#clone oc trooper clank
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vod of the day (pt 2/2!): Clank. he got his name by headbutting the first clanker he ever saw. their helmet against the droid's head made the worst noise ever; the vod'e have never let him live it down, hence his name.
he was in active duty for a few battles, but eventually was put out of commission and transferred to the surge protectors instead.
clank (he/him) CT-1206 surge protectors (IT) department
he does a lot of mechanical work, like fixing up the outer shells of the armor n stuff. or the jetpacks n such.
he met ratchet once (1 time) as a little tiny cadet and immediately imprinted on him. ratchet didnt feel like shaking off the little leech so they eventually became ori'vod and vod'ika.
he always has some sort of grease on his bucket. they've never gotten him to clean it off. ratchet gave up a long time ago.
he got a horrible concussion and some brain damage from headbutting the droid, causing him to develop epilepsy.
c: ratchet! i fixed the remaining jetpacks!
r: that's great, clank.
-burner helps him with his hair -single piercing. gayass. -grease smudges -has a toolbelt
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lanami-legacy · 1 year
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Introducing Clank // CT-7569 (Force of Nature // Prequels)
Clank, originally designated CT-7569, was a Clone Trooper of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.
About six months into the war, Clank was assigned as a bodyguard to Senator Loxas' wife: Cordelia Obriv, due to mutable incidents of Obriv nearly being kidnapped in order to threaten the senator. (Possibly part of a ploy set up by Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine to help him keep a closer eye on Sith Lady Darth Viveza and her associates).
Clank found it difficult to adjust to life as a bodyguard rather than a soldier. Mostly due to Obriv's home planet being located in the outer rim. Just the edges of the Mandalore Sector (a neutral system that was about as far from the war as one could get at that point).
Face Claim: Temuera Morrison
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darth-caillic · 1 year
Okay I’m not getting internet for like 5 days now so I’m just gotta post this Clank fact now!
Basically there are two versions of the story of how Clank got his name. One if you ask Clank himself and one if you ask his batch mates (Rex for example)
Clank: Because he’s always had an keen interest in droids/robotics
Batchmates: He tripped during training once and slammed head first into a clanker
… both are correct
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lonewolflupe · 3 months
aLoF ch1 | Approaching Storm
I finally present to you: the first chapter of my OC Lupe's story, A Lupe of Faith (aLoF). I currently have about 7 (almost) finished chapters (some still need a bit of finetuning tho), so I have more coming your way. I really hope someone enjoys my stories, at least I had so much fun writing them so far! Please check out the disclaimer in my masterlist (:
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Summary: as the First Battle of Geonosis (22 BBY) marks the beginning of the Clone Wars, Padawan Lupe finds herself submerged in the destruction the war brings Rating: Teen and up Tags: canon-typical violence, light angst (death, shock/trauma, hurt/comfort) Words: 2.468k Characters: Lupe (OC), Plo Koon, CT-7567 Rex, unidentified clone troopers, unidentified Jedi aLoF masterlist | AO3 Next chapter >
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22 BBY, Geonosis
Dust erupted from the ground as the LAAT gunships descended into the arena. The air was filled with the sound of blaster fire and shots being deflected by lightsabers. The clanking of metal from marching battle droids and hasty wings as the last Geonosians tried to flee the arena. The soil filled with droids torn to pieces and broken bodies as fallen Jedi lay scattered.
Lupe was standing in one of the descending LAAT gunships, lightsaber in one hand, the other hand clung to the ship to keep her balance. Dread had befallen her during the preparations of the attack, but as she noticed how few Jedi were still standing, a worse feeling took over. But she managed to suppress her feelings, her emotions; it was not the Jedi way to let those guide you.
She was still a Padawan with a lot to learn. It wasn't until recently that her future seemed clear. The Jedi were peacekeepers, and she was being trained to be one. But now it dawned on her she had a different role to play; that of a warrior, a soldier. And although she wasn't a youngling anymore, and she had seen unspeakable things throughout the galaxy already, the thought of being a soldier in a war scared her. Her future didn't seem so bright anymore; no one's, for that matter.
She shook away the dreadful thoughts to focus on the here and now. The clone troopers accompanying her readied themselves to be thrown into battle. They were born and trained to do so, but still, she couldn't help but feel a gust of sorrow thinking about the sacrifices they would make. For the Republic.
"Nearly there, troopers," she shouted, hoping her voice didn't sound as insecure as she felt. The clone standing beside her leaned in closer to her. "Don't worry, sir," he said to her, "this is our first real battle too." Was that supposed to make her feel better? The wry smile on her face disappeared quickly. She appreciated the gesture though.
