#clicked on the alt text and it was just a little comment about the artist who did the original cover and how op had never seen it before
lichfucker · 10 months
alt text is not the place for fucking commentary, ESPECIALLY if you don't describe the image at all and ONLY include your commentary.
alt text is not a cheeky aside. it's not a private whisper to your friend.
alt text is an accessibility tool. fucking use it that way.
668 notes · View notes
maniculum · 3 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Wimchlat
Very similar art this week, which kind of can't be helped because the entry does specifically say that it looks like a wolf with spots. There's some range here, though.
If you're not sure what this is about, you can find an explanation and previous posts here: https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting.
The entry artists are working from this week can be found here:
And if you want to participate in the next round, here's that entry:
...huh. I didn't realize which one was up next until I went looking for the link just now. That'll be an interesting artistic experience, I'm sure.
(Pursuant to some previous speculation on the "-bael" morpheme in the Dikebael and Dirubael, now I'm wondering if the "-at" morpheme in our randomly-generated words might have something to do with bodily waste.)
Anyway, this week's art is below the cut:
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) notes that their version ended up quite fluffy, which I have also noted and enjoyed. For some additional detail, which includes some interesting animal facts, click on the linked post.
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@doodlebethel (link to post here) is joining us for the first time, and has drawn an excellent not-quite-a-wolf. I feel the depiction of it aggressively guarding that sparkly sand is very well-executed.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) has made the decision that the urine in question solidifies into a jewel basically immediately, which I think raises a lot of interesting questions (complimentary). Also, thank you for providing alt text.
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@citrvsdrake (link to post here) observes that the creature hiding its urine sounds like cat behavior, so they leaned a little harder towards the leopard side than the wolf one. I think it came out well; an animal that is both relatively wolf-shaped and clearly feline has an interesting look to it.
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) decided to base theirs on the maned wolf, which I think came out really well in this art style. I also like the decision to make the spots look like eyes -- together with the color scheme and the long limbs, it really has a fascinating (and slightly sinister?) effect. I kind of love this design, really. I want to know more about this creature. (Also, thank you for including alt text.)
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@wendievergreen (link to post here) also decided to mix it up a bit animal-wise, and also landed on the maned wolf as an interesting non-wolf wolf option. It's also got ocelot features rather than leopard. I just really like the vibes here -- something about this art style is very charming to me. I'm not an art critic, so I can't elaborate on that. I would recommend clicking on the linked post, which has more information and also some tags I find quite funny.
On to the Aberdeen Bestiary!
... or not, actually. This is one of the folios missing from that manuscript, so the text actually came from Bodley MS 764, and we'll be taking the illustration from the Ashmole Bestiary.
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That illustration doesn't help a whole lot, though it does also lean more feline, so we can get something there -- but I saw a number of comments saying that people had recognized it in the process of drawing, so it's probably no surprise that this is the lynx.
No, I don't know why people thought its urine turned into gemstones. Ask Pliny the Elder. (The supposed gemstone in question is called ligurius, by the way.)
I also don't know why the lynx in the Ashmole illustration appears to be having a staring contest with a ram... hold on, let me see something...
... okay, bestiary.ca doesn't have anything that explains that. It might just be an artistic decision. Things I did learn from bestiary.ca just now, though:
Ovid (yes, that Ovid) specified that the lynx's urine solidifies on contact with air, which means that those interesting questions (mostly along the lines of what is in that stuff) raised by CheapSweets's drawing are definitely still on the table.
Thomas of Cantimpre also says that the lynx has the hilarious combination of comic-book-style x-ray vision and a total inability to remember anything it's not currently looking at. So it can see through walls but just immediately forgets what it saw. I love that.
48 notes · View notes
lslbrigade · 5 years
Actually, I DON’T wanted to write about my little tricks. Besides, there are enough bloggers who publish about influence and engagement in Social Media anyway. The problem – lots of them have no idea about these topics. They copy other content to get more Google reach. And some of them try to sell you outdated information as a top tip. Nobody will tell you the true tricks anyway. Usually. Maybe I have new tips? Look inside.
