#cindy sorenson
gameofthunder66 · 5 months
'Role Models' (2008) film
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-watched 4/22/2024- 2 [3/4] stars- on DVD (Netflix)
77% Rotten Tomatoes
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theanticool · 6 years
Potential 2019 PFL Women’s Lightweight Tournament
If PFL can manage a season 2 and follows through with a women’s lightweight tournament, here’s some names I’d like to see them try to get.
Kayla Harrison- only definite
Jozette Cotton
Zarah Fairn Dos Santos
Charmaine Tweet
Felicia Spencer
Ediane Gomes
Cindy Dandois
Pam Sorenson
“King” Reina Miura 
Zamzagul Fayzallanova 
Peggy Morgan
Veronica Rothenhausler
Amanda Lucas
Kaitlin Young
LaToya Walker
Gabrielle Holloway 
Gase Sanita 
Daria Ibragimova
Anita Höehenleiter
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godsavethegold · 6 years
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Francis Ford Coppola, Bill Bray, Tony Cox, Cindy Sorenson, Debbie Lee Carrington, Michael Jackson and Jonathan Spence godsavethegold.tumblr.com
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thesportssoundoff · 6 years
TUF 28 try outs today
Almost 60 dudes and 29 female featherweights showed up. 
Women of note:
Jozette Cotton (8-1) Pam Sorenson (7-2, Invicta vet, wins over Jessie Rose Clark and Nicco Montano) Ediane Gomes (11-4, Invicta vet who fought Ronda, Tonya Evinger, Leslie Smith) Cindy Dandois (12-4, Invicta and one time UFC vet) Pannie Kianzad (9-3, former top Cage Warriors prospect) Marciea Allen (7-2, losses to Ashlee Evans Smith and Jessamyn Duke) Carina Damm (25-12, Rodrigo Damm's sister and quality regional level fighter. Former Titan FC champ) Sarah Alpar (7-4, win over Jocelyn Jones Lybarger, losses to Carina Damm)
Kora Maea (4-1, Aussie HW who lost to Ben Sosoli) Ben Sosoli (6-2, Top Aussie HW per Tapology) Anderson Silva (the Glory kickboxing HW) James Cannon (7-2 California HW) Ben Edwards (2-0 Aussie HW, was supposed to be signed to Fight Nights before the whole legal issues came about seemingly) Chandler Cole (3-1 Virginia HW signed to Iridium Sports) Johsua Marsh (3-3 New Yorker who has losses to Shawn Teed and Dashawn Boatright)
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jplailaharn · 3 years
#423 @traininggroundsukhumvit69 Open gym Sat, Apr 3rd Warmup 3 Sets : 10 Banded Hip Thrusts @20x0 Rest 20secs 8 Cossack Squats / side Rest 20secs 30secs Active Ring Hang Rest 20secs 30secs Sorenson Hold Rest 60-90secs A. TTT ThrowDown Try to get this done as a Group. 5 rounds 2 rounds of Cindy 15 power snatch @35/25kg Then: 7 mins to build to max snatch + hang snatch B. 32 min Cardio Pick any Machine or Run Every 2mins get off and do any mobility work of your choice for 2 mins (at Training Ground Sukhumvit 69) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNNNR12DnlKetf24ACKLhyBgXDGoemMG9d8OQw0/?igshid=adah3vvk5gwo
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emilytownies · 4 years
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FULL NAME: yesenia mari sorenson NICKNAME[S]: senia AGE: twenty OCCUPATION: college student/instagram model RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single ENDGAME: julien silva FACE CLAIM: cindy kimberly
sweet, oblivious, fun
this character is played by emily;
0 notes
pll7btheories · 8 years
Every Single Pretty Little Liars Character Ever, Ranked From Their Probability of Being A.D
This is not including the “A-Team” as a whole because I swear half the town is on the A team. This is for A.D, Big A, if you will.
Unknown Character/Twin
I have to make this my #1 guess. Not only because I hate Marlene, but also because I hate Marlene. It probably wouldn’t make sense, but Marlene loves random people.
