#cloaned voice
sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
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Fandom: The Witcher
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Expect everything to be way out in left field, then take that expectation and throw it in a river. Remember, this is the witcher universe. It’s a cruel and violent world. Gore/sexual situations(con or not) will be described, strong/offensive language will be used. People will emotionally break and have their ability to “live on” tested (some might fail). What happens really just depends.
Chapters: 7/?
Blood. So much blood. So thick, so decadent, so sweet and sour.
When Regis woke, he didn’t know which way was up or which way was down he didn’t need to know, he didn’t even need to know how long he was out. All he needed to know was why he was in so much pain and why he was surrounded by a writhing sea of crimson.
Panic, pain, hunger… Oooh, he was sooo hungry.
A screech rips from his throat as the cage creaked and swayed from Emiel’s furious thrashing. Out! He needed— wanted out. He hurt. Everything hurt— it hurt so much. A drop— a desperate little deplorable drop—that’s all Regis needed. It would make all the pain go away. It would right his mind so he could get free.
Please, please let me out. Let me have a drop! The last few shreds of his rational mind begged as he threw his weight against the magically imbued bars that encased him.
The vampire simply couldn’t take it anymore! Every fiber of his body was alight with white hot agony, every sinew wishing it could run, wishing it was free… Wishing it could feed.
Read the full chapter on AO3(be sure to read the tags and chapter notes. Your only warning lol)  
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So, my Ai cloaned voice subscription is about to renew. Asks are open if you have any suggestions for Ominis or Sebastian Ai voice lines.
NSFW allowed, minors DNI
Love yall!
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Sam Borigard again, well I took your advice. And it appears to be legitimate. Had it inspected with a sylh scope and it ain't no zoroark's illusion. It's a genuine reshiram. I spoke to her (Identifies as female) and she wants to retire from battle but her trainer does not.
So they felt a amicable break would be beneficial and she agrees to the trade. As for her trainer he is a ex-champion but they are participating in the WCT. She did lit the pants on fire of someone but thanks to that I found out they were cloaning keys and we're planning on stealing my stock and selling to my rival!
She likes me for being honest with her and treating my customers with honesty. And looks forward to working with me as a companion and employee. She's prover her strength being able to gently carry a ar with her wings or talons.
What is odd about her is she has a galaran accent. Are those pokemon spotted there or is there something I am missing?
By the way the licencing is not a problem the pokemon ethics committee have given my business a A+ rating for how well the employee pokemon are taken care of. An my bank account has more than enough to pay for any of her wants and needs.
Dag nab it I will remodel my home with vaulted ceilings and double doors so she can come and go as much as she pleases in my mansion. Since my son has moved to Orre on an humanitarian mission I can turn his room into her new nest. With a bit of fireproofing and double doors on the balcony so she can take off on a morning flight.
I will only put her in a ball when legally required to and will have to start getting a butcher's subscrt so she has the finest cuts of meat her sharp fangs can wrap themselves around. Hoo wee! Imma make she she is one happy dragon!
It's wonderful to see such enthusiasm! However, I'm afraid a license isn't something you can skip out on regardless of enthusiasm, simply because that's a legal requirement specifically regarding Legendary and Mythical Pokemon - but given your description of your situation, it sounds like you won't have a difficult time with getting one - and temporary exceptions for trades exist, so you'll be fine during the interim period. The licensing process will also help you figure out the minutiae of working with and caring for her, and ensuring that you start off on the right foot regarding her staying with you.
As long as she has an outdoor place, she most likely won't need a lot of indoor space that can fit her - most Pokemon prefer to be outside when it's weather they're comfortable in, though Reshiram can voice her own opinions of the situation, unusually among Pokemon. While on the topic of her voice...Reshiram are native to Unova, but it's not unreasonable that she could have been born or simply spent significant time in Galar, or merely with a Galar native, and picked up the accent. I will note that, even if she doesn't like it, you'll likely want to make at least some portion of her diet commercial Pokemon food - while plain meat and treats are great, there's a chance they may not provide the exact balance of nutrition she needs.