She couldn't help prying her eyes across the small group of Jedi, still standing and bravely fighting, despite their declining numbers and exhaustion taking over. She hoped to see her Master down below, still breathing and engaged in the battle. He had ordered her to mount the gunship to accompany the clones. She didn't know if he didn't want her in the first attack wave because of a lack of experience, or to spare her. She didn't dwell on the thought, because now, by seeing all the death and destruction below, she was thankful for his choice.
At that moment, she spotted her Master. A feeling of relief, immediately followed by guilt, because of all the Jedi that hadn’t made it through the attack. The gunship had nearly reached the ground, and started hovering above the dry soil, making the air so full of dust that it was hard to see anything. The clone troopers around Lupe started to jump out of the LAAT whilst aiming and started firing their guns at the surrounding droids. It provided enough distraction for the surviving Jedi to retreat into the gunships.
Lupe was still standing in the gunship, offering her hand to any exhausted Jedi willing to be pulled aboard. She swung her lightsaber around occasionally, to deflect any blaster fire, but it seemed that the clones took up the most incoming fire. Her stomach turned.
It was at that moment she felt a hand on her shoulder. The long fingers with armoured talons gave her an encouraging squeeze, and she felt better instantly.
"Master Plo!" she cried out, even before she had turned around to face him. She was happy to see him safe, and mostly unhurt, but she couldn't hide her pain from him, caused by all the loss and destruction of that day. Her Master, Plo Koon, sighed through his antiox breath mask. Although she couldn't see his eyes through the goggles he was wearing, she knew they were filled with pain as well.
There was no time to catch up. After saving the last Jedi standing, the gunships had ascended into the Geonosian sky again to enter the next phase of the battle. All Jedi fit enough to still fight were sent into battle again, accompanied by an army of clone troopers. Anyone too injured or exhausted stayed on the gunships, awaiting treatment.
Lupe hadn't left her Master's side since he had regrouped with her on the LAAT gunship. And now she had followed him into battle, on the dusty plains of Geonosis. Her blue lightsaber slashed through the metal droids, severing arms, legs and heads, cutting through torsos and weapons. She didn't feel remorse for any of them. She just wanted to keep any further casualties on their side as low as possible; of both Jedi and clones.
The remainder of the battle went by in a haze. The last droid forces were destroyed or pushed back, and Lupe fell back in pace to regain herself. Her chest heaving from heavy breathing, strains of hair sticking to her skin. She swept away some of the hair with the top of her wrist, whilst looking around her. Mayhem. Suffering. Death.
Just a few steps to her left, a clone trooper lay on the ground, groaning in pain as he struggled for his life. His helmet was blown off, so she could see his injured face. Lupe fell on her knees beside him, taking his hand in hers as a sign of comfort. There wasn't anything else she could do; she felt helpless.
"I'm sorry," she whispered, as she watched the clone's breathing become slower, until it stopped at last. She closed her eyes and hung her head. She felt a lump in her throat.
Any sense of time gone, she didn't know how long she had been kneeling there when she felt her Master approaching. She tried to swallow away the lump in her throat before she dared to say something.
"Master, this is just the beginning, isn't it?" she asked quietly, not letting her sight wander from the fallen clone before her. She was still holding his hand. Plo Koon kneeled beside her and put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm afraid so, my young Padawan," he said softly. His voice was full of suffering; for the souls they had lost during the battle, and for the souls they would lose after this day.
Coruscant | Jedi Temple
Back at the Jedi Temple, the atmosphere was tense. The Council had gathered almost immediately after their return, and was still withdrawn to debate the occurred events and deliberate on what to do next. The Jedi healers were working overtime to patch up the wounded Jedi as best as they could. At the hangar bay, fallen Jedi were taken from the gunships discreetly, to ready them for their final honouring.
Lupe was standing in a more public hallway in the outer part of the Temple, overlooking the nearby hangar, watching as clone troopers were running about to escort and support Jedi returning from Geonosis. She wanted to help, but was frozen to the ground as she tried to comprehend what had happened in the last few rotations. She lowered her gaze to her hands, stretched out before her. The adrenaline had worn off; her hands were starting to shake uncontrollably.
"Sir, you need some help?" She hadn't noticed the clone trooper walking up to her. He held his helmet under his arm, his face visible. A cruel wrench in her stomach as she recognised the face. For a second she thought of the clone back at the end of the battle. How she had held his hand as he died. He died, didn't he? She snapped out of the moment when she realised as clones, they all shared the same face. Made the same, born to fight. Born to die.
