#clerissa dal'varek
annoyed-galaxy · 5 years
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“It was a long day. So long that I went back to the inn, bought a shit ton of wine, drank most of it, and found a lute and played a few songs. I actually wasn’t terrible despite being drunk. My skills have not deteriorated.
So allow me to tell you, my trusty little journal, about today.
After resting, I went with Erandur, the Priest of Mara who asked for my help, to Nightcaller Temple. He explained to me that we had to destroy an ancient artifact within the temple to get rid of the nightmares plaguing the people of Dawnstar. Sounded easy enough except, of course, there was a barrier blocking our way. Erandur explained there was a way past it but he needed to go to the library to see if the book was still there.
I was confused, wondering how he knew so much and then he admitted that he was once a cultist in this temple. A follower of this Vaermina. I became distrustful of him because I really don’t like being lied to.
We went to the library and he explained that we could get past the barrier by drinking a specific potion and entering something called the Dreamstride.
But of course, he couldn’t take the potion since he was now a devoted priest of Mara. So of course, I have to take the damn potion.
As if I hadn’t had enough living through other people’s memories. Which is exactly what this was. I was living through another person’s eyes. My thoughts, my voice, my movements were not my own. I was moving through the temple until I was on the other side of the barrier. Then I woke up in my own body. Erandur was amazed because I disappeared when I drank the potion, then reappeared right there. I opened the barrier and then we went to the main chamber of the temple where the artifact was located.
We were attacked by two of Erandur’s old colleagues. He didn’t want to kill them but did so anyways along with my help. After that, he performed a ritual to destroy the Skull of Corruption. While I watched, I heard a voice speak in my head. It sounded like a woman who told me Erandur was going to betray me.
I’ve had enough experiences with voices telling me lies in my head that I ignored her. She wanted me to kill him and take the skull. My body urged to do it, but I resisted and the Skull was destroyed. Erandur thanked me for my help and offered to help me on my journey if I ever needed him.
So all in all, the day was very long and I was very tired. Dreamwalking and voices in my head is nothing new. But I was hoping I could get rid of it in this new world. Wonder what else will come to me.
Hopefully I do make it back home because when I do, I’ll show this, my journal, to Jes. To you. I questioned why I was writing my thoughts down when I realized I wouldn’t be able to explain all of this. And that I missed you terribly. So maybe that’s why I started writing everything down. Because I want you to know what’s happening. I hope I can make it back to Vyn. Or find a way to bring you here. At least there are people here. We wouldn’t be the only people left alive.
Is that selfish for the next civilization to come on Vyn? To leave them to their fates rather than warn them about the High Ones? It may be, but being back in action in a completely new world makes me crave for something other than waiting for the day civilization will rise again just to warn them of the High Ones and the Cleansing.
Here in Skyrim, there is no worrying about that. Despite the freezing cold and this Daedric Prince, things have been relatively calm. I wish you were here. It would be nice.”
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰ 
I didn’t get many pictures this time because I forgot to take some, but there’s a nice story and reflective thoughts from Clerissa. Only a few days in this new world and she’s already questioning whether she wants to go back to a world that’s completely dead.
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jhara-ivez · 5 years
Home alone ~ Jespar edition
(I apologize to everyone. Especially if your OC somehow acts out of character. I tried :D )
Alok: “This’ll be so much fun! I can’t wait to get there!”
Wren: “And don’t forget: Tomorrow at 7am in front of the city gates. Don’t be late!”
It’s night. A big thunderstorm looms over the city. Everyone is fast asleep except for Jespar who is still drinking and smoking in the tavern.
7 in the morning
*Jespar drooling on his pillow*
7 in the morning at the city gates
*everyone stuffing their bags into the car* Wren: “Guys, last time we forgot Addie. That’ll not happen again today. Where’s Addie?” Addie: “I’m here.” Wren: “Perfect. Well then, guys, get in!” *everyone squeezes into the car, Elurah’s the one driving* Elurah: “Alright. Everyone on board?” *happy cheering, occasional “ouch”-noises* Addie: “Turn on the radio!”
8:56AM *Jespar wakes up* *goes to the bathroom & brushes his teeth* *all more or less while being still half asleep* *then goes to the living room* *blinks*
*goes to the kitchen*
“Guys?” *goes to every single bedroom* “What the heck- GUYS???” *stares into the void* “Damn, Wren said something yesterday…. or did she?” *goes back into the living room and looks on the calendar* “…………………………………………oh shit!” *runs to the city gate*
“Shit! They just drove without me! Blazes! How could they just- …. …. Wait. That means…..”
*grins widely all of a sudden* “I am home ALONE! Awesome!” A FEW MINUTES LATER *Jespar in the kitchen, giggling like a child* *opens the fridge* “Oh, ICECREAM! IS THERE SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO EAT THAT??? NO?? EHEHE.” *takes icecream that is clearly labeled with ‘Eska’s* ______________________________ *Jespar in the living room* “OH ALOK YOU ARE NOT AROUND, ARE YOU?” *takes Alok’s lute* *strums a few cords and sings a blues* ______________________________ *Jespar in the kitchen again* *eats a breakfast suitable for a king because he plundered the fridge again* *the radio is on* Esme: As always the weather will be sponsored by XXX. But first the latest news. A tragic accident happened in Ark yesterday. The wellknown poet Prince Adreyu of Mith was found dead near the Fat Leoran. Witnesses told the guards that he drank from a mysterious bottle and dropped dead shortly after. The apothecarii stated that a CPR was not successful.” *Jespar, licking the plate clean, completely unfaced* “Tragic.” _____________________________ *Jespar in the living room after smoking way too much peaceweed*
“Hm… hungry again. Let’s have some Pizza.” AT THE PIZZERIA
*phone rings* *Lea struggles to roll out the dough* *Jhara picks up, bored out of his mind and completely monotone*
Jhara: “Pizza Wolvelini…Other pizza is nice…ours is…nicer. New this week… pizza with….burned flesh. When everything else tastes like shit you haven’t tried our pizza yet. I tell you, you will be absolu-” Lea: “JHARA!” Jhara: *exhaling*     “…..Your order?” Jespar: “A pizza.” Jhara: “Hm.” Jespar: “With cheese.” *Jhara looks over to Lea, evil smile on the lips* Jhara: “We’ll be right with you.” *hangs up* *La donna è mobile starts playing in the background*
10 MINUTES LATER *Jhara rings the doorbell* *Jespar opens the door* Jespar: “Finally. My pizza!” Jhara: “Yes. One. Don’t you think that’s a bit…. scant for you and all of your friends?” *tries to take a look into the flat* *Lea stands next to him with a notepad in her hands*
Jespar: “Oh. No. It’s just for me. I am completely alone at home. Usually I am never alone at home. And on top of that the alarm system just shut down and that’s especially dangerous since there is so much valuable stuff in the flat, you know? But oh well, after I’ve eaten I’m going to take a nap. I really sleep like a stone, you know? Say, you as a delivery service, how much money do you make? I for myself think theft shouldn’t be punished that harsh. Oh, and did you know that my windows are broken? They have to remain open for now. But I was considerate and got a ladder for the man who fixes the windows tomorrow. It’s right over there in the corner. And – just to make it clear again – there really is a fuckload of valuables in the flat.” Jhara: “Um….yeah. It’s 10 bucks.” *Jespar gives him 10* Jespar: “Keep the change.” Jhara: “… nice…?” Jespar: “Oh and take care not to stumble over the spare key when you leave. It’s right there.” *the key is literally laying there in full sight* Lea: “…” Jhara: “…” Jespar: “It’s the big one. With the silver keychain. Bye~” *door closes* Jhara: “….Do you think he wanted to tell us something?” SOMEWHERE AT THE BEACH Calia: “Guys? Don’t we…. Don’t we miss a person?” everyone: “….?” Calia: “….Jespar?” Thaizo: *spitting his cocktail all over Clerissa* “Oh my god!” Shizero: “Fuck! Jespar home alone?! The last time he nearly choked on a banana and lit the house on fire!” *everyone panics* Thaizo: “Can someone call him?!” Eska: “No, there’s no reception around here!” BACK IN THE LIVING ROOM *Jespar sits down with his pizza* *…. which is basically just an weirdly-shaped, unbaked dough with cheese, ketchup and uncut tomatoes on top* *turns on the telly and eats*
Tharaêl: Good evening, mysirs and mydames. Tealor Arantheal, the leader of the Holy Order, mentioned in a press conference on Morndas that the work on the beacon is nearly done. Last improvements are made until the end of the week. Afterwards the beacon will be lit immidiately. For the rest of the world this means - “ *Throws his papers in the air*      “WE’RE FUCKED! FUCKED!!!”