It sounds like she and you are getting along well, which is fantastic! Adult Legendaries, especially non-battlers, often have a hard time switching Trainers should the need arise simply because the pool of potentials is so very small. It sounds like the two of you are going to do great!
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justanotheremokid · 2 years
Corey Taylor singing "all I've got, all I've got is insane" during Duality live from the Day of The Gusano. Deep gravely man voice. Need me a man who can do that. Send tweet
haha yes same hes so hot and i did not relize his son looks just like him like a compleate cloan
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
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Fandom: The Witcher
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Expect everything to be way out in left field, then take that expectation and throw it in a river. Remember, this is the witcher universe. It’s a cruel and violent world. Gore/sexual situations(con or not) will be described, strong/offensive language will be used. People will emotionally break and have their ability to “live on” tested (some might fail). What happens really just depends.
Chapters: 2/?
In the darkness, the silhouette of a thin crescent moon watched as a blackish-grey mist moved hastily across the remaining footpath. Its figure, illuminated by a shimmering silver and gold light, moved towards the mausoleum’s entrance. Its presence was still and noiseless; not even a blade of grass or leaf was disturbed as it hovered there, eavesdropping on the chatter that bounced and danced through the inner stone walls.
‘Thought you said anytime now.’
‘I did. Are you growing impatient or just bored of my company?’
‘Impatient, your company is… Fine. Mind another question?’
‘So curious, go ahead, but if it’s about…”
‘Yeah, know impolite to ask a lady what she is. Not about that, can wait. Want to know how long you’ve known Regis.
“They get along? Thank the unseen.” An unembodied voice said softly as mist reformed into bone, muscle, and teeth. Regis lifted his chin, his face turning to the star-filled sky before taking a long, slow, useless breath. Although he did not necessarily have to breathe— after spending such a long time in the company of humans— it became a source of comfort.
A way to soothe his nerves. Nerves that— before he heard them chatting, ached like a stake to the heart.
Read the full chapter on AO3(be sure to read the tags and chapter notes. Your only warning lol)
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
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Fandom: The Witcher
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Expect everything to be way out in left field, then take that expectation and throw it in a river. Remember, this is the witcher universe. It’s a cruel and violent world. Gore/sexual situations(con or not) will be described, strong/offensive language will be used. People will emotionally break and have their ability to “live on” tested (some might fail). What happens really just depends.
Chapters: 8/?
“Are you supposed to be in here boy?” The gruff and eternally tired voice of Master Vesemir said sternly.
The tone and sudden appearance of the man caused Geralt’s already pale complexion to take on a ghostly hue. His mind ran a mile a minute as he whipped around to find the Elder Witcher standing in the doorway… Blocking his only exit.
Foglet knuckles! The lad cursed, quickly hiding the book Lambert had asked him to steal behind his back. He was aware it was a futile effort, he couldn’t deceive Vesemier— he never had, probably never would. Unlike the majority of the lads in his group, who could effortlessly lie their way out of any situation, Geralt’s attempts to do the same always failed.
He once thought it was something he just had to learn how to do— something he could practice and get better at. But, according to Master Matthew, and Master Barmin and… Everyone really— Geralt simply couldn’t lie because he had too honest of a face. A face which tended to betray whatever he was thinking.
Despite the two rounds of mutations and multiple private instruction sessions with Vesemir, the young wolf could not rein in his facial expressions. His face would light up with a wide smile when he heard something amusing, or his eyebrows would knit in annoyance when someone teased him…
Read the full chapter on AO3(be sure to read the tags and chapter notes. Your only warning lol)
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
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Fandom: The Witcher
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Expect everything to be way out in left field, then take that expectation and throw it in a river. Remember, this is the witcher universe. It’s a cruel and violent world. Gore/sexual situations(con or not) will be described, strong/offensive language will be used. People will emotionally break and have their ability to “live on” tested (some might fail). What happens really just depends.
Chapters: 5/?
