch, Chris Morris, Dale Steyn, Joshua Philippe, and Isuru Udana. Addition of Finch into the side will now bolster RCB’s batting which already comprises of Kohli and AB de Villiers. In an interaction with ANI, Finch talked about playing alongside Kohli, the role of Justin Langer on his leadership, and what makes Kohli and Steve Smith stand out as leading batsmen in the world currently. “I can’t wait to join up with RCB. To get the opportunity to play for a franchise that has some of the greatest players in the world is going to be fun. It would have been amazing to play in front of the home crowd at Chinnaswamy but representing the franchise in UAE will still mean a huge amount to me,” Finch told ANI. “It will be my first time playing under Virat’s leadership but something I’m very excited about. Having played against him for a number of years now in international cricket and IPL I know how driven and competitive he is, that something I’m looking forward to seeing up close,” added the Australian ODI and T20I skipper. When asked whether Finch’s leadership skills will come in handy for the franchise, he replied: “I hope that my experience will come in handy, being able to help out anyone I can during the IPL. If that means I can help take some pressure off Virat then I will do everything I have to.” Finch has played 5 Tests, 126 ODIs, and 61 T20Is for Australia, and over the past few years, the right-handed batsman has become one of the most fierce opening batters around the world. His ability to strike big shots is the one thing that most teams dread about. Finch also has the record of registering the highest individual score in T20I cricket as he played a knock of 172 against Zimbabwe in 2018. However, the limited-overs skipper has not managed to cement his place in the Test line-up, and when asked about returning to the longest format of the game, Finch said: “I would love to get an opportunity to play Test cricket again, but realistically I think it will be very tough to force my way back into the team. Not having the opportunity to play as much first-class cricket as I would like to put the required runs on the board makes it a bit harder.” The right-handed batsman also explained the reason for Kohli and Smith being rated as probably the two best batsmen in the world currently. He also gave his take as to why the India-Australia series is now considered to be a “marquee” event in world cricket. “As for the best batsman in the world, you could throw a blanket over a handful of players over 3 formats. The consistency of Steve Smith and Virat Kohli in Test cricket both home and away over a long period of time probably makes them stand out from the rest,” Finch said. “The passion of Australian and Indian fans, along with an amazing history of close and competitive series makes it a marquee series. The pressures, the expectations, and the rivalry make it a brilliant series to be a part of,” he added. The T20 World Cup was slated to be played in Australia this year, but it has been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Now, in three years (2021-2023), three World Cups will be played (T20 World Cup 2021, T20 World Cup 2022, and 50-over World Cup 2023) and Finch said he is looking forward to his side being really competitive in all those tournaments. “World Cups are obviously the pinnacle of the white ball game and T20 is a format that we probably haven’t played our best cricket in the past. Having played a lot more of this format over the last couple of years as a team, we have seen some great improvement and it is really exciting. We feel as though our game plan can stand up to the pressure of a World Cup, then it just comes down to executing your skills on the day,” Finch said. Australian cricket was in a bit of turmoil in 2018 as the trio of Smith, David Warner and Cameron Bancroft were banned for one year for their involvement in the ball-tampering scandal against South Africa in Cape Town. After that incident, Justin Langer took over as the coach of the side and Australia has now returned to its old winning ways. Australia is now the number one ranked side in the Test and T20I format, while the Finch-led lineup is at the fifth place in the ODI rankings. Talking about the effect of Langer, Finch said: “Justin has been great, not just for my batting but also my leadership and life. Like all coach/player relationships we are always talking about small things that we can look at to improve my game.” “When you are constantly going from series to series there isn’t always a lot of time to make big technical changes, a lot of the time it’s just a mental shift that can help you more than anything,” he added. Before the IPL starts, Australia is expected to tour England for a limited-overs series, comprising of three ODIs and as many T20Is. The side was last seen in action in March this year as they played one ODI against New Zealand in Sydney. After the first match, the remaining two ODIs were postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
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cynthiajayusa · 6 years
What’s Hot Central Florida: March 2019
Saturday, March 2
Cristoph’s Tampa presents a Toga Party (Men in Toga’s..HOT) with hostess Lady Janet and the music of Billboard reporting DJ Greg Anderson!
Sunday, March 3
After incredible success and demand, esteemed performer and international pop icon P!NK announces that her Beautiful Trauma World Tour will extend into Tampa’s at the Amalie Arena  at 7:30pm. Since her debut in 2000, P!NK has released 7 studio albums, 1 greatest hits album, sold over 50 million albums equivalents, over 75 million singles, over 2.4 million DVDs worldwide and has had 15 singles in the top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart (four at #1).   Her seventh studio album, Beautiful Trauma is certified platinum, debuted at #1 on Billboard’s 200 chart and marked a career high for first week sales. For more info or to purchase tickets, go to: amaliearena.com.
The Flamingo resort presents the annual Mr. and Miss Flamingo 2019 Pageant at 7pm hosted by Iman. The pageant will homnor Jrnavive Mateo (Miss), and Onyx Valentino (Mr.) and Forever Miss Flamingo Femme Samaya Sinsation. Categories include: Presentation (pink), Evening Gown/Wear, Talent and Q&A. For more information or contestant packets email: [email protected].
Tuesday, March 5
Fairwinds Broadway in Orlando presents Fiddler on the Roof at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts from today until March 10. Rich with musical hits you know and love, including “Tradition”, “Sunrise, Sunset”, “If I Were a Rich Man,” “Matchmaker, Matchmaker” and “To Life (L’Chaim!),” Fiddler on the Roof is the heartwarming story of fathers and daughters, husbands and wives, and life, love and laughter. For more information, go to: Drphillipscenter.org.
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles. In celebration of the anniversary of Abbey Road, Rain will bring the greatest hits of this epic recording to life, in addition to all your early Beatles favorites. This mind-blowing performance takes you back in time with the legendary foursome delivering a note-for-note theatrical event that is “the next best thing to seeing the Beatles” (Associated Press). For more information, or to purchase tickets, go to: Vanwezel.org.
Friday, March 8
From his team members on The Voice to veteran country artists, Blake Shelton has a history of demonstrating his support for the people in whom he believes; when he realized that fans across the country needed to hear music from his friends and heroes, he decided to bring them all out on the road. “Friends & Heroes 2019” will hit Tampa’s AMALIE Arena at 7pm.  Very special guest Lauren Alaina joins Shelton for the run along with special appearances by country icons the Bellamy Brothers, John Anderson and Trace Adkins. For more info or to purchase tickets, go to: amaliearena.com.
Southern Nights Orlando presents from RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 6, Jiggly Caliente. Jiggly will also be performing on Saturday!
The Orlando Improv presents Arsenio Hall today and tomorrow, Sat March 9. It was the success of his Emmy Award-winning late night talk show “The Arsenio Hall Show” that made Arsenio a household name. The versatile actor, comedian and producer first became involved in the arts at “The Cleveland Playhouse” and continued to hone his craft through his Kent State Univ. Tickets start at $25 at Theimprovorlando.com.
Saturday, March 9
The Amway Center presents Lionel Richie in his All The Hits Tour at 8pm. He is one of the most successful solo artists in pop and R&B history and one of the most popular singer/songwriters of the modern era. Richie will take fans on an unforgettable musical journey featuring his most influential and revered songs that defined the icon’s unrivaled career. For more info or to purchase tickets go to: Amwaycenter.com.
The Parliament House presents “Garden Of Sin” featuring international DJ sensation Kidd Madonny. They will also feature the Footlight Players at 10pm and 12am, and a free courtyard party.
Neema’s Amor at Stonewall Bar Orlando, presents RuPaul’s Drag Races Naysha Lopez, along with Rochelle Mon Cheri and Angelica Sanchez. Doors open at 9pm with no civer before 10pm and $10 thereafter.
 Wednesday, March 13
FL Falun Dafa Association Presents Shen Yun from today until March 17, at the Dr. Phillips Center. They invite you to experience a divinely inspired culture through the breathtaking art of classical Chinese dance. Audiences travel from legends of the past to stories of courage in China today; from snowy mountaintops to vast grasslands.
Large animated backdrops extend the stage and transport the audience to another world. These grand images are dynamic, involving unique interaction with stage—a patented innovation that has inspired Hollywood and catches seasoned theatergoers by surprise. Tickets start at: $84.25 at Drphillipscenter.org.
Thursday March 14
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents The Lion King from today until March 31.
Giraffes strut.  Birds swoop.  Gazelles leap.  The entire Serengeti comes to life as never before.  And as the music soars, Pride Rock slowly emerges from the mist. This is Disney’s The Lion King!  For more information, or to purchase tickets, go to: Vanwezel.org.
Friday, March 15
The Tampa Improv Presents Sheryl Underwood today and tomorrow, Sat, March 16. Sheryl is a savvy businesswoman and multi-faceted, multi-media entrepreneur, and she skillfully balances the roles of in-demand Entertainer, Owner and Chief Executive Officer of Pack Rat Productions, movie and television actress, radio personality and philanthropist. Sheryl Underwood is one of the most articulate, well-informed women of our time and is a much sought after entertainer who has been described as one of the world’s brightest contemporary humorists. Tickets are $27 at Standupmedia.com.  
