#clangen: hiveclan
goosehascats · 9 months
CW: Dead animals getting eaten (prey)
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Moon 4: Mosquitofur sees that Duskstar's piece of prey looks tastier and asks to swap. He agrees happily, saying he likes her prey better.
An old lady sharing her lunch with the guy who saved her and her granddaughter :)
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the-healers-hive · 5 months
The Healers Hive: Moon 0 pt. 1
Bee has gotten Tansy, but found something else as well...
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goosehascats · 9 months
Moon 6: Part 1
CW: Emotional manipulation, verbal abuse, trauma response.
“Again, Mitepaw?” Duskstar said sternly, eyebrows furrowed. “Surely you can pounce on a field mouse.” 
“I’m sorry, Duskstar,” Mitepaw said with a steely, determined expression. She had been struggling with hunting today, but she couldn’t figure out why. She was tasting the air, she had her ears on the swivel, perfectly down wind, but her pounces were just… Off, simply put. And she was paying the price now with Duskstar’s temper. She sat, back straight, but looking just down at Duskstar’s chest rather than at his eyes. 
“Do you think sorry is enough, Mitepaw? Do you think sorry feeds mouths?” Duskstar’s tail lashed, though his body remained composed. His eyes were dark and his ears were turned back, and this was about as outwardly angry as Mitepaw had ever seen him. She continued to stare coldly at his chest, knowing that any flicker of emotion could warrant more berating. 
“No, Duskstar.” Mitepaw’s voice was even, but she felt hot shame burn under her fur. She was better than this. She knew she was. And she had to be, she was Duskstar’s apprentice. His patience was not for her because she needed to represent him as a leader. If she went back to camp empty handed, what would that say about him? 
“Then what is the problem.” Duskstar demanded. It wasn’t a question, it was a command to speak. To give him a reason. To give him ammunition for the next leg of his rant. 
“I…” Mitepaw started. She knew she should have a reason. She knew that something should be different about today than yesterday, or any other day she’s hunted. She knew she was so close to her warrior name but if she kept having days like today, she’d never get there. So she needed something to be different, to be wrong. “I’m sorry, Duskstar.” She said again, tilting her head to stare solidly at the ground. “I’ve been distracted. I… I believe I had a vision from Starclan last night.” 
The silence that fell between Duskstar and Mitepaw was thick and heavy. She felt her skin crawl over her, thousands of little legs pricking at her skin as she waited for him to believe her lie. Her legs began to just barely quiver when she felt a tail on her back. She looked back up to see Duskstar with an observant but neutral expression on his face, eyes lighter and eyebrows lifted. 
“What did you see?” He asked in a soft, soothing tone. It was better than him being angry at her, but Mitepaw felt herself grow nauseous at the thought of having to give him details for a fake vision. 
“Oh, well,” Mitepaw started, looking away from Duskstar. “It was… A dream that I had last night, and it was… Clear, but it was soft in the way dreams are. There was…” Mitepaw looked around the horizon, her eyes landing on an awkward hump in the ground. “A burrow. Perhaps a tunnel, or a den underground. Hollow dirt.” Her claws tore up the dirt underfoot. “And there were…” Fox-dung, what’s a Starclan-y sign?! Mitepaw thought to herself in a panic. “Um, stars. There were stars in the den underground. I was being chased, or maybe just followed. But I found some water, and… And then I woke up.” 
“You just… Woke up when you saw the water?” 
“Well, yes, but only… Only after I looked into the water.” 
“And did you see yourself?” 
“Um… No. No, I saw Honeystream there.” 
“Hmm,” Duskstar hummed in thought, getting up on his paws to walk a circle around Mitepaw. “I see… I can’t quite make sense of it on my own, I think, but Snaillake would be rather delighted to hear this I’m sure.” Duskstar was purring by the end of his sentence, in a much better mood now. “Really, Mitepaw, I wish you had mentioned this sooner, this is far more important than a few field mice.” 
“Yes, Duskstar. Sorry, Duskstar. I wasn’t… Sure if it was real or not, but I’ll make sure to bring up any more visions to you and Snaillake.” Mitepaw felt her chest tighten as if she was going to cry, or maybe vomit. If he finds out I’ve lied about this… She shook the thought from her head. She would keep up the lie. She had to. If the vision was vague enough, perhaps Snaillake wouldn’t be able to parse it either. And then maybe they could forget about it and Mitepaw could hunt better tomorrow. All that mattered now was that Duskstar wasn’t mad at her.
