cirque-victoria · 11 years
cirque-ren replied to your post: Ooc
Well if it helps, Ren wasn’t ever supposed to like a girl and yet that somehow happened XD Don’t worry I’m sure he’ll make her dislike him soon, catty boy gets jealous easily after all
I don't see her ever really disliking him, probably more along the lines of treating him a little more like a normal person than she does now. Even if he got catty she would probably still want to be his friend.
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ex-cirque-hyuna-blog · 11 years
Melancholy || Hyuna & Ren
Hyuna felt the weight of her right arm bring the glass down onto the old wooden table. It was a very light, cheap wine that she often drank after a long day - which certainly was a perfect description of the past 24 hours. She was exhausted, surprisingly, considering the fact that she almost never did anything at the circus. But instead of acting pretty and acting as a side actress as she always had, today she had to be a living decoration. She had stood in front of the circus, twirling a damn baton for hours, practically naked.
Of course, it was much better than being bored. But still - who could like doing such derogatory things for hours? And despite how tedious it was, it certainly worked her body out. Her arms ached, and her back needed a good cracking after she had finished. And it took plenty of her concentration, as well. If she dropped it, she knew she probably wouldn't get dinner for the day.
The kitchen area was completely empty. It was twilight, the purgatory-like state in between night and day, when other performers were fast asleep. She took another sip of her drink, letting out a sigh of contentedness and smiling slightly. The alcohol eased her pain, the aching slowly erasing itself as she smiled slightly.
Her short moment of bliss was enough to keep her distracted. She didn't notice the presence of another person in the area with her, and was taken a little by surprise. 
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xcirque-gongchan-blog · 12 years
Change // GongchanXRen
Everyone looked at him funny. He wasn't sure if it was the hat or the hair, but he couldn't escape the eyes on him. At least, it felt like everyone was watching him, he had his eyes trained on the ground so he couldn't be sure. Things were fine when he was in the campgrounds, but he couldn't go in the city without getting paranoid. It was like they were trying to melt him with their eyes and it made his skin crawl. He was starting to hate hats. They squeezed his head and gave him headaches, plus they were starting to smell. His hair only looked worse when he took the hat off, now having a funny bump that made him look like a clown. 
Gongchan pulled his hood over his face, making sure it was secure. He had foregone the hat today, letting it air out on his bed. He hopped someone would steal it, but he knew everyone had a strange dislike of thieves. It was a rare day where everything was bumming him out. His hair was getting long enough that he could see it in the corner of his eye. It was like having someone poke you in the face all day. Bothersome, but not really disruptive. Pouting, he drew the strings of his hoodie so it covered his eyes. He was tired of hiding his head. 
Running his short list of friends through his head he let out a sigh. Donghae-hyung might have helped him, he had orange hair so he knew something about the magic, but he didn't want to bother him. He imagined it would take a lot to reverse this kind of curse. He wasn't even sure it was magic, but what else could change his hair overnight without him noticing? Wait. Ren was blond. Maybe he could help him? Pushing his hood back, Gongchan jerked forward off his bed and ran outside. 
He actually had no idea where Ren's tent was, so he started poking his head inside tent flaps calling out, "Ren-ssi?" Only to apologize for intruding and moving to the next one. Making his way to the dark red tent, he grinned at the sight of blond and entered quietly. Rubbing his nose, he composed himself, "Ren-ssi er hyung?" He wasn't really sure what to call the other. After incorrectly calling the younger boy hyung, he was stuck with honorifics. He had just assumed the other was older after talking to him. But hearing people talk had told him otherwise. 
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cirque-younghak-blog · 12 years
so i just happened to check my inbox right now and wow, three new messages. i'm sorry guys. tumblr didn't tell me that i have new messages, and i just had the chance to come today because school have been locking me up in a cage T_T i'll be replying to all the asks! 
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cirque-victoria · 11 years
cirque-ren replied to your post: .
Sorry darling! Ren tends to confuse things completely without even trying, the dumb lil brat <3
His face and cuteness needs to be made illegal lajshdf Victoria was not supposed to get blushy, like, ever omg And what's worst is how nice she is to him! lakjsf
She won't even be nice to Nichkhun so why is she being nice to him?? laksjhfd
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cirque-victoria · 11 years
Ignorant Illusions & Melodramatic Mouths || Ren & Victoria (ft. Nichkhun)
Victoria rolled her eyes as she sat down on the bar stool, already beginning to drum her fingers along the wooden surface as she looked at the menu and waited for the bartender to appear. Keeping her arms close to herself, she shied away from the people to the left of her, glaring at them as they rattled on and laughed obnoxiously. At least in this spot she was safe from the large swarm of people on the dance floor that just couldn't seem to be separated. The journey into the club and to the bar had been filled with more than enough contact for one night, and at least in the one corner she had found herself in, she could hopefully enjoy her break without anyone disturbing her. She figured that as long as she continued to glare no one would try to talk or hit on her, and, if she was lucky enough, the group of people to her left would get creeped out and migrate.
