#clone oc: tungst
Who Wants More Clone OCs???
For those of you enjoying my Infectious series, I've decided to give you more information about the clone trooper cadets I created! Because I don't know if they'll be back or not in the fic.
Adding the fic series tag list in case they're interested: @nahoney22 @bethtizda @skippyhopperwisdom @drafthorsemath @idoubleswearimawriter
Meet Phoenix Squadron:
The leader of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name from the metal used in TIG welding, tungsten.
TIG welding is an artistic form of conjoining metal and requires a great deal of concentration, patience, dexterity, and finesse, to which Tungst has all of those qualities.
He has a big heart, loves his squad, and will gladly die for each one of them.
He is usually level-headed, but can become passionate, overzealous, and protective of the ones he loves.
He has an incredible sense of justice and becomes immovable when he dedicates himself to a cause.
The glass-is-half-empty member of Phoenix Squad.
His original name was Brat, because he would complain about absolutely everything and annoyed Tungst every spare moment he had.
He eventually grew out of his bratty ways and his name was changed to Brett, however, he never lost his pessimistic outlook.
He enjoys weapons the most and wants to be the heavy-gunner of the squad.
He will agree to anything as long as it doesn’t require any effort on his part.
He is incredibly loyal and will follow Tungst anywhere and into anything.
The most sensible member of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name because he drools in his sleep and his brothers make fun of him for it, but he’s a good sport about it.
He is the voice of reason for everything, even though Tungst is the leader.
He is the one with the checklist to make sure they haven’t forgotten anything.
He is sometimes referred to as a “worry-wart” or  “always prepared for the end of the world”.
He is anxiety coded.
The most laid-back member of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name because he would consistently leave out important or key details when telling stories or relaying information.
His tendency to “gloss over” things has gotten the squad into heaps of trouble on numerous occasions.
He is soft spoken and doesn’t enjoy conflict. 
He’s a bit spacey at times, but he has a vivid imagination and is very artistic.
He keeps a sketchbook with him at all times and will draw anything, including his brothers.
The jokester and prankster of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name because he would start petty squabbles between the clones by planting false information, then sitting back to watch the outcome.
He caused so many “rifts” between brothers that he was labeled a menace amongst the cadets, but in reality, he was just bored.
He’s the brainiac of the squad without even having to study.
He likes to keep a rock in his pocket because he’s a chronic fidgeter and fidgeting with blasters does not work out well.
He is ADHD coded.
The beloved “youngest” brother of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name because he enjoyed making bets with his brothers and he always won, every single time.
He was incredibly studious and you could almost always find his nose in a book.
He was training to become the squad’s medic because he couldn’t handle seeing his brothers hurt.
He was more emotional than the average clone, but none of his brothers ever said anything about it.
He unfortunately perished during the invasion of Tipoca City.
Extra Info
After Chance’s death during the invasion of Tipoca City, Tungst refused to replace his “little” brother and chose to leave the squad at five members.
Phoenix Squad has matching tattoos over their hearts of Chance’s name, a phoenix, and the words “morior invictus” underneath, which means “death before defeat”.
Gloss is the one who designed the memorial tattoo.
During the events leading up to the Infectious story line, Phoenix Squad formed a bond with the reader because she reminded them of their little brother Chance who wanted to be a medic.
Reader is aware of Chance's death, but it happened way before she ever got to Kamino, so she never met him.
Tungst likes to share holo-pics of Chance with the reader to help keep his memory alive and also because he misses him.
In Chapter 1, when Gloss mentions that the reader should join their squad as their medic, he was not joking.
They unanimously agreed that the reader could join their squad, which is one of the reasons for Tungst's disdain of Clone Force 99 in Chapter 2.
Tattoo Art
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Made by the extremely talented @commander-sunshine! Thank you, babe 😘
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Phoenix Squad Personality Quiz
I saw someone else make one of these, and I decided to make one too 🥰
Please reblog with your results!!!
