#christchurch massacre
andromedasummer · 6 months
boss has mike hosking playing on the radio and he started bitching about the christchurch call, calling it a failure and useless and something that needs to be cut in lieu of costs i had to get up and walk across the toom to get a cup of coffee to stop myself from hitting something i feel completely fucking wracked with rage
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bandcampsnoop · 10 months
After a long break, Ian Henderson (Dunedin, Fishrider Records) is posting again. His "Pop Lib" has been a go-to site for albums from Australia and New Zealand. His label has been a go-to label for years. And his brother, George Henderson (The Puddle) has been a go-to musician for years.
He posted about Senica the other day. Senica is a band that checks a lot of boxes for me. Christchurch, New Zealand - check. Melted Ice Cream (label), check. The aforementioned Pop Lib stamp of approval - check. The sweet guitar sounds that recall The Jean-Paul Sarte Experience - check.
This is a short EP on cassette made by friends who have been playing together since high school. The music certainly sounds more mature than their years might otherwise suggest. The band itself cite references like Straitjacket Fits, Wilco, Brian Jonestown Massacre and Radiohead.
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radicalgraff · 6 months
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Memorial mural in Sydney, for the victims of the Christchurch massacre, when an Australian white supremacist murdered 51 worshipers in two mosques on 15 March 2019.
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mariacallous · 4 days
Last weekend, former President Donald Trump posted another anti-immigrant screed to Truth Social. It would have been unremarkable ― at least, graded on the Trumpian curve of extreme xenophobia ― except for one word.
“[We will] return Kamala’s illegal migrants to their home countries (also known as remigration),” he wrote. “I will save our cities and towns in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and all across America.”
Many people might have glossed over his use of “remigration.” White nationalists did not.
“#Remigration has had a massive conceptual career,” Martin Sellner — leader of the Austrian chapter of Generation Identity, a pan-European white supremacist network — tweeted in his native German. “Born in France, popularized in German-speaking countries and now the term of the hour from Sweden to the USA!”
It was a succinct and accurate history from Sellner, a 35-year-old who typically trafficks in vicious lies and conspiracy theories, particularly about Black and brown people. He has been at the vanguard of pushing “remigration” — a euphemism for ethnically cleansing non-white people from Western countries — into the popular political lexicon in Europe.
Now Sellner was seeing his favorite little word all grown up, moving overseas in service of the 45th president of the United States, who has promised to implement the largest mass deportation of immigrants in U.S. history if elected back to the White House in six weeks’ time.
Trump’s use of “remigration” is the latest instance of the GOP’s intensifying anti-immigrant rhetoric in the run-up to November’s election, underscoring the degree to which one of America’s two major political parties is sourcing many of its talking points and policy ideas directly from neo-fascists.
“Trump’s rhetoric about ‘remigration’ has its origins in the international far-right,” Jakob Guhl, a senior manager of policy and research at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, explained to HuffPost in an email. “The term remigration was popularized by groups adhering to Identitarianism, a pan-European ethno-nationalist movement, as their policy to reverse the so-called ‘great replacement.’”
“The great replacement theory is a conspiracy theory which claims that ‘native’ Europeans are being deliberately replaced through non-European migration while suppressing European birth-rates,” he continued. “This theory has inspired numerous terrorist attacks, including the Christchurch massacre, where 51 people were killed, as well as attacks in Poway, El Paso, Halle, Buffalo, and Bratislava.”
Pat Buchanan, the onetime presidential hopeful and former aide to President Richard Nixon, used the term “remigration” to whitewash his own call for ethnic cleansing as early as 2006, in his racist tract “State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America.” But the term’s journey into the Trump campaign’s vernacular more likely got its start in November 2014, when 500 far-right activists gathered in Paris.
The inaugural Assises de la Remigration, or Annual Meeting on Remigration, was organized by Generation Identity. Its featured speaker was Renaud Camus, the travel writer-turned-philosopher who coined the term “great replacement” in his 2012 book by the same name. Camus’ book built off the work of another French author, Jean Raspail, who wrote “The Camp of the Saints,” an extraordinarily racist French novel that depicts a flotilla of feces-eating brown people invading Europe.
“The Great Replacement is the most serious crisis that France has witnessed in 15 centuries,” Camus told the crowd, eliding many bloody episodes in the country’s history, including a pair of world wars that killed nearly 2 million French people. For Camus, “remigration” was the best solution to the imagined crisis of the “great replacement,” the two terms essentially joined at the hip.
Camus and his fellow subscribers to identitarianism “have always been quite clear that the objective of ‘remigration’ is to create greater ‘ethnocultural’ homogeneity,” Ruhl told HuffPost. “For them, culture and ethnicity are inseparable, and they view (white) European identity as being fundamentally threatened by the presence of migrants ― necessitating drastic, far-reaching responses.”
According to a study by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, the term “remigration” was “used over 540,000 times between April 2012 and April 2019” on Twitter, particularly from accounts in France and Germany. Usage of the term skyrocketed after the Annual Meeting on Remigration in Paris. Camus himself was one of the main promoters of the word online.
As “remigration” became an increasingly discussed term, militant far-right groups adapted it as their own. In 2017, police in France arrested 10 far-right activists over a suspected plot to kill politicians and migrants and to attack mosques. Officers found a shotgun and two revolvers in the home of the group’s ringleader, who’d sought to create a militia, according to a post on Facebook, to kill “arabs, blacks dealers, migrants, [and] jihadist scum.” Per French investigators, the group, known as OAS, was formed to “spark remigration.”
The term made an appearance in Canada, too, where a far-right fight club called Falange — named for the fascist group that served under the Spanish general Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War — put signs with the word “Remigration” across Quebec City.
