vaporlocke81 · 19 days
Good Morning America by 猫 シ Corp. from Cityman Productions
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inspired by @braaainwaaash
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nineteenfiftysix · 2 months
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ephemeralnerd · 1 year
James Maddison being a Morgan wallen fan…
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barbiecrocs · 1 year
Hard to hate.
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Eddie Munson
tags! enemies to lovers, no piv, no spoilers for s4, oral (female receiving), fingering, teasing, pet names (princess), name calling (dingus), hair pulling, cumming in pants, underage drinking
I think that's it. Lemme know if I missed something.
Barbies note...So I mention the Cityman Nokia but that came out in 87 so the story is set really early 87 and they are abt the graduate. Ik the time line doesnt make sense, but dont worry abt it😝. Anyway, enjoyyyy
You loved your friends, and it's been a while since you've last hung out, but what you wouldn't give right now to be home alone with a bag of hot fries and some horror flicks. Yeah, sure you said, "Steeeeeeeevie, we should kick it at your house tonight." Making finger guns at him while everyone piggybacks off of that thought. Robin butting in, "Fast times?" She nods with two thumbs ups directed at an unamused Steve.
 "Ugh, again?" Nancy complains, rightfully so. 
"What, it's a good movie." Robin gestures to you as back up, but you put your hands up in defense, not wanting to pick sides. It was a good movie though, but at the same time, it was worn out.
"No, that movie is so run through by all of us. How many times have we rented it from Family Video now? For heaven's sake, I'd rather watch a horror movie at this point!"
"Wow, Nancy. Daredevil, you. Maybe we a porno instead or something. Eddie wouldn't mind, nor would Steve." She teases. 
And that's where you exit the convo. At the name drop of Eddie. Your eyes flicker around the video store, eye catching titles such as Nightmare on Elms Street, Sixteen Candles, and Fame pop out at you before you catch Steve mouthing a Fuck you while giving you the jack-in-the-box middle finger. Cranking and cranking until it pops out. You give him a playful smirk and an eyeroll, typing in the 'F•r•i•e•n•d•s' group chat that's name was always being changed to some joke like 'Brad's bud-lings' or Linda's Bralette. All Fast Times references made by Robin, each one deserving an eyeroll. "HANG OUT AT STEVE'S TONIGHT!!" you relay. Even though the only person you'd be informing is Eddie and maybe Chrissy if she reads the group chat. Only popping in to say hi every few weeks. 'What could possibly be keeping her so busy?' The question always circles your mind before being brushed off. 
Steve's phone pings, looking down at it in hopes that it doesn't say what he thinks it says. Nope, it says exactly what he didn't want it to say. He glares at you, gently bumping shoulders with you when he walks over, inching his way down to your ear. "I hope you know that you're driving them." He taps your shoulder for fake comfort, not understanding the big problem.
 The feeling of a headache coming on from the noisy car says it all. You should've taken the warning when Steve dished it, too bad you didn't know. Nancy and Eddie talk loudly in the backseat, trying to hear each other over Madonna's 'Material Girl' that Robin put into your car's DVD player. 
 'A couple more blocks. Just a couple more blocks and I can just chill at Steve's house and watch movies or whatever he has planned this time. Maybe we'll watch Fast Times again, it never gets old. Or something new like Pretty in Pink, yea that came out recently.' The thought relaxes you before Robin brings back all the stress, placing a lukewarm beer on your skater denim thighs. Your favorite low-rise jeans. They were a dark wash color, a perfect fit and were tattered with embroidered stars with a little distress.
 "Care for a beer?" She asks, a tad too loud for your close proximity, "Oh my god Robin, for the last time, NO.  And you reek of beer, get back." She rolls her eyes at your order, "Ugh rude! Don't be such a bummer, just take the beer. See? Here, I'll help you since your hands are full." She drunkenly puts the unopened beer can to your lips, tipping it up and down. "Huh, nothing's coming out, strange-", you grab both of her wrists with one hand and turn down the volume, "Robin! For heaven's sake please put it down, you're blocking my vision. Gosh, who the hell let her sit in the front! Guys mind giving me a hand? Geez!" You continuously swat Robin's hands away while trying to keep a steady steering hand. "Princess, you let her sit in the front. Remember? So, you did that to yourself." 
"Okay well, I wasn't expecting much help from you anyway. And stop calling me princess, dingus." 
"Stop calling me dingus, princess." He retorts with a chuckle in his voice. That motherfucker, he probably gets off on stressing and teasing you.
 Nancy grabs onto the back of your seat, pulling herself towards you, "Nuh uh, no, not today. Both of you shut up. You're acting like children. Why do you hate each other so much anyway?" You both shut up, waiting for the other to give a response.
 You didn't answer because you didn't actually hate Eddie. You only acted like this because he hated you first. Well, you interpreted it as hate. He would just straight up ignore you. You used to have a crush on him, giggling like a little schoolgirl when he'd pass you in the halls. You thought that maybe he was just dense, but then your best friend Chrissy exposed your little crush to him. Yet, he still did nothing about it. 
 None of that mattered your junior year though. You decided to put yourself out there like Chrissy did. You were social, prettier, and had the school's hotshot, Jason Carver on your arm. He wasn't your type, but everyone kissed the ground you walked on so why complain? Why complain about the times he would chew with his mouth open? Why complain about the times he'd brag about how your tits bounced when he fucked you? Totally leaving out the part where he only lasted 30 seconds of the "pounding" he gave you. You'd always rant about it to Chrissy, both of you rolling your eyes and snickering when he'd talk about it.
 Through Chrissy, you met Steve, Nancy, and Robin, all your best friends to this day. Y'all would go out for milkshakes, watch movies, go to the mall and have a blast. Things were settling down nicely for your senior year. 
 But then, Eddie wormed his way back into your life through your shared friends and classes. Suddenly, ignoring and hating him was starting to get exhausting. How could you hate someone with good music taste? You'd act disgusted when his trashy drug den of a van pulled into the school's student parking lot or Steve's driveway. Then you'd notice Metallica's 'battery' pouring out the speakers of his car and can't help but bob your head.
 Then there was his sweet and smile. His smile was angelic. All the leather studded jackets and band patches in the word couldn't dim the brightness that is his smile. It was a little crooked, but his lips were perfect.
 And his hair– God, his hair. How much you longed to curl your fingers in his soft frizzy locs. Run your fingers through and grip it at the scalp while he devours you like a starved man– No. You are past that phase and over him. But as you'd like to think, none of that mattered anymore. You broke up with Jason, still had your friends, and still didn't like Eddie. If only you knew that Eddie never actually hated you either.
You swallow hard at the question that sits tensely in the air between you two. He notices your silence on the topic, a smug grin easing its way to his face, "Cat got your tongue?" You can hear the teasing sarcasm in his voice, practically oozing out his mouth. "Oh yeah? Why don't you answer it? You have a mind and mouth of your own." Glares exchange through the rear view mirror before you break away.
 "Nancy, please." You plea, not waiting for Eddie's clapback. Nancy sighs, not wanting to hear you both argue like kids anymore. "Okay. Come on Robin, you've had enough time in the front seat." She skillfully maneuvers Robin out the front seat and buckles her into the back with them, all in the blink of an eye. "Thank you." You give her a sickly sweet smile and shoot Eddie a nasty look. A couple more turns and you arrive at Steve's house.
 "We're here, kids. Get the hell out of my car." You joke. "Let me remind you to never have kids." Eddie chuckles. You try your hardest to seem indifferent from that and the banter you had with him in the car, but your demeanor still slips from under your hands. "Right, says the druggie and seller. Plus, I don't think your house is in living condition for kids or anyone ever." You slam your car door, locking it and marching up to Steve's door with a tired look plastered on your face. 
"Hah, she called you a druggie. Me personally, Eddie. I wouldn't take that." Robin laughs, leaning on Nancy's shoulder as she pulls her out the backseat. Eddie punches her arm, "Yeah whatever. And you know damn well that you'd take that." 
