#cierra little rants <3
smuttyaf · 11 months
ok but i think harry looks hot 🫢
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Completely agree with shat you said about season 2 nationals, it was probably the best season and competition yet
best season and best competition format tbh
i feel like the competition format in the future season was just so bad? like i hated the one from season 4 (hate season 4 in general) and the regionals in season 6 was just bad because i hated the way they separated things by genre...
and like season 2 felt like a natural progression from season 1? like the drama was great, the dances all hit HARD, and at the end, the win felt earned. season 3 was just a little too boring for me, i didn't feel like there was much going on. they really started repeating storylines at that point, like the dance captains feud, a key member not being in a troupe, etc. etc.
plus the new characters like max and cierra didn't really ADD anything to the story, not in the way thalia and hunter did in season 2.
ANYWAYS this is a rant best saved for my future sideblog that i am creating rn :))
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missjugheadjones · 8 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @a5ginger haha thank you so here we go... Rules: answer the question in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better a - age: 16 (17 this year) b - birthplace: Colorado Springs c - current time: d - drink you last had: hot chocolate e - easiest person to talk to: my best friends whom aren't on Tumblr, I've yet to meet friends on here f - favorite song: Drops Of Jupiter- Train g - grossest memory: threw up on kids during my first kindergarten performance, and then fainted. But hey I'm not a quitter so I came back and finished strong (hell yeah) h - horror yes or horror no: is horror ehhh an acceptable answer? i - in love? Not with anyone I can actually have (cough cough Misha Collins cough Cole Sprouse) j - jealous of people?: of people who have their lives figured out??? k - killed someone?: if I did would I post about it?? l - love at first sight or should I walk by again: that's some smooth ass shit right there, damn m - middle name: Cierra n - number of siblings: 3 sisters, 1 brother o - one wish: can't tell you or it won't come true, nice try tho 😉 p - person you called last: Pizza Hut... q - question you’re always asked: Is your hair naturally red? noooo... I dye it non-stop. Constantly. For the past 17 years. And then they go "well blue eyed gingers are rare, did you know?" And I'm like yes.... so I've been told. Haha sorry little rant oops... r - reason to smile: my friends, my family, Jughead Jones, my bed, my food s - song you sang last: lights down low by MAX (I found it from an edit of riverdale and thought 'yes bitch, I need that in my life' " t - time you woke up: 5:30am (kill me?) u - underwear color: navy blue v - vacation destination: Paris or London w - worst habit: how much time do you have??? Yelling at the tv like people can hear me is probably my worst one.. oops x - x-rays: surprisingly not... y - your favorite food: Dynamite (chips from the Dorito brand) or Hotwings or Sushi... z - zodiac sign: Libra I’ll tag: I don't really know anybody on Tumblr so I mean whoever wants to do it, go ahead 😂 Just put me as the person who tagged you so I can get to know you and we can be friends
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hereismylifeasliz · 8 years
3/16/17 3:40 pm
reflection reflection reflection-
so this past quarter has been hard- not as bad as last and definitely quicker but i has opened my eyes to so many things. To start, I want to do well in school, this means i have to study a lot more than I am right now and I have to learnt o study effectively. I need to learn to excite myself over learning the content im learning and realize that without it, I cannot do the things i want to do. I feel like overall, there is general negative energy to engineering rather than an excitement about how cool everything is that we are learning. I feel as if my education is chore like in order to do the things that are exciting, i must go through all this crap that i do not want to go through. Which is true but also realizing that the subjects are themselves very fascinating. I used to be very good at categorizing things in my head as exciting and then allowing them to be so but i think ive lost that i cant really tell why. I feel like its age and wisdom. I just know nothing lasts forever not pain, not happiness, not love, nothing- but I also know that everything will come and go as it should. nothing need be forced and truthfully evrything will turn out okay. Which quite frankly is such a passive way to live life. I am not passive- its much less exhausting but i think ive been living very passively for from what i can recall, about a year now.. thats not who i want to be and i dont believe thats going to get me where i want to be either. So im going to have to be a little bit more aggressive and direct with my life’s path- even though its scary because im making a decision. And thus if things do not work out- i have blame and guilt which will in turn be two new lessons i will learn once i fail for the first time with this new POV. Im groing to actually love aerosapce more - more than what is does for me. I really believe this field is helping the world and mankind so much more and the sky isnt even the limit- there is no limit and thats incredibly empowering. 
