#the witcher 3 wild hunt fan fiction
sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
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Fandom: The Witcher
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Expect everything to be way out in left field, then take that expectation and throw it in a river. Remember, this is the witcher universe. It’s a cruel and violent world. Gore/sexual situations(con or not) will be described, strong/offensive language will be used. People will emotionally break and have their ability to “live on” tested (some might fail). What happens really just depends.
Chapters: 2/?
In the darkness, the silhouette of a thin crescent moon watched as a blackish-grey mist moved hastily across the remaining footpath. Its figure, illuminated by a shimmering silver and gold light, moved towards the mausoleum’s entrance. Its presence was still and noiseless; not even a blade of grass or leaf was disturbed as it hovered there, eavesdropping on the chatter that bounced and danced through the inner stone walls.
‘Thought you said anytime now.’
‘I did. Are you growing impatient or just bored of my company?’
‘Impatient, your company is… Fine. Mind another question?’
‘So curious, go ahead, but if it’s about…”
‘Yeah, know impolite to ask a lady what she is. Not about that, can wait. Want to know how long you’ve known Regis.
“They get along? Thank the unseen.” An unembodied voice said softly as mist reformed into bone, muscle, and teeth. Regis lifted his chin, his face turning to the star-filled sky before taking a long, slow, useless breath. Although he did not necessarily have to breathe— after spending such a long time in the company of humans— it became a source of comfort.
A way to soothe his nerves. Nerves that— before he heard them chatting, ached like a stake to the heart.
Read the full chapter on AO3(be sure to read the tags and chapter notes. Your only warning lol)
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Empress Ciri Visits Beauclair
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Ciri: *childlike enthusiasm* Oooh they are so beautiful! *coos* Hey there little fellas!
Emhyr: *chuckles* Ciri, you need to get properly attired for an audience with Anna Henrietta. you can gawk at those fishes later.
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Ciri: *whispers* I'm coming back and have you all swimming in my garden pond.
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Emhyr: Duchess, I present to you my daughter and heir, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon- Emreis.
Anna Henrietta: Welcome to Toussaint, Your Imperial Majesties!
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Ciri: Thank you for your hospitality, Your Grace.
Anna Henrietta: It is an honor to have you visit my kingdom, Princess. I hope that one day we can dispense with the formalities as we are a family. Now, is there anything I can do to make your stay more pleasant?
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Ciri: Well, it would be discourteous of me to refuse such an offer-
Emhyr: *internally sighing* Cirilla.
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Emhyr: Daughter, you do realize you can just buy the same fishes in the capital.
Ciri: I know, Papa. But I like these better! And I don't have to justify their purchase from the treasurer when I can acquire them for free, and with the Duchess's blessing.
Emhyr: Very cunning of you, daughter. *beaming with pride*
Ciri: These beauties will keep that pretentious carp in the pond company, and if he eats any of them, I'll have that fish served to the city's soup kitchen and they can keep its' medal!
-The End!
A little AU, ficlet (or whatever it's called) for fun. SBUI shots by ning, my captions and edits in PS
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lilies-of-temeria · 2 years
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HiIII II min, what are you reading/watching/listening to at the moment, i need recs
QUITE A LOT. i am reading and watching and playing and listening to. A LOT. I'm kind of astounded that I'm actually doing all this at once, but here we go -
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov - y'all already know what this one is about. I'm here to tell you that it's brilliantly done with a genuinely engaging writing voice and style, and a terrifyingly good unreliable narrator. If you're up to stomaching the obvious pedophilia, I fully recommend it.
Moby Dick by Herman Melville - slightly racist biologically inaccurate whale hunting. For people who know nothing about whales. I've been on a classics kick recently, I'm trying to get my way through a lot of the big 'classic' books and this is what feels like the final boss. It's good, but it's dense as all fuck, and I'm struggling despite being very close to the end with it. I don't recommend this one quite as much, but it's good enough for me to stick with it.
Sacred and Terrible Air by Robert Kurvitz - this is the Disco Elysium novel, translated from Estonian by a variety of lovely people. It's good, but it's also pretty dense - maybe not as much as Moby Dick, but it makes it hard to read in large chunks. I'm reading it alongside my beloved @lifewithoutrainydays, and i really need to put more time into it.
S. by Doug Dorst - fucking fascinating book. It's presented as a book called 'Ship of Theseus' by an author that doesn't exist, and it looks and feels like an actual old library book, complete with scribblings in the margins (that form a whole other meta story on top of the book itself), postcards and printouts jammed in between the pages, and an old library label on the spine. Still trying to figure out how to read it, but plucking away at it in-between all my other endeavors.