"Yeah, I would." She bites her lip in thought.
You bang on Steve's door again, pulling out your phone to call him since he still hasn't answered the door. You guys have been standing out on the porch for what, 5 minutes? "Knock again, maybe you didn't do it hard enough." Nancy suggests. You knock again, putting your ear to the door. "Oh wow, look at Sherlock over here." He taunts and you flip him off. "Shut up. There's music blasting through the door. No wonder he can't hear us." "Okay well, can you make him hear us, because Robin's really heavy." Nancy readjusts Robin on her shoulder while you dial Steve's number on your Cityman Nokia. "Well, aren't you updated with the times?" Eddie glares at your phone. It had just dropped at the beginning of the year. Within seconds of it ringing the door flies open with a casually dressed Steve leaning against the doorway and a turkey sandwich in his hand.
 He takes a bite, "So how was the drive?" A genuine question that you can't help but lean into his chest, head first. "Haha, very funny. You knew damn well what you were doing when you said I was driving." You put more of your weight onto him and he pats the top of your head for comfort. "Oh haha. Lemme guess, Robin road in the front?" You nod, "Damn, drunk?" You nod again as he looks up from the top of your head to Robin. "Damn, want a sandwich?" You nod once more. "Can we please hurry this interaction up or give me a hand." Nancy gestures to Robin. Steve finishes his sandwich and shuffles you inside.
"Mhm! Oh my god, Steveeeee." You moan, dancing in your seat. "This is so good!" Eddie rolls his eyes at your chipperness. The entirety of bacon, lettuce, tomato, avocado, and turkey all toasted on one sandwich. Steve laughs, enjoying your enjoyment. "Glad you like it. I usually have mine with chips, but I ate the last bag yesterday."
 "That's fine. Got any pop?" You bounce happily in your chair before your mood is abruptly ruined by Eddie interjecting from the other side of the island. "I'm sorry, what? Pop? You mean soda? Hell, I'd even take soda pop or fizzy pop, but just pop?" You stop dancing to give emphasis to you not liking his tone or the fact that he was talking to you in general. "Yes, just pop. Steve knows what I'm talking about anyway. Isn't that right?" You put a hand out waiting for said drink to be put in your hand. The refrigerator opens and closes and the cold drink is placed into your palm then you shove it in his face. It was Coca-cola. Eddie sighs, fingers rubbing the space between his eyes, not bothering to continue the argument. "Dingus." You say under your breath, cracking open the can. 
"So, what do you guys want to do?" Steve pauses, rounding the counter and plopping down on the floor across from Nancy and Robin. "Because I don't have a movie planned."
 A sharp gasp comes from Robin. "No Fast Times?"
"No? That movie is worn out anyway. Maybe another day though." He says, getting up to look at his movie catalog before Nancy excitedly jumps up. "YES! THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING. IT'S SO WORN OUT." She says, earning a silent laugh from you. You catch Eddie glaring at you once more. "Why can't you ever take your eyes off of me? I always catch you staring." You say, finishing your sandwich. "Because, I'm just so in love. Your beauty is captivating, my love." He says, almost making it sound genuine, but the hint of sarcasm gives it away. "Oh, watch out. You almost made me fall for it." You finish your sandwich and join the others in the living room.
"How about marry, kiss, kill?" You suggest, taking a memory foam pillow from the sofa and sitting down at the coffee table. Robin suddenly takes interest in the convo ever since getting shut down for the movie. "Ooooh, good one. How about we add fuck, too. Just to spice it up." 
 Eddie joins the rest of you in the living room, plopping down on the sofa between Nancy and Robin as she starts the game. "Hmm. Nancy, you first. Jason, Fred, Chance, and Steve." Her face scrunches up with every name drop, the look of disgust written all over it. "Fred?! You just had to put that one in there." She pauses, shooting Robin a devastated look as you snicker. Oh the betrayal. Robin rolls her eyes, finally starting to come back to herself after all the cups of cold water Nancy shoved down her throat. "Oh come on, spit it out." 
"Alright, fine. This is speaking as if me and Jonathan aren't together, okay? Marry Steve. Kill Jason. Kiss Fred. Fuck Chance." The group's eyes go wide with surprise. "Have you always thought about killing my ex?" You tease, looking offended, but you really weren't. Hell, you'd help with the murder. "Yes! Oh my god he's such a dickhead. I talked to him for the newspaper and he was sunshine and smiles during it, then turned around and tried to tell me how to do my job after. Saying stuff like," She pauses, clearing her voice to mimic his dopey voice. "Oh, don't forget to add the part where I'm captain of the basketball team and how many shots I scored in the last game." Mind you, the question I asked him was, "How do you feel about the bullying incidents and what would you do to prevent it?" Since he's supposed to be one of the school leaders. Ugh, he just gets on my nerves. I'm so glad you dumped his ass because I cannot stand by and let one of my friends date a literal piece of shit on the floor." Her manic rant stops as she places her hands back on her lap, not realizing she was using them to talk in the first place. 
 "So…Um, fuck chance huh?" Steve says, picking the conversation back up. "Yeah. I've talked to him a couple of times for the newspaper club and he's really nice. Plus he's got nice hair and facial structure." She waits for responses, but everyone just looks around in agreement. "Okay, Y/n." From the way she says your name, you know she's about to fuck you up with this one. "Gareth, Eddie, Andy, and Patrick." "Ugh. Two people each from the 'freak' and 'dickhead squad.'" You ignore the glare from Eddie and put your elbow on the coffee table in front of you, leaning into your hand in thought. "Okay, I think I got it. Marry Gareth. Kiss Andy. Fuck Patrick. Kill Eddie." You close your eyes and list all of them on one hand, some laughs, some eye rolls, specifically one from Eddie. "You'd fuck Patrick but Kill me?" "Yeah, I was shocked. Eddie is very fuckable." Steve says while Robin agrees, getting a sideways look from Nancy. "Not fuckable by me of course. I just meant that as a compliment if I was straight. You know?" She clarifies. "He's got a cute face, nice hair, and he's the perfect height. I wouldn't mind being married to that cutie pie. I feel bad though because he's probably so innocent, he looks it too. I'd ruin him with our relationship." You laugh. "Oh well. It's not like I wouldn't love doing that anyway." "Yeah right. As if my princess could ruin anyone." Eddie stares you down from the couch, thighs clenching from his whole demeanor and 'my princess'. "Don't call me that and I'm not yours." You say in a hushed tone. "It's fun to watch you deny that nickname. I know you love it, princess." He inches closer to you.
 "I don't." You inch.
 "Do." He inches.
 "I hate it as much as I hate you." You inch.
 "I also find that hard to believe." He stops inching closer, anymore and you'd be kissing. You totally didn't want that. Robin would've joked around and said 'Kiss already!', but she didn't want the death glare and possible death that would come with it. She could see it now, both of you hovering over her as Eddie chokes her out and you high five him. Her face going blue and vision fading to black before going to the light or who knows maybe she was going to hell. She prayed she wouldn't. But this isn't about her, and that never happened, only in her drunken coming sober thoughts. Where it shall stay.
You both hover over the coffee table as the rest watch. He leaves you speechless, no clapback, not even a huff. Only a broken glare, but your silence says all he needs to know. You slam your hands on the table and walk away, visually startling everyone, but Eddie. He doesn't even flinch. "Don't you walk away from me!" Eddie follows after, his long legs mindlessly stepping over Robin's feet with ease as you two bicker. "Don't tell me what to do! You're not my dad." You storm the hallway, stepping into the closest room, being a guest bedroom. You try to shut the door in his face, but he's right behind you, hot on your heels. He gets a foot in the door as you shut it, luckily for him, his platforms are thick so it didn't do much damage. He flings the door open forcefully, sending you back into a dresser. He slams the door loudly.