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goosehascats · 9 months
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Moon 4: Leechpaw is having a wonderful time discussing recent Clan news with Mitepaw.
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goosehascats · 9 months
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Moon 3: Roachchirp surprised Mosquitofur with something nice.
Just a little something of Roachchirp having a soft spot for a single (adoptive) mother. Slight spoilers below the read more but important I think moving forward (just so I have this note. Somewhere)
but I've rolled next week's moons and, despite the lack of nursing queens in the Clan, the abandoned kit has survived, and current HC is that she had Snaillake find her an absurd amount of borage, just like. Eating borage salads (/hyp) with her prey to try to induce milk and has managed to produce just enough to keep the thing going, if underfed. There'll be a quick fix to that and some adjustments to welcome said kit into the Clan fully but for now. Here's the answer to the question that would've bugged me lmao
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goosehascats · 9 months
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Moon 3: A rogue leaves a kit with the clan named Primrose.
Primrose discovery mini-story under the
Mosquitofur was alone in camp, again. The mornings were always lonely, with what few paws that were in the camp working to hunt and forage and train in the cool hours of early day. It left Mosquitofur with the duty of keeping an eye on empty nests.
Normally she would only hear the whistling of wind over the lip of the bowl that formed the camp, rustling the tall grasses that obscured it from view. But today the wind carried something else on it- a wail.
It was weak and sounded distant, but it was a cry nonetheless. Something in Mosquitofur's chest tightened, and she felt herself compelled to bound over the lip of the camp and down the rabbit run that lead into it.
She nearly stumbled over the poor thing, laying still and gray in the run like a stone. But it had wiggled and wailed just enough that she skidded to a stop. A single evening primrose lay next to the kit, which turned to her, sensing her weight and warmth. It's eyes were still closed, and it's ears still folded against it's small head. The scent of birth hadn't even left it's small body yet, though it was dry and clean.
Mosquitofur choked back tears, unable to fathom why a newborn kit would be left in a rabbit run alone like this, but she picked it up by the scruff, tucking her chin so it could press against the soft warmth of her chest fur. She began to hum a lullaby she hadn't sung in many moons as she walked back to camp.
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goosehascats · 9 months
IM SORRY-? WHO the FUCK decided to name the poor little baby that DROWNED “HoneySTREAM”? How did Beeflick react to this decision?
CW: Death mention, grief, unhealthy reaction to trauma
Well that would be Duskstar :) He, in typical Duskstar fashion, had a conversation where he comforted Beeflick, proposed the idea of naming him a warrior in death to ensure better luck for the Clan and rest for the young cat, and she agreed. He promised her he would make sure he found a name that honored his life. And yk. What better way to do that than with the thing that ended it, right? Beeflick's reaction, after all of her crying and grief, was kind of just a stunned, resigned acceptance. No "how could he" no "that's so messed up" just. A pang of guilt and sorrow and pain and then. "This is how it's supposed to be." And that's kinda where the turning point from feeling like a failure to needing to internalize the guilt and blame herself in the name of control really starts to happen.
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goosehascats · 9 months
ClanGen Project: Hiveclan
Well over the mountain ridge, far enough that it feels like a different planet, two Clans had resided in near peace for generations. Burrowclan and Rootclan had seen their fair shares of wars and peace talks, but for the last few leadership cycles, their co-existence had been amicable. This, however, would not last. A sudden influx of two-legs and dogs, faster and keener than any two-leg pet the Clan cats had encountered before, were invading their woods. The Clans tried to stick together, tried even to escape together, unified by their terror, but to no avail. The Clans were split up, cats scattered in survival groups in every direction. So few made it out. Even fewer found each other again over the mountain ridge. Some were Burrowclan, some were Rootclan. They didn't care at that point, however. They treated their wounds, and moved farther from the mountains, into the foothills. Hiveclan formed in the flower fields below.
About the Clan Moons Allegiances Journals Art References Asks
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goosehascats · 9 months
Moon 4: Part 1
CW: Brief mention of an implicitly abusive moment between two characters.
Mitepaw’s pelt rippled with nervous energy, claws peeking just out of their sheathes as she followed Duskstar out of camp. She knew it was only going to be a border patrol, and with no other Clans around, the possibility of actually having to fight was low. But Duskstar had been teaching her so much about takedowns and pins that she couldn’t help but dream about actually getting to use them. So, out of desperation for an excuse to fight, Mitepaw kept her ears on a swivel. Duskstar, without so much as a glance in her direction, seemed to pick up on this. 
