#cleo handler
exdeputysonso · 1 year
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Brad Dourif as Vlad | The Living (2022)
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marril96 · 2 years
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New Audio: Cleo Handler Shares Snarky Anthem "problem"
New Audio: Cleo Handler Shares Snarky Anthem "problem" @cleohandler @heygroover @romainpalmieri @DorianPerron
Cleo Handler is a Los Angeles-born singer/songwriter, filmmaker and longtime lyricist in the Advanced BMI Songwriting Workshop, who spent a decade here in Brooklyn, and returned back to Southern California in the “aftermath of an extremely disorienting, sudden breakup with her long-term (musician) partner. Recorded at Wild Horizon Sound, the recently released, Claire Morrison-produced gold…
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nixariel · 10 months
Timelines and Carmen Sandiego: To Steal Or Not To Steal
...or, can I make the interactive special play nicely with canon? Meant as a companion to my previous timeline; please note that this is centred around the 'perfect' route where Carmen manages to save both her ground crew and the stolen items. For an overview of how to access all eight endings, I would highly recommend this excellent schematic.
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Shanghai (stated in dialogue as approx 1 year after Carmen started stealing from V.I.L.E.; "which part of the last year")
·        "Notorious V.I.L.E. stronghold" is in Lujiazui district of Shanghai; location roughly corresponds to the Jin Mao Tower based on position relative to the Shanghai Tower and the Shanghai World Financial Center ·        Carmen can enter from the air by ziplining across from the Shanghai Tower or from the ground via the elevator shaft ·        Walks into conspicuously-open vault to learn her ground crew has been kidnapped; if she does not cooperate, the faculty will use Dr. Bellum's mindwiping device to turn Ivy and Zack into V.I.L.E. operatives        ◦ As per bad ending 1, Coach Brunt had bet Professor Maelstrom a steak dinner that Carmen would refuse V.I.L.E.'s deal point-blank ·        Curiously, a 10-19 licence plate is visible on a passing car during Player's intro of the target; in the main series, this number seems to be used exclusively for A.C.M.E. vehicles
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Xi'an (roughly 2h direct flight time from Shanghai to Xi'an)
·        First task is the theft of a terracotta warrior for Brunt; Carmen goes to a "fresh dig site" where more statues have recently been found ·        Exact date unknown but apparently a Tuesday; "it's either dress-up Tuesday for the security staff or..." ·        Tigress has been sent as V.I.L.E.'s handler-slash-back-up for Carmen; leaving her in the pit reveals she has a fear of insects but helping her enables the later 'imperfect good' ending of saving Zack and Ivy while V.I.L.E. keeps the statue ·        Carmen gets her first check-in with the siblings, then is offered the choice of going to either Hell Creek, Montana, to retrieve a T. rex bone for Dr. Bellum or Monte Carlo, Monaco, to steal one hundred tins of Beluga caviar for Countess Cleo
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·        If trying to establish a 'canon' narrative for the special, Cleo's caper would make the most sense as the next theft; Carmen has managed one heist for V.I.L.E. but now struggles with the implications of needing to do it again, and to a charity no less. Mime Bomb is also present more to monitor Carmen than to help, much like Tigress, and Julia does not mention a stolen dinosaur bone despite bringing up the missing terracotta warrior during her brief conversation with Carmen. Going from one plainclothes agent in Monte Carlo (or presumably only one; no recognizably-A.C.M.E. faces in the crowd and Julia reaches for her pen rather than an earpiece if tricked into going to the roof) to three officially-dressed agents in Montana also seems like a more appropriate escalation of A.C.M.E.'s efforts to catch Carmen than the reverse.
