#class 9 maths chapter 1 extra questions with solutions
Class-9 Mathematics Important Questions Chapter-2 | Polynomials #mathematics #midterms2022
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valpy-blog · 5 years
Rational Numbers Class 7 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 9
Rational Numbers Class 7 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 9
Rational Numbers Class 7 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 9
Extra Questions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 9 Rational Numbers
Rational Numbers Class 7 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type
Question 1. Find three rational numbers equivalent to each of the following rational numbers. (i) (ii) Solution:
Question 2. Reduce the following rational numbers in standard form. (i) (ii) Solution:
Question 3. Re…
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In The Shadows of the Rising Sun: Chp 9
Chapters 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7 , Chapter 8
Once again so sorry for the delay on the chapter its been really crazy on my end. My sister had a baby, I got a new job and just the holiday to name a few ^^;
Chapter 9: Alone Together
Word Count: 2,210
Chise was hasty but diligent as she checked the apartment’s vacancy, silently thankful for the absurd lengths her cousin stretches out her business ventures. Seconds after the door clicks shut Elias emerged from the shadows in a rush and Chise sighed in relief. Although he had been present all day his long bony face is a sight for sore eyes. The sentiment was one he evidently shared for as soon as he was solid again he cupped her cheek in his right palm in almost reverent gentleness. He echoed her sigh, his breath sweeping over her red face in a rush, fanning the tips of her hair between his fingers.
It was so strange to be so sure that his feelings were exactly the same as hers. She blinked slowly, caught in the moment and hypnotized by his earnest gaze. The pads of his fingers fit in the curves of her jaw like she had done when she awoke beside him. She absently wondered if he recalled the action from his subconscious.
Belatedly, Chise pursed her lips and gripped her book bag tighter. If she wanted any hope of finishing her three days of math, not to mention her other subjects, she would have to start soon.
Her books spilled across the coffee table in a series of dull thuds. Fortunately, both science and history were reading assignments and the professors would never call on her if their lives depended on it. English was similar, translate and transcribe a paragraph of your choice from the provided kabuki play passages from hiragana to informal English. She normally dreaded this process, but her past days of constant English moved the work from a sluggish crawl to a leisurely walk.
All the while Elias hung just to the side of her. Although he sat corporally, he took the role of her shadow, all the same. Entranced in her movements eyes following where she goes, silent but ever-present.
Once the last character was redrawn as a letter she grumbled knowing it could be ignored no longer. Consulting her yellow sticky note, Chise split open the algebra textbook and set to work.
The process was slow and grueling. Finicky obnoxious measurements slowly scratched out to produce something that looked like effort went into it. She hated math on the best of days, this stupid fake math that can’t even be bothered to use numbers makes her want to pop a vein. But something about this assignment, aside from its extended length, grated at her nerves.
When it came down to it no matter how hard she would work on this assignment she would never understand it. She would work stressfully for several extra hours and receive a grade only slightly less abysmal than if she turned in nothing. It felt so pointless to toil and struggle for someone who wouldn’t pay her a passing glance. Who acted disgusted when she asked for help.
A hot gruff groan built in her chest and slipped through ground teeth, burning her nostrils. Distractedly she adjusted her bangs harshly and repositioned against the coffee table. In her shuffling, she didn’t hear Elias shuffle closer, peering over her shoulder. She jumped slightly when his hand slipped past her, the plum pad of his finger landing in between the unknown X and a pair of parenthesis.
“This one needs to be applied to all of the numbers inside the curves. It’s not a number, but it can still act like one.” He said simply. No trace of judgment or impatience could be found in his voice.
Her eyes followed his hand as he retracted. When their faces fell on each other he made a small nod in gentle urging. Her gaze returned to the paper. It couldn’t hurt. Slowly she applied his suggestion, more came as she worked, and the picture became clearer and clearer.
“Don’t forget to add and subtract this value because there are two possible answers.” She did just that and wrote out what had to be the closest thing to a properly done solution she had ever written. Another sigh spilled out, not of frustration but relief.
