#class 9 number systems very important questions
Class-9 Mathematics Important Questions Chapter-2 | Polynomials #mathematics #midterms2022
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kaelio · 1 year
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Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has cost it dearly on many fronts, but especially when it comes to casualties. Since the first days of the war, the invaders have been bleeding manpower. Plugging those holes became one of the tasks of the Wagner Group, the mercenary company with close ties to the Russian state. Its founder, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s close ally Yevgeny Prigozhin, began to actively and sometimes forcibly recruit from the country’s prisons, offering convicts the chance of freedom in return for service. The Russian army has gone on to follow that model itself.  
With those recruitments have come a whole series of subcultural notions that are shaping the lives of soldiers and the conduct of the war—but which are often ignored or overlooked by Western analysts. The power of Russia’s criminal culture, known as the “thieves’ world,” is not new. Prigozhin himself, like a surprising number of players in Putin’s world, is a former convict—because the men who profited most in the chaos of the 1990s were very often outright criminals. But the invasion of Ukraine has made these notions even more prominent, and understanding them all the more important.
On April 9, Prigozhin’s press service posted a response on Telegram to a question about the state of prison recruitment that had been sent to the Glas Naroda (Voice of the People) news site—one of the many parts of his media empire. In response, Prigozhin had some harsh criticism toward how prisoners are treated by the state authorities: “There are rumors of roosters, downcast and resentful prisoners fighting together with ordinary prisoners, which violates their [the prisoners’] internal laws, so-called unspoken rules, in a flagrant way. Everyone knows that Russia has been living by these rules, by a certain way of life for centuries, and therefore it seems to me that such situations are absolutely unacceptable.”
From the outside, Prigozhin’s statement seems incomprehensible. But in the world of Russia’s prison culture, where brutally imposed caste systems govern life and death, his statement makes perfect sense. The thieves’ culture is a set of rules, modes of action, and a strict social hierarchy that regulates everyday life among those in the criminal underground. It is especially focused on organizing the life of inmates in the many prisons and camps, known as “zones,” of Russia and other former Soviet countries. While traces of it existed even under the tsars, the system was largely forged in the vast gulags of the Soviet Union, the network of camps that formed almost a separate country inside Soviet borders.
The thieves’ culture gets its name from the ruling class, the “lawful thieves” who enforce the thieves’ law—an unwritten set of rules called ponyatiya, literally translated as “concepts” or “notions.” These rules include positive recommendations on how a “proper criminal” should act, harsh prohibitions on various actions with corresponding punishments, as well as a basis for how the social hierarchy in prisons should be organized. All this is described in jargon that, even for ordinary Russians, is hard to understand. For instance, the prisons themselves are measured on a scale from blackness to redness—those prisons where everyday life is mostly organized by the criminal authorities are called “black,” and the prisons where the unspoken rules and thieves’ culture are being actively suppressed and everyday life is in the control of the prison administration are considered “red.” Very few prisons are entirely one way or the other, of course, so arguments about whether a particular institution is red or black are commonplace—and baffling to outsiders.
The unspoken rules enforce a harsh hierarchy, one that serves the interests of the men on top—and sometimes of authorities who see it as a way to help keep prisoners under control. There are four basic groups of prisoners, known as “suits,” as if they were a deck of cards. This is essentially a caste system; it is extremely hard to move up, extremely easy to move down, and fear of degradation governs every social interaction. Of course, each suit, like any caste system, has many detailed subdivisions, branches, and complex substructures, but at the basic level, they are the following: blatniye (thieves), muzhiki (men), kozliy (billy goats), and petukhi (roosters).
Blatniye are the criminal authorities. They are career criminals—thieves and those who have chosen to embrace the rules and live by them full time. They are few in number but hold a lot of power and influence. Among them, the lawful thieves or thieves-in-law are a special subcategory, the equivalent of a mafia don or a yakuza elder. Their word is literally law in the criminal underworld—and they are bound only to the ponyatiya themselves, which they also have the power to change in specially organized gatherings.
Men and billy goats make up the “middle class” of this hierarchy. Men are those who just want to serve their terms with no fuss, but who are also informed about these prison laws, who pay respects to the notions, listen to the blatniye, and most importantly, do not cooperate in any way or form with the prison administration, even when it comes to, say, kitchen or library duties.
Billy goats are inmates who participate in formal prison structures, and are willing to work with the prison authorities but also pay some respect to the criminal ones. The people who run the black market inside a prison, who can get you cigarettes, drugs, gaming consoles, or whatever else, are also in the billy goat caste—but they’re obviously left alone and respected as long as they pay their tax into the common pool for the blatniye to use as they please. There is a subsection of those people, called “activists,” who are lower in the hierarchy and try to hide their position. Those are the billy goats who actively try to cooperate with the administration for extra benefits, which often are more than just being released on parole. In black prisons they’re hated like snitches are in U.S. prisons, whereas in extremely red ones, they often take positions that a blatniye would take otherwise.
The lowest caste, and the one that every prisoner fears degradation to, are the roosters, also known as the “offended,” the “pederasts,” or the “downcast.” That is a position to which it is extremely easy to fall down to, but one that you can never climb up from. They’re forced to do all the worst jobs—such as cleaning the cell’s latrine, washing everyone’s underwear—because no, your average Russian prison does not have any washing machines—and often serving as sexual slaves. They also get the worst sleeping spots in the cell, usually next to the latrine.
A rooster is untouchable outside of sex. One is not allowed to share anything with a rooster except as a payment for services—not only is it taboo to touch them, but also anything that they have touched, as that instantly moves one to their caste. Their kitchenware is explicitly marked as such, for one, and whenever transferring cells, they’re supposed to publicly announce their suit status and move in with “their own” accordingly. There is also an extensive list of other infractions that can instantly move one into this caste, far too long for me to list here. Many of those are linked to a toxic sense of masculinity. Gay and transgender prisoners are automatically placed among the roosters, but so are those who foolishly admit to having given oral sex to a woman—an act that, as among the ancient Romans or the modern Italian mafia, is seen as fundamentally impure.
The only interactions allowed between higher-caste prisoners and roosters are purchasing sexual services from them, raping them (my personal sources say that this was completely acceptable up until approximately 2010, but that currently, although it won’t make you a rooster, it is considered to be a minor infraction with a material fine attached to it), and beating them up—but only with kicks or using improvised weapons, as even the touch of a punch is still considered taboo. It might seem bizarre that a man who rapes another man is not seen as impure, but his victim is—but it harks back to a sense of sexual dominance found in prison cultures and reactionary machismo worldwide. A rooster’s status is truly miserable. It’s driven many people to suicide and made people so miserable that they used to rebel and intentionally touch blatniye inmates as a last attempt of revenge—sure, they would be instantly killed by other inmates, but the prisoner who previously belonged to the higher caste would instantly be a rooster inside the prison system and out, and would never be able to move upwards in the hierarchy.
These notions, especially the revulsion against LGBTQ people, are powerful in Russian mainstream culture as well. Take the ex-liberal, now extremely pro-war and pro-Putin Russian journalist Anton Krasovsky, who was thrown out of the Donbas under threats of violence because he’s also openly gay. He’s the kind of gay man who agrees with the Kremlin’s stance of “traditional values” and believes that “gay cure” procedures should be mandatory, but nonetheless, he reported that he’s received messages that he’s not welcome there although he completely supports the Russian side in the war. Those messages included people stating he couldn’t even dig trenches, because the shovels he used would have to be burnt afterward.
In his post on Telegram, then, Prigozhin was making it clear that there was no redemption from prison caste even when fighting for the nation—and that the caste mixing was an active threat to morale. It might seem bizarre to stick to such prejudices given Russia’s dire need for manpower, but the laws of the underworld can’t be cast aside that easily.
This isn’t Prigozhin’s only extolment of the virtues of the thieves’ law. In a leaked video from the Feb. 21 this year, where he’s giving a recruitment speech to inmates, he explains the “working conditions” in the Wagner Group. He notes, “We need criminal talent. I did 10 years myself before becoming a hero of Russia,” letting the potential recruits know that Wagner Group is being run according to the thieves’ law. “We don’t take any kind of the offended, the downcast, and so on—we respect all the unwritten rules.” Prigozhin says that those who are in prison for drugs are “taken care of.” Violence, on the other hand, puts you on the top of the hierarchy. The desirable charges are murder, grievous bodily harm, robbery, and armed robbery. He especially notes that “If you beat up  the administration or the cops, that’s even better.”
In another cruel example, Wagner Group recruits who are suffering from HIV, hepatitis, and other hard-to-cure illnesses, who have been enticed with the promise of a cure should they survive, are made to wear specific wristbands that mark them as “impure” in an attempt to not “taint” others. And, as reported by Ukrainska Pravda, “according to the [Ukrainian] intelligence, the fighters are becoming angry about this situation. Russian medics are known to routinely refuse to treat injured [soldiers] with hepatitis or HIV.”
None of this makes for good soldiers, and it’s already having serious consequences in Russian society. Organized violence is both physically and mentally demanding. A sense of camaraderie among the soldiers and respect, or at least obedience, for officers is vital. The Wagner Group operates on a different culture—one where such mutual respect and military tradition does not exist, and obeying formal superiors is literally taboo for the highest castes of prisoners. Nor can the dead be respected—after all, they might be roosters. Because of these prison laws and hierarchy, soldiers in the Wagner Group are not encouraged to bond; instead, they’re treated as expendable and sent as a human wave into the  “meat grinder.”
Extreme violence—like the shocking sledgehammer execution of a Wagner recruit who tried to defect to Ukraine—is used to keep soldiers in check. As Prigozhin commented about that event: “A dog’s death for a dog.” And while this does keep the prisoner recruits under some control and can achieve limited results, it also has made the Wagner Group tactically inflexible and predictable. Once Ukrainian defenders of Bakhmut understood that these blunt, straightforward assaults were the only thing that Wagner forces would ever do, the Ukrainians adapted and improved, eventually negating the costly gains that Prigozhin’s private army had made.
The normalization of prison culture may be contributing to the brutalization of the Russian army and its war crimes in Ukraine—but it’s also affecting the home front. Many of the prisoner recruits return home with a full pardon after serving out the six months they’re contracted for, often having served a tiny fraction of their sentence. Wagner specifically looked for violent criminals—who usually have long sentences. Already, the crimes of these returning Wagner soldiers are piling up, and analysts and Russian opposition politicians, such as Mikhail Khodorkosky, are warning against the return of the violence of the 1990s, when crime soared. Lawful thieves, prison laws, and ponyatiya in general are surging again, as the country is once again criminalizing itself to the point of gang wars, but this time, with military-grade armaments. Yet the Western press has largely missed most of this. The reports of Prigozhin’s comments, such as this UPI wire, entirely skipped it over. The lede simply states: “Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of Russia’s Wagner Group, said Sunday that the mercenary group “acted honestly” by hiring prisoners to fight in Ukraine as he branded the convicts “heroes.”
In an April 10 report from the Institute for the Study of War, the ponyatiya are entirely ignored. Instead, it mentions only “Prigozhin insinuated that the Russian MoD [Ministry of Defense] would treat convicts worse than Wagner treated them to further advertise recruitment into Wagner and discredit the MoD’s recruitment efforts. The insinuation seems odd given that Wagner reportedly used convicts in human wave attacks that cost thousands of them their lives.” That misses the point entirely. Prigozhin isn’t talking about regular treatment, but about the deeply embedded caste notions—and under those, being degraded to a rooster is far worse than death.
While Prigozhin frequently uses the language of thieves , Putin avoids explicitly stating the rules, but nevertheless hints that he sticks to them himself. Putin was a KGB agent, of the organization that jailed many “thieves” back in Soviet days, and never a convict himself. However, he has long-standing ties to Russian organized crime—most notably through the Cooperative Ozero, which was founded as a dacha cooperative in November 1996 by Putin and his friends and has since grown to a powerful group, bonding together oligarchs and more conventional criminal activities.
Putin’s emphasis on supposedly traditional Russian values also implicitly includes the laws of the prison—especially when it comes to macho behavior and sexual purity. The Russian state’s homophobia can’t be understood without recognizing the sadism of a caste system that sees raping men as normal but loving them as degrading. Maxim Katz, a prominent Russian opposition journalist and politician currently living in Israel, told me that the ponyatiya are important to understand Putin and the Russian political elite in general. But he said  that “it is not the criminal authorities’ notions of the Russian prison that reign in the Russian security services, but their ersatz version.
Chekists, especially retired Chekists [a term for former KGB officers such as Putin, referring to the old Soviet secret police service], like to copy the style of behavior of high-ranking criminals. But for these criminals themselves, the Chekists are second-rate people, frankly not even people. The moment an employee of the ‘office’—current or former—is taken to a detention facility, he is immediately relegated to a lower caste and never gets beyond the latrine.
“Putin’s criminal behavior is more the case of a boy from an educated family trying to imitate the behavior of school bullies—but never quite becoming one of them. The Russian criminal world distinguishes between the blatniye and the ‘trash’ very clearly; the trash can try all they want to mimic this world, but they will always be subhuman to it, and their rhetoric is cheap cosplay, not true adherence to ‘the notions,’ since the notion is to kill them on the spot.” Putin may only be playing at the rules, but the criminal world takes them very seriously. So too should Western analysts striving to understand the actions of Russian troops, especially Wagner’s, in Ukraine, and the kind of culture that will become even more prominent back in Moscow and St. Petersburg when they return from the war.    
Kristaps Andrejsons is a journalist in Latvia and the creator of The Eastern Border podcast on the USSR and modern Eastern European politics.