Monte Carlo (roughly 11h direct flight time from Xi'an to Monte Carlo)
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·        Exterior of the hotel hosting the charity dinner appears somewhat similar to the Hotel Metropole Monte-Carlo ·        Debut of 'Scarlett Santarosa' as an alias; Player's startled "who??" upon hearing it suggests that this may not have been entirely planned ·        Declining the diplomat's offer to dance leads to Carmen expressing a preference for tango over the waltz; accepting it shows her losing focus/drifting into a daydream partway through, which may be a sign that having to rush through back-to-back capers is starting to wear on her ·        Evidently A.C.M.E. has received intel that V.I.L.E. may be targeting the caviar, Julia assigned to investigate and/or thwart; she seems much more comfortable blending in with upper-class society than pretending to be a fashion model in Milan ·        Julia also much more overt with her willingness to extend Carmen the benefit of the doubt; that she's carrying around a champagne glass full of some unspecified sparkling liquid is probably pure coincidence ;)
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·        Carmen acknowledges having "joined forces with Jules before"—a phrasing that suggests something more like their collaboration in Milan than simply leaving the recovered Magna Cartas on a train seat; trusting Julia is necessary to achieve the 'perfect' route ending ·        The successful grab 'n' dash route leads to Carmen landing on a bridge-like structure with some similarities to the Fontvieille Shopping Centre; the unsuccessful stash 'n' sneak option has her walking down what is almost certainly the Rue de Millo in La Condamine
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Terminal 5 of Heathrow Airport (roughly 2h direct flight time from Monte Carlo to Heathrow)
·        Before continuing on to the third heist, Carmen demands another check-in with Ivy and Zack; comparing the amount of light coming through their cell window at different times of day allows her to deduce that they are being held somewhere with 24/7 sunlight ·        Player confirms that this would currently be the North rather than South Pole; midnight sun in the Arctic goes from late March to late September
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·        Choosing to attempt a rescue instead of continuing with the third heist reveals that Tigress has been stationed at the Arctic facility, presumably to oversee the guarding of Carmen's ground crew; unclear how/if she is involved in their transfer to Île d'Oléron for the ending of the 'perfect' route        ◦ The diner from the post-Arctic bad ending is located in none other than San Diego, suggesting that this is after Team Red purchases the Carmen Brand Outerwear warehouse (and is quite possibly the Best Sneaky Detail in this entire special asdfghj XDD)
Hell Creek (roughly 9.5h direct flight time plus 3.5h drive time from Heathrow to Hell Creek State Park)
·        Carmen more resigned than upset at the thought of stealing the T. rex bone for Bellum; would be in keeping with having managed to get through two heists for V.I.L.E. already ·        Archaeologist from Morocco can be seen entering one of the tents at the excavation site (a.k.a. the OTHER contender for Best Sneaky Detail XD)
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·        Even considering something as risky as trying to catch and break into a plane while it's taking off may be another sign of strain/fatigue affecting Carmen; this would also fit with Montana being her third caper in a row ·        Research lab is approximately 200 miles away (and is attached to an amusement park like the discount version of a Michael Crichton novel, there's even a Tyrannosaurus head over the main entrance, this is ABSOLUTELY intentional XDD) ·        Bellum expected her to have snagged the bone within mere hours of landing in Montana ("been in Montana for an entire afternoon"); pushing Carmen to complete the thefts as quickly as possible is likely part of keeping her too busy to out-think V.I.L.E.'s trap ·        Carmen is offered the choice of El Topo or Le Chevre for assistance; El Topo will show up having helpfully researched potential exit routes while Le Chevre drops a pinecone on her head and calls her "the bossy one in [their] class" ·        Compared to El Topo, Le Chevre also distinctly under-impressed by the quality of A.C.M.E.'s suits ·        El Topo's knowledge of the tunnels underneath the combo museum/amusement park leads to a quick and A.C.M.E.-baffling disappearance after nabbing the bone; picking Le Chevre, on the other hand, leads to the very serious A.C.M.E. agents very seriously commandeering a dinosaur-themed roller coaster train in order to chase Carmen along said roller coaster's track until she manages a daringly acrobatic escape that ends with her hang-gliding off into the night (yes I have a favourite operative how can you tell)
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·        As an alternative to a straight reconciliation with show-canon, might I suggest that riding a literal roller coaster in order to chase Carmen Sandiego through an amusement park in the middle of the night sounds suspiciously like someone trying to prank a newly-reinstated Devineaux? ;)
Terminal 5 of Heathrow Airport (unknown drive time plus roughly 9.5h direct flight time from Montana to Heathrow)