"Should we do something?" Steve looks down the hallway from where he is. "Can you see anything?" Robin askes, but he shakes his head. "The door is closed." Nancy rubs her temples, "I feel like we should do something, but I don't wanna be the one to get hurt. Like what if they turn on me because I get in between their 'lovers quarrel'? I don't wanna find out." They both nod their head in agreement. "Yeah, I say we step in if we hear stuff being thrown or like actual violence. Right now we should be on standby." Steve announces as if it was a real plan. In reality, they just didn't want to interfere.
 Eddie cages you between the dresser and himself, so close you could feel his uneven breath on your face. Your bodies glued against each other, his leg separating both of yours, and brushing against your cunt. His hands on the outside of yours, chests almost touching if not the height difference. Both of you stand idly in this position, calming your breathing, taking a moment to assess the situation you've gotten yourselves into. You try to move from under him to clear your head, accidentally rubbing your cunt with the thigh that separates your legs. A moan almost slips, but you bite your lip, hoping he doesn't notice. He does. "Hm? Got something to say princess?" He hunches over you, easing down to your level. "Fuck you!" "You'd like that wouldn't you?" His leg shifts again, feeding your entrance and clit that delicious friction it hasn't had in a while. You let out a muffled curse, "You want my attention so bad." Eddie's face contorts into fake confusion, trying to brush it off. "What?" "You heard me. Always making little quips even when I'm not talking to you. When I am talking to you, you always tease me. It seems like you love talking to me. You can't get enough of it. If you hated me as much as you say, you wouldn't call me princess. It seems like I'm not the only one that enjoys that nickname." You smirk, seeing his composure crack before quickly recovering. "So, you do like that nickname?" Your face turns hot from embarrassment. Oops, you didn't realize you had let that slip out. You got ahead of yourself and your mouth ran faster than your brain. Now it's at the finish line and you're sitting there looking dumb at the start. "I, I don't." You don't even know why you're still lying at this point. You've been found out.
 "We both know that's a lie." His lips find your neck as he lifts you onto the brown hardwood dresser you've been pressed against. He settles his hips between your legs. "Fuuuuuck. Fuck you." You begin to trip on your words, every sentence comes out with a stutter in it. "Just say the word and this can all end." Your train of thought evaporates when he finds that sweet spot on your neck, stamping hickeys that will definitely show with your clothing choices. He notices your silence and starts to pull away, afraid that he overstepped. "Don't! Don't stop, please." Your begging goes straight to his groin and your arms wrap around his neck, ensuring that he won't go anywhere. "Oh? You sound so sweet for me, princess." You give in, not complaining about the nickname and focusing on the growing heat between your legs. It was just a stupid nickname that you might or might not think about in the shower while you imagine his head between your thighs. 
He takes his hand from your hips and slides it under your shirt, groaning when he's found with a bra. "What, can you not get it off by yourself?" You reach a hand behind to help him before he slaps it away. "No, I got it." He skillfully unhooks with one hand, your eyebrows lifting in surprise as he laughs. "I'm not a virgin and a loser. I pick and choose my struggles, okay?" He pulls your shirt above your head to be met with your breast. They sit perfectly on your chest, perfect size, perfect for your body, perfectly soft. He groans lowly while teasing your nipples, your tits fit perfectly into his cold ring-clad fingers. He plays with them like a kid with their first slinky, completely mesmerized, squeezing and squishing them together. His hot mouth encases one of your taunt nipples as you fight the urge to slip your fingers into his hair. "Go ahead. I know you want to." It's almost as if he read your mind. "I know you love the curls, all the girls do." You roll your eyes. "So, grip it if you need to." He smirks up at you through full black eyelashes, trailing his kisses lower to the waist of your jeans, which you didn't know he unbuttoned. His fingers slide against the skin of your hips, looping around your jeans and tugging them down your legs. Leaving the wet area on your panties exposed to him. "Well, would you look at that? You've soaked right through them." His words fluster you, but before you can reply, he's grabbing you by the back of your knees and pulling you closer to the edge, your ass only half way on the dresser now. He drops to his knees, your legs thrown over his shoulders, clutching one by the back of your knee again. He levels with your soaking cunt, giving it an experimental lick, not for you, but for himself. He slides your panties off, letting out a groan from the sight. Your beautiful pussy, glistening because of him. He runs a thick finger up your puffy folds to your clit, rubbing gentle circles as he watches your chest heave from pleasure.
 Eddie continues to mindlessly tease your sensitive clit. Pulling muffled and bitten back moans from you. You hoist yourself up, trying your best to roll your hips farther onto his face, but he holds you down. "Eager now, are we?." He nips around the area you need him the most. Kissing and licking your thighs. "You must want to get your hair pulled, whore." He bites at your thigh harder than before. "Says the one getting her pussy eaten by her "sworn enemy". Isn't that ironic?" "Oh shut up. You haven't even-" Your tongue gets caught in your throat blocking the moan that dares to leave your lips. 
It was supposed to be a petty lick to make you shut up and appreciate what he was giving you, but he couldn't believe how sweet you were. The lust clouding his brain, his dick hard and leaking precum, pressing impossibly hard against his jeans, all factors working together to drive him more crazy. He starts to lap at your pussy, slurping and suckling the juices as you try to pull away from the sudden pleasure, but the grip on your thighs tighten possessively. You glance down at him to see his eyes, pupils blown wide and clouded with lust. He's eating your pussy like a starved man, sloppy and the bottom half of his face soaked with your juices. He's wrapping his lips around your clit, sucking kisses to it when he slips a finger in you. God, your walls are so velvety soft and what he wouldn't give to be in them. His fingers could be in you for hours, past the wrinkling stage.
Loud moans and curses erupt from your throat, hoping your friends in the other room didn't hear. That somehow the loud noises went unheard or they were suddenly deaf. They didn't. They can and did hear everything.
"So… So, I guess they're not fighting anymore." Nancy pauses, picking stubborn threads from the old couch. "Um, yeah… So uh. PIZZA! Yea pizza, y'all wanna go get some pizza? I mean I didn't make either of you a sandwich earlier. You must be hungry." Steve tries to carry the convo while Nancy and Robin nod their heads in agreement. "Yup! Haha, absolutely famished." Robin says, really playing it up. "Yeah! I mean, like when was the last time we ate? Three days ago? Haha!" A heavy silence sits between the three of them, then Steve grabs his keys. "So! Um, let's go get that pizza!" Fake smiles emerge from all of them, trying to act like two of their friends weren't in the next room fucking. "Oh, Shot-"
"No Robin. You're not riding shotgun."
"Aw man."
 The loud shutting of the front door can be heard by you and Eddie, but you didn't care and apparently he didn't either. He begins to give your pussy little kitten licks. Fuck, is he teasing again? What is his problem? You're already dripping and desperate for him. He is enjoying this all too much. 
 You grab him by the hair, eliciting a moan and shove his face in your cunt. "Eat." You demand as Eddie looks up at you through those fucking eyelashes again. His hands resting on your marked up inner thighs. You weren't the only one enjoying the view, though. You thought you looked absolutely crazy right now, chest heaving unevenly, a sheet of sweat coating your body, your shirt sticking to your breast from the sweat and pupils blown out just like Eddie's, but he was loving it. If only he could pause time and save this image forever or had the artistic ability to paint this moment how he sees fit. The image alone could make him cum in his pants. You panting over him, fed up with his teasing and finally putting him in his place. He obeys, using the tip of his nose to rub circles on your clit as his tongue plunges in and out of you. Your head falls back against the mirror behind you.
 Both of your hands pull his hair as you roll onto his face, desperate moans pouring out of your mouth. He continues to moan into your pussy, coaxing you closer to your orgasm with vibrations. Your eyes shut when he slides two fingers in you, not wasting any time on delaying your orgasm. His efforts have your legs shaking in his grip as you gush on his face. He watches intensively, eyes flickering between your fucked out but satisfied face and your spasming pussy. Your precious moans turning into whines of his name as he fingers you into overstimulation. He slips his fingers out and slurps up the rest of your essence. 