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tenleaguesbeneath · 1 year
Random thoughts toward a D&D-alike attribute generation system:
Things I like from 3d6-in-order:
You don’t meet your character until you generate them. Rather than coming up with a character concept and fitting it into the rules (or bringing in a preexisting character and importing them), you learn about your character through the process of generating them.
Characters have unexpected strengths; a character is not entirely predictable from their class.
Things I don’t like:
Tends to generate mediocre and boring characters. Very high odds of getting all/almost all stats in the 9-12 range, which is boring.
Can generate unbalanced parties
Basically everything else
A thing I’m neutral on:
Not knowing your character class until you roll
I’m thinking about something using card draws. You get a certain number of draws, and every draw adds a minor positive feature to your character, or possibly negates a negative one.
I think I’d line the suits up with classes. Going with the classic four, Diamonds-Thieves and Hearts-Clerics are the obvious pairings; the tarot suit equivalents suggest Spades-Fighters (Swords) and Clubs-Mages (Wands). Arguably, the tarot suits could be used all around; coins for thieves and cups for clerics, but that leaves a question of what to do with the major arcana (tbh, probably best left out).
Then each card in each suit needs to be assigned an ability. Probably I would use enough draws in character creation that abilities don’t have to be exactly balanced (it’ll average out over enough draws) but none of them can be too powerful for a first-level character to have.
How many draws? Five is probably too few, thirteen (a full bridge hand) is probably too many.
For abilities, I’m thinking:
Always-on bonus to melee damage (replaces the bonus from a high strength score)
Always-on to-hit bonuses
Extra HP (replaces the bonus from a high constitution score)
Better starting equipment (yeah, this one gets obsoleted pretty fast, but it helps you survive long enough to obsolete it)
Weapon specialization?
Auspicious divine influence?
AD&D’s only bonus spells were a cleric-only thing for high wisdom. I could see having it give spell slots that, for non-clerics, can only be used for certain spells. especially for healing spells.
I’d put any destiny stuff here, too. If your character is prophesied for something or cursed in some way, that’s a hearts thing.
Really though anything to do with clerics depends pretty deeply on how clerics work and I’m not happy with that.
Stealth bonus (importantly, this applies whether or not you’re a thief)
Bonus vs surprise attacks?
Criminal contacts?
Otherworldly contacts
Chance to understand strange languages
Improved chances to identify magic/if you’re using classic-style chance to learn spell rolls, improved chances there (D&D3 equivalent would be a spellcraft skill bonus)
If I’m doing the AD&D2 thing where specialist wizards are rare, some might be empty prerequisites (drawing the 4 of clubs during character creation means you can specialize in evocation but if you don’t play a wizard it doesn’t do anything else)
I might also consider penalties (analogous to low-stat penalties) for short suits. If you have no clubs in your chargen hand, you’re illiterate, for instance, With a lot of draws, I might include penalties for singletons as well, not just voids.
I might also consider some chance for bonuses for pairs, threes, and four of a kinds, but probably only for face cards. Any bonuses that exist for those are things that only some characters are getting without other characters getting an equivalent, with the only “cost” being that you have to be spread a little thin to have them (not counting the luck needed to draw them)
If I go the tarot route, I’d have major arcana add significant benefits, but at a tradeoff. Some of them might just straight-up have “get this, lose this,” while others would have something like “pick another card you’ve drawn from this character to lose and get this, or lose this card,” but what they offer I’d make pretty wild.
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afreejobalerts · 7 months
Government Jobs Craze In India. How it is affecting Indian Youth
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Government Jobs craze is the biggest problem among Indian youth. It is affecting Indian youth thinking capability and Indian youth start preparing for these competitive government jobs by influence by society, marketing strategies by coaching and so on. In this article we discuss both the problem and the solution.
Government Job Craze in India
No Doubt in India,Government Jobs Craze In India. How it is affecting Indian Youth Articlesyouth are more attractive towards government job in comparison to private sector. In India most of the parents want their children to compete for government job examination. Now this type of mindset is not originated in modern world, this is a traditional mindset which affected Indian youth a large in number.
Now Questions arrives
Why are Indian Youth fond of government job in comparison to other jobs?
The answer is simple
The Job Security. High Salary in starting. Medical allowance. Children tuition fees given by government. Travel Allowance. Home Allowance. Most important high respect and recognition in the society. Less work or responsibility in some jobs. More comfortable job and fewer challenges.
So these are all benefits told by everyone in our society and we also consider these benefits useful for us without knowing the truth. Most of the students or aspirants are not aware or we can say they are confused with their career by not knowing the goal, ambition of their life.
Mostly middle class or economically weaker aspirants are more interested toward public sector (govt. job). This is a dream job for any aspirants who are preparing for SSC, Banking, Railways, UPSC, and Defense.
In India it is very common, if you look into a small area in a society you will find a large number of aspirants who are preparing for sarkari naukari.
Job Security
The present situation also influence and give the right answer, how job security is matter most in India. People understand the importance of job security. In Government job nobody can terminate the employee that much easy in comparison to private jobs.
Due to this Indian youth do not take risk to start their own business or to become an entrepreneur. They love to be live in their comfort zone.
High Respect and Recognition in the society
From childhood parents or society started influence their children about the power of public servants and also told about bribe system. They told about the rank of the officer and also told how 3 stars on your uniform can change your life.
So this is all about the craze of government job in India.
Now moving towards the reality of government job aspirants’ face in their life and no one is talking about this.
I just explained and also given you the point on fond of youth for govt. job. So now the truth is, you will get all this benefit when you clear the exam which is highly competitive as comparison to other exams. Now nobody is telling you about the truth behind this trap.
Every year Lakhs of aspirants apply for this competitive exam and the vacancy is very less. Like I give you the example of SSC more than 20 lakhs apply for this job, 9 lakhs candidate take the exam but the vacancy is 5000 only. Now Railway NTPC and Group D, the total numbers of aspirants who apply for this job were 2.5 crores and the vacancy were 35000 in NTPC and around 100000 in Group D.
Clearly if you are preparing for govt. job, you are part of rat race. Candidates become a part of this race because they are not aware of, or we can say that they start preparing for these exam after being influence by the society, friend, video they see on YouTube or other social media platforms, and ads they saw on their smart phone.
These are simple marketing strategies used by coaching. By showing the banner or poster of their student who passed the exam and coaching target aspirants by marking quotes “You would be the next”. This is the attractive quotes which destroying our future and present generation a lot.
These affecting aspirant or especially Indian parents mindset, and simply indicating how important and easy for an aspirant to get a govt. job by joining their online classes or offline batches.
But the problem with the coaching center is they are actually not sharing, how many students prepared for government job in their coaching at that particular year and how many actually qualify this exam from all the students. What is the success percentage of their institute over the entire student?
The aim of coaching centre is only to get money from the candidate by not given the proper guidance and not telling the aspirants whether this field is for them or not?
Please do not waste your time, efforts, and money in this coaching centre, the owner of these institutes living a luxurious life with your parent’s money.
Now, what is the solution for this problem?
The solution is simple career counseling.
Coaching centre should hire a career counselor because it is very important for students and in case if coaching centre do not hire, it may be the responsibility of parents or students to take an advice from career counselor, if they really don’t want to waste their time and money in this competition.
Coaching and faculty does not get free from their responsibility by blaming student that “Today generation is not that much serious about their career and studies” or blaming government by saying that “Government is not giving proper vacancy”.
It’s a request, parents should understand the importance of career counseling, and they waste lots of money in coaching and not doing what exactly good for student or their children. I think there is a phobia for career counseling in India. We live in a modern world and modern world needs modern solutions.
At Last Government Job Craze is good if you really passionate about it and you have that much of patience, knowledge, dedication and consistency to qualify this exam and most important you are not influence by marketing strategies of these coaching.
Most important thing “takes action by doing what you really want to do for yourself and for your parents”.
Visit them right away we have Free Job Alert is an upcoming government jobs vacancies for 10th and 12th Pass Government jobs in Bangalore.
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Tips and Tricks for Mastering JEE Advanced and JEE Mains
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JEE Advanced and JEE Mains are two of the most competitive exams in India, and preparing for these exams requires dedication, hard work, and a strategic approach. The JEE is divided into two stages: JEE Mains, which is the first stage and is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA), and JEE Advanced, which is the second stage and is conducted by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).
Here are some tips and tricks to help you prepare for JEE Advanced and JEE Mains, as well as suggestions for the best online coaching for JEE Advanced.
How to Prepare for JEE Mains and How to Prepare for JEE Advanced
1. Understand the exam pattern, syllabus, and types of questions: Familiarize yourself with the JEE Mains and JEE Advanced exam patterns, syllabus, and types of questions to prepare effectively.
2. Create a systematic study plan: Develop a study plan that covers all topics comprehensively and helps you identify and improve your weak areas. Divide your study schedule into manageable parts and set realistic goals.
3. Take practice tests: Practice tests are crucial to JEE Mains and JEE Advanced exam preparation. They help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, familiarize you with the exam pattern and level of difficulty, and improve time management, accuracy, and problem-solving and help you to understand how to prepare for jee mains.
4. Focus on time management: Time management is critical for success in JEE Advanced and JEE Mains. Practice solving problems quickly and accurately while keeping an eye on the clock. Prioritize confident sections to maximize your score.
5. Take care of your physical and mental health: Taking care of your physical and mental health is crucial during exam preparation. Maintain a healthy diet, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and take breaks to avoid burnout.
6. Set realistic goals to achieve your dreams: Only by setting and meeting realistic goals, you achieve success. Goals help you to stay focused on what you want to achieve. Write down your goals, and believe in yourself and take daily consistent action.
7. When to start preparation: If your aim is JEE Advanced, the earlier you start, the better. However, it is important to study at your own individual pace while enjoying every moment of it.
8. Choose the Mentors Wisely: A good Mentor must be technically very sound, must be a good motivator and must create a system to be able to give personal attention to each student.
9. Choose the Books Wisely: Focus on one or two books that are exhaustive, contain a large number of practice problems in a well-structured manner and provide proper solutions.
10. Stay relaxed, relish the process: If your approach and planning is proper, the process of IIT preparation is full of excitement. Believe in yourself, take professional guidance, and practice solving problems fast with immediate clarification of doubts.
Best Online Coaching for JEE Advanced
Pradeep Agarwal Academy is a reputable coaching institute that focuses on quality education and has produced top-rankers in JEE Advanced, JEE Mains, BITSAT, NEET, and other competitive exams. Their personalized and effective learning environment, customized methodology, and multi-dimensional approach to problem-solving equip students with essential skills for competitive exams and to fight with the question how to prepare for jee advanced. The academy's experienced faculty, unique teaching methodology, and encouragement for students to challenge themselves make it one of the best coaching institutes for JEE Advanced and other entrance exams. Their online coaching classes and Physics books for JEE Advanced are highly recommended.
