#clemswinecorner masterlist
clemswinecorner · 1 year
Small world [Clément Novalak]
Summary: Picking up your cousin from the club ends a little different then you expected… It’s a small world.
Wordcount: 2.9k
Warnings: They’re in the club, mentions of a toxic relationship and cheating (not y/n and clem), sexual implications
It has taken me too long to write a Clem fic, I’m glad it’s finally here!! Especially considering my username is literally clemswinecorner😐😐 Added in a waaaay more dramatic storyline then necessary cause I didn’t know how to end it whoops, but enjoy! For the Clem girlies (but especially Chloe and Yana)🫶🏼🫶🏼
Bit shit formatting because this is posted from my phone, will be fixed asap!
Main Masterlist
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“Paris, I’m seeing your brothers Monday, I really don’t think I need to see them right now,” Paris, although you can’t see, rolls her eyes as she looks back at you. “They’re right over there, c’mon!” She yells, trying to be heard over the music. Before you know it you’re standing in front of a table at the back of a club. “Y/N, hey, what are you doing here?!” Despite not wanting to be there, you still smile at your cousin who pulls you into a hug. “I was supposed to pick up Paris and she dragged me inside. It’s good to see you though, it’s been too long,” Marcus laughs at his sisters ways as you briefly hug your oldest cousin, James, and his girlfriend. You saw the both of them just the other day, since you live on the same of London, but you hadn’t seen Marcus since you were both in New Zealand to celebrate New Year’s a few months ago. “Oh, that’s Juan, Franky and Emmy by the way, and you’ve met James and Alice. Do you want a drink? Our other friend Clem is getting some already, I can text him,” You smile as you look at Paris next to you, talking animatedly to her older brother. “No, thanks, I’m taking Paris home. C’mon, let’s get you home,” Paris pouts as you put your arm around here. “Noooo but I want to stayyyyy,” you sigh as you look at her. “You called me to pick you up because you wanted to leave, Pari, let’s go now. I made your bed with the Mickey bedsheets you love,” her eyes light up at the mention of her favourite bedsheets, but quickly get distracted again as someone hands her a drink that looks like coke (but most likely holds alcohol). Marcus sends you a sympathetic smile, as you sigh. “Clem’s getting more drinks, you could follow him to the bar, it’s not too busy there if you walk past the bathrooms there and keep right. Smiley guy, dark hair, slight beard, wearing glasses -fake ones- and i think a striped button up. Just tell him to put it with mine and Paris’ drinks when he sends me a payment request, I’ll try and get Paris ready to leave,” you give him a thankful smile as you start to make your way back through the crowd.
At the bar you don’t see anyone looking like the description Marcus gave you. There was a guy in a white button up -which looked extremely good on him- but it wasn’t striped nor was he wearing glasses. You take a seat, figuring the friend was probably at the bathroom. You glance at the handsome guy, currently chatting away with the bartender until he walks to the other side of the bar to prepare a few drinks. The handsome man moves closer to you, though he still keeps a respectable distance. “You havin’ fun here? Or just want to get steamed?” He speaks up, revealing a somewhat British accent. You chuckle at his choice of words- similar to your cousin’s. “Oh i’m just, you know, in the club, at the bar,” he raises his eyebrows, “ah, yes, as one is. Not a club person then?” He slowly moves closer, and though you weren’t in the mood to talk, you still found herself in a conversation with him.
