dreamsheartstory · 8 years
as promised, some headcanons for early Clarke/Octavia/Lexa in the OT4 ‘verse! (basically things that happened in the time skip between The Seduction of Lexa Woods and This Bed is Too Small and Maybe the Apartment Too)
After the rockiness of how things all started their courtship/early relationship went really well. Clarke learned to accept that she wasn’t losing O and Lexa worked really hard to make sure she felt loved and safe. O and Clarke tried really hard to show Lexa that she wasn’t ruining their relationship.
At first it was a lot more hanging out, but with Lexa between them. In public they kept up the charade of friends and Clarke and Octavia stopped acting like a couple as much as possible because they hated leaving Lexa out of the affection.
Octavia of course kissed Lexa that same night Clarked murmuring It’s only fair as she leaned in.
It took them a few months to have sex for the first time. Unlike with how things went with Raven their first time was the three of them together. Octavia and Clarke had talked a lot about having Lexa in bed with them since that first kiss, in the heat of things wanting her there, once or twice they almost called her up, but they wanted her to be ready too. There were a few times they got into making out, and there’s only so much you can do to keep things vaguely PG-13 when you’ve got three people kissing. And so one night they bring up sex. And Lexa is 100% relieved and 100% nervous. They start to talk through things but end up taking shots of whiskey and crashing into bed because none of them know how this goes.
Lexa wakes up naked and pressed between them the next morning and has a few minutes of feeling like she belongs before panic sets in that this won’t last. 
At first she only sleeps over when they have sex but then she starts sleeping over all the time.
Sometimes they go on dates in pairs when the third has work. 
Clarke and Octavia have a very brief not entirely well thought out conversation agreeing with each other that they’re obviously cool with the other kissing/sleeping with Lexa without the other. Octavia just runs with this. Clarke has to work on believing she is okay, still she’s the one that sleeps with Lexa one on one first. She realizes she really is okay after O and Lexa have sex and O’s first reaction when she sees Clarke is to practically tackle her and kiss her and ask to hear all about Clarke’s day at work, then Lexa saunters in with three mugs of tea and kisses the spot in front of Clarke’s ear and they all curl up on the couch, an exhausted Clarke in the middle.
Lexa talks with Clarke pretty early on about how much she drinks, because that seems to be Clarke’s only coping mechanism.
Octavia drags Lexa on many early morning runs (Lexa is secretly relieved when they meet Raven and O and Raven hit it off as running partners).
The moment Lexa realizes she’s in love is when she comes home one day to the tiny apartment and finds Clarke straddling a half naked O and they’re both covered in paint, and Clarke is deep in concentration and O is half asleep.
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agaysongbird · 8 years
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I got a new flannel and I am Ready For Fall™ 🍂🎃🍁
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n1ghtwr1ter · 8 years
Thanks for answering! No, of course a threesome doesn't fit Badlands verse but I thought the ideat would be cool as a stand alone oneshot. I'm not into threesomes and I like Clarke and Lexa only with each other but the idea you put in my head of Octavia added to the mix and Lexa as an alpha dealing and pleasing two women at the same time. Sorry but the visual image is just too hot :P
I agree, it’s definitely hot… @-@ Like I said, I’ll definitely consider it as a one-shot, but I think it’d have to be set up very carefully. It’ll go in the back pocket list as well. :)
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clextavia100 · 8 years
i haven’t watched the 100 in 10 weeks because i knew i couldn’t handle Lexa’s death. now, i’ve decided to go ahead and catch up because i’m having Octavia and Raven withdrawals.
quick question: how many tissues do i need?
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pasta-abomination · 9 years
Y'know what else I'm sad about? We had Clextaven for a week--a WEEK--the OT4 to end all OT4s (apart from Lost Girl, but I digress)-- And then we lost that, too. And the Clexa fandom has done some amazing, important (legendary, actually) shit and somehow come back as strong as *ever*, but I miss the "Princess and her Knight" posts from the Clarktavia fandom, and the Lextavia headcanons, and the motherfucking Princess Mechanic and Warrior Mechanic badassery, and this blossoming little OT4 and the threesomes and-- We lost *so much* because of 3x07. We lost our sense of safety, and it's thrown us into survival mentality, almost--and we will. Survive, that is. Thrive, if this all is any indication. But our expansiveness seems to have taken a hit, too; when you're always on your heels, always patching your wounds, it's hard to move forward and imagine *more*. I miss my OT4, y'all. I don't have enough spoons to sail this ship by myself.
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bii-babie · 9 years
Okay but I get even more angry when I think about how we never even got to see the OT3 band together to kickass. Clextavia was killed too and I’m going to riot
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Thank you @alyciajasmin for bringing Lexa to life so flawlessly!! Yu gonplei ste odon 😭💔 May We Meet Again 😭💔 We Love You Alycia! ❤ RIP LEXA!! ❤️❤️❤️👏👏❤️ #alyciadebnamcarey #alyciajasmin #the100 #the100cast #the100lexa #the100ladies #commanderlexa #clexa #clextavia #commanderhearteyes #grounders #trikru #hedalexa #hedaisback #hedalexakomtrikru #hedaleksa #favorite #love #loveofmylife #riplexa #cinnamonroll
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sapphicgalaxy · 9 years
Clexa are so worried about Octavia and im here for it
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100flowercrowns · 9 years
People keep talking about a clextavia threesome but tbh why not just go for the gold: "clextaven"? I mean seriously damn if you're gonna ship it go big or go home...
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dreamsheartstory · 8 years
Now I have to hear about this almost concussion Clarke gets on the hammock. Can you maybe write like a short ficlet about that incident? Also I'm sorry you're sick. I hope you get better soon.