Southern Nights Orlando from RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 11, Plastique Tiara. If you can’t make it tonight, you can catch Plastique performing tomorrow night, Sat March 16 at Southern Nights Tampa.
Timberly presents Bare Beef St Patricks Day kick off at Stonewall Bar Orlando. The night will feature a 12 am wet underwear contest and adult video star Jack Vidra.
Saturday, March 16
The Parliament House invites everyone to celebrate St Patrick’s Day by Getting “Lucky” with Blair St. Clair of RuPaul’s Drag Race. They invite you to reach into the pot of gold and win: Televisions, tablets, free drinks, electronics, gift cards and door entries. General admission is $10, with VIP photo Op $20.
Sunday, March 17
Amalie Arena presents Travis Scott in his Astroworld: Wish You Were Here Tour at 8pm.  Once again, Travis Scott takes it up a notch – or ten. Known for his explosively wild performances, the history-making Houston superstar will make this tour his best yet. Bringing the amusement park of his chart-dominating critically acclaimed blockbuster Astroworld to life on stage, the artist has envisioned a show unlike anything done before and unlikely to be topped. amaliearena.com. (AMWAY CENTER MARCH 15)
Friday, March 22
The Tampa Improv presents Craig Robinson today, Saturday, March 23 and Sunday, March 24. Beginning as a stand-up comedian in Chicago, Robinson first made his mark in the comedy circuit at the 1998 Montreal “Just for Laughs” Festival. Craig is best known for his portrayal of Daryl Philban in NBC’s The Office but has also starred in such movies as Knocked Up, This Is The End, The Hot Tub Time Machine series, and Morris From America, the latter of which he won a Special Grand Jury prize for acting at Sundance in 2016. Craig also plays the role of Leroy in FOX’s paranormal comedy series, Ghosted. For more information or to purchase tickets, go to: standupmedia.com. 
Saturday, March 23
Barcodes Orlando (4453 Edgewater Drive) will be celebrating their 10th Anniversary tonight with a night filled with FUN! There will be raffle drawings throughout the night and the prizes include: $1000 in cash, a custom Miller Lite Bicycle, a Budweiser land cruiser bicycle, a smart TV, and lots more! As always free parking and never a cover. On behalf of myself and the entire Hotsptos Central staff we would like to wish Raymond and the entire Barcodes Orlando staff a very happy birthday and wishing them many more years of success!
Dr. Phillips Center Presents Tony Bennett live! Tony Bennett’s life and philosophy is the embodiment of the Great American Story. Having celebrated his 92nd birthday on August 3rd 2018, his career as the pre-eminent singer of the 20th and 21st centuries is unprecedented. He continues to be embraced and loved by audiences of all generations. Tickets start from: $55 at Drphillipscenter.org.
Cristoph’s Tampa presents a “Rewind Party” with hostess Stephanie Stuart and the sounds of DJ Mike Sklarz.
Sunday, March 24 
The Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts in Association with Live Nation presents Chicago. Billboard ranked Chicago ninth on the list of the hundred greatest artists of all time in terms of Billboard 200 album chart success in October 2015. Chicago is one of the longest-running and most successful rock groups, and one of the world’s best-selling groups of all time, having sold more than 100 million records. In 1971, Chicago was the first rock act to sell out Carnegie Hall for a week. Tickets start from: $55 at Drphillipscenter.org.
Monday, March 25
Chris Sant Lorans productions presents the annual Miss Orlando Universo Latina USA (reg and plus) 2019 at the Parliament House. The categories are Presentation (pink), Evening Gown, Swim Wear, Talent and Q&A. The winners will receive $1,000 cash, over $4,000 in prizes, 2 Photo Shoots, registration for the national, passage and stay for the national, dancers entry,  Magazine Photo, Promotion Tour (show) all over Florida, New York and Puerto Rico and many more things.
Friday, March 29
Cristoph’s Tampa presents “Pup Pride,” a pride night kickoff with hostess Alexis De La Mer and the sounds of DJ Mike Sklarz.
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts presents Tap Dogs through Sunday, March 31. Dein Perry’s TAP DOGS returns to the stage with its trademark blend of live music and tap dance as you’ve never seen before. The New York Observer called it “positively electrifying.” Part Theater, part dance, part rock concert and part construction site, the show is crammed with high-energy dance, theatrical performance, and music performed by the cast and live musicians in this unstoppable spectacular. Whether in water, upside-down or jumping through scaffolding, the Tap Dogs have been performing to the beat of their own drum for more than 20 years. Tickets star at $25 at StrazCenter.org.
Saturday March 30
Its Tampa Pride time which means a festival in Ybor and of course the fabulous parade. It also means tons of events and performers. For a full listing see the feature in this month’s edition or go to: TampaPride.org.
Southern Nights Tampa presents one of the original Queer Eye For the Straight Guy hosts and a current judge on Ru Paul’s Drag Race, the one and only Carson Kressley live! This is an 18 and over event! (If you can’t make it on Sat, you can catch him on Friday, Mar 29 at Southern Nights Orlando).
Don’t forget the last Saturday of every month Stonewall Orlando brings you “Leather Night.” Catch all the sexy men in leather and as always no cover!
Sunday, March 31
Dr. Phillips Center Presents The Price Is Right, which is the hit interactive stage show that gives eligible individuals the chance to “Come On Down” to win. Prizes may include appliances, vacations and possibly a new car! Play classic games from television’s longest running and most popular game show from Plinko to Cliffhangers to The Big Wheel and even the fabulous Showcase. Tickets start at: $39.50 at Drphillipscenter.org.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/02/28/whats-hot-central-florida-march-2019/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2019/02/whats-hot-central-florida-march-2019.html
0 notes
demitgibbs · 6 years
What’s Hot Central Florida: March 2019
Saturday, March 2
Cristoph’s Tampa presents a Toga Party (Men in Toga’s..HOT) with hostess Lady Janet and the music of Billboard reporting DJ Greg Anderson!
Sunday, March 3
After incredible success and demand, esteemed performer and international pop icon P!NK announces that her Beautiful Trauma World Tour will extend into Tampa’s at the Amalie Arena  at 7:30pm. Since her debut in 2000, P!NK has released 7 studio albums, 1 greatest hits album, sold over 50 million albums equivalents, over 75 million singles, over 2.4 million DVDs worldwide and has had 15 singles in the top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart (four at #1).   Her seventh studio album, Beautiful Trauma is certified platinum, debuted at #1 on Billboard’s 200 chart and marked a career high for first week sales. For more info or to purchase tickets, go to: amaliearena.com.
The Flamingo resort presents the annual Mr. and Miss Flamingo 2019 Pageant at 7pm hosted by Iman. The pageant will homnor Jrnavive Mateo (Miss), and Onyx Valentino (Mr.) and Forever Miss Flamingo Femme Samaya Sinsation. Categories include: Presentation (pink), Evening Gown/Wear, Talent and Q&A. For more information or contestant packets email: [email protected].
Tuesday, March 5
Fairwinds Broadway in Orlando presents Fiddler on the Roof at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts from today until March 10. Rich with musical hits you know and love, including “Tradition”, “Sunrise, Sunset”, “If I Were a Rich Man,” “Matchmaker, Matchmaker” and “To Life (L’Chaim!),” Fiddler on the Roof is the heartwarming story of fathers and daughters, husbands and wives, and life, love and laughter. For more information, go to: Drphillipscenter.org.
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles. In celebration of the anniversary of Abbey Road, Rain will bring the greatest hits of this epic recording to life, in addition to all your early Beatles favorites. This mind-blowing performance takes you back in time with the legendary foursome delivering a note-for-note theatrical event that is “the next best thing to seeing the Beatles” (Associated Press). For more information, or to purchase tickets, go to: Vanwezel.org.
Friday, March 8
From his team members on The Voice to veteran country artists, Blake Shelton has a history of demonstrating his support for the people in whom he believes; when he realized that fans across the country needed to hear music from his friends and heroes, he decided to bring them all out on the road. “Friends & Heroes 2019” will hit Tampa’s AMALIE Arena at 7pm.  Very special guest Lauren Alaina joins Shelton for the run along with special appearances by country icons the Bellamy Brothers, John Anderson and Trace Adkins. For more info or to purchase tickets, go to: amaliearena.com.
Southern Nights Orlando presents from RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 6, Jiggly Caliente. Jiggly will also be performing on Saturday!
The Orlando Improv presents Arsenio Hall today and tomorrow, Sat March 9. It was the success of his Emmy Award-winning late night talk show “The Arsenio Hall Show” that made Arsenio a household name. The versatile actor, comedian and producer first became involved in the arts at “The Cleveland Playhouse” and continued to hone his craft through his Kent State Univ. Tickets start at $25 at Theimprovorlando.com.