 Your eyes open when you feel his lips on yours, tasting a bit of yourself on him. You moan into the kiss, giving his tongue the opportunity to explore your mouth. Your hands move to his chest, pushing him back to slide off the dresser. You push him backwards towards the bed and drop to your knees. Placing one hand on the wet tent in his pants before he grabs it.
 "I want to." You assure him before he says anything.
 "But you don't have to."
 "But I want to."
 "I said you don't have to."
 "I said I want to."
 "Fine! I don't want you to then." You look at him in confusion before he continues.
 "I don't consent. I won't let you." You narrow your eyes at him before dropping the topic. "You're a weird one, Eddie Munson." You start to gather your clothes and head to the bathroom. "Oh, can you change out here?" He says, ushering ahead of you and shutting the door. "Oh, okay?"
Eddie shuts the door behind him, his eyes falling on the situation in his pants. He manically searches the bathroom for a rag he can use to clean the cum out of the inside of his pants, luckily it didn't soak through yet. Yet. He undoes his studded belt and lets his pants fall to the floor, finding a rag and scrubbing the best he can with hand soap. He can be heard huffing and puffing from outside the door, "Hey Eddie. Lemme ask you a question." He nearly jumps out his skin. He thought you already got dressed and left. "Um okay? Shoot."
"How come you hate me so much?"
"Oh princess, I never hated you." He tries to multitask, but fails terribly and almost slips on the bottom of his pants. Luckily, he grabbed onto the sink.
"Oh yeah? Well, you always ignored me. Chrissy told you I had a huge crush and you still didn't make a move or try to talk to me."
 "Oh yeah. That. To me you were such a sweet girl. I thought you were too good for me and you'd leave me in the dust with nothing but my heart to hold." He stops scrubbing, reminiscing about the said times. 
 "You were too good to be true. You were too good for me. You were top of our class and you already had colleges knocking at your door. I didn't have dreams that big. I didn't want to dim your light." He trails off, starting back to scrubbing.
"Why didn't you let me make that decision? I should get to choose who I hang out with." He can hear you stepping closer until you finally lean against the door, back first he assumes. 
"I just wanted the best for you." He takes a dry towel and soaks up as much of the wetness as possible. Almost dry. He fits his pants back on, opening the door slowly to ensure you had enough time to move. 
 Then he feels a fist against his chest. "I hate you, you know." He smiles down at you, "From someone that was rubbing their pussy on my face, I don't believe that." You both walk out the door into the hallway to be met with the smell of pizza and your group of friends plus Chrissy. "Oh hey! I ran into these guys at Domino's." She grabs a slice and holds it out to you two. "Pizza?" 
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ghostmemory2002 · 2 years
Reality Collision is out now on Cityman Productions. Tapes and CDs coming this Friday at 2 PM EST.
Artwork by myself, @aetherphase and Gendema.
Stream it here:
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does anyone remember that one other like tokusatsu inspired fashion art thing that was going around here a little bit ago? I think it was called like cityman or something and the guy had a diorama of a city for a head and the bad guy had a big crystal head. I would like to see it .
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nokias-over-here · 2 years
Nokia mobira cityman(900)(1987)nokia's third mobile and first handheld mobile.The nickname of the phone in Finland was Gorba. This was because the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev used a Cityman 900 (presented to him) to call Moscow during a press conference in October 1989 from the Hotel Kalastajantorppa.
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systemtek · 5 months
Remembering Nokia: A Journey Through Its Iconic History
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In the world of mobile technology, few names evoke as much nostalgia and admiration as Nokia. From its humble beginnings as a pulp mill in 1865 to its reign as the world's leading mobile phone manufacturer in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Nokia's journey is nothing short of extraordinary. Let's take a trip down memory lane and explore the remarkable history of this Finnish company. The Early Years: Nokia's story began in 1865 in the small town of Nokia, Finland, where Fredrik Idestam established a wood pulp mill. The company expanded into various industries over the years, including paper products, rubber, and cables. However, it wasn't until the 1960s that Nokia made its first foray into the world of electronics. Entering the Telecommunications Market: In the 1970s, Nokia started focusing on telecommunications equipment, laying the groundwork for its future success. It played a pivotal role in the development of the Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT) network, one of the world's first mobile communication systems. This expertise laid the foundation for Nokia's transition into the consumer electronics market. Rise to Dominance: The 1990s marked a period of rapid growth for Nokia. It launched its first mobile phone, the Nokia Cityman 900, in 1987. However, it was the iconic Nokia 3310, released in 2000, that truly captured the hearts of millions worldwide with its durability, long battery life, and addictive Snake game. Nokia's commitment to innovation and quality propelled it to the top of the mobile phone industry. It introduced groundbreaking features such as customizable ring tones, interchangeable faceplates, and built-in cameras, setting new standards for mobile technology. Challenges and Reinvention: Despite its dominance, Nokia faced stiff competition from rivals like Apple and Samsung in the smartphone era. The rise of touchscreen devices and the popularity of app stores reshaped the mobile landscape, posing significant challenges for the Finnish giant. In 2014, Nokia sold its struggling mobile phone business to Microsoft, marking the end of an era. However, this was not the end of Nokia's story. A New Chapter: Following the sale of its mobile division, Nokia shifted its focus to telecommunications infrastructure and network equipment. It acquired Alcatel-Lucent in 2016, strengthening its position in the industry. Today, Nokia is a global leader in 5G technology, powering networks around the world and driving the future of connectivity. Legacy and Impact: Nokia's legacy extends far beyond its innovative products. It revolutionized the way we communicate, bringing mobile phones into the hands of billions and connecting people across the globe. Its contributions to the telecommunications industry have shaped the modern world and paved the way for future innovations. As we reminisce about the iconic Nokia phones of yesteryears, let us also celebrate the company's resilience, adaptability, and enduring spirit of innovation. Though the mobile landscape has evolved, Nokia's legacy continues to inspire generations of technologists and entrepreneurs worldwide. In a rapidly changing world, Nokia reminds us that while technology may evolve, the pioneering spirit that drives progress remains timeless. Read the full article
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When Mobile Phones Became Popular: Know in This Blog
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The mobile phone has become an indispensable part of our lives. From making calls and sending texts to browsing the internet and playing games, these devices keep us connected and informed. But when exactly did mobile phones become popular?
The journey of mobile phones from a bulky, expensive novelty to the ubiquitous pocket computers we know today is a fascinating one. This blog will delve into the key moments that marked the rise of mobile phones, and how this technology revolutionized communication.
If you're interested in a career in mobile technology, consider enrolling at a mobile repairing institute in Delhi like Hi-Tech Institute, established in 2004, have trained over 3 lakh students in laptop and mobile repair. Their comprehensive mobile repairing courses equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to troubleshoot and repair a wide range of mobile devices. With a flourishing mobile phone industry, qualified mobile repair technicians are in high demand, offering the potential for a lucrative and rewarding career path.
1. The Brick Phone Era (1980s):
The 1980s saw the birth of the first commercially available mobile phones. These early devices were large, heavy, and incredibly expensive. The iconic Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, released in 1983, weighed a hefty 2.8 pounds and boasted a talk time of just 30 minutes! Despite their limitations, these brick phones were a status symbol, signifying wealth and power.
2. Cellular Networks and Shrinking Sizes (1990s):
The 1990s witnessed a significant shift in mobile phone technology. The introduction of cellular networks allowed for wider coverage and improved call quality. At the same time, advancements in miniaturization led to a decrease in phone size. The iconic Nokia "Cityman" model, released in 1992, was a significant step forward, offering a more compact and user-friendly design.
3. The Rise of SMS and The Texting Revolution (Late 1990s):
The late 1990s saw the emergence of a game-changer: Short Message Service (SMS), commonly known as texting. This new feature allowed users to send and receive short text messages, revolutionizing communication, particularly among young people. Texting became a quick, convenient, and affordable way to stay in touch, leading to a surge in mobile phone usage.