Shaking her head, she clasped her arms around her stomach whilst taking a step back. "Please, tend to those who need it more," she said quietly, "I'll manage." She knew that wasn't completely true. As she staggered backwards, her head starting to spin nauseously, she heard the clone saying: “You don't look like you're managing,” before it all went black.
When she came back to her senses, she was sitting on the ground, her back against the hallway’s wall. The trooper was kneeling beside her, a concerned look on his face. She tried to get up, but the clone prevented that by pushing her shoulder back against the wall.
“Woah, easy there,” he said to her, a comforting smile on his face. “You alright, kid?” She focussed on her breathing as she felt her head starting to spin again. “I’m feeling a bit light headed,” she whispered, as she put her hands against her temples.
The trooper started fidgeting in the container on his back and pulled out a nervestick. “Here, chew on this, it'll make you feel better,” he said as he handed it over to her. She took it gladly, and as she started chewing on the stick, she felt better instantly. “Thanks,” she said eventually, as she sat chewing silently. The trooper nodded, after which he took the opportunity and sat down beside her, his back arched against the wall. There they sat in silence for a while.
“I don't want to be rude,” Lupe eventually said, her voice small, “but aren't you needed elsewhere?” Her question was genuine; she didn't want him to leave, she was actually grateful for his presence. But as there was still a lot going on in the hangar and throughout the Jedi Temple, she presumed he had better things to do. The trooper looked at her with a kind smile on his face.
“We were ordered to take care of the Jedi, and that's exactly what I'm doing. Keeping an eye out on you, kid,” he said as he tapped her shoulder. She tried smiling back at him before she started chewing again. This stick was glorious; the Jedi should add those to their general gear.
When she finally started to feel like her old self again, she put the stick down, pulled up her knees towards her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She contemplated on her next words before speaking them.
“So how do the clones work, technically? How are you related? And again, I mean no offence. Just being curious,” she said, shrugging slightly at the last words. The trooper chuckled. “I don't want to get technical with you. But we share the same DNA, and we see each other as brothers.”
She went silent for a moment, thinking about all the troopers that had died back at Geonosis. “Then I am sorry for the loss of your brothers,” she said softly, her gaze averted. He glanced over at her, surprised by the involvement and concern about the clones this Padawan had on her mind. He tried to smile at her, although the thought of his lost brothers hurt deep inside. “Thank you, sir.”
“Was this your first battle?” the trooper asked carefully. Lupe looked into the distance, flashes from the battle appearing before her eyes again. She nodded slowly without saying a word. “I'm sorry you had to go through it,” he replied, cursing himself for bringing it up. But before he could change the topic, Lupe spoke again. “Wasn't it your first real battle too?” she asked him, looking up at him as she had finally found the courage again. “Yeah. But we were born and trained for this, kid,” he sighed, as he shrugged. “That doesn't mean it is less frightening for you. It doesn't make the losses easier,” she said as she looked deep into his eyes.
He swallowed the lump in his throat as the words dawned on him. She was absolutely right, but they were soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic, supposed to fight for freedom and democracy alongside the Jedi. There was no time to dwell on the horrors and losses of this battle until the war was over. And the war had only just begun.
He forced a smile on his face as he was still looking at Lupe. “You're wise for your age, kid,” he said to her, whilst bumping an elbow against her arm to lift some tension. A smile finally started appearing on her face, although it was a wry one. “I guess you grow up fast, in wartime,” she whispered. From there, they sat in silence again.
After a while, the trooper's com device, installed in the inside of his helmet, started beeping. He took the helmet from the floor and listened to the incoming message. “All troops are to return to the hangar to receive further orders,” a static voice spoke, and the message ended. The trooper sighed as he tapped her shoulder a last time. “That's my cue, kid. Gotta run,” he said as he rose to his feet.
Lupe was still sitting on the floor, but turned herself towards the clone before he could walk off. “What's your name, trooper?” she asked quickly, afraid he'd walk off and she'd never know his name. “CT-7567, sir,” the trooper answered stoic, as he had been made to drone on his designation his whole life. “Don’t you have a name?” Lupe asked, confused, her brow raised.
The trooper was slightly taken aback, as he wasn't used to any Jedi, or anyone else besides his brothers, asking for his name. Not his designation, the number he was given at his birth, but the name he had chosen for himself. The only choice the clones had in this life.