Saturday, March 9
The Amway Center presents Lionel Richie in his All The Hits Tour at 8pm. He is one of the most successful solo artists in pop and R&B history and one of the most popular singer/songwriters of the modern era. Richie will take fans on an unforgettable musical journey featuring his most influential and revered songs that defined the icon’s unrivaled career. For more info or to purchase tickets go to: Amwaycenter.com.
The Parliament House presents “Garden Of Sin” featuring international DJ sensation Kidd Madonny. They will also feature the Footlight Players at 10pm and 12am, and a free courtyard party.
Neema’s Amor at Stonewall Bar Orlando, presents RuPaul’s Drag Races Naysha Lopez, along with Rochelle Mon Cheri and Angelica Sanchez. Doors open at 9pm with no civer before 10pm and $10 thereafter.
 Wednesday, March 13
FL Falun Dafa Association Presents Shen Yun from today until March 17, at the Dr. Phillips Center. They invite you to experience a divinely inspired culture through the breathtaking art of classical Chinese dance. Audiences travel from legends of the past to stories of courage in China today; from snowy mountaintops to vast grasslands.
Large animated backdrops extend the stage and transport the audience to another world. These grand images are dynamic, involving unique interaction with stage—a patented innovation that has inspired Hollywood and catches seasoned theatergoers by surprise. Tickets start at: $84.25 at Drphillipscenter.org.
Thursday March 14
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents The Lion King from today until March 31.
Giraffes strut.  Birds swoop.  Gazelles leap.  The entire Serengeti comes to life as never before.  And as the music soars, Pride Rock slowly emerges from the mist. This is Disney’s The Lion King!  For more information, or to purchase tickets, go to: Vanwezel.org.
Friday, March 15
The Tampa Improv Presents Sheryl Underwood today and tomorrow, Sat, March 16. Sheryl is a savvy businesswoman and multi-faceted, multi-media entrepreneur, and she skillfully balances the roles of in-demand Entertainer, Owner and Chief Executive Officer of Pack Rat Productions, movie and television actress, radio personality and philanthropist. Sheryl Underwood is one of the most articulate, well-informed women of our time and is a much sought after entertainer who has been described as one of the world’s brightest contemporary humorists. Tickets are $27 at Standupmedia.com.  
Southern Nights Orlando from RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 11, Plastique Tiara. If you can’t make it tonight, you can catch Plastique performing tomorrow night, Sat March 16 at Southern Nights Tampa.
Timberly presents Bare Beef St Patricks Day kick off at Stonewall Bar Orlando. The night will feature a 12 am wet underwear contest and adult video star Jack Vidra.
Saturday, March 16
The Parliament House invites everyone to celebrate St Patrick’s Day by Getting “Lucky” with Blair St. Clair of RuPaul’s Drag Race. They invite you to reach into the pot of gold and win: Televisions, tablets, free drinks, electronics, gift cards and door entries. General admission is $10, with VIP photo Op $20.
Sunday, March 17
Amalie Arena presents Travis Scott in his Astroworld: Wish You Were Here Tour at 8pm.  Once again, Travis Scott takes it up a notch – or ten. Known for his explosively wild performances, the history-making Houston superstar will make this tour his best yet. Bringing the amusement park of his chart-dominating critically acclaimed blockbuster Astroworld to life on stage, the artist has envisioned a show unlike anything done before and unlikely to be topped. amaliearena.com. (AMWAY CENTER MARCH 15)
Friday, March 22
The Tampa Improv presents Craig Robinson today, Saturday, March 23 and Sunday, March 24. Beginning as a stand-up comedian in Chicago, Robinson first made his mark in the comedy circuit at the 1998 Montreal “Just for Laughs” Festival. Craig is best known for his portrayal of Daryl Philban in NBC’s The Office but has also starred in such movies as Knocked Up, This Is The End, The Hot Tub Time Machine series, and Morris From America, the latter of which he won a Special Grand Jury prize for acting at Sundance in 2016. Craig also plays the role of Leroy in FOX’s paranormal comedy series, Ghosted. For more information or to purchase tickets, go to: standupmedia.com. 
Saturday, March 23
Barcodes Orlando (4453 Edgewater Drive) will be celebrating their 10th Anniversary tonight with a night filled with FUN! There will be raffle drawings throughout the night and the prizes include: $1000 in cash, a custom Miller Lite Bicycle, a Budweiser land cruiser bicycle, a smart TV, and lots more! As always free parking and never a cover. On behalf of myself and the entire Hotsptos Central staff we would like to wish Raymond and the entire Barcodes Orlando staff a very happy birthday and wishing them many more years of success!
Dr. Phillips Center Presents Tony Bennett live! Tony Bennett’s life and philosophy is the embodiment of the Great American Story. Having celebrated his 92nd birthday on August 3rd 2018, his career as the pre-eminent singer of the 20th and 21st centuries is unprecedented. He continues to be embraced and loved by audiences of all generations. Tickets start from: $55 at Drphillipscenter.org.
Cristoph’s Tampa presents a “Rewind Party” with hostess Stephanie Stuart and the sounds of DJ Mike Sklarz.
Sunday, March 24 
The Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts in Association with Live Nation presents Chicago. Billboard ranked Chicago ninth on the list of the hundred greatest artists of all time in terms of Billboard 200 album chart success in October 2015. Chicago is one of the longest-running and most successful rock groups, and one of the world’s best-selling groups of all time, having sold more than 100 million records. In 1971, Chicago was the first rock act to sell out Carnegie Hall for a week. Tickets start from: $55 at Drphillipscenter.org.
Monday, March 25
Chris Sant Lorans productions presents the annual Miss Orlando Universo Latina USA (reg and plus) 2019 at the Parliament House. The categories are Presentation (pink), Evening Gown, Swim Wear, Talent and Q&A. The winners will receive $1,000 cash, over $4,000 in prizes, 2 Photo Shoots, registration for the national, passage and stay for the national, dancers entry,  Magazine Photo, Promotion Tour (show) all over Florida, New York and Puerto Rico and many more things.
Friday, March 29
Cristoph’s Tampa presents “Pup Pride,” a pride night kickoff with hostess Alexis De La Mer and the sounds of DJ Mike Sklarz.
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts presents Tap Dogs through Sunday, March 31. Dein Perry’s TAP DOGS returns to the stage with its trademark blend of live music and tap dance as you’ve never seen before. The New York Observer called it “positively electrifying.” Part Theater, part dance, part rock concert and part construction site, the show is crammed with high-energy dance, theatrical performance, and music performed by the cast and live musicians in this unstoppable spectacular. Whether in water, upside-down or jumping through scaffolding, the Tap Dogs have been performing to the beat of their own drum for more than 20 years. Tickets star at $25 at StrazCenter.org.
Saturday March 30
Its Tampa Pride time which means a festival in Ybor and of course the fabulous parade. It also means tons of events and performers. For a full listing see the feature in this month’s edition or go to: TampaPride.org.
Southern Nights Tampa presents one of the original Queer Eye For the Straight Guy hosts and a current judge on Ru Paul’s Drag Race, the one and only Carson Kressley live! This is an 18 and over event! (If you can’t make it on Sat, you can catch him on Friday, Mar 29 at Southern Nights Orlando).
Don’t forget the last Saturday of every month Stonewall Orlando brings you “Leather Night.” Catch all the sexy men in leather and as always no cover!
Sunday, March 31
Dr. Phillips Center Presents The Price Is Right, which is the hit interactive stage show that gives eligible individuals the chance to “Come On Down” to win. Prizes may include appliances, vacations and possibly a new car! Play classic games from television’s longest running and most popular game show from Plinko to Cliffhangers to The Big Wheel and even the fabulous Showcase. Tickets start at: $39.50 at Drphillipscenter.org.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/02/28/whats-hot-central-florida-march-2019/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/183119345260
0 notes
hotspotsmagazine · 6 years
What’s Hot Central Florida: March 2019
Saturday, March 2
Cristoph’s Tampa presents a Toga Party (Men in Toga’s..HOT) with hostess Lady Janet and the music of Billboard reporting DJ Greg Anderson!
Sunday, March 3
After incredible success and demand, esteemed performer and international pop icon P!NK announces that her Beautiful Trauma World Tour will extend into Tampa’s at the Amalie Arena  at 7:30pm. Since her debut in 2000, P!NK has released 7 studio albums, 1 greatest hits album, sold over 50 million albums equivalents, over 75 million singles, over 2.4 million DVDs worldwide and has had 15 singles in the top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart (four at #1).   Her seventh studio album, Beautiful Trauma is certified platinum, debuted at #1 on Billboard’s 200 chart and marked a career high for first week sales. For more info or to purchase tickets, go to: amaliearena.com.