And that same year in the U.S., the group Identity Evropa — modeled after Generation Identity in Europe — burst into the public consciousness for its participation in the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Identity Evropa’s proposed policies included “remigration,” and when its members marched in Charlottesville, they invoked the “great replacement” concept, chanting “You will not replace us.”
Back in Europe, in March 2019, Sellner started a channel on the chat app Telegram called the “European Compact for Remigration,” the beginning of a campaign, he announced, to influence far-right parties across Europe to support “de-Islamisation” and “remigration.”
That same month, a white supremacist in Christchurch, New Zealand, livestreamed himself walking into two mosques and opening fire, killing 51 Muslim worshipers. He’d posted a genocidal screed online before the shooting. Its title was “The Great Replacement.” Nevertheless, one week after the shooting, Sellner’s Generation Identity group in Austria staged a protest against the “great replacement,” again calling for “de-Islamisation” and “remigration.”
A couple of months later, it emerged that the shooter in New Zealand had communicated with Sellner only a year prior, donating over $2,300 to Sellner’s white supremacist group. “Thank you that really gives me energy and motivation,” Sellner wrote to the shooter in an email.
“If you ever come to Vienna,” Sellner added, “we need to go for a café or a beer.”
Despite these revelations, Sellner’s efforts to get far-right political parties to support remigration started to see results in the following years. In 2019, Alternative for Deutschland — which recently became the first far-right party since the Nazis to win a state election in Germany — inserted “remigration” into its list of official policy proposals.
Four years later, an investigation from Correctiv found that AfD members held a secret meeting with neo-Nazis and wealthy businesspeople to discuss the “remigration” of asylum seekers, immigrants with legal status, and “unassimilated citizens” to a “model state” in North Africa. The plan — which bore an unnerving resemblance to the Nazis’ initial idea to mass-deport Jews to Madagascar, before they settled on a wholesale extermination campaign — was Sellner’s brainchild.
That same year, as noted recently by Mother Jones, a jury of linguists in Germany selected “remigration” as the “non-word” of the year. “The seemingly harmless term remigration is used by the ethnic nationalists of the AfD and the Identitarian Movement to conceal their true intentions: the deportation of all people with supposedly the wrong skin color or origin, even if they are German citizens,” one guest juror wrote.
Mother Jones also noted that earlier this year, “an AfD candidate in Stuttgart campaigned with the slogan ‘Rapid remigration creates living space,’ a nod to the concept of Lebensraum used by the Nazis to justify the genocidal expansion into Eastern Europe.”
And finally, this year in Austria, the far-right Freedom Party (FPOe), founded after World War II by former Nazis, and which recently enjoyed success in national elections, called for the creation of a “remigration commissioner” in the country.
Still, very few, if any, U.S. politicians have uttered the word “remigration” in recent years. Trump’s use of the term stateside has coincided with his renewed embrace of dehumanizing language when talking about immigrants.
The former president’s promotion of a false story about Haitian immigrants eating pets in Ohio was classic fascist fare, depicting an entire category of people as savages. And earlier this year, the GOP nominee said immigrants were “poisoning the blood” of the nation. Historians quickly noted that Trump’s language echoed the words of Adolf Hitler. “All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning,” Hitler wrote in “Mein Kampf.”
But who in Trump’s orbit might have introduced him to the term “remigration”? The Trump campaign didn’t immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment. One possible culprit, though, might be Stephen Miller, who served in the Trump White House as an adviser and speechwriter. Miller’s ties to white supremacists are legion, and while working as an editor at Breitbart in 2015, according to leaked emails obtained by the Southern Poverty Law Center, he suggested the website publish articles about “The Camp of the Saints,”the racist French novel that inspired Renaud Camus.
Miller, like Sellner, was thrilled with Trump’s use of “remigration” last weekend.
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schraubd · 1 year
The Most Dangerous Threat To Jews Are The People Threatening To Kill the Jews
Yesterday, June 16, 2023, a federal jury officially convicted Robert Bowers, the White supremacist whose 2018 mass shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that was the deadliest antisemitic incident in American history.
Also yesterday, a man in Michigan was arrested on charges he plotted to conduct his own mass shooting at a synagogue in East Lansing. Like Bowers, Seann Patrick Pietila was also a far-right White supremacist, though it appears his immediate inspiration was the Christchurch Mosque massacre, on whose 5th anniversary he planned to launch his own killing spree.
There is a line one increasingly hears in conservative Jewish circles that insists that Jewish fears over right-wing antisemitism are naught but a ginned up panic. Just a few weeks ago, Jonathan Tobin had the gall to claim that "It isn’t going too far to assert that Soros is endangering far more American and Jewish lives than stray marginal extreme right-wingers." To say that at a moment when the Tree of Life survivors are forced to relive a massacre perpetrated by one of those "stray marginal extremists", one whose violent hate was inextricably bound up in the fever swamp of antisemitic conspiracies for whom George Soros is a central figure and which the likes of Tobin are now trying to render Kosher, is sickening.
The most dangerous threat to American Jews is not liberal Jews supporting policies supported by most other American Jews. The most dangerous threat to American Jews is, and continues to be, the people trying to murder Jews, right alongside the people ginning up, spreading, apologizing for, or horrifyingly endorsing the conspiracies that justify those murders. It's not that complicated. But apparently it still needs to be said.
June 16, 2023, in some ways represents the ongoing circle of antisemitic death, closed in on itself. One antisemitic mass murder reached "closure" (if such a thing is possible). Another was thankfully averted, due to the vigilance of law enforcement who fortunately did not take Tobin's unsolicited, misguided, politically opportunistic, and downright dangerous "advice" that right-wing antisemitism is non-threat.