Increase Instagram Engagement with smart Story Posts
INSTAGRAM Story – Why you should use it
Since the acquisition of Mark Zuckerberg, a lot has changed in INSTAGRAM as well.
Recently the algorithm has been adjusted again. The focus on Instagram seems to be on the stories. Why? Well – I can only speculate there myself. I suppose because the Stories feature has now outperformed the classic feed and was well received by the Instagrammer.
Newsfeed for Bloggers and Shops
#gallery-0-10 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-10 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-10 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-10 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Give your followers an advantage
Engagement increases with promo codes.
Publish your brand new collections.
I consider the Instagram story as a great news feed for the Instagram account. Shops, in particular, should use this way for their goods. With the Story Feed, you can draw attention to your newest goods, or even to SALES.
Try out new things in Instagram Story
A second advantage is the testing of new things. How is the feedback of my new outfit? Is it worth it to post more of it in my feed? I like to try new things from time to time in the feed. If they are successful, then I create a web post on the topic. If not – they are gone within 24 hours.
This is how it happens here:
View this post on Instagram
Flott, schnell und der Hingucker für Deine Follower. Erstelle mit Canva und Ripl tolle Clips für Deine Instagram Story. #instagramstoryvideo #instastory #storyvideos
A post shared by Marion Rotter (@lifestyleluxurybrigade) on Oct 4, 2019 at 8:22am PDT
A small video, actually created for a befriended blogger, I placed into IGTV. Then I shared is into my Story as a teaser. To do this you open your IGTV video and select the function “share”. Then you choose Story. Your video will now be displayed in the story for one minute with the link “watch this in IGTV”. When your followers touch it, they’ll go straight to your uploaded videos.
The response was surprising. More than 400 people clicked on my IGTV video in the first hour and also on my feed. They left lots of comments and also on the feed post, I created later.  And best of all – more than 1,400 users clicked on my bio and came over to my website.
That’s what I call a success. Because for me it is important that the Instagram target group finds my website and thus generates more readers.
Blog Posts Evergreens or Feed Evergreens in Instagram Story
You as a blogger surely know how much work you put into your posts. A lot of time and effort. It’s just a pity that these posts eventually disappear in the Instagram suggestions with the time.  Instagram Stories are a perfect way to bring out your best “Blast from the Past” and re-engage audiences.
My goal: Transform Instagram followers  into regular readers on my website
Many Facebook users have switched more and more to Instagram. The algorithm of Facebook has already annoyed some users. So it was clear to me – I have to pick up my Facebook followers on Instagram.
But how to bring Facebook Followers to Instagram?
Because both stories – Instagram and Facebook are linked, I started to post my story posts directly into Instagram. I tagged my account – also visible on Facebook and people are switching to my Instagram Account and starting to follow it, too.
#Hashtags – the followers love-hate
You know them for sure, those long #hashtags ques on nearly every feed post? Did they annoy you from time to time? Or – have you ever received negative feedback because you’re putting 30 hashtags on your feed post?
With Story Posts, there is a much more elegant way to use hashtags. Even if you can only use 11 hashtags per post. Just because the algorithm now increasingly responds to the stories, you can achieve the same or even a higher range and commitment with fewer terms.
How To Make Effective Instagram Stories – Get More Reach
Storytelling with Pictures
Use the story area to tell a new story every day. You should make sure that the layout does not change constantly within a story. Wildly throwing together quotes, photos and graphics do perform well.
Roli was creating a really good article on our blogzine. In addition to the usual suspects, however, we have received a bit too little response. That’s why I created several slides for an Insta-Story in Canva. The coherent layouts give your Storie continuity and our followers have understood what we wanted. To get them to this brand new article on lifestyleluxurybrigade.com
This slideshow requires JavaScript.
Create consistent templates per story
You do not need expensive PC software for such a design. At LSLB Magazine, we all work with Canva. It works quickly the graphic templates were created by graphic artists. With a few simple steps you can quickly create a beautiful post or just several posts about:
In Bettina’s design, for example, the fall colors are repeating the whole thing coherent.
This slideshow requires JavaScript.
Now it’s time to upload to the Instagram stories and here are some things to keep in mind.
Tag your own Instagram account
In every picture, you should tag your own Instagram account using @YOURACCOUNTNAME.