*Jespar spreads out on the couch* “Shit happens…” *falls asleep*
IN A NEARBY PARKED TRANSPORTER Lea: “Alright. We will sneak up to the building, climb up the northern house front, up to his window-” Jhara: “Right. And then we drill a small hole into the glass and through that we’ll-” Lea: “Jhara. The windows are open.” Jhara: “….Boring. And then?” Lea: “…um…” Jhara: “Let’s google this.” Lea: “Uh, great idea.” *opens up google* Lea: “How do I rob an unsuspecting, careless and helpless idiot” Jhara: “with violence” Lea: “…with violence…. Oh, look. It even has pictures!”
A FEW MINUTES LATER AT THE DOOR *Lea tries to pick the lock* *Jhara stares at the bell* *Jhara rings the bell* Lea: “What the fuck!” Jhara: “Oooooh… Oh shit, sorry. Robbery – haha, well, that was a bit stupid now, right? Hahaha…” *Lea is just exhausted* *Jespar pokes his head out the window* Jespar: “And who are you two?” Jhara: “Oh eh hi there! We actually wanted to break in.” Jespar: “Better not do that.” Jhara and Lea: “…” Jespar: “But you could come in and watch the 7-season rerun of My lord, my lady with me if you want???” Lea: “Uh… no dude. Sounds horrible.” Jespar: “Tsk. No taste…” *vanishes from the window* Jhara: “But I like My lord, my lady…” *gets dragged away by Lea* Lea: “Jhara, no.” Jhara: “Jhara, yes!”
MIDNIGHT *Jespar sits with the two thieves on the couch* *stuffing their faces with potato chips* Lea: “Mind to pass me the red wine, my lord?” Jespar: “It’ll be my pleasure, my lady.” *noises at the door*  *the other prophets storm in and yell Jespar’s name* Thaizo: “Oh thank the sun! The flat is still standing!” Shizero: “And you are fine too, Jespar!” Jespar: “You all forgot about me!!!” Wren: “Yes, but-” Jespar: “NO! You forgot about me! And because of that you are not allowed to get angry about whatever I might have done in the meantime!” everyone: “…” Shizero: “Ok…. but who are those two and why do they wear ski masks and look like burglars?” Jespar: “They work in a pizzeria and I like them.”
THE END (based on “Frodo allein zu Haus” by 1080Nerdscope)
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 years
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“Well. Today I almost murdered a child. Normally I can take a few taunts and jeers every now and then, but this bratty little shit made me want to punt him through a gods-damned window and into the void. I was fine with the first few jeers he sent my way, but then he over did it and gods have mercy, I was so close to slapping him.
The kid lost his parents in the mine and, for some cold-hearted reason, really doesn’t care. The alchemist in Dawnstar took him in and he’s waiting for her to die so that he turn her shop into a museum. Little uncouth, but okay. Although, if it were me, I wouldn’t be trying to fill the museum with fake artifacts. Maybe I could tell him about the High Ones and scare the ever living shit out of him...that’s not me. I’m not that mean. Well...for that kid...I might make an exception.
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After speaking to the irritable little brat, I met a very shy and quiet person who surprised me for a second when he told me his name. Jaspar Gaerston, he called himself. Said he was an aspiring writer. He was very soft-spoken and very...wordy. I guess that’s what a writer is. He seemed sweet enough. He seemed very passionate about his writing but was discouraged when some famous publisher denied one of his works, claiming it was written by a blacksmith. Yeah, a little harsh. I told him to keep following his dreams that one day, something miraculous will happen. No matter how bad life may seem, there is always a silver lining to look at.
When I told him that, I was thinking of the silver linings of my own life: losing my companion in Nehrim and being tortured as a slave, but that allowing me the strength to fight back and become who I am now; dying but coming back as Fleshless with new abilities; the world as I knew ending, but allowing me to spend eternity with the person I loved.
I would have given this young fellow those as examples, but then I think he might have thought I was crazy.
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After speaking to Jaspar, I performed another song for a free room and then studied a little bit of magic. I learned a few new spells and more structures of spell. Learning magic this way is kind of fun! Definitely not convenient as it takes forever, but still fun nonetheless.
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After that, I left Dawnstar on a mission that was given to me by the innkeeper. Said that one of the people in Dawnstar wanted a family member found. So I took up the offer. A few miles away and I had to set up camp for the night. Let me say this, Skyrim is just as beautiful as Enderal at night. I have always felt more at peace gazing up at the mystical lights in Enderal and it felt nice to know that Skyrim had at least something familiar for me.
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I stumbled upon a little “fort” built atop a mine infested with bandits. Dealt with them like a piece of cake. Even got a new sword. It looks horrible, but the enchantment on it was like my old sword that I made in Enderal. If I end up being stuck here for too long, I’m going to have to make my own armor set again. I miss my shadow steel.
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When I got to the location where the missing family member was, I rescued her from a few bandits. Her name was Tigrid and she said she stumbled on the steps on her way to sneak up on the bandits. She told me to meet her back in Dawnstar so I warmed up a little bit before heading back.
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Tigrid explained to me that she was always clumsy in her life. She had unnaturally long arms and legs and was bullied often because of it. Only one person ever stood up for her and their name was Shalene. Shalene taught Tigrid how to fight by the Dawnstar lighthouse. However, one night, when Tigrid borrowed a sword from the smith, she slipped on the steps and lost the sword down at the coast. It took them a while but she managed to find the sword. However, when she went to show Shalene, Shalene was paralyzed by a door that was speaking to them. It had asked them a question to which Tigrid had accidentally said the answer to.
Shalene went in and never came back.
Tigrid told me she dedicates her life to living the life Shalene wanted her to live. She felt guilty because she was not brave enough to follow her friend through that door.
I asked Tigrid if she wouldn’t mind adventuring with me. She accepted.
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We celebrated by drinking and talking the rest of the night. I even played another song or two for the inn that night. She was impressed with my skills. I was thinking of telling her about what happened to me, but decided it was best to keep a secret for now. I’ll tell her when we’ve become closer friends and when I know she won’t run away thinking I’m crazy.
I’m glad I’ve found someone in this freezing hellscape to journey with. Makes it a little less empty. But still, with Tigrid by my side, nothing will fill the hole in my heart where my husband is supposed to be.
Husband. It’s weird to think of Jes like that. When Tigrid asked my name, I had told her. And I said Clerissa Dal’Varek. It just rolled off the tongue. I had almost forgotten that Jes and I had a little wedding in Star City one day. We were bored and even though no one else would ever know it, we entertained the idea of marriage.
It’s almost strange to say my name with his last name, but right at the same time. Tigrid recognized the name was foreign and I explained to her that I wasn’t from around here. She could tell by the pointy ears and laughed.
If only that was half of it.”