Our Bloody Pearl by D.N. Bryn - a.k.a., me trying to step out of my comfort zone and read some recommendations, and not quite clicking with it. Found family pirate-siren trauma-recovery story. I like the things being done with communication difficulties, but on the whole it feels a bit too fanfiction-y, which is not something I tend to like in my original fiction. I'd recommend it if you're a fan of that sort of thing, though!
Awful Hospital: Seriously the Worst Ever by Bogleech - the author says they've never read Homestuck. I don't know if I believe them. A glorious gruesome surreal hellish trip through a very very bad hospital, seriously the worst ever, and beyond! I'm pretty early on but enjoying the fuck out of it. I don't know where it's going and I'm scared to find out.
Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise by Tradd Moore - I read this ages ago, but finally have it in printed edition, and that rules because everything about this FUCKS SEVERELY. the art style is unhinged and brilliant, the writing is weird and beautiful, and the plot is........ the weirdest thing Doctor Strange comics have ever done since Into Shamballa, actually. i'm taking it slow this time because i want to savor every panel.
The Apothecary Diaries (manga edition) - this has been on pause for a bit, because everything else I was reading distracted me, but it's good and it's open in another tab right now, so I'll include it. Murder mysteries in an ancient Chinese court, starring the weirdest poison-obsessed apothecary girl who has ever existed. She poisons herself for fun and gets excited over particularly deadly toxins, I love her to death.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - I loved the books and the show, so I figured it was about time to actually play the games. I'm a tiny bit addicted to it at this point. It's a good fucking game. I like killing monsters and I like playing Fantasy Magic The Gathering and i really really like the battle music. I'm 100%ing this one or I'm dying in the process.
Lobotomy Corporation - has fallen a bit by the wayside because of the Witcher, whoops, but I do fully intend to get back to it at some point. I know there's some less-than-great stuff going on vis-a-vis the creators, but I'm not really engaging on that level. I'm just enjoying it as an SCP-like creature-management simulator. There's some very fun anomalies with very fun writeups in this one, and I enjoy the mental challenge of figuring out what makes them all tick.
Listening to:
Critical Role, Campaign Three - I'm not utterly obsessed with it, but it's a nice long chunk of listening for me to get my evening routine done to the sound of.
And on my podcast 'I'm all caught up, but I regularly listen when new episodes come out' list are: The Magnus Protocol, Dungeons and Daddies, The Adventure Zone, and Apocrypals.
The X-Files - all of it, start-to-finish, because I have somehow managed to avoid all spoilers of a sci-fi cultural touchstone all this time, and I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes. I love some fucked-up monster-of-the-week sci-fi.
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unitygamedevlopment · 7 months
The Witcher 3
"The Witcher 3" follows the journey of Geralt of Rivia, a monster hunter known as a Witcher, as he searches for his missing adopted daughter, Ciri, who is being pursued by a powerful group of supernatural beings known as the Wild Hunt.
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"The Witcher 3" features a branching narrative with multiple endings determined by the player's choices and actions throughout the game. Players must make difficult decisions that have far-reaching consequences, shaping the world and the relationships Geralt forms with other characters.
In addition to its compelling story, "The Witcher 3" offers engaging gameplay with a focus on exploration, combat, and character development. Players can engage in thrilling real-time combat using a variety of weapons, spells, and abilities, as well as utilize Geralt's unique skills as a Witcher to track and hunt down monsters.
With its breathtaking visuals, rich storytelling, and immersive gameplay, "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" is widely regarded as one of the greatest video games of all time. It has received numerous awards and accolades for its outstanding quality, depth of content, and captivating world. Whether you're a fan of fantasy fiction, immersive storytelling, or epic adventures, "The Witcher 3" offers an unforgettable gaming experience that will keep you hooked from start to finish.
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zoewilkinson · 9 months
Blog Post 3 - Can Transmedia Be Good Storytelling?
In the last century, intertextuality and transmedia have had a huge impact on the way we create and tell stories, whether that’s through film, book, TV, or video games. Intertextuality looks at creating a story on one platform, such as a book, and developing the story through sequels and prequels, which expand the story further. Transmedia then looks at taking this book world and adapting it across different media platforms, such as developing it into a film or TV series or adding video games that further the story (Jenkins, 2007). While I do think that in some cases transmedia isn’t necessarily good storytelling or beneficial to a fictional universe (like the Marvel videogames in regard to their connection to the film universe), I want to look at an example of good transmedia storytelling.  Looking specifically at the story The Witcher, I will be exploring what a video game’s role is in transmedia and its impact on this story.
