#cleo’s getting her clothes washed in that bath too
fizzytoo · 1 year
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Do Westerosi have swimming as a pastime? Are there garments used as bathing suits, or do they swim naked? With so many bodies of water around I doubt they wouldn't.
Yes, people swim as a pastime in Westeros. Sometimes they wear clothes, but more often they don’t.
“And the girls, Ned!” he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling. “I swear, women lose all modesty in the heat. They swim naked in the river, right beneath the castle.” –Robert, AGOT, Eddard I
She found herself standing at the mouth of a sewer where it emptied into the river. She stank so badly that she stripped right there, dropping her soiled clothing on the riverbank as she dove into the deep black waters. She swam until she felt clean, and crawled out shivering. Some riders went past along the river road as Arya was washing her clothes, but if they saw the scrawny naked girl scrubbing her rags in the moonlight, they took no notice. –AGOT, Arya III
Lommy and Tarber stripped naked and went wading, and Lommy scooped up handfuls of slimy mud and threw them at Hot Pie, shouting, “Mud Pie! Mud Pie!” –ACOK, Arya IV
Hodor knew Bran’s favorite place, so he took him to the edge of the pool beneath the great spread of the heart tree, where Lord Eddard used to kneel to pray. Ripples were running across the surface of the water when they arrived, making the reflection of the weirwood shimmer and dance. There was no wind, though. For an instant Bran was baffled.And then Osha exploded up out of the pool with a great splash, so sudden that even Summer leapt back, snarling. Hodor jumped away, wailing “Hodor, Hodor” in dismay until Bran patted his shoulder to soothe his fears. “How can you swim in there?” he asked Osha. “Isn’t it cold?”“As a babe I suckled on icicles, boy. I like the cold.” Osha swam to the rocks and rose dripping. She was naked, her skin bumpy with gooseprickles. Summer crept close and sniffed at her. “I wanted to touch the bottom.”“I never knew there was a bottom.”“Might be there isn’t.” She grinned. “What are you staring at, boy? Never seen a woman before?”“I have so.” Bran had bathed with his sisters hundreds of times and he’d seen serving women in the hot pools too.
–ACOK, Bran II
To the east, Gods Eye was a sheet of sun-hammered blue that filled half the world. Some days, as they made their slow way up the muddy shore (Gendry wanted no part of any roads, and even Hot Pie and Lommy saw the sense in that), Arya felt as though the lake were calling her. She wanted to leap into those placid blue waters, to feel clean again, to swim and splash and bask in the sun. But she dare not take off her clothes where the others could see, not even to wash them. –ACOK, Arya V
“The gods will take me when they see fit,” Septon Chayle said quietly, “though I scarcely think it likely that I’ll drown, Bran. I grew up on the banks of the White Knife, you know. I’m quite the strong swimmer.” –ACOK, Bran V
I’m being swept out into the bay. It wouldn’t be as bad there; he ought to be able to make shore, he was a strong swimmer. –ACOK, Davos III
When Jaime looked up, Brienne was lumbering along the clifftop well ahead of them, having cut across a finger of land while they were following the bend in the river. She threw herself off the rock, and looked almost graceful as she folded into a dive. It would have been ungracious to hope that she would smash her head on a stone. Ser Cleos turned the skiff toward her. Thankfully, Jaime still had his oar. One good swing when she comes paddling up and I’ll be free of her.Instead he found himself stretching the oar out over the water. Brienne grabbed hold, and Jaime pulled her in. As he helped her into the skiff, water ran from her hair and dripped from her sodden clothing to pool on the deck.