In your bio, the link to your website should be correct.
If the viewers of your story now like what they see there, they can access easily your bio with one tap and another little tip on your website link gets you new readers for your page.
Using invisible Hashtags
Of course, you can post hashtags on every story. Up to 11 hashtags are possible here. But how does that affect the viewer? I found all these terms in the picture rather disturbing. That’s why I colored these hashtags in the color of the background. Thus, they are almost invisible.
Advantage: If someone searches for #Fall_Deco my story appears in his search results. If the person now clicks on my story, she will not be bothered by another 10 visible hashtags. Only my @Lifestyleluxurybrigade tag is visible.
Conclusion: More readers come across from Instagram to my website.
Tagging your cooperation partners or influencers
If you also tag your co-operation partners (visible or invisible) they will receive a message in their own Instagram account and can feed your story in their story as well.
Two advantages: self-promotion and happy customers.
If you follow an influencer with a large number of followers, you can encourage him to feed your story in his own story as well.
Beispiel: “Great combination – I have seen @Monalisa and realized myself. How do you like my new #FallOutfit?”
What could happen now is that this influencer is happy about your mention? He watches your Story Board and discovers how you’ve tried his outfit. He feels encouraged in his taste and what could he/she do now? Right. You might have a big chance now get featured on the successful account of an influencer. If that does not provide new followers, I’ll eat my keyboard!
Featuring cooperation partners or manufacturers that you like
One of our cooperation has resulted in this way.
I followed a travel provider. He has legendary pictures in his story. As a result, I often just featured his pictures on my story (#featured @Traveler). Conclusion: Not a week later, a mail flapped in my inbox. Request for cooperation. Since then we work together.
Incidentally, Friday is #featured_friday in the US. Instagramers and influencers are featuring other accounts on their storyboard, they like. So you can increase each other’s reach and engagements.
Even if you distribute on behalf of cooperation in Instagram feed, it is always good, in addition to your pictures to feature the pic of your cooperation partner. Your campaign becomes more valuable for the viewer and has more varied content. Providing your highly interested followers to the cooperation partner, which is a very good “selling point”, or can play a major role in the price negotiation.
Continuity is the secret
Nothing is worse than leaving your Instagram story empty for days. You should create a story with several pictures at least once a week. Plan one or more story days and deliver new content to your followers. If you don’t have so much new content at a time, just create new designs from older content that you have not posted anymore for a longer time (Evergreens).
Tip: Save your templates on the phone or in the cloud. So you can always post back to the story quickly.
Tagging @lifestyleluxurybrigade and you will be featured into our Story
Did you like my article? Then try it out and let me know how your reach/engagement has grown, follow us on Instagram or mention us on your next story post. If we like what we see – you will also be featured by me.
Hashtag (s): hæʃˌtæg (s) Hashtags are terms that use the rhombus while searching. I.E. you are looking for #falloutfits  you will get a list of results that leads to pictures that cover this topic.
Feed / Feeds: fiːdz The feed is the collection of your standard posts
Feature/featuring: fiːtʃə (r) n You can feature other blogs or manufacturers by sharing their images  into your story
To tag: tæɡ You can mark your account with @, but also other accounts. The owner of the account gets a message that he was mentioned in a picture. You can direct your viewers to a befriended feed or story. This is especially suitable for cooperations.
Engagement Rate: The engagement rate is a measure that measures the interactions and activity of your content. It shows you how many visitors interact with the content. Likes, comments, shares, and visitors are among the primary factors that can affect the rate.
Range: There are two varieties of range here. The organic range shows you the number of viewers with unpaid posts displayed on the screen. Then there is the paid range. When you post a paid post into Social Media, it will appear more often in the suggestions of your defined audience.
Pinn this story on your own Pinterest boards
Social Media - Optimize Engagements with Instagram Story #instahacks #socialmediatips Actually, I DON'T wanted to write about my little tricks. Besides, there are enough bloggers who publish about influence and engagement in Social Media anyway.