The Witcher and Transmedia
Transmedia is most commonly focused on the story of the overall world, rather than the characters themselves (Jenkins, 2007), so for a set of stories to fit into a strong transmedia category, the fictional worlds themselves need to be connected with characters that are related between stories, but characters can change. Initially, I thought that transmedia was a form of franchising a story, but in Transmedia 202: Further reflections Jenkins claims “Most previous media franchises were based on reproduction and redundancy, but transmedia represents a structure based on the further development of the storyworld through each new medium.” (Jenkins, 2011) This statement has actually changed my outlook on the use of transmedia for continuing a story through different mediums, and that its actually a way to include a wider fanbase into the same fictional world while still expanding on the original ideas.
The Witcher is one of my favourite examples of transmedia storytelling, creating an extensive story world across the books, video games, and the Netflix series. Originally written by Polish author Andrzej Sapowski, the book series started in 1994, and was finished in 1999 after writing 8 books. This then was adapted into a series of video games; The Witcher (2007), The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (2011) and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015). They are an interactive version of the original world, but also expands upon Sapowski’s stories. The games were the media object that really popularised the story, with the third game being the most popular and still talked about in 2023 as one of the best RPGs on the market. From the popularity of the games, the story was picked up by Netflix, and the first season aired in 2019. This is my personal favourite adaptation of the stories, where they’ve combined elements from the books and the games altogether to create a new viewing experience that is accessible to most people.
Each medium used over the last 3 decades has been an incredibly important part of creating this transmedia universe. With the books being the original base for the new adaptations of the stories, the games offer a new, interactive way to explore the stories and build upon them, and the TV series combines all of this together to bring the characters and the stories to life on the screen. This creates a well-connected transmedia storytelling experience, which allows fans and viewers to access the stories across different platforms with a consistent and well rounded story. The Witcher is an excellent example of how transmedia can be used to enhance a fictional universe and extend it further, allowing for a wider target audience and offering a way to access the story that will fit the viewer best.
Looking at my own work, I do believe there are ways to include some transmedia ideas to further enhance my pieces. I think that looking at different places and websites to publish my artwork to is the best way to achieve this, as I would be targeting a wider set of audiences for feedback, which would allow me to expand on my work in a more targeted way, as well as possibly opening my work to an audience I hadn’t previously considered. I think creating a short story series through different characters could be a really interesting way to begin this, with each of them expanding on a narrative idea that could be later developed into a game concept.
CD PROJEKT RED. (2007) The Witcher [DISC]. PC. Europe: Atari.
CD PROJEKT RED. (2011) The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings [DISC]. PC. Europe: CD Projekt.
CD PROJEKT RED. (2015) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt [DISC]. PC. Europe: CD Projekt.
Jenkins, H., 2007. Transmedia Storytelling 101. [Online] Available at: https://henryjenkins.org/blog/2007/03/transmedia_storytelling_101.html [Accessed 20 October 2023].
Jenkins, H., 2011. Transmedia 202: Further Reflections. [Online] Available at: https://henryjenkins.org/blog/2011/08/defining_transmedia_further_re.html [Accessed 22 December 2023].
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unprofessional-bard · 3 years
Kinktober Day 28
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Kinktober Masterlist (TBA)
Day 15 • Day 23
Prompt: Almost Getting Caught
Pairing: Yennefer of Vengerberg x F!Reader
Word Count: 1.123
Author's note: If anyone has a degrading or mistress kink fic with Yennefer lmk it's for science 😁
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"Ugh, when will this end?" You groan and rub your temples as if it would ease the headache you got from the Brotherhood's meeting that had been going on for more than 2 hours now. When shouting had commenced, a break to calm the nerves was called in, and you found yourself alongside Triss Merigold, exiting the meeting room: "Always the same shit, we all know how it's going to end."
"I think this time is going to be different," Triss tries to reassure you optimistically, but you simply huff and roll your eyes in response (something you realised you had picked up from a certain raven haired sorceress coming your way): "Oh look, there's Yennefer."
Bold and unbothered as usual, you thought as she approaches the both of you with lively steps. Stunning, as usual.
"I'm afraid I'll have to steal her for a moment, Triss," She speaks a bit urgently, and you think something is wrong: "Walk with me, my darling."
That kind of urgent.
You link arms with your violet eyed lover without giving away to the redheaded sorceress, who was now behind you, the true intentions of your 'walk'.
"You feel the meeting suffocating you too?" She asks quietly as you stray away from the crowd, into the more quite parts of the château.
"Oh, yes."
"They're a different breed of morons, the Chapter."
"Especially today." You agree as she leads you to a particularly quiet corner of the corridor you were walking around, then suddenly she pushes you against a wooden door hidden next to a statue. The door was already open, so when your shoulder lightly bumps into it, you're quick to stumble in and Yennefer follows suit: "Really? Here?"
"Obviously," She groans as she locks the door behind her and turns around in the mildly cramped space to face you. She wastes absolutely no time whatsoever in pulling your face against hers and claiming your lips in a hungry kiss.