“Hey, do you want to get back there, dance around?” You’ve naturally moved closer to each other, your arms touching as he swirls his drink- whatever cocktail. You bite your lip- you really weren’t the most social person (it was honestly a surprise you even considered dancing with him), looking down into your glass, previously filled with a coke, in consideration. “I was supposed to get these and some more to my friends, we can walk by them, sit there if you’d prefer?” He adds on, noticing how you weren’t very enthusiastic. “I think you should go back to your friends, enjoy your time with them together. I’ve probably held you back,” you smile lightly, as you sit up straighter, suddenly hyper aware of how close you are. “No, no, I want to spend time with you. I’ve gone out with them dozens of times. Unless you don’t want to be there with me and get back to your cousin, that’s also completely fine, sorry if you felt like you needed to stay in this conversation,” you quickly shake your head, putting your hand on top of his arm. “No, I like this. It doesn’t really happen that I actually like spending time with a stranger like this, usually I’d be trying to get home and watch a movie,” he chuckles as you subconsciously move your face closer to his. “I’m glad you like my company, then,” he smiles as his eyes flickers down to your lips. “I don’t, Clément, I just did it for the french and the drinks, obviously,” you joke and he laughs, his head falling forward. He looks up with a genuine smile, leaning forward and soon enough your lips touch. You weren’t sure who started the kiss, but it was better than most kisses you had (the best one so far, you’d even say). He knew just what the right moves and pace were and you were on the same wavelength the entire kiss, not wanting to pull back. Oh well, his friends were already waiting, what would those extra minutes be?
“Hey, I really like this, I do, but I would also love to dance with you. Plus, my friends are probably wondering where I wandered off too,” He whispers with your faces still only inches away from eachother- as far as whispering goes in a club. “They’re not used to you running off with random girls you’ve pulled your charm on?” He chuckles and looks down, contemplating his response. “Just the pretty ones. Nah, not really, my ex girlfriend and I broke up about 9 months ago, she did quite a number on me if i’m honest. I’ve been getting time to myself and friends even here, I have barely been with anyone, I only just got somewhat back to, you know, messing around last month. My friends don’t really know though, if I told them I was ready for something they’d push me towards anyone attractive in a 10km radius,” you laugh at the last comment, relating to the last part a bit too much- your friends also tried to get you with whoever was even remotely attractive. “So, what are you ready for, right now? Just so we’re both clear on that, because anything goes for me,” he shrugs in response. “I’m not really sure. I just wanted to keep things unattached, casual at best but I kind of really like you,” You smile his answer. “We can just dance around, see what happens tonight, maybe explore more of this if we feel like it tomorrow,” He nods, before he tenderly kisses you again with a smile.
“It’s not too much people, and you can keep your distance. It’s mostly my friends, their siblings, girlfriends. You don’t have to be introduced to them if you don’t want to, I can just drop the drinks off and we can dance. If the dance floor gets too crowded just say the word and we can get to some other place,” He whispers against your ear, making you blush “Actually, I kind of have to go to the bathroom. You get those to your friends, I’ll meet you on the dance floor?” Clem shakes his head, “meet me between the men’s and women’s. Don’t want to lose you,” you nod as you go separate ways. The music playing was nice, you realised as you went onto the dance floor, Clem’s hand in yours. You danced around for a short while, though it only took about half an hour before you both gave up trying to stay civil, deciding to go to Clem’s apartment. You had quickly texted Paris as you walked your way out, the people you came for soon forgotten.
It wasn’t until about an hour and half later, when you were sitting in his bed leaning against his headboard, drinking a glass of wine that Clem got a call. You’d settled under the sheets, Clem only wearing his underwear and you wearing your panties and his shirt. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, which you didn’t mind (you found out he looked very good without a shirt). “Ah shit, I have to take this, I didn’t tell anyone I left and it’s my mate,” you quickly motioned for him to go ahead, and he put the phone to his ear.