Melissa Hastings
Melissa has motive. Melissa already killed Bethany, she could probably kill some more people TBH. Melissa knew Charlotte. A.D hasn’t done anything too terrible to Spencer. 
Wren Kingston
Probably a fake doctor, probably slept with almost as many people as Peter, definitely sketchy when it comes to Charlotte & Bethany. I wouldn’t doubt him being mentally unstable either, TBH. I don’t really want him to be A.D, but he has the credentials.
Spencer Hastings
She’s definitely my #1 pick for a liar being A.D. Smart, sly, and has A LOT of family protection. She also has the money to do whatever creepy stuff needed.
Lucas Grottsman
If he’s not A.D, on the A Team, or Charlotte’s killer they’ve completed wasted his character. He’s smart, rich, and is close to Hanna so he hears a bunch of stuff first hand.
Charlotte DiLaurentis
She’s dead, apparently. But some of those really creepy masks we’ve seen this season, is enough to convince me possibly otherwise??? Imagine if she’s literally avenging her own death that didn’t happen. Mmm, juicy. Dead girl who’s not dead anymore? Sounds full circle-y.
Caleb Rivers
Hacking skills, 2 side hoes love him, and he’s really suspicious this season. I’ll have to get back to you on a motive.
Mona Vanderwall
It’d be a complete injustice for Mona to be A.D, imo. She’s progressed so much, I don’t want them to throw it all away.
Jessica DiLaurentis/Mary DiLaurentis
We don’t know for sure which one is dead. That’s sketchy enough for me to consider them A worthy, no matter the motive.
Elliot Rollins
I know, they checked to see if he was dead. I know that accident would have killed him instantly. However, Huw said “Dead is sometimes not dead.” Motive = Confirmed. On A team? Check. 
Alison DiLaurentis
I think pre-time jump, Ali on A-Team would have made sense. Now, I doubt it.
Sydney Driscoll
I think she’s been too minor of a character to be A.D, however, she’s friends with Jenna. So I mean, I don’t put it past her as being an A Team member. 
Andrew Campbell
Remember when they accused him of being a crazy kidnapper all because he was adopted?? And Aria his “girlfriend” confirmed that it was him without ever seeing him in the Dollhouse?? If I was him, I’d want some revenge too. 
Kenneth DiLaurentis
Where has he been lately??? Maybe he actually got close to Charlotte or he’s her father. Either way, his lack of appearances makes me suspicious. 
Anne Sullivan
I love this idea. She has the wit, the information gathered from her clients, knew Charlotte and she definitely would have access to some files. However, I just don’t think she’d have time to be A.D. 
Veronica Hastings
Eh, she’s busy being political and stuff. + no motive?
Holden Strauss
We haven’t seen him in forever, and he’s randomly returning??? It’d be a less than interesting reveal, but the lack of backstory would make it very easy for the writers to blame him.
Jonny Raymond
Same thing as above. Why is S7 bringing back so many irrelevant characters??
Aria Montgomery
Aria is always a bit of a wild card. We never see what happens to her in the dollhouse, she has those weird snappy moments over little things that the other girls don’t seem to have. Plus, she had the whisper in the first few seasons intro. That screams guilty. However, not a DiLaurentis, Drake, or Hastings.
Jason DiLaurentis
I’d love the idea of Jason tormenting 2 of his sisters and his ex lover. Poor Emily would just be collateral damage, but this would be a GREAT PLOT. However, I’m pretty sure he’s innocent..
Cindy & Mindy
A team maybe, but I doubt either of them as A.D. Unless one is like A and one is D. In which case, guilty.
Linda Tanner
She’s always very fast to blame everything on the Liars,(Isn’t everyone?) but I feel like she’s not A.D. A team? Maybe, just like most the town. A.D? Probably not, tbh,
Paige McCullers
Yes, she was stalking Emily, I know. I just think she’s a bit more of a creepy fangirl type of stalker than force-you-to-give-up-hostages-of-your-own type thing.
Mike Montgomery
He’s been MIA for a bit, because the actor is busy. I don’t think he’s returning anytime soon.
Peter Hastings
If this was a competition on who has slept with the most people in Rosewood, he’d win. But it’s not. So he really has no motive.