·        After she returns to the airport, the faculty sends Carmen an e-ticket for a ferry to the Île d'Oléron; she is to bring the dinosaur bone and caviar tins there to exchange for her ground crew ·        Somehow Julia has managed to track Carmen to Heathrow, unclear if A.C.M.E. aware; her attempt to tail the thief is quickly noticed and Carmen uses the opportunity to ask for her help
Île d'Oléron (roughly 75 min direct flight time from Heathrow to La Rochelle; ferry to the island takes another hour)
·        Paperstar watching from the Phare de Chassiron; as per the final bad ending, V.I.L.E. plans to have Lady Dokuso and the Cleaners ambush Carmen after she disembarks
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·        All real-world ferries to Île d'Oléron look to be from La Rochelle; closest actual stop would be Saint-Denis-d'Oléron, approximately 4 km away, as the coastline near the lighthouse is too shallow to permit a commercial dock ·        Carmen has Julia take her place on the ferry and swims to the island instead, finds Zack and Ivy in the V.I.L.E. aircraft hangar there ·        Paperstar notices Julia's glasses and alerts the guards, interrupting their escape ·        Zack figures out how to fly a helicopter in a hurry and Carmen references Casablanca ("here's looking at you, crew"); terracotta warrior conveniently found to be already stowed/never unloaded in back
Julia's apartment, presumably still in Poitiers
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·        All stolen items deposited neatly outside Julia's door, complete with a bouquet of roses; we do not see who rings the doorbell ·        One possible explanation for the opening and closing scenes of Ivy and Zack during the post-ending bonus music video is that they indeed managed to break out of their cell at least once while Carmen was busy with V.I.L.E.'s capers, even if they were then recaptured before they could find a way off the Arctic base; certainly their parts of the song are referenced in-episode during both the post-Xi'an check-in and the post-Arctic bad ending
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Special vs. Canon
In terms of trying to fit the special with the rest of the show, both Carmen's dialogue ("which part of the last year", see estimated date for Boston caper in previous timeline) and the Arctic midnight sun reference suggest a late spring/early summer time frame, meaning roughly April to June-ish depending on how strict we want to be with the definition of a year. Shadow-san's absence from the faculty and from the special in general, plus the fact that the remaining members appear to be in some transitional location—as per the industrial metal-panel backgrounds during most of their calls to Carmen, rather than anything resembling either the Canary Islands school or the Outer Hebrides castle—isn't as definitive, but would at least be in keeping with a post-explosion (March-ish) pre-move-to-Scotland (October) placement.
There is also Julia's readiness to trust Carmen's intentions in Monte Carlo, combined with Carmen's "joined forces with Jules before" line, which would suggest that this is before Player Trojan-horses the A.C.M.E. database but after the Milan caper. Given the notable absence of any reference to Stockholm, this might further suggest a point after both that mishap and the failed Botswana collaboration because Carmen's willingness to reach out for A.C.M.E.'s help with the diamond mine could be seen as forgiveness for chasing her off a tower in Sweden—and with that attitude of letting bygones be bygones, Julia might consider doubling down on her faith in Carmen to be a more convincing apology than dragging up bad history.
With how quickly things go from Brunt dropping the Wolfebomb to Carmen salvaging the mainframe hard drive to her demanding answers from Shadow-san, it would be very difficult for the special to take place then regardless of how conveniently it would excuse the ninja's absence. However, there is an unspecified amount of time between that confrontation and Carmen showing up at Chief's usual coffee shop in Seattle—and since Carmen wouldn't have confirmed Shadow-san's truthfulness yet, he'd most likely still be benched in San Diego (nor would the faculty expect to see him with her given their belief in having driven a wedge between the two). Chase, at this point, would also have been retrieved from the island and fired by Interpol but not yet reactivated as an A.C.M.E. agent.
Although not a perfect reconciliation—that Carmen would be willing to put a hold on finding answers about her father's death in order to raid a random V.I.L.E. vault in Shanghai is... questionable, to say the least—the most plausible canon setting for the special would therefore seem to be after the reveal of how Shadow-san became a faculty member but before Team Red comes up with a plan for how to hack A.C.M.E.'s database.
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As always, this is the work of only one person. If there's something missing or incorrect, let me know and I'm happy to update. Otherwise, I have a CS 2019 trivia tag for the things that didn't quite fit in either timeline, as well as the odd headcanon that does a little more reading-between-the-lines. ;) Have fun.
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definitelyawalrus · 9 months
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happy holidays to @droidofmay (a piece for @mcytblrholidayexchange)
here's a last life AU concept in which everyone gets invited to a party, and there are shenanigans afoot.