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This was a lot longer than the last one for sure! Not much happened other than some storybuilding elements really and some NPC encounters. The three people mentioned here Thorolf, Jaspar Gaerston, and Tigrid are from the mod Interesting NPC’s (I’m pretty sure). There’s two other people I have met that appear from this mod (Viranya from the first chapter was one of them) and it’s actually really cool how these NPC’s have their own story. It adds a lot of story building and interactions for Cler.
I’m happy a few of you are enjoying this. Originally I just wanted to play modded Skyrim and I normally play as an Altmer but didn’t know what to do and just ended up making Clerissa so all of this kind of just happened on a whim. Kinda just making it up as I go.
Glad to see some are enjoying it!
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 years
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“I finally touched one of those strange crystals floating around this realm. When I touched it, my vision got blurred and a massive headache crashed over me. It was almost like I was suffering from Arcane Fever.
When I woke up, I was in some building. I went out of the room I was in just to see a bunch of people with robes. I approached one of them and asked where I was. She explained to me that I was in the Hall of the Vigilants. I asked her who she was. She said her name was Viranya and that she served Stendarr, the God of Mercy, in wiping out Daedra.
I was so confused.
I asked her if she was Aeterna because she looked like me: yellow-tinted skin, slanted eyes, pointy ears. She had no idea what Aeterna was or what that meant but said she was an Altmer, or High Elf. She looked at me strangely after that.
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After I spoke with her, I roamed around the hall a little bit. The keeper gave me some supplies and asked that I be on my way. I guess they really did not like the fact that a random stranger just woke up in the middle of their sacred hall. Let alone one who asking strange questions like who was Stendarr or what were Daedra.
Stendarr is one of the Nine Divines, the religious entities of Skyrim (the land I was in) and Daedra are basically demons. So I know I’m not on Vyn anymore. Wonder if these entities are just powerful mages like the Light-Born or if they are actual divine beings. Who knows.
After leaving the hall, I went outside and I already hate Skyrim. I hate it so much that I’d rather go back to the Powder Desert in Enderal or even Nehrim!
It’s. So. Fucking. Cold.
I was confused as to why the keeper had given me lots of furs and a tent.
Then I understood as I walked further away from the hall. Nothing in my life has made me hate the cold more than this. I love winter, don’t get me wrong, but Skyrim is the definition of a fucking winter wonderland and I hate it. I barely made it that far away from the Hall before I had to try and set up a little camp.
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It took forever to get a blasted fire running, but when it did, I felt better than I had when I first stepped out into this blizzarding wasteland.
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As I sat by my fire, trying desperately to warm myself up, I realized that I could not cast magic. Well, the magic that I had known. I also did not have Arcane Fever. I tried casting a small restoration spell on myself and there was no headache involved or anything. I was actually amazed!
I slept through the night, shivering in my little tent, desperately missing Star City and Jespar. I met more people in my first hours in Skyrim then I will ever see on Vyn again. The notion was kind of heartbreaking.
As I woke up, I tried packing up and moving out. But it was so damn cold that I was freezing as I walked away. I tried hurriedly making another camp but passed out.
I woke up in a small camp where someone had a left note saying they stole some money off of me. I was a little irritated but at least they just took my money and not everything else I had from that special realm. Where I woke up, for a second I thought I was near Starling territory because the building I was near was similar to the architecture of Star City. It even had moving stuff and those big metal doors. I couldn’t get in though. It was still freezing cold and I made another large campfire. Then I went out for a little bit and found a fort. The fort, of course, was infested with bandits. Despite my lack of magic, I’ve always known how to use a blade so these guys were nothing compared to what I’ve seen.
Slaying bandits is easy. Trying to get back to my warm and cozy camp while freezing my ass off? Not so easy.
I passed out. Again.
Fuck Skyrim.
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This time when I woke up, I was in an actual inn. Nightcaller Inn as it was called. I was in the town of Dawnstar. I managed to get some food, warm up, and relax a little bit. I asked the innkeeper about where I might be able to learn about magic. He explained that magic is frowned upon in Skryim and that the few places I could learn about were at the College of Winterhold (wherever the hell that is) or through court wizards.
Trying to understand magic in this world was more confusing and taxing than it has ever been for me in Vyn. Maybe that’s why all those Arcanists in the Order were jealous of me. Read a book and bam! Magic learned. When I went to the court wizard, she explained to me that reading spell tomes would take time, that I would have to analyze the glyphs and graphs and everything in between in order to understand a spell. Another thing was that I had to actually analyze spells themselves. What they were made of, how they were made, how they worked. The spells are constructed different in this world.
I asked her if anyone had ever suffered from Arcane Fever and she said that wasn’t a thing. The only thing close to what I described was simple mental exhaustion.
Taking this knowledge, I went back to the inn attempting to try my hand at learning magic the traditional way. I could understand most of these things a little easier since I already knew about magic. Part of me was wondering whether or not I should just stick to my sword and dagger. If one thing as Prophetess taught me, it was that magic was actually fun. I was determined to take advantage of the no-Arcane Fever penalty and have some fun. If I was going to be stuck here, I was going to at least learn some shit. Jespar might find it cool and interesting. That anyone can learn magic!
So far, this world has seemed a lot better than Vyn already (except for the fucking cold!).
Until I heard that nightmares are plaguing the poor people of Dawnstar. Unnatural nightmares. Caused by a Daedric Prince named Vaermina.
I swear...can’t I go anywhere without there being some dramatic ass problem and people reaching out to me for help?! I have my own issues. But...I know Jespar wouldn’t want me to turn my back on people who need help. Calia too. Tharael even.
So, once I’m rested, tomorrow I go with this Priest of Mara who asked for my help to Nightcaller Temple. Skyrim is becoming more interesting the longer I stay.
Wish you were here Jes. Would make the cold a little more bearable ♥“
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰ 
Frostfall makes trying to navigate Skyrim much more difficult, but a lot more fun. It adds for an entertaining twist to Clerissa’s journey through this unknown land. I’ll be posting a list of my mods since I’m pretty sure I finally have all of them finalized. Mods like Spell Research are making it more difficult to learn magic but interesting at the same time. It also adds spell crafting from Oblivion back but with a more immersive touch which I liiiiike.
On the next episode of DragonBall Z-wait shit wrong series...
On the next episode of Lost Prophetess, Clerissa goes out of her way to find out why people are having strange nightmares. Is the Red Madness a thing even in this world? Or is it something completely different that she has no idea what to make of it.
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 years
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“I found the old Starling-look-alike place while traveling. Tikrid and I were heading to two different places looking for things for Captain Wayfinder and the alchemist from Dawnstar when I stumbled upon the old campsite I woke up at. Tikrid was amazed by this place. I asked her what it was. She explained to me that these were Dwemer ruins. When I looked confused she explained that Dwemer were an ancient race with magnificent technology that disappeared. No one knows what happened to them, but their ruins and technology remains behind for everyone to see. Sounds almost exactly like the Starlings.
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Despite the freezing cold, I can make a pretty damn good fire and since I have a lovely tent to keep all the cold out, I can actually relax. Not to mention that furry cloak I have. So waaarm.
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Outside of the cave where we were supposed to find the magical ring were a pack of beautiful wolves. Apparently when I came here to Skyrim, I was gifted. Animals do not flee from nor fight me. I actually pet one and it seemed to like it. They even helped fight a Spriggan that was attacking Tikrid and I.
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The cave we entered was small, but beautiful. Mystical almost. And of course the Spriggan outside should have warned of us of the Spriggan MATRON we had to fight. My lunar guardian defended Tikrid and I long enough for us to get behind her and attack her. That was the most dangerous thing in that cave. The ring was hidden in a half buried chest, but we got it.
On our way to the second location for Captain Wayfinder, Tikrid and I stumbled across another inn. We took advantage of the location and rested there for a bit. I met a few interesting people there.
