#chris thorndyke is overhated
gritsandbrits · 3 years
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Chris Thorndyke: A Misunderstood Underdog pt 1 of 2
The Sonic franchise has no shortage of cool characters. But there is one who most people might not of heard of. His name is Chris Thorndyke and I'm her to defend his character from almost twenty years of slander! There are so many reasons to like Chris but I'll focus on some since the list would've been VERY long!
See, a lot of people only focus on the surface to not realize how relatable his character is. Despite being rich he's very down to earth, always willing to lend a hand or two to save his friend. I say friend because while he has many acquaintances, Sonic is the only person that truly understands him.
While Chris lacks powers and abilities, he is pretty stacked and the one responsible for funding the team's missions. His parents work long tiring hours as a CEO & actress respectively, yet somehow still has the time to be with him. By the time the show begins he's very lonely and sad because lately their workload prevented them from spending time with him.
So, with the help of his butler Tanaka, maid Ella, super smart scientist grandfather Chuck, and his friends from school, Chris tries to cope with his boring life. But all that changes when a certain blue hedgehog falls into his life...
Now I heard people say that Chris was being ableist to Helen in her introductory episode, but those people are SJWs who cannot fathom the idea that sometimes, disabilities needs to be pointed out to keep that person safe from harm. Chris pointing out Helen's disabilities was his way of protecting her from danger. She can't take care of herself, but his busy schedule leaves him with no free time to hang out with her. So he enlists his cool friend to help her!
Chris is clever, such as the time he defeated on of his friends during a fighting tournament by using his emotions to cause the other boy to let his guard down. He cleverly asked his mother to stay home to take care of him. He even called out his father one time, screaming thay he hated him for being a heartless greedy fool obsessed with toys over his own son! He has a lot more courage than what fans give him credit for. Too bad Cream couldn't see it.
One of the most defining moments of Chris's arc has to be the Shadow Saga! The boy literally took a rowboat to the dreaded GUN prison island! He bravely defied Tails's request to stay out, because Chris has the power to free Sonic and didn't want Tails to have all the fun. In the jungle he encountering Shadoe Chris tries to stop hom only to be teleported to the Ark. It's here one of his most iconic moments occurs.
Chris tries to restrain the violent Shadow, getting up every time as the angry black hedgehog attacks him. He refuses to be down for the count, so in a last ditch effort he started pleading for Shadow to spare Earth. Fervently reminding the Ultimate Lifeform to remember Maria's true wish. Amy tries to say something but is held back by Tanaka, as he realizes that his master is the only one that can save Shadow!
Chris did a way better job than Amy because if she did it, she would've come across as a hypocrite. Why would anyone want her to appeal to Shadow's better side when she herself has harassed Sonic and bullied her friends? Besides she has a hammer. Chris does not. He has to contribute to the action not by physical force but by using inner strength! Sure he gets his butt whooped by the same guy who allowed Amy and Rouge to touch him without any reaction (reinforcing my beliefs that they are Mary Sues) but it managed to break Robotnik's spell over him. While some may disagree, because in the original scene Amy redeemed Shadow as a nod to her storyline in Adventure, keeping her part in the anime would do very little to redeem her as a character. She was and always will be an obsessive stalker, the very thing Chris haters accuse him of.
In the last two episodes of S2, it's revealed that the two worlds are threatening to collide into each other resulting in a time freeze. The only way to solve this is by Sonic and friends going home. The news horrifies Chris because that would mean no more time with his boyfriend! Chris passionately argues against this, pointing out that the scientist's data was wrong because he's the grandson of a scientist and knows that kond op stuff better. Realising that everyone are in fact lying to him, Chris runs away to Eggman for help. He begs the villain to help but Eggman rudely tells him to leave, but not before insulting Chris for no reason! What a bully picking on a child like that! With nobody to trust Chris decided one desperate action...
At the portal, Chris and his friends and family have said their final goodbyes. He accepted that his beautiful blue lover will have to go. But what about their time together? Did that not mean anything to anyone? All the other children gets to have whay they want but he can't? After everything he's been through?
And so, to save the life of his only real friend, Chris pushed the button and closed to portal. He didn't care if it shocked his loved ones and the entire populations of two planets - at long last Sonic was saved!