4. The Feature Phone Boom (Early 2000s):
The early 2000s saw the rise of feature phones. These phones offered a wider range of functionalities beyond just calling and texting. Features like polyphonic ringtones, rudimentary cameras, and basic games became commonplace. Popular models like the Nokia 3310 and the Motorola RAZR became cultural icons, defining an era of mobile communication.
5. The Dawn of the Smartphone (Mid-2000s):
The mid-2000s marked a turning point in mobile phone history with the introduction of the smartphone. The IBM Simon Personal Communicator, released in 1994, is considered an early precursor, but it wasn't until the arrival of devices like the Blackberry and the iPhone in the late 2000s that smartphones truly took center stage. These devices offered a plethora of features, including touchscreens, mobile internet access, app stores, and powerful processors, paving the way for a new era of mobile computing.
6. The App Revolution and Mobile Dominance (2010s - Present):
The 2010s witnessed the explosion of mobile apps. App stores like Apple's App Store and Google Play Store became flooded with millions of applications catering to every imaginable need, from productivity tools and social media platforms to games and entertainment. This app revolution transformed smartphones into multifunctional pocket computers, further solidifying their dominance in the communication landscape.
7. The Future of Mobile Phones: Always Connected and Evolving
As we move forward, mobile phone technology is constantly evolving. The focus is now on faster connectivity with the rollout of 5G networks, increased processing power, and advancements in features like artificial intelligence and augmented reality. We can expect even more seamless integration between mobile devices and our daily lives, blurring the lines between communication, entertainment, and productivity.
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The ever-increasing demand for mobile phones has also created a growing need for skilled professionals in the mobile repair industry. If you're interested in a career in mobile technology, consider enrolling in a mobile repairing course in Delhi. Institutes like Hi-Tech Institute, established in 2004, have trained over 3 lakh students in laptop and mobile repair. Their comprehensive mobile repairing courses equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to troubleshoot and repair a wide range of mobile devices. With a flourishing mobile phone industry, qualified mobile repair technicians are in high demand, offering the potential for a lucrative and rewarding career path.
Hi-Tech Institute offers a variety of mobile repairing courses in Delhi, catering to different skill levels and career aspirations. Explore their website to learn more about their programs and take the first step towards a promising future in the exciting world of mobile technology.
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vaporlocke81 · 9 months
SANDRAWAVE by 猫 シ Corp. from Cityman Productions
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Original graphic gifs by @bentuber
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nineteenfiftysix · 3 months
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cassettecache · 1 year
More tapes will be posted in the near future! Here’s what you’ll expect over the next few months and into 2024. ✨
You'll be seeing tapes from labels like:
- Aloe City Wrld
- Celadon Plaza
- Cinnamin
- Cityman Productions
- Citrus City Records
- Doki Doki Beats
- The Expanding Earth
- Liminal Garden
- Mall Talk Collective
- Module 25
- Normandie Records
- No Problema Tapes
- Shatterfoil Indistries
- Underwater Computing_
+ Self Releases!
Last bit of update for you: I unfortunately won’t be able to upload videos directly to Tumblr, due to their abysmal upload speeds — HOWEVER, I will perform my utmost diligence and attach links to YouTube!
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painterandcanvas · 1 year
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Light in the Distance (2021); Label & Photo: Cityman Productions; Art: Zer0 れい
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arjaandsimoni · 1 year
The Dark Ride
The sun shone down on the Smith family ranch, burning away the remains of what had happened last night.
Inside Tex, Tara, Stephy, and Sammi were sitting on the couch as the rest of the family sat across from them. Nelen and company had retired to a nearby town to seek lodgings (the ranch was big, but not that big) and… well…
“Okay sis, one more time?” asked Elizabeth Smith, her father standing next to her. Raul and the two kids were seeing to the cows. Some of them were still panicked after last night, being near a vampire does terrible things to some animals.
Tara sighed, “I know it sounds freakin’ nuts, but Stephy ‘n his kin saved us from this mad monster girl a bit ago ‘n have been watchin’ out fer us ever since. After his daddy got killed, ‘n good riddance man was a real bastard…” she explained, Stephy nodding in agreement there as Tex gave his hand a squeeze. Sammi sat looking away from them, his legs crossed and an annoyed look on his face. “… anyway… a bit later some other crazy stuff happened… ‘n Stephy’s daddy bit the big one, so we took ‘im in…” she said, glancing at Sammi, “’n then ya’ll invited us down ‘ere… as for the thing last night… well… dunno where the heck they came from.” she shrugged.
“I don’t think they were after us Tara.” said Stephy, “… Clan Fullmoon wouldn’t work with vampires or any supernaturals. Not willingly.”
Elizabeth looked at him, “Hang on, ya’ll think those… things… were after us?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Sammi spoke up at this point, “Yes! By oak and ash YES! We’ve said that several times now!” he huffed, “That Maroon person probably called them.” he frowned at them, waving his hand dramatically.
At this Joshua spoke up, “Hmph… sounds like somethin’ that little shit McCall would pull.” he grunted, then looked at Elizabeth. “Oh I know ya’ll think I’m just bein’ a crazy ol’ coot again gel, but that Henry McCall is one of th’ most powerful landowners around. Ya’ll don’t get THAT powerful without pullin’ some really dirty tricks, ‘n now we know he can call in a whole packa Draculas?” he snorted, “It’d explain what happened back five years ago.”
Stephy cocked his head, looking at Tara questioningly, who nodded, “Yeah, bunch of conservationists were protesting McCall building another casino near th’ coastline. Said it was a wildlife preserve… but their car crashed on th’ way back from the protest, killed ‘em all. Corner ruled it ‘freak accident of nature.’” she said.
Stephy nodded, “Vampire attack.” he said, then looked around. “Any corner or mortician or autopsy surgeon learns pretty fast not all corpses stay corpses, and they learn that if they draw attention to that then the ones making them will come after them. ‘Freak Accident of Nature’ is code for ‘Killed by Something Unnatural.’” he explained.
Elizabeth sighed, shaking her head, “What the hell have we gotten ourselves into dad? Maybe we shoulda taken Maroon’s offer…” she frowned.
“THE HELL WE SHOULDA!” he snapped, “This land is no good for McCall, which means if he wants it then he’s up ta No GOOD! I ain’t gonna allow him to do no wickedness on Smith land!” he snapped waving his cane around.
Sammi smirked, “I like your father Tara, lets keep him.” he giggled, “So rare to see someone so passionate these days without a bible shoved up their arse.”
Elizabeth tutted at Sammi, but Stephy suppressed a giggle. "(Dammit,)" he thought, "(I do NOT like him… okay, so he did risk himself to save us last night from Coyote and his men, but they would have attacked him too!)"
Joshua nodded, “Damn right Sam! This is my family’s legacy! Its our’s! I ain’t gonna give it away for a big ol’ wad o’ cityman wonga! We’ve been ranchers since the civil war ‘n I’ll see to it this ranch stays in the family ‘till the day I die!” he snapped.
Elizabeth shook her head, “Dammit dad, that day was almost last night! Maybe we should just take the money! I’d like to send Tim and Jessie to a proper school in Houston yanno.” she frowned.
Tara sighed as the two began bickering, glancing at Stephy, “You three should ‘prolly skedaddle, they’ll be at this fer a while.” she nodded. Seemed this was an old argument.
The three of them nodded, though Sammi took a deep breath as they went and whispered ‘Spicy…’ before they made their way to the kitchen. Tim and Jessie smith were already there with Raul, taking a break from wrangling the cows.
“Hey ya’ll! C’mon over, nice tall glass o’ lemonade fer the vampire slayers.” grinned Tim, getting out three extra glasses and filling them up, then spreading them out. They each took a glass and Stephy remarked on how refreshing it was, even Sammi finding nothing to complain about.