Check out my OCs here
OC taglist below the cut:
@commander-sunshine @coraex @sunshinesdaydream @homemade-clones @523rdrebel @thestarwarslesbian @clonemedickix @moonwrecked @ladyzirkonia @cdblake1565 @ladytano420 @moonlightwarriorqueen @trixie2023 @ca77m3anna @reader6898 @kimiheartblade @dukeoftheblackstar @totally-not-your-babe @arc-trooper-8008 @msmeredithrose @grindeeloo @tesahuy1629 @gjrain20-starwars @nerd-ika @imabeautifulbutterfly @tallrock35 @asyas-daydreaming @t3mpest98 @twincesskorisoka @vodika-vibes
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the-bad-batch-baroness · 10 months
A Short Caf Break
Ft. Phoenix Squad
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Art by the lovely @mwolf0epsilon 💚
Please consider commissioning Eps! She was absolutely lovely to work with, very responsive, and communicated with me throughout the process. I am absolutely pleased with the way she took my idea and ran with it! It turned out exactly how I envisioned it!
Tungst: Sitting atop the coffee maker, holding a spoon, and watching over his squad with his "tired-dad" face.
Brett: Standing off to the left, with crossed arms, and refusing to engage in any sort of shenanigans with his brothers.
Chance: Carefully climbing up his coffee mug so he can dip his little cookie in the cream.
Rift: Sitting in the sugar dish, munching away on his sugar cube while he slowly sinks into the granulated sugar.
Drip: Frantically trying to get Rift out of the sugar dish before he sinks to the bottom and suffocates to death.
Gloss: Lying on the floor, minding his own business, off in la-la land while he sketches whatever his brothers are up to.
Tag List: @commander-sunshine @coraex @sunshinesdaydream @homemade-clones @523rdrebel @thestarwarslesbian @clonemedickix @mooncommlink @ladyzirkonia @cdblake1565 @ladytano420 @moonlightwarriorqueen @trixie2023 @ca77m3anna @novas-daydreaming @t3mpest98 @twincesskorisoka
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the-bad-batch-baroness · 10 months
Jumping on the bandwagon!
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(Art by @mire-draws-things)
Reblog or send in an ask with your assumptions about my beloved Tungst 💕
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💘 Send Valentines to Phoenix Squad 💘
Not sure who they are? Find them HERE
Directions and Rules:
This is a 24-hour event for February 14th.
Send me an ask with the words "happy valentines day" or "will you be my valentine" and tell me which OC you want to respond.
You can say just the words or you can also inlcude an image or description of chocolates, candy, flowers, cards, stuffed animals, or even some risqué items 😏
I do not write smut, but I can definitely make the interaction spicy or suggestive if that is what you would like. All spicy and suggestive content will be put under a cut.
Still not sure how this event works? Check out the previous trick-or-treat event HERE to get a better idea.
Please be kind!
Have fun!
Event Masterlist:
Part I - Sexually Challenged
Part II - Try Again
Part III - Better Clientele
Part IV - Lick My Lollipop
Part V - A Silent Yes
Part VI - No Biting
Part VII - Dinner For Two?
Part VIII - Kill For Sugar
Part IX - Cupcakes and Charcoal
Adding my OC taglist: @commander-sunshine @coraex @sunshinesdaydream @homemade-clones @523rdrebel @thestarwarslesbian @clonemedickix @moonwrecked @ladyzirkonia @cdblake1565 @ladytano420 @moonlightwarriorqueen @trixie2023 @ca77m3anna @reader6898 @kimiheartblade @dukeoftheblackstar @totally-not-your-babe @arc-trooper-8008 @asyas-daydreaming @t3mpest98 @twincesskorisoka
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Banner art by @mwolf0epsilon
Name Etymology
Tungst is a shortened version of tungsten, a metal used in a type of welding called TIG (tungsten inert gas). The process requires a certain level of finesse, concentration, attention to detail, and patience. All of these qualities are embodied within Tungst. The only person who's used his full name "Tungsten" was Brett, and he only did it once.