“Hey, where are you?” Clem hears his best friend ask. “Sorry, I left already, forgot to tell you. I’m at home now,” He simply answers, playing with your hand as you sip your wine. “Ah, okay. D’you know if my cousin went home too?” You see a surprised look on Clem’s face, “Your cousin?” He looks at you surprised as Marcus answers. “Yeah, Y/N. She was supposed to go to you at the bar.” He raises his eyebrows at you, saying “Oh, yeah, yeah, Y/N, I saw her get into her car safely, don’t worry.” You nod as you realise he was, in fact, Marcus friend you’d been looking for, quickly showing him your texts to Paris. “She texted Paris as well, I thought you knew she left,” He says casually, before they finish off the call and say goodbye, making plans for the next time they’d meet. “Alright, I’ll see you Friday. Bye Marcus, love you too mate,” You raise your eyebrows as he ends the call. “You’re Marcus’ friend?!” You simply ask, a hint of surprise in your tone. “Small world. Though you do not sound as shocked as you should be. I didn’t even know Marcus’ cousin was with us tonight?” You chuckle at his surprise. “I was picking up Paris and then she didn’t want to leave so Marcus sent me to you- for the record, to his friend, I did not know you were his friend because Marcus did not give an accurate description,” Clem laughs, “that doesn’t surprise me in the slightest,” he agrees.
Clem breaks the comfortable silence that fell first. “Are you- Do you want Marcus to know about, eh,” he carefully considers his words, “are we going to tell him this happened? Happens, or whatever’s next,” You study him as he asks the question, but nothing gives away how he feels. “I mean… Do you want him to know? I like you, and I would love to see where this goes, like, romantically or even physically, if we realize that works better. It depends on what you want from me,” Clem nods, grabbing your hand in his (though they were already practically on top of each other). “Yeah, me too. I’d like to hang out with you, ‘date’ or whatever it’d be called. Just… Do I get to kiss you still,” you jokingly roll your eyes with a smile as he pulls you towards you. “I guess you do, Mr Novalak,” he raises his eyebrows, “we’re on last name basis now? Did you stalk my instagram or what?” You chuckle in response. “I pay attention to my cousin’s life and stories sometimes,” you smile, which makes him laugh. “Hey, but if you don’t really want to tell your friends you’re dating, that’s okay. I don’t mind keeping it just us,” He smiles before he leans down to kiss you. “Thank you. It’s not that I don’t want to show you to them, you know that though, right? Just want to go at my own pace,” you nod, “I know.” You softly kiss him before he pulls back to cuddle. “So, now that neither of us have to inform people of our whereabouts, how about you take a shower, order food, watch a movie?” You smile, you were always in the mood for a late night snack. “If you can help me with the shower it sounds like a plan.” You smirk as you get out of the bed. “Alright, alright. Can you grab some towels from that closet? I’ll get the shower ready,” you nod as you do as you’re told, putting them in the bathroom when you’re done. Clem’s already in the shower as you take off your clothes and get in. “What’s taken you so long?” You jokingly roll your eyes before kissing him.
Around 11 AM you and Clem freeze in your kiss as the two of you hear rushed knocks on coming from his front door. “I’ll check that out,” Clem says and you nod as he gets out of bed, quickly putting on a shirt. Luckily you were both still wearing pants and your shirt was still on, if whoever’s at the door wants to walk into the bedroom. “Hi, mate, I’m kind of bu-“ Clem stop his sentence halfway as Marcus walks into the living room distressed. “Dude, are you okay? What’s up, did something happen?” Clem asks as he sits him down on the couch. You move out of the bed as well, recognizing your cousin’s voice. “No. Yes. I. I’m fine I just need to talk to someone. Last night, eh, Paris, I, shit, Clem,” You stand in the doorway of Clem’s bedroom, seeing Clem crouched in front of Marcus. You make eye contact with Clem, and wether you should keep listening or not. You decide yes, since you’d hear about it one way or another if it was about Paris. “Marcus, breathe. Is she okay?” Marcus takes hasty breaths and nods, “yes, she’s fine, uhm… Mate, I really don’t know what to do,” Clem looks at you once again, knowing you’d probably be a better help if it concerned his family. You don’t know how to go about it, but luckily Marcus turns around after he sees Clem looking behind him. He notices you and immediately turns back, and you speak up. “Sorry, do you want me to…?” Marcus doesn’t seem to register who’s standing behind him. “Oh, sorry, am I interrupting- wait,” he turns back to you and then to Clem, who gives him a tight-lipped smile. “This is a discussion for later, Marc. Do you want me to go or do you want me to hear?” Marcus stays silent for a moment still staring at you and then tells you to stay.