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I can’t remember the oaf’s name, but he was hammered. Completely drunk. What was funny is that he had barely had anything to drink. He explained that his hammer was enchanted; every time he used it, he got hammered. I asked why not just stop using it but he claimed he had not found a good replacement for her. I decided I would make him one because I really want that hammer now. Give it to Jespar when I return and make him use it. Oh the laughs I would have.
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The next person I met was Ange the Song-Bearer. She was a bard who simply wished to share the beauty of music to anyone who would listen. We performed a little song together and that got me a free room from the innkeeper. It got her free drinks which she shared with me. Of course it was mead or ale and I was disappointed. It turns out Skyrim is lacking in wine.
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The next person I talked to was called Moris the Draugr. I have no idea what a draugr was, but from what he explained, it was basically an undead person. He was once known as Moris the Living Draugr but due to an embarrassing accident involving his injuries and a snow bear licking his face, he became humiliated. He’s bitter bout it.
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The last person I met was named Callen. She claimed to be in the area hunting horkers. When I asked why it’s because she was trying to find the best horker meat for a friend that was salty at her for ruining his soup one day. I was baffled but she told me there was a big one, big enough to take down a ship. I offered to help her and she thanked me. I told her I would meet her at the wreck of the ship once I finished what I was doing.
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I rested for a bit in my room and dreamt about this painting that was hanging there. I don’t know why I dreamt of it, but I did. Not much to remember in that dream other than this angel was in it. I think I was in the Star City and she watched as Jespar and I looked down at Vyn and watched as the Cleansing killed everything.
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Now, the next leg of my adventure was...interesting. Extremely. First off, we went into a place called the Forsaken Cave. Second, I got to experience the draugr in person. I did not like it. Caves creep me out and I was half expecting my vision to blur out and memories of the past or something come soaring past. That wasn’t the case luckily.
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But it was still dark
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and fucking terrifying.
But of course! That wasn’t all! Oh hell no! Because Clerissa Dal-fucking-Varek can’t catch a break. We’re in this stupid tomb for some “refined Void Salts” right? Well I didn’t particularly want to go into a place called the Forsaken Crypt only to be greeted by, what I assumed to be the master of this crypt.  
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Tikrid and I were ambushed by him and four other draugrs. But you want to know something interesting? This fucking creature was shouting at us. Like words that were spells. What was more terrifying was that I understood what he said. I heard “force” and Tikrid and I were staggered. She was amazed and claimed that he was using the Thu’um the language of dragons. I stared at her in complete astonishment so long that I almost lost my head.
I had to focus on fighting and not what she just said because so much just ran through my head. We managed to finally killed them all. When I looked back at Tikrid, ready to ask her what she meant, she was paralyzed, looking at the large wall behind the draugr’s sarcophagus.
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I looked at it and heard the chanting. I heard the chanting and then saw the pulsing blue symbols on the wall. Unlike Tikrid, I wasn’t paralyzed. I was drawn to those glowing symbols. As I got closer, the chanting got louder and the pulsing light blurred my vision until those symbols were the only thing I saw.
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I looked at them and the symbols began to burn inside my mind.
The symbols made the word “kill”. I felt some special power behind that word, like there was something more but I couldn’t access it. When I turned back to Tikrid, she looked at me with astonishment. She told me that this was a Word Wall. Something the dragons used to write down words. I told her that I understood the word, that it meant it kill. I tried reading the other words, but I could not focus on them, the current word still burning bright in my mind and eyes.
She was amazed that I was able to read the words and said I may have the power to understand dragons.
The only dragon I had ever met was in the far reaches of Enderal and as far as I could tell, it didn’t speak. Then again, I never fought it as I was too fucking afraid to fight a DRAGON! And now I have Tikrid telling me I can speak in the dragon language?
We went back to Nightgate Inn and my eyes are still burning with those symbols. The chanting had stopped once I read the word, but I could feel the feint thrumming in the back of my head. What have I gotten myself into?”
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰ 
Oh boy the plot thickens! More NPC’s, more adventuring, and a new power that Clerissa doesn’t even know the half of! Oh the fun she’s getting herself into.
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 years
One of the mods I have installed is Player Voicesets. So now Clerissa has her own voice! The preset was female sultry but out of all the voices, this one suits Clerissa the best. It’s cool because she does talk and make grunts and noises when swinging her weapons. I like it!
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annoyed-galaxy · 4 years
for the OTP meme - Clerissa and Jespar, 3, 4, 17 - shower me with info, if you please~
Ask and ye shall receive my dear friend
3. Who has trouble sleeping alone?
Clerissa without a doubt. Too many nightmares for her liking. She has to sleep with something whether it be a doll, an animal, or a white haired mercenary, she needs something to cuddle with just to feel protected.
4. Who swears more?
I think it's pretty equal. They swear about the same amount except for when Clerissa gets angry. The only thing she says is 50% cuss words. She has definitely the entire *cough* fuck you *cough* to Tealor on several occasions.
17. Who fusses over takes care of the other when they get sick.
Again, it's pretty even. Jespar would be more worried, though, whenever Clerissa gets ill. Jespar makes sure she's okay and gives her tea and good food. He keeps the wine away from her though because as he's told her on several occasions "wine does not heal you". She knows he's right, but it still annoys her.
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 years
White Flame
Fictober Promp IV
"I know you didn't ask for this."
Fandom: Enderal
Rating: T
Warnings: Death (You might cry. Because I did while writing this.) 
Clerissa's head pounded. She barely remembered what happened. She only knew that Arantheal went to ignite the Beacon.
The Aeterna tried pushing herself up, but her arms were too weak. Her eyes fluttered close before she heard a portal open in front of her. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the Veiled Woman appearing above her. The Woman waved her hand and Clerissa's body began to heal.
She managed to push herself onto her knees. The Woman motioned to the portal. "This was not supposed to happen."
She faded and the portal was calling the Prophetess. Clerissa pushed herself onto her feet and slowly walked toward the portal. She entered a cold cave and a breeze caused her to shiver in her shadow steel armor.
Clerissa walked around the corner and gasped at the sight before her.
A giant machine was elevated in front of her. Clerissa hesitantly stepped towards the machine and to the control panel before it. A voice rang out around the cave and caused her to jump.
"Who are you?"
Clerissa looked at the face of the machine, believing it was the source of the machine. "My name is Clerissa."
"How did you get down here?"
"The Veiled Woman opened a portal for me."
"The-" the machine's voice cut off. "No. This is impossible. If you're here then that means..." It sounded as if the machine sighed. "The Cleansing is happening."
Clerissa nodded sadly. "Tealor Arantheal went to ignite the Beacon without the Numinos."
"Fool. It is too late."
Clerissa raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean?" she asked.
The machine began to explain to her what the Cleansing was all about, how mankind cause the Cleansing, how the Cleansing creates a new High One and how they have no power other than manipulation. The machine also told Clerissa that she was not truly alive. That she died when she was thrown off the ship after Sirius' death.
Clerissa leaned against the pole behind her. Arantheal had just begun the end of the world.
"Is there a way to stop it?" she asked, her voice soft.
"No. But there may be a way to escape it. The Star City. If you can get there, then you may be safe. Safe long enough to wait for the Cleansing to happen and then warn the new civilization."
"But everyone here would die?"
"Yes. The world would perish, a new High One would rise. But if you escape, you could guide the new world into destroying them. You could become their god."
Clerissa shook her head. "I don't want to be a god. And I don't want to do something like that on my own." Clerissa paused for a moment. "Jespar Dal'Varek...you said you can see everything on the surface...is he...is he alive?"
The machine was quiet for a few seconds before answering. "No."
Clerissa cried out. She slumped to her knees and couldn't stop the overwhelming feeling of grief that fell on her.
"I see he meant much to you."
Clerissa could not answer. Her eyes were full of tears.
"You won't have to do it alone," the machine offered. "If you press the button in front of you, I can guide you, help you."