She leaned back on her elbow to look up at him fondly. “How do you understand math so well?”
His eyes crinkled in that glowing smile she had come to recognize. “When working with the fae, especially finicky ones, one must understand proportions and numbers. Even across different understandings. Many humans have met their end by accidentally slighting a proud spirit.” She chuckled at this, the absurd image of a faerie angrily stabbing at a calculator coming to mind.
As they worked together the heat of her frustration subsided. Her jaw relaxed and her breathing became less forced as her effort no longer felt futile. One after one they marked off the assigned problems until all 30 questions have a line struck through them.
The textbook closed with a satisfying thump as she brought the halves together like a grateful prayer. “Thank you for helping me. I couldn’t have done that on my own.”
His head tilted, “What have you done then?”
She shrugged, “I just turn in the best I can figure out.”
Elias looked back to the book between her hands. “And your teacher does nothing if you haven’t learned it?” He questioned.
“Pretty much.”
He was quiet at this looking pensive. As Chise began to put her work away the English assignment caught her eye reminding her of their conversation at lunch. “Would you like to look at this assignment with me? I can start teaching you Japanese.”
How could someone incapable of moving their face smile so plainly? “I would like that.”
He resettled again as she fished out the dictionary. “It’ll kind of be working backwards,” she mused aloud realizing the difficulty laid in front of her. “I’m probably not a very good teacher.” She admitted sheepishly.
“Any teacher is better than nothing.” He pauses, “Better than the teachers you have by the sound of it.” Chise stuttered unsure what to say when her attention snapped to the door and her heart stopped.
Tapping heels resounded through her eardrums like bass drums. In their shuffling the rattling of keys had been lost. Reina fidgetted through her purse and Chise and Elias were petrified as she looked up to the living room. Then back down at her purse.
She frowned and looked up again to Chise alone. She blinked in bewilderment looking to and fro as she skeptically walked forward. The frown on Reina’s face wanted to set in deep but her face was too confused to do so. “Were you...talking with someone? I could have sworn I heard…”
“I was just reciting my English,” Chise interjected forcing the most natural tone she could muster, “we have to read our translation aloud in class.”
Her cousin’s dark red lips pressed together disdainfully as her eyes searched the room. But nothing was disturbed, no exit could be that quick. And there is nowhere to hide in the barren apartment.
“Is...something wrong?” Chise probed in hopes of invoking her pride.
Reina’s posture realigned, regaining its commanding indifference as she unknowingly swallowed the bait. “No everything is fine.” She turned on her heels to place her purse on the kitchen counter. With her back turned, Chise steadily relaxed against the coffee table and stretched her fingers flat against the carpet. A warm shifting murmured against her palm, seeping between her digits.
“You spent a lot more than normal.” Reina’s sharp probing drew her out of the private moment. From the counter she stood with the remaining bills in hand, eyeing the child in her care like a hawk.
“I-i,” Chise gulped, mentally fumbling to come up with an explanation. “S-since it was my birthday Saturday I wanted to get something a little special.” Chise stutters, “Is that ok.”
Her predatory stare breaks as she blinks in realization. That had been this weekend, hadn’t it? “Um yeah, I guess.” She adds under her breath, “saves me from having to get a present.”
When Reina finally settled along the coffee table with takeout curry in hand, Chise felt as though she had lived through five separate heart attacks.
She was somewhat nauseous from the continuous back and forths but partook of her curry all the same. A few spoonfuls of spicy rice made the flip-flopping in her belly cease very quickly. The savory flavors danced on her tongue as she actually tasted a meal she should have been well familiar with. Although she would have happily devoured the entire container, a slight shift of her left hand reminds her to stop halfway.
As impatient an eater as she is everything else, Reina finished her rice soon after Chise and moved to throw away their containers.
