#chrissy is litterally a hungry young girl
rosethyler · 1 year
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And brother thus begins the tale...
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britany1997 · 1 year
Dine n' Dash
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Surprise besties🥰 @misslavenderlady and I have been working on a collab series for our baby boy Tyler💕 We put equal work into this so show some love by liking and reblogging both of our posts! Lave is a queen and it was super fun to work with her on this:)
Tyler x Fem! Reader
Ask anyone in The Ramp Locals, and they’d all agree that Tyler was the sweetest, most loyal guy you could ever call a friend. He was always there for his fellow skaters, cheering them on and hanging out with them whenever they needed some company. There was just so much to like about the guy.
What the others didn’t realize was that deep down, Tyler was actually a bit lonely. Not in the case of his social circle, of course. No, Tyler was missing something else in his life. Something more....intimate.
He would never admit it to any of the other guys, but he had a feeling of envy whenever Corey was hand-in-hand with his blonde beauty of a girlfriend. He and Chrissy were always so sweet to one another, and while the others teased Corey for it, Tyler had the nagging sensation of a little green monster tugging at his heart. Though he was handsome, athletic, funny, and kind, he just hadn’t found the right girl. Someone who would make him turn into the same love-struck dope that Corey had become.
Tyler kept this secret to himself, privately moping over his lack of love. He would silently listen to his buddies talk about hot babes in bikinis and hookups in the backseats of cars. Meanwhile, he would long for something far more meaningful. Something sweeter. Something more passionate.
It followed his thoughts as he followed the others into a local diner one sunny day. They were all young men with monstrous appetites, and being active skaters didn’t help with their rumbling stomachs. It wasn’t much of a place. Just a greasy spoon of a restaurant with comfort food at the ready. What he ordered didn’t matter. A bite to eat would just help take his mind off of things.
The boys clamored into a bright red booth as they littered the floor with their skateboards. Tyler picked up the menu that had been placed in front of him. He grimaced as he realized a sticky substance that had been coating the menu was now all over his hands. He wiped them off onto his shirt with a sigh. The boys chatted away as he flipped through the food choices, looking for something that might catch his eye. His eyes glazed over as he read the descriptions for burger after burger.
“You boys ready to order?”
Tyler settled on a cheeseburger, and fries before glancing up to lock eyes with the waitress, who just happened to be the most beautiful babe he’d ever seen. His lips parted, but nothing came out as he stared at you, speechless. You shot him a confused look.
“What can I getcha?” you asked.
Tyler fumbled trying to bring words to his lips. All he could muster was broken “uhs” and “ums.” ‘Smooth,’ he thought to himself as he felt his face turn as red as the lipstick coating your smile.
“He’ll just have a cheeseburger,” Corey ordered, coming to Tyler’s rescue. “You want fries with that Ty?”
Tyler whirled around to face him. “Uh, yeah,” he stuttered out. “Fries sound good.”
You bit back a giggle, amused by how dazed the blond boy was. Clearly, he was so hungry he couldn’t think straight. As you scribbled away on your pad of paper, you made a note to get him an extra helping of fries to help him feel better. All of the other boys had no issue with figuring out what they wanted. Steak and eggs, pancakes, a club sandwich, and much more. It was a good thing you had built up plenty of experience writing down orders quickly.
“Alright! I’ll go ahead and put this in for you guys!” you smiled, tucking your pen behind your ear when you were done. With a small wave, you turned on your heel to head to the kitchen.
What the diner lacked in cleanliness it made up for in the style, and that was apparent when it came to your uniform. You adored the baby blue dress that framed your figure under the apron you had on. It was fun to twirl around, letting the skirt swish as you moved. It made you excited to get a little dolled up for the day. After all, a little lipstick and mascara went a long way in charming the customers enough for extra tips.
After putting in the order for the line cook, you turned to watch the table from afar. You wondered if that one boy liked your uniform. All the guys in the group were cute, but that blond was something else.
Tyler stared at you while you put in the orders, his mouth still slightly agape. He only returned to reality when he caught sight of Corey’s fingers snapping in his face.
“Hey man, what was that?” Corey asked. “You fall off your board one too many times or somethin?”
“Just lost my train of thought, dude. It was nothin,” he grumbled defensively.