“When I left my apartment to work out I checked on Paris in the guest bedroom because she would stay at mine, but she was with a guy and it was not her boyfriend. I guess she went home with someone, James and Alice dropped them off before I was there so I didn’t know. I feel horrible and I don’t know if I should tell her actual boyfriend because were kind of mates but I don’t want to break her trust and she should be the one to tell him but either way it’s horrible and-“ Marcus keeps on rambling as you and Clem try to take in all the information. “Marcus, stop. Breathe. First off, I know she’s your little sister, but this is not your doing or responsibility, okay? Nothing you could’ve done,” Clem starts and Marcus nods as you bite your lip deciding wether you should say what you know. “Okay, look, I don’t know if I should say this but you don’t know the full situation, Marc. Their relationship is not as good as it seems and it’s toxic as hell. Paris never told you because she was scared, and she only told me because I found out by accident. You should talk to her, yes, but don’t force her to say or do anything, okay? Just ask her to be honest,” Marcus looks at you as everyone digests what’s just been said. “Okay. I will. Thank you for telling me, Y/N.” You smile at your cousin “of course. Think that’s what best for the both of you.” Its quiet for a few minutes before your phone rings on the table behind Clem. “It’s Paris,” He says, handing you your phone. You take the phone, standing up to go to the bedroom. “I’ll take this, be right back.”
When you come back from the call, Marcus is ready to leave. “Paris woke up a bit ago and told me what happened, I said she should talk to you. Best you don’t mention you were here, though, I think,” Marcus nods, looking more composed then when he arrived. “I won’t. By the way, we also should discuss why you are here. I thought you went home last night?” Clem pushes Marcus to the door, “don’t you have somewhere to be?” making you chuckle. “Like I said, that’s a topic for another time,” you say before hugging him goodbye telling him to keep you updated. He hugs you and Clem, “Yeah, and that time is tonight. We’re having dinner, I’ll text the details. See you tonight, bye!” He leaves no room to argue as he walks out of the door, leaving you and clem stunned. You look at each other as he closes the door. “Well. I guess we have a date tonight?”
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nottyoursbutmine · 1 year
bridgerton fic recs 2
🐝 = fav
bridgerton @inpraizeof
anthony bridgerton
i really care about you @marie-swriting 🐝
no longer in denial @iwritefandomimagines
benedict bridgerton
not for him @iwritefandomimagines
bb’s posts @clemswinecorner-socials
(be)longing @fayes-fics
simon basset
a lady of the greatest honor @multifandomfix
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Podcasts [MA]
Ok hello, I usually don't add A/N especially months after posting BUT since Lissie is an evident side character whilst reader is dating Marcus I just felt like I had to say I wrote this before they started dating (before the pitstop boys and Lissie went on screamingmeals, even) so yeah thanks enjoy!!
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liked by olliebearman, callum_ilott and others
yourusername i love my job (ferrari edition) tagged scuderiaferrari, pitstop, carlossainz55, olliebearman, charles_leclerc
posted march 15th, 2022
obsessedwithf1 omg are you going to be on pitstop?!
yourusername not this time, was just there with ollie the other week :)
forzaferrari aw i love that fan pic carlosmiamor it's all so cute and aesthetic and then there's the last one 💀 pitstop just so you know you’re next livelaughlyds cute! 😍 juanmanuelcorrea_ mate, can you teach me to make my insta look this nice
yourusername just work with ferrari bro
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liked by marcusarmstrong, lissiemackintosh and others
yourusername happy birthday to my bestie and light of my life lis 💜 you're doing so well and deserve all the good things coming your way, i love you <3 also i'm on the next going purple coming out Tuesday xo tagged lissiemackintosh
posted april 27th, 2023
lissiemackintosh stop it i love you so much🥹 scuderiaferrari happy birthday lissie!💜❤️ fanaccount the first one!! love all of these🥰 screamingmealsfan this is so cute!! happy birthday to the icon!
