jeffybruce · 6 years
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@jeffreyfelner2 with @get_repost ・・・ Richard Burbridge #wakinguptofashion #photographer #image #fashion #style #shadows #brows #yellow #teardrops #hatted #thelook #attitude #1000words #turnedup #swathed #clearblueeyes #icystare #eugeniavolodina #editorial #lips #squares #cockyourhead #turnslightly #lookatme #bringit #shade #holdit #click
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murkhith · 10 years
"Make me."
As soon as the words left Fili’s lips, Kili wasted no time in pinning Fili against the wall. He used his own body to keep him unable to escape from the hold, making sure Fili could feel every inch of his body against his own.
"Is that a dare, brother?” He purred out breathing against the pink lips, resisting the urge to lean in and kiss him already. Teasing brown eyes met the paler ones as he slid his fingers up against Fili’s wrists, lifting his arms up above his head and pressed their chests together before finally kissing him hard, claiming the lips in a hard, demanding kiss.
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bardofesgaroths · 10 years
clearblueeyes replied to your post: thedwarfkingtobe replied to your post:...
//lol you do follow me and we rped really really long ago with each other. Even it was as Thorin and Kíli xD. But yes, main blogs are pretty lonely when you reached 1000 followers :/
i totally remember! you were blacksmithingandcrowns at that point i'm psure. we had a ship d:
and yeah they are :/ unless you have a ton of friends who always interact with you and i don't haha
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odulen-an-di-meriad · 10 years
This is the beautiful person award-! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask box of eight different people who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen but it's sweet to know someone thinks that you're beautiful inside and out :)
((*noms on your head*))
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cithielthehumanwolf · 10 years
~I feel so terrible for not being on here as much. I have little to no inspiration for Cith and it makes me sad because I have so many wonderful friends and rp partners on this blog that don't deserve this. I love you guys so much.
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murkhith · 10 years
clearblueeyes started following you
"Fili, mind helping a bit?" Kili shouted out for his brother, giving him a small wave of his hand to catch his attention. "I need to show the new soldiers some moves but none of them are brave enough to take me just yet." He grinned.
He was glad of his duty as the new training warrior to the new soldiers and guards, getting to do something that would blow his energy even if he now was the prince of Erebor, their reclaimed home. But the new soldiers usually took time to warm up to getting bruised on the training.
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archerofdurin-blog · 10 years
εїз (kinda late but well xD)
Send me a "εїз" for a blog rate.
url: Troll | Dreadful | Poor | Average | Exceeds Expectations | Outstanding | { No one ever talks about his eyes, always his golden hair. S’lovely to see your change of focus. }icon: Troll | Dreadful | Poor | Average | Exceeds Expectations | Outstanding | theme: Troll | Dreadful | Poor | Average | Exceeds Expectations | Outstanding | { I love your editing and imagery. Urgh, bless it. }posts: Troll | Dreadful | Poor | Average | Exceeds Expectations | Outstanding | { Have been since day one. }Overall: Troll | Dreadful | Poor | Average | Exceeds Expectations | Outstanding | Following: No, but I love you! | I am now | Yes | Always Comments: We’ve known each other for a year. You’ve been my friend for a year. You’ve been my writing partner for a year. You’ve confided in me for a year. And I’ve loved you for a year. You’re brilliant, mate. You really are. You have a lot of guts to tackle writing in a language that’s not your first. And you do beautifully with it. Every day I see you’re skills getting stronger and every day my smile brightens for it. You’re a real inspiration, love. I know you’ve had troubles, I witnessed them and I wish I had done more. But despite all that, look how far you’ve come. And just, bless, congratulations, Is. You fought for this and you deserve it and so much more.
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digitalarrows · 10 years
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          "Y'know you've been staring at the menu for 15 minutes, you should probably know what you want by now."
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bardofesgaroths · 10 years
thedwarfkingtobe replied to your post: .
…I’d love to see it.
ehhhhh sadfasasf
clearblueeyes replied to your post: .
Main blogs are always weird. I have 2000 followers and nobody talks to me. THough I am too scared to would eveer post art there again lol.
goddd i know no one talks to me on my main blog at all and it's kinda sad ): i'm psure i follow your main blog btw...
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healing-hand · 10 years
⊰ (I normaly dont really send memes but I'm tired and akward moments are always good lol)
Send ⊰ and my character will react to yours puckering up and leaning in to kiss them!
Throas frowned slightly, not sure if he was interpreting the signs correctly, but then he already felt Fili’s lips on his own and a soft tingling spread through his neck."Uh…?" he mumbled as Fili retreated and a mild blush colored his cheeks. 
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inlucestellarum-blog · 10 years
clearblueeyes replied to your post:Is it bad that I want to see you do a vampire verse?
Do one xD
/ eep, there's a vote for a vamp verse, haha.
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ereborsrose-archive · 10 years
clearblueeyes replied to your post:[At some point.. I wonder what I am to some...
[You know I have the same problem. I really understand you but often a break helps better and than to focus on the people which really want to write with you]
[It's just so frustrating when you see some people just always ignoring your posts. I hate like being annoying, reminding or stuff like that. I just stay quiet. But at some point, when I see them all around while I am sitting there and literally not doing anything, it kinda makes me feel like I'm nothing to them.. I've tried to stay away, but I like... Need to write. It helps me so much, especially when times are like hard to me.. I just wish I could be someone's priority for once, but I bet it shall be considered as pretty selfish from me.. On another note, you know that if you need to talk, you can always inbox me, love.]
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healing-hand · 10 years
clearblueeyes hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet:…
[dark angstry threads are the best]
// yeah, I need to let out my internal sadist every now and then...
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lostmyway-twice · 10 years
Send me a (ㆁᴗㆁ✿) and I’ll rate your blog
url: don’t get it | not bad | nice | good job | love it omg | who did you kill
theme: not my type | ehh | decent | I like it | pretty amazing | I’m stealing it
icon: don’t get it | not bad | nice | pretty | flawless omg | brb killing myself
posts: not my type | not bad | nice job | love | perfection | give me your password
following: no sorry | just followed | yes | you mean stalk what
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