Clerissa looked at the machine's face and thought for a moment, her tears drying.
She stood up and wiped her face before pressing the button. She wondered what was going to happen for a few seconds before she was pulled against the pull. She could not move and she felt her soul begin to leave her body. "What's happening?!" she shouted.
"I have waited eons for this. I've had many names, the most recent being the Black Guardian. But now, I will take your place. You don't want this. I do. I will become a god. Don't worry, when the new civilization rises and I have trained them, I will send someone to fetch you."
Clerissa screamed as she felt herself fade into the machine.
Then she heard an explosion and was released from the pole. She dropped to her knees and gasped. The Black Guardian roared.
Clerissa looked behind her to see the man she had just cried over.
"Jes!" she cried out. She rushed to her feet and ran towards the man.
He picked her up in his arms, throwing the bow he held to the ground. He gave her a kiss and she returned it before he dropped her on the ground.
"I thought you were dead!" Cler breathed out.
Jespar shook his head. "No, Tealor and Yuslan had blocked the entrance so I couldn't get in. Had to find a way around when I bumped into this Veiled Woman. I'm guessing the one who brought me back to life after Adila."
Clerissa nodded. "I assume she sent you this way?"
Jespar nodded.
The Black Guardian roared again and machines began to rise from the pipes in the ground. "HOW DARE YOU!"
Jespar and Clerissa turned towards the machine.
"No you weren't," Clerissa growled.
"It is too late. You can't save Vyn this time. It's over!"
Clerissa frowned. "I can. You said the ignition of the Beacon will cause the Cleansing." Jespar unsheathed his daggers and Clerissa followed suit, unsheathing her sword and casting electricity in her left hand. The machines advanced and Clerissa lashed out with her magic, the electricity stunning them before they continued.
"Go after the generators," Jespar nodded towards the large machines on both sides of the Black Guardian. "I'll keep these things occupied."
Clerissa nodded before running and jumping over the machines, using some of their heads as purchase for another jump. She reached one of the generators and channeled all her magic into a single bolt of lighting that destroyed the generator. A few more machines rose and began to swing at her with their metal sword arms. Clerissa ducked and chopped their arms off with her sword. "Gotta love shadow steel," she whispered to herself. She spun through them cutting the machines in half before running to the other generator.
"STOP HER!" shouted the Black Guardian.
Clerissa channeled the rest of her magic into one giant bolt and launched it at the final generator. It exploded in electrical energy. She managed to throw a shield over Jespar in time before getting thrown agaisnt the cave wall.
The machines fell and Jespar looked around. His shield disappeared and he rushed over to Clerissa. "Cler!" The Aeterna's eyes fluttered open.
Jespar helped her to her feet.
"So what was that all about?" he asked.
Clerissa took a deep breath before explaining everything the Black Guardian had said. "Even though he tried betraying me, I don't think he was lying," Clerissa finished.
Jespar nodded. "I hope not. If there's a chance that we can kill the High Ones, we have to take it. But there is nothing left for us. We are the only ones who can make it."
Clerissa nodded.
It took them a short amount of time to make it back to the Undercity. Jespar had cried out once they reached the area and white veins shot through his body. "I think the closer to the surface we get, the worse it gets," he said rubbing his head. He looked Clerissa up and down. "The Black Guardian was right. You aren't affected."
Clerissa looked down at herself and he was right. She felt no pain, but she could fell herself fading. "This entire time...I had wanted to die after what happened to me in Nehrim but..." Clerissa looked at Jespar, her eyes filled with sadness. "After you, I never wanted that to happen."
Jespar nodded sadly. "This makes me wonder...have I fallen in love with an illusion? Have you really been here?"
They looked at each other unstreadily before simultaneously grabbing hands. "You feel real enough," he whispered.
Clerissa squeezed his hands. "Come on, I'll teleport us back to the temple." Jespar nodded and closed his eyes as Clerissa summoned the last of her magic and teleported them back to the temple.
As soon as they were in the courtyard, Jespar collapsed to his knees. "Gah! It's...too much!" Clerissa picked the mercenary up in her arms before rushing to where the pods were. She helped him into one before stepping back. She had an idea in her head and she knew he wouldn't agree with it.
"How long can you hold on?" she asked.
Jespar hissed as another jolt of pain went through him. "Not...long."
Clerissa clicked her tongue and quickly ran back into the Temple's courtyard.
She looked around and saw the bodies of so many familiar people. She saw Lexil. He was gone. Clerissa clapped her hand to her mouth to try and stop the tears. She continued towards the Beacon and tried to ignore all the souls that were floating towards the sky.
She cried out when she saw Tharael hunched over a body. "Thae!"
The Aeterna turned his head. White lines were fading across his face, but he was still here. "Cler!" he called out.
She ran towards him and stopped suddenly when she saw the body he was hunched over. "Calia," Clerissa gasped.
The young Keeper turned her head. The girl barely had any flesh. She was all bones. She was dying. "Sa'Ira," Calia managed to make out. Clerissa kneeled next to her. "Did you do it? Are we saved?"
Clerissa looked at Tharael and saw in his purple eyes the same question. Clerissa looked down at Calia. "There is a way. I will do it. Rest now Calia. Please."
Calia grabbed for Clerissa's hand and squeezed. She smiled. "I knew...I believe in you." Calia's eyes slowly closed and her hand loosened.
Clerissa cried out, tears rushing from her eyes. Tharael looked down, silently carrying out his grief, then he hissed in pain. Clerissa looked at him and knew what she had to do.
"Thae come with me," Clerissa said as she grabbed the Aeterna's hand. She rushed Tharael into the room with the pods. Jespar looked up in surprise.
"Hey...you're...still alive," the mercenary smiled. Tharael nodded before hissing in pain again, in time with Jespar.
Clerissa opened the second pod and ushered Tharael in. "Is there another one?" the Aeterna asked.
Clerissa stepped back and smiled sadly while she shook her head. Jespar looked at her his brows furrowed. "Cler what are you doing?"
Clerissa looked sadly at her lover. "The Beacon can be destroyed. Lexil had said if we did so without the Numinos, it would destroy Enderal. I can feel the Cleansing. It isn't as bad on other continents as it is on Enderal. I can stop the Cleansing for now. Then you guys can warn the rest of Vyn and destroy the High Ones."
Jespar and Tharael just stared at Clerissa with blank expressions.
"No," Tharael shook his head, " I won't allow it." He went to leave the pod but Clerissa shook her head and flung her hand out to his pod door.
The door shut in his face and Tharael began banging against the door angrily. Clerissa could hear his muffled protests. "I'm sorry," Clerissa whispered, tears beginning to creep out. She reached forward and placed a kiss on Jespar's lips. This would be the last time they were ever together. "I'm already dead," she whispered against his lips. "It won't hurt. Please don't forget me Jes. After all the pain and suffering in my life, you were the greatest thing to happen to me."
Jespar went to argue but she silenced him with another kiss. He was too weak to fight her when she pulled away.
"I know you didn't ask for this, this pain, and I'm so sorry." Tears were pouring out of her eyes now.
The mercenary cried out as Clerissa began to shut the door. "Clerissa please!" his voice cracked and he reached out.
"I love you Jes."
His door shut and cried out, his voice a muffle. Tharael was still trying to open his door. Clerissa wiped her tears and used her magic to ignite the pods' engines. "Goodbye you two." She heard their cries as the pods launched into the sky and she teleported away to the Beacon. She watched as the pods flew through the skies into safety.
Clerissa looked at the base of the Beacon to see Arantheal curled in a ball. "I led them to the light. I alone," he was chanting.
Clerissa wanted to hurt him, but she knew he would feel none of this. Clerissa looked at the Beacon and allowed magic to swirl around her hands. She reached and focused her magic towards the Black Stones. She could feel their energy radiating through the world. The Cleansing was almost finished on Enderal, but the rest of Vyn was still starting.