They know it. We know it. The Tobins of the world, trying to deny it, are absolutely and utterly beneath contempt.
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/OvkZ4PY
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Christopher Mathias at HuffPost:
Last weekend, former President Donald Trump posted another anti-immigrant screed to Truth Social. It would have been unremarkable ― at least, graded on the Trumpian curve of extreme xenophobia ― except for one word. “[We will] return Kamala’s illegal migrants to their home countries (also known as remigration),” he wrote. “I will save our cities and towns in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and all across America.” Many people might have glossed over his use of “remigration.” White nationalists did not. “#Remigration has had a massive conceptual career,” Martin Sellner — leader of the Austrian chapter of Generation Identity, a pan-European white supremacist network — tweeted in his native German. “Born in France, popularized in German-speaking countries and now the term of the hour from Sweden to the USA!”
It was a succinct and accurate history from Sellner, a 35-year-old who typically trafficks in vicious lies and conspiracy theories, particularly about Black and brown people. He has been at the vanguard of pushing “remigration” — a euphemism for ethnically cleansing non-white people from Western countries — into the popular political lexicon in Europe. Now Sellner was seeing his favorite little word all grown up, moving overseas in service of the 45th president of the United States, who has promised to implement the largest mass deportation of immigrants in U.S. history if elected back to the White House in six weeks’ time. Trump’s use of “remigration” is the latest instance of the GOP’s intensifying anti-immigrant rhetoric in the run-up to November’s election, underscoring the degree to which one of America’s two major political parties is sourcing many of its talking points and policy ideas directly from neo-fascists.
“Trump’s rhetoric about ‘remigration’ has its origins in the international far-right,” Jakob Guhl, a senior manager of policy and research at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, explained to HuffPost in an email. “The term remigration was popularized by groups adhering to Identitarianism, a pan-European ethno-nationalist movement, as their policy to reverse the so-called ‘great replacement.’” “The great replacement theory is a conspiracy theory which claims that ‘native’ Europeans are being deliberately replaced through non-European migration while suppressing European birth-rates,” he continued. “This theory has inspired numerous terrorist attacks, including the Christchurch massacre, where 51 people were killed, as well as attacks in Poway, El Paso, Halle, Buffalo, and Bratislava.”
Donald Trump takes inspiration from far-right European anti-immigrant extremists by using the term “remigration” to call for the deportation of undocumented immigrants.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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On Feb. 15, 2023, a judge informed Payton Gendron – a white 19-year-old who killed 10 Black people at a Buffalo Tops market in 2022 – that “You will never see the light of day as a free man ever again.”
The week before, Patrick Crusius – a white 24-year-old who gunned down 23 people at an El Paso Walmart in 2019 – received 90 consecutive life sentences.
The threat of domestic terrorism remains high in the United States – especially the danger posed by white power extremists, many of whom believe white people are being “replaced” by people of color.
I am a scholar of political violence and extremism and wrote about these beliefs in a 2021 book, “It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the US.” I think it’s important to understand the lessons that can be learned from events like the Buffalo and El Paso mass shootings.
After decades of research on numerous attacks that have left scores dead, we have learned that extremists are almost always part of a pack, not lone wolves. But the myth of the lone wolf shooter remains tenacious, reappearing in media coverage after almost every mass shooting or act of far-right extremist violence. Because this myth misdirects people from the actual causes of extremist violence, it impedes society’s ability to prevent attacks. Buffalo mass shooter Payton Gendron was sentenced to life in prison in February 2023. Scott Olson/Getty Images
The lone wolf extremist myth is dangerous
FBI Director Christopher Wray said in August 2022 that the nation’s top threat comes from far-right extremist “lone actors” – who, he explained, work alone, instead of “as part of a large group.”
Wray is wrong, and the myth of the lone wolf extremist – the mistaken idea that violent extremists largely act alone – continues to directly inform research, law enforcement and the popular imagination.
I think that Wray’s focus on extremism is much needed and long overdue. However, his line of thinking is dangerous and misleading. By focusing on individuals or small groups, it overlooks broader networks and long-term dangers and so can impede efforts to combat far-right extremist violence – which Wray has singled out as the country’s most lethal domestic threat.
Not a new trend
Far-right extremists may physically carry out an attack alone or as part of a small group of people, but they are almost always networked and identify with larger groups and causes.
This was true long before the social media age. Take Timothy McVeigh. He is often depicted as the archetypal lone wolf madman who blew up the Oklahoma City Federal Building in 1995.
In fact, McVeigh was part of a pack. He had accomplices and was connected across the far-right extremist landscape.
The same is true of Gendron and Crusius, who were also characterized in media coverage as lone wolves.
“He talked about how he didn’t like school because he didn’t have friends. He would say he was lonely,” a classmate of Gendron said shortly after Gendron carried out the mass shooting.
Both were active on far-right extremist social media platforms and posted manifestos before their attacks. Gendron’s manifesto discusses how he was radicalized on the dark web and inspired to attack after watching videos of Brenton Tarrant’s 2019 massacre of 51 people at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Almost a quarter of Gendron’s manifesto is directly taken from Tarrant’s, which was titled “The Great Replacement.” This fear of white replacement, centered around perceived white demographic decline, was also a motive for Crusius. His manifesto pays homage to Tarrant, before explaining his attack was “a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.”
The lone wolf myth also suggests that extremists are abnormal deviants with anti-social personalities.
After Gendron’s rampage, for example, New York Attorney General Letitia James called him a “sick, demented individual.” Crusius, in turn, was described by the White House and news articles as “evil,” “psychotic” and an “anti-social loner.”