0 notes
kerr5173 · 5 years
  I was fairly new to Instagram when I decided to see who all these people were who “liked” my products.  I came across the name of GW Mireles and clicked on his profile page. What I saw was pretty amazing. This was a photographer extraordinaire and also an artist.  He chose his subject matter and enhanced it with texture and color. His technique really made me feel what he was seeing. The thing that made it seem almost 3D, was that there is an emotional dimension added with the manipulation of color and texture.  This added the “almost” 3D perception, which make the pictures have the depth and contrast similar to real life, not just photographically but also emotionally. When you capture dimensional emotions, the visual 3rd dimension is replaced by the emotional dimension – additional texture and color in this case, which also serves to create a more internal and personally real dimensional experience.  After being really uplifted by looking at his work, I believe I dropped him a note saying I loved his work. Then I moved on to other things.  
Finding Gil
Since I started this Masterwork Arts website, I am continually looking for more interesting artwork.  It struck me the next day that I should contact this artist and see if I could sell some of his work…but I forgot his name.  I think I searched for him for about a month, then gave up.  
I was lazily scanning the “likers” again and this little avatar icon that was a goofy little caricature of a man seemed familiar.  After clicking on his icon, there was GW Mireles and his beautiful works. The first thing I did was bookmark the InstaGram persona, then the rest is history.  We worked out a satisfactory arrangement and now I am posting some of his work for sale on my website.
But here is the best part: I got my first painting purchase, “Awaiting a Coachride”. I unrolled it from the tube and when I flattened it out I was stunned at the color and quality.  I ordered a premium paper, “Somerset Velvet” and because it was Museum Quality, the vivid colors should stand out. They did and I had to touch the print to see if it was a painting.  It was just beautiful and I am so glad I chose that paper even though it cost more.  The results are worth every penny!
#gallery-0-16 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-16 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-16 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-16 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Latino Paintings
The Latino paintings set in Mexico are also timely as well as beautiful.  I would like to show the viewers what a rich heritage and culture Mexican people have.  This is the joy and beauty of their culture, yet many in the American Culture see Hispanic people as less than human, who should not have any rights to family and/or health or well being should they step foot in America.  We need to be reminded the Hispanic culture is a culture of good people who bring their richness to the United States and we benefit (who doesn’t like Mexican Food?!). We also spend a lot of money to go and vacation in Mexico in order to experience first-hand their rich culture.
#gallery-0-17 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-17 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-17 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-17 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Dimensional Composition
Actually, I am not an artist of the visual nature, but I am a musical artist with a Master’s Degree in Music.  Although my Master’s project was performing a vocal Master’s Recital, I really wanted to make my path as a composer, but they did not offer that at the University.  I decided instead to write some of my own music for the Master’s Recital. What I learned as a composer is that the best works of art have that emotional element. I cannot listen to a piece of music without finding or creating a compelling story while I am listening.  If you don’t have an internal, emotional reaction…if it doesn’t grab you in some way, then you usually will not connect with the music unless it is purely academic , where you can appreciate it intellectually.  
This artwork is like that. Not only a visual response, but also emotional as well, just as with writing music where the music enhances the words in order for the composer’s creation to be expressed in all ways, almost as a complete experience, perhaps as that of the third dimension of musical art.  For me the 3 dimensions of the Arts, regardless of genre, are Spirit (Inspiration), Intellect, and Emotion. I find these elements to be apparent in Mireles’ Art.
Experience the Photographic Art of GW Mireles
#gallery-0-18 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-18 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-18 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-18 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
I hope you can feel the sentiment of GW Mireles’ subject matter by looking at these stunning prints as I did (and more yet to come).  The musical entertainers are there for the joy of the Mexican traditions, sharing their talents with others, eloquently expressed in these photographic “paintings”.
It is so exciting to actually see what the other works of art are going to look like.  My stomach flutters when I think about it. I will update you when I receive them and hopefully I have inspired you, or at least piqued your interest about the beautiful Photographic Art of Gilbert Mireles and his digital painting technique. Take a look at this collection on our website and imagine each scene almost coming to life!  I can take you there now. Click ——> Here
  The Inspired Art Work of GW Mireles I was fairly new to Instagram when I decided to see who all these people were who "liked" my products. 