Jenna Marshall
She was very believable as a possibility for A.D, until she was kidnapped.
Ezra Fitz
He’s a grieving man at the beginning of 6B. I don’t really see him as A.D. 
Hanna Marin
Unless she’s really into hiding being A.D enough to give herself permanent scars, I doubt it.
Ted Wilson
Pastor by day, A.D by night?? Unlikely, tbh. Unless, he’s Charlotte’s dad. In which case, watch out for Ted.
Byron Montgomery & Ella Montgomery
I just put them together to save some space. Doubtful as A.D. They’re too busy being newlyweds. Again.
Liam Greene
Honestly if he was A.D, he’d just be torturing Ezra(which I don’t blame him for..)
Toby Cavanaugh
Already been on the A Team once,  would have no motive for being A.D, tries to help the girls, busy being a police officer. No hope for Toby as A.D, sorry.
Marco Fuery
Eh, he’s kinda irrelevant. I would love for him to end up with Spence tho.
Ashley Marin
I mean, she’s at the Radley 24/7, but I don’t think so, Momma Marin.
Yvonne Phillips
She’s mostly there for Spoby tension. Plus she got BEAT. 
Sara Harvey
She’s a boring character with virtually no plot, terrible acting, and her being A would be a disgrace. Plus, she’s dead.
Emily Fields
Stealing her own eggs is bit too odd, + I have a feeling A.D won’t be one of the main girls unless it’s Alison or Spencer.
I doubt it, tbh. She’s just another semi-relevant-but-not-really love interest for Emily.
Lorenzo Calderon
Irrelevant Ali short term boyfriend. I don’t even know if he’s still in Rosewood, hasn’t even been mentioned since 6B. Probably not A.D.
Jordan Hobart
He was only slightly shown to begin with. Besides, he’s busy doing whatever his  job is anyway. He really was a gentleman though, I hope he finds happiness.
Travis Hobbs
He was only in like, 5 episodes as Hanna’s bf. Very minor character, who’s been irrelevant for a while. Not A.D.
Garret Reynolds
He’s dead, poor Aria can proof it. That scene was enough to give me nightmares, and confirm he cannot be A.
Kate Randall
Yes, the boob thing was very A like, but she’s not A. This A doesn’t play games that way.
Tom Marin
Another motive-less fool. 
Meredith Sorenson
Where is the motive??? Sleeping w a married man then blackmailing his daughter over the murder of a woman you didn’t know isn’t really a norm thing. Then again, nothing in PLL is.
Noel Khan
Definitely was on the A-Team. Was. ‘Cause he was beheaded.
Barry Maple
Tbh I’m surprised whoever this is was in 6 seasons.
Sean Ackard
Irrelevant. No motive. NEXT.
Ian Thomas
We saw him die. Twice.
Lyndon James
Emily killed him, besides, he really only wanted revenge for Emily taking Maya. He wouldn’t torment them all, and he would have just came back to kill her if he was alive.
Darren Wilden
Blah, blah, “dead is not dead”, blah blah. He’s been dead AND irrelevant for 4 seasons, I don’t think he’s returning. However, if he did, that’d be a crazy thing to watch.
Jackie Molina
Jackie who?
Pam Fields
Pam is too busy grieving over Mr. Fields to be A.D. Also, I’m pretty sure she wasn’t a huge Charlotte fan anyway.
Clark Wilkins
Once again, who?
Talia Sandoval
Another one of Emily’s irrelevant girlfriends. No motive, no plot, just a side character to be Emily’s 483907439th lover.
Gabriel Holbrook
They’ve already done the “Alison’s ex lover works for A.D” plot line once, I doubt they’ll do it again.
Shana Fring
She’s dead. Aria killed her, an investigation happened. She’s not alive, nor is she A.D.
Jake (No last name because he’s irrelevant)
He doesn’t even have a last name. He’s not A.D, I’m 99% sure.
Alex Santiago
Maya St. Germain
She’s dead y’all, it’s been confirmed by the show. By Marlene. By EVERY SINGLE ACTOR OR ACTRESS WHO HAS BEEN ASKED. SHE IS D E A D.