–ASOS, Jaime I
Ser Desmond Grell had served House Tully all his life. He had been a squire when Catelyn was born, a knight when she learned to walk and ride and swim, master-at-arms by the day that she was wed. –ASOS, Catelyn I
The holdfast did have a grim haunted look, standing there black against the storm on its rocky island with the rain lashing at the lake all around it. “We could go out and take a look,” he suggested. “I doubt we could get much wetter than we are.”“Swimming? In the storm?” She laughed at the notion. “Is this a trick t’ get the clothes off me, Jon Snow?”“Do I need a trick for that now?” he teased. “Or is that you can’t swim a stroke?” Jon was a strong swimmer himself, having learned the art as a boy in Winterfell’s great moat.Ygritte punched his arm. “You know nothing, Jon Snow. I’m half a fish, I’ll have you know.“
–ASOS, Jon V
Jon used to say that she swam like a fish, but even a fish might have trouble in this river. –ASOS, Arya IX
As they rode past the stakes and pits that surrounded the eunuch encampment, Dany could hear Grey Worm and his sergeants running one company through a series of drills with shield, shortsword, and heavy spear. Another company was bathing in the sea, clad only in white linen breechclouts. –ASOS, Daenerys V
A few of the older children lay facedown upon the smooth pink marble, browning in the sun. Others paddled in the sea beyond. Three were building a sand castle with a great spike that resembled the Spear Tower of the Old Palace. A score or more had gathered in the big pool, to watch the battles as smaller children rode through the waist-deep shallows on the shoulders of the larger and tried to shove each other into the water. Every time a pair went down, the splash was followed by a roar of laughter. They watched a nut-brown girl yank a towheaded boy off his brother’s shoulders to tumble him headfirst into the pool. –AFFC, The Captain of Guards
Looking at the water only made him think of drowning. When he was small his lord father had tried to teach him how to swim by throwing him into the pond beneath Horn Hill. The water had gotten in his nose and in his mouth and in his lungs, and he coughed and wheezed for hours after Ser Hyle pulled him out. After that he never dared go in any deeper than his waist. –AFFC, Samwell II
“How did he get out?”“Fish swim. Even black ones.” Edmure smiled. […] “We raised the portcullis on the Water Gate. Not all the way, just three feet or so. Enough to leave a gap under the water, though the gate still appeared to be closed. My uncle is a strong swimmer. After dark, he pulled himself beneath the spikes.”And he slipped under our boom the same way, no doubt. A moonless night, bored guards, a black fish in a black river floating quietly downstream.
–AFFC, Jaime VII
Laughing, the septa walked to the prow of the boat. It was her custom to bathe in the river every morning. “Plainly, this boat was not named for you,” Tyrion called as she disrobed.“The Mother and the Father made us in their image, Hugor. We should glory in our bodies, for they are the work of gods.”
–ADWD, Tyrion IV
[Rolly] came up sputtering and cursing, bellowing for someone to fish him out before a ‘snapper ate his privates. Tyrion tossed a line to him. “Ducks should swim better than that,” he said as he and Yandry were hauling the knight back aboard the Shy Maid.Ser Rolly grabbed Tyrion by the collar. “Let us see how dwarfs swim,” he said, chucking him headlong into the Rhoyne.The dwarf laughed last; he could paddle passably well, and did… until his legs began to cramp. Young Griff extended him a pole.
–ADWD, Tyrion IV
Sweetfoot had an easier gait than old Chestnut, but Dunk was still sore and tired when he spied the inn ahead, a tall daub-and-timber building beside a stream. […] As he dismounted, a naked boy emerged dripping from the stream and began to dry himself on a roughspun brown cloak. "Are you the stableboy?” Dunk asked him. The lad looked to be no more than eight or nine, a pasty-faced skinny thing, his bare feet caked in mud up to the ankle. His hair was the queerest thing about him. He had none. –The Hedge Knight
“Another word about your bloody boot, and I’ll clout you in the ear so hard you’ll fly across the lake.”“I’d sooner swim, ser.” Egg swam well, and Dunk did not.
–The Mystery Knight
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We left Cleo and Monty as they spent their first night together where Monty made a surprising declaration.
Pairing: Montag (Lucio) Morgasson x OC! Cleo Rosehyn
Warnings: Some spicy content (mostly teasing), nightmares, and a mild injury
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So It’s War?