The Flamingo resort presents the annual Mr. and Miss Flamingo 2019 Pageant at 7pm hosted by Iman. The pageant will homnor Jrnavive Mateo (Miss), and Onyx Valentino (Mr.) and Forever Miss Flamingo Femme Samaya Sinsation. Categories include: Presentation (pink), Evening Gown/Wear, Talent and Q&A. For more information or contestant packets email: [email protected].
Tuesday, March 5
Fairwinds Broadway in Orlando presents Fiddler on the Roof at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts from today until March 10. Rich with musical hits you know and love, including “Tradition”, “Sunrise, Sunset”, “If I Were a Rich Man,” “Matchmaker, Matchmaker” and “To Life (L’Chaim!),” Fiddler on the Roof is the heartwarming story of fathers and daughters, husbands and wives, and life, love and laughter. For more information, go to: Drphillipscenter.org.
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles. In celebration of the anniversary of Abbey Road, Rain will bring the greatest hits of this epic recording to life, in addition to all your early Beatles favorites. This mind-blowing performance takes you back in time with the legendary foursome delivering a note-for-note theatrical event that is “the next best thing to seeing the Beatles” (Associated Press). For more information, or to purchase tickets, go to: Vanwezel.org.
Friday, March 8
From his team members on The Voice to veteran country artists, Blake Shelton has a history of demonstrating his support for the people in whom he believes; when he realized that fans across the country needed to hear music from his friends and heroes, he decided to bring them all out on the road. “Friends & Heroes 2019” will hit Tampa’s AMALIE Arena at 7pm.  Very special guest Lauren Alaina joins Shelton for the run along with special appearances by country icons the Bellamy Brothers, John Anderson and Trace Adkins. For more info or to purchase tickets, go to: amaliearena.com.
Southern Nights Orlando presents from RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 6, Jiggly Caliente. Jiggly will also be performing on Saturday!
The Orlando Improv presents Arsenio Hall today and tomorrow, Sat March 9. It was the success of his Emmy Award-winning late night talk show “The Arsenio Hall Show” that made Arsenio a household name. The versatile actor, comedian and producer first became involved in the arts at “The Cleveland Playhouse” and continued to hone his craft through his Kent State Univ. Tickets start at $25 at Theimprovorlando.com.
Saturday, March 9
The Amway Center presents Lionel Richie in his All The Hits Tour at 8pm. He is one of the most successful solo artists in pop and R&B history and one of the most popular singer/songwriters of the modern era. Richie will take fans on an unforgettable musical journey featuring his most influential and revered songs that defined the icon’s unrivaled career. For more info or to purchase tickets go to: Amwaycenter.com.
The Parliament House presents “Garden Of Sin” featuring international DJ sensation Kidd Madonny. They will also feature the Footlight Players at 10pm and 12am, and a free courtyard party.
Neema’s Amor at Stonewall Bar Orlando, presents RuPaul’s Drag Races Naysha Lopez, along with Rochelle Mon Cheri and Angelica Sanchez. Doors open at 9pm with no civer before 10pm and $10 thereafter.
 Wednesday, March 13
FL Falun Dafa Association Presents Shen Yun from today until March 17, at the Dr. Phillips Center. They invite you to experience a divinely inspired culture through the breathtaking art of classical Chinese dance. Audiences travel from legends of the past to stories of courage in China today; from snowy mountaintops to vast grasslands.
Large animated backdrops extend the stage and transport the audience to another world. These grand images are dynamic, involving unique interaction with stage—a patented innovation that has inspired Hollywood and catches seasoned theatergoers by surprise. Tickets start at: $84.25 at Drphillipscenter.org.
Thursday March 14
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents The Lion King from today until March 31.
Giraffes strut.  Birds swoop.  Gazelles leap.  The entire Serengeti comes to life as never before.  And as the music soars, Pride Rock slowly emerges from the mist. This is Disney’s The Lion King!  For more information, or to purchase tickets, go to: Vanwezel.org.
Friday, March 15
The Tampa Improv Presents Sheryl Underwood today and tomorrow, Sat, March 16. Sheryl is a savvy businesswoman and multi-faceted, multi-media entrepreneur, and she skillfully balances the roles of in-demand Entertainer, Owner and Chief Executive Officer of Pack Rat Productions, movie and television actress, radio personality and philanthropist. Sheryl Underwood is one of the most articulate, well-informed women of our time and is a much sought after entertainer who has been described as one of the world’s brightest contemporary humorists. Tickets are $27 at Standupmedia.com.  
Southern Nights Orlando from RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 11, Plastique Tiara. If you can’t make it tonight, you can catch Plastique performing tomorrow night, Sat March 16 at Southern Nights Tampa.
Timberly presents Bare Beef St Patricks Day kick off at Stonewall Bar Orlando. The night will feature a 12 am wet underwear contest and adult video star Jack Vidra.
Saturday, March 16
The Parliament House invites everyone to celebrate St Patrick’s Day by Getting “Lucky” with Blair St. Clair of RuPaul’s Drag Race. They invite you to reach into the pot of gold and win: Televisions, tablets, free drinks, electronics, gift cards and door entries. General admission is $10, with VIP photo Op $20.
Sunday, March 17
Amalie Arena presents Travis Scott in his Astroworld: Wish You Were Here Tour at 8pm.  Once again, Travis Scott takes it up a notch – or ten. Known for his explosively wild performances, the history-making Houston superstar will make this tour his best yet. Bringing the amusement park of his chart-dominating critically acclaimed blockbuster Astroworld to life on stage, the artist has envisioned a show unlike anything done before and unlikely to be topped. amaliearena.com. (AMWAY CENTER MARCH 15)
Friday, March 22
The Tampa Improv presents Craig Robinson today, Saturday, March 23 and Sunday, March 24. Beginning as a stand-up comedian in Chicago, Robinson first made his mark in the comedy circuit at the 1998 Montreal “Just for Laughs” Festival. Craig is best known for his portrayal of Daryl Philban in NBC’s The Office but has also starred in such movies as Knocked Up, This Is The End, The Hot Tub Time Machine series, and Morris From America, the latter of which he won a Special Grand Jury prize for acting at Sundance in 2016. Craig also plays the role of Leroy in FOX’s paranormal comedy series, Ghosted. For more information or to purchase tickets, go to: standupmedia.com. 
Saturday, March 23
Barcodes Orlando (4453 Edgewater Drive) will be celebrating their 10th Anniversary tonight with a night filled with FUN! There will be raffle drawings throughout the night and the prizes include: $1000 in cash, a custom Miller Lite Bicycle, a Budweiser land cruiser bicycle, a smart TV, and lots more! As always free parking and never a cover. On behalf of myself and the entire Hotsptos Central staff we would like to wish Raymond and the entire Barcodes Orlando staff a very happy birthday and wishing them many more years of success!
Dr. Phillips Center Presents Tony Bennett live! Tony Bennett’s life and philosophy is the embodiment of the Great American Story. Having celebrated his 92nd birthday on August 3rd 2018, his career as the pre-eminent singer of the 20th and 21st centuries is unprecedented. He continues to be embraced and loved by audiences of all generations. Tickets start from: $55 at Drphillipscenter.org.
Cristoph’s Tampa presents a “Rewind Party” with hostess Stephanie Stuart and the sounds of DJ Mike Sklarz.
Sunday, March 24 
The Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts in Association with Live Nation presents Chicago. Billboard ranked Chicago ninth on the list of the hundred greatest artists of all time in terms of Billboard 200 album chart success in October 2015. Chicago is one of the longest-running and most successful rock groups, and one of the world’s best-selling groups of all time, having sold more than 100 million records. In 1971, Chicago was the first rock act to sell out Carnegie Hall for a week. Tickets start from: $55 at Drphillipscenter.org.
Monday, March 25
Chris Sant Lorans productions presents the annual Miss Orlando Universo Latina USA (reg and plus) 2019 at the Parliament House. The categories are Presentation (pink), Evening Gown, Swim Wear, Talent and Q&A. The winners will receive $1,000 cash, over $4,000 in prizes, 2 Photo Shoots, registration for the national, passage and stay for the national, dancers entry,  Magazine Photo, Promotion Tour (show) all over Florida, New York and Puerto Rico and many more things.
Friday, March 29
Cristoph’s Tampa presents “Pup Pride,” a pride night kickoff with hostess Alexis De La Mer and the sounds of DJ Mike Sklarz.
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts presents Tap Dogs through Sunday, March 31. Dein Perry’s TAP DOGS returns to the stage with its trademark blend of live music and tap dance as you’ve never seen before. The New York Observer called it “positively electrifying.” Part Theater, part dance, part rock concert and part construction site, the show is crammed with high-energy dance, theatrical performance, and music performed by the cast and live musicians in this unstoppable spectacular. Whether in water, upside-down or jumping through scaffolding, the Tap Dogs have been performing to the beat of their own drum for more than 20 years. Tickets star at $25 at StrazCenter.org.
Saturday March 30
Its Tampa Pride time which means a festival in Ybor and of course the fabulous parade. It also means tons of events and performers. For a full listing see the feature in this month’s edition or go to: TampaPride.org.