By the time Geralt had left the vampire's crypt— learning all he dared to ask—the moon and sun had danced once again across Toussaint’s horizon. Their brilliant dawn and dazzling dusk watched on as he mulled over all he had learned and all that had gone unspoken.
What was the connection between the creature living inside her and the sun? If she was from a different universe, how and why did she share so many genetic traits with Upirs? Furthermore, why didn’t she have a second form? He supposed the pantheress shadow creature she created, as well as the change in her eyes, skin colour and claws counted as one, but it wasn’t as drastic nor animalistic as Regis’s or ‘the beast of Beauclair’s form.
Journal’s going to turn into a novel with all have to record, the wolf thought, stealing a glance at the woman walking beside him. Her comfortable peasant wear had been swapped out for a thin cloak and set of light leather armour that loosely hugged her curves. It wasn’t skin tight, far from it, but it hugged in all the right places and its vibrant colours accentuated the faint silvery glow of her tapetum lucidum. On either side of her hips were two scabbards, each of which contained a Koviri cutlass, no longer than 25 inches of hardened steel.
Odessa stated during her ‘interrogation’ that she preferred to use more traditional weapons whenever and wherever she could, as it reduced the chances of someone discovering what she was. Did that mean she was implying she wouldn’t use her more inhuman abilities, even if a hard fight called for them? No, despite the ever-constant risk, she often drew upon her superhuman speed, her formidable strength, her near-instantaneous reaction time and her remarkable regenerative capabilities
Read the full chapter on AO3(be sure to read the tags and chapter notes. Your only warning lol)    
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
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Fandom: The Witcher
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Expect everything to be way out in left field, then take that expectation and throw it in a river. Remember, this is the witcher universe. It’s a cruel and violent world. Gore/sexual situations(con or not) will be described, strong/offensive language will be used. People will emotionally break and have their ability to “live on” tested (some might fail). What happens really just depends.
Chapters: 3/?
“So if you can’t track him because he blocked whatever weird mental thing you vampires have and you won’t try to summon —”
“I have given a full account as to why the path of summoning him is a horrible idea, my friend. It isn’t that we can’t, it’s just safer that we don’t. You said you’d try to solve this my way, so please, let it go.” Regis quickly interjected, walking over to the witcher who sat at the only proper table in the room.
He placed a worn wooden mug in front of the man before turning to grab a bottle of unknown liquid from one of the many bookshelves. Emiel didn’t need to ask or offer; both knew there never was and never would be a situation where Geralt turned down one of his brews.
“Fine, if we can’t summon nor track him then…” The wolf trailed off as he grabbed the offering. Without bothering to finish his train of thought, he uncorks the thing, smiling with abandon. Geralts’ senses were quickly filled with the sweet, earthy scent of gooseberries, Balisse, and Berbercane fruit that drifted up from the bottle.
Geralt made an amused noise, something akin to a chuckle as his eyes drifted shut. Triple berry, he hummed, remembering the first time he tasted this particular mixture. It felt like— no; it was ages ago. Both were younger, less experienced… Both didn’t know the horrors of death.
Read the full chapter on AO3(be sure to read the tags and chapter notes. Your only warning lol)
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
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Fandom: The Witcher
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Expect everything to be way out in left field, then take that expectation and throw it in a river. Remember, this is the witcher universe. It’s a cruel and violent world. Gore/sexual situations(con or not) will be described, strong/offensive language will be used. People will emotionally break and have their ability to “live on” tested (some might fail). What happens really just depends.
Chapters: 1/?
“Meeting a vampire in a cemetery. How much more cliche can one get?” The tall, white haired wolf said as he cautiously creeped forward through the rubble and gnarled roots that littered the cramped cave. As he moved, his hands, clad in earthen brown armed gloves, were slick with sweat from how tightly he gripped the wooden pommel of his trusted rune-encrusted silver sword. Every muscle in his body was tense, his stance screaming ‘dangerous’, ‘do not approach’.
Muttering under his breath, he recounted the admittedly amusing invitation he had received from his old, once dead friend. Honesty, the idea of meeting him at a cemetery, of all things, sounded like a tale spun by the overly courageous bard Dandelion— or Jaskier to his friends.