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Tungst is the leader and "tired dad" of Phoenix squad. He does his best to wrangle his unruly squad together and keep them out of trouble, but they refuse to stay in line. Tungst is a passionate person with an incredible sense of justice and becomes immovable when he dedicates himself to a cause. He is mostly level-headed, but can become overzealous and protective of the ones he loves. But most of all, he has a big heart, loves his squad, and will gladly die for each one of them.
Mood Boards:
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
View his tags -> #oc: tungst
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Physical Appearance
Tungst has the standard clone physique, but he loves to work out and get those gains. His hair is a little outside regulation, with more floof on the top and trimmer along the sides, the color deviates from the standard clone and is auburn. He enjoys keeping some facial hair. He has a shrapnel scar on the left side of his neck and left ear from the explosion that killed Chance. He also has a memorial tattoo on his chest for Chance, and a phoenix-shaped tramp stamp.
Character Art:
Emoji Ask
Greyscale Bust
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Character Timeline
Early Cadet Years:
CT-3422, or Tungst, showed great leadership prowess since the day he was decanted. However, as a late-stage clone in the already waging Clone War, his abilities weren't noticed much by the Kaminoans or the Jedi/mercenary trainers. Although, they did notice his stubbornness and propensity to argue, which didn't do him any favors. His squad still looked up to him as their leader. As a cadet, Tungst dreamed of becoming an ARC trooper in the GAR.
Invasion of Kamino:
During the invasion of Kamino in 21 BBY, Tungst led his squad into the fray as part of the frontal assault. With limited resources and training as a seventh year, he grabbed whatever armor and blasters he could find to outfit his squad. During the firefight, Chance left his position behind the barricade with Drip to render medical aid to a group of wounded clone cadets caught in a blast. When Tungst realized Chance had left the group, he went after him. However, before Tungst could get to Chance, Brett grabbed Tungst and yanked him back before another missile hit the same spot. Tungst caught shrapnel to the left side of his neck and left ear in the blast. When the dust settled, Tungst forced his way out of Brett's grasp and ran to Chance. He gathered Chance up in his arms and carried him behind the barricade. Chance died in Tungst's arms a few moments later.
Aftermath of Chance's Death:
After Chance's death, the squad was never quite the same. Tungst blamed Brett for Chance's death and made sure he knew it every single day. When Drip attempted to end his own life over Chance's death, Tungst is the one who found him bleeding out on the floor. After taking him to medbay for medical intervention the Kaminoans deemed Drip as defective and slated him for decommissioning. Tungst begged the Jedi for Drip's life and his pleas were granted, with the stipulation that Drip's record remain spotless for the duration of their training.
Order 66:
Order 66 was just another day for Phoenix Squad. Tungst was the first to receive the news that the Jedi had betrayed the Republic and he shared it with the rest of the squad. Without sworn allegiance to any Jedi, Tungst had no reason to doubt the betrayal, and their training continued without much interruption.
Destruction of Tipoca City:
Imperial Service:
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Icon Guide -> HERE
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Updated: 5/11/2024
Navigation Page
*When I commissioned Eps to make the character banners, I sent her some stick figure references I made in Canva. For laughs and giggles, I've added it to the post.*
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For Chance: Do you think mermaids have live babies or lay eggs?
Sorry it took me so long to answer this ask 😅 I put the explanation part of this under a cut just in case the medical terminology bothers some people. There's also some suggestive language below the cut as well. Nothing crazy. I hope this brightens your day 💚
*Chance sits on the stool and waits for you to ask him a question*
*Drip leans back and whispers to Tungst*
Drip: Why do you think they're asking just Chance?
*Tungst shrugs*
Tungst: I don't know.
Rift: Shhhhh, I'm trying to listen.
*Drip and Tungst look at each other and both shrug*
*You ask Chance the question*
*Brett snickers and leans over to whisper to Tungst*
Brett: He doesn't even know where real babies come from.