You're perhaps too quick to whimper against her soft lips, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her flush against you; your back hitting something in the meantime, but you're too drunk on her to try and guess what it is.
She's hungry for you– absolutely ferocious with the way she kisses you and lets her hands grab your breasts possessively, which makes you sigh in a delighted manner. Her knee spreads your legs enough to fit her own between them. She then tugs your dress upwards and quickly grabs your thighs before the cloth can cover them again.
"Yen–" You practically gasp when you pull away for air, but she's relentless: she attacks your neck with rather harsh sucks and bites, while you unbutton her coat.
You want to tell her to stop and not leave marks, for your dress wasn't covering your neck and shoulders, but you don't have the heart to tell her to stop. Much as you loved her, and much as she made it up to you always, she was sometimes mean to you in ways she was mean to Geralt, which made you insecure in a way.
Today, it wasn't a case like that though. You didn't have the heart simply because you didn't want her to stop.
You feel your eyes roll close as she licks at the spots she bit and you almost miss the last button, before she shoves it off her shoulders herself and puts one hand on the side of your throat as she switches to the other side of your neck, slowly sneaking a hand inside your panties.
"Yenna," You let out a broken moan when you feel her fingertip pressing right on your clit, then grab her chin and lift her head up so you can kiss her lips. Your tongues are quick to clash as she teases your clit with her delicate fingers, scent of lilac and gooseberries invading your senses in the most pleasant way.
Her skin is soft under your palms when you practically shove your hands under her shirt and grab her breasts, which makes her sigh quietly. Violet eyes bore into your soul when she pulls back, lips now a darker shade of red and slightly puffy. She keeps the pair focused on you, staring right through you as her attention now completely switches to the motion of her fingers.
After a point, when you can clearly hear the wet noises coming from your pussy, you have to grab her arms to hold yourself up. Your moans become a bit louder each time she flicks and strokes. A jolt of electricity shoots down your legs when she inserts two fingers into your warmth: your limbs tremble and a gasp escapes you, and she takes this advantage to kiss you again.
"Does that feel good?" She asks as if she doesn't know– can't see the answer. You're a dripping, moaning, trembling mess above her hand; it's not long before she inserts a third finger and you partially collapse against her, putting your forehead against her shoulder as she fucks you with her fingers.
"Yen– Yenna–"
"Shh, keep it down–"
"Gonna cum–" You struggle to keep quiet. You don't know what it is about this time, but it certainly will be an orgasm you won't forget in a long–
"Who goes there?"
Everything is suddenly quiet– Yennefer stops her movements so quickly, it's almost like blowing out a candle. She has to press a hand against your mouth to keep you noiseless. Neither of you move as footsteps approach your location, but Yenna quietly removes her hand from under your dress and casts a spell to make her appear less... dishevelled.
"Show yourself!"
Yennefer groans and rolls here eyes, quietly tells you to wait inside and storms outside.
"Yennefer? What brings you to this part of the château?"
"Leave us be, Vilgefortz," She demands with that mean tone of hers, and gives up your name: "This rather heated meeting of the Chapter hasn't been kind on her poor nerves– I'd appreciate it if you kept quiet about it, these are lady problems. You wouldn't comprehend."
"Oh," Vilgefortz's smirk disappears. "Of course. Well, the meeting doesn't start until another half hour, she has all the time to collect herself."
And with that, he marches back the way he came.
Yen's steps aren't rushed as she returns to you, closing the door behind her gently: "You heard that?"
"Another half an hour?"
Her made-up coat dissolved, revealing her beautiful chest once more, everything going back to just as you had left it: "I don't remember being done with you."
"No," You pull her flush against your chest by her shirt, earning a hushed, excited gasp from her: "No you're not."
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eredins-wife · 2 years
Eredin's Childhood Flashback.... Chapter 18
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..."Let me tell you a story….."
A long time ago, when the Sparrowhawk was a child and only child of a noble caste. He spent the afternoons in the company of his mother, gathering wheat and barley from his fields. The mother gave up her political status but his father decided to take that job. A particular family. At night the young Sparrowhawk would go out hunting small wild mice and take them to a nearby nest. He fed some sparrowhawks that had been orphaned. The heart of the Sparrowhawk back then and in this sphere was pure and dignified.
The Flight of the Swallow: reconciliation
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batgurl1989 · 3 years
A Wolf In Toussaint Chapter Five
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Summary: You arrive back at Corvo Bianco to some news from Yennefer that doesn’t bode well for your future.