“So, whatdya think that mess was all about last night?” asked Tim over his own glass, the boy nodding as he listened to Sammi and Stephy’s theory. “Hm… ya’ll think Henry McCall sent those things… but how’d he get somethin’ like that on his payroll?” he asked.
At this Raul snorted, “Pretty damn easily hijo.” he replied with a frown and a slight accent to his voice. He spoke English well, but there was a hint in his voice that he likely grew up speaking Spanish originally, “Joshua is right, I don’t care how much Liz says otherwise.” he shook his head, “McCall is el diablo, the devil in the flesh. People go into his main casino in Downtown Houston… they don’t always come back out eh?” he nodded firmly.
Stephy frowned, “He’s killing people in there?” he asked, looking at Raul.
“Si pequeña nina.” he replied, “My cousin, Raphael. He was really scared, said he had a huge debt there and that McCall had offered him a way out before sending the debt collectors, private high stakes poker game.” he shook his head, “… they found Raphael in an alleyway ten blocks away from the casino two days later.” he sighed.
Stephy frowned, “What state was he in? Do you remember? Did it look like someone had drained his blood or attacked him somehow?” he asked. Both Tim and Jessie shifted uncomfortably at how casually Stephy had said that.
Raul however nodded, “No… is the weirdest part. He had no marks on him, no injuries, the coroner said he was not poisoned or drugged or nothing… he just…” he shrugged, his eyes wide, “… dead!”
They all looked away, then Jessie spoke up. She was a small thing, about eight years old, and said, “… he wound up taking a trip on the Dark Ride…” she whispered.
All heads turned to her and Tim shook his head, “Jessie, c’mon, that’s just an old ghost story gramps tells…” he sighed, then turned to the others. "Its supposed to be some sort of ghost train or something. Appears only at night." he nodded.
Raul shook his head, “Is no story Timothy. The Dark Ride is real. My papa saw it with his own eyes when I was just a boy. Said it went in a tunnel that wasn’t there before…”
Stephy looked at him, “… does he know where it goes?” he asked.
Raul nodded, “Si… it goes to Xibalba… the land of the dead.”
Later that night, at a nearby bed and breakfast.
Nelen scratched at his chin, “So you think that this train might have something to do with McCall’s reasons for wanting to get Tex’s ranch?” he asked.
Stephy shrugged, “Its all we have so far. Apparently McCall’s customers are turning up dead somehow, yet the casino keeps going.” he nodded.
Nelen frowned, “Yeah… lemme see…” he took out his smartphone, bringing up the Wulfshead BBS, which had its own wiki. “Texas… trains… huh, well how about that. Its in here. Yeah, a phantom locomotive that appears at midnight, riding an eternal trip to nowhere. Doesn’t say if it does go to Xibalba though…” he nodded.
“Should we look into it Nelen?” asked Simoni, sitting on a nearby bed with Arja, both of them keeping their eyes on Sammi.
“I say its worth investigating.” commented the fae princeling. “As my newly christened sibling stated, it is truly our only lead.” he shrugged dramatically, shaking his head, “Personally I’m not exactly thrilled with the prospect of waiting to see what else gets thrown at us.”
Arja stared, then grumbled under her breath, “Dammit… he’s not wrong…” she muttered.
Nelen nodded, “Yeah, but… we can’t go in blind… kids, I’m going to try to get back to the Wulfshead and ask around. There’s a few of us in Texas I can get in touch with. The Sunshine Kid, Captain Fabulous, The Walker of the Wilds, we can figure out something…” he said, standing up.
“Nelen wait, I think… I think we should at least look into it!” nodded Stephy firmly.
Tex frowned, “Darlin'… I get it, but yer cousin is right. Headin’ inta a cave before ya know if it’s a rattler nest is a good way ta get bit.” he said, putting a hand on Stephy’s shoulder.
Simoni looked around, “Maybe… we could just check it out tonight? Make sure that its actually real?” she suggested. “Stephy and I can fly two people with us out to where it appears on our backs.” she nodded, “We look around, and if we see the train we come back, easy right?” she asked.
Tex opened his mouth, but Sammi’s hand darted infront of it, “Pledge. Remember? If Stephy goes so too must I.” he smirked, “Besides, this sounds devilishly entertaining…” he chuckled, striking a dramatic pose, “Fear not good friends! Prince Samuel shall be your sword and shield on your little adventure!”
Tex frowned and opened his mouth again, but Sammi cut him off once more. “One, I am a fae princeling old enough to be your grandfather at least with powerful ties to Arcadia. You are a young man with a length of sharped iron and a deck of cards you barely know how to use.” he said, “TWO, the pledge, again. If Stephy goes I am FORCED to go with him.”
Tex glared, but leaned in, “If ya’ll get any funny ideas…” he warned.
Sammi sighed and rolled his eyes, looking at the ceiling, “I know, I know… cut off my ears with your iron dagger… your mother made that abundantly clear before we came out to this oven of a state.”
Nelen glared around, but it was clear even if he told them not to that they’d do it anyways. “Fine… go ahead but reconnaissance ONLY.” he warned, “Not one step on that train.”
Arja nodded, “It’ll be fine Nelen, just the four of us…” she began.
“FIVE!” grinned Dawn, and with an inrushing of air she was suddenly an ordinary looking cat again, “I can just sit on someone’s lap.” she nodded.
… then from next to the bed came a voice, “Six.”
Natasha stood up, stretching, “I am vampyr, I can fly as well and it is very difficult for most to harm me… and if this Dark Ride truly does go to one of the realms of the underworld then someone like myself may prove most useful.” she smiled, showing her canines. “I will join them.”
Lupe sat up and wagged her tail at that, the werewolf still in her wolf form, but Natasha shook her head, “Lupe, you shall stay and guard Nelen. If they know that he aided the Smith family he may be attacked as well.”
Lupe whimpered at her, the vampire stroking her head, “I am sorry darling, but I cannot fly and carry you…” she nodded.
“Hey, that reminds me. Where’s Drusilla?” asked Stephy, looking around.
Nelen nodded, “Back in Jaipur, we decided one of us should stay behind incase Clan Fullmoon sent another attack team and she’s the strongest fighter we have right now.”
Simoni nodded, “Yeah, though she’s probably just drinking Rajesh’s bar dry, as well as every bar in the city.” she giggled.
Arja grinned, “Alright! Lets go see what this thing is, c’mon everyone!” she nodded, rushing downstairs as Simoni got up and followed, Stephy and Sammi following along with Dawn and Natasha bringing up the rear.
A few minutes later three shapes rose above the small town into the nights sky, heading north.
The town once had a name, it was long forgotten however.
It was built when a lucky prospector came across gold, creating a sort of miniature gold rush in the area, even getting a train station built. However, the gold dried up quickly and the town dried up soon after, people moving onto greener pastures.
The old train station still stood there, empty and silent, the glass from the windows having long since crumbled in the Texas heat… as five shapes walked towards it.
Natasha scanned the area, narrowing her eyes. “I don’t… sense anything odd.” she murmured.
Dawn gazed around as well, her eyes shining in the darkness. “Yeah… but… something is making my tail twitch. That’s… usually a sign of something, when my tail does the thing.” she warned.
Sammi strode into the station and tutted, “Hmph, this had better not have been a wild goose cha-EEK!” he jumped as a loud shrill whistle suddenly sounded.
There was something coming up the tracks, to a train station that had clearly not seen any patrons in quite some time.
“Its real…” whispered Stephy, taking a step back as the train drew nearer. It was a massive jet black engine, its cars the same black as well, lit with oil lamps that seemed to burn with a blue flame… and then Sammi shivered.
“Oh… oh wow, suddenly it feels like there’s people all around us. I can feel emotions everywhere! Regret, sorrow, loss, suffering… mnn…” he bit his lip, “… I could eat I suppose but now is really not the time…”
The train hissed to a stop, the doors sliding open. The inside was dark, as if it seemed to swallow the light.
