mavisdracule · 4 years
black sunhat resting on her head and pink heart sunglasses blocking her eyes, mavis bounced around the festival grounds. sipping on her apple cider slushy, she stopped at another booth, one of those water gun shooting games. “ooohh. how does this one work?” she asks out loud, not sure if anyone would even answer. there seemed to be a tension in the air on this second day of the event, but she had no clue why or what was happening.
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missbxll · 4 years
while there were obviously so many things to love about any island festival, especially the halloween ones, the main draw of it was always the alcohol. not many places around were super strict when it comes to carding people, but at the festivals? there was practically no restrictions on who they’ll let drink. so long as you looked to be at least out of high school, you were good. which was something tink very much took advantage of - now multiple drinks in and working on another when she spots a familiar boy sitting off by himself. “phoenix!” she calls out, flying over towards him and dropping down next to him on the bench. without any hesitation, she leans in and wraps her arm around him in a side hug - far more affectionate than she’d ever been with him. “you’re alive! where have you been hiding?” @phoenixpanics​
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greenlouieduck · 4 years
It was incredible that the most anticipated night of the year, actually one of the most anticipated along with others, had passed as fast as a snap of the fingers. Worst? That he had missed it. Louie slipped a handful of bills into the front pocket of his jacket, calmly fiddling with the zipper of the jacket to finally fasten it. His intention was to enjoy a bit of what was still available throughout the day, maybe even win a prize in one of those games that had been decorated in a Halloween style. Instead of leaving a note to excuse his absence to the other residents of the mansion, a devised plan to escape had been put in place and he was able to flee, focusing solely on being able to explore the event on his own. Without even wearing a costume, the youngest of the triplets began to calmly walk between the stalls, only to realize that the atmosphere was not exactly festive. The inhabitants who were around there seemed to be in tension, and there was no way to know the reason for that, although it was something that should not be overlooked if something was not right. Shaking his head so as not to back down with the decision. "Hey, excuse me." Louie called out to the closest individual, not caring if it was a familiar face or a stranger, with a tone of slight concern. "What's wrong? Why is everyone so nervous?"
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elsarendelle · 4 years
This was why Elsa mostly stayed at home; anytime she was having a good time and letting loose, something would happen. It was far late in the night at this point, and Elsa and her sister were surprisingly still awake and still in their costumes. Elsa would usually be back into her room by now but .. after hearing about the people who went missing, her nerves felt shot. A glass of wine being held between her frosty fingers, so many things swarmed through her mind after they left the event to go home. “Anna, this is insane..” Elsa took a sip of her wine, wondering what would’ve happened if she’d lost Anna at the festival, or if she’d been kidnapped, herself. What if certain people were targeted? Could either of them be next? Did Elsa’s powers put them at risk? “Maybe we should’ve stayed home.. Who knows what would’ve happened if either of us went missing.” @skatinganna​
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masonofhearts · 4 years
It was strange, not being here with Gen. So when Flora drifted off for a moment to check out some things on her own, it seemed like the perfect time to search his boss out. Thankfully it didn’t take too long for Mason to find her and once he did, he approached her with a with a grin. “You know I’m curious - if I hadn’t been dressing up with Flora, what would you have had me wear this year? Be the bodyguard husband to your kidnapped heiress?” he jokes, though a part of him genuinely does want to know. @quccnofhcxrts​
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powerfulzhan · 4 years
As she walked around the grounds of the festival, it took more effort than normal for Zhan to keep a neutral expression on her face. The distinct lack of people here on the second day was a good sign in and of itself, but seeing a handful of individuals running around trying to find their lost love ones and feeling the tension that hung in the air made it obvious that her plan had worked. Approaching the nearest person, the corners of her lips twisted into a frown as she held her hands together in front of her. “Excuse me?” she interrupted, grabbing the attention of the individual. “Do you know what’s going on?” It was important to find out what exactly the general public already knew and to begin planting the seeds of doubt and worry inside the minds of anyone she could.