“It's, er- it's Rex, sir,” he finally uttered. Lupe's face seemed to light up, and for the first time, he saw a genuine smile on her face. “Nice to meet you, Rex. And thank you,” she said to him kindly, whilst she nodded at him as she spoke the last words. He returned both the nod and the smile, before turning around and marching towards his brothers.
The Battle of Geonosis was only the first battle of many in a war that came to be known as the Clone Wars. As the Republic fought the Confederacy of Independent Systems, both victories and losses weighed heavily on the shoulders of the Jedi and clones.
Master Plo Koon and his Padawan Lupe were designated to command the 104th Battalion, which consisted of loyal, hard fighting troopers. Their armour used to be marked with a deep, brownish-red maroon. But after the devastating losses at Abregado during the Malevolence campaign in 22 BBY, what was left of the 104th changed their markings to a flint grey colour, a way to honour those they had lost.
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greenygreenland · 3 years
The Floor Is Lava: (Platonic) 501st x Jedi Reader
-saw something about the floor is lava and imagined this in my head at like 3am
-note, you are a jedi padawan of shaak ti’s with your own squad (who are actually my ocs lol). They are called the Nebula Squad (the squad is actually from Wannabe, another one of my Star Wars fanfics)
-basically, you are someone who acts alone (without your master) and goes on special ops missions. you team up with anakin a lot
Summary: The floor is lava.
Spring came early. Too early. Maybe it was the fact that this planet had short winters, or the fact that you just weren't used to the warm breezes and scorching heat. After being stationed on Hoth for a good two weeks, you adjusted to the climate. With that came the curse of low heat tolerance.
"I'm going to die." you grumbled.
Your mission was in the more civilised (that was how one of your boys put it) regions of the planet. For some strange reason only the Force knew, your ship broke down in the worst place: a deserted village. Why was this the worst place? Because there was no way you could repair a broken ship without spare parts.
And where were spare parts located? In the city you were supposed to land in. Great, just great.
“(Y/n), can’t we contact General Skywalker for assistance?” inquired Nova. “We are supposed to RV with them anyway.”
Nova was your friend and assigned clone Commander. He, like you, had a knack for getting into sticky situations. Usually he was the one with the plan B, not you. “I can ask Grav and Nimbus if they can get a signal out over there.” He pointed to the mountain on your right. It was tall with a jagged top, where thick forests of luscious greenery sprouted out all over.
Yeah, good luck getting through that.
“You mean to tell me there’s no signal here?” you inquired. “Just how remote is this place?” Even with that bucket over Nova’s face, you knew he was frowning and holding back a long sigh. “Intel said--”
“Intel’s always wrong.” cut in a voice. You peered over Nova’s broad shoulders and met gazes with another member of your squad, Icee. He was just as tall as Nova, sporting the Squad’s signature purple stripes and it’s logo--a nebula. Over his shoulder, he held tight to a sniper rifle. The thing was a beauty, as well as his baby.
“The three things you can never trust are the weather forecast, the canteen menu, and intel. Plain and simple, vode.” Icee added. You shook your head, swatting a few mosquitoes away with a wave of your hand. “If that big ‘ol mountain is the only place we can get a signal from, then I say we go. All of us.”
Nova nodded in agreement. He shouldered his pack, adjusted a few straps on his kama and weapons, and motioned for the rest of the squad to move out. “Is there anything we should know about the wildlife here?” he inquired. “My HUD’s picking up the usual birds and rascals. I’d rather not risk it though. Remember Felucia?”
A shiver ran down your spine at the mention of that jungle-hell. Everywhere you walked lay a deadly plant in need of its next meal. They snuck up on you too, striking out of nowhere like the silence of night. Your number one rule there was not to touch anything.
“There are a few carnivorous plants south of here,” answered Nimbus. “Besides that, all we have to worry about are the birds.” You admired the way he was able to brief everyone so quickly. The only other clone you’ve met with such a well of info was Tech, a member of Clone Force 99.
“What do the birds look like?” you inquired. Nimbus scrunched up his face under that bucket of his. “I don’t think you wanna know.” Grav squinted at the screen and pushed his brother’s head with the back of his hand. It wasn’t enough to hurt him, but you sensed a lingering annoyance in the air after. 
“What, you scared of some little bird Nimbus?“ he teased. Nimbus wordlessly flipped over his datapad for everyone to see. The screen displayed a large bird-like creature with long fangs covered in drool. Its eyes were beady and bloodthirsty, as if it wanted you to be its next meal.
Nimbus scanned over the heading. “This is a...uh...Kah-rah...Kahl-ram-dah-lahm-dahl...?”