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liked by akfabiobocca, felipedrugovich and others
yourusername surprise!! they let me on screamingmeals, and i went to going purple and pitstop!! go listen to them they're all very different vibes but very fun and all out right now!!🫶🏼🫶🏼 tagged screamingmeals, jamesharveyblair, clementnovalak, pitstop, jakeboys, akfabiobocca, lissiemackintosh
posted may 10th, 2023
jakeboys "pose for the gram" and then this is what we get jakymoonfan so glad i was wrong about you not knowing the sm boys very well bc this was hilarious lissiemackintosh you're welcome back anytime, i loved this so much💜💜
yourusername omg please i would join you any day
clementfan need you as a permanent screamingmeals member asap tbh marcusarmstrong next one in nz? 👌🏼👌🏼
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liked by jakcrawford_, paularon_ and others
yourusername part time manager, part time content creator and now also part time podcast co-co-co-host. richard for sure episode out now! tagged richardverschoor, marcusarmstrong, jamesharveyblair, clementnovalak
posted june 15th, 2023
jamesharveyblair thanks for joining our shittalking👍🏼 richardverschoor had a good time! screamingmealsfan YN AS A PERMANENT SM MEMBER!! WEVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE clementnovalak clemswinecorner ft yns cocktailchat? livelaughleclerc marcus sitting across from y/n- byeee the way yall look at each other🫠🫠
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liked by juanmanuelcorrea_, clementnovalak and others
yourusername guess what, i'm dating this guy! bet no one saw this one coming ;) tagged marcusarmstrong
posted july 25th, 2023
clementnovalak you have me to thank for that first pic btw
yourusername im aware but since this is a launch i thought i'd keep the spotlight on us
lissiemackintosh favs formulaslay obsessed w the variety in these pics jamesharveyblair disgustingly cute yourfan brb sleeping on the highway🥰 armstrongs welcome to the family
yourusername admin we've been facetiming for months😐😐
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liked by paris_armstrong, robertschwartzman and others
yourusername recents i took (aka boyfriend dump) tagged marcusarmstrong
posted august 18th, 2023
felipedrugovich look at those abs mate 😍 yourusername oh i know screamingmealsfan i just died dead. screamingmealslover i don't know how many 'me and who's i got left marcusarmstrong cheers🍾
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other social media works & main writing masterlist
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clemswinecorner · 1 year
Nuggets and shakes [Zak O'Sullivan]
Summary: During the F3 break something is up with Zak, so Y/N finds out and comforts him.
Started from the prompt "You’re avoiding the subject and you know it. What are you hiding from me?"
Wordcount: 1.7k
Warnings: it's kinda sad and like a liiiiitle angsty bc Zak is sad bc Williams did a shitty thing. Other than that its like cute or smt its a lovely relationship (with a little bit suggestive at the end but y/n stops it to play games lol)
Guess who lives! And it's my biiiirthdaaaay so here's a gift for you xx This got me out of my writer's block and I wrote this in a day (but! i am on @clemswinecorner-socials more often because those can get some creativity out of me even when I have a writer's block, I've got a new post ready for you there as well mwuah x) and also I graduated in the mean time so go me, and now I have time to get back to writing and the inspiration so thank you Zak! Enjoy Zak girlies :)
Ps. don't think about the title too much because I struggled making up one (suggestions are welcome)
Main Masterlist
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It wasn't unusual for Zak to keep to himself like now, especially when he'd been busy and his social battery was low. Zak was a very laid back person, so people were used to him not bringing attention to himself in general, but he was usually up for a chat and often cracking jokes. He had spent a lot of time with friends and family, so you understood him seemingly wanting some time to himself, sure. What was unusual, however, was how he was distant even to you. The last race before the long break wasn't a good weekend for the British driver, his feature race ending early due to damage from the opening lap after struggling to make it into the top 10 on Friday. He'd been frustrated and quiet on the way home to England, but when you went to Spain, where you'd spend the first couple of weeks of the break, the championship went somewhat forgotten.