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dirtydeville · 4 years
Dropping down onto a bench next to a little frog that’s just chilling by himself, staring at some flies hovering above a garbage can, Phil shakes his head. “Flies aren’t worth it, little guy,” he comments, as if the animal can understand him. “Hold on. Here.” Bending over he looks around on the ground and picks up a beetle that had been crawling by. “These are where it’s at.” And with that he pops the bug into his mouth. @naveenmaldonia​
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zandertarr · 4 years
Island events weren’t normally Zander’s thing, unless they were held in the forest. But lately as he’s been joining society more and more he’s felt inclined to participate in the different festivities. Which was why he was here. He didn’t have plans to stay long until he spotted a familiar face. “It’s strange seeing you without your cats,” he jokes in greeting as he approaches Jack. @skellington-jack​
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officialcliomuse · 4 years
silence. that was how the past five minute had gone. and that was how clio planned on keeping it. because for once she was actively trying to be on her best behavior. for the sake of danny’s birthday. glancing up from her phone, she looked around to see if anyone was coming back - she’d even take fucking fred at this point, she was getting that desperate. @tomagogo​
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emotionalriley · 4 years
Sliding up as best they could on Billy’s side, Riley reaches out to hook their arm through his. “My darling wife! Oh how I have missed thee,” they declare loudly in the very incorrect british accent and deep voice they’ve been talking in all day. “Have you seen that lovely granddaughter of ours lately? I can’t seem to find her anywhere!” @bingbongbilly​
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ladylaylas · 4 years
“so how many guesses do i get to figure out your costume?” she asks as they take a seat at one of the picnic tables with their pumpkin pancake bread. layla was slightly skeptical of it at first, unsure what pancake bread would be like, but now that it was in front of her she did have to admit it smelled delicious. “keep in mind, whatever number you give me is the same amount you get to guess mine as well.” @nickswildbro​
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missbxll · 4 years
“Just when I think you can’t get any more pathetic,” Tink starts with a smirk, floating a few inches off the ground with her arms crossed over her chest. She hadn’t indented to bother Wendy during this event, but when she spotted her by herself dressed in what should obviously be a group costume, she really had no other choice than to comment on it. “Yet here you are - an angel on her own. You really don’t even have two other friends to dress up with you?” @wcndybird​
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artsandpoppy · 4 years
A dramatic gasp escapes her lips as Poppy catches sight of the person in a costume. At the sound Lily Rose turns her head towards her mother and Poppy grins at her before reaching out a hand to point out the stranger. “Look, Lilies! It’s Peppa Pig!” Making her way over to the Peppa, a lavender shaded glow radiates off her skin at how excited and giggly her daughter is as they approach the person. “Hi there Peppa,” she greets, looking between the adult and the child. “We’re very big fans of your show. Aren’t we Lilies?” She hoped the person in the costume would be okay with this, but she also couldn’t imagine they wouldn’t be. You don’t dress up as Peppa Pig if you aren’t prepared for kids to come talk to you. @angelosanger​
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elsarendelle · 4 years
Elsa didn’t normally do well in crowds. Especially without her gloves, she was feeling somewhat exposed as she walked around the festival, matching as an m&m with her sister. She didn’t want to follow Anna around the entire night, despite not wanting to be left alone, so for some parts of the festival, she had to find ways to keep herself entertained. Her gloveless fingertips were feeling cold, despite the hot chocolate she held to keep her hands occupied. As she was walking through the booths, she noticed an unfamiliar figure following nearby, dressed as the phantom of the opera. Elsa felt herself make eye contact with them a few times, wondering if she was being paranoid or if they truly were hovering close by. After making eye contact a few times, she decided to confront them, wondering if she was perhaps not recognizing them. “Sorry... Do I know you?” @hansoftheisles​
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littletriton · 4 years
The usual fluttering or butterflies that came with seeing Eric was very much present as Ariel approached him, but for once another emotion was just a bit stronger than their crush. “You’re a lilypad?” they questioned, confusion clear in their voice as they stare at his costume and try to make sense of it. @ohcapitans​
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claudettebijou · 4 years
with the bakery’s booth being watched over by one of her employees, claudette was free to roam around the festival on her own. she felt ridiculous, dressed up in this costume without hans by her side to make it more obvious who she was supposed to be, but at least she wasn’t the dumbest looking person here. that much was clear when she saw two pigs pass by, talking in offensively inaccurate british accents. shaking her head at the sight and making a note to tell the others about that once she finds them, the blonde spots a different familiar face first - granted one that looked quite different today. but just the way he was holding himself made it clear to claudette that it was oscar standing a few feet ahead. with a small smirk, she moves to stand in front of him and look his own costume over. “i should have known you wouldn’t hold back for halloween,” she comments, reaching out to run her hands over his suit. “how long did that makeup take you?” @ohimreallyscared​
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