“Anticipating something, Mitepaw?” He asked in a tone she couldn’t place. She walked directly behind him, only able to see the back of his head and ears, but she was certain his voice was lacking its normally smiley tone. He was in one of his moods again. Mitepaw knew well enough that it meant she shouldn’t push anything- Duskstar could be surprisingly intimidating one on one, something she wasn’t sure most of the rest of the Clan actually knew. 
“Nothing for certain, Duskstar,” she said in a neutral tone. “Just antsy, I suppose.” 
“Hm,” was his only response. She let out an even breath, thankful that she hadn’t set anything off in him. Border patrols seemed to put him on edge. It appeared as though these odd moods of his only seemed to really happen on them, at least, though he’d certainly gotten this way during one training session. She tried not to think about it much. It was early in her apprentice hood, and she had been careful to not push him like this since. 
The two continued to walk for some time, heading to the Northern border closest to the mountain range. Here there were more trees and shrubs. Not quite a forest, but not as open as the fields the Clan’s camp was in. The sun hadn’t quite reached its peak yet, but with how warm it was getting as they approached greenleaf, Mitepaw welcomed the scarce shade still. The two traveled awhile, silent as the land itself, marking their border as they went. 
They neared their final border marker for the North end when Duskstar’s body froze mid-step. He hunkered down, a paw still lifted, staring straight ahead with hair width pupils. Mitepaw immediately lowered herself down next to him, staring ahead as well, ears straining and mouth open, pleading with Starclan to give her a hint as to what he could’ve sensed. All she could smell was herbs, but a lot of them. Less like a bundle of a specific kind, but a wafting cloud of herb scent that reminded her of Snaillake. And beneath it, the smell of milk. She immediately looked to Duskstar, certain that he must also sense it. She had been yearning so strongly for a fight, but if there was a queen nearby… She wasn’t sure she could handle hurting a family. 
Duskstar only glanced at her, tilting his head forward once. The two set into a low stalk, staying downwind of the scent’s source. They seemed to be nearing a grouping of shrubs. Upon closer inspection as they neared it, it appeared as though the branches had been pulled closer, woven together with long grass to create a sort of den wall. 
Clever, Mitepaw thought to herself. She didn’t think it looked as cozy as the repurposed hare burrows, but it certainly looked better than sleeping on the fields, bare to the weather. Duskstar opened his mouth again, and Mitepaw did as well. They had to get a sense of how many cats were occupying the den before they could make their move, but the smell of herbs was making it difficult. Duskstar glanced at Mitepaw again, straightening up as though he had already determined stealth was no longer necessary. His tail flicked for Mitepaw to go ahead of him.
“Go around till you find the den entrance,” he murmured in her ear. “I’ll announce our presence, but they’ll be less likely to attack a younger cat.” 
Mitepaw nodded stiffly. She knew she could take some medicine cat in a fight, anyways. She began to walk forward, pelt prickling just a little at her unease at being conspicuous now. She tried to force it smooth, to keep the calm exterior that Duskstar had, but she couldn’t help but imagine all the ways someone might try to come at her- and all the ways she could put them on the ground for doing so. 
The entrance was on the North side, and as soon as they saw traces of flattened grass and exposed dirt, Duskstar piped up. “Hello?” He asked curiously, a light lilt in his voice. “Hello, we noticed-” A face appears in the entrance, white and a pale gingery color. The cat within looks weary, but too tired to fight. Mitepaw tries to not let her disappointment show, but allows relief to make her shoulders ease. “Ah-” Duskstar says. “I apologize if we’ve interrupted your rest.”
“Not at all,” the cat mewed, eyes looking between the two Clan cats with a mixture of pleading and hope. “The youngin’s have been keeping me up, I’m afraid.” 
“I suppose that is a tendency of theirs,” Duskstar joked lightly. “Are you aware you are on Clan territory?” 
The cat visibly deflates a little, ears drooping just slightly. “No, sorry. I’m afraid I didn’t realize cats lived out this far.” The cat looks back into the den, a few pitiful mews wailing from within. “I suppose we can relocate perhaps tomorrow… Or perhaps y’all could use a bit of wisdom?” The cat looked back at Duskstar and Mitepaw. “I don’t know much about tribe life or clan life or whatever it is y’all called it, but I do know quite a bit about plants and-” The cat looks back into the den briefly. “Well, if y’all keep me around I suppose your group will have some fresh blood as well.” 