Wayne Fields
The whole “Military Dad fakes death overseas to become a tormentor to his own daughter over a girl he didn’t know’s death” is a little too messed up, even for Pretty Little Liars.
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michaelfallcon · 5 years
We Didn’t Start The Third Wave
It’s the end of 2019, and the end of the decade. To celebrate and reflect, here is a coffee version of the 1989 contemporary pop hit, “We Didn’t Start The Fire.” Thank you for listening, reading, sharing, and supporting the Sprudge Media Network, the worldwide leader in coffee news and journalism and occasionally song parody.
Words and music by Buzzy Joel.
Erna Knutsen, Cindy Chang, COE and climate change Drink Pacific, water PH, avocado toast La Marzocco, Cat & Cloud, Colin Harmon, Jesse Raub Eastern Region, Western Region, Wrecking Ball’s Nick Cho
Anaerobic fruit bombs, honey washed gesha Scott Rao, “Hey Girl Guide”, Build-Outs in the summertime Pergamino, Bean Scene, coffee competition dreams Giuliano, Marcus Boni, 15 minutes call time
We didn’t start the Third Wave it was Trish who named it, we just tried to frame it We didn’t start the Third Wave But we didn’t fight it, we just tried to write it
Sasa Sestic, Ollie Strand, Kenya, Ethiopia Penny University was always just a pop  Kaffikaze, pre-ground, Supersonic, Stumptown Ristretto’s woes, C market low stock Hoffmann, G&B, Taiwan’s got a winning team Klaus Thomsen, Wendelboe, Raul, Alejandro Meesh tho! Budapest, DCILY, Reykjavik Purple Princess, Greg Scace, trouble in the Dubai
We didn’t start the Third Wave it was Trish who named it, we just tried to frame it We didn’t start the Third Wave But we didn’t fight it, we just tried to write it
Little Wolf, Madcap, Terry Z, the Bonchaks Black Coffee, Bar Nine, Starbucks stole your shop design Leva memes, Tooker’s fall, JAB will buy it all Coffee Twitter, Glitter Cat, logo on a trucker hat
Little Buddy, Ben Put, crowdfunding, Modbar Coffee shots, Dayglow, AeroPress and tech bros YouTube, Youngmin Lee, Stephen Patrick Morrissey Stephen Vick, Umeko, coffees from the Congo
We didn’t start the Third Wave it was Trish who named it, we just tried to frame it We didn’t start the Third Wave But we didn’t fight it, we just tried to write it
Sorenson, Weissman, commodity price, man Yemen, Berlin, drama with deferment Consulting in Arabia, Borer Beetle mania GFAs, Instagram, Natvia still owes us, damn Howard Schultz, ECX, qualifying sponsor checks SCA lost an A what else do we have to say???
Leaf rust, Katie’s win, Cole McBride is back again Split shot, Standart, light roast, Red Fox Aga, Gwilym, Berg Wu, Hide and Licata too Robusta is up a grade, Phyllis Johnson, Direct Trade Coffee Common, flat white, TNT on Thursday nights coffee sweats, DJ sets, Drunken Brewers Cup regrets Portland Coffee Social Club, GMO the coffee shrub Oatly, coffee cola wars — I can’t take it anymore!
We didn’t start the Third Wave it was Trish who named it, we just tried to frame it We didn’t start the Third Wave The roast was blonde and the wave goes on…and on…
We Didn’t Start The Third Wave published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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shebreathesslowly · 5 years
We Didn’t Start The Third Wave
It’s the end of 2019, and the end of the decade. To celebrate and reflect, here is a coffee version of the 1989 contemporary pop hit, “We Didn’t Start The Fire.” Thank you for listening, reading, sharing, and supporting the Sprudge Media Network, the worldwide leader in coffee news and journalism and occasionally song parody.
Words and music by Buzzy Joel.