“Kara’dalamb’da.” corrected Storm. He pulled off his helmet, the low ponytail of his fanning out in the warm breezes. “I’ve read about them once. They’re not the type of creatures I’d want to run into. They drag you to their caves, pull you apart limb, and then chew you alive. The worst part is that they don’t eat you.”
Nimbus knitted his brows together. “So we’re like chewing gum to them?”
“Exactly.” Storm affirmed. “They come out at night time, then stay around till dawn before hiding in their caves.” Icee blanched and you couldn’t blame him. You were all heading towards the mountains, where plenty of caves and labyrinths lay. There were probably tons of those Kara-whatevers waiting for their dinner.
You folded your hands together with a tight frown. “Is there another way of getting a signal to Anakin?” George shook his head sadly. You sensed an overwhelming amount of resignation rolling off his shoulders. “No. Even if I tried use long-range comms, it wouldn’t work. There’s too much interfering with the signal.”
There was a chance you could telepathically contact Anakin. He’d answer in an instant and personally come to find you. But that would drain your energy. Your boys needed you more than you needed to contact Ani. If you became dead-weight then it would compromise the mission.
“Alright,” you decided. “We have twelve hours to scale that mountain and hurry our shebs to the ship. If we don’t make it back in time, consider ourselves toast.”
You wished you’d consider yourself toast from the start. If that were the case, then you wouldn’t be running for your life. The mission up was a success. You managed to reach the highest point on the mountain in less than eight hours by ways of a local trail (Nimbus noted that this was a popular tourist spot in autumn). Then you contacted Rex, who promised to RV at the foot of the mountain.
The way down was a different story.
It was dusk when you made your descend. The moon rose into the sky while the sun shied away, and if it weren’t for the boys and their helmet lamps, you wouldn’t have been able to see a thing. At first, the walk back was completely fine. The boys were in good spirits and you weren’t hungry for (favourite food).
But then it didn’t go well.
It wasn’t your fault that you didn’t see the giant jaws of death looming over you, or Nimbus, who started arguing with Grav. Again. It also wasn’t you fault that George so happened to trip over a rock and slam into Sapnap, who tried breaking his fall by grabbing onto Halo’s arm. The three went down together, and with the heavy clanking of katarn-class armour, you were sure the whole animal kingdom heard the show.
And that was how the Nebula Squad found themselves in this mess, fleeing from the horrifying Kara’dalamb’da.
“This is your fault Grav!” cried Nimbus. They bumped heads and it took all your willpower not to join the screaming match. “Shut up,” replied Grav. “You were the one who started it!” Nimbus gritted his teeth. “You who else started this?” he seethed. “Them!” He pointed over his shoulder at Halo, George, and Sapnap. They were the ones who had fallen, after all. Why else did the beast wake up?
“It wasn’t my fault!” cried George. Sapnap scoffed and it was lost to the screech of the oversized bird above. “No one said it was your fault anyway! You just have a guilty conscious!”
You eyed the bird with a sharp scowl. It flew higher, into the haunting light of the moon and across the stars. It gave a great screech again. You covered your ears as a shiver ran down your spine. “Is there any place we can hide from that thing? I’m pretty sure it can smell us from klicks away!”
“That’s correct Commander!” Nimbus congratulated. By the light aura around his shoulders, you guessed him and Grav already made up. They always had petty arguments anyway. “The Kara’dalamb’da has an incredible sense of smell and a wingspan of about ten meters! That’s pretty cool.”
Storm stared at his brother in bewilderment. “How is that cool?” he demanded. “You want to be chop suey for that thing? Be my guest.” Halo laughed a little. You knew he was doing it to shake off his nerves. “Why’d you have to go on and say that? Now I’m going to start singing.”
You scanned the forest. For miles, it seemed to be only forest, wildlife, and bare nature. A flicker of...something cut through your senses. Calculating, at the ready, and deadly. You paused in your step, Storm mimicking you. He met your gaze. “You sense it too?”
“Maybe it’s them.”
You heard them before you saw them.
“Blast that bird out of the sky!”
A squad of 501st troops rustled through the trees. They were silent as the night, save for one trooper who decided to whisper-shout a ‘hi’ to your squad. Their formation, lame as it was, worked in their favour. They raised their blaster, lighting up the sky with bright bolts of blue.
“Can we get a rocket launcher over here?”
“Yes, sir!”
The bird dropped out of the sky with a cry, razor-sharp teeth bared and claws at the ready. It was coming closer, diving faster. You pulled out your lightsaber and thumbed it on.