Duskstar’s smile widens, gaining a genuineness that made Mitepaw smile as well. “That would be absolutely wonderful,” Duskstar said with a purr. “Why don’t we take you back to our camp then and get you settled?” 
The cat’s eyes lifted some. “Really? Well darn, and here I was thinking my luck had run out,” the stranger laughed in relief. “Let me get the youngin’s cleaned up a little and we’ll be right out. Name’s Norman, by the way.” Norman paused a moment, giving a sheepish look. “And uh, I know it might be a li’l unconventional, but I am a tom.” He glanced back at Duskstar and Mitepaw. “These are my kits, but I know who I am at heart.” 
Mitepaw opened her mouth, an eyebrow raised in mild confusion, but Duskstar’s tail brushed over her muzzle to hush her. “I don’t see how that’ll be a problem for us, Norman. You and your litter are plenty welcome, no matter your personal circumstances.” Mitepaw looked up at Duskstar, doubly confused now at his lack of questioning. Duskstar did not return her look, instead adding; “Why don’t you let Mitepaw and I help carry the little ones, and you can tell us how you ended up all the way out here on the way back?” 
“Hm,” Norman said, setting down two kits, appearing to be about a moon old. “I think that sounds alright.” He motioned to the two kits. “These here are Hoot and Rye.” Norman motioned to the cinnamon kit and fawn kit respectively. Mitepaw picked up Hoot and Duskstar Rye, and the three adult cats set off walking, Norman starting on a rather long story.
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goosehascats · 8 months
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Managed to get our newest cat on to the base by zulius! His name is Frenchfern, a speckled gray tabby tom with warm gray eyes and short fur. He's got wide, friendly eyes and an amicable resting face. So far he's been getting friendly with Beeflick, and I think it'll stay that way. He's considered a senior warrior, so I'm imagining their relationship with be like. Elder gay, not quite brother or father figure, but definitely like. Someone of guidance to her.
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goosehascats · 9 months
Moon 3: Part 1b
CW: App endangerment
Roachchirp could barely see anything in the deluge. Rain was coming down in sheets, and the grass beneath her was slick and muddy. Her fur clung to her muscular frame, her paws dark with mud. She was gasping slightly for breath, the cold rain shocking the air out of her lungs. 
A loud roll of thunder roared overhead, causing the she-cat to flinch. “LEECHPAW!” She shouted in the comparative quiet following. Her voice carried more emotion than it should’ve, both drenched in worry for the young cat, and fear for the weather. The rain stunted the sound from carrying, and she pressed forward against it. A shape, just through the gray of the rain, was standing completely still. 
“LEECHPAW?” Roachchirp cried again, gasping as another shiver of cold took over her spine. “COME HERE,” she tried to command her voice to sound enraged, demanding, but it came out a pathetic, begging sound. She rushed as much as she could through the rain to the shape, but it suddenly… Slipped. As if into the ground.
Roachchirp willed her legs to run again, already exhausted from running halfway across the territory as it was. She skidded to a stop just barely at the edge of water. Running water.
There’s no way, Roachchirp thought to herself. There’s no way I’m this far across the territory. Then, the shape. How it slipped. Panicked, Roachchirp began to run along the bloated river downstream, straining her eyes against the rain for a pelt in the water. “LEECHPAW!” Roachchirp cried again. She stopped trying to conceal her concern, now just begging shamelessly for her apprentice to appear on the bank.
Roachchirp almost screamed as she tripped over something in her path. 
She whirled, getting onto her feet, panting as she looked down at the ground. A slick red and white shape lay there, trembling. Leechpaw raised her head just a claw’s length off of the riverbank, eyes scared and begging Roachchirp for help without a word. Roachchirp dove for her apprentice, grabbing her by the scruff. She was nearly full grown, so she more dragged her than carried her, but she set about in the direction of the nearest shelter she knew- the fox dens. 
Roachchirp and Leechpaw had been missing a full day when they came back to camp. It was early evening, the sun just barely above the horizon, and Roachchirp came limping into camp, exhausted, Leechpaw leaning against her. Beeflick was the first to approach them. 
“Oh thank the stars you two are ok,” Beeflick said with calm but genuine concern. Roachchirp only gave her a dark look from under her brow. “What happened? Where have the two of you been?”
“Snaillake first,” Roachchirp snapped. “We’re obviously exhausted. You and Duskstar can interrogate us later.” Beeflick flinched at the sharpness of Roachchirp’s tone, but nodded. 
“Very well,” she said softly, getting on the other side of Leechpaw to support her. 