Like a started rabbit Chise flung forward to guard her bowl from Reina’s grip, blocking her fingers from the plastic rim. Her brain catches up with her body as she slowly met her cousin’s eyes. Wide eyes narrowed like a bow pulled taunt, aimed at its kill. “What are you-“
“I was just wanting to save it for later,” Chise blurted, “maybe for breakfast.” She strained under the probing glare until Reina huffed and rolled her eyes. “Sure, that’s fine.” She sharply plucked her own bowl, standing in a fluid motion where Chise lay in her line of sight all the long way from the table to the trash. The timid clicking of the top and bottom of her plastic bowl resounded in the apartment as Chise watched Reina retire to her bedroom.
An eternity after Reina sealed herself in her bedroom the light under her doorway finally extinguished. A smaller eternity later, during which Chise showered and readied for bed, Elias had still not emerged from the shadows. From her futon, she ran her fingers all through the carpet. They met no resistance.  
Suddenly nervous, Chise looked over her shadow. No red lights.
Her throat constricts in anxiety. Her mouth suddenly very dry, she croaked out quietly, “Elias?” Nothing.
She sat up like a shot, searching frantically. Red hair whipped from side to side before swishing toward the small hallway. A thicker patch of darkness slithered from the direction of Reina’s bedroom. Her heart relaxed once the shadow knitted itself back into her strange friend. His jaw parted in oblivious confusion. “Is something wrong?”
“No, but...I didn’t know where you were.”
His posture relaxed as his jaw clacked together in understanding. “I needed to be sure she was asleep before I emerged.”
At this confession her insecurity quelled and she found herself feeling oddly guilty. And clingy.
She wrapped her arms around his torso letting the warmth of his body permeate the icy chamber of her lonely heart. He gasped and returned the gesture, tucking his long jaw against her back. A light rumbling sigh vibrated against her sternum.
A similar rumbling from his stomach reminded Chise of the earlier injustice, prompting her to reluctantly untangle herself and make for the fridge. She tried to hand Elias the container of remaining curry but he refused. “You need to eat more.”
She frowned. “But you haven’t had any.” She pushed it toward him again. He held his palm up to push it away. “You haven’t eaten enough.” His eyes bore into her stern and urging.
She huffed and relented, prying the container open as quietly as she could. She dipped her fork in for a few more bites and swallowed roughly. She rubbed her mouth against her fist. “There,” she shoved the container somewhat defiantly at his chest, “now you have the rest.”
Elias nodded and made quick and quiet work of the food.
She sighed harshly as he ate, before returning to the futon. Deliberately she lowered herself onto her back, hair splaying across the ground and staring at the ceiling. Her mind felt both restless and sluggish while she deliberated what she should say. But as he laid nest her on his side nothing she has thought of felt correct. Chise looked up to Elias with guilt still lingering in her eyes. “Elias,” she whispered, “I’m sorry you had to hide here too. And that I didn’t teach you as I promised.”
He stared at her for a moment before finally answering, “it's not your fault.”
She opened her mouth but choked on her words. Chise knew it would be polite, right, if she told him that he did not need to stay if he wished not to. That he did not need to be tied to a place where his actions and presence were so harshly limited. But she was terrified, horrified, that he would take up the offer and leave her as she was before. Leave her like everyone else. Leave her...alone.
“I’ll make sure we have time tomorrow.” She promised in a small voice.
He hummed in agreement. She was not the only one feeling needy she realized as Elias settled himself to lie against her, his head tucked along her neck and his left hand taking her right. As her hand clasped back comfort washed over them. Chise still wished they had been given more time today, but with each other held close, she could be held content until tomorrow.
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learninsta · 4 years
Probability Class 9 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 15 with Solutions Answers
Probability Class 9 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 15 with Solutions Answers
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Here we are providing Probability Class 9 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 15 with Answers Solutions, Extra Questions for Class 9 Maths was designed by subject expert teachers.