The vast majority of far-right extremists are, in fact, otherwise ordinary men and women. They live in rural areas, suburbs and cities. They are students and working professionals. And they believe their extremist cause is justified. This point was illustrated by the spectrum of participants in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection. People hug at a memorial outside the Walmart in El Paso, Texas, where a shooter killed 23 people in 2019. Mark Ralston/AFP via Getty Images
Tracing the lone wolf mythology
How did the lone-wolf metaphor come to misinform the public’s view of extremists, and why is it so tenacious?
Part of the answer is linked to white supremacist Louis Beam, who wrote the essay “Leaderless Resistance” in 1983. In it, he called for far-right extremists to act individually or in small groups that couldn’t be traced up a chain of command. According to his lawyer, McVeigh was one of those influenced by Beam’s call.
After Beam formulated this idea, both far-right extremists and law enforcement increasingly used the lone wolf term. In 1998, the FBI even mounted an “Operation Lone Wolf” to investigate a West Coast white supremacist cell.
The 9/11 terrorist attacks further turned U.S. attention to Islamic militant “lone wolves.” A decade later, the term became mainstream.
And so it was not a surprise when, after the Buffalo shooting, New York State Senator James Sanders said, “Although this is probably a lone-wolf incident, this is not the first mass shooting we have seen, and sadly it will not be the last.”
The tenacity of the lone wolf myth has several sources. It’s convenient – evocative and powerful enough to draw and keep people’s attention.
By using this term, which individualizes extremism, law enforcement officials may also depoliticize their work. Instead of focusing on movements like white nationalism that have sympathizers in the various levels of government, from sheriffs to senators, they focus on individuals.
The lone wolf extremist myth diverts from what should be the focus of deterrence efforts: understanding how far-right extremists network, organize and, as the Jan. 6 insurrection showed, build coalitions across diverse groups, especially through the use of social media.
Such understanding provides a basis for developing long-term strategies to prevent extremists like Gendron and Crusius from carrying out more violent attacks.
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brookston · 6 months
Holidays 4.13
Aerosmith Day (Massachusetts)
American Elephant Day
American Sikh Day
Arugula o Rocket Day (French Republic)
Auslan Day (Australia)
Beauty Peace Day
Celebrate Teen Literature Day
Day of Patrons and Philanthropists (Russia)
Day of the Dead (Elder Scrolls)
Environmental Protection Day
Feast of Rotten Endings
413 Day (Arkansas)
Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) International Awareness Day
Homestuck Day
Huguenot Day (France)
Ides of April (Ancient Rome)
International Campus & Community Day
International Creativity & Innovation Day
International Day of the Kiss
International Functional Neurological Disorder Awareness Day
International Imposter Syndrome Awareness Day
International Jaat Day (India)
International Plant Appreciation Day
International Rock & Roll Day
International Special Librarian’s Day
International Turban Day
John Hanson Day (Maryland)
Katyn Memorial Day (Poland)
Military-Industrial Complex Employee Day (Ukraine)
National Boot Day
National Borinqueneers Day
National Hippy Day
National Hockey Card Day
National Japanese Spitz Day
National Kiss Your Homies Day
National Pathology Day (India)
National PhiliShui Day
National Silly Earring Day
National Sticker Day
National Theresa Day
Neil Banging Out the Tunes Day
Religious Freedom Day (England; France)
Scrabble Day
Silent Spring Day
Sinhala & Tamil New Year’s Eve (Sri Lanka)
Sterile Packaging Day
Swiftie Day
Teacher’s Day (Ecuador)
Thomas Jefferson Day
Unfairly Prosecuted Persons Day (Slovakia)
Western Mass Day (Massachusetts)
World Microscope Day
World Sarcoidosis Day
World’s Day of Remembrance for Victims of Katyn Massacre
Food & Drink Celebrations
Day to Give Thanks for Fish and Seafood
Hopocalypse Day (Drake’s Brewing)
National Make Lunch Count Day
National Peach Cobbler Day
2nd Saturday in April
Baby Massage Day [2nd Saturday]
Global Day to End Child Sexual Abuse [2nd Saturday]
National Catch & Release Day [2nd Saturday]
Slow Art Day [2nd Saturday]
World Circus Day [2nd Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 13 (2nd Week)
California Native Plant Week [thru 4.20]
Independence & Related Days
Adammia (Declared; 2013) [unrecognized]
Mensa Ann (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Sicily (from Naples; 1848)
Varnland (Declared; 1991) [unrecognized]
Winterspell (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Songkran (Thailand) (a.k.a. …
Bangla New Year
Bisket Jatra (Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand)
Chiang Mai Songkran
Tamil New Year
Thai New Year
Festivals Beginning April 13, 2024
Armageddon Expo Christchurch, New Zealand) [thru 4.14]
Baldwin County Strawberry Festival (Loxley, Alabama) [thru 4.14]
Bar K Beer Fest (St. Louis, Missouri)
Cherry Blossom Festival of Greater Philadelphia (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) [thru 4.14]
CNY Maple Festival (Marathon, New York) [thru 4.14]
Crawfish & Zydeco Festival (Kemah, Texas) [thru 4.14]
Dairy State Cheese & Beer Festival (Kenosha, Wisconsin)
Dessert Wars (Baltimore, Maryland)
Georgia Renaissance Festival (Fairburn, Georgia) [thru 6.2]
Hall Cabernet Cookout (St. Helena, California)
Hudson Mac & Cheese Fest (Washingtonville, New York)
International Orange Blossom Carnival (Adana, Turkey) [thru 4.21]
Lost Colony Wine & Culinary Festival (Manteo, North Carolina)
Mobile Chocolate Festival (Mobile, Alabama)
National Grits Festival (Warwick, Georgia)
Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival (San Francisco, California) [thru 4.14 & 4.20-21]
Polish Festival (Phoenix, Arizona) [thru 4.14]