Erna Knutsen, Cindy Chang, COE and climate change Drink Pacific, water PH, avocado toast La Marzocco, Cat & Cloud, Colin Harmon, Jesse Raub Eastern Region, Western Region, Wrecking Ball’s Nick Cho
Anaerobic fruit bombs, honey washed gesha Scott Rao, “Hey Girl Guide”, Build-Outs in the summertime Pergamino, Bean Scene, coffee competition dreams Giuliano, Marcus Boni, 15 minutes call time
We didn’t start the Third Wave it was Trish who named it, we just tried to frame it We didn’t start the Third Wave But we didn’t fight it, we just tried to write it
Sasa Sestic, Ollie Strand, Kenya, Ethiopia Penny University was always just a pop  Kaffikaze, pre-ground, Supersonic, Stumptown Ristretto’s woes, C market low stock Hoffmann, G&B, Taiwan’s got a winning team Klaus Thomsen, Wendelboe, Raul, Alejandro Meesh tho! Budapest, DCILY, Reykjavik Purple Princess, Greg Scace, trouble in the Dubai
We didn’t start the Third Wave it was Trish who named it, we just tried to frame it We didn’t start the Third Wave But we didn’t fight it, we just tried to write it
Little Wolf, Madcap, Terry Z, the Bonchaks Black Coffee, Bar Nine, Starbucks stole your shop design Leva memes, Tooker’s fall, JAB will buy it all Coffee Twitter, Glitter Cat, logo on a trucker hat
Little Buddy, Ben Put, crowdfunding, Modbar Coffee shots, Dayglow, AeroPress and tech bros YouTube, Youngmin Lee, Stephen Patrick Morrissey Stephen Vick, Umeko, coffees from the Congo
We didn’t start the Third Wave it was Trish who named it, we just tried to frame it We didn’t start the Third Wave But we didn’t fight it, we just tried to write it
Sorenson, Weissman, commodity price, man Yemen, Berlin, drama with deferment Consulting in Arabia, Borer Beetle mania GFAs, Instagram, Natvia still owes us, damn Howard Schultz, ECX, qualifying sponsor checks SCA lost an A what else do we have to say???
Leaf rust, Katie’s win, Cole McBride is back again Split shot, Standart, light roast, Red Fox Aga, Gwilym, Berg Wu, Hide and Licata too Robusta is up a grade, Phyllis Johnson, Direct Trade Coffee Common, flat white, TNT on Thursday nights coffee sweats, DJ sets, Drunken Brewers Cup regrets Portland Coffee Social Club, GMO the coffee shrub Oatly, coffee cola wars — I can’t take it anymore!
We didn’t start the Third Wave it was Trish who named it, we just tried to frame it We didn’t start the Third Wave The roast was blonde and the wave goes on…and on…
from Sprudge https://ift.tt/2QhL942
0 notes
innerworldofaudrey · 6 years
Cris Cyborg on Amanda Nunes: ‘I think this will be my last fight in the UFC’
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It hasn’t been made official, but it’s expected that UFC women’s featherweight champion Cris Cyborg will defend her title against reigning bantamweight titleholder Amanda Nunes in a champ vs. champ superfight at UFC 232 in December.
Cyborg, real name Cristiane Justino, would prefer to fight Nunes at the upcoming UFC 228 pay-per-view on September 8 and states that, if left until December, it could be the last time we see the Brazilian compete under the UFC banner.
Cyborg’s UFC contract expires in March, 2019.
“I think this fight will be my last in the UFC, because my contract expires in March,” Cyborg told Brazilian television show Combate News, per MMA Fighting’s Guilherme Cruz, “and doing this fight in December, I think it will be the last that people will see me fight.”
The 33-year-old has criticized Ultimate Fighting Championship for lack of interest in developing the women’s featherweight division and is less than impressed with the featherweight roster for The Ultimate Fighter 28, many of whom compete in the bantamweight division.
“They are doing the TUF house and cut all the girls from 145,” Cyborg said. “They only added girls that can make 135. Holly Holm said she doesn’t want to fight now. There’s Pam Sorenson, she tried out for TUF and didn’t make it, I think they didn’t add her because she can’t make 135. There’s Cindy Dandois, who beat Megan Anderson as well. There’s Ediane Gomes, who sends me messages challenging me all the time, who is also from my division.”