I am one with the Force and the Force is with me.
You heaved in a deep breath and leapt into the moonlight. Your robes fluttered in the wind, and your hair whipped in arc of (hair colour). It was like you had wings. Time slowed and you raised your lightsaber. It came down in a neat slash across the beast’s neck.
You tumbled through the air and met the ground in a roll. The beast fell behind with a loud THUMP!. You turned off your glowing blade and stashed it away on your belt. The adrenaline keeping your nerves hidden away was slowing, and the realisation that you just murdered a beast settled into your mind.
Part of you wished things could have been different. But what choice did you have?
“Commander!” called Nova, stopping by your side. “Are you okay?” You smiled and he heaved out a sigh of relief. “That was some jump, but now look.” He pointed to your dirt-covered robes. It wasn’t a big deal, but to someone like Nova, it was an issue.
“Here.” Nova helped you dust off the robe with a few pats. “That’s better.”
“Oh, it didn’t look bad.” you stated. He folded his arms across his chest. “That’s what you always say (Y/n).” You grinned and bumped shoulders with him. He replied by playfully shaking his head with a sigh.
A familiar boy made his way towards you. Even through the moonlight struggling through the thick canopies, you saw the chipped blue paint. “Rex,” you greeted. “Thanks for the assistance. Although, I wish you toned it down a bit. You made my squad look like a bunch of young fools.” A loud ‘hey’ sounded from your boys, but you elected to ignore it with a grin.
“Your squad did a phenomenal job in staying alive that long.” Rex said with a chuckle. “And besides, you stole the show in the end. The boys had fun watching your display.” You three shared a warm laugh that reminded you of the sun.
Speaking of sun, was it just you or did it get brighter outside? You looked up to gaze at the moon. It still stood high in the sky, just as before. The stars were out too, bright and clear as ever. So why had the temperature risen so quickly? It was at least another eight hours till dawn. That was more than enough time for the moon to stay out.
A scattered cluster of birds flew from out of the trees. Was it just you or was the forest getting really silent? Owls refused to hoot, those kara-whatevers weren’t screeching from their caves, and crickets stopped chirping their calming songs.
You spun around so fast that you could have gotten whiplash. Sapnap, George, and Halo sprinted from out of the thick trees with their helmet lights on the highest setting. You squinted behind them. Something had to be chasing them, otherwise they wouldn’t be sprinting like track stars.
But you didn’t see any deadly animals, nor did you sense them. All that was left was an...
...an eerie silence.
You thought back to the briefing. Back to the meeting you nearly fell asleep in. If it weren’t for Icee kicking your feet every now and then, then you would have passed out completely.
“On this outer rim planet, I suggest you be careful,” Obi-wan had said. “The locals reported the activity of volcanoes erupting unexpectedly. They believe it has to do with an angry spirit plaguing their land, but we’ve found out the Separatists have a hand behind this.”
“Do you know where these volcanoes are, General Kenobi?” inquired Grav. He shook his head. “No, but I’m sure you won’t have to know. The city under siege is our main objective. You will rendezvous with Anakin there.”
Sapnap, George, and Halo motioned for everyone to move. There was a flicker of movement behind them. Fives emerged from the bushes in a frantic sort of panic. “LAVA!” he cried. “THE FLOOR IS LITERALLY LAVA!”
That was all it took for everyone to run. As uncoordinated as the retreat was, having lava behind you wasn’t exactly something anyone could stay calm about. The glowing magma was faster than it was supposed to be, and you had a feeling it was because it had a nice flow coming out of the planet’s core.
“Talk about an intense game of ‘the floor is lava’!” Hardcase shouted with a laugh. Jesse ‘pffted’. “I thought being chased by lava would be worse! This isn’t nearly as bad as last mission!”
Last mission? Oh, what was Ani doing to these poor souls? Your shoulders slumped in defeat. They were so nonchalant. How? Burning to death in lava was said to be the most painful death, and you’d rather not be Gollum in his last moments on Mount Doom.
“Why don’t you turn that frown upside down?” inquired Fives. You hadn’t even realised he’d caught up with you. “What are you talking about?”
“It’s just a bit of lava!”
You threw a hand over your shoulder and pointed to the glowing, hot mass. It burned through everything it touched. A fire was beginning to catch too, and all the smoke and ash from it wasn’t doing you any good. “Just a bit of lava? Well how would you feel running into that?”
“I don’t know!” he retorted. “Never tried it!”