“Whatever, man,” Corey replied before turning back to his conversation with Radley.
Tyler leaned back against the booth, completely lost in thought. Corey was right. What was that? He couldn’t remember the last time something had left him speechless. There was just something special about you. He was sure of that as he watched you sashay back to their table carrying a tray piled high with food.
“Alright! I hope you guys are hungry! I even threw in a little extra stuff,” you told the group as you placed each plate down. While the others watched their own meals with mouths watering, the cute blond was only staring at you. Seeing how incredibly bright the shade of blue in his eyes was, you couldn’t keep yourself from looking back at him. With a warm smile on your face, you set his burger and extra fries down.
“If you need anything else at all, please don’t be shy~” you said with all the sweetness you could muster up. It made you feel good to see his toned cheeks flush a soft shade of pink.
With a wave of your fingers, you left them to their meals. Little did you know that Tyler was barely acknowledging the food that he was half-starved for mere moments ago. Even while you were off taking care of other customers, he watched with curiosity and wonder. So much so that the boys were wrapping up their meals before he even had a chance to take a few bites.
“Hey, Ty!” Radley teased Tyler. “You’re takin’ forever to eat! Are you gonna do somethin’ or what?”
It was only then that he realized how far behind he was on his meal. Everyone else at the table was getting antsy, ready to pay for their own stuff, and hit the streets for more skating. It seemed like the best move to let them go do their own thing. Maybe having some time to himself would help get his focus and appetite back.
Tyler continued to pick at his food as the boys scarfed down the rest of their meals and slid out of the booth, grabbing their boards as they went.
“You comin?” Corey asked confused as he glanced at Tyler’s half eaten fries and barely touched burger. “Need a box or somethin? I can call that waitress…” Corey trailed off as his head whipped around in search of you.
“No!” Tyler blurted out loudly, prompting Corey to turn towards him with a shocked look on his face. He cleared his throat, attempting to collect himself. “I think I might just hang here a little longer and finish my food. I’ll catch you guys at the halfpipe later!”
“Sure Ty, whatever you want, man,” Corey said as he rubbed the back of his neck. He slapped Tyler on the back as he flew out the door and sped off to catch up with the gang.
When Corey and the boys disappeared from sight, Tyler turned back to his food. He munched on his fries absentmindedly as he thought of what it might be like to hold your hand, to bring you to the rink to watch him skate, to kiss your pretty red lips. He couldn’t stop the smile from etching its way onto his face as he daydreamed.
“I brought you some more!”
Tyler returned to reality at your words. He was met with the sight of your outstretched hand offering him another dish of ketchup. His eyes snapped down to his plate as he realized he had used up all of his already.
“Thanks,” he said, reaching out to take the dish. He blushed as his hand brushed against yours. As he looked around behind you, Tyler realized he was the only customer left in the diner. The lunch rush had slowed down for the day.
"Your friends left you behind?" you asked, tilting your head to the side. Being in the serving business, you had seen your fair share of fake friends ditching the black sheep in their group and leaving them to foot the bill. You hoped that wasn't the case for this guy.
"Oh nah, they helped cover me. I was just takin' too long," he said, swirling a fry around in the pool of ketchup.
You smiled softly. He really was a cute guy. Having some time alone with him was making your stomach flutter. It made you want to sweeten up his day a bit more.
"Well, that's a shame because I was feeling generous enough to bring some complimentary milkshakes for the table," you said. The mention of dessert certainly made him perk up. "You got a flavor of choice, hun?"
“Well, what’s your favorite flavor?” he asked, his cheeks flushed pink.
You beamed as he stared up at you awaiting your answer.
“Strawberry’s my favorite,” you admitted. “They use real strawberries and vanilla ice cream instead of just the processed pink stuff. It’s my favorite thing on the menu!”
“Then one strawberry milkshake please,” he said, his lips pulled up into a half-smile as he ordered. He paused for a moment, “and two straws.”
Your lips parted slightly in surprise. The blush spread from his cheeks until his entire face was red as a tomato.
“I just mean…well, you’ve been working so hard… I couldn’t finish it by myself…if- if you’d like, you could share it with me,” he sputtered.
You smiled at him. “That would be lovely.”
He grinned from ear to ear. “Radical!”