Extra Questions for Class 9 Maths Probability with Answers Solutions
Extra Questions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 15 Probability with Solutions Answers
Probability Class 9 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type
Question 1. The…
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wannabanauthor · 7 years
Seven Shades of Shit Book Review with Caitlyn Lynch: Chapter 6 Part 1
Hello everybody, and once again I’m reviewing Cassandra Dee’s Seven Brothers of Sin.  It’s a horrible book so far, and I expect Chapter 6 to answer the question “Can this get any worse?”
Don’t forget to check out the lovely @caitlynlynch review as well!  She is my partner in suffering at the moment.  Her review will be linked here!
Here is the link to the masterpost.
Now onto the horror show…wait, I need some chocolate pie before I attempt to read this garbage.
This chapter is from Macy’s POV, and apparently she needs to recap everything.
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I’m going to caption this as “Last Time on Seven Brothers of Sin…”
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They’re probably drugging you, Macy.  You should stay away from them.  They’re weird as fuck.
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This is a classic example of Plot Convenience, and it’s asking the readers for an unusually high Suspension of Disbelief threshold.
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I’ve read taboo/pseudo-incest erotica that didn’t sound this creepy.  You think I might be exaggerating, but I’m not.  This author’s writing really is that bad.
I’d like to remind you of Caitlyn’s first chapter review where she mentions the possible child molestation that took place when the Morgan’s brothers played doctor with Macy 10 years ago when she was 8 years old.
I’d like to also reiterate that the taboo erotica I’ve read never ever mentions a sexual or romantic relationship/interest between the man and the woman before she was of legal age. Think about that for a moment. Erotica centering on step-family members fucking each other has better morals then a non-taboo erotic book.  How’s that for a comparison?
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Unless you’re actually a diagnosed sex-addict, you are not addicted to your vibrator.  A lot of teenage girls masturbate, look at porn, and read romance novels.  However, that should not be mentioned or referred to in this book since she was underage at the time it happened.  If anything, the author could have focused on her playing with herself and everything when she was at college.
Bitch, Smith just touched you down there.  You have six guys panting over you, and I guarantee you that men do not care about “how much flesh” is down there.  They just want to fuck you.  If that means they got to spread their fingers apart a little wider to pave the way, they don’t give a fuck.  Pussy is pussy.
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When did Macy make out with them?  I don’t remember any kissing.  You can’t be a slut without having sex.  If you’re using a vibrator internally, then your hymen is not intact.  One time I wrote a virgin character, and in order for her have a hymen, I made sure to mention that she didn’t finger herself or use tampons.  But I��m just extra like that.
And when was Matt’s tongue on you?  Continuity errors or I was just that drunk?
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People have hang ups over food?  No shit, Sherlock.  Have you seen how the media pushes fatphobia to the point where parents will starve their growing kids just so they can be thin?  Vegans care about animal rights and the negative effects of eating meat on the environment.  Noble goal when they aren’t being classist, racist, fatphobic, and a whole bunch of other shit.  Other people have dietary restrictions.  Some just want to live a healthy lifestyle, and others have eating disorders.  Fuck you for shitting on anyone’s diet and being dismissive about the real reasons behind it.
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I’m sitting here trying to collect my thoughts to respond to this false rhetoric calmly, but fuck that. I give zero fucks anymore.
Macy, you’re not dumb or insignificant for taking pleasure in small things.  You are dumb for a whole other list of reasons that I don’t care to get into right now.  Feminists want equality, especially for women who like to do traditional “feminine” things. They want it to be a choice, not a requirement.
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Macy, I’m going to stop you right there at “big careers”.  Even my sorority sisters who are working for TV channels, our alma mater, famous companies, and or in government don’t have big and glamourous careers yet.  Only the older ones who graduated a decade ago come close to that.  If it makes you feel better, I don’t you being a tax expert, lawyer, or grad student. Your stupidity would cause someone to be audited, thrown in jail, pay a huge fine, or take up a valuable spot in a graduate program.
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White privilege is calling your parents by their first name and not getting knocked the fuck out.