Spring Cheese and Chocolate Weekend (Stillwater, Minnesota) [thru 4.14]
Supernova Pop Culture Expo Gold Coast, Australia) [thru 4.14]
Taste of Hillcrest (San Diego, California)
Feast Days
Alfarbot: Alfheim Day (Pagan)
Believe in Fairies Day (Pastafarian)
Bill Hicks Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Caradoc (Christian; Saint)
Carpus, Papyrus, and Agathonic (Christian; Martyrs)
Elizablecccch Arden (Muppetism)
Eudora Welty (Writerism)
Festival of Jupiter Victor (Ancient Rome)
Festival of Libertas (Ancient Roman personification of freedom and political liberty)
Grounding Meditation Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Guinoch of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
Hermenegild (Christian; Martyr)
Ida of Louvain (Christian; Saint)
James Ensor (Artology)
Libertas (Old Roman Goddess of Liberty)
Martin I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Martius (a.k.a. Mars; Christian; Saint)
Poshui Jie begins (Water Splashing Festival; China)
Ptolemy (Positivist; Saint)
Purification Festival (Thailand; Everyday Wicca)
Samuel Beckett (Writerism)
Seamus Heaney (Writerism)
Squashing of Moonhopper Day (Shamanism)
Thomas Lawrence (Artology)
Vaisakhi (Sikh spring grain harvest festival)
Vishnu (Pondicherry, India; Hindu)
Yayoi Matsuri (Nikko, Japan; 5-Day Spring Festival)
Islamic Moveable Calendar Holidays
Eid al-Fitr celebrations continue (Islam)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 103 [27 of 72]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Aladdin Sane, by David Bowie (Album; 1973)
An Apprenticeship or The Book of Pleasures, by Clarice Lispector (Novel; 1969)
Bedeviled Rabbit (WB Cartoon; 1957)
The Big Bad Wolf (Disney Cartoon; 1934)
Black Rose, by Thin Lizzy (Album; 1979)
Bridget Jones’s Diary (Film; 2001)
Brown Sugar, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1971)
Bulldog Drummond (Radio Series; 1941)
By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept, by Elizabeth Smart (Novel; 1945)
Casino Royale, by Ian Fleming (Novel; 1953) [James Bond #1]
Catch a Fire, by Bob Marley (Album; 1973)
Critic’s Choice (Film; 1963)
Dane, by Heinrich Schütz Opera; 1627)
Daltrey, by Roger Daltrey (Album; 1973)
Echo, by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers (Album; 1999)
El Capitan, by John Philip Soul (Operetta; 1896)
Good Little Monkeys (Happy Harmonies; 1935)
The Greyhound and the Rabbit (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1940)
Hold the Lion Please (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1951)
The Kilkenny Cats (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1945)
Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Get Your Adverbs Here Grammar Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1974)
Messiah, by George Frederic Handel (Oratorio; 1742)
Mickey’s Kangaroo (Disney Cartoon; 1935)
Mouse Into Space (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1962)
The One Minute Manager, by Kennth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson (Book; 1983)
Rampage (Film; 2018)
Rising Sun, by Michael Crichton (Novel; 1992)
Safe at Home! (Film; 1962)
Swing Shift (Film; 1984)
Tango in the Night, by Fleetwood Mac (Album; 1987)
Tintin and the Picaros, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1976) [Tintin #23]
12 Angry Men (Film; 1957)
Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand (Historic Novel; 2012)
Today’s Name Days
Hermenegild, Ida, Martin (Austria)
Ida, Martin (Croatia)
Aleš (Czech Republic)
Justinus (Denmark)
Tarvi, Tarvo (Estonia)
Tellervo (Finland)
Ida (France)
Hermenegil, Ida, Gilda, Martin (Germany)
Gerontios (Greece)
Ida (Hungary)
Ermenegildo, Martino (Italy)
Egils, Jagailis, Justins, Justs, Nauris (Latvia)
Algaudė, Ida, Mingaudas (Lithuania)
Asta, Astrid (Norway)
Hermenegild, Hermenegilda, Ida, Jan, Justyn, Małgorzata, Przemysł, Przemysław (Poland)
Artemon (Romania)
Aleš (Slovakia)
Hermenegildo, Martín (Spain)
Artur, Douglas (Sweden)
Slavka, Yaroslava (Ukraine)
Thom, Thomas, Thomasina, Thompson, Tom, Tomas, Tommie, Tommy, Twain (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 104 of 2024; 262 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 15 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 28 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 5 (Ding-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 5 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 34 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 14 Cyan; Sevenday [14 of 30]
Julian: 31 March 2024
Moon: 28%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 20 Archimedes (4th Month) [Albategnius]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 26 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 24 of 31)
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darnellclayton · 2 years
Oh wow! I am surprised that @eltonjohn has left Twitter. Maybe he will return to @Tumblr‽
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Not surprisingly Elon Musk replied:
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I do not think that Elon Musk realizes that he is the problem here.
In recent days, the platform’s new CEO has reactivated the accounts of known neo-Nazis; shared a picture of a white supremacist who said he’d like Trump to be more like Hitler; failed to prevent users from posting videos of the Christchurch massacre; tweeted a popular alt-right meme; used a known antisemitic trope; and, inadvertently or not, shared a dogwhistle that white supremacists interpreted as praise for Hitler. […]
“As soon as he took over Twitter, we saw extremists trying to exploit the platform, we’ve seen hate of all kinds increase, so these messages that he’s sending have to be understood in the context of what is happening to that platform,” Oren Segal, vice president of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, told VICE News. “As it’s becoming a hellscape for antisemitism and racism and bigotry, it just so happens that he is putting out the type of language that is appreciated by those who are doing that.”