Southern Nights Tampa presents one of the original Queer Eye For the Straight Guy hosts and a current judge on Ru Paul’s Drag Race, the one and only Carson Kressley live! This is an 18 and over event! (If you can’t make it on Sat, you can catch him on Friday, Mar 29 at Southern Nights Orlando).
Don’t forget the last Saturday of every month Stonewall Orlando brings you “Leather Night.” Catch all the sexy men in leather and as always no cover!
Sunday, March 31
Dr. Phillips Center Presents The Price Is Right, which is the hit interactive stage show that gives eligible individuals the chance to “Come On Down” to win. Prizes may include appliances, vacations and possibly a new car! Play classic games from television’s longest running and most popular game show from Plinko to Cliffhangers to The Big Wheel and even the fabulous Showcase. Tickets start at: $39.50 at Drphillipscenter.org.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/02/28/whats-hot-central-florida-march-2019/
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hillbillybritain · 6 years
Welcome to Hillbilly Britain!
📝 What is it?
Hillbilly Britain is a UK multimedia platform for country music that aims to produce fast and frequent coverage of the latest industry news, exclusive artist interviews and more interactive and engaging fan content to immerse yourself in. Expect podcasts, polls, quizzes, as well as raffles and competitions for gig tickets and merchandise (at a discounted rate for premium members). Also featuring live performances and highlights from concerts around England and – with more support from you to expand – the UK on a whole.
For subscribers, in addition to the above, you’ll have the chance to ask your favourite touring acts anything you want* in Hillbilly Britain’s ‘Cowboy Enquiries’ interview segment. You will have opportunities to be guests on community podcasts, welcomed to express your (re)views on a range of relating topics (or submit articles for our shyer members). You will also receive invitation to be part of our ‘Cowbuddy’ network – an on-site social feature to connect with fellow fans and find others attending the same gigs, as many of the friendly faces I’ve encountered at concerts come alone, not having anyone with shared interests. *Questions must be deemed appropriate by Hillbilly Britain.
Hillbilly Britain is looking for members and advertisers to help its development, in order to grow into the platform that country music fans here in the UK deserve.
With your help, we can branch out into partnerships with others to provide our subscribers with additional features, like complimentary tickets to Nashville Nights events.
👤 What this has to offer and how it beats out competitors: 
With a passion for it myself, I know from attending gigs and being involved in the genre’s community (particularly online, including the C2C Attendees Facebook) just how dedicated and expansive this audience truly is. It might be considered niche outside of the US but as is the case for a lot of compressed audiences, its fans are extremely passionate and as such likely to appreciate content catering to their interests, especially if it’s local. With my experience in filming and journalism at college and university, I thought I could put my talents to use and provide what we’re lacking as a fanbase.
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There’s already been a lot of support for ‘Your Life In A Song’, where its creator interviews many touring acts. The format is proven to work with the reception he receives from existing country fans eager for exclusive content but his skills with presenting, filming equipment and production value lack some experience and know-how. His interview set-up and demeanour as a front-man sometimes don’t harbour the professionalism or uniqueness that Hillbilly Britain hopes to achieve being a student of such; knowledgeable with a desire to add the pizzazz required to maintain and promote a brand.
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There are other missed opportunities for additional content here too, like a documented list of all upcoming tours for numerous artists – a feature Hillbilly Britain looks to employ, a suggestion from some participants in my primary research. Another consideration for this platform is promoting local country music talent too, not solely limited to the US acts.
🎸 Don’t consider yourself a fan? Here’s why you should care and maybe even reconsider:
If you’re thinking about sponsoring advertisements but wondering why you should, then let me ask – when you think of country music, are you still subconsciously playing Cotton Eye Joe? Maybe your mind goes to Dolly Parton or Johnny Cash, Garth Brooks or Tim McGraw. As absolutely iconic as those artists are, they don’t need to be decades-old names to be associated with the genre. You might not realise it, but country music is all around you right now and the genre has a huge following here in the UK. Just check out the C2C festival, attracting 46,000 people across its UK venues (O2 Arena London, 3Arena Dublin and SSE Hydro Glasgow).
It’s topical, profitable; in the zeitgeist and only on the rise! ☀️ Don’t believe me? Check below!
👢 Names you know in boots you don’t:
Ed Sheeran recently revealed he would like to delve into the genre and has even written for UK act, The Shires.
Likewise, One Direction members Harry Styles and Niall Horan have been making themselves more familiar with country scene. Niall has collaborated with Maren Morris; a name you might be familiar with from a recent charting performance with Zedd. And Harry toured the US this year with Kacey Musgraves, as well as covered Little Big Town’s 2016 Grammy Award Winning ‘Girl Crush’.
The Greatest Showman, box-office success and Academy Award nominee, announced it will be reproducing the album with famous artists’ covers, featuring Zac Brown Band.
Kylie Minogue also released a country album this year, performing a song on The X-Factor UK (October 28th), sporting cowboy boots and all.
In short, the demand is huge and yet the supply in our neck of the woods is considerably low. With the exception of occasional – yet always packed – gigs, the C2C festival and limited radio content (Bob Harris’ weekly slot on BBCR2 and Chris Country Radio), there is no consistent platform for country music fans like there is other genres. You see online entertainment articles published for the music industry daily, watch interviews with artists and engage with other fan-servicing content that exists abundantly in spaces for contemporary music and even more niche genres like rock (e.g. Kerrang), yet the most we get in the UK for country is a leisure blog on semi-hiatus. Well, enter Hillbilly Britain! 🇬🇧❤️🇺🇸
Update: In the hours since writing this, Sky have relaunched a formerly RnB channel rebranded exclusively for country music – Total Country (373). So whether this honkytonk happiness is home-grown to you or it’s a banjo you’re looking to pluck, you’d be ‘redneck crazy’ to ignore something so topical and in the zeitgeist right now. Country music is on the horizon and, like 2017’s ‘sexiest man of the year’ Blake Shelton would say:
We’ve all got a hillbilly bone down deep inside, No matter where you’re from you just can’t hide it, When the band starts banging and the fiddle saws, You can’t help but hollering YEE-HAW!
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alwayssummerblog · 6 years
Thomas Rhett & Kenny Chesney Join The Tortuga Music Festival Lineup
The seventh-annual Rock The Ocean’s Tortuga Music Festival announced more of the event’s exciting lineup including headliners Kenny Chesney, Thomas Rhett and Jason Aldean. Chesney, a huge champion of the festival and its work around ocean conservation and stewardship since its first year, will return to headline for the fourth time.  
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@noshoesnation, we’re coming back to @tortugamusicfestival in 2019. Get your passes Oct 26 at 10am ET.
A post shared by Kenny Chesney (@kennychesney) on Oct 17, 2018 at 6:54am PDT
The festival will also include Danielle Bradbery, Kane Brown, Sheryl Crow, Delta Rae, Lindsay Ell, Morgan Evans, Flo Rida, Chris Janson, Jillian Jacqueline, Joan Jett And The Blackhearts, Cody Johnson, Elle King, Dustin Lynch, Maddie & Tae, Midland, Maren Morris, David Lee Murphy, Carly Pearce, Cassadee Pope, RaeLynn, Michael Ray, Trombone Shorty, Mitchell Tenpenny and The Wailers, with more acts to be announced in the coming weeks. The three-day, oceanfront experience will take place on April 12, 13, 14 of 2019 on the shores of Fort Lauderdale Beach Park in Florida, and passes will go on sale October 26 at 10AM ET. For information on tickets, hotel packages and more, visit tortugamusicfestival.com. The festival has also announced it will add a third stage, Next from Nashville, in addition to the Main Stage and Sunset Stage, which will bring more acts to the festival than ever before. At festivals such as Faster Horses, Watershed and Country LakeShake, the Next from Nashville stage has become a platform for the hottest newcomers in the country genre to share their voice with new found fans. 
View this post on Instagram
It's Tortuga time y'all! Florida's biggest beach party is BACK and bringing Kenny Chesney, Jason Aldean, Thomas Rhett, Flo Rida, & many more! 🌴☀️ Passes go on sale Friday, October 26th at 10am ET. Click the link in our bio to check out the full lineup.
A post shared by Tortuga Music Festival (@tortugamusicfestival) on Oct 17, 2018 at 5:10am PDT
Established in 2013, the Tortuga Music Festival strives to raise funds and awareness of the issues that the world’s ocean currently face, as well as supporting marine conservation and research. Attendees can also learn more about where a portion of the proceeds from their passes go, onsite at the festival at Rock The Ocean’s Conservation Village. Offering an arena of exhibits within the festival grounds, fans can experience games, interactive touch tanks, cooking exhibitions, the latest ocean technology and learn how they can help make a difference. For more information, visit the official website HERE! 