“If you did, then you’d be dead!” Kix shouted. You face-palmed. “That’s a bit of a no-brainer!” Fives pulled off his helmet. The grin smacked upon his lips didn’t leave. “Who’s up for a round of ‘the floor is lava’?”
“Me!” said Jesse.
“And me!” added Hardcase.
“You guys need to cool it.” Kix said. “But don’t leave me out, I want to play too.”
You let out a long sigh. The 501st may have saved your skin today, but tomorrow? They’d probably get you killed.
TIP JAR <--- (if you’re feeling nice)
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clonefreak212 · 8 years
Keep You With Me
Hardcase/OC    This is completely random but i enjoyed writing it.
He wasn’t paying attention while Jesse spoke. Hardcase happened to look up and see her while she was talking with commander Tano. The hyper-active clone was now distracted while his brother kept talking.
“I think Hardcase is broken.” Jesse chuckled when he noticed that he wasn’t paying any attention. Rex and Kix looked at him then where he was looking. Both started laughing.
“Only she could make him like that.” Rex said taking a drink of his caf.
“Yeah she can.” Kix agreed. Jesse nudged Hardcase shaking him out of his stare.
“Huh? What?” he asked looking at him but only for a moment before looking back at her.
“When did she get back?” Kix asked looking at the captain. All of them were wondering as she bid Ahsoka farewell and spotted them. She smiled and walked over to the troopers.
“Hey boys. How have you been?” She asked grinning as she stopped in front of them.
“Same as always.” Rex told her chuckling.
“I figured.” She laughed lightly sitting next to Hardcase. The hyperactive clone grinned as she sat next to him. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. It wasn’t really a secret that the two were together. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her slightly closer.
“When did you get back?” Jesse asked.  
“A few hours ago.”
“How was your mission?” Hardcase asked.
“You know, the same old thing.” She told them with a mischievous grin.
“With you that means you beat the osik out of someone.” Jesse chuckled.
“You know me.” She laughed. They all talked for a bit before she looked at the clone next to her. He looked at her and the others sitting with them knew what they were both thinking.
“Go.” Rex told them both. Hardcase and Izzy didn’t need to be told twice. Both got up and left the mess hall quickly.
“Those two are ridiculous.” Kix said shaking his head with a smile. Rex and Jesse nodded in agreement.
Izzy pulled Hardcase into her room and pushed him against the door. Their lips locked and his hands moving up her body. Her hands holding his head closer to her. When they pulled back, they were panting, smiling. He put his forehead to hers.
“Stars I missed you.” He told her.
“same.” She said then kissed him again.
Hardcase pushed back from the wall, moving her towards the bed. Her hands moving to the clasps of his armor. Pieces fell to the floor with a clank. He had his hands cradling her face when the back of her legs hit the bunk. She fell onto the bunk pulling him with her. He lay over her but his feet still on the floor. She moved her hands from removing the armor she could reach to the top of his body glove. He went for her top after he got his arms out of his body glove. They broke apart briefly to pull her shirt over her head.
He kissed her once again. Izzy scooted further onto the bunk, pulling her trooper with her. He let her. Soon they were both naked. Somewhere, they discarded their pants and boots and his leg armor. He was in her in one swift movement. She tossed her head back with a moan before kissing him.
It wasn’t fast paced like they normally did. It was a slow build up. Their bodies covered in a light sheen. He pulled back as he brought her to her peak to watch her. He smiled and moaned as she clenched around him. He let her come down before picking up his pace. He wanted her to have her pleasure before he did. He brought her to her high again and fell over the edge with her this time.
They lay there. Basking in the afterglow. Her head pillowed on his chest. Her fingers tracing his geometric tattoos. He sighed as he relaxed in her presence. They lay there for a while.
“When did you get the tattoo?” He asked. her fingers stopped tracing and looked up at him, smiling. He had noticed. Just didn’t want to break the mood.
“Right after you all left Coruscant and I went on my mission.” She told him sitting up. He looked at her chest piece. It was his phase 2 helmet in a circle that said 501st legion and torrent company in blue. Over she shoulders were the names of his fallen brothers that she was closest too. It looked to be a work in progress and was going to be a magnificent piece of art when it was finished.
“I love it cyar’ika.” He told her running his fingers over the healed art work. She sighed and he looked up at her. He moved his hand to the back of her neck to bring her back to him for a kiss. When they pulled away from each other she put her forehead to his.
“When did you get the one here?” She asked placing her hand on his left pectoral. He grinned thinking about.
“After our last battle.” He said grinning still. “Needed something for you.” He said softer but still had a smile. It had the demonic symbol she had on her right wrist with an outline of a trooper’s helmet around it in 501st blue. It flowed into the geometric designs already there on his body.