This is a major problem. I have noticed a massive increase of hate upon the platform of all kinds (not just white supremacy). Right now companies are fighting for the right to replace Twitter, but Tumblr & Mastodon are leading that fight.
For what it’s worth this whole Twitter debacle has reignited the geek passion within me which inspired me to:
Double down on Tumblr by investing resources here & Darnell.co
Upgrade my Vimeo account (which was expensive) to integrate with current & future sites
Upgrade my WordPress account: Darnell.tv
Launch a solo hosted Mastodon account: one.Darnell.one/@Darnell
Launch a solo hosted Pixelfed account: darnell.app/darnell (as I am having unrelated issues with Instagram)
Launch a solo hosted Matrix account: Darnell.ooo
Start a solo hosted WriteFreely account: Darnell.day (it’s a blog platform that is fully integrated with ActivityPub)
Restart my medium account: Darnell.Africa
I do not think Twitter will disappear completely from the Internet (pending governmental fines), but if the place becomes too toxic I desire avenues I can express myself upon without interference.
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hasellia · 1 year
9/11 reminds me of when the Christchurch massacre happened in Aotearoa. The next day, my family was at a neighbourhood backyard party. My dad and I talked to an old man who had moved from Serbia to Australia when the subject of the attack came. His eye lit up in fear, and he started talking about "there will be a retaliation! It will happen for sure! It's only a matter of time!" Somehow, despite knowing my dad for roughly a month now, he completely missed that he's muslim and that both me and him carry Islamic names. My dad went to a mosque that very morning praying with the immam and other followers for peace for the families as well as the victims. Even though I'm pale as dog shit my dad is visably a POC, we didn't say say anything back to him other than a soft "no I don't think that'll happen, it'll be alright." I think about the fear in his eyes and how scared that old man was every now and then but especially on this day.
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animeraider · 2 years
The Ramifications - how much trouble is one of the richest people in history actually in?
 I honestly don't think that Elon Musk has really thought all this through.
An awful lot of people at twitter have been let go. Programmers, Human Resources, Security, and especially content moderators. Advertisers have pulled back and he is currently feuding with Apple over the fact that Apple might remove twitter from their app store because it potentially exposes people who would use the app to harm.
It was discovered a few days ago that the Christchurch Massacre found it's way back into twitter in video form. This video was filmed by the killer himself, in the hopes of inspiring others to commit the same kind of violence. Twitter used to take this stuff down within seconds. This time the government of New Zealand had to contact twitter directly to alert them this had happened before the content was taken down.
And this is the part where Elon is in waaaaaaay over his tiny pointed head.
You see, the content moderators at twitter, while far from perfect, have been doing a ton of work. It's not just this massacre but other massacres. Hate Speech. Nazi propaganda. COVID and Election Disinformation. Stalking. Catfishing. Child Porn. All of this has to be searched out and removed. Some of it just in the name of decency, some of it to keep government regulators off their backs.
But that takes staff. Bots alone won't cut it, and that is already readily apparent.
While it isn't true, there is a perception in the Western World that child porn is worse in the Asian Nations than anywhere else. There is a child porn problem there and it's horrific, but the customers tend to be westerners. And as of the moment I'm writing this the staff for twitter that tries to keep this from reaching your feeds is down to one person. In a region of 4.5 Billion people.
What Elon Musk doesn't realize is that some of the countries where this is happening take this very seriously. I would not be surprised to find that he has been indicted on Child Porn charges before the end of the week, because the site he owns is hosting it. In some countries he could be beheaded for this.
I'm shocked that Germany isn't already blocking twitter. It's carrying Nazi propaganda fairly freely now and that's actually illegal in Germany. This is why Volkswagon has pulled their advertising. They could find themselves liable and they want no part of that.
Covid disinformation is now running rampant on twitter. This is something they actually chose to do. And the day they did so over 100,000 people in the US were infected with COVID-19. Nearly 1,000 died. That day.
And then there is the HR fiasco. Musk famously offered people a choice between 3 months severance and signing a contract to work harder. Most took the severance - but many haven't received it. That's because most of their HR department didn't take the deal and there's not enough people left to actually implement the severance. That's actually a violation of California law.
So to sum up only what I've noticed:
1 - Potentially thousands of HR violations 2 - Responsible for disinformation that will lead to people getting sick and dead 3 - Child porn charges 4 - Nazi speech/hate speech violations that are illegal in Germany 5 - Deplatforming by Apple (and I promise you that Google Play will follow if they do) 6 - Terrorism charges. That's what New Zealand has charged people with who have posted video of the Christchurch massacre.
I'm no lawyer, but it seems to me that this is one whole lot of trouble to be in. I could be very wrong about all of this. It's also very very likely that this is only the tip of the iceberg. There's stuff out there that I never would have thought of - that seems evident. 
And I can't deny that Elon's rich, and rich gets away with a LOT.
Is it enough? I have no clue.
It shouldn't be.