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While I could go on a rant about her white privilege, I could also use this time to point out how utterly stupid she is.  Does she think that everyone working a cubicle job wants to be there?  No, a lot of them have bills to pay, so they do it anyway.  A lot of them are also smart and work on their passion in their free time so that they can build up enough experience to eventually transition into doing their passion as a full-time job.
But then again, white privilege plays into this.  It doesn’t even occur to her that she can do both.  Every person of color is taught from birth that they need to have a side hustle for extra money or as a backup plan.  I am one of the rare fortunate ones that has a day job that I love, and I get to be an independent author in my spare time.  I am living proof that you can do both.  My black coworkers at my current and former job all have businesses or side hustles.  One of my former coworkers has a full-time job and ten companies that she runs.
Of course, Macy is too stupid to figure this out because she thinks she deserves to have everything fall into her lap at her convenience while the rest of us work our asses off so that we can survive and do what we love.
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You’re going to be a fucking awful chef and cookbook author if that’s the case.  Creating recipes requires equations, problem solving, presentations, and effective communication.  And the kitchens in America are notorious for the verbal abuse that the cooking staff face.  Even when I took a cooking class, the professor was blunt but honest.  You don’t have the buoys to work in a kitchen.  It’s not all fairy dust and daydreams.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She wants to self-publish, but she can’t problem solve or make presentations?  Oh man, that is a disaster waiting to happen. Self-publishing is not easy. Anyone can write a book and publish it, but in order to be successful you have to research and study your ass off to actually sell your books.  If they don’t sell, you have to analyze the situation and problem solve for a solution.
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Keep this dumb bitch away from the kitchen.  The following information took me five seconds to find:
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Don’t use runny cheese on pizza, you fuckwit!
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Is the virgin slut slut-shaming other women?  Who would want the perfect resume?  Who would want to drink and sleep around?  She must be new here because that’s exactly what people tend to do to relieve stress.
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You just made soggy pizza, you dipshit, so your comparison is correct.  You’re not going to know what you’re doing, and you’re going to fuck it all up.
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While her mom is right about the education and job part, she is also a humongous snobby privileged white bitch who just insulted every single cook and chef in existence.  Well, if the bitch hates people who cook so much, she should just stop eating and save them the time.
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Head, meet desk, please.  Repeatedly.
Oh honey, you think you’ll start out at a high-class restaurant?  You can’t do math, problem solve, or take criticism.  All it takes is for one uppity rich white woman to complain about your food, and you’ll be fired for your incompetency.  Well, after you finish crying your eyes out in front of everyone.
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Macy, everyone knows what rushing is.  I’ve been on the sorority side of it, and trust me, it’s a learning experience. You learn how to conduct two-way interviews, evaluate candidates, sell people an experience, and you end up networking with some of the women.  If your dream is to be a celebrity chef, joining a sorority is the way to go. Once you pay your dues, you get instant access to thousands of women in every industry imaginable.  You get an entire network of women willing to help you just because you joined an organization.  Make fun all you want, but rushing is essentially convincing hundreds of young women to spend thousands of dollars per semester on an experience that has lifelong benefits.  Sounds like the thing you need to do what you want to do.
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I’m with Martha on this one.
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You are as dumb as people think.  You can go to culinary school after you graduate from college and get a job.  Trade schools usually have a few class you can take during outside of 9-5.
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You really are fucking clueless if you want a baby at eighteen even though you have no desire to go get a degree or get a monotonous job that pays the bills.
And where did this desire for a baby come from?  You know what’s even harder than a college education and a boring job?  A baby!
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Sorry to burst your bubble, but breastfeeding can be very painful and frustrating.  It’s one of those things they don’t usually tell women until after they’ve given birth.  Or at least that’s what they do in the States.  If you don’t believe me, go look at Chrissy Tiegen’s tweet after she gave birth when she said “they didn’t tell me that I’d be going home in a diaper too”.
Breastfeeding can be so difficult that lactation consultants exist.  Sometimes the babies just don’t latch or just don’t want a nipple. My friend had trouble breastfeeding her first kid, but her second kid was a natural with breastfeeding.  Then there’s the leaking milk, pumping milk, not producing enough milk.  You need to study all this stuff before you have a kid.