Izzy placed a kiss on the tattoo, close to his heart. She looked back up at him with all the love she held for the hyperactive clone. She kissed him gently before speaking. “It’s amazing Hardcase. I love you.” She told him.
“I love you Izzy.”
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darth-caillic · 1 year
Clank (during a drunk rant): do you have any idea what it’s like being the middle child of 3 million?!
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darth-caillic · 1 year
I can’t make an intro moodboard for him cuz my computer is packed away, but I made a clone OC (honestly it was inevitable). If anyone wants to ask about him I’ll be happy to answer any questions.
There’s also Cordelia’s wedding I’m brainstorming at the moment. Got a lot of big thoughts about that.
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lanami-legacy · 1 year
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I realised have never shared the concept pics of Clank's armour on this blog before, so here you go <3
It was designed by Cordelia and some of her friends. She wasn't really expecting Clank to use the designs at first but was pleasantly surprised when he did.
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(will be updated; don't reblog bc it will likely not be relevant by the next day 💜)
[if you want my natborn sw ocs, find them here !]
#vod on a log in a bog : daily clone trooper oc
#142nd clone trooper battalion (sorted by designation) (highlighted in red haven't been posted yet!)
#clone oc lieutenant burner #clone oc lieutenant root #clone oc arc trooper calico #clone oc arc trooper ragdoll #clone oc arc trooper mau #clone oc arc trooper mane #clone oc commander ratchet #clone oc commander caspian #clone oc commander weld #clone oc medic cadavre #clone oc medic estes #clone oc medic ghoul #clone oc trooper clank #clone oc trooper benzyl #clone oc trooper boots #clone oc trooper dropkick #clone oc artillery trooper grizzly #clone oc artillery trooper sunny #clone oc artillery trooper ursus #clone oc arf trooper jam #clone oc arf trooper honeytone #clone oc arf trooper notch #clone oc arf trooper groove
#142nd litter vod
#clone oc arc trooper calico #clone oc arc trooper ragdoll #clone oc arc trooper mau #clone oc arc trooper mane
#142nd rift vod
#clone oc commander ratchet #clone oc trooper clank
#142nd cub vod
#clone oc artillery trooper grizzly #clone oc artillery trooper sunny #clone oc artillery trooper ursus
#142nd rem pod vod
#clone oc medic estes #clone oc arf trooper honeytone
#142nd surge company #142nd surge protectors division #142nd ground troopers #142nd recon division
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lanami-legacy · 1 year
Plot Bunny OC Masterlist
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Clank (CT-7569)
Birthplace:  Kamino
Species: Human (clone)
Prequel Trilogy
Love Interests: N/A (possible unrequited feelings for Cordelia Obriv)
Galactic Republic Army
Obriv Family 
The Enarsa Sept
Rex's resistance network
Alliance to Restore the Republic
Clank was a clone trooper that served as a soldier and bodyguard during the Clone Wars. Fairly early on during the war, he was assigned to protect the wife of Senator Loxas Obriv. Something he wasn’t kneen about at first.
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LX-461 (Loxas Obriv)
Birthplace:  Sidaria
Species: Cryborg (Sidariaen) 
Prequel Trilogy
Love Interests: Cordelia Obriv
Republic Senate 
Sidariaen Delegation
Obriv Family 
The Enarsa Sept
Cordelia Obriv
Face-claim: Undecided / Voice Claim: Phil LaMarr
The Senator of the cyborg planet of Sidaria. He served during the Clone Wars and the early years of the Empire. He was connected to the Marazi via his arranged marriage to Overseer Cordelia Obriv.
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Artemy Lanami 
Birthplace: Kashyyyk
Species: Wookiee
The Mandalorian
Sequel Trilogy 
Love Interests: N/A
Raised on the planet Kashyyyk alongside Nyx Lanami. He and Nyx were adopted into the Lanami/Djarin clan around the age of 6. Much like his adoptive mother, he served as a commander/medic during the war with the First Order. 
The Marazi
Lanami Family
Skywalker Family
Djarin Family
Face/Voice-claim: Peter Mayhew & Joonas Suotamo (I guess?)
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Rue Tauri
Birthplace: Nar Shaddaa
Species: Human
The Clone Wars
Love Interests: N/A
Jedi Order (formerly)  
Face-claims: India Eisley
The padawan of Bruck Chun. Friends with Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee. Throughout, the Clone Wars formed a one-sided rivalry with Mar Fett. 
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