Cyborg, who has opened as a -220 betting favorite over Nunes, reiterated that she is not happy about having to wait until December to get her hands on ‘The Lioness’.
”There are girls that can fight, from my division. But they don’t want that, they only want me to fight Amanda. But we have to wait 10 months, almost a year to make this fight happen.”
Good MMA article from bloodyelbow
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Call The Stylist! These 21 Scissor-Wielding Kids Are Have Hair Emergencies
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/call-the-stylist-these-21-scissor-wielding-kids-are-have-hair-emergencies/
Call The Stylist! These 21 Scissor-Wielding Kids Are Have Hair Emergencies
It’s the plot of countless television sitcoms — kid gets a hold of scissors and cuts their own hair.
The reason it’s so hilarious is because children accidentally giving themselves terrible haircuts happens all the time. For some precocious kiddos, the allure of the scissors is too much to resist, and their parents just have to laugh. Fortunately for us, lots of them also post their kids’ haircut mishaps on the internet because the internet has to be good for something. Put your scissors down and check out these kids who did a number on their own hair.
1. “His older brother thought that this was funny. His father does, too!” – evil__bob
Reddit / evil__bob
Read More: 24 Kid Fails That Will Make You So Thankful Facebook Wasn’t A Thing Back In Your Day
2. “My client’s daughter cut her own hair. I am a hairdresser. She asked me if I could fix it. NOPE.” – snipandclip
Reddit / snipandclip
3. “My daughter gave herself this haircut last week. I about died.” – Stephanie Klindt Cook
Facebook / Stephanie Klindt Cook
<div class="llcust" data-lltype="media" id="ll_590846d506ed9" data-source="
4. “My kid decided to trim his eyebrows. When he cut them too short he decided to cut hair from his head and glue it to his eyebrows. He immediately regretted his decision.” – leeto86
Reddit / leeto86
<div class="llcust" data-lltype="media" id="ll_590846d507a72" data-source="
5. “My eight-year-old niece doesn’t know how hair works. She got tired of her bangs so she cut them off.” – jennthemermaid
Reddit / jennthemermaid
<div class="llcust" data-lltype="media" id="ll_590846d50868d" data-source="
6. This little stinker named Justin went for the patchy look with his cut.
Twitter / @Bonnicimadi
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7. “Look who cut her own hair!” – Mamawookie
Reddit / Mamawookie
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8. “Avery cuts her own hair.” – donnyfbliss
Flickr / donnyfbliss
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9. “Apalling as it may be, she is actually my 3rd child (out of 3) to cut her own hair without us knowing. Now, I know what you are thinking, ‘Why are your kids left unattended with scissors?’ And to be honest, I don’t really have a good answer for this, other than they found scissors, and seemed to think that a little trim was a good idea.” – Stephanie May
<div class="llcust" data-lltype="media" id="ll_590846d50ab10" data-source="
10. “Joe Dirt?” – drkangel762
Imgur / drkangel762
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11. “He wanted his hair to match his daddy’s! I found him in the playroom with my peanut trimmers cutting off all his pretty red hair!” – Natalie Bradford LeBaron
Facebook / Natalie Bradford LeBaron
<div class="llcust" data-lltype="media" id="ll_590846d50c287" data-source="
12. “Laelia cut her own hair. And the lady at Supercuts evened it out for her birthday. (It’s short, y’all.)”