Clerissa cried silently as her magic tore through the Black Stones and into the Beacon. She could feel the destruction start to radiate through her body. She closed her eyes and kept her magic on the Beacon, tearing it apart. She imagined Jespar and his smile, the way the scar across his eye moved every time. She imagined him tracing all the scars on her body, removing the painful memories with pleasant ones.
Then she imagined Jespar and Tharael arm-wrestling. She imagine Calia making flower crowns for everyone. She imagined Lexil joining them in her house for dinner. She imagined all the people she had met in Enderal. She imagined the peace she felt after Daddy left.
Then finally, she imagine Aravel smiling and waving at her. Next to Aravel, Jespar stood. Both of her lovers beckoned to her.
Clerissa smiled as her body burst into pure white flame. She could see Jespar crying in his pod and Tharael screaming. She brushed an ethereal hand against Jespar's cheek and put a hand on Tharael's shoulder. They both looked up and smiled a soft smile. They knew she was at peace.
Clerissa sighed softly as the memories of her family washed over her until all she saw was white hair and blue eyes.
"I love you."
Then the Prophetess exploded along with the Beacon and Enderal.
Please let me know if you did cry. Because I swear to you, I actually cried writing this. I didn’t have this end in the game, Jes and Cler survived, but with this prompt, I had to go with the angst. While writing this, I think I’ve honestly discovered that angst is literally my style. My skill.
I don’t know how this part of the game ends, but I’m pretty sure it’s not like this. That and Tharael was never alive in my play through but we don’t talk about that. Anyways, I really enjoyed writing this. Please let me know how it made you feel. This might be my favorite prompt this month
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 years
Fictober Prompt I
“It’ll be fun, trust me.”
Fandom: Enderal
Rating: E
Warnings: N/A
Clerissa opened her eyes to find Jespar Dal'Varek’s face above hers. He had a mischevious smile spreading across his face which made Clerissa raise an eyebrow. “Good morning to you?” she said, curiosity turning her greeting into a question.
“Morning, love,” Jespar greeted back. His arms were on both sides of her head, keeping his body above hers. “I have a surprise for ya.”
“Oh no,” Clerissa breathed and rolled her eyes. “The last surprise you had for me involved tar, feathers, and Tharael.”
“Okay, you had to admit that was funny.”
“It was funny when Tharael chased you through the Noble District with a knife,” Clerissa smiled at the memory.
Jespar pursed his lips. “Yeah yeah, whatever. This surprise involves no one else, promise. This is just for you and me.” Jespar placed a quick kiss on her forehead before pushing himself off the bed and landing on his feet next to the bed.
Clerissa groaned, not really wanting to get out of bed, but Jespar was already tugging her hand. “Come on!” Clerissa finally got out of bed due to Jespar’s urgency. He rushed over to the wardrobe and picked out her normal casual outfit: a long, purple tunic with short sleeves and wavy pants along with her shadow steel boots.
Clerissa fetched her undergarments as well and got dressed. She then grabbed her sheathe with her sword and dagger and placed them on her sword belt. Jespar looked at her as she wrapped the belt around her waist. “What?” she asked.
“You won’t need that, Cler,” he said, his voice hiding a small hint of worry. It was common knowledge between the two that Clerissa did not like ever being unarmed, even with her magic, due to old memories.
Clerissa did not respond to Jespar’s worry and instead continued tightening the belt. Once she was finished, Jespar took her hand and led her out of their shared bedroom. They went downstairs and saw Calia and Tharael already eating breakfast at the long dining table. They turned their heads to look at Clerissa and Jespar and smiled.
Clerissa still couldn’t get used to Tharael smiling.
“You two about to head out?” Calia asked.
Jespar nodded. “Yup! Got a surprise waiting for this lady here,” Jespar winked towards Clerissa. The Aeterna simply rolled her eyes.
Calia chuckled. “Well as long as there’s no repeat of the last surprise,” she said looking towards Tharael. The male Aeterna also rolled his eyes.
“I would throw the knife next time.” he growled.
“Thae,” Clerissa warned, his nickname making his eyes widen.
As much as she wasn’t used to seeing him smile, he still wasn’t used to having a nickname as an endearment. Better than Brother Wrath he supposed.
“Welp, we’re gonna get going!” Jespar announced, pulling Clerissa closer to the door.
“Wait! Why can’t we eat breakfast?” Clerissa complained as Jespar pulled her through the door.
“Breakfast is on the way.” Clerissa didn’t bother to argue as Jespar led her through the Noble’s District and into the Marketplace. They stopped by a stall and picked up a small snack before going to the Myrad Tower.
“What are we doing?” Clerissa asked as Jespar paid the Myrad keeper and hopped on the beast.
He smiled and held his hand out. “Just come on.” Clerissa sighed and took his hand. He lifted her on top of the beast and in front of him. The Myrad keeper handed Jespar two large backpacks.
“What are those?” Clerissa looked at them.
Jespar put one on his back and one on hers. “I’ll tell you when we get to the spot.” Jespar wrapped his arms around Clerissa’s waist and kissed her neck. Clerissa rolled her eyes and leaned into him as the Myrad took off.
It was an hour later and they were high up in the sky. Clerissa looked down and could barely see Ark. She tightened her grip on Jespar’s arms and the mercenary chuckled.  
“Here’s the surprise,” Jespar announced. He let go of Clerissa and she managed to swing her legs over the Myrad’s back so she was facing Jespar.
Her face was scrunched up in confusion. “Huh?”
Jespar smiled and placed a hand on her cheek. “I’ve noticed how stressed out you’ve been lately. This whole Cleansing ordeal and Prophetess stuff has been taking a toll on you, I’ve seen it trust me. Every time we are together you always seem tired and nine times out of ten, you just want to sleep rather than make love or even spend time with the family. You’re exhausted twenty-four seven and rarely have any fun time.” Jespar let go of her face to hold her hands. He kissed the tops of them before continuing. “I discovered this new little activity a little while ago. A few Kileans came here to Enderal, mounted a Myrad, flew way high up in the sky, and then jumped off. They had these backpacks,” Jespar motioned to the giant pack on their backs, “called parachutes. When they got near to the ground, they would pull this string,” he motioned to the string hanging off of the right strap, “and the pack would burst open with a large canopy that wind would rush into and allow them to slowly glide to safety. The fun part is diving through the sky. Hence why they called it skydiving. It’s supposed to be fun and exhilarating.”
Clerissa stared at Jespar for a while before she cracked a smile. “So you brought me up here, just so we could plummet back down?”
Jespar nodded. “The feel of the wind rushing through our hair, the weightlessness of falling, all of it should be fun!”
Clerissa shook her head, a smile still on her face. “Sometimes I don’t even know why I fell for you, you crazy mercenary.”
Jespar grinned. “Because I’m handsome, resourceful, good-looking, great fighter, sexy,” he winked as he said the last word.
Clerissa rolled her eyes but leaned in and kissed the mercenary. “You’re also crazy sometimes.”
“The best people always are.” He smiled before rubbing her hands with his thumbs. “It’ll be fun, trust me.”
And fun it was. As they fell, they held hands and Clerissa had never felt more free than she did whilst skydiving.
Ah it be like me to be late first day. I had a really long day and didn’t get to finish this before the second day started but fuck it it’s still here!
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 years
Fictober Prompt VI
"Yes, I'm aware. Your point?"
Fandom: Enderal
Rating: T
Warning: Language
"We need to do what?"
Clerissa rolled her eyes as Jespar gaped at her with his mouth wide open.
"We need to swim to an isolated island, go underwater and find this small cult area, I don't know. The guy just came up to me and threw the paper in my hands and strolled off." Clerissa sighed in expaseration.
Tharael put down the paper and scratched his head. "It literally just says: island, underwater, cult spot."