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Many programmers prefer Linux over Windows OS for development purposes due to a variety of reasons such as the security of the Linux Operating System is better than Windows, the Linux terminal is way superior to the windows command line in many ways, etc. Before we jump into studying a lot of Linux commands, it is very important to address this question What is Linux and why is it preferred over Windows OS. Linux is an open-source operating system whose source code is available for modification and commercial and non-commercial distribution under the guidelines of the GNU General Public License. Linux has a number of advantages over the Windows operating system and is used widely because of these advantages Below are a few listed:. Here, we have a cheat sheet prepared for you to refer to all the important Linux Commands with Examples. CRUD operations are said to be the basic operations on any file or directory or database. Even if you are not a Linux User, file and directory CRUD operations are something that you should be comfortable with. Example: The command shown on the right displays the content of the file file1. Example: The command in the right stores the joined content of file1 and file2 in file3. We have displayed the content of file3. Example: The command in the right is for searching a file with the name file1. These are some of the general-purpose system information commands that are important to know and easy to remember. There are 3 types of people who can use a file and each type has 3 types of access to the file. This is shown in the diagram given below:. So, each of them can have 0 or more out of these 3 permissions. Now let us understand the Linux commands that help us give these permissions to the files. One important thing to note here is that before these 9 slots of the user, group and others read, write and execute permissions , there is also one another slot. This slot is for special files. Further, rwx means that the user has all the three permissions where as r-- means that the group has only read permission and the write and execute permissions are not there with the group. The same is the case for others another r Before we jump into the Linux file permission commands and see some examples, it is very important to understand this chmod command in detail first as understanding this command completely will clear the entire concept of file permission commands. This command is used to change the file permissions. The syntax can be either using symbols characters or numbers. We will see that in detail. This is the first method of chmod command using which we can give permissions. The basic syntax is as follows:. If the user's flag is not included in the command i. Let us now see the Linux commands using the symbolic notation of chmod. Example: The file permissions along with the owner and other details is shown for the file file1. Example: The command shown in the right adds the read permission to the o other class for the file file1. The permissions number of a specific user class is represented by the sum of the values of all the permissions. For instance, if we have to write a command to provide read and write permissions to the user, group and others, there can be many ways of doing so. Let us see one symbolic way:. We have written 6 thrice because of applying the permissions to user, group and others. So, read and write permissions are applied to the user, group and others for the file file1. Let us now see, some of the hardware information commands that give us the information about the hardware that we are using. The files can be compressed and then extracted to save the storage. We see this happening many times in our daily lives that we have to compress some file to send it or we have to extract a downloaded file. There are several commands for file compression in Linux given below:. Example: The command to create an uncompressed tar archive for the directory demoDir is shown on the right. Which command in Linux is used to clear the terminal screen so that no previous command can be seen on the screen. If we want to assign the read and execute permissions to all the classes, which of the following is NOT the correct command? Which of the following commands is used to display all the files and directories in the current directory along with the hidden files? Which Linux command is used to display all the previous commands in the current terminal session? Personalised feedback report with solutions Real life Interview Questions Identify exact topics to improve. Before you go! Take this "Linux Commands Cheat Sheet" interview guide with you. Download PDF. Enter the name of your college. Type to search. Computer Science. Information Technology. Mathematics and Computing. Before After Forgot Password. Linux Commands Tutorial: Basics to Advanced 1. System Information Commands 3. File Permission Commands 4. Hardware Information Commands 5. File and Directory Compression Commands 6. Environment Variable Commands 7. User Management Commands 8. Networking Commands 9. Crack your next tech interview with confidence! However, this command does not list the files and directories of the sub-directories. Move to one level up directory. Note that you can only move down the directory and not to the directories in the above level. Example: In the command shown on the right, we move from the root directory to Desktop. If a file is not present in the current directory, it gives a message showing no such file exists. If the third file does not exist, it is first created and then the joined content is stored. It deletes a directory. It moves the file to the new path specified. Example: The mv command moves the file file1. Example: The command in the right changes the name of the file file1 to file2. We can search by file, folder, name, creation date, modification date, etc. There are a number of options available. For instance, exec searches the file that meets the criteria and returns 0 as exit status for successful command execution. This command searches a file for a particular pattern of characters and displays all the lines that contain that pattern. The pattern being searched is called a regular expression regex. For instance, c is an option that is used to only count the number of lines in the file that matches the pattern. System Information Commands These are some of the general-purpose system information commands that are important to know and easy to remember. Example: The command and its output are shown on the right. Example: The command cal and its output is shown on the right. Example: The command is typed in and it shows the username with which the user has logged in. This command is similar to the find command but this command is faster as it produces more accurate results by taking less time compared to the find command. There are again a number of options available. Example: The command to locate apropos command in Linux System is given on the right. File Permission Commands There are 3 types of people who can use a file and each type has 3 types of access to the file. This is shown in the diagram given below: The diagram shows that there are 3 types of people accessing a file and they are: User u Group g Others o Also, the access that we want to give to each of them is of three types: Read r Write w Execute x So, each of them can have 0 or more out of these 3 permissions. The chmod Command: Before we jump into the Linux file permission commands and see some examples, it is very important to understand this chmod command in detail first as understanding this command completely will clear the entire concept of file permission commands. Symbolic Method for granting permissions: This is the first method of chmod command using which we can give permissions. Let us understand this syntax in detail. The first set means the type of person to give access to. The second set is the set of operators. Let us see what they mean. Example: This commands adds the write permission for a all i. Example: This command adds the execution permission for the user. Click here to download. Which command in Linux can be used to create a file? Both B and C. Which command in Linux is used to get the current date and time? None of the above. Which command in Linux is used to get the details of all the active processes? How many slots are there in the file permissions diagram including the special slot? Linux is better than windows mainly in its:. The command: sudo adduser username , is a:. User Management Command. Administration Command. Both A and B. Neither A and B. Personalised feedback report with solutions. Real life Interview Questions. Identify exact topics to improve. Attend Free Class. Got suggestions? We would love to hear your feedback. Your feedback is important to help us improve. Close Submit Feedback. Unlock the complete InterviewBit experience for free. Sign Up Using. Or use email. Free Mock Assessment Powered By. Fill up the details for personalised experience. Phone Number. Please verify your phone number. By clicking on Start Test, I agree to be contacted by Scaler in the future. Already have an account? Log in. Powered By. Instructions from Interviewbit. Start Test. Lists all the files and directories inside the current directory as well as all the files and directories of the sub-directories as well. Lists all the files and directories in the current directory and also lists the hidden files such as. Same function as cd i. Move to a particular directory from the current directory. This command displays the content in a file. This command joins the content of two files and stores it in the third file. This command is used for walking a file hierarchy. The full form of this command is a global search for regular expression and printout. This command is used to show the file permissions along with the owner and other details of the specified file. This command is used to display the information about your CPU. Note that this command is not available by default. It can be used after installation of the necessary package using sudo apt install cpuinfo. This command is used to display the free and used memory. This command stands for disk usage and is used to estimate the space usage for a file or directory. Example: The following command gives the size in human-readable form for the Desktop folder. Example: The command to zip file1 using gzip compression is shown on the right. Example: The command to unzip fileDemo. Example: The command to create gzip tar archive for the directory demoDir is shown on the right. Example: The command to extract the content of demoFile tar archive is shown on the right. Example: The command to add user2 to group1 is shown. Example: The command to delete user1 from group1 is shown. Example: The command to get information about the user1 is shown on the right. Example: The process with id 1 is sent to the background by providing its id to bg. Example: The process with id 1 is brought to the foreground with the help of this command. Example: Displays the status of the process with id
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unix commands cheat sheet work PEZ%
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Linux/Unix Command Line Cheat Sheet - Description pwd prints working directory (prints to screen, ie displays the. Unix, Linux, Mac OS Cheat Sheet commands. Unix/Linux Command Reference .com. File Commands ls – directory listing ls -al – formatted listing with hidden files cd dir - change directory to dir. Standard output (stdout) of cmd to file. The ULTIMATE Unix/Linux Command Cheat Sheet Command Line Options. 9 Linux is a very famous, open-source operating system. Many developers use Linux for development purposes because of its high throughput. As a student or even a professional in the software industry, it is very essential to have knowledge of the Linux OS. Many programmers prefer Linux over Windows OS for development purposes due to a variety of reasons such as the security of the Linux Operating System is better than Windows, the Linux terminal is way superior to the windows command line in many ways, etc. Before we jump into studying a lot of Linux commands, it is very important to address this question What is Linux and why is it preferred over Windows OS. Linux is an open-source operating system whose source code is available for modification and commercial and non-commercial distribution under the guidelines of the GNU General Public License. Linux has a number of advantages over the Windows operating system and is used widely because of these advantages Below are a few listed:. Here, we have a cheat sheet prepared for you to refer to all the important Linux Commands with Examples. CRUD operations are said to be the basic operations on any file or directory or database. Even if you are not a Linux User, file and directory CRUD operations are something that you should be comfortable with. Example: The command shown on the right displays the content of the file file1. Example: The command in the right stores the joined content of file1 and file2 in file3. We have displayed the content of file3. Example: The command in the right is for searching a file with the name file1. These are some of the general-purpose system information commands that are important to know and easy to remember. There are 3 types of people who can use a file and each type has 3 types of access to the file. This is shown in the diagram given below:. So, each of them can have 0 or more out of these 3 permissions. Now let us understand the Linux commands that help us give these permissions to the files. One important thing to note here is that before these 9 slots of the user, group and others read, write and execute permissions , there is also one another slot. This slot is for special files. Further, rwx means that the user has all the three permissions where as r-- means that the group has only read permission and the write and execute permissions are not there with the group. The same is the case for others another r Before we jump into the Linux file permission commands and see some examples, it is very important to understand this chmod command in detail first as understanding this command completely will clear the entire concept of file permission commands. This command is used to change the file permissions. The syntax can be either using symbols characters or numbers. We will see that in detail. This is the first method of chmod command using which we can give permissions. The basic syntax is as follows:. If the user's flag is not included in the command i. Let us now see the Linux commands using the symbolic notation of chmod. Example: The file permissions along with the owner and other details is shown for the file file1. Example: The command shown in the right adds the read permission to the o other class for the file file1. The permissions number of a specific user class is represented by the sum of the values of all the permissions. For instance, if we have to write a command to provide read and write permissions to the user, group and others, there can be many ways of doing so. Let us see one symbolic way:. We have written 6 thrice because of applying the permissions to user, group and others. So, read and write permissions are applied to the user, group and others for the file file1. Let us now see, some of the hardware information commands that give us the information about the hardware that we are using. The files can be compressed and then extracted to save the storage. We see this happening many times in our daily lives that we have to compress some file to send it or we have to extract a downloaded file. There are several commands for file compression in Linux given below:. Example: The command to create an uncompressed tar archive for the directory demoDir is shown on the right. Which command in Linux is used to clear the terminal screen so that no previous command can be seen on the screen. If we want to assign the read and execute permissions to all the classes, which of the following is NOT the correct command? Which of the following commands is used to display all the files and directories in the current directory along with the hidden files? Which Linux command is used to display all the previous commands in the current terminal session? Personalised feedback report with solutions Real life Interview Questions Identify exact topics to improve. Before you go! Take this "Linux Commands Cheat Sheet" interview guide with you. Download PDF. Enter the name of your college. Type to search. Computer Science. Information Technology. Mathematics and Computing. Before After Forgot Password. Linux Commands Tutorial: Basics to Advanced 1. System Information Commands 3. File Permission Commands 4. Hardware Information Commands 5. File and Directory Compression Commands 6. Environment Variable Commands 7. User Management Commands 8. Networking Commands 9. Crack your next tech interview with confidence! However, this command does not list the files and directories of the sub-directories. Move to one level up directory. Note that you can only move down the directory and not to the directories in the above level. Example: In the command shown on the right, we move from the root directory to Desktop. If a file is not present in the current directory, it gives a message showing no such file exists. If the third file does not exist, it is first created and then the joined content is stored. It deletes a directory. It moves the file to the new path specified. Example: The mv command moves the file file1. Example: The command in the right changes the name of the file file1 to file2. We can search by file, folder, name, creation date, modification date, etc. There are a number of options available. For instance, exec searches the file that meets the criteria and returns 0 as exit status for successful command execution. This command searches a file for a particular pattern of characters and displays all the lines that contain that pattern. The pattern being searched is called a regular expression regex. For instance, c is an option that is used to only count the number of lines in the file that matches the pattern. System Information Commands These are some of the general-purpose system information commands that are important to know and easy to remember. Example: The command and its output are shown on the right. Example: The command cal and its output is shown on the right. Example: The command is typed in and it shows the username with which the user has logged in. This command is similar to the find command but this command is faster as it produces more accurate results by taking less time compared to the find command. There are again a number of options available. Example: The command to locate apropos command in Linux System is given on the right. File Permission Commands There are 3 types of people who can use a file and each type has 3 types of access to the file. This is shown in the diagram given below: The diagram shows that there are 3 types of people accessing a file and they are: User u Group g Others o Also, the access that we want to give to each of them is of three types: Read r Write w Execute x So, each of them can have 0 or more out of these 3 permissions. The chmod Command: Before we jump into the Linux file permission commands and see some examples, it is very important to understand this chmod command in detail first as understanding this command completely will clear the entire concept of file permission commands. Symbolic Method for granting permissions: This is the first method of chmod command using which we can give permissions. Let us understand this syntax in detail. The first set means the type of person to give access to. The second set is the set of operators. Let us see what they mean. Example: This commands adds the write permission for a all i. Example: This command adds the execution permission for the user. Click here to download. Which command in Linux can be used to create a file? Both B and C. Which command in Linux is used to get the current date and time? None of the above. Which command in Linux is used to get the details of all the active processes? How many slots are there in the file permissions diagram including the special slot? Linux is better than windows mainly in its:. The command: sudo adduser username , is a:. User Management Command. Administration Command. Both A and B. Neither A and B. Personalised feedback report with solutions. Real life Interview Questions. Identify exact topics to improve. Attend Free Class. Got suggestions? We would love to hear your feedback. Your feedback is important to help us improve. Close Submit Feedback. Unlock the complete InterviewBit experience for free. Sign Up Using. Or use email. Free Mock Assessment Powered By. Fill up the details for personalised experience. Phone Number. Please verify your phone number. By clicking on Start Test, I agree to be contacted by Scaler in the future. Already have an account? Log in. Powered By. Instructions from Interviewbit. Start Test. Lists all the files and directories inside the current directory as well as all the files and directories of the sub-directories as well. Lists all the files and directories in the current directory and also lists the hidden files such as. Same function as cd i. Move to a particular directory from the current directory. This command displays the content in a file. This command joins the content of two files and stores it in the third file. This command is used for walking a file hierarchy. The full form of this command is a global search for regular expression and printout. This command is used to show the file permissions along with the owner and other details of the specified file. This command is used to display the information about your CPU. Note that this command is not available by default. It can be used after installation of the necessary package using sudo apt install cpuinfo. This command is used to display the free and used memory. This command stands for disk usage and is used to estimate the space usage for a file or directory. Example: The following command gives the size in human-readable form for the Desktop folder. Example: The command to zip file1 using gzip compression is shown on the right. Example: The command to unzip fileDemo. Example: The command to create gzip tar archive for the directory demoDir is shown on the right. Example: The command to extract the content of demoFile tar archive is shown on the right. Example: The command to add user2 to group1 is shown. Example: The command to delete user1 from group1 is shown. Example: The command to get information about the user1 is shown on the right. Example: The process with id 1 is sent to the background by providing its id to bg. Example: The process with id 1 is brought to the foreground with the help of this command. Example: Displays the status of the process with id
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dblacklabel · 2 years
What Techniques Are Generally Used For Intent Recognition in NLP?