Word Count: 2222
Warnings: Spoilers for the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt DLC
A/N: Taglist is always open :). Sorry for the delay in this story, but now things will be coming to head plot-wise. Thanks for sticking with it :)
Chapter One  Chapter Two  Chapter Three  Chapter Four  Chapter Five
Taglist: @rmtndew @henrynerdfan @cynic-spirit @princesssterek @daddys-littlewhitegirl @diegos-butt @lharrietg @kebabgirl67 ​ @djinny-djin-djin @seanh-boredom
“You know what this is about, don’t you?” Yen stepped up beside you. When you had returned to the vineyard, you and Geralt had been bombarded with questions. You didn’t make it into the house, let alone the bedroom, and now you were standing on the terrace overlooking the vines while Geralt was off attending to an estate problem.
“The King of Beggars?” You prodded, not wanting to open yourself up too much to whatever judgement the other Sorceress was about to pass on you. As much as you knew you needed her help, you hated that Yennefer was still in Toussaint.
“I know about your past with him.” Yen gave you a knowing look that caused your heart to pound in your chest. You fought to calm it, knowing that if it kept beating at the rate it was, Geralt would hear it and come running. That was the last thing you wanted. “Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me… for now.”
“What do you want, Yen?” You grumbled with a sigh, leaning on the split rail fence that edged the terrace. The sun was beginning to set, and you were watching the vineyard workers hauling in their picks of the day. The few minutes you had been watching them made you think that it was hard work, but worth it. None of the workers seemed unhappy or upset about spending the day among the vines. It seemed almost peaceful. “I know you aren’t sticking around for my health.”
“I may have snooped around Novigrad discretely.” Yen leaned next you, her violet eyes lit with something you couldn’t place. It gave you an uneasy feeling. “The King knows about your past. Almost as well as I do.”
“What?!” That was unwelcome news. You tried to mask your surprise but knew that Yen had caught it. She was too observant to have missed it. You saw Geralt coming out of the vineyard, chatting with a few of the workers. You moved away from the fence before he caught sight of you. You didn’t want him to see or hear what you and Yen were clearly about to discuss. “I have no idea how he found out about that, especially given what the Lodge did to wipe that from all records.”
“Really, Younin, you think you could do something as large as wiping out a whole royal line and think you can get away with it? People will talk. Even the Lodge can’t control every single witness, though they like to think that they can.” Yen’s voice dripped with amusement that you just weren’t feeling. You could feel tears burn the backs of your eyes when you were hit with the reminder of what you did that made you leave court life to begin with. “It doesn’t matter now. The King knows. And now he is willing to sell that information to the highest bidder unless you turn yourself over to him.”
You could feel the hopelessness of your situation trying to drag you down. You weren’t welcome in Toussaint anymore, and if you went back to Novigrad or Velen you would surely be caught. The Lodge had covered for you on the strict instructions that you retire to a non-descript life. This bounty on your head was certainly not keeping a low profile, and if the news got out about what you had done… Well, the Lodge would certainly place their own bounty on your head.
“Ah I see it’s finally sinking in.” You glared at the other Sorceress, annoyed with how happy she seemed to be. But then her violet eyes darkened. “We can’t let them use that information.”
“It would be bad for the Lodge.” You agreed. As much as the information was incriminating for you, it was damning for the Lodge. Courts had been trusting the Lodge and the Sorceresses of Aretuza for centuries, so to find out that one of the Sorceresses had gone on a killing spree and taken out an entire royal line would damage their reputation to say the least.
“Does Geralt know?” Yennefer asked, her voice softening imperceptibly at the mention of the Witcher. Your eyes snapped back to hers, trying to figure out how much to tell her.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. He knows my full name and title. As you mentioned, there are whispers of what happened.” You wanted out of this conversation in the worst way but knew that there would be no more running for you. You had been running for long enough.
“The Witcher values honesty in those he keeps close.” You knew Yen was trying to be cryptic, but she wasn’t telling you anything you didn’t already know. The Sorceress moved to head inside, stopping shoulder to shoulder with you. “If you don’t tell him, I will.”
“That’s between Geralt and myself.” You growled. You could feel the Chaos rising in you and fought to tamp it down. It wouldn’t do to expend so much energy right now, especially not against someone as strong as Yennefer.
“Younin?” Geralt’s low voice alerted you to his presence. You turned to face him, your heart pounding in your chest. There was an all too brief moment when he looked completely unconcerned about everything, and you wished you could freeze the moment. But it passed faster than a blink, and his face became marred with worry as he stepped toward you. “Is everything alright? You seem panicked.”
“Tell him, or I will.” Yen said again quietly, though you didn’t know why. Geralt would be able to hear a pin drop out here with his heightened senses. You didn’t take your eyes off the Witcher as the black-haired Sorceress sauntered past him. She trailed her fingers over his bare forearm as she went, and you had to stop yourself from lashing out.
“What was that about?” Geralt didn’t seem as affected by Yennefer’s treatment as you were when he came to stand by your side. You knew he wanted to ask more but was giving you the chance to explain before jumping to conclusions.
