kailash-parikrama · 6 months
Places to visit around Kailash Mansarovar Yatra
There are numerous sightseeing places near Mount Kailash and Mansorvar Lake making the entire yatra a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Below are some of the places near Kailash Mansorvar
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Mount Kailash
Mount Kailash is a mountain that rises 21,778 feet above sea level. Every year tourists flock to this place to catch a glimpse of the marvel and splendour of the place. Mount Kailash is one of the world’s highest peak points in the southwest corner of Tibet among the mighty Himalayan ranges. 
Apart from that it is a source of four main rivers that include the Brahmaputra, Sutlej, Ganges and Indus. Apart from that the spiritual significance of the place draws in a lot of people this is a magnificent pilgrimage site that is visited by people of all religious groups
Nandi Parvat
Nandi is Lord Shiva’s Wahan and it is believed that Nandi exists in the form of Nandi Parvat This is shaped like the Nandi and is located Near Mount Kailash. Nandi is worshipped as Lords messenger as devotees believe that they can communicate with Lord Shiva by whispering message into Nandi’s ears. When visiting Nandi, you can come across numerous spiritual sites.
Kailash Parikrama
Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva are said to live on Mount Kailash. According to Shiva Purana, circumambulating the mountain aids in the purification of all sins. The journey is 53 km long and it does take 3 days to complete. The journey is a thrill in itself with many challenges posed by extreme weather with a scarcity of oxygen.
One of the hallowed temples for the Hindus and Buddhists the temple is situated at the foot of Thorong La Mountain Pass in Mushang, Nepal. The temple is situated at an altitude of 3710 metres and is one of the 51 Shakti Peetha goddess sites. For the Hindus, the holy site of MuktiNath is referred to as Mukti Shetra which means the place of liberation. Hindus believe that Lord Vishnu attained liberation from the curse of Brinda
Yam Dwar
It is placed at a height of 15,000 feet approx. this is one of the important destinations of Mount Kailash. This takes around 30 minutes to drive from Darchen to reach Yam Dwar. This is the starting point of the circumnutation of Mount Kailash. According to many Tibetans, the holy deity Demchok resides at  Mount Kailash. Every year a religious ceremony takes place where a new flag pole is established at Tarboche.
Siwasthal is located 3 km away from Deraphuk Enroute to Dolma La Pass. It is referred to as the replication of the funeral ground in Budh Gaya in Bihar. The general assumption is that those who visit the place experience a metaphorical death and enter the presence of Yama. The rebirth takes place at Dola La. Clothes, shoes along with bags are scattered there. There are offerings made by pilgrims who visit the place. Some unusual forms of offerings like bones, hair and blood are also made by the people here.
Tarboche is a popular flag pole that stands great on Mount Kailash. The flagpole remains draped in a colourful Tibetan shade. One of the crucial aspects of the festival is replacing the Taboche flag. As part of the ceremony, the flag is erected and a new flag is put in its place. The festival is celebrated commensurate with Sakyamuni’s enlightenment.
To sum up things these are some of the tourist attractions around Kailash Mansorvar that you can visit. It is suggested that you plan your trip properly so that you can cover all these places.
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janajelic · 1 year
Life is good.
How often did we walk around thinking that life couldn’t get worse than it is now?
How often did we think we are the only ones struggling?
How often could we barely handle the pain?
How often did we think about giving up?
And how often did we think that this will never end?
The answer is: often. Too often.
The minute something doesn’t work out we tend to believe that life is against us. We maybe handle the situation at first, thinking it will get better. But as soon as it takes longer than we like, when we lose control, we tend to almost give up. We humans can be so dramatic. But without that there probably would be no poetry, no paintings or music. No art in general. Art lives from pain; pain feeds our creativity.