What Techniques Are Generally Used For Intent Recognition in NLP? Intent classification can help you identify what your customers' emotions are and whether they need special attention. However, the quality of your training data is very important. Companies like Cogito have a team of experts who can collect and categorize training data and then analyze it to make an accurate prediction. These companies specialize in natural language understanding (NLU), which is a subset of natural language processing. In NLU, we try to understand unstructured language by extracting basic grammatical concepts, such as sentence structure, word combination, and connection between words. Sentiment analysis Sentiment analysis is a powerful method for understanding consumer sentiment. It helps companies understand the feelings of their customer base and tailor their marketing messages to them. Traditionally, this method involved sending out surveys, which could take days or even weeks to gather and analyze. However, the internet allows people to freely share their opinions, so sentiment analysis is an excellent tool for analyzing such data. The first step in sentiment analysis is to build a model. There are a number of pre-trained models available in various Data Science languages. For example, TextBlob is a simple Python library that provides a sentiment analysis API. Another option is the Syuzhet package in R, which implements the Stanford NLP Group's research. Nevertheless, training your own model is highly recommended. Real-time sentiment analysis can also be used to identify potential PR crises. For instance, a recent study by Apex Global Learning revealed that every extra star in a customer review can boost revenue by 5% to 9%. It was also found that a five-star business earned an average of 18% more than a three-star business. By using sentiment analysis, businesses can understand their customers' emotions and use that information to make important business decisions. Lexical analysis Lexical analysis is an early step in natural language processing, which involves segmenting a text or sound stream into tokens. This process requires a number of decisions, some of which aren't standardized. For example, the number of tokens produced by a system can vary depending on the type of string. In general, though, the rules of lexical analysis are known and can be applied to a variety of purposes. Intent recognition is a key tool used by sales teams to effectively segment large volumes of emails and phone calls. Without the right intent recognition, the prospect may lose interest in a company or service, which can lead to a sales cycle that's not effective. Intent recognition helps salespeople prioritize emails by surfacing clear purchasing intent. The tool also allows for the rapid tagging of emails from prospective clients, such as those with high interest, those with questions, and those with unsatisfied or curious interests. This prioritization can make a huge difference in the growth of a business. To use lexical analysis, a lexer must first be written for the language in question. During this process, the lexer determines the token class based on its typedef name. It then calls a semantic analyzer and determines whether the sequence requires the typedef name. The process is complicated by the fact that information has to flow from the lexer to the semantic analyzer. Syntax analysis Syntax analysis is the process of extracting the meaning from natural language by using rules of grammar and morphology. Its key objective is to detect the parts of speech and the syntactic dependencies of words. The result of this process is a syntax tree, which helps in interpreting the meaning of a sentence. Semantic analysis is another area of NLP, which focuses on the recognition of concepts and entities within text. These techniques are used for text classification, question answering, and chatbots. Syntax analysis is one of the first steps of the NLP data pipeline. It is an efficient way to extract the grammatical structure of natural language. It breaks up a text into sentences, tokens, or phrases. This data is then analyzed to identify logical patterns. In addition to analyzing the meaning of words, NLP analysis also identifies sentiment and entity properties in text. Using NLP techniques to categorise text helps companies recognize the meaning of a specific message. In addition, it can help sales and customer service teams find sales-ready leads. For instance, NLP algorithms can identify key phrases that express urgency and stress in text. This can help prioritize work and customer service. Role classifiers Intent recognition is a crucial feature of conversation systems, as it can help organizations determine the user's intent and direct a message to the representative with the expertise needed. Intent recognition is a subfield of Natural Language Processing (NLP). It is used in a variety of contexts, including sales conversions and customer support. To achieve these goals, understanding the purpose of a customer is critical to their satisfaction. Deciphering chat box messages and identifying key information can help determine a customer's intent. To create a successful intent classification model, you need high-quality training data and a machine learning algorithm. Intent recognition helps you quickly surface clear purchasing intent. For example, when a potential client sends an email to your business, you can label the email with specific tags like high interest, needs support, unsatisfied, or curious. Prioritizing these emails can greatly influence the growth of your business. Read the full article
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solutionnexxt12 · 2 years
Top Functionalities of Education ERP Software
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Technology has the potential to improve rather than complicate our lives. However, a lack of technological knowledge can alter a complicated and chaotic technique. We are constantly exposed to technology at home, work, and elsewhere. Whatever the size or complexity of your task, technology is a component of it.
Mobile technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. If you are unaware of the significance of your mobile phone, do you believe you will be able to utilise its full capacity? No.
When selecting the right gadget, whether it’s a laptop, smartphone, or something else, you consider everything. As with other technological devices, a few are specifically designed for our educational institutions. In order to make life easier for students, teachers, and other administrative personnel. What are your thoughts on selecting a student management system?
A school or higher education institution that is shaping the nation’s future, creating jobs, and so on. The question is what the future holds for your organisation. A school, a college, or a university could be the setting. How can you fully utilise a solution that is available to your institution if you are unaware of it? After conducting research on a variety of online and offline platforms, I discovered that many people are interested in the Education ERP or Student Management System. However, they are not very familiar with its functions.
An Education ERP contains a wide range of functions. It is evolving over time due to the constant advancement of technology. There are various names for various levels of education. There are several educational management systems available online.
Major ERP modules for Educational Institutions are: 1. Campus Management 2. Admission Management 3. Campaign Management 4. Enquiries Management 5. Student Management 6. Fee and Billing Management 7. Subject Management 8. Class Management 9. Timetable Management 10. Examination Management 11. Business Analytics 12. Human Resource Management 13. Reporting
The modules listed above are the most important; a full-fledged Education ERP, such as Solution Nexxt ERP, has 13 modules and can manage the entire student life cycle, from admission to course completion and graduation for higher education. It can manage all departments in your institute using analytics and reporting for centralised monitoring across a group of institutes.
Here are the most important functions of ERP for Education Function1: Facilitate admissions processes The admissions process entails the sale of forms, the inquiry and submission of forms and application forms, the submission of documents, and a variety of other activities. Higher education adds another layer of complexity to the diverse selection process for college admission. All of the above processes can be combined into one system with the help of an education ERP system. This simplifies and simplifies the work.
Function2: Manage Courses and Programs To attract a large number of students, higher education institutions offer a wide range of courses and programmes. Keeping manual records of all of these courses can be a daunting task. A management system for an institute’s ERP system can create and manage the various programmes used in your institution. It also allows students to enrol or not based on their needs.
Function 3: Efficient Examination Management: Exams are a task in and of themselves; there are numerous pre- and post-examination operations involved, such as finalising the examination schedule, setting up the exam centre, staff allocation, assessment scheme setup, exam execution, results declaration and distribution, and so on. The examination module in education ERP includes a comprehensive set of features designed to improve the efficiency of the examination process. You can also control the type of marking you want to use with Solution nexxt ERP. It can also provide a relative grading system to help your institute’s overall performance.
Function 4: Easily Govern Institute Administration: Controlling hostel, transportation, inventory, and other administration activities becomes easier with ERP implementation in your institution. It gives you access to minute details about administration activities and ancillary units critical to the operation of educational institutions such as hostels, transportation, inventory, and so on. For example, with the hostel management module, you can enter the physical design of your hostel, such as the number of rooms, floor, bed, and so on. The transportation module provides you with real-time geolocation data for your institute’s vehicles.
Function 5: Control hostel, transportation, and inventory Nowadays, almost every educational institution offers a hostel and transportation services. You can control every detail associated with hostels, transportation, and inventory if you implement.You can also enter the physical style of your hostel, such as the number of rooms, floor, bed, and so on, into the hostel management system. With the transportation module, you can track the real-time location of buses, record complete driver and vehicle information, and much more.
Function 6: Integrate institute’s finances You’ll be relieved to learn that a school management system can also manage your school’s finances. Using a single ERP, it can manage fees and bill payments, employee payrolls, student scholarships, and sponsorship. With a single click, you can access all financial records. It is possible to generate reports on bills, receipts, outstanding payments, account settlements, and so on.
Conclusion An ERP solution for educational institutions can do a lot. Technology is the future of educational administration. We encourage you to learn more about the technology and give it a shot. Do you think you could try it for your institute? Solution Nexxt Provides the best ERP solution for the educational sector in India, to schedule a free demo, get in touch with our team at [email protected]
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rpgsandbox · 3 years
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Sapience is a Tabletop Roleplaying Game set in a distant cluster of stars that has been populated by huge sleeper ships fleeing system-wide wars back at Earth. Humans are the dominant species; along with them are the Gorillas, Orangutans, Dolphins, and Octopuses they genetically uplifted to intelligence, plus the only sapient alien species ever encountered (who mysteriously look a lot like old Earth legends of Goblins!)
The cluster has been embroiled in a Cold War very like the American Civil War for more than a century now, between one side who treat the uplift species as servants and slaves, and the other who treat them as equals.
There are many colonisable (and colonised) planets and systems in the Cluster, terraformed by a long vanished species who left behind enigmatic ruins and mysteries, and a very strange plant that only rarely fruits, but those who eat the fruit, well, it changes them...
Characters can involve themselves in the war, in trade or piracy, in treasure hunting and Indiana Jones type escapades, in espionage or politics, in scientific research, or simply explore the cluster and the many cultures that have sprung up since the arrival from Earth.
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We believe that the best fiction (and especially science fiction) holds up a mirror, so that we can explore facets of our own lives safe behind the allegory of "make believe".
Star Wars was really about the Vietnam War. Godzilla was about the atom bomb. The Battlestar Galactica remake was an answer to 9/11. And, of course, there’s The Planet of the Apes - its message was about the hubris of man, and how people use science and religion to prop up inequality.
Sapience was designed in-part as a way of exploring the increasingly rampant discrimination, racism, privilege, and inequality in our own society. Throughout much of the setting, non-humans are treated as second-class citizens at best (and often, much worse). The game asks the question "I'm sapient now, shouldn't that mean I have autonomy and the right to self-determinization?". Further complicating this is the very recent development of AI, raising further questions about whether biological sapience is more important than mechanical - should we still own machines if we've allowed them to think?
Of course, these themes wont be for everyone, and there's certainly no rule that says the game must be played that way. Take out the darker aspects, and it's a Space Opera where you can travel through space meeting new emerging cultures, trading and exploring, treasure hunting, solving mysteries, wooing great beasts and battling women. Or should that be the other way around?
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Sapience uses a brand new die system known as the Focus Engine. Characters build a die pool with three different colors of D6 dice based on their Mental, Physical, and Social attributes. When a skill check is made, a number of dice equal to the skill level are drawn from the die pool and rolled. The dice then generate two completely different results at the same time - Effort and Focus.
Your Effort is the number of dice that roll 4 or greater, and they determine your level of success (or failure) at your skill check, compared against a static difficulty or an opponents' Effort.
Your Focus is the number of dice you pulled that match the color of the Attribute your skill is keyed to. It is used to modify your skill through what are effectively adverbs - you might use Focus to perform your skill Quietly (making it hard for people to hear you doing it), or Quickly (improving the speed it's performed at) and so on. In combat? Focus adds to damage, because you did it Violently. Various uses of Focus are described in the book, but players and GM's are encouraged to come up with new ways to modify skill usage with Focus.
Wounds add other dice into your die pool. Any wound dice drawn during a skill check don't add to Effort or Focus, so the more wounded you are, the less likely you are to succeed at a skill. Better get some healing to remove those bad dice from your pool!
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The Sapience rulebook has all of the rules you need to play the game, including:
Rules for creating and advancing your character, with 6 playable species' and a "guided freeform" method of skill and trait selection and development.
A detailed timeline of the history of the colonization of this new region of space, and all you need to know about the current state of the Cluster, its politics, many of its colony worlds and asteroid settlements, the factions and guilds involved in the cold war, and much much more.
Rules for creating and crewing your own spaceship.
Melee and starship combat
A discussion on the darker themes of the game, how to incorporate them into your own stories and campaigns, and how to not use them when all you want is a fun space opera where you're a talking Ape whose best friend is an Octopus.
A whole bunch of starship battlemaps (which you could even use in other sci-fi games, I don't mind), a Cluster Map, Personal and Starship character sheets, quick guides, and much more. You'll also gain access to a webpage where you can download all of those things in PDF form in color and text-free and printer friendly, to print out and use at the gaming table (and they're high res, so you can use a VTT)
And so much more!
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Thu, July 1 2021 7:00 PM BST
Website: [Sapience RPG] [facebook] [twitter]
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Class-9 Mathematics Important Questions Chapter-2 | Polynomials #mathematics #midterms2022
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xxwhisper255xx · 3 years
Huma Fanfic- Goodnight
Audrey didn’t quite know what to make of her new roommate. She knew that she was the daughter of a sea witch, had a pirate crew, and apparently destroyed cotillion. There were worse roommates to have.
Uma mainly kept to herself, staying on her side of the dorm and avoiding conversation with the princess. It seemed to be going smoothly.
The first time Uma left their dorm at 9:30 at night, Audrey didn’t think anything of it. She was probably just getting a drink or something, and she returned just before curfew at ten o’clock. But this became a routine. After a week of the same thing, Audrey was starting to get suspicious. What was so important that she needed to do right before curfew? Was she planning some villainous act? Trying to take over Auradon like Mal and her friends did?Sometimes she worried that Uma wouldn’t return in time, but her roommate always managed to slip in the door just before ten. Her paranoia and curiosity eventually won over and Audrey decided to follow her.
Audrey followed Uma down the multiple corridors of Auradon prep. They had already past the kitchen and the entrance that led outside, but Uma hadn’t show any sign of slowing down. It wasn’t until they were in the section where the male dorms were that she stopped. Audrey quickly ducked behind the corner and watched in confusion as Uma approached one of the doors. What were they doing outside the boys dormitories?