*Tungst drops his head in his hands*
*Chance thinks about the question and shifts on the stool. He presses his fingers together and touches the tip to his lips*
Chance: You're not going to kick me out of the interview if I use medical terms to describe anatomy are you? I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable.
*You shake your head no*
*Brett and Tungst trade quizzical glances*
Chance: To answer your question properly, I need to lay a little groundwork first. Considering that a mermaid's tail moves vertically, like a whale or a dolphin, and not horizontally, like a fish, and also the fact that mermaids are depicted with mammary glands, I would classify a mer-species as mammalian. Dolphin and whale species reproduce sexually using internal fertilization, similarly to humans, so if we follow that train of thought, then mermaids would also reproduce in a similar fashion. Dolphins have the same reproductive organs that humans have, so a mer-person, male and female, would have them as well. The only differences being that the reproductive organs are internal on the male counterpart instead of external and there is no pubic hair on either. On dolphins, the reproductive organs are hidden by a genital slit, and behind that slit is the vagina, cervix, uterus, and ovaries of the female, and the penis and testes of the male. This is why you never see modern depictions of mer-people with their reproductive organs on display. They're protected behind this genital slit. So, with all that being said, the rest of the reproductive process remains same. The mermaid ovulates, the merman fertilizes the egg, and the mermaid becomes pregnant. This reproductive process is also backed up by the fact that mer-people are depicted with belly buttons, denoting the presence of an umbilical cord at birth. The gestation period of a mermaid is still unknown, but we can also assume it's mostly similar to a human female, so around 280 rotations. After the appropriate gestational period, the baby is then birthed through the vaginal canal. Henceforth, to answer your question, yes, mermaids would have live births.
*Chance folds his hands into his lap and smiles*
*You sit in stunned silence*
*Tungst, Brett, Drip, and Rift sit in stunned silence*
*Tungst leans over to Brett and whispers*
Tungst: I thought you said he didn't know where real babies came from?
*Brett blinks a few times, opens his mouth, closes his mouth, and shakes his head*
Brett: I guess he does...
*Rift leans over to Drip and whispers*
Rift: Psssssssst.
Drip: What?
Rift: Was he talking about sex? I couldn't understand all the big words.
Drip: Yes, he was talking about sex.
Rift: Oh...
Rift: What do dolphins have to do with sex?
*Drip sighs*
Drip: I'll tell you later.
Rift: Okay.
*Tungst leans back to check on Gloss, who's been quietly scribbling away the whole time*
Tungst: Watcha' drawing?
Gloss: Mermaids.
Tungst: Can I see?
*Gloss flips his sketchbook around*
*Tungst's draw drops*
Tungst: Why would you draw that?!
Gloss: Because I wanted to.
*Brett leans back to look at the drawing that has Tungst going red*
Brett: Do you have no shame?
Gloss: What? It's natural. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Brett: There's this thing called "appropriate" and "inappropriate" and I don't think you ever learned the difference.
*Gloss shrugs*
Tungst: Please put that away before someone else sees it.
*Gloss flips his notebook around and rolls his eyes*
Gloss: None of you understand artistic expression.
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🧡 Tungst 🧡 - SFW Alphabet
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Tungst is extremely affectionate, to the point where it could become annoying. If he’s out with his partner, he definitely wants them to sit on his lap. Then he can wrap his arms around their stomach and press kisses against their neck whenever he feels like it. His love language is physical touch, so any point of contact works for him. He just wants to touch his partner as much as possible and be touched in return. He loves holding hands, playing with his partner’s hair, smacking their butt as they walk by, or just a random kiss.
B - Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
I feel like Tungst would be friends with Fives and Jesse. He’s such a flirt, and I could see them meeting at 79’s, sharing a couple of drinks, and then getting absolutely wild together. They would woo all of the lady’s at the bar, dare each other to do stupid things, and then drunkenly walk back to the barracks together. Tungst is a friend that anyone would want in their corner. His passion and zeal are unmatched, and he gets super protective of the ones he cares about. 