Clerissa nodded. "Yeah."
"So why do we need to go there?" Jespar asked, hands on his hips.
"Because some lady saw what happened and asked about her son and apparently her son is on the island or whatever and stopped contacting her and she wants me to find her son." Clerissa threw her hands up. "It's like everyone is coming to me with their problems."
"Well..." Tharael began.
"Your problem was different, Thae," Clerissa waved the Aeterna's remark off. "There are other people who wanted me to get a damn love potion for someone, or see what so-and-so was doing. One person even asked for me to save their fucking cat!"
"Okay, but it still remains that people may look up to you since you are the Prophetess and are supposed to save the world and all."
"Yes, I'm aware," Clerissa sighed. "Your point?"
"My point is is that you're a hero, Clerissa. Most people hear what is happening and think that your the solution to the Red Madness. They think that if you can fix that, you can fix anything." Tharael shrugged. "With the death of the Light Born, I'm sure people are looking for a reason to believe there is someone else who can help. Someone who seems to have all the answers."
Clerissa plopped down on a chair and looked at the Aeterna. "I don't have all the answers. I'm not some powerful deity waiting for worshippers to kneel before me. I don't have all the power."
"You helped me," Tharael said gently, his purple eyes holding the most sincerity she had ever seen. "And Calia."
"And me," Jespar added, leaning against the wall by the fireplace.
"My point is," Tharael continued, "is that people are looking for a beacon of hope. Some think it's the actual Beacon. Others think it's you. I saw you fight in the Undercity. That's why I wanted your help. I saw hope within you. Even when we went to go fight the Father, you stood with me." Tharael stopped and looked down at the table. "You even stopped me from killing myself. You convinced me that I wasn't a bad person. That I deserved a second chance."
Clerissa looked down at her hands.
"Thae's right," Jespar added. "You've helped me in several ways. I thought I would just run away like the coward I was after I brought you to Firespark, but you showed me that I could help. That I could make a difference in all this mess. You even helped me recover after Adila died." Jespar looked at Clerissa, his eyes sincere. "You know how awful I was after that."
"She killed you," Clerissa whispered.
"And because you knew me, cared for me, that Veiled Woman friend of yours brought me back. Because I was worth it."
Tharael raised his head and nodded with Jespar. "Not to mention what you've done for Calia and her inner demon," the Aeterna added. "You are our beacon of hope. You saved all of us in a way we can never thank you for."
"And," Jespar added, "maybe you'll save others. That's what they're hoping for: a savior."
Clerissa looked down at the floor again, taken back by her boyfriend's and brother's words. They were her family. And they were right: she had saved them in some way. All of them.
Clerissa didn't really know what to say other than: "Point taken."
We’re just going to ignore that giant ass puddle of grief that happened on Day 4 okay? Here’s some soft character developing stuff I guess. Clerissa has had a hard life. So she needs an uplifting speech from the two guys she loves the most. Clerissa baby girl is so hard on herself she doesn’t realize it so she needs to be reminded.
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 years
Fictober Prompt IX
"There is a certain taste to it."
Fandom: Enderal
Rating: T
Warnings: N/A
Clerissa opened her eyes after she smelled something somewhat pleasing travel up her nose. Jespar was snuggled on her chest, his head underneath her chin and didn't stir at all. Clerissa's ears flicked as she heard someone approach her bedroom door. A gentle knock sounded on the door before it slowly open.
Clerissa went to cover herself but the blanket was already pulled up and Jespar was covering most of her chest. Tharael stepped into the room with a wooden spoon in his hand. "Sorry to barge in, Clerissa, but I made dinner."
Clerissa tilted her head. "You made food?" she asked, amused by the thought.
"I've been practicing," he smiled slightly.
"Alright. We'll be down there in a minute," Clerissa chuckled, dismissing Tharael. The Aeterna left and Clerissa nudged Jespar. "Jes, we slept the entire day."
Jespar's eyes blinked open and he looked up at Clerissa. He smiled sleepily and kissed her neck. "Why don't we stay sleeping?"
Clerissa rolled her eyes even as she ran a hand through Jespar's hair. "As lovely as that sounds, Jes, Tharael did make dinner and I am curious to try his cooking."
Jespar pulled away from Clerissa's neck and looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Tharael did what now?" the mercenary asked, a smile spreading.
"You heard me." Clerissa pushed herself up onto her elbows, but Jespar was still stunned with surprise.
"I uh...Well now I'm curious." Clerissa laughed and pushed Jespar off her. She got dress in her simple tunic and pants and put on some slippers before heading downstairs.
Calia was sitting at the dining table and waiting patiently as Tharael began filling up bowls with soup. Jespar came behind Clerissa and looked at the table. "Wow that actually smells good." Jespar went to sit across of Calia and Clerissa sat next to him.
Tharael finished pouring out the soup and then sat down next to Calia. "I have been practicing and Calia tested the last batch and thought it was good."
Clerissa licked her lips and dipped a spoon in the bowl. Then she blew the stew and allowed it to stay on her taste buds before swallowing. "Mmmm!" she exclaimed. "There is a certain taste to it!"
Jespar nodded in agreement and smiled. "This is really good! What's in it?"
Tharael and Calia, who had not yet drank their soup looked at each other and smiled.
"Roasted rat," they said in unison.
Jespar and Clerissa looked at each other in surprise. And then the after taste came.
Both of them gagged while Calia and Tharael burst out laughing. "Payback is so sweet," Tharael chuckled.
"What did we do?!" Jespar cried out, wiping his tongue.
"Remember when you both fed us that disgusting plant soup," Calia raised her eyebrows.
Jespar and Clerissa looked at each other again and laughed at that memory.
"Okay fair enough," Clerissa nodded.
When the family decides to prank each other.
I had no idea for this prompt other than make something sweet and funny.
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 years
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Jespar and Clerissa say "Gay rights".
In honor of Pride Month, I wanted to draw something involving Cler and Jes. I was lazy, as you can see, and didn't do much detail nor lineart. But I'm actually proud of this, surprisingly.
Also, fuck Jespar's outfit. It was the main reason I didn't do lineart because drawing his armor was exhausting enough 😂
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 years
I Did It
I finally beat the game despite all the procrastination.
Did I cry?
But, there were tears of joy along with tears of happiness for I got...
The best ending possible.
Clerissa and Jespar will live on for the future generation to show them the truth of the Cycle and help them defeat the High Ones, once and for all.
I lost many friends; Calia, Lexil, Lishari, Commander Leora, Tharâel, Yuslan (despite him betraying us). But I get to live on with the one person I love and try to defeat the High Ones, one more time.
I couldn't have asked for a better ending. I cried tears of happiness and joy and just am so thankful that I made it. I may not have won the battle, but I will win the war. And I won't be alone to do it.
I will have a video coming out of my reaction. I would have done reactions for the entire game but didn't think of it until after Tharâel's death hence why I started recording things afterwards. So, I'll have to edit the video, but there is one and I will have another blog coming out reviewing the game because oh my god, so many good things to say about this damn game and story and everything else.
But I did it. I am complete.
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 years
Fictober Prompt VII
"No, and that's final."
Fandom: Enderal
Rating: T
Warnings: Minor Language
Clerissa looked over the horizon of the Powder Desert, her scarf covering her face to prevent the sand from getting into her mouth and nose. She was on top of her horse, named Secret, and was just looking out as the mercenary behind her finished saddling his horse.
He finally lifted himself onto his own horse and pulled up next to Clerissa. He didn't wear a mask like she did. "So what exactly are we doing here?" Jespar asked looking out over the horizon as well.
"I wanted to come back here," Clerissa replied, pulling her mask down.
"Why?" Jespar asked looking over at her.
"Because there's something I need to know," Clerissa replied again, not exactly answering Jespar's question.
The white-haired mercenary rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, hun."