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andromedasummer · 2 years
going to be honest elon taking over twitter JUST as i finished my university course on national and international media policy is some unreal shit
#favourite course ive taken hands down got to talk to people in charge of broadcasting authority and the people who#made the acts that decide what is and is not appropriate to appear in film and or broadcast#we fucking!!! talked to the dude who was the chief censor until recently#hes the guy who. when the chch massacre happened had to be in charge of preparing the regulation that outlawed distribution or posession#of the livestream of the massacre#and detailed the nightmare process he and the rest of the people who do classification for video media in the country#they managed to get it out without loopholes two days after the massacre which lead to a buncha white supremacists#who distributed the material being done by the nz legal system#our lecturer also gave us insight into the christchurch call and the very very terrifying lack of international regulations around#social media and internet based media intermediaries#and what they complied with for fear of punishment vs what an actual policy with repercussions would look like#we also got to study the collapse of our shortlived public service broadcasting channels#and find the reason why they failed so severely (labour were spineless neolibs who made. the worst possible choice about how it was rub#and then when the nats came in they scrapped it because absolutely no right wing party in this country and many others#like free broadcast or free information paid by the state as it isnt profitable for them)#can you tell i kind of want to go into this sector of media#i want so badly to help critique research and make policies that will reduce extremism and misinformation on the internet#and have media conglomerates face repercussions instead of individuals who are given the chance to cause this harm#because those platforms let them do that and don't do anything about it
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mim526 · 2 years
Harry's William
Full disclosure, my interest in the British Royal Family is primarily because of William and Catherine and their family.  Naturally, if Harry’s book is apparently going to have much to say about William, I start examining some of its claims. (Bear with me, folks, I've been thinking about some of this stuff for a long time and now seems a good time to post it :-)
Does the William that Harry portrays in leaked excerpts exist?
Re: Harry saying William 'screamed', 'yelled', and 'hit' him
Most of Harry's account I'd need an authenticated untampered video to believe. However, I think William likely did raise his voice strenuously on the occasion of 1) Harry getting in deep with a woman he barely knew, 2) protecting palace staff reportedly bullied by Harry's wife, and 3) Harry leaving the protection and safety of the royal family and monarchy with said wife who by that time they'd all had first-hand experience of behind palace walls.
I'm not related to Harry and cannot say at this point that I have any liking for him, yet I'd love to tell him, "Who else loved you enough to try to yell some sense into your head when you were making the biggest mistakes of your life?" William knew Harry better than anyone, had been his life-long protector.
Re: Harry saying he killed 75 (25?) Taliban
Out of the numerous thoughts I have on this, here’s the most controversial:  Soldiers do not speak publicly of how many people they have killed, but murderers with sick minds do. Killing someone is hard on the psyche even when it’s done to defend or protect.  Harry needs to get himself serious mental help; someone who prescribes something other than pills and/or crossing arms, tapping shoulders, etc.
Why did he say it?  Given the ‘bash William’ theme running through many of the leaks, it’s a good guess to assume in his mind he wanted to one-up his brother who’d never been allowed to see active duty.  Harry made a point in the Netflix episodes of mentioning how his family couldn’t relate to his military experience. 
Let’s look at William’s career experience:  helicopter pilot for search and rescue, then air ambulance.  William has made a few brief personal remarks regarding being unable to save someone or of having to witness abject family grief when an ambulance call ends in being unable to save a suicide victim. He is arguably more familiar with death than his brother and his brother’s 25 Taliban.
One other thing about William’s job. Excerpts from a 2016 BBC article illustrate how much of a cop-out Harry’s self-pity about being the “spare” is.  I think more than any other single thing, it’s the choices William made on the really important things that yielded the difference in brothers, not his being in line for the throne:
It was William himself who insisted on finding a civilian job after he completed his tour of duty as an RAF Search and Rescue pilot in 2013.
Piloting an air ambulance was his way of finding a new role for himself.
It was a departure from tradition. No royal in direct line to the throne had done such a thing before.…
William feels that there is "the time and the space to explore other means of doing a worthwhile job" [service].
Using his real-world experience, William leads in a way that yields real-world results
He brought together for the first time the heads of UK emergency services to create a mental health support package for first responders.
Re: William ‘does not hug strangers’
Oh really?  I’d say it depends on who the stranger is, and how he reads the person.
November 2022
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New Zealand Police Commissioner re: William visiting New Zealand following the Christchurch mosque massacre: 
"If I could use the words he used to our staff, 'a good friend doesn't pick up the phone when a person is in need. They travel to their place and put their arms around them’”…[or offer traditional greetings].
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“His main piece of advice was to talk to each other, to not bottle things up – to support each other to talk about what they saw and what they do afterwards.
“There was a moment with all the first responders (where he was) just telling them how important their job was but also the importance of looking after themselves.
“When he said he was there to put his arms around us as a friend and offer support, that really had an impact on us.”
The ‘head-over-heart’ William that Harry is trying to portray does not exist.  Yes, there is a streak of ruthless in William:  he’s a protector, and some things he is not going to budge on.  He may stand apart from some strangers [or brothers seeking to destroy what William has pledged to protect], but when it comes to those he loves and trusts…let’s let a few pictures tell the tale:
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Her last time...
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Peter Phillips
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Closing with William’s words to a friend:
"I've put my arm around my brother all our lives and I can't do that any more; we're separate entities," the Prince reportedly told a friend. All we can do, and all I can do, is try and support them and hope that the time comes when we're all singing from the same page."
In William we are observing genuine nobility from a bygone era in modern times. 
Well done, Your Royal Highness.  Keep the faith.
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radicalgraff · 6 months
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"Destroy White Supremacy"
Memorial mural in Meanjin / Brisbane, for the victims of the Christchurch massacre, when an Australian white supremacist attacked two mosques in the New Zealand city on 15 March 2019.
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mariacallous · 11 days
While the arrests are not the first targeting the Terrorgram Collective—Slovakian Pavol “SlovakBro” Beňadik and former Atomwaffen Division founder Brandon Russell hold that honor—the charges against Humber and Allison represent a major change from how the FBI and US Department of Justice approach diffuse “accelerationist” terrorism—the nihilist brand of neofascism that seeks to speed up societal collapse and the ascent of a Fourth Reich through mass shootings, bombings, and other acts of terrorism by “lone wolf” actors. Relying on the UK government’s April order declaring the Terrorgram Collective a banned terrorist group and a little-employed section of the “material support for terrorism” section of the US criminal code, federal prosecutors are finally taking an aggressive, whole-of-law approach to violent neofascist extremism.