On a dark and stormy night, a lone Witcher, and a brave vampire meet in a cemetery. The rain pounded against the tombstones as he— haha, hilarious… Until it wasn’t. And it wasn’t for Geralt, not by a long shot. Oh sure, the place had been easy to find. A large, abandoned graveyard normally was; all he had to do was mention the name of the place once, to be pointed in the right direction.
The problem, however, was actually getting inside the tomb that lay in the center of the graveyard. Not only was its stone door locked tight, but the Witcher’s horse, Roach, had freaked out the moment her mutated rider was out of sight. So big was her fit that her nickers and neighs not only attracted the attention of two large and overgrown archespore, but the sound of her cries also drew in an unlucky giant centipede that just happened to be nearby… At least the fights were easy enough; a clever mixture of ingi and ard made sure of that.Read the full chapter on AO3(be sure to read the tags and chapter notes. Your only warning lol)
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
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Fandom: The Witcher
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Expect everything to be way out in left field, then take that expectation and throw it in a river. Remember, this is the witcher universe. It’s a cruel and violent world. Gore/sexual situations(con or not) will be described, strong/offensive language will be used. People will emotionally break and have their ability to “live on” tested (some might fail). What happens really just depends.
Chapters: 11/?
Sitting alone at Geralt’s dining table in the empty estate house, Regis was keenly aware of the silence that enveloped him. His mind was begging him to seek the comfort of someone else’s presence, but he couldn’t move from where he sat.
Though he feared being alone, he knew better than to disturb the witcher’s rest as he slumbered in the next room. It wouldn’t be fair. The man had been running on fumes since they regrouped in his crypt all those nights ago. Even though Geralt would never admit it, Emiel knew he was desperate for a few hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Besides, Dettlaff was on his way back; he could feel him rushing through the streets of the city, wrapping up whatever strands of inquiry he had found. It wouldn’t— couldn’t be much longer, right? Any moment now, the elder vampire would arrive and ease Regis’s shaking hands. Afterwards, when the witcher woke, the three of them would collect the little ekon so they could make use of the witcher’s bath before their meeting with Orianna.
Read the full chapter on AO3(be sure to read the tags and chapter notes. Your only warning lol)
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
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Fandom: The Witcher
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Expect everything to be way out in left field, then take that expectation and throw it in a river. Remember, this is the witcher universe. It’s a cruel and violent world. Gore/sexual situations(con or not) will be described, strong/offensive language will be used. People will emotionally break and have their ability to “live on” tested (some might fail). What happens really just depends.
Chapters: 10/?
On the elegant and beautifully carved stone steps of the Beauclair Palace, her illustrious highness Anarietta Henrietta shared a troubled glance with Geralt of Rivia. Before them stood the once proud, and verbose Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy. His face was frozen in a state of shock and bemusement, his back was tense and straight, and his chest barely moved as he clutched tightly onto his satchel, which was pressed firmly against the front of his hips.
At first, Geralt had thought that something about their walk and talk with Anna had triggered the man’s reaction. She, like most monarchs, was quite difficult to talk to. Sovereigns tended to cut a person off, waved away their ideas and would often, unconsciously, belittle those that were under them. Maybe that fact, and the humidity, had become too much for him.
It was possible and would be understandable, but Emiel was friends with her. Good friends, in fact, better than she was with Geralt, so if not that then… perhaps too much distance had grown between them.
Read the full chapter on AO3(be sure to read the tags and chapter notes. Your only warning lol)
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
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Fandom: The Witcher
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Expect everything to be way out in left field, then take that expectation and throw it in a river. Remember, this is the witcher universe. It’s a cruel and violent world. Gore/sexual situations(con or not) will be described, strong/offensive language will be used. People will emotionally break and have their ability to “live on” tested (some might fail). What happens really just depends.
Chapters: 9/?
Give me my niece, Petal cooed sweetly to the Katakan, who was doing her best to keep the fluffy little blighter in question away from the scared majordomo.
