senterya · 2 years
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I have a seminar presentation tomorrow so instead, I got possessed and made a "what kind of commanders my characters would be" chart in tag yourself format
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prabadjaja · 7 years
Aku adalah kerikil retak‬. Pecah berkeping-keping dengan kesedihan dan kepiluan. Menginginkan debu sengsara‬. Lebih baik daripada menahan diri berada di bawah air.
– Ciranan Phitpricha
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senterya · 5 months
main issue with assembling character playlists is that there is always an old Hozier song coming for a plot point that took me months to make my peace with
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senterya · 10 months
Thinking about the post I reblogged earlier, I think I'd love to dual class warrior with guardian and ele. WIth ele because Ciranan deserves to have a berserker stance, and with guardian because I need to see Lavan resort to the ultimate elite skill during a fight: headbutting the enemy so hard you cc yourself.
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senterya · 2 years
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April 1st update notes but as Pale Rose & associates.
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senterya · 3 years
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This hat was probably the most worthless statuette purchase I've ever made but I saw that it uses both my commander's and HIS hair on sylvari and I just lost my remaining impulse control.
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senterya · 3 years
For the ship asks - 🚓!^w^
🚓 | which one is most likely to get arrested
so many of the ships have potential here
I'm giving this to the two tiny troublesome houseplants.
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While Fyarh was already arrested once for sheltering thorn pups, I'd still say in general it's more likely for Ciranan to get arrested.
A few offences I can think of suddenly that are may or may not based on actual events in his life:
using hazardous magic in public spaces (showing off your elementalist skills might not be appreciated everywhere)
disrespecting officers (yelling "then suck my cock" when your behavior was called out might not be the best idea)
stealing (a chicken, specifically)
distributing magical jewelry with questionable origin
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senterya · 5 years
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New game: describe your sylvari but only with in-game plants.
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senterya · 3 years
4,8, 10, 12 from the FoFW asks?
4. Who would win a mount race? And who is the most competitive in race events?
Sent would win a few races I think. She has probably the most experience thanks to her journeys in Elona, and she is also excellent at handling animals, so even without her own mount she would fare very well.
As for competitiveness, it's most likely Nym! But she isn't a good rider, therefore she probably only tried a mount race once and then spent the next twenty minutes rambling about how much losing upset her. The others buy her a drink and try not to laugh too much.
10. Is there anyone who works at the festival (baristas, fight managers, mount handlers etc.)?
While it's technically not work, Sent basically only appears in the Pavilion to be a nice, presentable decoration, to mingle, and to ease people's worries.
Out of the rest, it's probably Ciranan who would end up helping out at a bar or with mounts if he gets paid for it. He's very opportunistic in this sense, living from day to day in Ascalon taught him the value of quick and easy money quite well.
12. Are there any returning or new competitors in the Queen’s Gauntlet? Who challenges them the most?
I'm pretty sure the entire Rose guild is out there, making bets among themselves and trying to cash in the most wins for future bragging points.
As for returning competitors: Nhorah is having an absolute blast with the Gauntlet this year. She claims it's good for staying in shape. It absolutely has nothing to do with Tyrus and his two daughters and all three of them cheering loudly for her from the crowd.
8. Is any of them being recognized? What is the general reaction to them?
Answered here!
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senterya · 4 years
Won’t really have time to play before Christmas I think, but I still wanted to make at least some festive outfits quickly.
The Commander & friends are spending some time together in Divinity’s Reach
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Sent is finally not out on the battlefield during Wintersday. It still took days for Nhorah to convince her to give herself a break (”I’m really not in the mood for festivities with Primordius on the horizon”), but in the end she gave in and has almost immediately forgotten about all the dragon threat after entering the Pavilon with her friends. She’s thrilled by all the lights and laughter and Nhorah is walking around with her without complaining for once, not wanting to ruin her fun (even if she finds the crowd annyoing and the kids loud and overly excitedness of everyone else unnecessary). Despite coming here to relax, they somehow end up helping the Seraph collecting food and handing out gifts to orphans. But neither of them mind.