With that, you trotted back to the kitchen to put in his order. While waiting for the milkshake, you wiped down the counters and stole glances at the cute blond boy. When you’d look his way, you’d catch his eyes already on you. It made you smile to yourself every time he’d blush and turn away when he met your gaze.
After a while you heard the chef call ‘order up.’ When you went to take the drink, your nose crinkled in disgust. Sitting on the counter was a plain strawberry shake. No whipped cream, no cherries, no nothing.
‘No, no, no, this is all wrong,’ you thought as you snuck into the kitchen to add the fixings. You sprayed a mountain of whipped cream onto the shake, and topped it with a generous handful of cherries and a dusting of sprinkles.
When you were satisfied with your work, you picked up the drink and flounced back over to the table. Ever the one to provide service with a smile, you gave the boy a cheerful grin as you placed the strawberry milkshake down.
"Ta-da!" you said. To add one last touch, you plucked two straws from your apron pocket and stuck them into the creamy pink drink.
"Woah!" he exclaimed, eyes widening at the sight of the delicious dessert. He could certainly see the hard work you put into your garnishing. "This looks awesome!"
You giggled at his enthusiasm before sliding down into the seat across from him. Never had you actually sat with a customer to share a treat, but you supposed there was a first time for everything. The two of you each leaned forward, wrapping your lips around your own straws before taking a sip.
Sighs of delight came from your lips as you both enjoyed the sweet, berry flavor. That really was the good stuff.
"Damn, that's gotta be the best milkshake I've ever had," the blond boy smiled.
"Oh absolutely," you agreed.
While eyeing him carefully, you toyed around with your straw between your fingers. The top of it was marked with the stain of your lipstick. It was the same color as the cherries you stuck in.
"So…you gonna tell me your name while we're sharing a drink, cutie?"
“Tyler,” he told you, smiling. “My name’s Tyler.”
“Tyler,” you repeated. “I like that.”
He grinned, “And yours?”
You introduced yourself and he smiled, taking your hand in his from across the table and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
“Pleasure to meet you,” he breathed.
Your heart fluttered. “The pleasure’s all mine, Tyler.”
The two of you were a mess of giggling and blushing. If you didn’t know any better, you’d swear he could see the hearts in your eyes for him. As your gaze moved from his eyes to his lips, you noticed a bit of whipped cream at the corner of his mouth.
Instinctively, you pulled a napkin from your jacket, licked it, and leaned forward to wipe the cream off. He froze in shock before allowing you to dab at his cheek. When you’d finished, you realized how close you’d gotten. You could practically feel his breath on your face as your gaze flicked between his eyes and his full, pink lips.
"Heh…sorry about that," you apologized before tucking the napkin away. "I tend to be really touchy-feely. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."
Tyler was still coming out of his surprised daze as you found your words. He gave a small shake of his head, blond, fluffy locks moving around as he moved.
"It's all good! I don't mind the sweet stuff," he assured you. His lips seemed to be stuck in a permanent smile during the time you spent with him. Not that you minded, of course.
After all, the more time with him, the better.
"Speaking of sweet stuff," you began. "You gotta try one of these cherries. My boss always gets the sweetest maraschino cherries he can find. Really makes the desserts extra special!"
You plucked one of the numerous cherries from the top of the whipped cream mountain. The stem twirled around in between your fingertips as you held it up for Tyler to pop into his mouth.
His lips molded around the cherry, and he bit into it, pulling it from your grasp. He chewed and swallowed before throwing the stem past his lips. Your eyes widened in surprise at such an odd thing.
“You eat the stem?” you asked with disbelief in your tone.
He shook his head. “No honey, just wanna show you somethin,”
You sighed wistfully at the nickname, watching him intently while his lips moved. A minute or so went by before he pulled a knotted cherry stem from his mouth, beaming as he showed it off to you.
It made you giggle. He was just absolutely adorable. You knew he’d been trying to impress you and you’d be lying if you didn’t admit it had worked. It was making you want to be a little extra playful too.
You leaned forward. “You know what they say about people who can tie cherry stems with their tongues, right?”
He smirked. He knew.
“No, what do they say?”
A sly smile of your own was plastered on your face. The fluttery sensations were getting stronger now. Tyler was quite the charmer and it was doing wonders on you.