0 notes
allpunkedupofficial · 5 years
There’s something to be said when a crowd is drowning in photographers– all poised on their toes, clicking away a cumulative of thousands of photos a second. Mik Everett once famously said “If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die.” The same can be said about any artist– paint, written, or photo. So, that’s the moment that I knew this band– The Stolen– had something special.
Rob playing at Sunnyvale on June 1st via Ali Fitzgerald, @alfitzpics
I spent two back-to-back nights with this band from Brooklyn, NY to Asbury Park, NJ. Each show seemed to radiate its respective energy and create its own quirky identity.
One theme remained clear, though: When I looked out over the crowd, I saw nothing, but people discovering a release and escape from their daily lives and problems.
So many people came looking for a break at their shows. In fact, The Stolen has a collection of fans who follow them from venue to venue.
“We appreciate it. They’re some of the best people ever,” says Dom, the band’s lead singer, about those fans who travel and spend countless dollars just to get to the next gig to support the band.
“It’s kinda cool,” says Kevin, the band’s bassist. “We’re building, like, this community.” Twitter and other social media platforms have brought together fans who then fly across the country for these show and to meet each other.
My mini two day tour following The Stolen gave me some insight:
Night One – Brooklyn, NY – Sunnyvale
What makes a good bar show has to be indifference. Musicians need to walk out on to that stage not caring about how many people show up… or if anyone shows up really. It has to be (and should always be) about the music.
Night one with The Stolen brought hollowness in numbers, but not with energy. The fans who were there truly showed up. With fewer fans around, however, I was able to see and recognize the music’s impact on each individual fan, watching their faces raw with emotion and devotion.
Dom engages with fans in the audience via Ali Fitzgerald, @alfitzpics
Nea, a fan of The Stolen, commented “The band itself, and them as individuals, love to interact with their fans. I honestly don’t feel like I’m talking to them as a fan, I feel like I’m just talking to my friends.” You can see and feel this type of energy from the crowd, who all seem to have this same understanding that this band is what connects them.
After the show, the band met with every single fan that came out, taking genuine time to connect with them. What I was most impressed with was their ability to be themselves, but also be the role model their fans were looking for. The Stolen started when they were rather young, having known each other in high school, but now touring is second nature to them.
“Tour teaches you a lot. It kind of makes you grow up a little quicker,” explains Dom. The band shared with me their experiences on tour from breaking down in the middle of nowhere to relying on the help and kindness of passing strangers to get to their next gig.
These experiences have bonded them together in such a unique way and it’s very obvious in the way they interact with each other and those around them. As such genuine guys, The Stolen takes what they have learned along the way and applied it to every part of their jobs, from fans to the music they make.
The Stolen closing the show with a dramatic exit via Ali Fitzgerald, @alfitzpics
Night Two – Asbury Park, NJ – House of Independents
On the second night, things shifted a bit. Suddenly the venue was packed fully. The House of Independents is the sort of venue that is on most bands in this scene’s bucket list. The energy in this town is just so pure, making it seamlessly easy for musicians to tap into that. The Stolen did so particularly well, being sure to play to all of their strengths.
Firstly, what I was immediately amazed about was the complexity in some of their lyrics. As a writer, a poetic undertone to a song never hurts and their effortless revival of meaningful writing did not go unnoticed. Beyond that, though, each member of the band was able to control their own space with ease.
Dom seemed poised with attention for fans, knowing how to engage them. Kevin was a charmer with a cool approach to his instrument, never missing a beat. Mike knew his drum set inside and out and it was clear he put everything into every show. However, I was most impressed with Rob’s obvious hard-working attitude, which became even more apparent having known he’s the music producer for their records as well.
While light on punk, The Stolen knew where and when to incorporate that element and when they did place it, the tone was strong and so well chosen. And at the end of the show, they gave quite an aggressive, but somehow fitting finale.
The Stolen backstage during the interview via Ali Fitzgerald, @alfitzpics
“One day they just started doing really dramatic exits and we just accepted it,” says my photographer Ali, who has worked with The Stolen countless times.
Even for this second show, I didn’t know what to make of The Stolen musically. I knew their music was good and they were obviously talented. Never once was that in doubt, but I couldn’t figure out where they wanted to fit in the industry.