The deepest poems, the most meaningful songs and pieces of art were created from deep pain, with deep pain. So, I guess it is somehow what keeps us alive. It reminds us that nothing is guaranteed, nothing lasts. Forever doesn’t exist the way we imagine it to. It’s a fantasy, and it hurts when fantasies blow off in nothing. But just as we learn that way that the good times don’t stay forever, we also see that the same counts for the “bad” ones. They won’t be there forever. But in the middle of a crisis we tend to forget that.
To be honest, the biggest developments I did were in my biggest crisis, in my worst times where I thought my life will look that bad forever. It gave me a whole new perspective on life. And I always look back at those times and think: “Who would have thought?”. I mean, who would have thought that losing my self means finding it, a new part of it. It’s like shedding skin. When a crab grows, it has to become soft, vulnerable. And vulnerable means the ability to be harmed. That’s what Dr. Gabor Maté said: To grow, you need to become vulnerable. A tree doesn’t grow where it’s hard. It grows where its soft.
So that also means that if we want to grow, we need to get hurt, right? I don’t want to say that without it, it won’t be possible. But if everything is good, if you’re comfortable where you are right now and think “well, things could stay like that”, or when things aren’t that good but fine enough to accept it, there’s no need to grow, right? Because, why would you change something if everything is just fine enough to stay there? Why leave that comfort zone?
From my point of view, there’s a pattern that runs like a thread trough everyone’s life, regarding the suffering we go through. It’s like it happens in phases. Where at one certain point you can’t ignore your circumnutates anymore, you have to change something. But it always comes creeping in slowly. It’s never just there suddenly, it has announced itself, several times, but we chose to ignore it.
The universe, God, Jesus or Holy Spirit, whatever you want to call it, always warns you. And it gives you a hint. It’s like a whisper, your soul knows already but your mind doesn’t want to accept it.
After some time, the whisper gets louder and the signs stronger, but it still gives you the choice whether to change on your own or to keep on lying to yourself. Even though it all doesn’t feel right you pretend it to be and it eats you up from inside slowly. It’s like you lose your light, you lose the connection to yourself.
After all the chances we had to see and accept the truth and act on it for the sake of our own and every other involved person’s wellbeing, if we still refuse to act, there will be no choice anymore.
Things will get so bad you will have no choice but to act and start a new chapter. And if you still don’t take action, life will take it for you, whether you like it or not. You could stand there crying like a baby that doesn’t get their toy, it wouldn’t care. Because there is this bigger picture that we forget to be aware of. We get stuck in situations we like because we don’t know that it can get even better. And sometimes we even think that we don’t deserve better. But we do.
And after some time passes, we will remember all these times where we didn’t want to take a step forward because we were so afraid that we won’t find something that good again, of that we will get lost, and maybe be alone for some time, and we will be thankful for that turn it took, because we changed with our life, that always goes together and can’t be separated. We humans are made for change, and we are made of change.
When we realize that, we’ll finally look back and think that, in fact, life is good.
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estellamila · 4 years
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Evet bahar buraya da gelmiş hava her ne kadar bulutlu olsa da.
Şehirde tek başıma olmanın verdiği yalnızlık ve başlarda cehennem gibi gelen özgürlüğe iyice alıştım. Şimdi arkadaşımın buraya gelecek olması biraz tadımı kaçırıyor :/ biliyorum böyle düşünmem çok saçma belki. Ama bu aralar çok needy bir birey, ve ben birileriyle bebekmiş gibi ilgilenecek bir halde değilim. Öyle bir enerjim olsa çocuk yapar kendi çocuğuma bakardım egjgjwgsfs
Belki tek başıma kaldıkça biraz yabanileştim, ondan böyle hissediyorum. Veya tek başıma kaldıkça daha da bireyselleştim, bilmiyorum. Ama kimsenin pohpohçusu olamam bu aralar, bunu biliyorum. Normalde ilişkilerimde hep veren taraf olmuşumdur, sanırım bu yanım değişiyor. Çünkü gereğinden fazla kendimden verdiğim için zaman zaman kendimi tükenmiş halde buldum ve bu durumun bağlanma stilimle, çocukluğumla alakalı olabileceğini fark ettim. Bu yüzden üzerinde çalıştığım bir durum bu.