"I'll tell you…but only if you let me give you my number first~"
The blond boy was absolutely adoring your flirtatious ways. He snickered softly, shaking his head again. The more his hair moved around, the more you wanted to run your fingers through it. His shiny locks looked so soft to the touch.
"Well if you're gonna twist my arm over it~" he chuckled.
With that, you took the pen that had been tucked behind your ear, ready to write your phone number down on a napkin. To your surprise, Tyler stopped you, offering his hand for you to write on instead. The two of you smiled bashfully as you slipped your fingers over the back of his hand. While you held him gently in place, you scribbled down your number, staining his tanned skin with blue ink.
You really were surprising yourself with how bold you were being. Moments ago he was just another customer you were serving. Now you and Tyler were flirting like a couple of high school sweethearts.
It was a good thing you were loving every minute of it.
Tyler could see the rest of the diner staff clearing tables and wiping them down. He knew his time with you was coming to an end, at least for today. He opened his mouth to tell you he didn’t want to keep you, but paused because, well, he did want to keep you.
“I better let you go,” he muttered instead. He sucked in a breath, gathering his courage. “But uh…maybe I could take you for a milkshake. This weekend maybe? Since you got the last one?” he blushed.
You smiled at him, more than happy to hear such an offer. “I’d love to.”
He let out the breath he was holding. “Really? Great! I’ll take you somewhere real nice too!”
You giggled. “It’s a date.”
“It’s a date,” he repeated, sighing wistfully.
Tyler had a really good feeling about this. About you. Maybe his wish for something romantic in his life was coming true. He couldn’t wait to tell the others about you and the date you had planned. When the time came, he was going to get you the sweetest milkshake possible. Something as sweet as you~
@anna1306 @bloodywickedvamp @ghoulgeousimmaculate @pixielostboy @flower-crowned-lady @6lostgirl6 @solobagginses @riz-coolgirl @vampirefilmlover @lostboys1987girl @dwaynesluscioushair @dwayxluvs @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame @warrior-616 @consuming-karma @cherryfrostbites @its-freaking-bats @feardot-com
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
Dine n' Dash 🥤
Summary: Tyler isn't having much luck with his love life. He's feeling rather blue all on his own, until a cute little waitress with a love for milkshakes walks into his life~
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This is the first part of a collab series with @britany1997. We put equal work into this so show some love by liking and reblogging both of our posts! Seriously, she's the sweetest. She deserves the love 😍
Credit to lostboysluvr for the Tyler gif!
Part 2 HERE
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Ask anyone in The Ramp Locals, and they’d all agree that Tyler was the sweetest, most loyal guy you could ever call a friend. He was always there for his fellow skaters, cheering them on and hanging out with them whenever they needed some company. There was just so much to like about the guy. 
What the others did realize was that deep down, Tyler was actually a bit lonely. Not in the case of his social circle, of course. No, Tyler was missing something else in his life. Something more....intimate. 
He would never admit it to any of the other guys, but he had a feeling of envy whenever Corey was hand-in-hand with his blonde beauty of a girlfriend. He and Chrissy were always so sweet to one another, and while the others teased Corey for it, Tyler had the nagging sensation of a little green monster tugging at his heart. Though he was handsome, athletic, funny, and kind, he just hadn’t found the right girl. Someone who would make him turn into the same love-struck dope that Corey had become.  
Tyler kept this secret to himself, privately moping over his lack of love. He would silently listen to his buddies talk about hot babes in bikinis and hookups in the backseats of cars. Meanwhile, he would long for something far more meaningful. Something sweeter. Something more passionate.  
It followed his thoughts as he followed the others into a local diner one sunny day. They were all young men with monstrous appetites, and being active skaters didn’t help with their rumbling stomachs. It wasn’t much of a place. Just a greasy spoon of a restaurant with comfort food at the ready. What he ordered didn’t matter. A bite to eat would just help take his mind off of things. 
The boys clamored into a bright red booth, their boards littered on the floor next to them. Tyler picked up the menu that had been placed in front of him. He grimaced as he realized a sticky substance that had been coating the menu was now all over his hands. He wiped them off onto his shirt with a sigh. The boys chatted away as he flipped through the menu, looking for something that might catch his eye. His eyes glazed over as he read the descriptions for burger after burger. At that point, he might as well just close his eyes and drop his finger on the menu to pick an order.  