Clerissa pulled her mask up again and kicked her horse into a run. Jespar followed closely behind.
She urged her horse onto the road that began leading to the old and ruined Dal'Varek estate. Once passing through the old gate, Clerissa slowed Secret down and dismounted.
Jespar followed in the same movements and took a deep breath before coming to Clerissa's side. "Clerissa, I love you and all, but what are we doing here again?"
Clerissa looked down at her lover and sighed, pulling her mask down. "There's something I need to know. Something that has been bugging me." Clerissa turned to the ruined house. "Stay here," she commanded.
"Oh, hell no, I'm going wherever you're going," Jespar argued.
Clerissa turned around and glared at him. "You can't. It's not healthy for you. Especially after what happened here!"
"Then why bring me along?!" Jespar shouted.
"Because this was on the way to the cave where Kurmai is!" Clerissa shouted back.
"Well this is MY estate and MY old home. So technically, by you being here without explicit permission from a Dal'Varek, you are trespassing!"
"Oh what are you gonna do?" Clerissa rolled her eyes. "Call the guards and escort me off of ruined land?" It was a low blow but she was starting to get angry with Jespar.
"I'll just kick you out myself!" Jespar snared at her face.
"Ha! Go ahead and try, Dal'Varek. It would be amusing," she sneered back at him.
Jespar snarled at the Aeterna. "What happened to calling me Jes?" he whispered, anger still in his voice.
"Well, Jes is reserved for the friend and boyfriend who isn't being an annoying little brat and just listening to me for once!" Clerissa shouted.
Jespar flinched back, his mouth gaped. "Annoying brat?!" Jespar crossed his arms and scoffed. "Says you! You won't even tell me what the fuck we're doing here?"
Clerissa had had enough. "I said no. No, and that's final!" She turned around and marched away from Jespar. She heard him kick the ground and plop next to the horses.
Clerissa shook her head as she went into the little cave that Jespar and his sister had always gone in. Once she got to the main area, a shiver went down her spine and she could remember seeing Jespar's body being burned as Adila killed him. He was dead. Clerissa remembered killing Adila with a sword in her heart and a dagger in her throat.
Clerissa went to the center of the cave and kneeled in the middle. She remembered kneeling her with Jespar's body and her arms and crying over him with Adila's only a few arm lengths from her.
Clerissa washed away the memory and allowed her magic to flow out into the Strange Place, into the Sea of Eventualities. "Veiled Woman. Wherever you are, please come to me. I need answers."
Clerissa searched within the Sea until she felt a presence behind her. "What is it do you want, Prophetess?" the woman asked.
Clerissa kept her eyes closed. "I want to know why you brought Jespar back. I know you said it was because you thought I deserved payment for Sirius but there has to be something else."
The Veiled Woman nodded despite Clerissa not seeing her. "Because you love him. Because he will help you. Because he is as important in this game as you are."
Clerissa looked up, her eyes opening. The Veiled Woman stepped forward and kneeled before her. Clerissa could not see her eyes because the Woman's hood covered them. "So it wasn't just for me. It was because he is needed in all this."
The Veiled Woman nodded again. "He will play an important part in this story. He will save you."
Clerissa sighed. "He already has."
"Yet the two of you are fighting," the Veiled Woman tilted her head.
Clerissa's eyes began to sting. "I just wanted to come here, ask you a question, and just protect him. This is where he died. It's where I murdered his sister." Clerissa wiped at her eyes. "I just didn't want him to go through that same pain."
The Veiled Woman looked up. "I'm sure you two will make up." She faded away and Clerissa looked up, tears now coming down her cheeks.
Clerissa looked down, trying to ignore the mercenary.
"Cler," Jespar tried again, sitting in front of her. Clerissa didn't look up. "Why didn't you just tell me?"
Clerissa brought her hands to her face and wiped the tears. "I was trying to protect you," Clerissa whispered.
"You don't need to do that, Cler. I don't need your protection. I can protect myself. I know you didn't want me coming back here, but if you had just told me that you were seeking answers from the Veiled Woman, we wouldn't be arguing." Jespar reached out for her hands.
She finally looked up at him and saw him smiling. "How can you still look at me knowing that I murdered her?"
Jespar sighed and pulled Clerissa to him. She turned so she was leaning against his chest and his chin rested on her head. "My sister was lost. The High Ones had corrupted her and turned her into a monster. If anything, you released her. You saved her." Jespar kissed her head. "I don't hate you for that. I know you had probably wanted to avenge me. I saw her body. I saw what happened. But, I understand." Jespar hooked a finger underneath Clerissa's chin and forced her to look at him. "You loved me. Still do. After what you told me about Aravel, I understood how much my death hurt you."
Clerissa looked at his pale blue eyes and kissed him.
"I'm sorry, Jes."
"Heh, that a girl. I like that name."
Clerissa chuckled and wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you."
A little bit of redeeming stuff. Some more developing because Adila fucked Clerissa up. And why nooooot!
Also late again yeehaw.
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 years
Fun Facts Bout Clerissa II
More facts bout Clerissa because I now thought of them.
Despite being moderately intelligent, Clerissa struggles to read and write. Growing up poor in Nehrim never really allowed her much time for school and most of the money she earned by singing, was spent on her family. She was embarrassed to tell her friends about it. However, Jespar was the first one to find out when he gave her a letter to read in person and she struggled with the sentence long letter for five minutes. She felt embarrassed, but Jespar offered to teach her. She still struggles to read and write and her handwriting is abysmal, but thanks to Jespar, she has gotten better.
Clerissa likes to keep a calm aura and seemingly peaceful look. But deep down, Clerissa is a very angry person. She tries to be nice to everyone, but all it takes is a few words and someone may end up as a fried shish kabob on her sword. So basically, don't piss her off. But most of the time, she can keep cool longer when surrounded by her family.
Clerissa's dreams with Daddy eventually began to fade away, but were quickly replaced by dreams of Adila murdering Jespar. Several times in a week, Clerissa would always wake, pressing herself close against Jespar, always needing to know he's there. Clerissa has never told him about the dreams with his sister and may never.
Clerrisa likes to play with hair and will often times mess with her family's hair. She gets infuriated when she can't braid any of their hair due to everyone's being too damn short.
Clerissa uses Jespar as an arm rest. It annoys him, but he never stops her because he knows he can't. Calia and Tharâel find it absolutely amusing.
After Adila's death, Jespar didn't stop going to the Dancing Nomad to get drunk for a while. He had a huge tab that Featherkeeper begins to get annoyed with. Clerissa offers to pay the tab and any future payments. She still hasn't told Jespar why he gets free drinks now.
Clerissa loves to cuddle. She finds comfort in cuddling especially with Jespar. She feels like the world slows down and she can think straight with him close to her.
Clerissa cannot flirt for the life of her. Jespar finds it cute when he sees her fail to be smooth and laughs whenever he turns her failed flirts around and make her turn tomato red.
When Clerissa get annoyed/mad with Jespar, she call him by his middle name, Mitumial. When she first did it, it made him confused but he has learned when he hears his middle name, he's in trouble.
Clerissa's nickname for Calia is Lia. Calia has always found it cute and loves it. When Calia asked why Clerissa did it, the Aeterna responded with "I once gave my little sister a cute nickname."
Clerissa likes shortening people's name hence why she calls Jespar, Jes, and Calia, Lia. However, it pisses her off that she can't find a good nickname for Tharâel. (She also hates trying to spell his name.)
More will come don't worry! Maybe the story behind her scars will come next 🤔
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 years
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Clerissa explaining to Jespar how she fights. If I were you Jes, I'd be a little concerned about your gf.
Making a comic was so easy in MediBang since it has specific tools for it. I don't know why, but I just enjoy this shitty little thing so much 😂
(Clerissa's sword is a lot bigger, trust me 😉)
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