Doğum günümde bende kalmak istiyor mesela ama benim birtakım ritüellerim var her doğum günümde yaptığım, benim için hüzünlü bir gün, oturup kısacık da olsa gelecekteki kendime bir şeyler yazarım, geçmiş senelerde yazdıklarımı okurum. Doğum günümün yirmi dört saatinin tamamını biriyle geçirmek istemiyorum, sanırım doğum günümden sonra gelmesini söyleyeceğim. Bunları neden buraya yazıyorum, bilmiyorum.
Her neyse Darwin'in bir kitabını okumaya başlayacağım birazdan ama ingiliççe daha önce okudum bir sürü İngilizce kitap, ama niyeyse bu kitabı anlayamayacakmışım gibi geliyor. Gerçekten çok önemli bir bilim insanı son zamanlarda daha da hayran oldum. Bitkilerle de o kadar çok çalışmış ki aslında. Bazı deneylerini okuyunca oturup bunla nasıl uğraştı, nasıl sabretti diye düşünüyorum bazen. Mesela circumnutation diye isimlendirdiği bir kavram var, kabaca bitkilerin büyürken özellikle uç kısımlarıyla yaptığı dairesel hareket demek.
Bunun tüm bitkilerde olup olmadığını bulmak için üç yüzden fazla farklı bitki türünü incelemiş ve yaptığı deney de şu basitçe: bitkinin üstüne cam bir plaka asıyor, ve birkaç saat boyunca her birkaç dakikada bir bitkinin ucunun nerede olduğunu işaretleyip sonra bu noktaları birleştiriyor. Basitçe dedim ama kim bilir ne kadar vaktini almıştır bu deney.
Valla helal olsun Darwin dede, ben kamerayla hazır çekilmiş fotilere bakarken acı çekiyordum. Hayran olmamak mümkün değil 🌿
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motherrevolt · 4 years
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Asparagus officinalis: circumnutation of plumules with tips whitened and marks placed beneath, traced on a horizontal glass. A, young plumule; movement traced from 8.30 A.M. Nov. 30th to 7.15 A.M. next morning; magnified about 35 times. B, older plumule; movement traced from 10.15 A.M. to 8.10 P.M. Nov. 29th; magnified 9 times, but here reduced to one-half of original scale.
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pandabearisaunicorn · 5 years
You Are My Weakness (SPN FanFic)
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You Are My Weakness Chapter 11 Stitches
Warnings: angst, fluff, even more fuff, mention of violence Word Count: 2083 (not my longest chapter but there’s a lot of DeanxLouise fluff in this!) Previously: Intro Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
A/N: This chapter is completely in Dean’s POV, I thought that would make a lot more sense and not over complicate this emotional chapter further. Xx
…Dean’s P.O.V…
I was seated in the kitchen, trying to eat some kind of food to keep myself alive. The bunker completely silence, everyone asleep except me. I was still figuring out a way to save Louise. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat. I was barely good at anything without knowing what had or is happening to her. I love her so much and not knowing how hurt or what is happening to her was killing me. I stared at the wall opposite me for hours, not even hearing when someone entered the kitchen until she sat down in front of me. I barely believed my eyes when I saw her, her blonde long hair cut short about shoulder length, her eyes pained black with makeup and a smile on her lips I barely recognized.
 “Hey Dean” She said sweetly, that voice I had missed for months. “L-Louise? What? How?” The questions building up in my mind but they were cut short when she placed her hand over mine. My body craving into her touch. “What matters is that I’m back” She said and walked around the table, sitting down in my lap.