It was Mike who was able to fully explain the band’s transition through genre to me. He said, “We started as a classic rock band and you can still hear that in some of the music. Then, we got into some pop punk and you can slightly hear that. And then we started getting into a lot of 80’s pop… we kinda just meshed that together with what we grew up on.”
You take this band who has music that very closely aligns with generic pop punk, but also has a past touring with artists like Jake Miller and often has a pop chorus song and it’s hard to place. “Our music obviously gravitates toward pop, but the way we work as a band, we’re very in that mentality of DYI,” says Kevin.
And that was it. The Stolen has created a pop band that resembles the classic artists on the rise energy. They work incredibly hard to keep moving forward just as pop punk bands all have to do, but their sound often incorporates a nice hook and pop chorus. “We grew up with this mentality of let’s do Warped Tour. Let’s sleep on floors,” explains Kevin. They are willing to do whatever it takes to get to the next level.
For Kevin, he’s even take on the opportunity to play as Jake Miller’s drummer on tour. Balancing those two lives and responsibilities hasn’t always been easy. Before the show, Kevin flew to New Jersey from Los Angeles, where he had been playing with Jake at Wango Tango. However, The Stolen knows how to work around these complications. “It’s all about communication… and sometimes its hard to plan,” admits Dom.
Kevin killing it on bass, even after being flown in from LA after a set with Jake Miller via Ali Fitzgerald, @alfitzpics
But The Stolen is getting there, citing their growth by explaining that now they get to have hotels with hot tubs and things have gotten a little easier. Their hard work is seeming to pay off and it’s what they deserve.
“I wouldn’t say anyone every really doubted us, but they had this sense of ‘is that something you can really do?'” Rob told me. Turns out it is something they can do… and do so very well.
The Stolen’s ability to stay humble while still progress forward was amazing to me. Their engagement and support for their fan base was beautiful. “Without them you can’t do what you do,” Dom said as the band rattled off countless memories with fans, explaining that at that show in particular people had flown out to see them and that wasn’t necessarily an odd occurrence for them.
Nea was right when she told me: “They’re the best people in the world and you would be so lucky to meet them and listen to their music.”
Music is about more than words can explain. And I think I’m going to be thinking about The Stolen concert for awhile, replaying the expressions on the fans’s faces when they felt safe and alive. Like I said in the beginning, I saw the fans find that release and escape, but by the end they seemed to re-find themselves in the process… and that’s how you know that The Stolen puts on a good show.
  #gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
An electric crowd for The Stolen via Ali Fitzgerald, @alfitzpics
via Ali Fitzgerald, @alfitzpics
Kevin killing it on bass, even after being flown in from LA after a set with Jake Miller via Ali Fitzgerald, @alfitzpics
The Stolen closing the show with a dramatic exit via Ali Fitzgerald, @alfitzpics
Two nights with The Stolen explains the dedication of their fanbase There's something to be said when a crowd is drowning in photographers-- all poised on their toes, clicking away a cumulative of thousands of photos a second.
0 notes
tareq855 · 7 years
After research we found some new arrival products in Amazon USA Store which are get some real good reviews by customers so we think my this post can help you for buy a good product. Those products are really only for fashionable ladies.
Eyeshadow Palette, Unique 7 in one – Makeup kit with Eyebrow pencil+brush,Concealing pressed powder,6-Shade Contour Palette,Eyelashes Mas,Chubby Blush,Highlighter stick Kit for Women Girls lady By Jisener
About the product
  ★SKIN FRIENDLY – This high quality Eyeshadow palette set of 7 makeup kit is highly suitable for all skin types. It do not select skin. It works perfectly on oily skin, mixed skin, normal skin, dry skin, sensitive skin and more. With this women highlighter stick Kit your skin is sure to look good and fresh.
★Pigment perfect – This beautiful colors makeup kit has highly-pigmented colors which mean a little product will go a long way. This seven in one makeup kit gives you the opportunity to create elegant makeup, making you the most fashionable in any event.
★COMPLETE PACK – This makeup kit contains all you need for the best and delightful makeup experience. The package includes eyebrow Pencil, a brush, Concealing Pressed Powder, 6-Shade Contour Palette and Mascara Blush, Highlighter and Eyeshadow Palette.