“What it shows is exactly what I’ve been arguing for years: All the tools they need to do this work, they have,” says Michael German, a former FBI special agent and a liberty and national security fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice, an NYU School of Law nonprofit. German points to years of arguments by the FBI and Department of Justice that they are hamstrung by existing laws when it comes to tackling violent extremists within the United States. “It also reveals the false separation that the government makes about international and domestic terrorism—white supremacy has always been transnational.”
In 2018, German coauthored a study of federal domestic terrorism prosecutions that argued existing laws were sufficient to tackle domestic terrorism, pointing to a particular statute used to charge Humber and Allison with material support. “It’s the material support statute the DOJ forgot,” says German.
The UK’s order against the Terrorgram Collective provided American authorities a basis for labeling a diffusive, ostensibly domestic propaganda group as a “transnational terrorist organization” in a detention motion filed on Tuesday, potentially opening Humber and Allison up to deleterious additional charges and sentencing enhancements. In other words, the US is treating Terrorgram in ways similar to how it has treated Islamist terrorist organizations.
“I would think of this case more like an old-school terrorism investigation, where you have a leadership cell that pushed info to followers and radicalized them into action,” says Seamus Hughes, a terrorism researcher at the University of Nebraska Omaha, of the indictment’s allegations against Humber and Allison.
The role of undercover agents in at least two of the Terrorgram federal prosecutions, the DOJ’s repeated citation of the group’s outlawed status in Great Britain as basis for labeling it a transnational terrorism organization, and the alleged targeting of power infrastructure by participants in the propaganda network, Hughes says, all point to US law enforcement taking a new approach to tackling violent right-wing extremism.
“The vast majority of material support cases are jihadi, but right here, they [allegedly] inspired an individual to plot an attack against a power plant,” he adds. “That’s critical infrastructure and is the lynchpin for the material support of terrorism charge.”
The volume of evidence laid out against Humber and Allison in both the indictment and detention motion, says Hughes, shows the feds have significantly altered their approach to both far-right terrorism and particularly "lone wolf" accelerationists who have perpetrated massacres ranging from Christchurch in 2019 to Buffalo in 2022.
“When they go further than they have in the past to lay out the transnational connections and overlay a material support charge, it shows that either the feds are trying to make a point, or they were very concerned about these particular actors,” Hughes says.
Senior attorneys from the DOJ’s Civil Rights and National Security divisions are listed on the court filings in this matter, another indication that the top ranks of the Biden administration’s Justice Department called the shots on the Terrorgram Collective investigation.
“To build a case in this fashion is a decision that gets made at Main Justice,” Hughes says. “Someone high up decided to sign off on this.”
‘Terrorgram’ Charges Show US Has Had Tools to Crack Down on Far-Right Terrorism All Along
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sidleyparkhermit · 15 days
And in local Justice Dept. indictment news:
From a residence in Boise, Matthew Allison, 37, is accused of fostering a loosely connected online haven for extremists seeking to incite a race war. His tactics included splicing adulatory videos about prior terror attacks and compiling detailed how-to guides that included the nuts and bolts of how to make bombs and chemical weapons, how to find a suitable target and how not to get caught, according to a Department of Justice indictment and news release. In pursuit of ways to “accelerate” violent clashes around the globe to speed up the creation of a white ethnostate, the conspirators looked to radicalize new recruits and incentivize their violent ideations, calling attackers “saints” and promising to commemorate those who succeeded, authorities said. One document that was in the works, called the “Saint Encyclopedia,” included mugshots of white supremacist killers and still photographs from a shooter’s 2019 livestream of a Christchurch, New Zealand, massacre, which killed 51 Muslims attending prayer services. The network of communications channels, group chats and archives was built on the social media app Telegram and is known as “Terrorgram.” The activities on the platform and charges against Allison and alleged co-conspirator Dallas Humber, of Elk Grove, California, were detailed in a 37-page indictment released by the Justice Department on Monday.
The Telegram web was replete with instructional manuals for how to make bombs, videos valorizing past attacks motivated by racist ideologies, detailed instructions for targeting important infrastructure and words of encouragement for any would-be attackers. Here are some of the international terrorist attacks that federal authorities linked to Allison and Humber, and documented in the indictment. SLOVAKIA A 19-year-old Slovakian killed two people and injured a third in a shooting at an LGBTQ+ bar in Bratislava in October 2022. He then killed himself. Before the attack, the shooter authored a manifesto and sent it to Allison, “thanking Terrorgram for inspiring and guiding him.” A section of “Recommended Reading” included one of the Terrorgram’s documents, which the shooter called a “practical” guide to carrying out their agenda. Humber later created an audiobook version of the manifesto. Before his attack, the shooter had been in “frequent” conversation with Allison online, and was celebrated by him in reposts after the killings.
NEW JERSEY In July, an 18-year-old was arrested for allegedly plotting to attack an electrical substation in New Jersey. He had been an active member of Allison and Humber’s Telegram group chats, and had thanked other members for sending him “accelerationist propaganda” videos created or spread by Allison. One of Allison’s videos had recommended a particular method to break an electrical transformer; the New Jersey attacker recommended that an accomplice — who turned out to be an undercover agent — use the same method. TURKEY In mid-August, an 18-year-old from Turkey was arrested in the stabbing of five people outside a mosque in a city southeast of Istanbul. He wrote in his manifesto that he had used Terrorgram’s documents to plan his attack, and also shared the 2022 manifesto of the Slovakian attacker. In a separate instance last December, Allison encouraged another user who had expressed his plans to commit a mass shooting, the indictment said. “Wish you the best in everything homie,” Allison wrote to him.
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