My friendships this quarter have shifted, not greatly- but ive become much closer to people i care about and drifted from people as well. As we all do over time. I havent been very good at keepign in tough with my friends and family from back home which i need to call them all weekend to see how they are. (brooke, bay, kai, cierra, and ash) (side note: im tired of fighting with ash - truthfully, itll depend how she treats alex- shes kind of shallow and if she looks down on him or our relationship because hes not a 6′5 body builder on USC footballs team, its going to make it worse- mostly because i expect her and katie to do that) ANYWAYS- i need to call them, and my grandma and my brother and PR and my dad- i just need to be better at contact wow. I just hate talking on the phone, the whole time the both of you are just wondering when itll end. But at school, things are thriving. Ive made a lot of friend in club, in alexs frat, and in aero and also in chi o. Ive gotten a lot closer with maile and jasmyn which is really nice because i definitely need a break from erica sometimes. ive drifted from erica kind of a lot since our fight but most of that is due to the fact that im busy and in my free time i want to be with alex. we also generally hang out before or after dance which we don thave right now. I hope shes doing okay but im very worried with her living with simone that shes going to start taking a lot of adderral and other shit that she shouldnt be putting into her body. but i judt dont know what else i can tell her other than to get some help and take care of herself and shes getting help but shes not taking care of herself. she isnt eating healthily and she drinks on a regualr basis and i just dont know how many times i can tell her that im worried for her- they go in one ear and out the other and its exhuasting- those words are tired and i am tired- i dont want to be but i am so tired of having to take so much care for my friend who doesnt return the same and wont let me help her. - ok erica rant over for now at least
Nooooowww juicy stuff- Alex is wonderful, things have definitely slowed down but i think its because were both so busy that we cant keep out heads in the clouds for too long or well definitely crash and burn. I want to get to know him better and im excited for him to come home and meet my family- it will truthfully be a make or break for me- so its a little scary. I feel like ive pulled myself back and little and i want to be all in but i dont want things to get so comfortable that we stop doing new things and learning about eachother and being excited to see one another. I feel like i should tell him that. I just want to the music to keep playing but im not sure how you do that. Im so in love with him and i dont want to forget and vice versa. I need to ask him more questions. I feel like itll help us connect on another level and i want that. I want to love him forever im just so scared. 
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smuttyaf · 7 months
i reached 5.5k followers !!
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smuttyaf · 8 months
the business part 2 is at 8.1k 🙃
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smuttyaf · 8 months
kinda wanna write thomas shelby smut 🫢
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smuttyaf · 9 months
the one shot i’m writing is mafia harry >.<
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smuttyaf · 10 months
the one shot i’m currently writing is definitely one of my top 3 fav fics i’ve ever done 🥺
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smuttyaf · 5 months
y’all i promise i’m writing 😭 it’s just that my birthday is next week so i’ve been busy! but i promise i will be posting soon!!
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smuttyaf · 7 months
i’m gonna try my best to finish and edit the xxxtra part for the business so i can post today!!
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smuttyaf · 6 months
i ended up folding and decided to create a playlist for the series!! so any song recommendations send them in pleaseee!!
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smuttyaf · 6 months
i know i haven’t been posting, but part five of the business is gonna be posted wednesday!!!!
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smuttyaf · 7 months
watching love is blind & seeing them picking out their wedding dresses make me want to get married sooo bad
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smuttyaf · 7 months
that after concert feeling >>>
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smuttyaf · 7 months
i hope everyone is having a good day :)
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