“You boys ready to order?” 
Tyler settled on a cheeseburger, and fries before glancing up to lock eyes with the waitress. His lips parted, but nothing came out as he stared at you, speechless. It was hard to find words when you were the most beautiful babe he’d ever seen. You shot him a confused look.  
“What can I getcha?” you asked.  
Tyler fumbled trying to bring words to his lips. All he could muster was broken “uhs” and “ums.” ‘Smooth,’ he thought to himself as he felt his face turn as red as the lipstick coating your smile.  
“He’ll just have a cheeseburger,” Corey ordered, coming to Tyler’s rescue. “You want fries with that Ty?” 
Tyler whirled around to face him. “Uh, yeah,” he stuttered out. “Fries sound good.” 
You bit back a giggle, amused by how dazed the blond boy was. Clearly, he was so hungry he couldn’t think straight. As you scribbled away on your pad of paper, you made a note to get him an extra helping of fries to help him feel better. All of the other boys had no issue with figuring out what they wanted. Steak and eggs, pancakes, a club sandwich, and much more. It was a good thing you had built up plenty of experience writing down orders quickly.  
“Alright! I’ll go ahead and put this in for you guys!” you smiled, tucking your pen behind your ear when you were done. With a small wave, you turned on your heel to head to the kitchen. 
What the diner lacked in cleanliness it made up for in the style, and that was apparent when it came to your uniform. You adored the baby blue dress that framed your figure under the apron you had on. It was fun to twirl around, letting the skirt swish as you moved. It made you excited to get a little dolled up for the day. After all, a little lipstick and mascara went a long way in charming the customers enough for extra tips.  
After putting in the order for the line cook, you turned to watch the table from afar. You wondered if that one boy liked your uniform. All the guys in the group were cute, but that blond was something else.  
Tyler stared at you while you put in the orders, his mouth still slightly agape. He only returned to reality when he caught sight of Corey’s fingers snapping in his face.  
“Hey man, what was that?” Corey asked. “You fall off your board one too many times or something?” 
“Just lost my train of thought, dude. It was nothin,” he grumbled defensively. 
“Whatever, man,” Corey replied before turning back to his conversation with Radley.  
Tyler leaned back against the booth, completely lost in thought. Corey was right. What was that? He couldn’t remember the last time something had left him speechless. There was just something special about you. He was sure of that as he watched you sashay back to their table with a tray piled high with food. 
“Alright! I hope you guys are hungry! I even threw in a little extra stuff,” you told the group as you placed each plate down. While the others watched their own meals with mouths watering, the cute blond was only staring at you. Seeing how incredibly bright the shade of blue in his eyes was, you couldn’t keep yourself from looking back at him. With a warm smile on your face, you set his burger and extra fries down. 
“If you need anything else at all, please don’t be shy~” you said with all the sweetness you could muster up. It made you feel good to see his toned cheeks flush a soft shade of pink.  
With a wave of your fingers, you left them to their meals. Little did you know that Tyler was barely acknowledging the food that he was half-starved for mere moments ago. Even with you off taking care of other customers, he watched with curiosity and wonder. So much to the point where the boys were wrapping up their meals before he even had a chance to take a few bites.  
“Hey, Ty!” Radley teased Tyler. “You’re takin’ forever to eat! Are you gonna do somethin’ or what?” 
It was only then that he realized how far behind he was on his meal. Everyone else at the table was getting antsy, ready to pay for their own stuff, and hit the streets for more skating. It seemed like the best move to let them go do their own thing. Maybe having some time to himself would help get his focus and appetite back.  
Tyler continued to pick at his food as the boys scarfed down the rest of their meals and slid out of the booth, grabbing their boards as they went.
“You comin?” Corey asked confused as he glanced at Tyler’s half eaten fries and barely touched burger. “Need a box or somethin? I can call that waitress…” Corey trailed off as his head whipped around in search of you.
“No!” Tyler blurted out loudly, prompting Corey to turn towards him with a shocked look on his face. He cleared his throat, attempting to collect himself. “I think I might just hang here a little longer and finish my food. I’ll catch you guys at the halfpipe later!”