I was confused by her action, it just didn’t seem like her or felt like something she would do when she’s been away from the people she loved. But feeling her hands on my body again made me fall in trance, following her every move, every touch. Her lips crashed onto mine, her lips moving harshly against mine and that’s when I knew. It wasn’t her, it couldn’t be her. I pushed her off of me and she backed into the kitchen counter behind us. Anger building up inside of me and I couldn’t keep it inside. “What have you done to her?” I said, my voice filled with agony and pain. “Oh Dean, I thought you would be harder to crack” She said, her voice now low and teasing. “Who are you?” I spat out, feeling the presence of two more people in the room. “She’s already here” Theresa said, more to herself than to us. I looked back at her in chock. “I was going to tell you, she called like 10 minutes ago!” “Yeah, about that, kind of selfish to have shower sex while Dean here clearly suffers from this” Louise or more like the demon who’s possessing her said, an evil smile on her lips. “Leave them out of this, you son of a bitch” I said, the anger building up more. “Oh, the defending card. Should’ve expected that from you, I mean family do mean the world to you” Louise said, her body moving closer to me. “What do you want from Louise anyways?” Sam said, his voice deep and angry. She stopped in her tracks, eyes darting over at Sam and that evil smile spread even further on her lips. She turned around, her back now facing us as she pretended to think and I could barely hold in the anger anymore. “It’s not what I want to do with her, it’s what my master wants to do with her” She said and that smile still on her lips, god how I hated that smile on her. “WHAT IS IT HE IS GOING TO DO TO HER?” I screamed at her, she only started to laugh. “Oh Dean, you’re pathetic. A pathetic little son of a bitch who can’t handle being without his little pet or should I say slut” She said, eyes borrowing into mine. Her words hurting me. “What did you just call her?” I almost yelled at her, trying to stay calm. “A slut, your own little personal pet. You know everything you’ve done to her, I mean wow you could have every girl falling to their knees huh” She said and I could feel the blood boiling inside of me. I could feel Tess and Sam’s eyes burning my back. “Stop this” Tess said, walking in between me and the demon that possessed Louise’s body. “Oh you want me to stop this? Oh no, never. This is really fun. I mean have you seen this body, it can do incredible things. Maxwell didn’t hesitate one second” She said, and I felt disgust thinking of what she had done to Louise. “That’s enough! You leave her body right now, you will have to fight for whatever this now is, you leave her right away!” I said, feeling the anger turning to sadness. “Oh you want me to just leave her body and give you all what you want? That’s just way too good to be true but fine” She said, leaning back. All of us taking a step back.
 She laughed before flying her head back and black thick smoke leaving Louise’s mouth. The smoke disappearing quickly and I ran up to Louise. Her body falling into mine as her wounds start to open up again. Without the demon inside of her all of her wounds reappear. I could feel worry fill my body as I picked her up, walking towards my room to stitch her up. In normal circumnutates it would be her stitching up me, the perk of her going to med school before we came into her life. Her hand gripping a handful of my shirt right before I sat her down on the bed. Her body immediately falling back against the pillows. The sight of seeing her so weak made my heart crumble into pieces. I picked up a first aid kit alongside a crooked fishhook and thread. I placed everything beside her on the bed as I sat down on a chair in front of her. I took the bottle of vodka and poured some on a cotton round to clean her wounds. At least she was responding to the burning of the alcohol and it gave me some relief. I continued to clean her up, wiping away the blood and taking her dirty clothes off her. Replacing her old clothes with a new freshly washed t-shirt, actually one of mine and a pair of her favorite shorts. It was hard for me to keep my emotions intact when I watched her completely torn apart in my arms. I will do anything to keep her alive, to keep her with me. It may sound selfish but that’s what I am. Selfish. She started to stir as I stitched her wound on her thigh, I could feel her hand gripping my bicep and I looked up at her. Weak eyes looking back at me and just the look in her eyes could