#chui tanakamigi
tophatcats · 8 months
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Hi I just finished Jack Jeanne, so the shitposting will commence.
Based on this
[ID: A set of four drawing gifs based on a tiktok video. The gifs feature three characters from the game Jack Jeanne doing ridiculous dance moves as a trio.
The first gif is labeled "dances to pull out at parties. Grave digger." and has one character unmoving, face down on the floor with the other two miming shoveling motions. The second is "lumberjack" with one character with arms raised acting like a tree while the other two pretend to use a large saw. The third is "landing crew" with one character flying in like an airplane and the others signaling for his descent. Finally, the last is "skier" with one character pretending to ski down a slope while standing on the backs of the other two, who are lying flat on the floor.]
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dream-effect · 6 months
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Played Jack Jeanne and just had to draw the sillies<3 this all started bc of shirota's stupid carpet hat and then i just kept going
Neji was my fave of the quartz bois, but out of them all, Minorikawa has my heart and chui is a close second im sorry 😔😔😔
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banned-player · 7 months
Wouldn’t it be quirky and cute to be able to romance Chuui Tanakamigi in Jack Jeanne? Man what I’d give. I won’t give up hope for a Fan Disk yet.
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archaeren · 2 months
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Completed illustration for the update that goes out today for my MigiKisa slow burn. <3 Pencil and inking were done traditionally, screentone and typesetting were done digitally.
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glumii · 6 months
everyday i wake up disappointed knowing that there's no chui route.
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mikadolightsaber · 10 months
Evertime I see Chui in the game I can't get over his posture he is the shrimp boy
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barako-and-tea · 11 months
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"His determination is pure... He's always chasing his dream. Not seeing anyone else's world because he's so in love with his own. Tanakamigi's also just... a seventeen-year-old."
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jackjeannebrainrot · 8 months
Jack Jeanne Special Gold Saves
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Japanese credit and English translation credit
WARNING: Potential Route Spoilers can be found below, continue reading at your own risk.
In the scene at the shrine, when Chuza says, "Oh, you must think I'm some flashy con artist, don't you? Take a look at the school's website. Here."
In the scenario that occurs during the first singing lesson, when Tancho's line, "Life must be dazzling! And so too will you dazzle, my little diamonds in the rough!"
Tues April 14th - In the conversation scene after rehearsal, when Neji says, "Well, just leave it to me. I have confidence from polishing the 'dull Quartz' after Tsuki Tachibana left."
Sat May 30th - During the "Newcomer Performance", when Otori's line "…………………… Gah." (Scene where Otori's event illustration is displayed)
During the preparation period for the summer performance, during the 5th Weekend with Ion'', the line "I mean, I'm now a match for Kiito with his incredible physique." (before starting song practice)
In the additional scenario that occurs when you visit Mona Star School 10 times during the preparation period for the summer performance , when Mona 's line “Oh, yes! I was known as Univeil's Brown Rose, you know?''
Sat July 25th - During the "Summer Performance", when Kai's line "Don't play dumb. It's as if… " (Scene where Mutsumi's event illustration is displayed)
During summer break when selecting "Go Out" with Kasai at Onyx Dorms (playing soccer/football) - Kasai says, "Or so you think…!"
Mon Oct 12th - In the scene during rehearsal, when Orimaki 's line "Gotcha! Hup. Hahaha."
Sat Oct 24th - During the “Autumn Performance,'' right after choosing to speak to Fumi from the wings of the stage, his line “Wow, that really ticks me off!!!"
Sat Oct 24th - During the “Autumn Performance'', after choosing the option to speak to Suo, his line "I'll kill you… I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you!!" (Scene where Sou's event illustration is displayed)
Tues Dec 22nd - After rehearsal at the theater (at night), in the conversation scene with Mitsuki, his line “No matter who you are, I accept you."
Thurs Dec 24th - During the "Winter Performance", when Kisa's line "Aaaaahh… agh…!" ( Scene where event illustration with Mitsuki is displayed)
Sat Jan 16th - when Ao says, "I'll be rooting for you. If times get tough, just remember Ao is here. I'll always be with you."
Wed Jan 27th - when Kisa 's line "The central nation of Kielce is my entire life" (Scene where Kisa's event illustration is displayed)
Sun Jan 31st - In Kisa's route , when Chui’s line "Come with me. I’ll take you as far as you want to go" appears. This is a scene after going out.
Sat Feb 27th - Before the play begins, in the scene in the theater/corridor, Kisa says, "So watch me, okay?"
In Suzu's intimacy scenario 3, when Suzu's line " ... " appears. (Scene where event illustration is displayed)
Mon Jan 4th - In the scene in the Rhodonite practice hall, when Mare's line "Whaaaaaaaa?!” (the second time)
Sat Feb 27th - After the Final Performance on Suzu’s route, when Kamiya 's line “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry'' appears. (Scene inside the Universal Theater)
In Mitsuki’s Intimacy Scenario 2, when Mitsuki says, " Do you guys mind…?" (Scene in the rehearsal hall at the beginning of the scenario)
Fri Feb 12th - In Mitsuki’s route, when Kaido says , "I was waiting for you to say that! Sugachi, I want you to be Onyx’s victorious dancing princess!"
Mon Feb 1st - In Sou’s route, when Momonashi says, “I want to consume Chui Tanakamigi. I want to take him, swallow him, and turn him into myself.” (Scene at Mt. Odate)
Wed Feb 24th - In Sou’s route, when Sou says, “Your ability to think about yourself gets warped and you can’t see the world for what it is.” (Scene where event illustration is displayed)
Fri Jan 29th - In Kai’s route, when Kai says, “What is it?” while talking to Mitsuki as he’s looking for Kisa.