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Tungst loves cuddles. It brings together his two favorite things, his bed and his partner. If he could lie in bed all day and cuddle his partner he would. He wants to be the big spoon as much as possible, but wouldn’t mind if his partner wanted to hold him instead. He also enjoys cuddles with kisses, so his partner should always be prepared for both, however, if he’s not careful, it might lead to more.
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Tungst has some domestic abilities. I wouldn’t say he’s the best cook, but breakfast in bed is not out of the realm of possibilities for his partner. However, mugs of fresh caf in the morning are definitely something he likes to prepare. Tungst would be eager to settle down with the right partner. He dreams about having a family one day and with the right partner, he thinks he can achieve it.
E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Tungst does not beat around the bush, and he would break up with his partner in the most chivalrous manner, face to face with an honest conversation. 
F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)
Tungst is 100% committed. It’s part of his personality. He does things all the way or not at all. When he sets his mind to something, he cannot be easily swayed away from it. If his partner ever cheated on him, he would be absolutely devastated. 
G - Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Tungst is very gentle with his touches and caresses, but his words can come out harsher sounding than he wants them to. However, there’s no maliciousness in his words, he’s just really passionate about the things he talks about and the things he likes. If his partner asks him a question about something he’s passionate about, they better be prepared to sit there and listen to him talk about it for a while. 
H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Tungst wants all of the hugs. His hugs are gentle, soft, warm, but also strong. Being hugged by Tungst is like being hugged by a warm fluffy blanket that’s just been pulled from the dryer. 
I - I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Very fast. As previously stated, when he commits, he commits 100%. If he knows he loves someone, he’s not going to waste any time, so he’ll just come out and say it.
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Tungst doesn’t get very jealous. He’s a very confident person, and he trusts his partner. If someone is hitting on his partner, he’s more likely to get mad than jealous, especially if his partner is physically uncomfortable with the situation. He’ll walk right up to the situation, put his arm around you, and kindly ask the other person to leave.
K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
To be kissed by Tungst is to be kissed by an angel. His lips are so pillowy soft it will make a person melt and forget everything they are thinking about. Tungst will kiss his partner everywhere, but his favorite places are their lips and their neck. In return, Tungst also enjoys receiving kisses anywhere on his body, but a kiss on his neck right below his earlobe will drive him crazy.
L - Little ones (How are they around children?)
Tungst wants all of the babies. He wants to have kids, and he needs a partner that wants kids too, either by natural means or adoption. Tungst is buir-shaped and would be the absolute best father.
M - Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Tungst is not a morning person. He hates the mornings because that means he needs to exit the warm confines of his bed. If he could marry his bed, he would. He just loves to sleep. So, any partner should expect lazy mornings, where getting out of bed is a chore. However, he does enjoy morning cuddles and will spoon his partner until something forces him to leave his bed.
N - Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights can go in several directions depending on what he’s in the mood for. A quiet night in with a holo-film and a pizza is probably his favorite way to spend a night. However, if he’s feeling more energized, then a late night at 79’s filled with food, drinks, and dancing is also in his top favorite ways to spend the night. But at the end of any night, he will always curl up next to his partner and cuddle them until they both fall asleep.
O - Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Tungst is an open book. He will tell his partner whatever they want to know. THere is no question that’s too private for him to answer. Tungst values openness and honesty in a relationship, and if he wants his partner to be open and honest with him, then he needs to model that first. 
P - Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Considering Tungst is the leader of Phoenix Squad and has to wrangle his “children” on a daily basis, he has the patience of a saint. Every once and a while, they will push his buttons too far and he will snap, but he never becomes violent. He may raise his voice, bang his head against the wall, or scream in a room alone, but he would never hit a soul.
Q - Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
I would say Tungst is somewhere in the middle. He will remember most of the important things and pick up on a few things his partner says in passing, but he won’t remember everything. He’ll pick up on things like favorite colors, favorite ice cream flavor, and things like that which can also be observed.
R - Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time he made his partner laugh.
S - Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Tungst is extremely protective. This man is a guard dog and he will bite. He would go to the ends of the earth for the ones he loves and there’s nothing he won’t do to protect them. Some say he’s overprotective, but he’s already lost one person he loved and was supposed to protect, and he’ll never be ready to lose another. Tungst is the one that once he knows his partner is safe, he will hug and squeeze them until they can’t breathe. He just needs to feel them safe in his arms.
T - Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Tungst tries his best to be everything that his partner needs. If his partner communicates that they want him to do something specific, then he keeps it in his memory. However, he’s not a mind-reader, so his partner needs to make their intentions and wants clear to him. Tungst also likes to surprise his partner with little gifts here and there. He’s mostly a practical gift giver, but he’ll also buy things like flowers or knick-knacks, if that’s something his partner is into collecting. 
U - Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Probably just his affinity for being lazy. Again, his bed is his favorite place and if he could sleep all day instead of doing things, he would. That laziness can get him in trouble, and also the reason why there’s a pile of dishes in the sink.
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Let’s face it, Tungst is attractive and he knows it. He does keep himself well-groomed and revels in his physical appeal. He washes his hair to help maintain the fluffiness, keeps up with his hair trim schedule, and leaves just enough stubble to keep his ruggedness. He wants to look good for all the ladies.
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Tungst is very self-assured. He is a whole person with or without a partner. He knows that his worth comes from who he is and not a relationship. That doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be devastated over a break-up, but it does mean that he’s a very healthy man to be in a relationship with. He knows who he is and he knows who he’s not, and a relationship won’t change that.
X - Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Tungst loves cinnamon buns, specifically the ones that Drip makes. He can’t find any that taste as good as Drip’s, so if his partner is either going to need to get the recipe or make a better cinnamon bun than Drip.
Y - Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
The man hates lemons. Don’t even bring that fruit near him. He will gag.
Z - Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Tungst is a hot sleeper and will eventually kick all of the covers off of the bed. It’s best for him and his partner to have separate blankets so that he doesn’t accidentally kick his partner off the bed along with the blankets. 
🔥 Tungst - NSFW Alphabet 🔥
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🧡 Tungst 🧡 - NSFW Alphabet
🔞 18+ Minors DNI 🔞
A - Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Depends on the situation. Quickie? He is absolutely putting his partner back together so they can go about their day like nothing happened. Three rounds before bed? Good luck. He will fall asleep, but the shower in the morning will be 100% worth the wait. He will wash his partner’s entire body, top to bottom, and their hair, while also peppering kisses along their neck and shoulders. 
B - Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Tungst has an oral fixation, so his partner's mouth is his favorite body part. Doesn’t matter what it looks like, as long as it's hot, wet, and he can fit his cock in it. He’s also a huge fan of necks and will kiss it and bite it the most. He loves his hair, but especially when his partner runs their fingers through it and pulls on it.
C - Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Loves to cum in his partner’s mouth. Wants his partner to swallow his cum, but he’s also fine with them spitting it out. No offense taken by him, but swallowing is such a huge turn on for him. He’s also not afraid to eat his partner’s pussy after he’s cum inside them. He’ll lap that juice up and then let his partner taste it.
D - Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Secretly likes to be called a “good boy”. Shhhh, don’t tell Brett. 
E - Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Very experienced. Knows exactly what he is doing. Open dialogue with his partner is important to make sure he is touching them the way they like. His foreplay game is strong and he refuses to do anything until his partner is good and ready for him.
F - Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Due to his love for oral, his favorite position is 69. He is the king of pussy eating. He can keep his orgasm at bay to give his partner the full “eating out” experience, but when they’re fully satisfied, he will let himself go. He also enjoys it when his partner sits on his face. He wants his partner to suffocate him real good and he will drink his partner’s pussy dry in return. 
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Happily in the middle. He takes the act very seriously, but if either him or his partner does something funny, he won’t hesitate to laugh. He loves it when his partner is having a good time. To Tungst, sex is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, but also special.
H - Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
When Tungst was a young cadet, he made an attempt to shave his pubes, but he had a small accident and cut himself pretty badly. There’s a scar right at the base of his dick to prove it. Now, he refuses to bring a razor near the area. However, he is very good at making sure he’s clean for his partner. 
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
Sweet and flirty. He loves to give out praise. He’ll tell his partner how good they feel around him and how well they take him. Not much for extreme romance, but soft pillows and soft music are definitely in the mix. 
J - Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Only masturbates in the shower, so he can get that “wet” feeling he so desperately craves.
K - Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Biting. He loves seeing his partner walk around with his marks on their body, especially the ones he leaves on their neck. That soft sweet neck he loves so much. He won’t bite too deep, but enough so the marks last a couple days and he will remember to refresh them. Breeding. He wants to fill his partner up to bursting and whisper in their ear how great they would look carrying his baby. Hair pulling. Pull this man’s hair and his partner will elicit the dirtiest moan from him. He loves his hair being pulled, especially when he’s going down on his partner. Shove his face in there.
L - Location (favorite places to do the do)
Either the bed, the couch, or another soft-ish location. He does enjoy comfort and his partner being comfortable, so pillows for support are important.
M - Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He doesn’t need anything other than his partner's touch. A simple graze of their fingers along his neck, chest, or biceps are enough to get him hard. If his partner flirts back at him, that’ll also get him going.
N - No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Butt stuff. Can’t do it. Won’t do it. Don’t ask.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Both. If Tungst could make a baby doing oral, he would. Loves his cock in his partner’s mouth more than he likes it in their pussy. He will lay there for as long as his partner wants and eat them out. He will give his partner as many orgasms as they can handle, even if they never finish him off. He’ll do it from multiple positions too. There is no pussy eating position that he can’t do.
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on his mood. He can do both, but prefers something in the middle, where the pace is good for both him and his partner. Slower and more sensual when he’s in their mouth, and faster and more hungry when he’s in their pussy.
Q - Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Tungst is always up for a quickie. He is a horny boy. Wherever and whenever is fine with him, as long as no one can see.
R - Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Not very risky. He likes to have sex behind closed doors. Doesn’t matter where the closed door is, just as long as it’s closed.
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
He might give his partner a run for their money. Tungst has amazing stamina. He can hold his orgasm for a decent amount of time. It’s more important for his partner to orgasm first or multiple times before he allows himself to cum. Usually he can last about three rounds before absolutely collapsing.
T - Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t have anything already in his arsenal, but if his partner wants to try something then he is 100% game. 
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Tungst is a huge tease. Since he has a lot of stamina, he takes advantage of it to tease his partner until they’re begging for him. He will kiss his partner’s everywhere except where they want it most. He loves to hear his partner beg for his mouth or for his cock. Sometimes he gets too eager and gives into their pleading, but most of the time he waits until his partner is dripping, begging, and shaking before he gives them what they want..
V - Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Tungst is a moaner, a loud moaner. But it’s beautiful, deep moans of pleasure. Right before he cums, he lets out this higher-pitched strained moan straight from his core.
W - Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Tungst’s love language is physical touch. He wants to be touched everywhere and loves it when his partner is handsy. He wants his hair ruffled, his muscles squeezed, and his skin to be kissed. 
X - X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Besides the Chance memorial tattoo over his heart, he also has the scar right at the base of dick from his first and last shaving incident. 
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Tungst is always horny. Doesn’t matter what mood he’s in, he will always be ready for sex. He will match his partner’s sex drive and then surpass it. If he knows his partner is ovulating, he will go feral and make it a point to have as much sex as possible. 
Z - Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Once he releases for the last time, he is out, like a light. If he collapses on top of his partner, they’re going to have to push him off. Tungst is a chronic cuddler, so while he’s still half awake, he’ll wrap his arms around his partner and pull them against his chest as he drifts off to sleep.
🧡 Tungst - SFW Alphabet 🧡
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Steeph, random question for/about the boys:
If while taking a stroll in rainy weather, their s/o stops to play in a puddle, who would join the fun, who would watch, who would be a stick in the mud and end the fun?