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theultimatefan · 6 years
Uko Smith, Chris Sims, Jeremy Clark Headline Artist Alley At Inaugural Wizard World Comic Con Winston-Salem, August 3-5
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Uko Smith ("Heavy Metal," "Skybox"), Chris Sims ("X-Men '92," "Deadpool: Bad Blood"), Jeremy Clark ("Grimm Fairy Tales," "Day of the Dead"), Brian Shearer ("IDW," "Doctor Who"), Lilian Oake (Nahtaia: A Jaydürian Adventure), James Morris (Sky Bound, Water Tower), Brent Woodside (Lucas Arts, Topps) and Joshua Robertson (Melkorka, Thrice Nine Legends Saga) are among the leading comics artists and writers scheduled to attend the inaugural 2018 Wizard World Comic Con Winston-Salem, August 3-5 at the Benton Convention Center. The weekend will also feature many demonstrations and discussions at the Creative Stage.
Other creators scheduled to appear in Artist Alley include Davey Beauchamp ("Doctor Who the Illustrated Adventures," "Robot"), Hap Lea (Warriors of Night, Tomb of Shadows), Ray Wenck (Random Survival series, Ghost of a Chance) and pop-culture artists Justin Trevor and Eric Trundy.
Wizard World Comic Con Winston-Salem will also include non-stop live entertainment, gaming, exclusive Q&A sessions with top celebrities such as the “Gotham” trio of Robin Lord Taylor, Sean Pertwee and David Mazouz, the “Supernatural” tandem of Ruth Connell and Lisa Berry, Holly Marie Combs (“Charmed,” “Picket Fences”), Charisma Carpenter (“Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “Angel”), Thomas Ian Nicholas (Rookie of the Year, American Pie) and Samantha Newark (“Jem and the Holograms”), a dedicated kids zone and more, along with Wizard World’s Master of Ceremonies, Kato Kaelin.
Wizard World Comic Con events bring together thousands of fans of all ages to celebrate the best in pop culture: movies, television, gaming, live entertainment, comics, sci-fi, graphic novels, toys, original art, collectibles, contests and more. The ninth event scheduled on the 2018 Wizard World calendar, Winston-Salem show hours are Friday, August 3, 4-9 p.m.; Saturday, August 4, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sunday, August 5, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Kids 10 and under are admitted free with paid adult.
Wizard World Comic Con Winston-Salem is also the place for cosplay, with fans young and old showing off their best costumes throughout the event. Fans dressed as every imaginable character – and some never before dreamed – will roam the convention floor and participate in the famed Wizard World Costume Contest on Saturday evening.
For more on the 2018 Wizard World Winston-Salem, visit http://wizd.me/WinstonSalemPR.
About Wizard World (OTCBB: WIZD)
Wizard World, Inc. (www.wizardworld.com) produces comic, gaming and pop culture conventions across North America that celebrate the best in pop culture: movies, television, gaming, live entertainment, tech, comics, sci-fi, graphic novels, toys, original art, collectibles, contests and more. A first-class lineup of topical programming and entertainment takes place at each event, with celebrity Q&A's, comics-themed sessions, costume contests, movie screenings, evening parties and more. Wizard World has also teamed with Sony Pictures Entertainment to find the next generation of movies as well as to engage in a number of strategic initiatives. Additional initiatives may include an augmented touring schedule of Wizard World shows, fixed-site installations, curated e-commerce, and the production and distribution of content both in the U.S. and internationally. Fans can interact with Wizard World at www.wizardworld.com and on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and other social media services.
The 2018 Wizard World convention schedule is available at: http://www.wizardworld.com/comiccon.
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mrmichaelchadler · 6 years
Your Roger Stories: The Meetings
As we celebrate empathy this week on the fifth anniversary of Roger Ebert's passing, we'll be sharing some of your Roger stories submitted over the last week. In this installment, we've gathered memories of those who met and talked to him over the years. We previously published a collection of memories from fellow film critics, and tomorrow we'll be sharing some memories sent in by his readers. 
I met Roger on April 1, 2006. The occasion was the Wisconsin Film Festival (in the glory days of Meg Hamel's curation), and Roger was hosting a Q&A in correspondence with the festival, on the isthmus downtown in what he called "the people's republic of Madison." Roger opened his dialogue with the audience by asking "who here has seen a good movie lately?" At the time I was 14, and fancied myself a cinematic expeditionary, and when my turn to share came I mentioned I had been recently struck by Bergman's “The Seventh Seal.” While my choice was no doubt show-offish, Roger proceeded to cogently and seriously discuss the film with me, as well as the philosophical underpinnings of the chess match in cinema. He was excited that this (pretentious) young person was taking an interest in classic art-house films and gave me his Wisconsin Film Fest pin as a medal for "being curious about great movies." 
Only a few months later he would undergo surgery that would leave him without his physical voice. I remain incredibly grateful to have met him and spoken with him, however briefly, and still cherish the pin to this day.
I saw Roger at Sundance, 2000. Siskel had just died, so unexpectedly, the previous year. I was a senior at film school, I grew up on their reviews, and I missed Gene greatly already. It was so delightful to see that Roger was in the audience with me at “The Eyes of Tammy Faye.”
After the film, crowds gathered around Tammy Faye. She was tiny, but still larger than life. Roger was furiously snapping (film) photos of her. A fan interrupted him to ask for a photo with them. Roger snapped back angrily, “I’m working here!”
I laughed and laughed. I’m sure the fan was upset, but to me, it was classic Ebert. We waited around for 15-20 minutes more, and Roger graciously, if expediently, posed for a picture with us (after he’d had the chance to talk to Tammy Faye).
I have pictures of the whole encounter, including him taking pictures of her, and both her and him taking pictures with us, which I cherish. I know he softened over the years and had a decent, humanist heart, but I loved prickly Ebert.
I met Roger Ebert on a book tour for Your Movie Sucks. I waited patiently in line for a signing, as I’d been a fan for many years. Upon meeting him, I thanked him for mentioning that a movie I’d wanted to see forever (Errol Morris' “Gates of Heaven”) was finally released on DVD. I was a fan of the director (in part because of Roger’s reviews over the years) and had tried to find it without success. 
He signed my book and looked off in the distance. I assumed that he was done with me, like so many authors signing a million books, with a million more to sign.
As I started to walk away, he began to speak. At first I thought he was addressing the next person, but it was for me. “There’s this woman in that movie—Florence Rasmussen, who gives the most moving speech.” He then spent about two minutes spontaneously dissecting one scene of a movie, why it was moving, and why it was remarkable storytelling.
To my surprise, Roger hadn’t dismissed me, but rather was deep in thought about a craft that he loved and wanted to share that with a random stranger who’d expressed interested. The moment that he spent to pass on his passion has never left me.
Years back, which is to say during the mid-to-late-1990s, I was pen-pals with Roger, who was an early adopter of the Internet through Compuserve. I was also writing reviews online, which of course is not nearly as common a practice as it is now. As an admirer of his work, it was a great thrill to finally meet him at Telluride Film Festival in 2002. We went for an iced tea (which he picked up the tab for), and as we left the place, a young girl asked him for his autograph. He signed it, then pointed to me, and said, “You should get his autograph too—he’s one of the best-known critics online.” It was a bit of an embellishment for him to say that, but I never forgot what a classy move it was and how it made me feel special and like I could accomplish something worthy of the gesture. Not a lot of people would have the presence of mind to make a move like that.
I had the privilege of getting to know this brilliant and kind man through my dear friendship with his wife Chaz who I met nearly 20 years ago. 
I had many wonderful times with Roger including his Star Ceremony in Hollywood, the green room before his segment on the Tonight show and many Telluride Film Festivals. However none of these bigger moments compare to a visit to their home in Chicago after Roger had lost the ability to speak. He showed me with pride all of his mementos and awards and then we sat down in their living room. He wrote on a pad of paper if I would read to him one of his favorites, Yeats. So there we were, just he and I, one of the most prolific writers and speakers in the world asking me to read to him so he could absorb these beautiful words. He smiled and it was in that moment that I knew that we had shared one of life’s remarkable experiences. A lesson in empathy for never taking “my voice” for granted and how the smallest gesture can be the most impactful. 
I love and miss you, Roger.
While my interactions with Roger probably amount more to anecdotes than stories, I still feel compelled to share them because they meant a lot to me.
Both occasions I was lucky enough to meet Roger were in the screening room in Chicago, where I would go to review movies for my college newspaper, The DePaulia. I hadn’t been doing it very long when one day, I was running late to a screening of "Exit Through the Gift Shop." I had heard Roger Ebert came to the screening room pretty often, but again, I was still new to this whole world and I didn’t quite believe I would ever see him. Well, I believed it on that day, when I arrived to the film at least five minutes late, desperately trying to find a seat, and ended up having to take the one right in front of Mr. Ebert himself. 
I watched the rest of the movie (which is quite good) overly distracted, acutely aware of the giant I was sitting in front of. When the film was done, I felt that I had to say something, for fear I would always curse myself if I never got another chance. I tried to approach him as casually as I could. Roger and Chaz were both very nice to me, though I must’ve come off as a blubbering amateur. I asked Roger what he thought of the movie, and learned the hard way that he didn’t discuss films before his review was published. Nevertheless, I walked away feeling happy that I got to tell a man who’s work meant so much to me exactly that.