Initially, BB had taken all Geralt had to tell him well. Everything, from the fact that his boss was a hybrid, to the higher vampire’s identity,  was handled in stride.
Until members of the pack started showing up in their feral forms, that is.
It was one thing to hear about them; it was another to see them. To see their bipedal furred bodies, their oversized fangs and the pups which hung to them with beady little eyes that flitted about.
Sure, Dettlaff could have ordered them to shift into their human forms, but so many of them spent so little time in their mortal shells that maintaining them was uncomfortable. So uncomfortable that it was almost painful; Dettlaff simply refused to make them suffer that.
“You sure? I know you're exhausted. Shadow walking yourself and three people half way across Toussaint is like me flying with half the pack on my back.” Narcisa trilled before she finally managed to grab a hold of the killer fluff ball, who chirped and squirmed loudly in protest.
Read the full chapter on AO3(be sure to read the tags and chapter notes. Your only warning lol)
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
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Fandom: The Witcher
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Expect everything to be way out in left field, then take that expectation and throw it in a river. Remember, this is the witcher universe. It’s a cruel and violent world. Gore/sexual situations(con or not) will be described, strong/offensive language will be used. People will emotionally break and have their ability to “live on” tested (some might fail). What happens really just depends.
Chapters: 6/?
None shall sit and dine with you at your table. No spoon you have shall sate you. Never again shall you wish to spy your reflection in the mirror.
Curses, so simple, so capricious and so… unpredictable. Every move had to be carried out perfectly, every stride taken with assurance, and every utterance stated deliberately and slowly. The most insignificant error could have catastrophic effects, leading to either the death of the person under the curse or the one trying to remove it.
And yet… Despite their fixation on the minutiae, the task of breaking a curse was as simple as listening to the words that formed them. No blood was needed, no magic nor sacrifice in the dark corners of a room. Even the most extreme cases were easy to undo if one paid close attention.
None shall sit and dine? Stand on one’s own feet.
No spoon shall sate you? A bowl needs no dinnerware.
Never spy your reflection in a mirror? That same bowl could hold a reflection.
“Child’s play. Near textbook really.” Geralt’s strained and pained voice filled the space around him as the icy hand of a vampire rubbed soothing circles onto his back. He remembered carefully approaching the wight, his palms open and out to show he wasn’t a threat. He remembered talking to it like one would a fearful child that witnessed a great horror, and he remembered Odessa’s cautious musings in his head as he lifted the poison-filled bowl to his lips.
Read the full chapter on AO3(be sure to read the tags and chapter notes. Your only warning lol)
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
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Fandom: The Witcher
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Expect everything to be way out in left field, then take that expectation and throw it in a river. Remember, this is the witcher universe. It’s a cruel and violent world. Gore/sexual situations(con or not) will be described, strong/offensive language will be used. People will emotionally break and have their ability to “live on” tested (some might fail). What happens really just depends.
Chapters: 4/?
It was late afternoon by the time Regis’s little friends had returned. The men were sitting inside at the main table, a poor yet valiant attempt to escape the sun which beat down on the manor. Their time was occupied with gallant retellings of their past escapades together— with sorrowful tales of current events— and with silent longing looks on topics neither dared to broach.
Geralts’ nose wrinkled in revulsion as they recalled the vampire's 'famous' fish soup, and Regis’s countenance dropped when he heard of Geralts’ search for Ciri in Novigrad and Vellen over the last few months. As a hand takes a soft fuzzy pink peach from the bowl of fresh fruit, the older man learns that the witcher is meant to be in Skellige— rendezvousing with Yen to carry on with their search for his daughter, yet instead, he’s here. Taking a mental health break— at the behest of said woman. Who urged him to take the contract and to seek out an old mage’s experiments, claiming the theories, whatever they were, could be useful.
Regis had inquired about the experiments and reprimanded the witcher for subjecting himself to further unknown mutations. But the wolf, true to form, simply waved the worries away. Silently admitting that— despite his whining and the contract turning into a nightmare, it was worth it.
Read the full chapter on AO3(be sure to read the tags and chapter notes. Your only warning lol)  
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