Fri Feb 19th - In Fumi’s route, when Fumi says, “Sorry… I wasn’t careful and I got sick.” when visiting Fumi in his room.
Wed Feb 24th - In Neji’s route, when Neji says, “I was excited to see how far he’ll go. Which is why I wrote scripts for him and even played his AI Jeanne.” when speaking in the Quartz Training Room.
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whimsicorner · 2 months
Jack Jeanne posting, I am working my way thru routes (finished Suzu and Mitsuki and working on Fumi) and I love the ensemble cast....I really enjoyed the contrast between the second-years in Quartz, Rhodonite, and Onyx vs the situation in Amber where (as noted by Mitsuki) Chui isn't doing a good job of, like, mentoring the freshmen? Mitsuki and Minorikawa helping teach others and Sugachi helping support the lads vs Kamiya in Amber being 5 seconds away from a tantrum or a meltdown at all times and Tanakamigi just kinda not helping him understand what he needs to do to grow in a way he would accept
(Oh, to be a teenage boy put on a pedestal by other teenage boys and even the faculty to the point that the entire class is focusing their talent on supporting one person instead of working as a balanced team and thereby creating what I can only describe as a functional hot mess—everyone goes on about Quartz after Tsuki left but what will become of Amber if they don't change it?)
Fic where Sugachi, Minorikawa, and Mitsuki have a very awkward friending moment with Tanakamigi in their 3rd year....maybe.... (since Chui seems to start understanding the appeal of social links at the end of people's routes so far)
(I also cackle because Mitsuki is like an angry terrier next to a borzoi when they're on screen at the same time)
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protect-namine · 2 months
(kisa route) in a way, sissia vs gashadokuro really is as much a competition between kisa and chui as it is between present neji and past neji, and all of the things kisa, chui, and neji represent. quartz vs amber, transformation/collaboration vs raw talent, reaching for visions yet to be realized vs perfecting a vision. the "gear" and "gods and mortals" metaphors
the irony of chui "I'll die for theater, literally and figuratively" tanakamigi existing while neji is writing a play where the lead also "dies for theater", but chui and sissia are coming at it from completely different directions
like, to me, this is neji's finale as much as it is kisa's. quartz exists the way it does because neji transferred there and reshaped the class to make up for tsuki's absence. all of the plays they perform are a product of neji absorbing everyone around him, but every play is also a reflection of neji's thoughts on his classmates and his growth as a character and artist
just look at I Am Death and how his writing progressed to central nation of sissia. neji wrote takihime because he wanted chui to have hope that there is someone out there who can match his talents, that he wouldn't be lonely on the stage. but neji himself didn't really believe (at the time) that such a person exists. while he meant well, it's kind of a mean thing to write for chui, who is the kind of artist who will try to perfect the script over and over, always searching for takihime
sissia, on the other hand, was written for kisa. neji wrote all the things necessary to kisa, which includes having "warm and welcoming friends"
if chui met quartz!neji instead of amber!neji, he might have gotten a kinder script, one where gashadokuro doesn't get summoned by a takihime that acts as his mirror, but one where he is brought down to earth and warmly humanized by the people around him
all this is made all the more poignant during the scene when kisa saw chui practicing at the himehiko shrine and the player can make the choice for kisa to see chui as just another seventeen year old boy, reaching for his dreams like she is. in many ways, neji and kisa are probably the only people in univeil who take the time to see chui as just another fellow artist, human and growing and changing, while the rest of them (amber, univeil, tamasaka) are basically elevating him to god/demon status and distance themselves from ever connecting with him
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sssusuki · 10 months
I am having Jackjeanne brain rot so really quick. I've only finished Shirota's route and I am moving to Sou's due to interest (I mean I keep seeing people complain about his route) so this could be a shot in the dark, but what happens to Tsuki Tachibana? Like, from what I have seen he completely haunts the narrative with how his presence both positively and negatively affected Univeil (positively in how it allowed the principal to scout Kisa and negative in how it affected the third years after he left). I absolutely love how much his presence is there, whether it's from how the third years act to how Kisa Tachibana is probably a constant reminder of the man that raised Quartz so high that they had that much to lose when he left. Just, is that ever resolved? I've heard that he is mentioned a bit more in Kai's and Fumi's route, but is there any appearance of him? Or at least a confirmation of where he is? Also interesting how Shirota and the other second years mention how each generation has a cursed player. For the second years it was glaringly Chui Tanakamigi. For the third years could it be Tsuki Tachibana? And considering how I assume Kisa rises to the very top, would she be the first years cursed student? Anyway I leave with saying I would play a sequel, whether it goes over the next two years and their problems to overcome or perhaps a prequel where you play Tsuki Tachibana. Like, JUST THE STORY IS SO GOOD.
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x1000mega · 2 years
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archaeren · 4 months
My type is men who sincerely and respectfully admit when they were wrong when nobody even asked and that's why I love Tanakamigi Chui.
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archaeren · 4 months
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Anyway here's some art I did a month or so ago of best boy Tanakamigi Chui. Pencil sketch on the left, traditionally inked version on the right. I love sad bendy theatre goth very much.
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archaeren · 2 months
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Didn't finish it as much as I'd like, but it'll look better for next time.
Val and I at Anime Boston as Shirota Mitsuki and Tanakamigi Chui, respectively.
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archaeren · 4 months
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MigiKisa illustration WIP! For the fanfic that I will one day finish writing lol
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