“Sure Ty, whatever you want, man,” Corey said as he rubbed the back of his neck. He slapped Tyler on the back as he flew out the door and sped off to catch up with the gang.
When Corey and the boys disappeared from sight, Tyler turned back to his food. He munched on his fries absentmindedly as he thought of what it might be like to hold your hand, to bring you to the rink to watch him skate, to kiss your pretty red lips. He couldn’t stop the smile from etching its way onto his face as he daydreamed.
“I brought you some more!”
Tyler returned to reality at your words. He was met with the sight of your outstretched hand offering him another dish of ketchup. His eyes snapped down to his plate as he realized he had used up all his ketchup.
“Thanks,” he said, reaching out to take the dish. He blushed as his hand brushed against yours. As he looked around behind you, Tyler realized he was the only customer left in the diner. The lunch rush had slowed down for the day.
"Your friends left you behind?" you asked, tilting your head to the side. Being in the serving business, you had seen your fair share of fake friends ditching the black sheep in their group and leaving them to foot the bill. You hoped that wasn't the case for this guy. 
"Oh nah, they helped cover me. I was just takin' too long," he said, swirling a fry around in the pool of ketchup. 
You smiled softly. He really was a cute guy. Having some time alone with him was making your stomach flutter. It made you want to sweeten up his day a bit more. 
"Well, that's a shame because I was feeling generous enough to bring some complimentary milkshakes for the table," you said. The mention of dessert certainly made him perk up. "You got a flavor of choice, hun?" 
“Well, what’s your favorite flavor?” he asked, his cheeks flushed pink. You beamed as he stared up at you awaiting your answer.
“Strawberry’s my favorite,” you admitted. “They use real strawberries and vanilla ice cream instead of just the processed pink stuff. It’s my favorite thing on the menu!”
“Then one strawberry milkshake please,” he said, his lips pulled up into a half-smile as he ordered. He paused for a moment before making an addition. 
“And two straws.”
Your lips parted slightly in surprise. The blush spread from his cheeks until his entire face was red as a tomato.
“I just mean…well, you’ve been working so hard… I couldn’t finish it by myself…if- if you’d like, you could share it with me,” he sputtered.
You smiled at him. “That would be lovely.”
He grinned from ear to ear. “Radical!”
With that, you trotted back to the kitchen to put in his order. While waiting for the milkshake, you wiped down the counters and stole glances at the cute blond boy. When you’d look his way, you’d catch his eyes already on you. It made you smile to yourself every time he’d blush and turn away when he met your gaze.
After awhile you heard the chef call ‘order up.’ When you went to take the drink, your nose crinkled in disgust. Sitting on the counter was a plain strawberry shake. No whipped cream, no cherries, no nothing.
‘No, no, no, this is all wrong,’ you thought as you snuck into the kitchen to add the fixings. You sprayed a mountain of whipped cream onto the shake, and topped it with a generous handful of cherries and a dusting of sprinkles.
When you were satisfied with your work, you picked up the drink and flounced back over to the table. Ever the one to provide service with a smile, you gave the boy a cheerful grin as you placed the strawberry milkshake down. 
"Ta-da!" you said. To add one last touch, you plucked two straws from your apron pocket and stuck them into the creamy pink drink. 
"Woah!" he exclaimed, eyes widening at the sight of the delicious dessert. He could certainly see the hard work you put into your garnishing. "This looks awesome!" 
You giggled at his enthusiasm before sliding down into the seat across from him. Never had you actually sat with a customer to share a treat, but you supposed there was a first time for everything. The two of you each leaned forward, wrapping your lips around your own straws before taking a sip. 
Sighs of delight came from your lips as you both enjoyed the sweet, berry flavor. That really was the good stuff. 
"Damn, that's gotta be the best milkshake I've ever had," the blond boy smiled. 
"Oh absolutely," you agreed. 
While eyeing him carefully, you toyed around with your straw between your fingers. The top of it was marked with the stain of your lipstick. It was the same color as the cherries you stuck in. 
"So…you gonna tell me your name while we're sharing a drink, cutie?" 
“Tyler,” he told you smiling. “My name’s Tyler.”
“Tyler,” you repeated. “I like that.”
He grinned, “And yours?”
You introduced yourself and he smiled, taking your hand in his from across the table. He responded by placing a kiss on the back of it.