This scene is said to be the reason why people hate Chris but come on he only pressed the button because he wanted to save Sonic! He was trying to save him from all those horrible liars that try to keep them apart! Besides he's a lonely preteen so you can't fault him for feeling that way. To further prove his love, Chris drags Sonic away to safety, running deep into the comfort of the woods. His ruthless parents send ou the military to kill their own child. In spite of the danger, all Chris wanted was to make sure Sonic was safe.
It wasn't until a heart to heart that Sonic is able to convince him to let him go. He even acknowledges Chris's bravery by addressing how he saved him from drowning; such an act inspired Sonic to do the same for Amy!
Chris Thorndyke really is misunderstood! So many people are so hyped up at calling him a Gary Stu or a spotlight-stealer when he is nothing of the sort. It's like they didn't even watch the anime! But I have, and I will be watching it again to fall in love with his character just as I did so many years ago!
If you something negative to say about him you will be immediately blocked! No exceptions! 😤
Anyways stick around for part 2 as I go further in depth with this amazing character!
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crusherthedoctor · 3 years
I feel like Chris thorndyke is greatly overhated. Most of peoples complaints are littarly Chris just being a child no different from tails or cream. The whole"he's useless because he can't fight" is a loud of bullshit and incorrect as he is a pretty skilled fighter infact he seems to be a protagy at it but humans can't break through steal. As for him being clingy, the fucking child is pretty much abounded by his parents and barely had any friends in the beginning despite the fact he's the opposite of the usual spoiled rich kid. And the season 2 finally somehow forgot Chris character development and had him pretty out of character to the point that I don't think they could have done him any dirtier. And the rest of people complaints seem to come for fanfiction.... What the fuck is wrong with this fan base!!!
1. Being a child does not exclude a fictional character from well-founded criticism.
2. People have criticised Chris for a load of different reasons in the near-two decades since Sonic X came out, some of which have nothing to do with him being a kid (ie: stealing Amy's role in talking Shadow out of destroying the world).
3. His parents were incredibly doting and thought the world of him, his mother even feeling guilt at one point for not being there enough for him. It was he who treated them like shit.
4. He also had friends outside of Sonic - fully fledged characters with names and personalities at that - so the narrative that he was lonely before Sonic entered his world contradicts itself.
5. Chris shutting the portal off was a low moment, but it can't be considered OoC if it lines up perfectly with his pre-established self-centered behaviour.
tl;dr: helen is better
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belles--rose · 2 years
Sonic ( games or movie)
Chris Thorndyke and Princess Elise are way too overhated
Sonic Boom proved Amy Rose can be a great character when the writers don't define her solely by "obsessed with Sonic"
As great as he is, Idris Elba sounds jarring as Knuckles
Rosario Dawson as Rouge the Bat or bust
Mario and Sonic don't need to be rivals; they can and should be friends.
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gritsandbrits · 4 years
Cartoon Hot Takes
Stop saying every cartoon has to live up to Avatar
Steven Universe isn't hot garbage
Sam Manson is hipster not Goth
Lotor doesn't need redemption but he did needed a proper ending
The Aqua Teen Hunger Force ending was terrible
Loonatics Unleashed would've worked as parody of action cartoons
In fact that show wasn't total garbage it was bland and tried so hard to be cooler than Looney Tunes
Shrek the Third had good concepts and didn't really feel like a cash grab
Hans shouldn't have been a villain
Elsa is NOT the pinnacle of Strong Female Character
Justice Friends should have been a full show
Queen Moon was flanderized
Kai Green isn't a bad concept but she is a bad character
Ben and Julie had a flawed relationship and I am glad they broke up
Omniverse is overhated
Ultimate Alien is NOT a good show
I'm happy Mordecai didn't end up with Margaret or CJ
4Kids did not have the worst anime dubs (still clown on them though)
Paw Patrol is not propaganda
The Sonic movie sequels should have their own original stories rather than directly adapt the games
Chris Thorndyke really IS that bad of a character
Beast Machines would have been good on it's own and not as a sequel to Beast Wars
I like the Voltron characters but not the actual show
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