It was now only 3 weeks until the final race of the season came around, and you were seated next to Zak in his parents' garden as his dad and uncle were busy with the barbecue. He absentmindedly scrolled on his phone, occasionally responding to some texts with his other hand on your thigh. He wasn't physically distant, he'd never been, but there was something different between going on. Something hanging in the air, which was weird- you’ve always been very open and communicative to each other. "Zak, can you come help for a second?" You look over as his dad calls him, but Zak doesn’t seem to notice. You nudge him, "your dad needs help." Zak nods and puts his phone in his pocket standing up, his hand leaving your thigh. You watch as he talks with his family, a small smile on his face, though you could see it wasn't fully there. He was still chatting and joking around, you assumed from the way his dad was laughing, but his own smile seemed a little more forced- but maybe that was just you. 
"So, how's my favourite in-law? The job going well?" You smile at Zak's cousin, who was around the same age as you, sitting down next to you. "I'm good, I'm alright. I've been having fun during this time off, but also can't wait to get back to the track with the team and Zak. And you, how's the boyfriend?" You chat for a while, until you get interrupted by your boyfriend appearing next to you with a hand on your shoulder, handing you a plate with some salad and a little bit of everything from the barbecue. "Thanks babe, looks good," you smile and you give him a quick peck. "Always for my girl," you blush and his cousin looks at the two of you fondly as Zak makes his way back. "So, everything going great between you two I assume?" You look at Zak with a sigh before looking back at her. "Yeah, we're good, I think. He's been a little off, or something, but I think it's work related. I've been wanting to talk about it but you know how things are in the motorsports world, you can't always say," His cousin looks over with a sympathetic smile. "Oh, well, you know how he is. If he's ready and wants to tell you, he will. And you can always ask," you nod as you look at his 3 year old niece, who has just come in, running up to him. "Uncle Zaaaaak!" Zak turns around and looks down with a smile. "Hey there princess!" He says and you hear an adorable squeal as he lifts her in the air. "He'd be a good dad," His cousin raises his eyebrows at you and you shake your head. "Nope, way too early, we are not having that conversation."
"Are we going too?" You softly ask Zak after you've said goodbye to his niece and her parents. "Yeah, sure, whatever you want," you grab the keys from his back pocket and rub his arm. "Alright, I'll drive. Let's say goodbye to your parents and go," You walk back to the garden, where you hug both his parents before quickly waving to his siblings. "I'll see you guys next week, right? Alright, bye!" You automatically grab Zak's hand as you walk back to his car, him going more quiet liked you'd seen at home the past couple of days. You hand him your phone with Spotify, not entirely sure what type of music he'd prefer, and drive home. "Do you want a milkshake? I could also get nuggets to share or a McFlurry. I won't tell any of the trainers," You mention when you see the exti that leads to the McDonald’s. You glance over at Zak who gives you a tight but genuine smile. "Nuggets and shake, please," you smile as you pull into the McDrive, ordering your usual favourites. "Thank you," he quietly says when you're back on your way. "Ofcourse," You smiled. 