On the next occasion I ran into him, I'd made sure to bring my copy of The Great Movies with me for him to sign. He not only did this graciously, despite what was probably an unprofessional request on my part, he also dated it and inscribed that we had met in the screening room. He gave me his email too, so I could reach out about doing an interview with him for The DePaulia. This never happened, but I still cherish the little interaction we had that day and the time before. 
I continued to see him at the screening room until I left Chicago a few years later (my favorite of these occasions was probably when somehow we were both tasked with reviewing "Hatchet 2,") but I don’t think I approached him again, probably for fear of bothering him. It was clear that his health was not good by that point. 
Years later, I walked into a movie theater in Los Angeles to see "Life Itself." One of the movies Ebert was reviewing in the film was "Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III," a forgettable Charlie Sheen vehicle from Roman Coppola. It occurred to me this was the last movie I saw at this very theater, the last time I was in Los Angeles, the year earlier. I wept when the movie was over, not so much because a man I loved was gone, but because I felt overwhelmed by life’s happy little coincidences, which several times in college afforded me the chance to actually talk to this man. 
They say you should never meet your heroes, but I met Roger Ebert twice, and wouldn’t trade either interaction for anything.
I was a big fan of the Siskel & Ebert television shows (in all their incarnations), since the 1970s and so it was certainly one of the big moments in my life when I actually met Roger Ebert.  
My name is Jeff Still, I'm an actor, and in the winter of 2000 I was working at the Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago in a play by Austin Pendleton called Orson's Shadow; I played Orson Welles in this piece, and of course in doing so I did quite a bit of research including reading all about Citizen Kane. I was aware that Roger Ebert was quite an expert on this particular subject, and had also enjoyed greatly his book of interviews entitled "A Kiss is Still a Kiss." I knew very well that Roger Ebert was, among other things, an expert on "Citizen Kane." At the end of the play there is a section where the characters, chiefly Orson Welles, Laurence Olivier, and Joan Plowright, are standing on stage as Plowright informs them what happened to their lives after the life of the play, which took place in 1960, ended. I had chosen to stand during this section in a stance copied from a stance that Orson Welles took in one of the Citizen Kane posters. This was something I just did for myself, there is no reason any audience member would know what I was doing.
One night after the performance Roger Ebert came around to meet with the actors. We were all awed and delighted that he did so, and it was a thrill to hear him thank us and congratulate us on our work. I wore a fat suit to play Orson Welles and, as I struggled with the zipper to get out of it Roger quipped, "That's how I get out of mine, too." It was wonderful to meet him and talk with him, this man whom I had admired for so long, and as we talked about the play, and also about "Citizen Kane," Roger said "You know, I know a little about this." I thought, "no kidding." 
Then he said, "You know, that stance you took at the end of the play - that looked just like Welles did on the poster" and I was, as the British would say, gobsmacked. No one else but Roger Ebert would have known that. Afterwards we all went across the street to O'Rourke's and, while I did not get the chance to talk to him there, it was still an honor knowing he was in the room (Roger was not drinking any alcoholic beverages by this point, by the way—I would find out later he had stopped drinking). I treated myself to a cab that night, thinking in the back seat as we sped north towards Andersonville how elated I was that I had not only just met Roger Ebert, but that this great man had validated my work.
Many years later, as Roger was assembling "At the Movies with Roger Ebert," he wanted to do an intro to the show that was an homage to a trailer Orson Welles had done for Citizen Kane, introducing the people on his program as Welles had once introduced the Mercury Theatre players. Roger had remembered my performance of Welles that was, at this point, some 11 or 12 years prior, and inquired as to whether I would do the introduction. After a brief Skype interview/audition with Chaz I was offered the part and did the introduction, and so had yet another connection with Roger Ebert.
Roger Ebert was a giant in his field, a Pulitzer Prize winning writer, and one of the nicest "celebrities" (I'm sure he would scoff at that word to describe him) I have ever met, and by now I've met quite a few. I miss him every time a movie comes out that I want to see and I wish he were here to tell me what he thought about it. Rest well, Mr. Ebert—you've earned that permanent seat on the aisle.
I was living in Chicago in the early '90s and ran into Roger in a Laserdisc store one afternoon. He had a huge stack of discs under his arm. I said hi, told him I was an editor and asked what he was buying. He put down his stack and went through each title, telling me why he was buying it and what was so special about each film, even if it was just a fun title with no real cinematic worthiness.
Back in April 2006 on the last night of the Conference on World Affairs I received a call in Boulder Colorado to tell me my 92-year-old mother had suffered a stroke back in Ireland. I fell into panic mode and got the first available flight back to Dublin via Chicago next morning.
Roger shared the ride to the airport next morning with us and was really sympathetic to the emotions I was going through. He offered to take my daughter and I into the first class lounge to wait for our flight. He was really kind to us and I will never forget it.
Mummy died that same night, 12 years ago now and then Roger left us. I will never forget him.
He used to call me “the Irish storyteller” and once asked me to voice some his jokes at a gathering in Colorado. I smile at the memory and acknowledge the empathy he showed me.
from All Content https://ift.tt/2q0cKdQ
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thecoroutfitters · 7 years
When I am asked by preppers if it should be worth the time and price of admission to attend PrepperCon 2017, based on the standard of change effected due to attending past PrepperCon Expos, my answer is, “You can’t afford not to go.”
So don’t make any other plans, but prepare to attend this big preparedness event on April 21-22, in Salt Lake City, Utah. There is a lot to learn and discover at this preparedness event. You’ll find me there too, with a special Q&A session and you’ll have the opportunity to get your EMP survival question answered.
Read the article below to discover the promotional code you can use for getting discount tickets for the show!
ROI for the Survival Consumer
Just like most of you reading this article, I am a consumer of survival/self-reliance products and services, and my experience as a survival consumer is vast. Over the years, I have developed a simple rule of thumb to judge survival ROI (Return On Investment) for my hard-earned money and time:  Change Effected
Based on my investment, what change was effected? If I read a magazine and make a change or two to my personal survival/self-recovery kit as a result, then it was well worth the price of the magazine and the time it took to read it. If I made more than a couple of changes, then it was a great issue! If I read a magazine and no change is effected, it was a bust.
Whether the investment is a magazine or book, video or TV show, time engaged in social media or attending training, classes or an expo, the same formula holds true. Scaling the model up, as a result of the investment, did my gear, vision, relationships, situational awareness, habits, SOP, knowledge, ability or skills change?
Scaling it up some more, when major changes in vision, philosophy or relationships or trust occur, they can be life-changing. One of my most influential mentors used to say that, “trust is the one thing that changes everything.” I try to use this rule, when I write and provide services too. I ask myself how likely it is that what I am writing or teaching will effect change for my readers or clients in their emergency preparations, and I’m glad that so many of you appreciate it.
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Celebrities, Guests & Speakers
A neat thing about this event is that you can just walk right up to celebrities you have seen on TV and strike up a conversation. I have found that the celebrities have been surprisingly accessible. If you are shy, don’t be.
Celebrities are just people, just like you and they share your same interests. You may find that you have more in common that you imagined. If you would like to get to speak to a particular celebrity, author or expert, your best chance is early on Friday while many people will still be at work!
Salvador Alvarenga – This remarkable man survived an incredible 438 days at sea. You could read the book or you could meet him, hear his story and ask him questions is person! For those of you who cannot make it, I will be interviewing him for you!
Alan Kay – Meet the man you watched win Season 1 of Alone on the History Channel! He is also a long time survival, preparedness and self-defense instructor.
Nicole Apelian – Nicole is a favorite of Alone Season 2 fans and completed her doctorate in Sustainability Education with a focus on Cultural Anthropology. Nicole continues to visit the San Bushmen of Southern Africa whom she has worked with for many years to the end of preserving their culture and teaches primitive skills and herbal medicine based on her experiences.
David Holladay – For many city dwellers, most of their understanding of primitive survival comes from watching survival reality TV. David is an Expert Survival Instructor who has trained many of the most knowledgeable survival instructors on TV and countless others who are not. He’s also a very down to earth all-around great guy and an immensely talented educator.
Dave Wescott – Dave is an Expert Survival Instructor who owned the Boulder Outdoor Survival School and has hosted the nation’s premier primitive skills events for over 30 years. In the primitive skills world, David Holladay and Dave Wescott are living legends, both having worked with best selling author Larry Dean Olsen (Outdoor Survival Skills) based on primitive skills of the Paiute Tribe of Native Americans and helped to preserve these valuable skills.
Jeff Anderson – Survival & Modern Combat Instructor
Che Bodhi – Survival & Barter Expert
Chris Weatherman – Survival Author known as Angery American (Survivalist series of books), Alone
Yours Truly – I will be hosting Q&A classes on EMP Survival and covering the event for all of you who can’t make it.