Cleo had tried everything. Since Monty’s declaration that he wouldn’t have sex with her until she wanted him it had been almost an all out war between the two. Mornings and nights were for battle but Cleo was never quite sure who was winning.
Monty bought her all new clothes and jewelry so she’d be comfortable in her new life. Cleo was happy to see all the beautiful things but quickly devised a plan. She talked Monty into watching her model her new clothes ‘to be sure he liked them on her’ which had started innocently enough but soon the outfits consisted of less and less clothing. Monty thoroughly enjoyed himself but stopped her when Cleo walked out in nothing but a sheer black shift, stockings, garters, and a pair of heels. He declared he had to get back to work but thanked Cleo for the show and assured her he liked all the clothes he’d bought her. Cleo waited until he left the tent before scowling.
Monty seemed to enjoy his teasing most in the morning when he could easily slip away. Cleo would wake up and once she began to stretch he knew she was well and truly conscious, it was on. Cleo had been pulled to him mid-stretch for heavy morning make outs. Monty would let his hands roam over her sleep clothes avoiding anything below her waist then when Cleo started trying to touch him back he’d jump out of bed. Neither party was happy about starting the day frustrated but Monty was so loving the game.
Soon after Cleo joined them it was time for the camp to move on. The area was brimming with activity as everyone prepared to go. Cleo took the time to watch the clouds and the awakening forest wondering if she’d ever see Celtica again. Monty had told her a little about their destination but he got bored trying to learn about the new countries. All Cleo knew was that it would be a little warmer and a lot less humid. Monty had received the personal plea for help from a Duke who was fighting against invaders, that was all that mattered to him.
Monty gifted Cleo her own horse, a gorgeous Appaloosa who she named Tatianna so she could practice riding before the journey. Even though it wasn’t a long trip, it would feel long to her and he felt riding a horse was an important skill anyway. It hadn’t been easy for Cleo but at least it was something to take her mind off of this taunting from Monty. It was looking more and more like he was right about not having her until they moved. The thought always brought a scowl to Cleo’s face.
The move kept Monty busy during the day and with his disappearing act in the morning, Cleo had to strike in the evening. She’d offered to massage him ‘just to relax’ or join him in a hot bath ‘No one better than a magician to bathe with, I can keep everything nice and hot~”. But Monty would shrug her off with a wicked grin. Cleo was certain he was going to drive her crazy.
The actual move was seamless, Monty and his men had been doing this for many years. Cleo rode by Monty at the head of the party and shared his small travel tent with only a cot in contrast to his usual bed. The benefit was that because the cot was smaller Cleo had a reason to be even closer.
Monty would roll away from her in the night but Cleo was determined that he would get used to her being there and cuddle closer. She’d seen him at night when he was fast asleep all the way on the other side of the bed and was struck by how lonely he seemed. Cleo would scoot over and wrap her arm around his waist to hold him close which seemed to relax him a bit. They hadn’t discussed the nightmare though.
One night they’d both been dead asleep and Monty had shot straight out of bed screaming and brandishing a knife. Cleo later learned that he always kept a knife under his pillow. When she’d tried to calm him down he’d spouted gibberish with wide frightened eyes. Cleo didn’t move any closer but continued to talk to him in a soft voice reminding him that he was safe, that she was with him. Slowly he’d come to his senses but when Cleo tried to get closer to hold him he’d run out of the tent. When he came back she pretended to be asleep and didn’t move as he wrapped her up in his arms before going back to sleep. They didn’t talk about it after that. Cleo didn’t want to pry and Monty couldn’t find the words.
In the cot though he’d started to come around. They’d fall asleep with Cleo laying her head on his chest with their legs tangled together. Throughout the night Cleo noticed that when they’d rolled apart Monty would always seek her out again to hold her close. It was a small success but it made Cleo smile.
The men were just as quick setting up a new campsite as they were with pulling it down and after their short journey they were deep in a beautiful countryside with rolling green hills and a town where the Duke resided.