Peeking around the corner, she realised that Uma has disappeared into the dorm. Audrey crept closer and found that it was slightly open, just enough for her to peek inside. She glanced through the crack, trying to stay as quiet as possible. The first thing she saw was Gil passed out on one of the beds. He drooled on his pillow, making the princess grimace. Uma appeared at his bedside, pulling blankets over the sleeping pirate. After he was tucked in, Audrey’s eyes followed Uma to the other side of the room. Harry Hook sat on the other bed, fiddling with his hook, which had been dulled when they arrived in Auradon. She watched as Uma sat beside him and they talked in quiet voices, not wanting to wake up Gil.
She looked back up just in time to see Uma embrace her first mate. He buried his face in her neck and squeezed her tighter. Audrey was shocked at the intimacy, not expecting to see a VK look so vulnerable. She stepped back, suddenly feeling bad for intruding on such a personal moment. A few moments later she heard Uma’s voice become clearer as the pirate moved towards the door. “... get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Audrey jumped back and darted down the hall, back to her room. Uma closed the door behind her just as the pink blur disappeared around the corner. She furrowed her eyebrows and sped back to her dorm. When Uma returned to her room right at 9.59, Audrey was sitting on her bed, pretending to read. The two girls’ eyes met, and Audrey froze. It felt like she could see right through her. The princess looked back, and the look of understanding in her eyes was enough to make Uma relax. The two went to bed without a word.
It was a few weeks later when Uma’s routine was suddenly knocked off balance. The two girls sat on their beds, Audrey writing in her diary and Uma doing homework for her goodness class. As an unspoken rule, neither had mentioned Uma’s nightly visits.
A loud static filled the room before Fairy Godmother’s voice came through the sound system.
“Attention, Auradon Prep. As we will be expecting some royals on campus for a meeting tomorrow, I expect all students to be in bed by 9.30 so you can wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed! Thank you, have sweet dreams.”
Once the sound cut out, Audrey glanced over at Uma. The pirate was glaring at her homework, her eyebrows furrowed.
“Uma, are you alright?” Audrey asked softly. The pirate looked back at her with a calmness that looked completely fake.
“Course, Princess.” She said, scoffing like the question was ridiculous.
Audrey frowned. She didn’t know why it was so important for Uma to see the boys every night, but she knew that it had to be big if she was like this.
“I’m sure they’ll be okay.” The princess said hesitantly. It was the first time either of them had directly mentioned Uma’s nightly visits. She immediately regretted breaking their unspoken agreement.
“I know,” Uma replied, collecting her work and dumping it on the desk. Audrey felt relief at her response and followed suit, putting her diary away before climbing into her bed. She glanced over at Uma once she was settled, but all she could see was her roommate’s back. Audrey sighed and rolled over, drifting off to a peaceful sleep.
It had only been a couple hours when her sleep was interrupted by a horrific scream. Audrey sat up quickly, looking around for danger. Finding none, her eyes landed on Uma.
Uma was still asleep, but she was panting and gasping for air. Her hand was reaching around for a weapon or something. “No! Don’t touch them!” She shrieked to an invisible threat.
Audrey leaped out of her bed and raced over, grabbing Uma’s arm.
“Uma, it’s okay, you’re okay,” she said, shaking the pirate. Uma trashed harder, tears now pouring down her face.
Audrey had to think fast. She knew that Uma wouldn’t want Fairy Godmother or Mal (who’s dorm was the closest) to see her like this, so they were out of the question. Suddenly, the obvious answer struck her and she stood up.
“I’ll be right back, okay?” She told the pirate, before dashing out of the room.
Audrey ran barefoot down the hallway, trying to remember the room number she was looking for. Spotting what she hoped was the right door, she skidded to a stop and knocked urgently. It took about ten seconds for the door to be opened, revealing a sleepy Harry Hook, looking confused at her sudden appearance.
“What do I owe the pleasure, princess?” He grumbled. She had no doubt that it looked weird, showing up at his door in her silk pink pjs at two AM.
“It’s Uma,” she barely got the words out before he suddenly became wide awake. Before she could say anything else, he had already pushed past her and was running down the hall. Audrey pulled herself together and followed him, having trouble keeping up with him.
She reached her doorway, panting. Harry was already beside Uma’s bed.
“Uma,” he whispered, sitting down and pulling her into his arms.
“It’s alright, captain. We’re in Auradon. You’re safe,” he continued to reassure her in whispers that Audrey couldn’t hear. “Harry?” Uma mumbled, her eyes opening.
“Right here, love. You just had a bad dream, is all.”
Uma choked on a sob and dropped her face onto his bare chest, her breathing still rapid. Audrey stood in the doorway, feeling like an intruder in her own room.
“I’ll get her some water,” she said, not sure if either of them even heard her.
When Audrey returned, she was met with only quiet. She opened the door and stepped in on her tiptoes, not wanting to disturb them. The two pirates were curled up on Uma’s bed, the girl in question being sound asleep. Harry looked up from his captain and met Audrey’s gaze. She tried to smile, lifting the glass of water.
“Is she okay?” She asked, looking at Uma asleep on his chest.
“Yeah. You did the right thing, comin’ to get me.” He told her, gratefully.
Audrey nodded, placing the glass of water at Uma’s bedside.
“So I assume you’re staying?” She asked politely, not wanting to sound like she was trying to kick him out.
“Anyone gonna know?” He asked, tightening his hold on his captain as if the very idea of leaving her was impossible.
Audrey chuckled and moved to her own bed.
“I won’t tell if you won’t,”
Harry gave her a small smile before looking down at Uma.
Audrey watched them for a second before speaking hesitantly.
“Has this happened before?” She questioned, her curiosity getting the better of her. Harry was silent for a moment and she wondered if she had overstepped a boundary.
“Happens on occasion, but it’s usually the other way ‘round.” He said finally. “There was always someone on the ship that woke up screaming.”
“Is that why she visits you guys every night?” Audrey spoke before she could stop herself. When Harry didn’t show a notable reaction to her question, she guessed that Uma had told him she knew.
“Yeah. We used to share a room back on the ship, but we can’t do that here so seeing her is the best she can do to help stop me from havin’ nightmares. I guess it helped her too.”
Audrey wondered if he was revealing all of this because he was tired, or if he really trusted her with that information. Either way, she was beginning to understand her roommate a little bit more.
“Goodnight, Harry,” she said, getting back into her bed. She heard him respond quietly before she fell into a deep sleep.
“Is everything okay? We heard noises from your dorm last night,” Mal asked at breakfast the next morning. Audrey saw Uma and Harry tense up across from her and jumped in.
“Yeah, it’s fine. I started sleep walking and Uma woke me up. Sleep issues seem to run in my family,” she glared playfully at Mal, who laughed in response.
The topic of conversation shifted quickly and Uma met Audrey’s eyes, nodding in thanks. The princess smiled back. The two girls shared a mutual respect, and Audrey knew that this was only the beginning of their friendship
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naturallyexcessive · 3 years
Seiai Academy: Headcanon Edition
(latest update 3/9/21: additional course numbers info, basic uniform/costume info, hc addictions + minor hc changes)
Since BNHA refuses to give my favorite filler non-canon girls any attention whatsoever, my one braincell decided to do it myself. Take this long, convoluted headcanon dump for the Super Sapphic academy! I do warn you, it’s... pretty wordy.
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Note: I literally copypasted half of this from my full masterdoc. 
The Academy
Seiai Academy is a females-only hero boarding school. What makes them unique is their insistence in their students having great intellectual talent: the academy only accepts students who are consistent academic achievers. In fact, Seiai is more well known for the high academic success of its students, rather than for its hero course. 
Of course, Seiai is still a good enough hero school in its own right. The Hero course is especially excellent for students who intend on becoming support or rescue heroes; if anything, this is one of the top schools in Japan for women aspiring to specialise in either of those two options, due its challenging yet flexible course.
The entrance exam for the school consists of two main parts, a specialised written exam and a practical (students wanting to enter the support course also require a portfolio of work). However, the written part of the exam is considerably more important, making up a majority of a student’s final mark. The written exam is rather challenging, on a very similar level of difficulty to UA’s, yet ends up being one of the easiest assessments an aspiring Seiai graduate will end up taking in their time at the academy.
The practical requires students to show the full capabilities of their quirks in front of a panel of assessors. They will be required to answer questions and hypothetical scenarios asked by the assessors, explaining and demonstrating how they’d apply their quirks in these various scenarios. Students are primarily assessed on the general ability of their quirks, their answers on how they apply and use them, and other factors depending on the student. Students don’t necessarily have to be fighters due to how the course works: it’s application and potential based on what the student has to work with that determines entrance. Though grades in the examination play a large part (this is how Intelli and Senkai got in).
Once students pass the exam, they still are required to partake in an interview with one of the members of the staff board, to properly gauge their motivations and aspirations. If a student is seen as excessively undesirable, they may be rejected from Seiai Academy. However, exceptions are sometimes made in the case of a ‘troublesome’ student being exceptionally gifted, or if the student in question or their family or other connections have a high public reputation (or are just very rich).
Students who successfully make it into Seiai choose, or are assigned, a course, depending on their future goals. These courses are similar to UA’s department system. Other than its Hero course, Seiai also offers Support and General Studies courses (Business Studies is a compulsory subject taught in all programs). All courses have necessary required subjects, each of which are academically demanding.
Whether a student can enter the hero course depends on their entrance exam and interview results. Someone who scores high enough to enter Seiai, but not enough to qualify for the Hero course, can only choose between the General Studies or Support courses. However, a student who can qualify for the Hero course is permitted to instead pick General Studies, if they prefer. In fact, many people go to/are sent to Seiai for its advanced academic curriculum, for reasons almost completely unrelated to heroics, so this option is often chosen.
Hero classes at Seiai are relatively small: ten people per class, with four classes per year, rather than two classes of twenty. The standards are very high; the smaller class size makes for better team bonding and allows teachers to teach the students better and more personally, though simultaneously makes the competition between each of them much more intense.
There are more general studies students than hero course students, as expected. The support course, however, also has a surprisingly high number of aspiring applicants. 
Students are expected to wear their school uniforms to most extracurricular activities (in addition to pre-approved support items necessary for facilitating their quirks), as a way of representing the school. The uniforms themselves are surprisingly versatile and hold up well to physical exertion such as combat. The school does have sports uniforms, though, for internal school activities.
When it comes to hero costumes, students typically collaborate directly with with one or two assigned school staff that specialise in costume design (usually those in charge of the support course), working with and eventually getting approval from them. Once costume concepts are approved, they’re sent off to one of the professional support companies Seiai has connections with. This whole service does cost additional on top of student fees, and the costumes usually are more formal/slick/utilitarian and less silly or out there in design. Students can opt for other external options, though they may risk less quality as a result, and are expected to take care of maintenance and all other costs to do with their costume by themselves. In addition, DIY costumes still require certain elements to be sent to and/or approved by Seiai (quality checks, specifications, etc).
The school’s public image is a mostly high-class, professional-looking one, exuding an air of extremely high standard. The general vibe of the school, at first, certainly feels posh, but it’s not strict to the point of being military-esque (though it can be close at times). Students are expected to embody everything their school appears to be whenever off school grounds, especially if they’re in uniform.
Some students got in through hard work and dedication. Others were just gifted enough. Some were both. Most of the girls are pretty well-composed by default. However, quite a few were sent to Seiai to be straightened out and gain responsibility. Honestly? Behind the formal appearances, most of the Seiai girls are just tightly-strung and stressed and need to let loose once in a while.
The Students
Now this is where the fun begins. I’ve only put attention into the Seiai girls we know currently exist, because doing otherwise would just be making full-on OCs! Since this is already pretty long, though, I’ve put it under the cut!
Disclaimer for their names: I literally made most of them by following direct JP/BNHA character naming tutorials lmaooooo so if you can decipher the meanings then that’s a bonus! Though note, I have very little experience with Japanese, and it’s likely there’s going to be errors when it comes to how their names were made up and their intended meanings! Methods were also varied between names (some names are just their kanji or alternate kun-yomi, while other names are pronounced using the on-yomi of their kanji, some are just pulled from name websites, or words directly translated from Japanese, and others are a mix of all of these) so there may be plenty of inconsistencies. So yeah!
Saiko Intelli “Stratagem”
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Disclaimer! I can’t claim the idea for Intelli’s hero name! The credit goes to @/popcornpagesart and their art post here, because it fits way too well for her to not use!
Quirk: IQ Intelli can enhance her IQ (which was already pretty huge) by drinking tea, with closing her eyes as its activation, visualized with yellow/orange mathematical equations that appear around her [this is canon]. Different types of tea will have varying effects on her IQ; some will increase her IQ more than others, and a small number of specifically brewed teas might even dumb her down.
Intelli primarily uses her quirk to create create complex plans to outsmart her opponents and solve problems easily. However, she has a weakness to unpredictable or versatile variables, which can put dangerous gaps in her calculations.
I don’t actually have too much for Intelli, to be honest! I think I put most of my headcanons for her in my analysis/meta on her I made a while back, so if anyone is curious you can check that out here if you want! Here’s a couple random ones, though.
100% into tea culture and everything about it. Isn’t publicly passionate about things but tea is the exception. Will burn you in her dreams if she ever catches you committing tea crimes (for example, boiling gatorade).
Rarely studies publicly. She does study, but whenever she voluntarily studies in the school library, it’s rare. Her classmates refuse to approach her when she’s in this “studying state.”
Widely adored. Intelli doesn’t question it. Some joke that her actual quirk is a charm quirk, but Intelli denies it.