You settle around the kitchen island in Zak's apartment, with him sitting and you still standing halfway across from him. "So, how are you feeling?" Zak frowns at your question as he dips his nugget in the sauce. "About what?" You shrug, "In general," and Zak simply shrugs back. "Just normal," He just says, and you look at him once more. "Zak, is... Really, are you okay?" He looks up at you now, seeing how serious you are. "Yeah, i'm fine. Just... There’s nothing, i just need to get back into the flow, and stuff. With Williams and everything I've just... You know how it is, different people and stuff, but I can't really say," It's only when he mentions the team that you realise how much he hadn't talked about them during the past few weeks, whereas he had mentioned his F3 team. He'd been over at the factory a few times, but not nearly as much as during the winter. "Zak, is everything going okay at the teams, and during training? We've not really spoken about that stuff for a while," he quickly shakes his head- too quick. "Yeah, did you hear Williams is finally allowed to break the cost cap for the new stuff? And Prema's been doing well, did you talk to Angelina about the new LAP's? I noticed they took over some of your filming habits," He talked quickly, not allowing you to interrupt. "I did, yeah, but you’re avoiding the subject and you know it. Zak, I know this is a secretive world, or supposed to be at least, but i'm your girlfriend. If you go through something I go through it with you. What are you hiding?" Zak looks at you and you see a change in his demeanour. "I, eh, I don't... I don't think I can really..." You walk over to him, the distress clear in his voice. "Listen, I'm here, okay. I won't tell people, I just care for you. Good or bad, i'll stay," you grab chin and make him look up at you as you tell him that, and he nods. "I know. Thank you," You smile as you hug him from behind the chair. "I love you, always." He nods in response as he leans into you, rubbing your arm. "I got sacked by Williams."
You freeze at those words. "Zak..." You say as you stand by his side. "That's what you've been keeping to yourself?" You ask, already knowing the answer. He looks at you with watery eyes and nods. "My god, Zak, I'm sorry," You pull him to stand up and embrace him, feeling him relaxing immediately at your touch. You stay for a long while as the words slowly sink in. Zak is still grabbing you tightly and from the way he's hugging you you can tell how much he needed this. He softly cries on your shoulder as you hold him, with here and there sobs that absolutely break your heart. 
"You don't deserve this. That's... It's a dumb decision, really, why would they do that to such a good driver?" Zak has slowly pulled back, now leaning against your chest as you hold him. "They had to choose. With the Merc juniors and Logan already there they had to make a decision and they saw more in Franco. I really don't know what next, Y/N. I don't even know if I'll make it to F2," You sigh as you hold him close. "You will. And honestly, you're gonna make it to F1 anyways, might as well make it a team that isn't the worst on the grid," Zak gives you a eye roll and a smile in response. "Okay, okay, I'm still with the team until after Abu Dhabi. But maybe, yes," he admits and you chuckle. "Alright, now that we've got that out of the way, we should do something fun, because you need that. Put on your pyjama pants and I'll grab us a game, alright? Alright, I'm changing first, you finish the nuggies!" He chuckles as you walk away to the bedroom. 
"I'm coming in," You say as you open the door, a bottle of rosé and two glasses in hand, placing them beside your bed. Zak walks out of the bathroom wearing just his underwear, and you look him over. "Put on some pants," you tease and he smirks. "I know you'd rather have me keep them off," You roll your eyes as you leave the room again, grabbing the games you figured you could play. "You don't need a shirt, it's fine like that," Zak looks at you from the edge of the bed and stands up as you put the games on the bed. "Thought you'd say that," he says as he pulls you close to him by your wrist, pulling you in for a kiss. As his hands slip lower to the shorts you're wearing you pull back. "We were going to play some games, weren't we?" Zak nods as you move yourself from his grip making your way over to the bed. "Uno and monopoly, really? You know that stuff has ended relationships, right?"
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Social Media Fics Masterlist
By @clemswinecorner
I take requests! if you have a specific idea/something you’d like to see I ‘ll pretty much do (almost) every driver! I might take requests from @clemswinecorner and make them here due to less inspiration for a long written story or maybe it’d make more sense as a social media fic. I love requests, please send some!