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here's a character spread of a last life AU!!! it's an Escape The Night esque story, which ends being a simulation ran by the watchers.
character roles/jobs (in order):
skizz - blacksmith, tango - handyman, bdubs - stablehand, etho - potionsmith
lizzie - pyrotechnics technician, bigb - gardener, ren - watchman/lookout
scott - animal handler, cleo - tailor, puppeteer, pearl - adventurer,
scar - merchant/peddler, joel - fortune teller
mumbo - clockmaker/inventor, impulse - carpenter/mechanic, jimmy - baker, grian - traveler, martyn - bard/storyteller
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d0urifz · 1 year
I know y'all like new content, so, because we've not seen all of these posted yet: Here's Brad Dourif in Portugal from Cleo Handler's Instagram story.
Feel free to correct us if we missed someone posting all these, we've only seen one picture on here. -Syd
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yottabites · 4 months
What do you guys think about your bugs? Or in crosses and obsidians instance insect and Cleo.
Yotta gave a hesitant smile, "He's a good guy, a good worker, and all around really well meaning. He really really cares a lot about Mal and is a great friend to him, and I'm really glad Mal has someone like him backing him up. It's reassuring. It makes me happy knowing Mal has him if I'm not around to keep him safe." His smile faltered. " But.... To be honest.... Sometimes it's like he cares about Mal so much that.. it makes him a really uncaring person towards other people? Kind of like... He'd put Mal first, even if it meant stepping over anyone else. That's kinda harsh, and it's not bad to put Mal first at all, but... "
He sighed, "A nicer way of saying this is that he forgets he's not the only one who cares about Mal; Bug isn't the only person in Mals life who'd do anything for him. He won't tell me anything about Mal and the shit happening to him until, like, fucking weeks later? The hell? My fucking boyfr— u-uh, friend? Kinda messed up, you know. And he'll cause trouble and talk back to admins when that'll affect me and get my ass in trouble, as a handler, and it'll be my job to get him out of it. And just... "
"I don't know. Like I said, he's well meaning, but... I think he's the only one where it makes it hard to mix the line between coworker and friend— if he even sees me as a friend, it doesn't really feel like it. And, I just... As a handler, I try so hard to be understanding and get him out of trouble when I should be punishing him, and I really hate pulling the handler card when I want to approach situations as an understanding friend, but... I don't know. If nothing changes, it's just what I'll have to resort to. I care about Mal so fucking much, I could ignore everything else, but fucking Mal? Are you serious? Weeks later?"
He took a deep inhale, shaking his head. "But, yeah. He's still a good guy, I genuinely believe it and I know he is, he just.. hasn't really been all that great to me. I don't know if I could call him my friend anymore."
".... Damn." Matrix blinked. "Anyways, Hornet's alright," he shrugged. "Could stand to be down with more murder."
Hellbyte snorts, "Ehhhhhhh...... Not as much of an ass like other people, I guess. Didn't say shit about said people being an ass until I stood up for myself, though. I guess as long as he's not a pain in the ass to work with, I can't complain. Doesn't mean I like him, but it means I can tolerate him, and that's good enough. I guess he's been a lil nicer ever since I blew up, but... I dunno. Still unsure about him."
Cross rolled his eyes and hardly looked up from sharpening his blade, "Gets in the way. A pest."