break me. “De-dean?” She whispered out, more like a question than a statement. “You’re going to be fine baby, we will find the demon I promise” I said, my voice low and quiet like I didn’t want to break her. “It’s not her you should be afraid of Dean, it’s him” She said, tears welling in her eyes. “What do you mean? What have they done to you?” I asked, worry and anger building up once again. “Dean please, not now. I’m just happy to see you” She whispered out, her hand caressing my cheek softly, almost ghosting over my skin. I closed my eyes and leaned into her touch, not wanting to forget how it felt again. It felt so good to finally have her back. I turned back to her thigh, continuing to stitch her up and her hand gripped my arm again and I looked up at her. She just nodded and I continued to heal her up. She needed to take a shower, to get all of the dirt and dried blood off of her body. I took her hand in mine, signaling her to try and stand up. Her legs weak but she managed and I held her tightly, afraid of letting her go again. I picked her up and her arms wrapped around my neck as her head leaned in the crook of my neck. Her small and warm breaths ghosting over my skin as I pulled her closer to me. I walked over to our common bathroom and I locked the door behind us as I sat her down on the counter. Her eyes looking up at me confused and I smiled warmly at her. “You need to clean up baby” I said and she just nodded, still too weak to talk much. A weak smile spread across her lips as I took a step closer to her, pulling my shirt off and I could feel her eyes on me the whole time. Her hands softly placed on my chest and her right hand stroke my anti-possession tattoo and she looked up at me. Tears forming in my eyes as her eyes looked up at me, it broke me. Whatever Maxwell had done to her made my blood boil and it broke the strongest woman I have ever known. Her left hand caressing my skin up my neck and she pulled my face closer to hers. Our lips ghosting over each other’s before I kissed her slowly. Feeling like I could break her if I was too harsh on her, like I would hurt her if I pressed just a little too hard. My hands moving to the hem of her shirt and pulling it over her head. Knowing now that it was probably unnecessary to change her clothes before washing her up, but it’s not easy to think straight when the woman you love is so hurt and traumatized. I pulled her shirt off of her and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her, not wanting to forget what she looks like. I wanted to take her in, every moment of the day I wanted to memorize her just like I would lose her anytime and if I did lose her again I would remember every little freckle on her body. I took her hands in mine as she stood up from her place at the counter, her legs weak but I held her up. She pulled her shorts and panties down her legs and stepped out of them and she looked up at me, signaling me to take mine off too. I smiled warmly at her before pulling my pants and boxers down before walking her over to the shower. I turned the shower on and waiting for the water to heat up before walking inside and pulling Louise in with me. Wrapping my arms around her waist and letting the water to warm her body up. Her head leaned back against my chest and her hands took mine in hers, intertwining our fingers and I could see that smile I adored spread across her lips.
“You have no idea how great it feels to have you back”
I said, my lips pressing a soft kiss right below her ear.
“I love you so much Dean Winchester”
She said and turned in my grip. Hearing her say those words to me made my whole body tingle and those so called butterflies erupt my stomach. She actually said those words I had longed to hear, I had longed to tell her.
“I love you”
I whispered out as I pressed my forehead against hers, taking in this moment, never wanting to forget it.
I kissed her lips softly and I could feel her hands stroking up my back. Soft and gentle touches which made my skin feel on fire. I loved her touch and god have I missed it.
I leaned over to grab the soap bottle to start washing her off, pouring some in my hand before rubbing them together and caressing her pale skin with the lather. Her eyes closing and a smile spread on her lips as I continued to wash her body. Soft grunts leaving her mouth as I touched her wounds but she never told me to stop. I washed her hair, making it smell like the flowers I had missed so much. I never wanted this moment to end. I was so happy to finally have her back and finally being able to feel her again, to love her in every way possible.