The three of them entered Snaillake’s den, where he sat sorting his herbs. He looked up as Roachchirp and Leechpaw entered, Beeflick hanging back at the entrance. Snaillake motioned to the two nests in the den, prepared for them already. 
“Hm,” he mused. “Looks like both of you nearly drowned this time.” He glanced up at Beeflick. 
“I’d recommend you keep the quips to a minimum, Snaillake,” Roachchirp warned. “After the night we had, I’m not in the mood for commentary.”
The red she-cat had nestled into her nest fine, front paws tucked under her chest. Leechpaw opted to push her nest closer to Roachchirp’s, pelts nearly touching. Snaillake observed the two of them, and then turned to Beeflick. “I will fetch you and Duskstar when I have my diagnosis.”
Beeflick ducked her head, and turned to leave. Snaillake turned back to the two she-cats, and set about poking and prodding them.
“So,” Duskstar asked calmly, smiling his usual smile. “Leechpaw. Why did you leave camp when the thunder started?” 
Leechpaw, appearing sheepish and humiliated, lowered her head to look at the floor. “I…” She kneaded the dirt, as if unsure what to say. 
“Come on, Leechpaw,” Roachchirp nudged.
Leechpaw looked up at Roachchirp with wet eyes, and then headbutted her shoulder. It was an odd display from such a proud she-cat, and it took Beeflick and Duskstar both a little by surprise. She was burying her face like a shy kit. “You tell them,” Leechpaw mewed into Roachchirp’s fur. Her small body trembled with the effort it took not to cough as she did, her lungs affected terribly still from the river water.
Roachchirp’s eyes raised to meet Duskstar’s, ever stoic and dutiful. “Leechpaw and I got into an argument about her training,” Roachchirp stated plainly. “We’d argued about it our entire hunting patrol- hence why nothing was brought back.” Roachchirp’s ear flicked as though she was annoyed to have to admit this. “Leechpaw was still emotional, so she left camp, and the thunder happened to coincide with her running off.” 
Duskstar nodded lightly, gaze directing back onto Leechpaw. “Is this true?”
Leechpaw only nodded into Roachchirp’s side. 
Duskstar hummed in thought a bit. “And then when the rain started, you just kept running. And running until you hit the river in the East. And Roachchirp, ever the dutiful mentor,” Duskstar added in an almost sickly complimentary tone. “Followed you, risking her own health and safety. And she found you and took you to the fox dens as the nearest shelter the two of you could find.” 
Roachchirp nodded once. “Yes, Duskstar.” 
Leechpaw turned to look up at her leader, and gave him a small nod. “Yes, Duskstar.” 
Duskstar hummed in thought again, staring at the wall just behind Roachchirp and her apprentice. After a moment, he nods again. “Very well. Please, don’t let this happen again. Especially you,” he mewed playfully, tapping Leechpaw on the nose with the tip of his tail. “We can’t be losing any more apprentices to that dreadful river.” 
Leechpaw only nodded in response again.
“The two of you are dismissed,” Duskstar said amicably. “Be sure to be honest with Snaillake about any of your symptoms getting worse or new pain.” 
“We will, Duskstar,” Roachchirp mewed obediently, ushering Leechpaw out of the den. 
It took a moment, but once the two had gotten out of earshot of the den, Duskstar turned to look at Beeflick, smile gone, replaced with a look of dark pensiveness that she had not seen on him before.
“Beeflick, dearest. I believe those two were lying.”
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goosehascats · 9 months
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Next cat on zulius's base is our only warrior (so far), Roachchirp. A red broken classic tabby she-cat with blue eyes, long fur, and a single fang poking out over her lip. She is strict and extremely intelligent, surprisingly fond and diligent of the warrior code for an ex-rogue. She is an almost militaristic mentor to Leechpaw, who looks up to Roachchirp with a near religious devotion. Roachchirp seeks to climb the ranks in the Clan, and currently has her eyes set on Beeflick and possibly taking the position of deputy from her.
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goosehascats · 9 months
About Hiveclan
Hiveclan is, more than anything else, a Clan united by survivor's guilt and trauma. Relationships in the clan will be unhealthy, toxic, codependent, obsessive. Leadership will be rife with paranoia. Medicine cats will find signs in every nightmare and suspicious shadow. Warriors are paranoid and easily started; fight or flight rules over thought. Elder's tell horror stories from their lives, and kits and apprentices internalize these horrors.