Chihiro Senkai “Triage”
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Quirk: Hologram Senkai’s quirk allows her to conjure a hologram to show/track places and people, as if she were setting up security cameras and watching through them. However, for her quirk to work, the user needs to actually absorb information on the area and/or people she’s monitoring. She can’t just mentally see inside a room she hasn’t entered and examined beforehand, or track a person she hasn’t seen physically before. Her quirk also allows her to process and organise plenty of variables at once, so you can feed her tons of information and she’ll be able to process it easily.
Senkai is very analytical and observant, good at taking in large amounts of information, presenting, and working with them. However, she’s also reserved and shy, not one to brag or talk about her accomplishments. A bit of a pushover, requires guidance and prefers being told what to do rather than making her own decisions. Even if given independence, she tends to turn to others to ask “is this okay” or “am I doing it correctly.” If forced into making choices, she can get paralysed from indecision. 
Senkai was raised relatively sheltered. As a result, she became a rather unambitious girl who only went to Seiai and its hero course because her parents told her to, as a way of getting her to come out of her shell. While she originally just planned to get a modest office job after graduation, she was eventually persuaded by her more supportive classmates into dedicating herself to heroship and making independent choices for herself.
Doesn’t have OCD, but is very serious about keeping things tidy and well-organised. And she’s good at it. 
Has photographic memory.
Due to her sheltered-ish nature, rather “pure” in a sense of not understanding lewd references, or being able to swear.
Kosa Kitae “Iron Gauntlet”
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Quirk: Iron Hands Allows Kitae to conjure out liquid metal from the skin of her hands, and shape it into various different forms (usually weapons). She has holes in the gloves of her uniform to funnel out metal and form polearm weapons easier. 
Kitae is mostly a handy and hardworking sort of person. She prefers to work hands-on, is tough as nails, and has lots of mettle that keeps her going. She’s also mostly sociable and friendly, making her one of the more approachable students of her class. Despite this, she can get a bit steely at times, especially in combat. Funnily enough, though, her biggest weakness is anything to do with romance. Which includes pretty girls. Whom she is surrounded by. Poke her about who she likes and she flushes and dies on the spot.
Out of everyone in her class, she actually has the most chill and simple backstory. She thinks heroes are neat, loves how they fight for the people, and wants to do that as well. 
Lowkey kinda buff under her uniform: she works out often.
Has training in hand-to-hand combat, as well as basic experience in various other handheld weapons. Mostly swords so you know what that means
Eishi Teisho “Bayonet Lance”
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Quirk: Spikes Teisho can produce sharp spikes from any part of her body, in a similar fashion to Togaru Kamakiri’s quirk. She can also shoot out protruding spikes from her body - usually at high speeds - if she concentrates hard enough. Teisho’s clothing is especially tailored to be unaffected by her quirk by allowing them to pass through.
Teisho is easily provoked if prodded enough, being somewhat prickly, so while she can be prim and proper, she can just as quickly become aggressive. In general, she is pretty hard to approach. She’s rather cynical about everything and doesn’t keep her negative opinions about the world and others to herself, openly being harsh and, ironically, blunt. She even openly says morbid things (referencing her own demise or how the world sucks, etc). She believes these views about society make her better than others, but if anything, her behaviour just scares away anyone who’d ever want to be friends with her. She covers this up just by being more thorny and arrogant, when deep down, all she really wants is a damn good hug and reassurance things will be okay.
She’s not necessarily an asshole like Yumiya. If something genuinely impresses her, she’ll say it. She can be optimistic if the situation seems like it, and she’s not just a grump 24/7. It’s just that she thinks negatively a lot. She’s also quite sharp, rather perceptive of things around her, and sometimes her brute honesty can come from a space of genuinely wanting to help someone.
In truth, Teisho is insecure and pessimistic about the future of society. She believes in and mirrors these negative views as a coping mechanism of this fact. She does want the world to be a better place but is apprehensive and jaded; she wants to be a hero but believes it’s meaningless and that she’s only doing it to feel better about herself. Luckily, she’s later convinced she can make a difference.
Would probably call you ‘clod’
Swears a lot when not required to be professional in front of others.
Has an oddly specific love for echinoderms, sea urchins especially, and even has a small taxidermy collection of them. Is jokingly called an urchin by Yumiya as a result. She always responds with “go fuck yourself.”
Originally chose the hero name Bayonet, but changed it to Lance later on to sound more heroic and less violent.
Ritsuki Hatsu “Headlocks”
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Quirk: Hair Manipulation Allows Hatsu to manipulate her hair, almost like limbs. Her hair is significantly tougher than normal hair, and can be quickly grown out or reduced in length if she desires it. While similar to Ibara Shiozaki’s quirk, it’s not as powerful; it lacks the same level of range and strength. It’s ultimately vulnerable to the sorts of attacks that damage hair, such as slashing or fire damage. Growing it out too much causes scalp problems and/or headaches.
Hatsu is typically very smooth and almost always well-kept. She can come off as a little stylised and pretentious at times, being unnecessarily verbose and willing to criticise others if she isn’t in the mood, but will also become an emotional mess when overwhelmed and tangled up in work. Which is a lot of the time. She looks like she’s got everything under control, but in reality, under the posh way she carries herself, she’s extremely stressed and constantly working/studying. When especially stressed, she makes no effort to be formal and hide her panic.
Her constant stress and desire to work all stem from the classic story of having high-standards. Hatsu is a “must always have perfect grades” student and thinks bad marks will make her a failure thanks to strict parenting. She later does accept that grades don’t entirely matter with heroism, and being a hero isn’t just another credential for your success.
Has a younger brother, Yasushi, who used to be in the same middle school of Midoriya and Bakugo. His quirk is a weaker version of hers, and he isn’t as high-class as she is, but he’s still a bit of a geek.
Tends to take a long time preparing herself for the day both physically and mentally, waking up really early to do this, affecting her already tiny sleep schedule.
Is a bit of a coffee addict. Lives for the most bitter of brews and physically cannot cope without at least one cup in the morning.
Can technically have any hairstyle she wants. She just chooses to keep it short, unless a specific situation calls for it.
Jokes tend to fly over her head at times, even if she understands their context; she doesn’t really have a sense of humor.
Dislikes anything raunchy. Just a general peeve that screams immaturity to her.
Mieko Yanagi “Asenath”
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Quirk: Eldritch Arms Allows her to manipulate her arms into tentacle-like forms. They are extremely flexible yet powerful, and are pretty much elastic. If she doesn’t stretch before using her quirk, they can end up pretty sore if overused.
While adaptable in most situations, Yanagi is somewhat insecure and a bit of a people pleaser, being rather compliant and easily malleable. Problem is, she’s insecure to the point where any sort of victory for her, any time she’s able to stand out, gets to her head sometimes, and she can find herself very obviously humble-bragging without even noticing at times.
She’s pretty determined, though. If faced with trouble, she’ll bend, not break. When in a more confident mindset, she reveals a more ‘shitposty’ side to her, having a wide internet presence and heavy knowledge on pop/internet culture.
The middle child of the Yanagi family, Yanagi joined Seiai in second year after working hard for a scholarship there. This was done due to how successful her siblings were (the oldest being a sidekick for one of the top heroes in Japan, the youngest making it to the prestigious UA), and she felt like she needed to step up and not seem like a disappointment.
Her eldest sister, Keiko Yanagi, has a quirk that allows her to control other people’s bodies like puppets. She worked hard to properly control her quirk and use it for good, eventually landing her a spot as one of Ryukyu’s sidekicks.
Meanwhile, her younger sister is Reiko Yanagi, who has telepathic control over objects in general. And we all know she got into UA. In a way, Mieko is similar to Reiko in terms of personality, but slightly more desperate. So the siblings have self-body control, other-body control, and general object control.
Really interested in cosmic/eldritch horror, has a replica copy of a Necronomicon.
Gets very existential, questions the meaning of existence and how small humanity is in the grand scope of the universe, etc. Generally into philosophy.
Surprisingly into online shitpost culture, both Japanese and Western. She even has a bit of a following online.
Yukine Fuyukiri “Cryogenesis”
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Quirk: Cold Air Cold Air allows Fuyukiri to disperse cold air from her fingertips. If she pushes herself, she can outright freeze anything or anyone caught in the cold air, or blast things/people away with a powerful spray. The quirk requires her to use the air around her; she cannot just create air. If she uses it for long periods of time without support items, she can get frostbite and has to warm up. She uses massive gauntlet-like items to help her out; these items are bulky yet mostly lightweight, and can change the force of air blasts.
At first, Fuyukiri appears extremely cold and uncaring, almost like a complete robot dedicated to top marks and nothing else, not wanting to waste time on others. Talk to her, however, and she’s actually chill and less intimidating than she seems, open to casual talk. She can toughen up if she has to, however. It’s very hard to surprise her, at least visibly, and she’s not one of many words. She almost never raises her voice, mostly just being firm when forced to argue, so when you do hear her shout outside of immediate danger, you’ve probably screwed up big time.
Fuyukiri almost never loses control or makes rash decisions, always scoping out the situation before making a move. While she can sometimes be seen as indecisive, she insists it’s so she gets it right and doesn’t ruin anything she’s already gained. She sees making rash decisions as foolish and dislikes people who seem to take things for granted, preferring to be one of the sensible ones of a situation.
This is mostly due to the fact she has a soft spot for her parents, who heavily supported her for years, and as a result, Fuyukiri feels like she has to make sure she doesn’t ruin everything they’ve done for her. Overall, she wants to take the steps to be a good person and live a successful life to make them proud. Isn’t hasty as a result, scared that messing up would taint things for her.
She’s kinda like inverse Todoroki but less endearingly dense lol
Secretly likes hot chocolate.
Setsuka Kanjo “Bright Spark”
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Quirk: Torch Torch allows the Kanjo to emit blowtorch-like flames from her fingertips. She can change the intensity and spread of the flames. Her quirk is mutation: her hands and fingers are mechanical in nature. Does require protective gear for the heat and the extreme light; she wears fingerless welding gloves to protect her hands, and a welding mask to protect her face. She wears a pack to keep these and other support items.
Kanjo’s quick to excite, being rather upbeat and cheerful. She’s very self-motivated, extremely passionate, and willing to do any sort of work, but can be stubborn. She’s one of the more openly positive and friendly members of the class, willing to work with others without much issue. Simultaneously, she’s just as quick to sober up and get down to business if she needs to be or has to do work on anything. Once she flicks into a serious, focused mindset (which can happen pretty fast), she can pick up a bit of a fiery intensity to the point where people who didn’t know her would think she’s a whole different person.
Kanjo intentionally keeps herself busy, putting lots on her plate and accepting or creating work for herself, taking every opportunity thrown her way even if she’s got lots to handle. She tends to make decisions rashly and is the type to apologise later rather than ask for permission, being perfectly fine with risking making mistakes. When forced to wait or if left with nothing to do, Kanjo is impatient and restless.
Kanjo unironically loves learning things, especially in the science field. She doesn’t actually loathe doing so much work all the time and is almost at the point where she sees nothing about her work life as unhealthy. To tell the truth, she mostly keeps working and never slows down due to a fear that doing so would cause her to become stagnant, after barely making it past an extremely heavy year of depression.
Similar to Midoriya in which she’s prone to excessive rambling about things she’s interested in.
Major interest in engineering and architecture.
She once almost built a whole small plane. 
The most casual of them all, at least in an endearing, inoffensive way.
Usually hops into the workshops typically used by support course students; interacts with the support course a lot and could almost be considered an honorary member of them, being familiar with some of the students there.
Tomomi Shuzenri/Atsuko “Gavel”
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Quirk: Hammerback Atsuko has hatches on her back, where she can conjure massive hammers and use them. They’re extremely powerful, yet heavy as a result, and the strain can take a toll on her back if her quirk is used for too long. Overexertion can cause the hammer handles to fold on themselves and collapse. While mostly huge mallets, she can create smaller hammers if needed.
Atsuko has a heavy sense of justice and a desire to do what’s right. She enjoys constantly learning and taking in information from others, and would rather do that than talk about herself. She tends to not take sides unless she knows enough about a situation to judge for herself. She’s pretty tolerant of others and great at resolving conflict, she’s typically a good leader when given the role. As such, she’s usually the “straight woman” of situations. If you get on her bad side, though, she’s not one to hold back, and will hit hard, both literally and figuratively. 
MTF. Mother is overall very supportive, and she’s already mostly transitioned. 
Born Tomomi Shuzenri, but her parents divorced when she was still rather young. Her mother got child custody, and she took on her mother’s surname instead. Atsuko barely knows her father, since he didn’t reintroduce himself into their lives, and her mother doesn’t speak of it at all.
Studies law and hero ethics in her own time, could honestly become a lawyer if she tried.
Surprisingly pure when it comes to the more subtle lewd jokes; used to unironically think handholding was a perverse action.
Ataru Yumiya “Pinpoint”
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Quirk: Aim With Aim, Yumiya can target anything and hit them with almost perfect accuracy. Primarily works best with ranged projectile weapons, causing them to act like homing projectiles. While this also works with melee combat (by centring her quirk on her fists/legs/etc instead of projectiles), being useful in targeting weak spots, it’s less effective on its own and Yumiya could risk harming herself this way (potentially dislocating something: it’s happened before). Her quirk only works on lighter/smaller objects, anything heavier than 3kg and/or larger than anything that could be reasonably held by one hand tends to not work.
Yumiya is a mentally gifted yet rebellious kid. Her parents insisted on pushing her to perfection, but she didn’t want to and wished for a simpler life. The more her parents tried to push her, the more hostile and brash she became, and she despises people who have authority over her. She doesn’t want to become a hero, seeing them as more people made to order people around. 