Thank you! I’m getting a little better, still not 100%... but getting there..As for Clarke’s near concussion...
It’s the kind of late summer heat that feels like a blanket, the beginning of September starts to cool and just when fall starts to think about settling in the temperature is in the 80s and 90s again. The house still isn’t unpacked but Lexa, Octavia, and Clarke have had about enough of boxes and organizing for the weekend. 
Octavia is sprawled in the grass, relishing in the fact that they have a yard she can do cartwheels in, that seems to have no end to its supply of tiny oxeye daisies. She’s already braided everyone’s hair into crowns and adorned them with flowers befit for a fairy princess.
Clarke’s been laying on her stomach on the sun warmed deck sketching in one of her notebooks. She’s filled several pages with messy renderings of her girlfriends. Octavia frolicking, a close up of her hands carefully handling the tiny daisies. Lexa lounging in the hammock with her book, one hand dangling over the edge.
Lexa is half asleep, her book fallen to the ground, her place lost and only a hazy recollection of what she had read. Her body is deliciously warmed through and she feels like she’s one with the world around her.
“Lexa?” Octavia whispers softly as she leans over the hammock. 
Scrunching up her face Lexa opens one eye and makes a noise that might have thought about being the word what in the back of her throat.
“Can I join?”
Lexa nods and closes her eyes once more. Octavia gets into the hammock slowly, laying down on top of Lexa then gently shifting off to one side. Before long she’s half asleep as well. 
Clarke sketches a while longer, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the quiet perfection of the afternoon. It doesn’t take her long though to decide that she needs to join Octavia and Lexa. With kisses to their foreheads she lets them know she’s there before she begins to lower herself down onto the hammock. Lexa reaches out and places a hand on the ground to steady them. Too many times they’ve dumped themselves onto the ground already and it’s only been a couple of weeks.
Somehow, the three of them balance in the oversized hammock, Lexa tucked between Clarke and Octavia, half covered by them. The quiet sounds of their neighborhood settle around them. A few streets over someone is mowing their lawn, in the other direction is the main street, busy with Saturday afternoon shopping. A few houses down children play, yelling and screaming with delight in a sprinkler in someone’s backyard. There’s the smell of a bar-b-que.
Contentment settles around them, but Lexa sneezes and the next few moments turn into chaos.
It’s not a small petite sneeze, but the kind that make her ab muscles contract. With both her girlfriend’s lazing on top of her she sends them sprawling. Clarke tumbles backwards over the edge, her shoulders and head hitting the ground and the bar that balances the hammock on the ground, her legs still tangled with Lexa’s and Octavia’s. They follow her off the hammock, crashing on top of her in a heap of startled surprise and limbs.
Octavia rolls off the pile and lands flat on her back in the grass. “Everyone okay?”
Lexa rolls the other way, looking up through the hammock. “Think so, Clarke?”
“I think so?” She groans, but she’s also laughing as she curls onto her side. “Smacked my head on the bar.”
Both Octavia and Lexa sit up and move to check on Clarke at the same time, nearly smacking heads as they do.
“New rule,” Clarke says as she’s sat up by her girlfriends. “No sneezing in the hammock.”
Lexa runs her fingers through Clarke’s hair, gently checking for bumps while Octavia checks her pupils.
“Good rule,” Lexa chuckles softly. “I’m sorry, Clarke.”
“It’s okay,” Clarke takes Lexa’s hands and holds them to draw her attention back to Clarke’s face. She bites her bottom lip, “I know how you can make it up to me.”
“Yeah?” Lexa grins, leaning forward and brushes her nose against Clarke’s.
The three of them tumble to the soft grass again, cuddles and kisses and soft I love yous. All the things lazy summer afternoons should be.
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agaysongbird · 8 years
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before vs. after 💇🏽
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queer-of-hearts · 9 years
i’ve had plans with a friend of mine for tomorrow for over a week but i legit just changed them because of all this hype over the 100
so here for my girls
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n1ghtwr1ter · 8 years
The way lexa is, she would not share Clarke. She deeply loves her and seeing Clarke with someone else would not sit well with her. She would do many things for Clarke but lexa is very strong in her morals and convictions. It seems off character.
OK, so first of all: I agree with you on most points. This is in large part why I scrapped the threesome. Lexa’s personality does not strike me as lending itself particularly well to a threesome/polyamorous relationship of any kind (on a side note, Clexamy? GROSS). However, I DO have to take issue with your comment on her morals and convictions. While I agree that she does have very strong morals and convictions, that has nothing to do with whether or not she would “share” Clarke. The only times a threesome/poly relationship are immoral are when it’s not desired by all parties, and when it doesn’t come from a place of trust and good communication. I think that if Clarke pushed for it hard enough, Lexa might relent - but I don’t believe Clarke would, because she would know how much it would hurt Lexa, and she loves her more than anything in the world. But that’s the communication part for you right there. 
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onlytherelevant · 9 years
Oh shit I can't wait to see Clarke, Lexa, and Octavia all working together. GONNNA BE GREAAATT!!!
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alyciasdebnamcareys · 9 years
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thundergrace · 9 years
Lexa: Octavia, your help has been invaluable. I'm glad Clarke stopped one of my warriors from killing you. Octavia: what?! Lexa: *looks at Clarke* Clarke: *starts sweating* What? Octavia: Well, it'd have been only fair, I guess, since Skaikru killed Anya. Lexa: WHAT did you just say?! Octavia: *looks at Clarke* Clarke: *wiping off sweat* Hmm? Lexa: .... Octavia: ... Clarke: *laughs nervously*....so that Pike guy. Fuck that guy, amirite? We should-we should keep talking about that...instead.
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