“Pleasure to meet you,” he breathed.
Your heart fluttered. “The pleasure’s all mine, Tyler.”
The two of you were a mess of giggling and blushing. If you didn’t know any better, you’d swear he could see the hearts in your eyes for him. As your gaze moved from his eyes to his lips, you noticed a bit of whipped cream at the corner of his mouth.
Instinctively, you pulled a napkin from your jacket, licked it, and leaned forward to wipe the cream off. He froze in shock before allowing you to dab at his cheek. When you’d finished, you realized how close you’d gotten. You could practically feel his breath on your face as your gaze flicked between his eyes and his full, pink lips.
"Heh…sorry about that," you apologized before tucking the napkin away. "I tend to be really touchy-feely. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."
Tyler was still coming out of his surprised daze as you found your words. He gave a small shake of his head, blond, fluffy locks moving around as he moved.
"It's all good! I don't mind the sweet stuff," he assured you. His lips seemed to be stuck in a permanent smile during the time you spent with him. Not that you minded, of course. 
After all, the more time with him, the better. 
"Speaking of sweet stuff," you began. "You gotta try one of these cherries. My boss always gets the sweetest maraschino cherries he can find. Really makes the desserts extra special!"
You plucked one of the numerous cherries from the top of the whipped cream mountain. The stem twirled around in between your fingertips as you held it up for Tyler to pop into his mouth. 
His lips molded around the cherry, and he bit into it, pulling it from your grasp. He chewed and swallowed before throwing the stem past his lips. Your eyes widened in surprise at such an odd thing. 
“You eat the stem?” you asked with disbelief in your tone.
He shook his head. “No honey, just wanna show you somethin,”
You sighed wistfully at the nickname, watching him intently while his lips moved. A minute or so went by before he pulled a knotted cherry stem from his mouth, beaming as he showed it off to you.
It made you giggle. He was just absolutely adorable. You knew he’d been trying to impress you and you’d be lying if you didn’t admit it had worked. It was making you want to be a little extra playful too.
You leaned forward. “You know what they say about people who can tie cherry stems with their tongues, right?”
He smirked. He knew. 
“No, what do they say?”
A sly smile of your own was plastered on your face. The fluttery sensations were getting stronger now. Tyler was quite the charmer and it was doing wonders on you. 
"I'll tell you…but only if you let me give you my number first~"
The blond boy was absolutely adoring your flirtatious ways. He snickered softly, shaking his head again. The more his hair moved around, the more you wanted to run your fingers through it. His shiny locks looked so soft to the touch. 
"Well if you're gonna twist my arm over it~" he chuckled. 
With that, you took the pen that had been tucked behind your ear, ready to write your phone number down on a napkin. To your surprise, Tyler stopped you, offering his hand for you to write on instead. The two of you smiled bashfully as you slipped your fingers over the back of his hand. While you held him gently in place, you scribbled down your number, staining his tanned skin with blue ink. 
You really were surprising yourself with how bold you were being. Moments ago he was just another customer you were serving. Now you and Tyler were flirting like a couple of high school sweethearts. 
It was a good thing you were loving every minute of it. 
Tyler could see the rest of the diner staff clearing tables and wiping them down. He knew his time with you was coming to an end, at least for today. He opened his mouth to tell you he didn’t want to keep you, but paused because, well, he did want to keep you. 
“I better let you go,” he muttered instead. He sucked in a breath, gathering his courage. “But uh…maybe I could take you for a milkshake. This weekend maybe? Since you got the last one?” he blushed. 
You smiled at him, more than happy to hear such an offer. “I’d love to.” 
He let out the breath he was holding. “Really? Great! I’ll take you somewhere real nice too!” 
You giggled. “It’s a date.” 
“It’s a date,” he repeated, sighing wistfully.
Tyler had a really good feeling about this. About you. Maybe his wish for something romantic in his life was coming true. He couldn’t wait to tell the others about you and the date you had planned. When the time came, he was going to get you the sweetest milkshake possible. Something as sweet as you~
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Tag List: @vampirefilmlover @american-idiot-jpg @6lostgirl6 @anxiouslittleweirdkid @ghoulgeousimmaculate @bloodywickedvamp @silvermaplealder @michael-after-hours @legal-lost-boy @auntvamp
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