Obsidian snarled,
"D̴̛̜͇̪̮͂͋̋̅̑̈ì̸̧̞̰͔̹̪͍̯̞̥̦̳͋̈́́̾͂͒̃͛͌͂̇̎̂̍̓̈́͜ŗ̷͍̺̺̼̊͆̅͛̽̐͋̐̑̆̆͛͝͝t̷̨̛͈̫̺͙̝͔̲͉͕̠͖͉̯̅̂̀̾̋̒̅̀͝͝ ̸̡̢̤̬̩̟̼̼͈͇͎̰̗̻̯̮̀̈́͊̍͑̅̌̎̿͘͝b̶̡̡̧̧͎͕͇͔͙̝͇͔̜̥̈e̸̟͉̥̳̪͍̼̙̞̅́͆̆̎̈̕͜n̷̢̯̘̯̪̗͔͕̦͉͒̈́͗̐͋̐͌̓͌͌͊̃̌̄͘͝ȩ̷̡͈̫̥̹̰̩̻̬̼̟̰͔̻̅͛̅̅̈́͌̍͑̓̿̂ͅa̵̧̢̧̮̗̻̥̮̣͖͇͍͔̦̼̲͐̊͗̂̏̔̓̄̂̓͑̾̚t̵̩̻͓̋̈́͛̄͆͐̑͊̍̀̂͂̋̚h̶̨̡̝̰̞̽̊̍̅̅̐̄́̎̑͗͌̊͘ͅ ̵̡͓͎̝̮̖̤͓̘̣̓̿͂m̷̨͇͋̄y̶̢̰͓̱̞̺̮̺̺̝̞͓͎̯͂̊͋̕̚ ̵̱̘̬̚f̶̼̮̻̄̃̃̿̈́̊́̂̄̇̃̓͐̏̂͘e̵̯͍̹̙̙͍̥͌̆̐̿̅͊͂̽̎͘e̷̡̛̜̩͓̦̬̫͖̬̤̓̽̂̈͗̄̌̏̏̏̈́̌̔̏͘͝ͅţ̵͉̬̫̞̬̜͙̦̾̂̋̉ ̴̳̻͓̰̱̦̻͍̘̗̼̒͛́͌͐̌̋͝͠ͅw̵̧̤̟̣͓̙̪̦̋̂́̆͂̓̓̎̎̓̕̕͝h̷̛̙̬̝̟̜̭̃̇̀̄̅̑̾̈̓̐͛̓͛͑͘è̸̢̨̧͖͙̗̩̫̠̲̺͍̤̟̠̈̕n̵̡̨̩͈͇̲̫̤͎̲͓̊̍͋̿̅̄̀̾́̐ͅ ̴̧͉̳̱̹͖̘̗͉̫̺̥̀͑̓͐̇̒͑͘͘͝͝Į̸̧̫̺̺̺̘͓̳̝̤͐̀̂ ̴̣̹̪̍̐̊̓̄̐͋̑́͑̏̀̈́̚͝ṣ̶̢̨̻̹̦̮͕̠̣̗̹̔̓e̷̻͔̳̼̫̗̘̳̼̱̳͂̂̐̆̽͜͝n̵̡̩̜̮͖̼̘̺̞͎̫̺͑̽̑̓̉̉̐͒̇̚ḑ̴̧̗͖̙̠̣̣̖̄̀̌͝ ̴̣̰̮̥̠̫̼͉͓͓́̔̓̀̂̊̇͑̉̃̒̌̏̚̚͜h̴̡̻̺̖̹͊̔̒͆͐̆͌͆̈́̅͘͘͝í̶̧̙̋̉̆̄̿͑͗́̀̄̆̍̚̚͝m̷̨̝͖̤̬̘͙̲̠͖̭̭̫̭̄́̈̃̌̒͂͂̆̒̾͊ͅͅ ̸̼̙̓́̇̓t̸͔̥͇̲͖̼͉̤́͑̈́̍͐̒̐͒̒̀̀̅͘͜͝o̵̻̗͌̿̚͠ ̵̦̭̰̞̖̜̼͉͖̩̓͂͛́̾̀̇̑̈́ḩ̵̰̜̘̥͓̤͖͉͔̯̈́̎̔͛̈́̓̅̚i̷̡̜̰̹̠̬̞̩̙̟͓̟̺̠̰̪͌̅͌̕s̴̢̛̛̬̤̲̼̦̩͑͆̂͒̈́̏̀̅͛́̓͠" ̷̞̻̹̫̲̭̲̬̲͍͖̳̎̄͆̔̅̀͠g̶̜͇̫͌͑̇̎͆͊͒̅̓̋̏̌̊͘͘r̴̡̨̖̣̥̠͈̾̀̏͝à̵̛̳̙̯͗̍̐̍̄͛͛͐̈̽̈̍̽͘v̶̪̰̥̜̺̘̑͑̆̊̓͐̑́͑͊́̚̚e̷͕̓.̵̛̛̛̛̤̋͊̈̌̓͑̇͝͝ ̵̛̣̓̅̈́̌̑̃̊̾͛̿͘͘
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trashbag-baby666 · 4 months
The Curt and Ken Wedding
What’s Waited Till Tomorrow Starts Tonight (MOTA hs au)
Pt. 2 (nsfw) - Mota Masterlist!
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•The wedding was very much a long time coming event. Back in high school Ken had even made a Pinterest board of his dream wedding with Curt.
•They had been engaged since a little after eight months of Curt being back stateside. However, they really wanted to wait to have an actual ceremony and reception till they were back on their feet. Comfortable in their new house, finish dealing with Curt’s VA problems, make sure both of them were in a healthy mental state for it.