Send a request here
If you like my work you can buy me a coffee <33
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Marcus Armstrong: Zealand [Y/N's posts] - [Marcus' posts] (MP motorsports!reader)
Felipe Drugovich: City trip
Clément Novalak Proud [Y/N's posts] - [Clément's' posts] (Singer/broadway!reader)
Monaco, baby [ft. Juan Manuel Correa]
Logan Sargeant soon Launching [Y/N's posts] - [Logan's posts] (Prema engineer!reader)
Ralf Aron soon Sponsored [Y/N's posts] - [Paul's posts] - [Ralf's posts]
Juan Manuel Correa Getaways Monaco, baby [ft. clément novalak]
Jack Doohan Unfaithful (Ocon!reader)
Jak Crawford american boy
Others (mason mount, bridgerton, joker out, youtube)
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Mason Mount Trackside - Sidetracked [motorsports photographer reader]
Benedict Bridgerton Lifetime - The Sky [set in modern time]
Bojan Cvjetićanin "Anthem of the" Motorsportspresenter!reader series, can be read separately day | post | weekend | concert
George Clarkey launch
Harry Lewis (wroetoshaw) august to november
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clemswinecorner · 2 months
hii welcome back!! I can't seem to find your other account, like it doesn't exist anymore or smth. i keep getting redirected to the home page
thank you! huh that’s so strange tho
here’s the link, i’ll try and see how it is on my masterlist when i’m on my laptop again later tonight x
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clemswinecorner · 3 years
Formula One & Racing Drivers Masterlist
Details might (will mostly likely) be inaccurate, things like teams, drivers, schedule etc. for the sake of the storyline :) Some of these were written (or the plot was created) when they were racing in a different series than currently and some are made up in a different universe where they drive in a different series.
One last disclaimer: Some of my stories involve drivers that are in a relationship, and I don't mean to disrespect these relationships in any way. These are works of fiction in a world where the driver involved is not in a relationship. Partners of drivers might appear but only as side characters where their boyfriend isn't part of the pairing.
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✩ = (slight) angst ❀ = request ❄︎ = seasonal (for ex. Christmas themed) ⦿ = Headcanon ✐= Series/Multiple parts
Want something quick? Check out my Social Media fics! Interested in driverxdriver? I also post on ao3.
Want to show support? You can buy me a coffee <3
Charles Leclerc: “Monaco Events” -> after working with Lando for a while, he invites you to an event in Monaco where you meet a certain handsome driver
Max Verstappen: ✩❀ "Romeo And Juliet" -> driver!reader is insecure about how her boyfriend max will react to what her new team is going to be
Oscar Piastri: “Happy Tears" -> Oscar hears he gets to drive in Formula 1 (2022)
Daniel Ricciardo: ❀ "Let me know if you ever need a ride to therapy" -> You keep meeting your friends (ex)teammate in weird ways (2021/2022)
Marcus Armstrong: ✐ 3 Times Y/N visited Marcus and one time Marcus visited Y/N (4 part series) (F2 2022, Alternate Universe 2023) Miami - Silverstone - Melbourne
❀⦿ Dating Marcus Headcanons -> Dating Marcus and his love language is giving gifts.
"Bets" -> Cute and short blurb where Y/N and Marcus bet on which girl Dennis is taking home (2022)
"Sidewalk Rule" -> Marcus doesn't know what the sidewalk rule is.
Frederik Vesti: “Third date” -> After being set up by your best friend, 3 dates was apparently all it took. (Somewhere in the future)
Jack Doohan: ❀ "Clueless" -> Jack finally realizes his feelings for you (2022)
Clément Novalak "Small World" -> Meeting a stranger that isn’t a stranger in a club you weren’t supposed to be at in the first place.
Liam Lawson: “Pickup Lines” -> Liam and you have a talk after some cheesy flirting (2022)
❀"How it’s supposed to" -> Y/N and Liam have a very private situationship-turned-relationship. (2022)
Felipe Drugovich: ❀⦿ Dating Felipe Drugovich -> Headcanons on dating Felipe and what a cutie he is
Ralf Aron: Future of the team -> Working at Prema with Paul and Ralf (2023 F3)
Zak O'Sullivan ✩ Nuggets and shakes -> Zak just needs a pick me up and Y/N just wants to know why ✐ Little Girl (Dad!Zak series) coming soon *chronological order but can be read (and posted) seperately)
I also have a Taglist! Check it out to be added.
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