She is also openly antagonistic to most of her classmates and teachers, especially the more ‘high-class’ they are, due to her innate fear of becoming just like them. She especially lashes out at Intelli (being the only one in the class to openly dislike her), despite starting to develop a small crush.
She doesn’t exactly hate or deny her intelligence. She knows she’s smart and isn’t afraid to brag about it to people she thinks are below her, which in her eyes are many. She barely studies at all, mostly because she doesn’t want to, though also doesn’t really have to either.
Her personality stems from the fact she was sent to Seiai by her parents to get her rebellious behavior straightened out, and was then forced into the hero course due to her parents’ high-reputation and influence, all so that she could be forced into being a more ‘responsible’ person. She actively strives as a result to not put effort into academics and fail, just to spite their attempts at ‘suppressing’ her and making her something she’s not. She dislikes people like Intelli and the other more posh Seiai students due to her having a slight inmate fear of “becoming” them.
Romantically into females, but is asexual. Doesn’t stop her from making raunchy jokes, references, or fake advances, though.
Knows how to use numerous ranged weapons to a basic degree, but prefers a slingshot. She can also use some without assistance from her quirk, but not all. 
Goes hunting with her aunt in her free time. Doesn’t use her quirk for it, unless she’s not in the mood for playing fair.
Has a wicked throwing arm. Played baseball in elementary school.
Especially prevalent in her early months at Seiai, tends to poke at people to rile them up, and usually goes out of her way to cause trouble. She does this less as time goes on, but occasionally gets a laugh out of sniping someone on the back of the head with scrunched up paper.
Similarly, used to call everyone in her class nicknames intentionally to try piss them off (she reduced how often she did this over time). These include (but are not limited to) the following:
Intelli: Teabrain, Nerd, Seikoku
Senkai: Alexa, Homogram
Kitae: Sapphist, Fister
Hatsu: Keratick, Shaggy
Yanagi: Squidward, Median
Fuyukiri: Boreal, Slushie
Kanjo: Sparkler, Twinkletouch
Atsuko: Judge Judy, Your Honor
Teisho: Prick, Urchin, Hedgehog
Yumiya (from Teisho in response): Botchshot (and other [-shot] variations such as Cheapshot, Shitshot, etc), Aimbot, Slug
All the girls here are in one class. And while most of them were very cold to each other in their first year (spare for Yanagi, who wasn’t in their class at the time, and Intelli, who is their goddess), they got better in their second year. After their defeat at the License Exam, however, is truly when they start getting along. 
Literally everyone is sapphic. No one knows why, no one seems to acknowledge it, they all just are. This extends to the staff.
Almost all of them love Intelli. Teisho, Hatsu, Kitae, Senkai and Yanagi all adore her almost to the point of obsession, while Fuyukiri, Kanjo, Yumiya and Atsuko still love and/or respect her, and just show that in different ways. Again, no one knows why. 
and... that’s that! I know it’s a LOT but you know what, this is only scratching the surface of what I can see in these girls! I’m probably going to update this post in the future as I come up with more stuff, but for now, I think this works!
I salute you, 10 Seiai Fans. I salute to you.
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wisteria-lodge · 3 years
badger primary + very burnt lion secondary (bird model)
Hi, I’m a Badger primary and stuck between Lion and Snake secondary. I model Bird and Badger over whatever my (probably pretty burnt) secondary is. Would you mind helping me figure it out?
As a kid, I remember being a total joker in class. I thought it was really funny to trick my friends. I got everyone to start chanting at the teacher once. I’d do something daring (for a first grader) like look up “sex” in the dictionary. It basically just said gender and I was confused about what all the fuss was 🤦🏻‍♀️.
Definitely see why you’re thinking Improvisational secondary. One of the old-school SHC bits of wisdom is that when proud rule-breaking is a personality trait, that’s usually the sign of a Lion secondary.
My mom didn’t want me reading all night so I hid flashlights under my bed and would pretend to sleep if she checked on me. I’d lie and would only feel bad about it if threatened with consequences. If I got in trouble, I’d lie or pretend I didn’t know what I’d been doing.
But I could also see Snake. Being very proud of your ability to lie or pretend is very Snake to me.
In middle school, my learning disability really began to show and I started having anxiety and possibly PTSD after 9/11. (I’m from NY). That’s when the Bird model kicked in.
As it does.
People at my new school didn’t get my humor and took my trolling literally and it was really uncomfortable. Honestly middle school sucked and most of what I remember is just snobby, awful social stuff.
I’m definitely getting Lion secondary here. You are YOU, it’s very important that you be you, and the problem is that other people don’t get you. Snake secondaries aren’t so binary.
Oh I did manage to get a teammate’s cell phone number and pranked them. And I hacked into someone’s AIM account. And one time I got in a fist fight with someone on a different team of mine and then we were best friends. Which is weird, looking back.
awww Lion secondaries making friends :D
High school was really hard because I had a really hard time with the schoolwork (learning disability was still undiagnosed) and with finding good friends. I got in trouble a few times for offending people by repeating things I didn’t know were offensive, I dressed up as someone kinda controversial for Halloween which is honestly still one of the highlights of my high school experience. I tricked this creepy guy who wouldn’t leave me alone and embarrassed him in front of the whole school. But wouldn’t ever insult someone to their face on purpose unless I completely lost my temper.
Obviously you can have a hot temper and not be a Lion secondary… but I’m already skewing in that direction, and everything you’re saying here is supporting it. Kind of getting a kick out of offending people (or making them uncomfortable) is VERY Lion secondary.
I joined the Political Union club and didn’t really debate because I’m terrible at it.
Lion secondaries tend to be pretty bad at formal debate. That’s more a built secondary thing. Great at giving speeches, though :)
I just watched everyone argue and trolled people. I remember one meeting, people started throwing books at each other and it was amazing. That “agent of chaos” answer on the quiz is me haha.
The “agent of chaos” answer is the Lion secondary answer.
I knew the perfect way to get this one teacher to go off on a tangent about the Soviet Union for the entire lesson. I couldn’t keep up with the schoolwork so I’d BS a lot of it and manage to get by. Participation was key to your grade so I’d read just enough to discuss parts of it and then just make throwaway funny comments and ask good questions to beef up my contributions.
I’d say that gaming the system in this particular way (which I completely support) actually sounds like you Bird secondary model. Which makes sense, if the *purpose* of that model is to help you out in an academic setting.
I think I burned after a traumatic event at the end of my senior year. I started modeling Badger secondary hard. Basically just be sweet and helpful and everything will be fine, right? When that did not, in fact, make everything be fine, I pulled out the manipulation to make damn sure people were on my side.
I’m interested in what you mean by “manipulation.” Because while that’s normally a Snake secondary word, I’m not getting Snake Secondary from you. I suspect you may actually parse your Bird secondary as “manipulation,” which is sort of unusual.
I did still troll sometimes, but I haven’t felt playful and fun in so long. I’ve been really depressed over the last few years about some serious medical problems that can’t really be resolved. I just feel flat like a car stuck in park.
Oh ouch. Yeah, that’s a burnt secondary all right.
I’m scared of failing. I’m scared people won’t like me or that I’ll get in trouble. I don’t have the energy to lie convincingly or put on a show but I also don’t feel safe enough to be blunt. I’m reluctantly forcing myself to be diplomatic while screaming inside.
This is portrait of a Burnt Lion secondary. You’re afraid of failing, but failing is necessary and important to Lions. It’s how they change direction. “Being yourself” had gotten you into trouble and made some people not like you, so you’re scared about going there again. You want to be blunt, but it’s too scary. Instead you’re being diplomatic and putting on a show, both things you define as “lying” (very Lion secondary) but it’s incredibly energy consuming.
I don’t know how to go back to how I was. (I am trying to find a good therapist but it’s hard to find one who specializes in all the things I need, not to mention a good fit personality-wise). When I’m not Like This, I can be really charming. I miss it. 
Well, a therapist is the first step. I guess my tiny little piece of advice in the meantime, is find a place in your life where you *can* use your lion again. Make that place as tiny and as low-stakes as you need to. Maybe you have an anonymous blog where you shit-post. Maybe you bring out your Lion for just one person. Maybe go to a weekend convention - if it’s three days with people you never see again, who cares if you get in trouble or offend something. Check out the SHC discord server, and see if any of the other burnt Lionsecs have tips. I know Lions are very all-or-nothing, but I’m a Badger. Baby steps are steps.
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huilian · 3 years
Eugenides, mathematics, and the people that he loves.
or, 12 times mathematics was involved, in some way or another, between our favorite bastard of a king and the people he has made a family out of.
or, that math degree gotta get used  somehow
“If you’re going to lurk from the ceiling, Eugenides, you might as well come down and help me,” Eddis said.
In front of her was a string of numbers that should have represented the entirety of her country’s taxes, but none of it made sense to her. She knew all the basics, of course, but they didn’t expect her to be queen, and by the time she was her father’s heir, she was too busy trying to learn everything else that the thought of learning the intricate system of taxes did not even cross her mind.
She was regretting that now.
“Well, it seemed rude to interrupt your brooding session, Your Majesty,” Eugenides said, landing next to her without so much as a whisper of a sound.
She glared at him in the empty room she was in, having already sent everybody out. Her advisors meant well, but they kept talking over each other in their eagerness to explain this to her, and instead of helping her understand it, that just made the numbers seem even more confounding.
“I was not brooding,” she said.
“If you say so, My Queen,” Eugenides grinned. “Now, do you want me to explain this to you, or was this covered in one of the few classes you did not skip?”
She glared again, but she pointed at one entry, embarrassingly high on the list, and said, “Start there.”
“Remind me, Costis,” the King said, “your father is a farmer, is he not?”
Costis blocked the King’s attack— he still insisted on sparring with Costis every morning, even though he now had an abundance of sparring partners to choose from— and replied, “Yes, Your Majesty.”
The King hummed, and Costis pushed forward, trying to get at least one hit on Eugenides when he was still distracted. Instead of reaching his target, however, his training sword flew out of his hands and he found himself with a wooden sword placed gently upon his chest.
“My win, I believe, Costis,” the King said with a smile. “I think that’s enough for the day.”
“Your Majesty?” Costis asked, disbelieving.
“Yes, Costis,” Eugenides replied. “Come, sit in the shade next to me, and tell me about your father’s farm. The sun is much too hot today.”
Costis frowned, but he knew already that the best way to deal with his King when he was like this was to indulge his whims. So he took the King’s sword, retrieved his own, placed them where the rest of the practice swords were located, and sat down next to Eugenides, answering all of his questions about the way his father determines how much seeds he should buy and how many people he should hire.
Teleus picked up a piece of paper that was not there the last time he left his office, locked with the only key on his own belt.
The paper was filled with numbers and equations from one end to the other, and after skimming it quickly, Teleus can see that it contained the beginnings of a plan on how to sufficiently reduce the Guard with minimal compromises on its function.
Sighing, he picked up the paper and a flagon of wine, and made his way to Relius’s quarters. It would not help the headache that’s already starting to form, but at the very least he would have someone to talk to. And to share wine with.
 I think I caught where that extra one half is coming from. Tell the Magus that it is his fault that this equation does not balance. That extra one half is supposed to be there. You can find the proof attached in this letter.
 That said, are you getting better at this quicker than I expected, o Useless the Younger? I should write the Magus to tell him to provide you with harder problems to solve. You have not asked for my help even once in the last few weeks.
 Your friend, Eugenides
“What do you think of that new proof from the continent? That you can find distance by finding an area?”
A few short years ago, Kamet would have jumped in shock. Nowadays, however, he was far too used to Eugenides’s antics to be truly shocked.
“I think, Your Majesty,” he said, “that my topic of choice is poetry and history, and that any discussion about mathematics is better done with your youngest attendant. The gods know he could focus on little else.”
Eugenides waved his hand in such a manner as to fully frustrate Kamet. Truly, only Attolis could manage to cause such contempt in such a little movement.
“I will ask him later, when I want my argument ripped to shreds. But I want to know your thoughts, Kamet.”
“My interest in mathematics is in bookkeeping only, Your Majesty.”
“Ah, don’t play coy with me,” Eugenides replied. “I know you better than that.”
Kamet narrowed his eyes, but the arguments are already starting to form in his head. He briefly lamented the fact that he would not be able to finish his translation work today, because from previous experience, once this discussion started, it will not stop until the bell rings for dinner time, and he has promised Costis that he would not work in candlelight only for the health of his eyes.
Eugenides grinned, like he knew that he had already won this battle. He probably did, that little bastard of a king.
“Fine,” Kamet sighed. “I think that it’s plausible. If the speed is constant, then it’s just a rectangle, is it not? We can then infer that-”
They talked long after that, discussing the merits and demerits of the idea. Eugenides disappeared just before the bell rang to call the court for dinner, however, as if he knew Kamet’s thoughts from earlier and decided to spite him even more.
Kamet couldn’t even be mad about it.
“Do you not believe my story, Relius?” the king asked.
A mere month ago, Relius would not have deigned to answer. A mere month ago, Eugenides would not have told the story. But now, in the time when only men plagued with nightmares are awake, Relius said, “I somehow doubt you managed to calculate the volume of that bath in such a short time, Your Majesty.”
Eugenides clicked his tongue, and said, “It’s just a cylinder. Or close enough to one that it doesn’t matter.” He leaned back on his chair and asked, “Surely you know how to do that quickly enough?”
“I confess I have not practiced that in a long time, Your Majesty.”
“More important matters in your mind?”