•However, they did get their marriage certificate from the local court house. That way Ken could be under Curt's insurance and they’d both receive his military benefits. Ken hadn't been insured for a hot moment due to his ex. Thats why they semi rushed into it, Ken had a tun of appointments between therapy and just physicals so they could make sure he was putting weight back on.
•Curt found himself a little over whelmed when it came to all the wedding planning. He has undiagnosed adhd, planning had always been a little difficult for him. Ken had kept an organized binder of all their costs and options for everything.
•They originally planned to have it in the empty barn at the Clevens. They lived less than a half mile from them and it wouldn't cost them anything for the venue.
•But Grandma Lemmons got involved when she came to visit. With Grandma Lemmons nothing is allowed to be lowkey. She's a high society woman who dresses in all black all the time and has wore the same pearls for the last fifty years. Some people think she may have killed her husband...
•She finds the best vineyard in the Cheyenne area, she makes them pick a distinct color theme. They go with a light, muted blue and green, as their main theme with white and navy undertones. It's only later on after John points it out. That their colors were their eye colors and yeah he thought that was cute. Curt rolls his eyes and shakes his head but he also thinks its adorable.
•They spend months, and I mean months harness training Cleo. Ken was admit that Cleo and Hum's should be in the wedding. John's the lucky one who gets to be the animal handler but he takes his job very seriously. There's also no such thing as a cat who didn't like John, specially one of his old barn kittens. Ken had asked if he could take her when they moved out. Since this litter of kittens was purely an accident, so they let him go right ahead.
•Brady insisted he make their outfits for the big day as well.
• "Anything you guys want, I'll make for you."
•Him and Ham actually catch a flight out from New York to get their measurements. Brady takes his work very seriously, there's a reason he has a very successful name and has designed for Zendaya before.
•Curt wears his dress uniform for the ceremony but Brady makes him a custom tux for the reception. Ken wears a long lace dress with 3/4's sleeves and a long lace veil. He's that bitch. At the reception he wears a white blazer with white slacks and a lace cropped tank under.
•Come the day of the wedding Ken and his wedding party (Rosie, Gale, Brady, and his grandma) were all at the hotel suit helping him get ready. Brady was more there as the unofficial stylist.
•Curt was back at home with John and Sawyer. (Brady also came by to play stylist for a bit.) John’s also in charge of the animals so he’s the one that gets to wrestle Cleo into her little dress Ken got her. Fortunately, he knew that Hums at least wouldn't fight on the costume. He was a good boy who just got mixed up in his moms wedding agenda.
•Sawyer is making a video diary of their day and every time he brings the camera remotely anywhere near Curt, he's turning into the groomzilla. He knows he's already legally married to Ken but he's finding himself spiraling on about it. He already was panicking about his mom being there, especially on the terms that it was at a vineyard. She promised him she's sober and she wouldn't have anything to drink. But he'd heard that one a million times before. Sawyer assures him he'll keep an eye on her.
•Right before the ceremony is about to start Ken is in the private room trying to calm himself down. Rosies dabbing his tears carefully so his eyeliner doesn't get messed up. Gales rubbing his back and coaxing him down, assuring him that Curt loves him and he's not going anywhere. Every once in awhile Ken gets himself worked up, sometimes triggered by a nightmare or in this case his wedding. He begins to think that everything around him is just some cruel trick by his ex and he begins to spiral.
•Luckily, they get him talked down and Johns near by with Hums and Cleo so they come to see him to calm his nerves.
•Commence the wedding! They had their ceremony outside on the vineyard patio on an early September day. The trees were changing colors, the heat cooling down. Leaving them with the perfect Saturday.
•John and Rosie were Curt and Ken's men of honor. Gale walked Ken down the aisle to 18 by One Direction, the two sharing a strong embrace once at the alter. Gale ordained and Hums brought the rings to them in a little basket.
•There's plenty of laughs in their vows, recounting of times of true love and their silliest memories. Most definitely how thankful they are for each other, they're each others rocks. They're everything to each other.
•Their sealing of the vows with their kiss is passionate. Curt's hands around Kens waist dipping him just the slightest so he doesn't lose balance. Everyone cheers for them, specially John who tries his hardest to whistle. He's not very successful. Rosies cowbell just has to do.