Sammi looked at it, then glanced back, “… look, I know we said we wouldn’t, but this really is our only lead…” he nodded.
Simoni hesitated, “Something about it…” she muttered.
Arja blinked slowly, “Yeah… its like a sort of gravity… like its trying to pull…” she trailed off, and slowly, one by one, they found their feet carrying them in… and then the doors snapped shut, and they were plunged into darkness.
A moment later the train’s whistle blew and it began moving again.
At once the six knew they had made a serious error.
“OH SHIT!” gasped Stephy, “Guys we got on!” he stammered, looking around.
Arja blinked, “I… I dunno… I just, my legs just moved on their own! I couldn’t stop myself!” she exclamed.
Simoni looked around whimpering, a train was a bad place for her to fight whatever she called herself. Garuda or Fullmoon witch, she was at her best with open skies.
Dawn’s tail was a mass of puffed out fur, the Cheshire’s head darting back and forth, “Guuuuuuys? We’re not alooooooone…” she warned, and then the lights came on, and five of the six cried out in alarm.
Only Natasha remained calm, but she was a vampire. It was easy to keep her composure here. Being surrounded by the dead was normal for her.
Ghosts, that what they were. The spirits of the dead, seated calm as anything. Many were elderly men and women, still in their hospital gowns or bedclothes. A few were younger and seemed to have died under suspicious circumstances. A young woman had a bullet wound in her chest, while one had rope burns around their throat. A few hid their wrists, which seemed to be dripping something dark onto the floor of the train car, but whatever was dripping faded before it landed.
“They’re all dead. Raul was right…” whispered Stephy, “This really is a train to the world of the dead! Guys we gotta get off here fast!” he shouted.
Simoni nodded, “Yeah, the Underworld is dangerous for anyone who’s still alive. We don’t belong there…” she whined.
Arja ran to the train door, shifting into her monkey form, and kicking it hard, then gripping the handle and pulling with all her Vanara might! “SHIT! Its… its locked or something!” she growled, “Everyone get back! Especially the fae and Natasha!” she shouted, standing back as they all ran further down the compartment.
Arja took a deep breath, and then her jaw disdended like a snake’s and a massive gout of flame erupted from between her teeth! She sustained it for a full half minute, lighting up the compartment like the sun itself!
The door wasn’t even singed.
“… seriously?!” she stared at the door, “This is bad… I’ve used that to fry tigers before!”
Natasha looked around, “… we are slowing…” she warned, and then suddenly the group all stumbled save for her.
Simoni coughed, “What… does the air feel heavier to you guys?” she asked.
Dawn shook her head a bit, “I dunno… I feel kinda weird…” she mrowled, teleporting up onto Simoni’s shoulders.
Sammi shook his head, rubbing his temples, “I… feel a chill? That shouldn’t be possible, I am a chill! I am Winter incarnate!” he frowned.
Then finally, the train slowed to a stop, and with a hiss the doors opened…
Natasha strode to the exit. “Are you coming?” she asked.
The other five hesitated, then nodded, filing out after her. Slowly, the ghosts began to rise and exit the train as well.
A massive cavern greeted them. A subterranean train station with a huge clock hanging from the ceiling, with literal skeleton arms for arms. All around them ghostly flames flickered in skull like lanterns, and all around them their fellow passengers filed away into the caverns ahead.
“It really is Xibalba…” whispered Stephy, “Well… maybe not specifically Xibalba… but the Underworld…”
Arja looked around, “… why are they here, shouldn’t they be rejoining the cycle?” she asked, looking confused.
Natasha looked around, then saw a sign hanging nearby like a train schedule. The vampire pursed her lips, then went over to inspect it curiously.
Simoni shrugged, “Nelen has been looking into the nature of death for years now and even he’s totally at a loss Arja. But yeah… this… wait…” she stared into the crowd. One of the ghosts wasn’t going away from them.
Dawn hissed, her back arching. “Someone’s coming!” she warned.
The group readied themselves, but the newcomer let out a soft rattling chuckle.
"Calm yerself wee ‘uns… ah mean ye no harm…" came the voice of an elderly woman. They didn’t really hear it with their ears, it seemed to resonate in their bones.
Simoni glanced around at the others, then said, “Uh… sorry, who are you?” she asked, the woman drawing nearer.
She was dead, they could all see she was just as much a specter as the others. She wore a long green dress with a cloak of black feathers pulled over her, a circlet with a Celtic knot design resting on her head. She held a gnarled rowan staff in her hand, using it to walk.
"Tsk… ye dunnae know? That boy really tore me page outta th’ family history eh?" she sighed. "Me own great grandchildren dunnae recognize me…"
Stephy paused at her words, “… great grand… wait…” he stared, “You’re…”
She smiled and nodded, "Aye, that I am." her voice echoed as she lifted her arm, and stood straighter, showing a gaping sword wound in her middle. "Eliza Fullmoon, former Matriarch o’ Clan Fullmoon… ‘n Franklin’s mum… much to me shame."
Arja stared, “That wound… the men of your Clan use swords…” she looked at the ghost’s face.
Eliza nodded, "Aye ye we monkey… Franklin did this. Ran me through afore he usurped control o’ th’ Clan, but I got him back…" she smirked widely at her. "‘n you two are how…" she nodded, pointing to Arja and Simoni.
Simoni blinked, pointing to herself and looking at Arja, “Sorry… us?” she asked.
Eliza nodded, then frowned, "Would that I not have ta do it this way… but in th’ world o’ th’ living I be nae more than a voice on th’ wind…" she shook her head, "It has ta fall ta ye gels ‘n yer friends."
Arja frowned, “Sorry, WHAT does?” she asked, “Speak plainly!”
Eliza nodded, "Aye aye… when I was bleedin’ out on th’ floor infront of ol’ Franklin th’ Maven spoke through me. Told the little shit ‘is future. ‘When a daughter o’ Clan Fullmoon rejoins her cousins in th’ East, there will come a reckonin’. Its gluttony will be his undoin’, the legacy of Franklin Fullmoon will be nae more, burnt ta ash ‘n scattered on th’ wind.’ she nodded, "‘n you two lasses are th’ key."
Arja and Simoni stared, feeling the other’s eyes on them. Finally, Simoni spoke, “… that’s why…” she whispered, then she looked angry! “THAT’S WHY HE’S TRYING TO KILL ME?!” she shouted, “Because you told him that Arja and I would come after him and overthrow the leader of Clan Fullmoon?!”
Arja stared at the spectral woman, her face showing nothing but shock. This woman was the reason Franklin was so mad to kill Simoni, why he sent kill teams to Jaipur, why he bribed the Rahu’s Fangs gangsters… all because of this?!
Eliza glanced between them, "Ye doubt it. I cannae blame ye, but tis as true as ye breathe ‘n I don’t." she nodded firmly, then pointed to Simoni, "A daughter o’ Clan Fullmoon has rejoined her cousins in th’ east… tis no co-incidence yer feathers turned green gel." she nodded, then chuckled, "The Maven used ta get around…"
Simoni blushed as Arja grinned, “HAH! I knew it! I knew there had to be a reason!” she smirked, then paused, “That’s still freaking insane lady. Your son is trying to kill us and has banned your whole family from using magic…” she frowned at Eliza.
Eliza nodded, "Aye, and that’s th’ big part… y’see…" she began, "I saw you two facin’ down Franklin on th’ battlements o’ Castle Fullmoon, ‘n it was definitely both o’ ye. Somehow you two are gonna overthrow th’ usurper. The thing is…" she explained, then paused suddenly and looked behind her.
A voice was coming up one of the tunnels, singling a janky arrhythmic tune.
“Dollies dollies dollies… I get my jollies from breakin’ dollies…” it giggled.
Dawn’s eyes went huge, her tail floofing, “No way…” she whispered.