“Give me a tour of the vineyards?” You kept your face light and carefree as you briefly changed the subject. You linked arms with him, stroking your fingers over the same forearm Yen had just been fingering, hoping to remind Geralt that he seemed to prefer your touch to hers. You hated the jealousy that was curling up inside you and putting some distance between you and the manor she had just retired into seemed like a good idea.
The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky over the vineyard pink and purple with shocks of fiery orange. You marveled at it as you entered the seclusion the grape vines offered. The workers had all gone inside, and the field was peaceful. You welcomed the silence, disturbed only by your foot falls on the sandy paths between the crops. Geralt guided you through the rows, taking you further and further away from the estate as darkness fell.
“Igni.” Geralt mumbled, a small flame lighting in his palm as he angled it as a torch that stood at the end of the row you were walking down.
“Geralt.” The Witcher paused, turning to you when he heard the tone of your voice. You were ready to talk. You pulled your lower lip into your mouth, not sure where you should start. “Yennefer figured out what the King of Beggars wants with me.”
“And?” Geralt’s eyes flashed a darker gold, and you knew something akin to anger had just come to life inside him. You gently squeezed where your hand still laid on his forearm, hoping to keep him with you for a few moments longer.
“He has information about me that he is using to blackmail me.” You swallowed hard before continuing to speak. “I don’t know how much you know about my past, but it’s not all boring court life. What you may have heard isn’t the whole truth. Not even the Lodge know the full extent of what happened, or why I did what I did.”
“I heard about the royals, if that’s what you are referring to.” Geralt’s voice was quiet when he spoke, the resonance of it rolling over your skin. You knew then that you didn’t have to worry about any judgement he may cast your way. “I’m sure it was more than the boredom that the gossiping court women make it out to be.”
“It’s hard to explain to someone who wasn’t there, but the experiments that royal family was doing on the children in the village… I couldn’t stand for it.” You felt vindication rise you again at the mere thought of you had witnessed. You stepped away from Geralt when you felt your control on the Chaos inside you start to slip. “There was no reason for the experiments other than their own amusement. I couldn’t let them continue you.”
“Your heart is going to get you into trouble one of these days.” Geralt’s voice held none of the humour would have any other time. You knew he was taking this seriously. You closed your eyes in an attempt to hold back your tears when you felt Geralt’s calloused palm cup your cheek. Maybe if you didn’t have to look at him, you wouldn’t have to relive the horrors you witnessed. His thumb run across your skin, the rough pad wiping away a tear that had escaped. “If you say you had a reason to do what you did, then you must have. Younin, I am the last person who could judge you. My past isn’t exactly innocent.”
You sighed, allowing yourself to relax slightly. Geralt stabbed the torch into the sand before he stepped closer, his large body offering you what comfort it could as he wrapped his arms around you. You buried your face in his chest, careful to avoid his wolf medallion. He wasn’t wearing his armour anymore, and his soft linen shirt was clean and smelled of him. His hands stroked up and down your back, soothing you, letting you know he was here for you. Your arms came around his waist, gripping his shirt as though he was a lifeline.
“What is he blackmailing you with?” Geralt asked quietly after a few minutes of silence in which you just held each other.
“According to Yen, he is going to sell proof of what I did to the highest bidder unless I turn myself over to him.” Your voice was muffled in Geralt’s chest, but you knew he had heard you. His body went rigid as he processed my words.
“Well, that’s not going to happen.” Geralt finally spoke, his voice full of conviction. You lifted your head from his chest to look up at him. It wasn’t that you were surprised by what he was saying, it was more about what he wasn’t saying. He tilted his face down to meet your gaze, his gold eyes burning with a barely contained anger. “And I won’t let him sell the information about you.”
You knew eventually you would have to ask what he intended to do to pull that off, but right now you didn’t really care. Geralt cared for you fiercely and was willing to go to great lengths to not only save you from whatever the King of Beggars was planning to do but also from the disgrace your past actions would bring to you if news got out. You wiggled your toes in your new boots, reminding yourself of all the other ways Geralt had shown you his true feelings without having to say them out loud.
As you stared into his eyes, you knew for a fact that he loved you. No doubt.
“I won’t let anything happen to you.” Geralt’s voice was rough as he spoke, trying to reassure you when you didn’t respond to him. Your eyes flicked to his lips before meeting his golden gaze again. You both were holding your breath as there seemed to be a pause between you.
You went up on your toes, pressing your lips to his. He didn’t miss a beat as his hands gripped you tighter to his body and his eyes slid closed. His tongue ran along your lower lip, and you opened for him. You couldn’t help the small moan that escaped your throat when his hands gripped your arse, lifting you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist instinctively, draping your arms over his shoulders as you continued to explore the kiss from the Witcher.