•Ken is easily wine drunk fast while they eat dinner, although the guys will notstop clinking their glasses with their silverware for them to kiss. Easily, he's also drunk off Curts lips. The familiar warm taste, combined with the red wine taste on his lips causing him to want to jump onto him right here. He knew they had big plans for later in the evening...
•Their first dance is to Sweet Creature by Harry Styles
•John is most certainly on the dance floor all night. Similar to his and Gales wedding. At one point he paid someone enough to give him a microphone and he sang Can't Help Falling in Love. Curt shook his head and Gale laughed, Ham for sure filmed him.
•They have a three tiered red velvet cake with cat and dog cake toppers.
"Kenny, red velvet is just chocolate with cocoa powder."
"Yeah but it's fancy that way, Curtie."
•He gave in even if It wasn't his first pick. He wasn't even sure what his first pick was aside from ice cream cake. Trust, Ken had already said no ice cream cake.
Brought to you by the brains of Military La La Land
Taglist: @austeenbootler @coastiewife465 @slowsweetlove @executethyself35
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dandyssidesys · 18 days
Under the cut cuz-... long post :3
Everyone here uses their canon forms as a face claim unless otherwise specified
> Names ; Astro, Aether
> Pronouns ; They/Them + It/Its
Hey. I'm Aether, tho I don't care if you call me Astro. I'm Agender and Queer, don't care about doubles. I'm a Sleep Soother and Grief Holder. Technically a Co-Host of the entire system, I guess. I'm ageless, mentally around late teens. Single and not looking for anything.
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> Names ; Opal
> Pronouns ; He/Him + Shi/Shines
Hello! My name is Opal, and I'd prefer if you didn't use my source name! I'm Demirose, Polyamorous, and Omni with a preference for men. I'm also a Sexual Alter and Confidence Holder. Ageless, Mentally mid teens, and happily taken~! Do tell me if I make you uncomfortable with any petnames, dear.
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> Names ; Razzle and Dazzle
> Pronouns ; She/Her and She/They respectively
Hello~! I'm Razzle~! I'm Sapphic and a demigirl~! I sadly do not know my role yet~! I am around 20 I think~! I'm sure you've already noticed, but I have a typing quirk where I end everything with "~!"
(Dazzle. I have a typing quirk where everything I say is in parenthesis. I'm Demirose and Genderfluid. I, like Razzle, do not know my role. I am 21. We are not taken.)
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> Names ; Goob, Fluffy, Beau
> Pronouns ; Any pronouns (not including neos)
Hihi!! I'm Goob! I'm Transmasc and Straight and I am an Antidepressant! I'm 18 and I'm pretty source connected so do treat me like my source! I am not taken!
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> Names ; Volt, Vee, Vinn
> Pronouns ; She/Her + Glit/Glitch + It/Its
ZUP FUCKERZ! I'm VOLT! I'm very Lezbian!! I am an Obzezzer and you've prob noticed but, S -> Z typing quirk!! I also use exclamation markz a lot if that countz az one!! I'm in my late 20'z and I am not taken!!
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*most of uz are dizzomei im juzt the main one here
> Names ; Dandy, Foxglove
> Pronouns ; It/Its
HEYOO I'm Fox, twisted Dandy fictive in particular. Beyondsexual, Apothiromantic, and Gendervoid! I am a Persecutor + Protector and I'm ageless. I am not taken.
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> Names ; Toodles, Cleo,
> Pronouns ; She/Her + Puzz/Puzzle
Hai!! 'm Toodles! I'm female anddddddf uhhh I guess zero = zero so pansexual- I'm a Trauma Holder and Soother 'n I'm 7 years old!! I am specific a fictive of the junior detective Toodles costume :333
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> Names ; Scraps
> Pronouns ; Purr/Purrs
Hey. I'm Catgender and Aegospike. Persecutor, 16 years old I think... Not taken and not interested. Oh I'm also Aplatonic and extremely low empathy, so don't try.
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> Names ; Kandi, Candi, CK
> Pronouns ; She/Her + He/Him + Rawr/Rawrs
Hihiiii!!!! I'm genderfluid n Aroace! I'm a Moodbooster and I'm 14! I love the scene subculture and I might talk in leetspeak sumtimes but I'll give a translation if I do!! I'm taken!!
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> Names ; Raze, Shrimpo, Kaz
> Pronouns ; He/Him
Hello, I'm Raze. I'm a male and Apothirose. Extremely source connected anger holder and 19 years old. Uninterested in that relationship shit. Might not post much but we'll see.