Typically you could never find Victoria in such a loud and over-populated place, but when she first heard of the cirque's ditch day, she immediately decided to needed to go. Recently the circus was beginning to feel too small for her, and all she saw where the same people in virtually the same setting, no matter how often they moved. Sure, she never actually talked to most of the members of the cirque, but she still saw their same faces every day, saw the surrounding trees of whatever area they were located in, and every night performed the same duties to a bunch of people who acted virtually the same. She needed a change, just something different, even if it was just for one night. And this club, no matter how far from the normal it was for her, provided just that opportunity.
Finally, the bartender appeared across from Victoria, leaning in to hear what she wanted to order. "Raspberry non alcoholic cocktail," she stated, rolling her eyes at the look of confusion that showed in the bartender's expression. He asked her to repeat her order, his Korean very poorly spoken and with a strange accent. "...Great, doesn't even speak Korean. Of course," she mumbled, before raising her voice for him. "Raspberry non alcoholic cocktail!" She repeated, and luckily the man seemed to understand that time. He quickly left to prepare her drink, or at least, what he thought she had ordered.
He reappeared a few moments later, handing the blonde her raspberry cocktail before leaving to serve another customer. Spinning around in her stool so she could watch the people dance, Victoria rested her back against the wooden bar and sipped her drink. Within a short period of time she found herself calling the bartender over and requesting a refill, which he was very prompt in giving.
Less than a hour later she was starting on her fourth drink, and was beginning to feel quite strange. She felt far more relaxed than normal, and as she watched the people dance, she felt the urge to join in the dancing and ridiculous laughing. An odd tingling sensation was spreading in her head, and, having never been even remotely drunk before, she had no idea what was happening. All the blonde knew was that everything had suddenly gotten ten times more exciting and tempting, and she would be a liar if she said she didn't want to simply get up and begin dancing like she had no cares. As one woman nearly fell in the middle of a spin, Victoria couldn't help but giggle, her senses beginning to leave her as she began moving in her seat to the music.
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cirque-victoria · 12 years
cirque-ren replied to your post: Ooc
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xcirque-gongchan-blog · 12 years
Arrival // GongchanXRen
Gongchan had long excluded himself to the highest part of the boat. Eyes shut, contently listening to the soft swishing of the waves the boat sliced through. Each subtle thump echoed into his chest cavity, filling places he wasn’t aware existed. There was always a buzzing thrill to traveling that refused to let him relax. Despite his outwardly stoic demure, his muscles were taught as a bowstring, ready and aching to launch himself into the unknown. The screaming birds vocalized the pooling anxiety in his gizzard.
Another thunderous thump ended them all and the cutting sea breeze calmed to a tickling whisper of wind against his cheek. Eyelids fluttered open and limbs scrambled away from his temporary den. As soon as his feet were suctioned into the warm sand, he was absorbed in the chilling cacophony of chirping cicadas that crescendo with the cry of distant gulls. Lush flora starkly contrasted the silky mixture of soil and eroded rock, stinging his eyes with their explosive colour. Inhaling a sickly sweet scent intermingled with the salty air of the sea, Gongchan grinned, already infatuated with the island.
His shoes flooded with tiny grains of sand as he slowly trudged through the silt towards the buildings. They were decrepit, yet charming. Gongchan reached out and brushed his hand against the rough, cracked, filthy plaster and he was immediately filled with a sense of belonging. He had to ram his shoulder into the splintering wooden door to unhinge it and was met with a cloud of dust. Reveling in the dirt and grime, he stopped himself from rolling on the frayed carpet enraptured in glee. He though the old orphan house was perfection, but this cabin was rapidly becoming a runner up.
Leaving footprints in the dust, he made his way to the farthest room, the bedroom he was claiming for his own. Hopefully his roommate would understand that he just wanted a room with a window he could climb out of when it was lights out. Sleep was a nuisance in a place like this. Why would anyone choose to be unconscious when there was exploring to be done. Fingers excavating his bag, he decided he was going to find Fei as soon as he could and drag her through the forest. Gongchan attempted to leave his room, only to be blocked by a body. 
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