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Tyrus gets along with Ciranan surprisingly well. The sylvari tagged along with Tyrus, Nhorah and the Commander on their trip to Divinity’s Reach despite not being really excited about the Wintersday and having to wear Tyrus’ old and ugly winter clothes (”We’ll get you something cozy and new at the city.” “It’s fine, I don’t care.”). When Tyrus isn’t running after his two kids with Nhorah and Cira isn’t stuck in yet another round of Bell Choir, the two are strolling through the city with a big mug of apple cider, talking, debating and trying to figure out where and how to get Ciranan a living.
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senterya · 4 years
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What do you mean the shimmering aurora glider is dyeable??
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senterya · 4 years
Since PoF is up for sale, I figured it’s much cheaper to get a new NA account than buying new character slots for EU.
For a while I had this idea for an AU where all my sylvari from Pale Rose are actually an asura krewe. So now I made an irresponsible purchase again and created them.
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Some of them will definitely need a hairstyle change or a total makeover kit, but we’ll get there, slowly.
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Currently I have no mounts, no gliding and no money for equipment. I have, however, a lvl 80 booster, so I can probably get at least a raptor to be able move around faster.
Or maybe I just go in story order this time and finally experience what a pain Tangled Depths is without mounts.
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senterya · 4 years
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Bangar’s civil war may tear a nation apart, but at least it brought our heroes back together.
Quick overview about where they are now and how they are helping out in the war efforts:
#1 - Ciranan and Myrr - Advancing Firepower
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These two have known each other for a while but neither of them expected to meet here, on this battlefield. Not knowing what else to do, Ciranan decides to stick with Myrr and the Flame Legion on the eastern front and he quickly earns respect with the very literal firepower he unleashes at the Dominion forces. While he is still very loud and bratty between two fights, Myrr can’t help noticing how more quiet and less of a bastard he is overall compared to how she knows him. The tired, empty eyes and the number of empty mugs quickly give away that the war takes its toll even on him.
#2 - Nhorah and Tyrus - Beach Patrol
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These two are assigned to Port Cascadia and has to ensure that the coast is clear of enemy forces and that the supply line between them and Petraj Overlook is working and undisturbed. Nhorah is having way too much fun with the Iron Legion Charzookas and frequently challenges other charr into Dominion chopper shooting showdowns.
#3 - Zhenta - Skyscale Test Rides
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It seems like the payoff for those long months spent in Elona has finally arrived. With the most promising, young skyscale arriving on the field, Zhenta is spending most of her time surveying enemy movements from above and scaring the shit out of Dominion soldiers with the skyscale’s roar. When her winged companion needs rest, she usually hops over to the forest and joins the Seraph mesmers to help cover the guerilla operations.
#4 - Senterya - Guerilla Commander
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The dense forest is just the perfect terrain for her abilities. The quick and merciless raids on Dominion forces quickly deplate the morale of Bangar’s soldiers and makes them abandon their posts and territories. Whenever she is not directly needed for an operation, she usually escorts supply caravans or makes coordinated scouting flights with Zhenta on her gryphon.
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senterya · 5 years
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Wanted to toss them plants next to each other to give myself a rough picture of their height differences. Using Trahearne as my measuring unit, I concluded that Reln is officially tallest bastard (although not by much) and Fyarh is way smaller than I would have ever guessed.
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senterya · 5 years
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My favourite glitch aka “persistent flames of the sword” decided to appear again, so I took the opportunity to take some fire-y dancing screens!
Back in the days when Ciranan was roaming around Tyria, he sometimes stopped at settlements or villages to entertain people with some fire dancing - it was an excellent way to show off his abilities and earn some money at the same time. He keeps this as a secret from his guild members though, out of fear that they would look down on him for it.
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senterya · 5 years
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Since the BL chest has a bunch of cool stuff now, I finished world completion with Ciranan and didn’t get anything cool in the end of course. Now he has permission to finish his chef studies and spend all my gold on heat stones, since Monokk will take his job of being a daily slave.
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