Hiveclan values a few things in a cat;
Awareness (paranoia)
Compassion (an attachment and reliance on their Clanmates that borders on, if not being outright, codependency)
Wisdom (oversharing their traumas to the young and naive of the Clan)
Rules for Gameplay
All loners/rogues/strays are welcome to join the Clan (must be given some form of tragic or harrowing backstory if they choose to join)
Warriors names will be Southeast USA fauna and flora focused; heavy lean on bugs for name themes.
All encounters with other Clans will be ignored; Hiveclan is, for now, alone. Isolated.
All encounters with dogs will be focused on by the Clan founders, mark as major lore events.
Hiveclan lives in rolling foothills with tall grass, bordered on one side by wetland. The hills are full of wild flowers, and thus many ground hives for bees and wasps. Hiveclan, with their ever strained ears, have learned how to avoid the deep hums of these terrestrial dwellings- something they pray is to their advantage in the event of another invasion.
(Edit later with territory and camp maps)
Update Process
Every 3 moons, take note of any interesting going ons. Use these updates to inspire short stories and drawings until motivation and inspiration are out. Repeat the process. Updates will not be strictly game only text and will be interspersed with personal head canons for more specificity. Post schedule rn (after Jan 1 2024) is 1 journal and 1 piece of art on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
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goosehascats · 8 months
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Finally (for now) is Scuttlepaw on zulius's base. Scuttlepaw is a silver marbled tabby tom with pale green eyes and odd lying fur. His resting face is that of slightly perturbed inquisition, as if slightly concerned by all the things he's seeing. He is quiet, and often doesn't speak unless absolutely necessary. His mentor is Beeflick, who is feeling rather nervous about having another apprentice after Honeystream.
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goosehascats · 8 months
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Finished Ryepaw on zulius's base. Ryepaw is a fawn ticked tabby tom with amber eyes and dense fur. He has a resting challenging face, as if he's constantly ready to start a bet or dare. Ryepaw is being mentored by Duskstar, and after his brother's death, hates Mitebreeze with his whole body. Duskstar plans to use this to pit Ryepaw's training against Mitebreeze's success to push him.
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goosehascats · 8 months
Moon Update
Moon 7:
Patrols: Snaillake takes Leechpaw on an herb gathering patrol to replace the herbs she used. Duskstar suggests now would be a good time to teach Mitepaw new fighting techniques. Both cats have a nice practice session, swapping their best tips and tricks with each other. Beeflick goes hunting alone and catches a mouse.
Roachchirp has a running nose. Duskstar names Mitepaw Mitebreeze and honors her strong will. The infection in Norman's wound has abated and he has healed from the strain of having a litter. Beeflick appreciates how Scuttlekit always seems to ask how she's doing. Mitebreeze stands tall when Leechpaw walks by. Mitebreeze tells Scuttlekit she caught the prey just for him when she delivers it.
Moon 8:
Patrols: Duskstar and Mitebreeze find a kittypet who wishes to join the Clan. He takes little convincing. (French joined Hiveclan) Frenchfern and Beeflick go on a border patrol together. Frenchfern falls when a tunnel below him collapses in, but Beeflick reassures him while she digs him out. Leechpaw trains alone while Roachchirp is seek, thinking about her last vision. Training puts her into an almost meditative state, and she both works out her vision as well as improves upon her skills.
French changed his name to Frenchfern. Ryepaw is apprenticed to Duskstar. Hootpaw is apprenticed to Mitebreeze. Snaillake's tail was badly injured by a dog. Ryepaw has gotten a runny nose. Mitebreeze mews congratulations to Beeflick for a job well done. Duskstar thinks Frenchfern hasn't been doing very much work lately. Ryepaw finds a bit of fluff that smells like Norman and adds it to his nest. Hootpaw dies of kittencough.
Moon 9:
Patrols: Duskstar and Ryepaw find an opening to a new set of tunnels. They determine that a wolverine has made it's home there and leave quickly. Mitepaw and Leechpaw find a fox eating a whitetail fawn carcass. They try to chase it off but fail, leaving without injuries. Beeflick and Frenchfern find a fox eating a calf carcass. They try to chase it off, but a coyote yip sends the fox and the cats both running.
Scuttlepaw is apprenticed to Beeflick. Roachchirp is no longer ill. Beeflick finds a bit of fur that smells like Roachchirp and adds it to her nest. Mosquitofur jokes about exploring Two-Leg place with Duskstar. Duskstar is surprised by Ryepaw being thoughtful. Scuttlepaw has been listening to Beeflick talk about how difficult herb memorization is. Frenchfern bickered about something trivial with Duskstar.
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