Laelia Sky
<div class="llcust" data-lltype="media" id="ll_590846d50ce5b" data-source="
13. “He wanted a Mohawk. He used ‘daddy’s brush’ aka clippers.” – Elisa von Heimburg-Bryant
Facebook / Elisa von Heimburg-Bryant
<div class="llcust" data-lltype="media" id="ll_590846d50d9be" data-source="
14. “My son Jackson (6 yrs old) shaved his eyebrow right before picture day with his dad’s nose hair trimmers!” – Kelly Keefe-Taylor
Facebook / Kelly Keefe-Taylor
<div class="llcust" data-lltype="media" id="ll_590846d50e44d" data-source="
15. “When your five-year-old brother cut his own hair because he said he wants to look crispy for the girls.” – @ericarobinson_
Twitter / @ericarobinson_
<div class="llcust" data-lltype="media" id="ll_590846d50f13d" data-source="
16. “My husband had trimmed his beard and left the buzzers on the bathroom sink! Big mistake!!” – healthandaloe
Instagram / healthandaloe
<div class="llcust" data-lltype="media" id="ll_590846d50fbe5" data-source="
17. “All I wanted was to go pee by myself, then he cut his own hair…” – CastianaSahal
Imgur / CastianaSahal
<div class="llcust" data-lltype="media" id="ll_590846d510787" data-source="
18. “Mom, is it REALLY messed up?” – Cindie Sorenson-Batterman
Facebook / Cindie Sorenson-Batterman
<div class="llcust" data-lltype="media" id="ll_590846d511344" data-source="
19. “I called this the mug shot. Smiley did the honors. 20 years ago.” – Ronda Hess
Facebook / Ronda Hess
<div class="llcust" data-lltype="media" id="ll_590846d511e86" data-source="
20. “I was just telling my friend that I was going to let it grow out because he has pretty wavy hair. We get home, I go into the kitchen to finish cooking dinner [and] about 5 mins later he comes down stairs so happy and excited and exclaims ‘Mom, do you like my nice new hair cut?’ I almost had a heart attack.” – Jennifer Dominguez
Facebook / Jennifer Dominguez
<div class="llcust" data-lltype="media" id="ll_590846d5128fa" data-source="
21. “This morning Abel cut his own hair. He didn’t [do] a very good job since he gave himself a bald patch in the center front of his head.”
(via BoredPanda)
Read More: 20 Parents Who Have The Best Sense Of Humor Ever
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/cutting-own-hair/
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jplailaharn · 3 years
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#423 @traininggroundsukhumvit69 Open gym Sat, Apr 3rd Warmup 3 Sets : 10 Banded Hip Thrusts @20x0 Rest 20secs 8 Cossack Squats / side Rest 20secs 30secs Active Ring Hang Rest 20secs 30secs Sorenson Hold Rest 60-90secs A. TTT ThrowDown Try to get this done as a Group. 5 rounds 2 rounds of Cindy 15 power snatch @35/25kg Then: 7 mins to build to max snatch + hang snatch B. 32 min Cardio Pick any Machine or Run Every 2mins get off and do any mobility work of your choice for 2 mins (at Training Ground Sukhumvit 69) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNNNHz_s8YWzvSkEJC0cktprd9iy3yzBdzwbVc0/?igshid=cnm3kxgoxmmp
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epacer · 4 years
Take A Closer Look At
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San Diego Unified’s Phase Two reopening may happen in January
At the earliest, San Diego Unified students will likely return to school campuses in January, after the winter break, district officials announced Tuesday.
The earliest that elementary students will be allowed to return is Jan. 4, and the earliest that middle and high school students could return is Jan. 25. This will be what is being called the district’s Phase Two of reopening.
During Phase Two, students will be learning in person only part of the time.
Elementary students will get to attend school in person half a day for four days a week, while middle and high school students will attend two days a week for four hours a day.
During the other hours students will continue their distance learning.
Any parents will be able to keep their students home in distance learning if they wish, officials say.
The Phase Two plan is dependent on San Diego County staying out of the purple tier, the lowest of the state’s COVID reopening system, said board Vice President Richard Barrera. The district will not move to Phase Two while the county is in the purple tier.
San Diego County is currently in red, the second-lowest tier, and has been on the brink of qualifying for the purple tier. Health officials said Tuesday that the county was saved again from falling into the purple tier because of high testing levels, although its raw case rate for COVID-19 is high enough to be in the purple tier.
Currently, San Diego Unified is in Phase One of reopening, where some elementary students who are experiencing learning loss or who have disabilities meet teachers on campus for limited, in-person support sessions. Some sessions are as short a half hour or less.
About 4,000 students at more than 100 schools are participating in Phase One, out of the district’s roughly 100,000 students. So far there have been no cases of confirmed COVID-19 transmission and no outbreaks at Phase One schools, Superintendent Cindy Marten said.