Court intrigues and spy networks. Letters written in codes that only he can break and knowledge that he has long since imparted to his queen. None of that matters anymore, now.
Instead of answering the question, Relius said, “Maybe I’ll learn how to do that. After.”
“Maybe,” the king replied. He pulls on the blanket covering Relius’s body, adjusting it so that all of Relius’s limbs are properly underneath it. All four of them.
They didn’t talk again for the rest of the night.
“Two of your trousers are currently being mended, Your Majesty, and three more are in the wash, so the choice tonight is between the blue pair or the deep brown pair. I’ve chosen the blue, and paired it with that coat you just commissioned,” Philologos explained.
“That’s good, Philologos, thank you,” the king said, absentmindedly pulling his undershirt off. He unclasped the cuff of his hook, handed them to Hilarion, who was standing next to him, and entered the bath.
Seeing that everything is well under control, Philologos shared a nod with Hilarion, and then turned to go retrieve the aforementioned trousers and coat.
Before he could do that, however, the king called out, “Philologos?”
“Yes, Your Majesty?” he answered.
“Two added with three added with two does not make eight,” Attolis said.
Philologos blinked, baffled with the apparent absurdity of the statement. He was just about to chalk it up to Eugenides being Eugenides and simply agree with the king, before he realized what was going on.
He blanched.
“I…” he stammered, unsure as to what to say, when Hilarion also realized what was going on and laughed.
“I thought your education was better than that, Philo,” Hilarion teased. “What would your father say, if he knew that his only heir forgot how to do basic addition?”
“I…” Philologos stammered again, trying to find words to defend his honor, but the king interjected before he could do that.
“I am honored, Philologos, that you have chosen to emulate me in this.” Eugenides grinned, before continuing, “Though I wish that you would have chosen something better than my trousers to steal.”
Behind him, Philologos could hear the rest of the attendants snickering, and that was enough fuel to make him shout, “Four! Four of your trousers are in the wash, Your Majesty!” without even considering what that outburst would cost him. He could feel his cheeks turning red, and he gritted out, “Now, if you will excuse me, I will go and retrieve your clothes for dinner.”
He turned around, fully intending to block any and all comments, when the king called out, “Don’t steal this pair too, Philologos!” adding fuel to the laughter from the attendants.
But when he handed the trousers to the king after he had finished his bath, Eugenides pulled him close, and whispered, “If you’re going to steal any of my trousers, take the red one.” A burst of hot air hit Philologos’s ear, the tell-tale sign that the king is laughing. “The embroidery is in gold.”
“Eight ships,” the Eddisian Minister of War said to his son. “Eight ships, and you asked for?”
“Twenty men,” Eugenides replied.
“That’s,” he paused for a moment to recheck his calculations, “two men a ship.” He looked at Eugenides, frowned, and said, “That’s not possible.”
“I didn’t propose to burn all eight of them. Four,” Eugenides said, lifting up his fingers. “Maybe even five if we’re lucky,” he lifted up the one finger he had left.
His father very deliberately did not look at Eugenides’s other arm, which has no more fingers to lift up. “That is still five men a ship, Eugenides,” he said, “without any scouts or people standing guard.”
Eugenides simply shrugged, and replied, “I can do it.”
A year ago, he could. The Minister of War frowned even deeper, and said, “Thirty. Twenty for your plan, five for scouts, four to stand guard, and one just in case.”
Eugenides’s mouth curled in a discontented line, but he sighed and said, “Alright. Thirty it is.”
“It was the type of wheat,” Eugenides mumbled next to Irene’s ear.
They were tangled together on top of her sheets, their legs twined together and their heads pillowed on the same bed. Wheat was the furthest thing from Irene’s mind, but still, she hummed a note to tell him to go on.
“Artadorus,” her husband continued, his eyes still half closed. “He reported a different kind of wheat than what he planted. You charge a different rate for the different kinds.”
Irene hummed again. She would have found out, eventually. She has many people in her tax offices employed to do just that. One of them would have found out the deceit and brought it to her or Relius, and the fraud would have been exposed, just the same. It would not have been as effective, but it would still have reached her.
It was on the tip of her tongue to say that it was not just her who charges a different rate for the taxes, but one glance at his face caused her to remain silent. They could be kings and queens again in the morning, but tonight, they are simply husband and wife.
She rolled over to face him, and said, “Tell me again in the morning,” before kissing him.
He did not say anything about wheat again until the sunrise entered the windows of the room.
"I think a triangle only has three sides, Pheris, and not four," Eugenides said, materializing somewhere behind the young Baron Erondites.
For his part, the Baron Erondites looked at the work he was completing, saw the mistake, and started signing things that he had decided were curses.
Attolis laughed.
"Surely that is not as debilitating as that?"
I would have to redo this whole section, Pheris signed with one hand. The other hand was already scratching things out on his parchment with a speed that truly belies his frustration.
"Oh, I'm sure it's not that bad," Eugenides said, sitting next to him. "You would only have to change…"
A pause, and then Annux of the Hephestian Peninsula hissed out something that would truly shock all the new ambassadors from the Continent and made his wife glare at him for saying that in front of the children. "You need to redo the whole section," Eugenides deadpanned.
Pheris just glared at him, and scratched out, 'I told you so', somewhere in the midst of the mess his parchment was becoming.
"Why do we have to learn this?" the Princess of Attolia complained.
Her brother, also looking dejectedly at his own work, nodded in agreement.
"Because, my little thief," her father said, "one day, you might find yourself on a ledge too far for you to jump, and you have to calculate how many pics you can trust your own skill and how many you have to trust our god for." He turned to his son, and continued, "And you, my future king, will one day have someone telling you that seventeen horses each carrying three sacks of grain somehow amounts to having forty sacks, and you will have to disabuse them of that notion immediately."
The twins looked at each other for a moment, before Hector said, “But we knew how to do that already. That is simple geometry and arithmetics. This is not that.”
Eugenia nodded, and added, “Even Mother said that her own education did not come this far. So, Father, why do we have to learn this?”
Eugenides blinked, before chuckling softly. “I see,” he said, after a while. He sat atop the table that the twins were using to write, and continued, “It seems I have done you both a disservice.
“I ask you to learn this because no matter who you are, whether you are an okloi or a watchmaker or a king or a thief, or perhaps, even the gods themselves, the logic of mathematics will still be the same. There are no lies in mathematics, nor are there deceit.”
He paused there, staring at things that neither Eugenia nor Hector could see. Seconds passed in silence, and Eugenia opened her mouth, ready to bring their father back to the present with a remark, but before she could do that, Hector jabbed her in the stomach and shook his head.
Their patience was rewarded when Eugenides sighed and propelled himself from the table he was sitting on. “But you are right,” he said, plucking the pens from their hands, Eugenia’s first, and then Hector’s. “Both of you certainly already have the skills needed to fulfill your duties. Anything more will just be a fool’s errand.” He jumped up the table again, this time landing feet first and facing them, half-bowing with the pens he took from them just earlier offered in his hand.
“A fool’s errand,” he said, eyes twinkling, “or a quest for the wisest of men.”
Eugenia and Hector stared at their father, and then at each other, before taking the pens from their father’s hand.
 In your last letter to me, you told me that a man’s worth is what he is, added to what he does. Then tell me this, Magus. What if that is not enough?
 Gen, I thought your knowledge of mathematics is better than that.
 If addition is not enough, then try multiplication.
“Ah, no,” Stenides said, looking over Gen’s shoulder. “That three should not be there.”
“No,” Stenides answered, pointing at the calculations in front of his little brother. “See how you didn’t carry over that one,” he moved his fingers to the next number, “and so this one should have been four.”
Eugenides looked at the paper in silence for a moment, and then let out a string of curses that he definitely should not have heard yet, let alone repeat. But of course, Gen being Gen, he has, and Sten couldn’t help but chuckle along.
After he finished his string of curses, Gen moaned, “I’m never going to get it.”
“I thought you’re going to be the next Thief of Eddis?” Stenides teased. “How are you going to do that when you can’t even do additions?”
His little brother looked at him with murder in his eyes, however, and Sten quickly raised his hands in surrender. Eugenides’s revenge was already legendary, no matter how young the boy still was.
“I joke, I joke!” he said. Then, he smiled down at his little brother, ruffled his hair, and said, “You’ll get it. I know you would.”
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marastriker · 3 years
The red caboose for the ask game?
I didn't know which number you wanted so I just did them all 🤷
1) CB doesn't necessarily see anything about himself to be proud of. He's content with his acting ability and being able to keep his lifestyle of crashing trains under the wraps so well. But it's not something he would brag about to others, unless, of course, they attempted to undermine him.
2) At first, he really wants to please Greaseball when the diesel is paying him to rig races in his favor (not always with money. Sometimes with sexual favors.) He thinks that, perhaps, if he can get Greaseball to reigning champion, GB would maybe give him more of the time of day. Maybe see him as more than just a tool. It's a foolish endeavor, of course, since Greaseball has eyes for a certain dining car instead. CB can't bring himself to be angry or resentful, because Dinah is his best friend and she also genuinely likes him. He just feels like a forgotten third wheel. I think he finds new purpose in helping Electra rather than Greaseball, though. And even if Electra treats him as more of an equal, he still doesn't want to let them down. 
3) I guess the funny thing about being the token errand boy is that many engines depend on him. It gives him a feeling of power that he knows he can't misuse, but he does have his own fun in knowing that he could ruin everything at the drop of a pin if he wanted to. 
4) Come to terms with it. Very quickly. He would actually probably shut himself away from the world and wait for it to happen, or maybe try to accelerate the process. If Electra was in his life at this point, they would probably encourage CB to live life to the fullest in the meantime. It would take a lot of convincing though. 
5) His Chessie System sticker/tattoo (I see them as tattoos, personally). His mother was an original Chessie yellow caboose and it reminds him of her.
6) CB has gotten so used to being on his own for so long, but he'd be lying to himself if he didn't wish his parents were still alive. Things could have turned out so differently. 
7) Electra or Dinah. They're the ones he's closest to.
8) If CB had the money, he would dish it out on a fancy red convertible. But he's just fine rolling himself where he needs to get, or if not, public transportation is just fine. 
9) Someone playing with his hair, massaging/scratching his scalp. It's like a damn reset button, it immediately puts him at bay. He only trusts a select few with this information though. 
10) He simply lives with it. End of story. He never wants to be seen as weak or vulnerable to anyone and has learned to bottle up all his problems so no one will know just how broken he really is. 
11) His neckerchief is especially important to him. It was the last piece of his old baby blanket, and he still likes to keep it close. It's a comfort thing. 
12) How doesn't he sleep? He moves around so much that he's fallen off the bed multiple times in his sleep. It doesn't wake him up, because he is a very heavy sleeper. But he needs to be a special kind of tired to stay still during sleep.
13) Someone who would vow to make sure nothing would ever get in the way of them having a normal childhood. He's not going to make them go through the same bullshit he did, no one deserves that. 
14) CB was one of those students who didn't do any of the homework and goofed off in class (typical class clown, of course.) But he would ace the tests, quizzes. Teachers thought he was just cheating, and asked him questions out of the blue during class. All of which he got correct. He's not stupid, by any means, in fact he's a genius. He just doesn't feel the need to do homework over stuff he already knows. 
15) Something crisp and clean once he can afford it. Perhaps he might also use body sprays traditionally marketed toward women, but he likes the fruity scents. 
16) It's actually quite confusing, after trying to date Dinah, he assumed he was gay after not being as attracted to her sexually. Sexual stuff with other men turned out to be much more enjoyable. But in actuality, he's probably Pan, since he doesn't mind Electra being genderfluid. 
17) I have this idea that he's actually really into Disney movies so I imagine him and Dinah would have fun doing some Disney duets. Love is an Open Door, A Whole New World, etc. But in the way that Sharpay and Ryan always played the romantic leads in High School Musical - just because they're comfy with each other, not because they're in love. 
18) He's a very bendy lad. He has some mad contortionist/acrobatic skills that he casually shows off. Totally didn't think it was special or interesting until others pointed it out though. He's just like what? You can't put your leg behind your head? 
19) CB is someone who despite being able to hold his own and take care of himself, desperately wants someone to be there for him. That's why he feels safest with Electra. Electra is someone who thankfully sees him for who he really is and fiercely loves him despite his flaws. 
20) Washing dishes. He hates touching wet food, it's a sensory issue. That might be one of the only things that could get him to easily vomit.
21) The first Christmas he could remember when his parents were still alive was when he got his first kid's radio set. It really fueled his love for radio communication and he appreciated it greatly since he knew his family was always tight on money. He can clearly remember the happy look on his mom's face when he opened the present. 
22) Foolishly. He will pour hundreds into his hobbies and interests but not on stuff he actually needs to survive like food. Or even proper bed sheets. He thinks it's completely justified, because he thinks life isn't worth it if you can't do something you enjoy. 
23) Don't get me wrong, CB is very much a lightweight, but he likes his blackout nasty liquor. He will do shots of basically anything you give him. Though if he had a choice of drink, it would be a fruity concoction that's sure to get him wasted ASAP. 
24) He's always longed to rise above his station. Racing is something he truly enjoys and wishes he could be an engine like Greaseball or Electra. Unfortunately, that's just something that's not possible. Crashing trains aside, he loves the feeling of the wind in his hair as he's speeding down the track. It's when he feels the most free. 
25) Others would probably prefer that he didn't crash trains, but it's not like he cares. That's not something that's worth changing about himself in his mind. He wonders if people actually got to know the real him they would understand what he wants out of life better. But it's always difficult for him to trust someone enough to be that vulnerable with.
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