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> Names ; Pebble, Rocky, Pup
> Pronouns ; He/Him
Hihiiii!! I'm a shapeshifer but normally im in the dog form you prolly know from the game hehe. I uhhhhh... oh yeah! Pupgender! I'm pupgender! I'm little n' i age and pet regress!! Heres uhhhh picerew of my faceclaim :3
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[Picrew Link]
> Names ; Valerie, Val
> Pronouns ; Any Pronouns (Including Neos)
Hello! I'm Val, female and Abrosexual. I'm a caretaker and Toon handler (self coined, just means a caretaker specifically assigned to Dandys World fictives)! I'm 27, not taken!
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[Picrew Link]
Userbox creds ~ @/plural-userboxes, @/presecutor-userboxes, @/user-boxer, @/banana-dawg, @/sweetpeauserboxes, @/userboxvariety, @/lunadirae, @/burntoutuserboxes, @/adhdoofenshmirtz, @/lgbt-userboxes, @/nostalgiagender, @/system-box @/tiny-userboxes
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lacavernamx · 2 years
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Conoce a Chris Caulfield, Taija New, Abaddonia y Cleo Handler - https://wp.me/p4pCgM-3Ce
¿Ya despertaron? ¿Ya desayunaron? Bueno aquí música para comer con cereal y leche.
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exdeputysonso · 1 year
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Brad in Portugal via Cleo Handler's insta story today
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godzillawillsaveus · 5 years
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Brad Dourif in Out to Lunch (2017) dir. Katia Koziara
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flameobitch · 3 years
@seirasssss and @devochkaiztvoihsnow
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ana-gram13 · 7 years
I desperately want an All The Wrong Questions tv show.
Things I want in this:
To see Lemony Snicket as a preteen.
To see Moxie Mallahan and her hat shaped like an 'a'.
To see Ellington Feint's smile that could mean anything.
To see S. Theodora Markson's hair.
To see Jake Hix, period.
To see Cleo Knight and her experiments.
To see Kellar Haines in the Department of Education.
To see Pip and Squeak driving the taxi.
To see Ornette Lost's sculptures.
To see Dashiell Qwerty's leather jackets.
To see Mimi and Harvey Mitchum argue and love Stew.
To hear Lemony say 'What's the news, Moxie?'
To see Theodora and Lemony's bantering.
To see Lemony to do his detective work. And jumping onto a moving train.
To see Jake and Cleo's relationship.
To see Lemony and Ellington together.
Lemony 'talking' to Kit.
To see the members of VFD that we know and love.
To see the Association of Associates together taking down Hangfire.
The entire books really
So yeah. I want need an All The Wrong Questions show.
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d0urifz · 2 years
BRAD SPOTTED IN THE WILD. I hope he's having an amazing birthday weekend :)
(Courtesy of Cleo Handler's Instagram)
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flanneryculp · 2 years
I love the idea of Lemony becoming an even more popular topic of gossip after he leaves Stain'd.
People talked about him since he came to town -- the way the crime rate shot up the day he arrived, how he was seen all beaten, how no one knows anything about his past.
After the night on the train, this increases tenfold. There are rumors that he summoned the Bombinating Beast. There are rumors that he killed a man.
The residents of Stain'd were more than happy to share their gossip with the newcomers after the town rose again from Cleo's formula, and their misinterpretations led to several theories.
Some people believe Lemony and Hangfire were the same person. The crime did stop almost completely the day Lemony left, and Hangfire was supposed to be some guy in disguise, right??
Others believe Lemony never existed to begin with, that he was just a story made up by some disobedient kids to explain why they were sneaking out of school and hanging around abandoned buildings.
A few people, Pip and Squeak mostly, swear up and down on his nobility and get into lengthy debates where they share even more outlandish stories?? That he jumped onto a moving train? broke into the Colophon Clinic??? saved Dame Sally Murphy somehow? No one knows what to believe.
When Stain'd got the first editions of ATWQ, people were waiting literal months to get their hands on a copy. Still there were those who believed that the stories were fake, or written by someone else. (The name "Daniel Handler" is passed around pretty frequently, though no one knows what it means.)
By asoue era, most people have forgotten about him entirely. Still, "Snicket" is another way of saying "unlucky" in Stain'd-by-the-Sea.
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