“I hope you have plenty of energy, Witcher.” You whispered in his ear when you finally tore your lips away from his. You trailed a searing line of kisses from his mouth to his ear, sucking his ear lobe into your mouth briefly. Geralt’s response was a grunt that danced around being a groan of pleasure. “Because it has been far too long.”
“I’m glad we agree.” Geralt nipped at your neck playfully as he turned back for the manor. Fleetingly you worried about the others in the house and what they might hear, but then Geralt’s lips were back on yours erasing all thoughts aside from the pleasure you wanted to give him.
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gazeboarcade · 4 years
Chapter 4 is now up!!! Not to get toooooo spoilery, but they find out what they’re dealing with in this one! As usual, summary below, tags below the cut. 
Summary: Geralt and Jaskier stop in a quaint village for a contract reporting twelve men dead in a week. Even in Geralt's line of work, this is a lot. The plot thickens when he finds all twelve men willingly left their homes in the night only to be found dead by morning. Will Geralt be able to defeat the evil that vexes this town before another victim is claimed? Tune in to find out!
Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV), Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game), Wiedźmin | The Witcher Series - Andrzej Sapkowski Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier | Dandelion Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Roach (The Witcher), Original Witcher Character(s), that is to say - Character, Original Characters, but in the witcher universe Additional Tags: The Witcher - Freeform, Witchers Have Feelings (The Witcher), Eventual Romance, Eventual Fluff, Fluff, Angst, monster hunting, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Bisexual Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Bisexual Jaskier | Dandelion, Protective Jaskier | Dandelion, Soft Jaskier | Dandelion, Touch-Starved Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Whump, Emotionally Constipated Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Trans Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Autistic Geralt, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Violence, Grief/Mourning, Geralt Saves the Day, Jaskier saves Geralt, all around a heartwarming tale, Buckle Up Buttercups
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
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Fandom: The Witcher
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Expect everything to be way out in left field, then take that expectation and throw it in a river. Remember, this is the witcher universe. It’s a cruel and violent world. Gore/sexual situations(con or not) will be described, strong/offensive language will be used. People will emotionally break and have their ability to “live on” tested (some might fail). What happens really just depends.
Chapters: 5/?
By the time Geralt had left the vampire's crypt— learning all he dared to ask—the moon and sun had danced once again across Toussaint’s horizon. Their brilliant dawn and dazzling dusk watched on as he mulled over all he had learned and all that had gone unspoken.
What was the connection between the creature living inside her and the sun? If she was from a different universe, how and why did she share so many genetic traits with Upirs? Furthermore, why didn’t she have a second form? He supposed the pantheress shadow creature she created, as well as the change in her eyes, skin colour and claws counted as one, but it wasn’t as drastic nor animalistic as Regis’s or ‘the beast of Beauclair’s form.
Journal’s going to turn into a novel with all have to record, the wolf thought, stealing a glance at the woman walking beside him. Her comfortable peasant wear had been swapped out for a thin cloak and set of light leather armour that loosely hugged her curves. It wasn’t skin tight, far from it, but it hugged in all the right places and its vibrant colours accentuated the faint silvery glow of her tapetum lucidum. On either side of her hips were two scabbards, each of which contained a Koviri cutlass, no longer than 25 inches of hardened steel.
Odessa stated during her ‘interrogation’ that she preferred to use more traditional weapons whenever and wherever she could, as it reduced the chances of someone discovering what she was. Did that mean she was implying she wouldn’t use her more inhuman abilities, even if a hard fight called for them? No, despite the ever-constant risk, she often drew upon her superhuman speed, her formidable strength, her near-instantaneous reaction time and her remarkable regenerative capabilities
Read the full chapter on AO3(be sure to read the tags and chapter notes. Your only warning lol)    
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Anon Ask: Why call yourself Nilfgaardian collection when you post a lot of non-nilfgaardian content?
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Do I limit my tastes, my horizons just because of my channel name? Hell no!
The channel is actually a minor spelling change of one of the main quest in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. Can you guess?
The Nilfgaardian Connection
I am a fan of the game and the books in general, and a fan of nilfgaard in particular (even called myself The Simp of The White Flame in some circles). And Im also a fan of Eskel, the vampires Dettlaff and Regis, the Yennefer and Geralt pairing, the empress ending, Soulsborne, farm simulators, etc.  
Just because I love nilfgaard and the emperor doesn’t automatically translate to blind loyalty. Thank goodness Nilfgaard and the characters are works of fiction, otherwise I’d be brought in chains and subjected to 200 sound lashing XD. 
The channel name stays regardless of what I post. 
Welcome to my collection. 
The Nilfgaardian Collection
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lilies-of-temeria · 5 years
New chapter up! (FINALLY I know it’s been ages!! Life got the best of me!)