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Don’t kid yourself. You’re not smart enough to become a CEO.
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This is exactly why you shouldn’t have a fucking baby!  Even Domo Wilson waited until she was financially stable to get inseminated, and she had been wanting a child since she was a kid herself.  She talked herself out of intentionally becoming a teen mom because she wanted to wait until she could actually provide for the child. She’s a lesbian too, so she had to pay some serious money for the entire insemination process.
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You don’t know jack shit about any of those things, so you’re already off to a bad start.
(Tumblr is refusing to post all the photos, so this is a two-parter)
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Class-9 Mathematics Important Questions Chapter-2 | Polynomials #mathematics #midterms2022
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valpy-blog · 5 years
Exponents and Powers Class 7 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 13
Exponents and Powers Class 7 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 13
Exponents and Powers Class 7 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 13
Extra Questions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 13 Exponents and Powers
Exponents and Powers Class 7 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type
Question 1. Express 343 as a power of 7. Solution: We have 343 = 7 × 7 × 7 = 73 Thus, 343 = 73
Question 2. Which is greater 32 or 23? Solution: We have 32 = 3 × 3 = 9 23 = 2 × 2 × 2 = 8 Since 9 > 8 Thus,…
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learnenglishcbsein · 5 years
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
Class 8 Maths Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.1
Class 8 Maths Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.2
Playing with Numbers Class 8 Extra Questions
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.2
Ex 16.2 Class 8 Maths Question 1. If 21y5 is a multiple of 9, where y is a digit, what is the value of…
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learncbse-science · 5 years
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
Class 8 Maths Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.1
Class 8 Maths Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.2
Playing with Numbers Class 8 Extra Questions
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.2
Ex 16.2 Class 8 Maths Question 1. If 21y5 is a multiple of 9, where y is a digit, what is the value of…
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learncbse6 · 5 years
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
Class 8 Maths Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.1
Class 8 Maths Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.2
Playing with Numbers Class 8 Extra Questions
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.2
Ex 16.2 Class 8 Maths Question 1. If 21y5 is a multiple of 9, where y is a digit, what is the value of…
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ncertsolutionsbooks · 5 years
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
Class 8 Maths Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.1
Class 8 Maths Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.2
Playing with Numbers Class 8 Extra Questions
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.2
Ex 16.2 Class 8 Maths Question 1. If 21y5 is a multiple of 9, where y is a digit, what is the value of…
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saralasharm · 5 years
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
Class 8 Maths Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.1
Class 8 Maths Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.2
Playing with Numbers Class 8 Extra Questions
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.2
Ex 16.2 Class 8 Maths Question 1. If 21y5 is a multiple of 9, where y is a digit, what is the value of…
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mastiadda · 5 years
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
Class 8 Maths Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.1
Class 8 Maths Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.2
Playing with Numbers Class 8 Extra Questions
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.2
Ex 16.2 Class 8 Maths Question 1. If 21y5 is a multiple of 9, where y is a digit, what is the value of…
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learninsta · 4 years
Statistics Class 9 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 14 with Solutions Answers
Statistics Class 9 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 14 with Solutions Answers
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Here we are providing Statistics Class 9 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 14 with Answers Solutions, Extra Questions for Class 9 Maths was designed by subject expert teachers.
Extra Questions for Class 9 Maths Statistics with Answers Solutions
Extra Questions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 14 Statistics with Solutions Answers
Statistics Class 9 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type
Question 1. The points…
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learncbse · 5 years
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Ex 16.2
Class 8 Maths Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.1
Class 8 Maths Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.2
Playing with Numbers Class 8 Extra Questions
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers Exercise 16.2
Ex 16.2 Class 8 Maths Question 1. If 21y5 is a multiple of 9, where y is a digit, what is the value of…
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Class-9 Mathematics Ncert Solution Chapter-1 | Exercise-1.1 | #mathematics #2022-23 #maths
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