A man walked into view, with long gray hair and a thin almost skeletal form, twirling a large sharp needle in his fingers. “Dollies dollies…” he sang to himself, then paused as he saw the group, “… dollies…” he giggled, grinning wider. “Well well well… seems today is my lucky day!” he laughed. He was no ghost either, this man was still alive!
Dawn hissed, shrinking back behind Simoni. “No freaking way! I saw you die! A freaking DROOD got you! You don’t come back if one of them gets you!”
Simoni and Stephy looked at Dawn, “WHAT?!” the shouted, then looked back at the newcomer.
“You saw a Drood get… oh no no… that’s not…” whispered Simoni, taking a step back. Nelen had told them of his encounter with one of the infamous Droods.
Dawn hissed, “Yeah, Patrick Sampson… Pale, the Sin-Eater… DON’T HOLD BACK GUYS! THIS ONE IS A REAL MONSTER!”  she yowled.
They didn’t need more than that, Arja shapeshifted as Sammi held his hand up, conjuring a large ice spear. Stephy and Simoni whistled sharply, the wind swirling around them…
Then suddenly Stephy and Simoni coughed and stumbled, their heads pounding.
Sammi frowned, sweat beading on his head as his icicle began to slowly melt.
Even Arja seemed to be having trouble, the monkey girl’s legs shaking, “W-what… why can’t we…” she gasped.
Eliza looked back, "Ye cannae fight here! Th’ Underworld air is poison fer th’ living!" she shouted, "Get back on th’ bloody train ‘n flee! I’ll hold ‘im back!"
The group stumbled backwards towards the train as Eliza flexed her arms, "I may be dead… but I’m still a Matriarch o' Clan Fullmoon!" she snarled as Pale’s form swelled, the sin eater taking on the same monstrous aspect that he had when he fought Nelen in London!
“Out of my way old bitch! I. WANNA. PLAY!” he snarled, rushing forward as Eliza’s arms shot forward! A second later the air was full of spectral ravens, half skeletal most of them, diving towards Pale!
Inside the train the five living members of the group collapsed into the chairs, Simoni gasping for breath. “I… I can’t…” she managed, coughing. Even Dawn was looking ill, the feline laying across her lap as her chest rose and fell.
Sammi took a deep breath, then let out a long hacking cough. “Dammit, get this bloody train moving…” he grumbled… then smirked as he felt it lurch into motion, “Well… ask and… ye shall receive…” he chuckled as it began to roll out of the station.
A few moments later Pale ripped the roof off the car.
As the train began to pull out into the caverns Pale grinned down at them, his face looking like a demented jack-o-lantern as he clung to the roof of the car with spider-like limbs, the sin-eater's body having stretched like some insane caricature of a human and stick bug. “Dooooooolliiiiiieeees…” he giggled. He sported wounds from Eliza’s attack, but clearly he had managed to evade her.
Arja stumbled to her feet, then tried to conjure a flame, but only managed a small spark that soon burnt out… “Dammit… this is bad…” she snarled, sweat rolling down her face as Pale reached in. Suddenly one of the shadows on the wall detached and slashed at his wrist! The sin-eater hissed angrily and pulled back as Natasha stood in the center of the train car.
“Begone, monster.” she warned, “The living cannot fight in the depths of the Underworld… but I am not alive!” she hissed, her eyes glowing red as she bared her fangs.
Pale snarled, “UGLY DOLLY! I DON’T WANNA PLAY WITH YOU!” he shouted, some sort of white milky substance leaking from his fangs and shaping itself into a storm of needle-like objects, the sin eater pointing them down at the group, then letting fly!
Natasha flexed her hand, and the shadows under the tables flowed together and shot upwards, blocking the rain of metal as easily as an umbrella blocked rain. “Mortals…” she tsked, “You gain a tiny bit of power and suddenly think yourselves invincible. I have been vampyr since before the Americas were colonized little necromancer…” she snarled. “What did you do to Eliza?”
Pale giggled, “The old rotten dolly?” he giggled, “NEEDLES! ALL OVER!” he cackled as Simoni and Stephy gasped weakly.
Natasha smirked, “Oh? That is bad... for you. I know of the Underworld and its guardians little necromancer, and I saw the rules posted when we arrived…” she grinned, and it was not a nice grin, “… the living shall not harm the ghosts of the Station of Lost Souls…” she quoted.
The others just looked confused but Pale’s eyes widened, “… no…” he whispered, then suddenly a chain lashed out and wrapped firmly around his throat, his body shrinking back down into his human form as he struggled against it. “NO NO NO!” he screamed.
Standing at the end of the car was a man in a conductor’s uniform, carrying a lantern with a pale blue flickering flame, his other hand holding the chain, which had a watch on the end. His face was a skull devoid of any skin or musculature at all, he loomed over the others, looking bigger than he should be, and something about him seemed horribly wrong. This thing was no ghost, it had never been alive in the first place!
“Passenger Patrick Sampson.” it spoke, the words ringing in their ears. “You have violated the rules of the train. Come with me.” it nodded, the door opening behind it as he gave the chain a hard tug. Pale flew screaming through the air, landing roughly on the floor past Natasha as he glared and clawed at the carpet as the chain was reeled in, the conductor grabbing him and shoving him through the door.
“NOOOO! NOT THAT! LET ME GO! LET ME GOOOOO!” he screamed, trying to hold onto the doorframe.
“Passengers who do not heed the rules of the train will be punished.” it said impassively as several ghostly hands reached out of the darkness from the next compartment, grabbing his wrists and head. Pale let out one last cry, then was suddenly pulled backwards into the depths of the train as the door slammed shut!
The monstrous conductor turned to the others and tapped his hat brim, “We will be arriving in the Living Realm shortly. Please observe the rules of the train or you will meet a similar fate.” he warned, opening the carriage door once more, walking through, and closing it again.
They all stared, even Sammi seemed shocked by that. “… what…” asked Arja weakly.
“Kerberos. The guardians of the Underworld. Violate the rules, and they come for you.” she tutted, shaking her head. “I did some work with a necromancer under Prince Micahel during the eighteenth century. We discovered many interesting things about the realms of the dead.” she smirked, “You would think one such as him would know better…” she smirked.
Later, back in the Realm of the Living
Slowly, the train pulled into the station and the group disembarked, five of the six collapsing in a heap.
Simoni gulped down the fresh air of the living realm, “Oh gods I thought we were really going to die down there…” she gasped.
Arja nodded, “Yeah… we didn’t even find anything out about that McCall guy though…” she grumbled, wiping her forehead. She ached all over.
Stephy held up a finger from where he lay, “… but… we did find THAT out… at least now we know why grandpa is so hell-bent on killing Simoni…” he muttered.
Simoni frowned, “Yeah… if that really was a prophecy from Morrigan to her though… then… it had to be accurate… but, it sounded like there was more… should we try to go back and hear the rest?” she asked.
The six of them thought… for about ten seconds.
“No.” said Arja.
“No way.” commented Simoni.
“I feel like I’m gonna puke a hairball…” whined Dawn.
“Lovely mental image there, thank you for that…” grumbled Sammi.
Stephy lay there face up, his chest heaving as he swallowed down clean air, “… we should head back.” he managed.
“I would love to Stephy… but I can’t move.” muttered Simoni.
“I admit I am rather spent myself… very unpleasant place that…” wheezed Sammi.
Arja grumbled, fishing out her phone, then dialing Nelen’s number and putting it on Speaker. “… Nelen… hey… um… can you come pick us up? We… kinda ran into someone you know.” she managed, “Sorry, tired… gonna hang up and snooze now.” she muttered, then ended the call. Within a few minutes everyone living was unconscious.
Natasha looked them over, licking her lips, then squatted down and gently examined Simoni’s throat, then looked at Arja and thought better of it. “I shall wait until we return to town.” she nodded, carefully brushing Simoni’s hair back into place, then standing in the shadows as she watched for the headlights from Nelen’s car.
After a while, a mournful wail came across the deserted train station on the wind, the cry of someone who broke rules many many times over, and finally received his just desserts…
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