Now Monty had work to do for real. Cleo began venturing out into the camp in search of something to do as Monty met with the Duke or his men to decide how best to drive off the invaders. While out and about, men would nod towards Cleo respectfully and the women who made up the camp followers were eager to see Monty’s girl.
One day while walking about in camp Cleo missed a hole in the ground and sunk her foot directly in it. She went down hard and twisted her ankle. Some of the women came running to her aid and helped her hobble to the Doctor’s tent.
“Well now, I hear you took a nasty fall,” the Doctor was a thin man with a mask covering his face but his eyes had wrinkles from a heavy smiler.
“I suppose I wasn’t paying attention for a moment,” Cleo was embarrassed. All those years of posture training and learning to walk as if floating and now she’d fallen in front of the whole camp. She bit the inside of her cheek in frustration.
“It’s no big deal, my dear. We’ll have you patched up and resting soon. You’ll be back on your feet in no time.” The Doctor patted her knee gently and moved to get his kit. Cleo smiled a bit, he didn’t seem concerned with Monty’s warning and felt like a genuine person.
“So now, I’m going to rub this paste on your ankle to help with the pain then I’ll wrap it up and check your hands too. I think you scraped them just a little.”
Cleo looked at the little marks on her hands and frowned.
“This won’t scar will it?”
The Doctor laughed and shook his head.
“No it won’t, I suspect you don’t fall down a lot.”
“Never, anything that could cause scars or marks was strictly prohibited.”
The Doctor whistled lowly.
“Sounds like quite a safe life. Now I’m going to move on to bandaging and it may hurt a little. You’ll need to keep your foot elevated too and try not to walk on it.”
Cleo watched as the Doctor gently touched her swollen ankle, pain shot up her leg and she bit down again.
“By the way, I never introduced myself. I get so used to everyone knowing me. Everyone calls me Doctor V.”
“My name is Cleo.”
“Oooh it is! Isn’t it! You’re the boss’ woman. I wondered. Most of the people I see haven’t lived lives where they don’t fall down you see”
Though he knew who she was now the Doctor continued to bandage Cleo’s ankle like she was anyone else. It was nice to be treated normally for once. Cleo felt like she could trust the Doctor.
“Do you help the women here too?”
“Of course, I help everyone who needs it. Are you looking for specific help that only a woman might need?” The Doctor looked up from her ankle and raised a brow.
“No, nothing like that. I was only curious”
The Doctor taped down the bandage and reached out for Cleo’s hands. She turned them palm up so he could examine them.
“Well I’m going to have you wash them but it looks like it didn’t break the skin so it’s to worry about,” he assured her. “Now if you should need something I am always around to help. Monthly help. Help after certain activities. Anything at all.”
Cleo looked down at her hands bitterly, if only there were activities.
“Well there’s the tea we had at the brothel that prevents problems,” Cleo muttered vaguely.
“Say no more, I know exactly what you’re talking about. I’ll have some sent up to you soon.”
Cleo looked up. Even though she couldn’t see half of his face she could feel there was a good natured smile under the mask.
The camp Doctor helped Cleo limp back up to the hill where Monty’s tent sat and chatted with her good-naturedly. They’d laughed about how Monty always seemed to find a hill to look down on everyone and talked about adventures the Doctor had been on with the group. Cleo eagerly asked question after question. She learned that the Doctor had been trained in a military then deserted after a gruesome battle saying he’d had enough of being a butcher for young men. He’d wandered some and offered his services in various places but no one wanted to welcome a deserter. Until he found Monty.
Monty had been hired to protect some cargo back when he was very young and he’d been attacked by bandits. The other mercenaries brought him to the Doctor who was staying in a nearby town. Monty needed quite a few stitches and the Doctor felt responsible for those early scars.
“On the battle field we just learned to get things done fast without worrying about if it looks pretty later.”
Once he’d healed up, Monty asked the Doctor to travel with them in case they needed him again. The Doctor agreed and still traveled with them.
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