Looking down at her made me realize what that bastard had done to her, hurting her, making demons possess her. I barely wanted to know what else he had down to her. I was going to make him pay, I will kill him and I will not give him mercy
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“The work concerns itself with how plants respond to external stimuli and examines these processes in individual plants to gain understanding of some general principles governing their growth and life. This continues Darwin’s work of elucidating how natural selection works and specifically how plants have adapted to differing environments whilst at the same time answering some objections of his day that evolution could not account for changes in behavioural responses. In his conclusions, Darwin presents the key features of plants from an evolutionary perspective indicating that gradual modification of these processes in response to natural selective forces like light and water could enable extensive ability to adapt. The process that creates the circular or elliptical movement of the stem and tips of plants (circumnutation) was identified as a significant one in enabling plants to evolve and adapt to almost any environment on the planet. Darwin also drew attention to the similarities between animals and plants, e.g., sensitivity to touch (thigmotropism), light sensitivity (phototropism), and gravity (geotropism). Darwin used various methods of enquiry: usually setting up rigorous controlled experiments which are clearly explained in the text, reporting the results and then drawing general conclusions. Studies of nyctinasty were particularly burdensome, to Darwin's rest as well as to the plants: "I think we have proved that the sleep of plants is to lessen the injury to the leaves from radiation. This has interested me much, and has cost us great labour, as it has been a problem since the time of Linnaeus. But we have killed or badly injured a multitude of plants.“
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ao3feed-untamed · 4 years
by nev_longbottom
Podfic of "Circumnutation" by Eussoros
Author summary: Jin Ling likes his clothing so covered in straps and chains and flowing scarves that he’s 90% dangly bits by volume. And then there’s his hair.
It’s really not Jingyi’s fault that he wants to tie him to things.
It’s definitely not Jingyi’s fault that Jin Ling gets so prettily flustered when he’s tied to things.
It might be Sizhui’s fault that it went this far.
Words: 14, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī, Jīn Líng | Jīn Rúlán, Lán Jǐngyí, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Ōuyáng Zǐzhēn, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Relationships: Jīn Líng | Jīn Rúlán/Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī, Lán Jǐngyí/Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī, Jīn Líng | Jīn Rúlán/Lán Jǐngyí, Jīn Líng | Jīn Rúlán/Lán Jǐngyí/Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī
Additional Tags: all characters are adults, Threesome - M/M/M, Rope Bondage, emotional bondage, Emotional Edging, Enthusiastic Consent, Inappropriate use fo a clarity bell, OR IS IT, Alternate Universe - College/University, Sizhui can think during sex and that's bad news for everyone, Laughter During Sex, Anxiety Attacks, ad hoc kink negotiation, Podfic Length: 1.5-2 Hours
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wordsthatrhymewith · 5 years
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Words that rhyme with circumnutate | Words rhyming with circumnutate
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marymosley · 4 years
What questions should you ask a personal injury lawyer in Dayton Ohio?
If you were involved in a personal injury accident in Dayton, Ohio that wasn’t your fault, then, you may want to consider hiring a personal injury lawyer. It’s important to remember that when you’re dealing with an injury claim, the insurance company is not on your side and does not necessarily have your best interests in mind, that’s where a Dayton Ohio personal injury lawyer comes in and can help you get the full compensation you deserve. But, choosing the right attorney to represent you is not as easy as it sounds. It helps to ask any prospective lawyer you’re considering retaining the following questions:
  What’s Your Area of Expertise?
Although a personal injury law is already a specialization in the legal industry, it still has various injury case types within it. The Fitch Law Firm and other Dayton personal injury lawyers may mention they handle personal injury cases. But, for the best results, if you want an attorney who’s well-experienced in your specific injury type and situation.
For example, you can choose a lawyer who has more experience representing cases dealing with defective products, workplace injuries, traffic collisions, or medical malpractice. It’s best if you first ask this question before telling the lawyer about your case. That way, you can get an honest answer on which cases the lawyer has had experience with.
  Have You Tried Cases Similar To Mine?
After the first question, you can now tell the lawyer about your case. State every detail of what happened, especially the uniqueness of your situation – even trivial things that you think are not vital may have a significant role in your case.
Then, after providing all the details, you can ask the personal injury lawyer whether they have ever dealt with the same or at least a very similar type of case before. If not, then consider contacting another lawyer. As mentioned, one with experience with your specific case type may have higher chances of winning your case.