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ashwolfcub · 7 years
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I YABBADABA DOO FINISHED IT! This character called Hunter belongs to @thealfanator!
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beatrixacs · 4 years
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
Tagged by @brasandsocks 💖😘
Name/Nickname: Tereza/I don’t really have an IRL nickname (not anymore at least), all are just dimunitives of my name
Gender: Female
Star sign: Pisces
Height: 161 cm
Time: 15:35 (Central European Time)
Birthday: March
Favorite Bands: Audiomachine, Imagine Dragons, One Republic (I guess, I’m not really much of a band type unless I can list orchestras)
Favorite Solo Artists: Eminem, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry... (again, not really much of a fan of some artist - aside Eminem - I just generally love music and I don’t care who is the artist)
Last movie: Home Alone
Last show: Vikings and Mr. Mercedes
When did I create this blog: October 2014
What I post: Links to my fanfics, occassional rants and other personal stuff. Usually like and reblog gifsets from my favourite fandoms.
Last thing I googled: An animal called Javan Rusa or Sunda Sambar
Other blogs: I have a sideblog dedicated to my challenge of reading everything Sigmund Freud has ever written.
Do I get asks: Almost never but my Ask box is very hard to find on my main page.
Why did I chose my URL: It’s my online nickname.
Following: 108
Followers: 232
Average hours of sleep: 7 - 9
Instruments: Violin, piano and saxophone.
What am I wearing: All black - from T-shirt to leggins. When I feel cold, I take on my red sweatshirt I was gifted by Autumn Cozy. 
Dream Job(s): Always was and always will be - lawyer.
Dream trip: Right now, London.
Favorite food: Lasagne, Pizza, Teriyaki Chicken
Nationality: Czech
Favorite song: Don’t have just one as every normal person in the world but current favourite is Heimta Thurs by Wardruna (Blood Eagle song from Vikings)
Last book I read: The Feast for Crows by George R. R. Martin (4th A Song of Ice and Fire book)
Top 3 Fictional Universes I’d Like To Live In: Discworld, The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt and... Cyberpunk 2077 starts growing up on me (or definitely Azeroth from World of Warcraft).
Tagging @lexinoctura :)
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elenafisher · 4 years
Hello! I was wondering if you have some pointers for someone who is thinking of playing the Witcher 3 for the first time. I keep hearing that it has an overwhelming amount of content but not in a bad way. Thank you and I love your blog despite the description lol ❤️
Oh, dear. I must confess: I have not actually completed The Witcher 3. I’ve beaten maybe an hour. That was months ago, before I even knew anything about the series; I had bought the game because it had ended up being such a huge hit (as well as being, like, seriously discounted in the PS Store at the time). I have not picked up the game since. (I really should, though. I’m bad.)
When I first played it, I was really overwhelmed by it (like you). But it becomes easier to digest once you understand the setting, the lore, and some background info about the books.
First off: The Witcher is a collection of fantasy short stories/novels written by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski about the adventures of Geralt of Rivia, a witcher (a highly-trained monster hunter for hire). 
Sapkowski began the series by writing the short stories, which then progressed into novels. The following is the chronological order for the series:
Books 1 - 3: Collections of Short Stories
The Last Wish
Sword of Destiny 
Blood of Elves 
Books 4 - 7: The Main Witcher Saga
Time of Contempt
Baptism of Fire
The Tower of the Swallow
The Lady of the Lake
Book 8: Season of Storms
Season of Storms 
Note: This is a standalone novel that takes place between the first Witcher short story and most of the events that take place in The Last Wish.
Second: The games take place after The Lady of the Lake, the last actual book of the Witcher saga. The games’ developer, CD Projekt Red, has an agreement with Sapkowski to create the games, but they are not “canon” entries in the written Witcher saga.
The games are a form of fan fiction... and yet, so much more. 
But it is important to remember that this story, beginning with The Witcher (2007), is one studio’s idealized continuation following the ending of The Lady of the Lake, the book where the story of Geralt of Rivia, Yennefer of Vengerberg, and Princess Ciri formally ended. 
This presents a new question: Should you read the books?
I can’t really answer this question for you. Personally, I’m still reading them. I had to stop because my English version was not well-translated. (I downloaded an eBook file online, so I’m not sure if it’s the actual book or the file itself, really.) 
I’ve been catching up on the lore with my friends, the Witcher Wiki, the actual Wikipedia article, the show, and Reddit. 
Finally: The games began years ago, in 2007, with The Witcher. Then, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. That brings us today, with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. 
Hooray! We’re back where we started (kind of).
As you can see, there is a significant amount of content to go through before you can begin to understand the complex world that The Witcher 3 takes place in. I hope this has helped! 
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