★BEST GIFT IDEA – This complete makeup set is made right for your everyday usage and it will last long depending on your constant usage. It also serves as the best gift idea for your female loved ones as a Christmas gift or a birthday present to your mom
★ 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE – As a brand, we believe in quality! All our premium and stylish make kit for women are made for your full utilization. Your satisfaction is our top priority. If you are not satisfied with the purchase of the Our Kit, we will refund 100% of your money without questions asked.
Product description
Search no further! You are just at the right place. This functional Palette is perfect for the makeup artist in you. It has highly pigmented eye shadows that will make it easy for you to go from day to night. With this makeup kit you will be able to customize your look. It has shimmer shadows which provides a rich luster of color. Cool tones ranging from blacks, blues, purples, and greens. Warm colors in reds, oranges, bronze and gold tones. You can use lighter colors to highlight, deeper colors to define and brighter vibrant colors to add an edgy pop to any look. There us a blush which is perfect to wear alone to compliment any skin tone.
This women stylish makeup kit has a versatile design and array of color options which makes it an ideal gift for both makeup professionals and beauty beginners. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR CLICK ADD TO CART AND GET YOURS NOW! Product dimension:26.7*20.5*4 cm •Weight:796G •Name:Seven in One Makeup Kit •Applicable skin types:For all skin types •Product Effects:To create fuller-looking brows,gorgeous eyes,and sculpted makeup
Package Includes 1 X Eyebrow Pencil +Brush 1 X Concealing Pressed Powder 1 X 6-Shade Contour Palette 1 X Mascara +Blush 1 X Highlighter 1 X Eyeshadow Palette
Note: You can easily see the product from click on the product links (Blue Words) or here–> MakeUp_Kit_SET
2. WEKILI Women’s Tops Long Sleeve Lace Scoop Neck A-Line Tunic Blouse
About the Product:
Material:95% Cotton + 5% Polyester
ATTENTION: Please determine that your order is sold by “WEKILI”,other sellers are counterfeiter and their products are forgery.WEKILI is registered Trademark, and we haven’t authorized any other seller to sell our items on amazon.
Clothing is sized and designed based on American standards.
Features:Round Neck, Lace Splicing Hem on front, Loose Top, A-line,Long Length, Can hide the hip prefectly.
Select Material, Suitable For Cocktail,Party,Club,Or Just Daily Wear, Perfect at all seasons.
Machine or hand wash, do not bleach
Women’s Tops Long Sleeve Lace Scoop Neck A-Line Tunic Blouse
This tunic top is perefect for leggings, jeans and any style pants for women and juniors.
Suits for daily wear, party, going out, work, school, indoors and outdoor.
Good fabric and well made. Great for fall, winter and spring.
Elegant lace tunics will make you looks very nice.
Sanifer Apparel Size Chart (inch)
S (US 4/6)——34.6———–15.7————–28.3———-22.8
M (US 8/10)—-37.0———–16.5————–29.1———-23.2
L (US 12/14)—-39.4———–17.3————–29.9———-23.6
XL (US 16/18)—41.7———–18.1————-30.7———-24.0
XXL (US 20/22)–44.1———-18.9————–31.5———-24.4
Gender: Women
Style: Casual, Leisure
Item Type: Women Tunic Top
Design: Lace Trim, Loose, Flowy
Closure: Pull On Closure
Size: S / M / L / XL / XXL
Color: Black / Khaki / Coffee / Blue / Red / Gray / Green
Package Included: 1 X Piece Tunic Top
You can view the Long Sleeve Lace Scoop Neck A-Line Tunic Blouse from here, just click on the product link or click on the link—> http://amzn.to/2Do8DjI
Fashionable women’s also can buy this Paisley Printed Long Sleeve Henley V Neck Pleated Casual Flare Tunic Blouse Shirt for a comfortable fitting dress. Just click here for view–>> http://amzn.to/2mH1oJr
3.  Women Winter Pom Pom Beanie Hat with Warm Fleece Lined, Thick Slouchy Snow Knie Skull Ski Cap by REDESS
Warm and Fashion: Double-layer design is applied to the beanie hat, soft fleece lining keeps you warm better. At the top of the cap attached a cute fur ball, the fur is rich and smooth, make the cap more beautiful and fashion.