Meanwhile, if the lawyer answers yes, then let them elaborate on how they represented the case. That way, you can evaluate whether they’re telling the truth or not or you can see if they did their best.
  What’s The Success Rate of My Case?
In connection with the question above, you should also ask the success rate of your case. While every case is different and has different circumnutate, if the previous case was a success, then you may also have a good chance to win.
Not only that, but they can also tell you the factors that can influence your case’s result, such as pre-existing issues, liability, discovery, and spectrum. With their answer, you can get a better idea of what kind of compensation you might be entitled to and how confident the lawyer is winning your case and getting a good settlement or verdict.
  Who’s Going To Handle My Case?
Now, if your Dayton Ohio personal injury lawyer has said all the rights things to this point, next ask them if they will personally represent your case. Often higher profile personal injury attorneys have an associate attorney handling cases for them. If the lawyer says they will be personally representing you, then ask them how much time would they dedicate to your case.
With such follow-up questions, you’ll learn whether the lawyer is willing to go the extra mile to represent your case. Or, their answer may tell you whether your case will be settled easily or might take longer.
But, if the answer to the former question is a no, ask the personal injury lawyer who’ll personally handle your case. Sometimes, the lawyers conducting a consultation are senior lawyers of the firm, however, as mentioned they may pass your case to another lawyer at the firm, and it’s then important to find out what kind of experience the they will pass you onto has.
  How Much Are Your Fees?
Also, you shouldn’t forget to ask the lawyer about their fees. Most of the time, a personal injury lawyer is on a contingency fee basis. This means that you’ll only pay the lawyer if you’ve received the compensation or won your case.
If this is your lawyer’s payment method, then it’s more advantageous on your part. It’s because the lawyer may exert effort to get the right compensation you deserve so they can also have a higher payout.
But, you must also ask how much percentage does the lawyer receive to check whether it’s inline with industry averages. Injury lawyers often get as high as 40% and as low as a 25% contingency fee. The contingency fees varies based on the lawyer’s experience and the specific case detail. Usually the risker the case is take on the higher the contingency fee typically is. Also some case types are more likely to go all to way to trial, hence they will be a lot more costly for the law firm and hence your contingency fee will likely be higher.
Part of finding the right personal injury lawyer is asking the right questions. Ask them their area of expertise or what type of personal injury cases they’ve represented the most. That way, you’ll know whether they’re skilled in representing your case.
Next is to ask whether they’ve represented a similar case to yours, and ask their success rate. Then, ask them if they’ll personally represent your case or someone else will. By doing so, you’ll get to interview the lawyer who’ll actually represent your case.
Most importantly, you should ask whether they operate on a contingency fee basis or not, and what the contingency percentage is for your specific case. Armed with this knowledge you can be safe in knowing you hired a good personal injury attorney who will give you the best chance of getting the most compensation possible for your case.
The post What questions should you ask a personal injury lawyer in Dayton Ohio? appeared first on Legal Desire.
What questions should you ask a personal injury lawyer in Dayton Ohio? published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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wmhtpubmedia · 6 years
What's going on in the local #filmmaker scene? Find out with TvFILM. This week, we highlight: "Ready or Not" by John Romeo "Stop the Stigma" by Michael Turner, and "Circumnutation" by Marty Hardin. Watch Sunday at 11:30pm or online anytime: wmht.org/tvfilm #artsactive
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learninsta · 6 years
Value Based Questions in Science for Class 10 Chapter 7 Control and Coordination
Value Based Questions in Science for Class 10 Chapter 7 Control and Coordination
Value Based Questions in Science for Class 10 Chapter 7 Control and Coordination
Question 1. How do tendrils reach the support when they do not have any sensory structures. Answer: Tendrils do not have any sensory structures but still they are able to find their support just as we grope in the dark for finding the switch-board. Tendrils perform circumnutation from their apical regions. In this the…
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eurekamag--com · 8 years
Experimental evidence and models on circumnutations
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