If the county does fall to the purple tier, as district officials are anticipating, San Diego Unified will not cancel Phase One, board President John Lee Evans said.
The district has said it will expand Phase One to include middle and high school students, too, but officials did not give a date for that expansion. That still needs to be negotiated with labor unions, Evans said, adding he hopes it will happen soon.
The district also is not yet announcing dates for Phases Three and Four of reopening, because Phase Four means full-time, in-person learning and “there’s much more that needs to be done,” such as figuring out a coronavirus testing program, Evans said.
Reopening, testing
With an anticipated January start date, San Diego Unified will likely be one of last school districts in the county to reopen for in-person instruction. Most of the county’s 42 school districts have reopened for at least part-time instruction as of this month.
San Diego Unified is following the lead of school districts in South County, where COVID-19 levels are highest. Sweetwater Union High, Chula Vista Elementary, San Ysidro and South Bay Union are among districts that have announced they will stay closed to in-person instruction for the rest of 2020.
While some schools have reported a few COVID-19 cases, experts and school officials say it’s inevitable that COVID-19 will show up at schools, because there is community spread of the virus. They say what matters is keeping COVID-19 from spreading further at school once students or staff arrive.
County health officials have not been regularly publicizing COVID-19 data for K-12 schools, so it’s unknown to what extent COVID-19 is surfacing within local schools.
In a county COVID-19 update this week, health officials reported a 6.6 percent increase in cases for children 9 years old and younger, which was twice the rate of increase for the county overall. There were a total of 2,016 cases in that age range from Oct. 19 to Oct. 25.
Several school districts that are open have been reporting the number and location of cases on “dashboards” on their websites. On those dashboards, districts are reporting few cases across the district at a time.
When asked if the small number of COVID-19 cases reported by districts so far means San Diego Unified is being overly cautious in delaying reopening — as some parents have argued — Barrera said it’s “way too early” to make claims about COVID-19 spread within schools.
Barrera said that until school districts are testing all students and staff on a regular basis, he doesn’t believe schools can say there is little to no COVID-19 spread happening at schools, since many people can spread the coronavirus without showing symptoms.
“I don’t think there’s a single district in this county — or, frankly, in this country — that can make the claim right now that they know that if somebody comes onto one of their campuses with the virus that they are able to prevent the spread, because we don’t have the testing that allows us to make that claim,” Barrera said.
A January start date for Phase Two gives the district more time to try to establish a regular COVID-19 testing program for students and staff who are not symptomatic. The district recently asked Gov. Gavin Newsom to give San Diego Unified 10,000 daily COVID-19 tests to meet that goal, but it’s unknown whether the state will grant the request.
Several parents say they are desperate to return their children to school, that their children are not learning well at home and that their children are suffering socially.
Meanwhile, other parents have been happy with the district’s slow reopening pace, saying they are worried about COVID-19 spreading in schools and about their families’ safety.
Language Academy Elementary parent Karla Ramirez said it’s great news that the district is waiting until at least January to begin Phase Two. Ramirez said distance learning is going well for her 5-year-old daughter. Ramirez also suffers from chronic pulmonary problems.
“I feel like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders,” Ramirez said of the district’s plans, which will allow parents to keep children in distance learning if they wish.
She added that the delay until January provides a chance for the district to learn from the experiences of school districts that have already opened.
Ebey Sorenson, a member of a parent group that has been pushing for San Diego Unified to reopen, says the district’s decision is frustrating.
She said parents have a lot of remaining questions about what Tuesday’s announcement means for expanding Phase One and what the district is doing to encourage more teachers to return in-person. Phase One is voluntary for teachers, which is partly why Phase One sessions are limited.
“It feels like the district keeps kicking the can down the line without answering these questions,” Sorenson said.
Sorenson’s two sons attend San Diego Unified schools. One is in an early childhood special education program and one is in first grade. She said she plans to home-school her first-grader, because he has struggled with online learning. *Reposted article from the UT by Kristen Taketa and Andrea Lopez-Villafaña of October 27, 2020
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