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pricelessmomentblog · 7 years
Book Club: Godel, Escher, Bach (December 2017)
This month we read Godel, Escher, Bach by Douglas Hofstadter. 
This is a fantastically weird and wonderful book. At one level, the book is about a parallel between three people: Johann Sebastian Bach, Kurt Godel and M.C. Escher, in particular how their work in music, math and art manages to loop back on itself and express a kind of self-referentiality. On another level, however, this book is really a hypothesis about the human mind itself, that selves and souls can come out from inanimate matter the same way that M.C. Escher’s hands draw themselves or Godel’s creates math that proves that it cannot be proven.
Gödel, Escher, Bach is a wonderful exploration of fascinating ideas at the heart of cognitive science: meaning, reduction, recursion, and much more.
If you would like to stream audio on your browser, click here listen on Soundcloud. If you’d like to read the transcript, you may do so here.
Here are some of the highlights from this month’s review. First off, we establish what Douglas Hofstadter is referring to when he talks about a “strange loop”; it’s perhaps easiest to refer to the visual artist M.C. Escher to explain this very sophisticated concept:
An example would be [his images] of the drawing hands where he has drawn two pictures of hands which are holding pencils and drawing themselves. Other ones Escher has includes birds which turn into other animals and shift between the foreground and background. He even has one where there is a person looking at a picture in a museum and the scene is warping so that he is part of the museum itself.
So, this is something that I think is easy to see to visually, this kind of paradox, and it’s easy to dismiss it as well as being a bit of trickery. You might not even be a fan of M.C. Escher’s art, you might consider it too obvious. 
However, I think it’s a really good entry point to grasping this idea of a strange loop. Now what I think Douglas Hofstadter calls a strange loop or this tangled hierarchy is where you have layers of something where something is built on top of something else.
Next, I discuss mathematician Kurt Godel and how he showed that there were limits to logic itself: 
Hilbert’s problem was that, at the time, there were no different axiomatic systems for mathematics. His idea was that if someone could come up with a proof that shows that standardized axioms exists, and was consistent and also complete, that would be a major triumph. We could feel very secure resting in our knowledge that this mechanical system would work all the time. And what Godel did in the 1930’s, was that he showed that this was actually impossible.
Godel showed that any system that you have, any set of rules that you have, is powerful enough to represent the basics of natural numbers (the basics of arithmetic) will ultimately undermine itself by creating situations that we know are true but cannot be represented.
To explain Godel’s proof in another way: 
Think about how 2 + 2 = 4. You have a two, you have a plus sign, you have a two, you have an equal sign, and you have a four. What Godel is doing is saying, let’s take that 2 and put it in a number, let’s take that plus sign and put it as a number, let’s take that 2 and put it in a number, let’s take that equal sign and put it into a number and let’s take that 4 and put it into a number.
Now you have one super long number that represents 2 + 2 = 4 as not just a number but as something that involves plus signs and equals signs and has separate numbers but as just one big number. 
Okay so what can you do with this? Well if you go through a little bit of work what you can end up doing with this process is you can make a statement that is the mathematical equivalent of saying “this statement is false” or more specifically what it is saying is “this statement has no proof.”
There are also mind-bending ramifications of Godel’s work on our current concept of human consciousness:
…. he’s identified a system that has reached a level of sophistication that has the ability to loop back on itself. What’s the extension here? One of them is the idea of human consciousness. He’s saying that what perhaps the self is, what we are, as not bodies but sort of an abstract quality, what makes us different from rocks or computer programs that we have today, is that our machinery for representing things is sufficiently complex and we can represent ourselves in that machinery. Moreover, we can represent ourselves representing ourselves. 
We can have thoughts about our own thoughts and about the person thinking the thoughts and about their relation to the world at large.
Feel free to join in on our Facebook Group Discussion I’d love to discuss this book with you there, thanks. January’s book is James C. Scott’s Seeing Like A State. 
Book Club: Godel, Escher, Bach (December 2017) syndicated from http://ift.tt/2kl7pJj
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