A.R. Shaw – Author (The China Pandemic)
Kate Morris – Author (The McClane Apocalypse series of books)
Annie Berdel – Author (Alpha Farm, The Beginning)
Boyd Craven – Author (The World Burns series of books)
For Survivopedia Readers
I am excited to be hosting 2 question and answer sessions on EMP survival for Survivopedia at PrepperCon 2017!
Please come see me and get your EMP survival questions answered at the EMP Q&A with Cache Valley Prepper at PrepperCon 2017 at the South Towne Expo Center in Sandy, Utah. Class times will be 4:30-5:20pm on Friday the 21st and 12:30-1:20pm on Saturday the 22nd in Room 300C.
If you miss the class, stop by my table and say, “Hi!” if I’m there or flag me down if I’m running around covering the event and you’ll be among the few who get to put a face with the name : )
PrepperCon 2017 boasts well over 120 classes, many of them taught by some of the very best instructors on the planet. Don’t confuse them with so many folks to whom survival is largely theoretical. These are typically vetted subject matter experts have actually been there and done that.
So many topics are being covered at this show that whatever your interest and skill level are, you sure to find classes or workshops that you will benefit from. As Expo’s go, this one is very interactive, education-heavy and focused on actually helping you to prepare for emergencies. Here are a few other highlights I find particularly interesting:
Record Castaway Survivor on Ocean 438 Days – Ben Hansen & Jose Salvador Alvarenga
Celebrity Panel: “Why Learn Primitive Survival Skills to Survive Modern Society?” – Alan Kay, David Holladay, David Wescott, Dr Nicole Apelian
Psychology of Survival – Alan Kay, Dr Nicole Apelian
Top 10 Lessons Learned from a Real World Disaster – Jeff Anderson
EDC/BOB for Individuals and Families – Alan Kay & Dr Nicole Apelian
Celebrity Panel: SHTF Talkin’ – Apocalypse Fiction Authors
Surviving Catastrophic Events – Simplified Severe Injury Treatment – Ed Hendershot
Emergency Childbirth – Raili Bjarnsen
Family Survival the Earthquake Tomorrow – Scott Thomas
Suturing – Dr David Pruett
Emergency Water Storage & Disinfection – Max Gyllensog – Aqua Mira (Max is a water quality engineer with too many certifications to list who has traveled to other countries to set up water treatment in major disasters)
Self-Protection – Unarmed, Hand, No Weapon, No Knife with Alan Kay
Vendors are the driving force behind any expo and legions of survival vendors competing against each other under the same roof creates a great environment for survival consumers to score show specials. PrepperCon 2017 will showcase some exciting new inventions and product offerings. While it can be fun to window shop online, it is nice to be able to see products with your own eyes, feel the quality, understand the dimensions without a ruler, heft them and have the ability to take them home if you choose. Some of the highlights, innovation and deals I am looking forward to are:
Scavenger Six – Multi-caliber Repeating Firearm Unveiled to the World – Tim Ralston
Tech Protect – Faraday Bags
Survival Medical – Exactly what it sounds like
5.11 Tactical – Tactical Apparel
AMP-3 – Amateur Radio Gear & Medical
Aquamira Technologies
Backwoods Home Magazine – Amazing writers!
Zeus Lighters – USB-rechargeable Lighters that don’t use any fuel. Recharge from portable solar/USB battery pack
Plan B – Custom Surplus Trucks
Dillon Precision – Reloading Equipment
Entertainment Value
PrepperCon 2017 includes attractions for kids and even family members who maybe are not that into the whole survivalist scene. Creativity, entertainment value and fun are areas where PrepperCon stands apart from other survival expos.
The team of preppers who put on the event are enthusiastic about preparedness and have a healthy sense of humor about prepping which gives the event it’s unique personality and some fun family-oriented attractions:
PrepperFash Fashion Show
Hurricane Simulator – This is really cool!
Do You Dare Eat This – with prizes – David & Jill Holladay
Utah Search Dogs
Food Storage Cook-off with Wise Foods
I expect a lot from this event considering, and you shouldn’t miss it. Did you get your tickets yet?
Remember that knowledge is the only thing that can save you! Will you survive?
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This article has been written by Cache Valley Prepper for Survivopedia. 
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dancingarchitect · 7 years
The Contemporary Piano Trio Canon (post-1995)
First, let me admit…canonizing can be problematic. I know.
Still, you need to argue/chat/convene/share about something. And jazz musicians have always obsessed with their record (digital?) collections. The piano trio (piano/bass/drums) has had a long and storied history as an ensemble on to itself, and since at least the 1940s has ended up often inspiring the ways in which ensembles interact in general.  So, here is a start on making a list of those that I notice as being argued, chatted about, and shared a lot by musicians, fans, and writers… even though this doesn’t necessarily make them “best” or anything… (And yet, of course this list below will still reflect my biases) What other trios do you think need to be on here, folks? I am hardly an expert on the breadth of contemporary jazz anymore. If nothing else, this list is a start for those of you with some curiousity about what’s out there. Keith Jarrett Trio Oh, really…just pick an album. There’s too much to cover there, and most of it is great. Brad Mehldau Trio #1 (with Larry Grenadier & Jorge Rossy) Art of the Trio Vol. 2 - Live at the Village Vanguard [1998] Representative track: “The Way You Look Tonight” Art of the Trio Vol. 3 - Songs [1998] Representative track: “Unrequited” or “Exit Music (From a Film)” Brad Mehldau Trio #2 (with Grenadier & Jeff Ballard) Ode [2012] Representative track: “M.B.”
Avishai Cohen Trio  (with Shai Maestro [p] & Mark Guiliana [d]) Gently Disturbed [2008] Representative Track: “Chutzpan”
The Bad Plus (Ethan Iverson, Reid Anderson, & Dave King) These Are The Vistas [2003] Representative Track: “1972 Bronze Medalist” Kenny Werner  (ratzo harris - bass, tom rainey - drums) Live at Visiones [1996] Rep Track: “I Hear a Rhapsody” Peter Erskine Trio (John Taylor - p, Palle Daniellson - b) As It Is [1996] Rep Track: “Glebe Ascending” Chick Corea Trio (Christian McBride, Brian Blade) Trilogy [2014] Rep Track: “Work” Vijay Iyer Trio (stephan crump, bass; marcus gilmore, drums) Historicity [2009] Rep Track: “Mystic Brew” Robert Glasper Trio (derrick hodge, chris dave) In My Element [2007] Rep track: “F.T.B.” Jean Michel Pilc Trio (François Moutin, Ari Hoenig) Together: Live at Sweet Basil Vol. 1 [2000] Rep Track: “C Jam Blues” E.S.T. Esbjorn Svensson, Dan Berglund (double bass), and Magnus Öström (drums) Viaticum Platinum [2005] Rep Track: “Eighty-Eight Days in my Veins” Jason Moran’s Bandwagon (Tarus Mateen - bass, Nasheet Waits - drums) Facing Left [2000] Marilyn Crispell Trio (Gary Peacock, Paul Motian) Nothing Ever Was, Anyway: Music of Annette Peacock [1997] Rep Track: “Albert’s Love Theme” Matthew Shipp Trio (Joe Morris - bass, Whit Dickey -drums) Piano Vortex [2007] Rep Track: “Nooks and Corners” Like I stated, this is just a start. What do you nominate? – Edits: Craig Taborn Trio Gerald Cleaver, Thomas Morgan Chants [2013] Rep Track: “Beat the Ground” Fred Hersch Trio Drew Gress, Nasheet Waits Live at the Village Vanguard [2003] Uri Caine Trio Drew Gress, Ben Perowsky Live at the Village Vanguard [2004] Bill Charlap Trio (with Peter and Kenny Washington) Live at the Village Vanguard [2007] Rep Track: “Autumn in New York” Makoto Ozone James Genus and Clarence Penn Reborn [2003] Rep Track: “Caravan” Ed Simon  John Patitucci & Brian Blade Unicity [2006] Rep Track: “The Midst of Chaos” Geoff Keezer Matt Clohesy & Terreon Gully Wildcrafted: Live at the Dakota [2005] Rep Track: “Breath of the Volcano” Phronesis Ivo Neame (p), Jasper Høiby (b), Mark Guiliana (d) Alive [2010] Rep Track: “Abraham’s New Gift” Marc Copland Gary Peacock (b), Billy Hart (d) Paradiso [1997] Masabumi Kukuchi Paul Motian (dr) Thomas Morgan (bs) Sunrise [2009] Rep Track: “New Day” Kris Davis John Hebert, bass Tom Rainey, drums Waiting For You to Grow [2014] Rep Track: “Twice Escaped” Chick Corea Trio (Earlier) Avishai Cohen, Jeff Ballard Past Present and Futures [2011] Rep Track: “Lifeline” Jacky Terrasson  Ugonna Okegwo, Leon Parker Jacky Terrasson [1994] <technically just outside window I know...> Rep Track: “For Once in My Life”
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