#chubby cursed cat alastor
henchy5824 ยท 5 months
Keys and Cats
Oh boi! Been doing a little more digital art (seriously, it's addicting). Been learning a lot. Linework is still atrocious but at least I can mask it with shitty backgrounds now! ๐Ÿ˜‚
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This is going to be a wombo combo of art and headcannon. So here goes:
I got inspired by this little story here https://archiveofourown.org/works/54281104 by @soot-and-salt
My inspiration led me to think about how that could be a concept to be expanded upon.
So we all know Keekee is sort-of the spirit of the Hazbin Hotel. She is at the same time master key, house pet and she can go(or fly) where she wants and open any door.
Now, I think it would probably be a good idea for normal hotel operations for the hotel manager and the facility manager to also have their own keys. We see throughout the show that Vaggie has to constantly borrow Keekee to do her job. Not very efficient.
That's where other keys and the Cursed Cat Alastor character come in
Personal headcannon ties into how Cursed Cat Alastor could possibly make an appearance in the show and this is how:
-Magical Master Key blanks are generic and literally blank until given to a person by Lucifer
-The keys get infused by the souls of their owners to make them sentient. So the creatures that spring from this are somewhat a reflection of their owners. Not perfectly, of course and the owners don't pour their soul into the object. These keys are NOT horcruxes. It's more a guideline/baseline of what type of creature springs into being.
-The cats that turn into keys and can open every door have their own personalities and are only somewhat aligned to the person that lend their soul to its creation. So basically like Keekee only with a way more nerdy explanation. It just kinda made sense to me that way because of what we see from Charlie and Keekee during the show. I might be too over enthusiastic about this, though! ๐Ÿ˜‚
Loom and Ariel.
Since we can't keep calling the character Cursed Cat Alastor, I figured I give him a proper name in my headcannon. So he is called Loom. Like a looming shadow. He has the ability to shadow teleport, similar to Alastor only for Loom the teleport is instantaneous inside the Hotel. Unlike the two girls, he can't fly but he can make himself loooong like a fluffy cat snake (after all, you get longer bellyrubs if your belly is longer! It makes perfect sense! LOL).
He likes bellyrubs and wheedling treats ouf of Lucifer. Because Lucifer has a weakspot for small fluffy animals he always caves. Loom is a chubby round loaf cat with stubby legs. So basically the inverse of Alastor. Which is hilarious. Alastor himself loves his cat because it's just as much an agent of chaos as himself. Loom makes Theremin noises in addition to purring. So when Loom purrs Alastor can add his own background noise /white/grey into the mix to make an entire room sleepy and relaxed.
Ariel was a fun name to pick out because it means 'Lion of God' and that was oddly funny and fitting for a literal winged angel cat.
She is a tall elegant cat with a big fluffy tail. I based her loosely around Duchess from Aristocats. Her highlights and colorpallette are based on Vaggie, of course. I did change the wing color to those of Adams wings because it looked better in contrast to keeping the Vaggie/Exorcist pallette for the wings.
I have a weakspot for kittehs like that. Elegant and cute go very well together. And long fluffy tail is always nice! Like the other two cats Ariel can teleport inside the Hotel and she can fly in general like Keekee, though she has to use her wings to do it. So she doesn't exactly 'float' like we see Keekee do in the show. Ariel has an interesting attachment to Husk. She likes to perch somewhere in the proximity of the bartop (although not directly on it) and watch him work. Although Husk is not a catperson he did come to value her presence over time and sometimes goes over to pet her when nobody is looking.
She likes her ears scratched (especially the folded ear) and Husk is more than happy to oblige. Vaggie is of course overjoyed with her cat. Ariel is best friends with Keekee but the two girls accept Loom in their circle. When they get annoyed by his antics, they just fly out of reach.
Ok this turned out way longer and way weirder than I though. LOL
Sorry not sorry BAIIIIII ๐Ÿ˜‚
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radioisntdead ยท 4 months
Good evening folks! I wasn't feeling the best today so I decided to treat myself and I made a sheet + some details for my sona [with a very mild redesign]
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She's supposed to be a little more chubby [because I am] but apparently that vanished during my lineart and I did not have the energy to fix it.
She's a lil' deer lady who writes fanfiction and does other things in the hotel, she got taken out around the early 1930's after discovering something she wasn't supposed too.
She wrote a few books that never got published during her lifetime.
Ranging from wholesome romance, horror to children's books.
She has two sets of ears because I have a thing for elf ears, she can hear out of both pairs, the elf ears are pierced, She's more sensitive towards loud noises.
Her pupils are ink splotches, and the marks on her body resemble ink splotches.
She dyes parts of her hair brown, just to somewhat stay in touch with what she looked like before, without the brown it's fully pink [?]
Honestly has no idea WHAT she did to end up down there, has a couple of theories though.
She has a notebook with all the details about loved ones, along with doodles, just in case she forgets what they looked like, She wonders if her loved ones still remember her or if she's buried deep in their memories, forever forgotten.
She has a whole thing with being forgotten or forgetting.
She absolutely HATED some of the deer aspects she got stuck with at first, particularly her deer ears at first, definitely tried to tear them off when she got oversimulated.
She learned to adore her deer parts within time especially her hooves because hooves, they make click-clack noises, she still wants to tear her deer ears off when she gets oversimulated though.
Ended up getting involved with Alastor and temporarily [and without permission] took over his radio tower when he was away for seven years, forcing sinners to hear her sleep deprived rambles and whatever songs she felt like listening to.
Moved into the hazbin hotel because she had nothing better to do plus it gave her more time to indulge in her hobbies without worry of getting murked or something.
Wonders if she truly gets redeemed would her loved ones accept her when they're reunited again?
Her choker has a spades charm on it [Ace of spades]
Occasionally keeps cursed cat Alastor hostage, also kidnaps the egg bois to change their outfits or draw on them.
Crochets little plushies and gives them to everyone in the hotel.
Old versions
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Alrighty I'm done being cringe for now, I'm writing the part two for that Velvette fic, so Tune on in later today or tomorrow for it!
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