Hellooooooo anon! Yes, of course I can answer this random question about my boys 🥰
Tungst - join
Tungst never passes up an opportunity to make a happy memory with his s/o. He loves to see them smiling and having fun, and if that means playing around in a puddle until they're both soaked, then so be it! Afterwards, when they got back home, he will throw their clothes in the laundry, take a hot shower with them, towel them off, and then sit them down on the couch and watch a holo-film.
Brett - stick in the mud
I hope this isn't much of a surprise. To be honest, I don't think Brett would even agree to take a stroll in the rain. However, in this scenario, he will most likely pick his s/o up out of the puddle, throw them over his shoulder, and grumble something about tossing them in the shower when they get home. It's not that Brett doesn't want his s/o to have fun, it's just that he really doesn't want to be out in the rain.
Drip - watch
Drip does enjoy having fun, he really does, but he hates the feeling of wet clothes against his skin. He will 100% standby holding the umbrella and wait for his s/o to finish having their fill of fun in the puddle. He will have a huge smile plastered on his face, too, while he watches. When they get home, will draw his s/o a bubble bath, toss their pajamas in the dryer, and make them their favorite warm drink.
Gloss - (secret fourth option) keeps walking
In true Gloss fashion, he will keep walking. Gloss has very acute awareness, but he can also be the most oblivious man on earth, especially when he's concentrating or deep in thought. If his s/o stops to play in a puddle, Gloss will most likely not notice at first and keep walking without them. It may take him a second, but he'll soon realize he lost his s/o along the way and go back for them. He'll then watch and sketch their fun play time.
Rift - join
Not only will Rift join his s/o by playing in a puddle, but he may well be the instigator! Rift loves to have fun. He's a ball of energy and wants to keep moving, so he has trouble sitting still. There's no way Rift will walk by a puddle and not feel the urge to jump in it. He and his s/o will see the puddle, exchange looks, then both jump in together. They will laugh and have a great time, then go home and relax for a bit.
Chance - join or watch
Chance sits on the fence about puddles. His medical knowledge creeps into the back of his mind to remind him of how much bacteria could be in that puddle. However, on occasion, if he's feeling fun, then he'll jump in the puddle with his s/o. On other occasions, though, he's okay with just watching his s/o have fun. When they get back home, he will sanitize his s/o because he doesn't want them getting sick.
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the-bad-batch-baroness · 11 months
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Go trick or treating with Phoenix Squad!!!
Not sure who they are? Check out their page -> HERE
Step 1: Send an ask with the words "trick or treat".
Step 2: One of my OC's will answer the door and give you a trick or a treat!
Optional: You can request which OC answers the door, or you can leave it as random. You never know what kind of shenanigans these boys will be up to!
Please be kind!
Please note: I do have an event I am volunteering at this evening, but I will try to get all of the asks answered before Halloween is over. Any that I cannot answer tonight will be answered tomorrow.
Have fun!
Event Masterlist:
Part I - The Candy Brawl
Part II - A Fair Fight
Part III - The Sugar Monster
Part IV - Tea For Two
Part V - Cupcakes or Death
Adding my OC taglist because it seemed appropriate:@commander-sunshine @coraex @sunshinesdaydream @homemade-clones @523rdrebel  @thestarwarslesbian @clonemedickix @mooncommlink @ladyzirkonia @cdblake1565 @ladytano420 @moonlightwarriorqueen @trixie2023 @novas-daydreaming @t3mpest98 @twincesskorisoka
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the-bad-batch-baroness · 11 months
i think id liked 🌙 for Tungst and Gloss please <3
Crystallllll!!!! Yes, of course I can share those with you 🥰
🌙 Share a song that reminds you of your OC.
Cozy OC Fall Asks
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Phoenix Squad - Lore
Phoenix Squad is a group of five, formerly six, cadet clones currently in their ninth year of training on Kamino in 19 BBY. The squad consists of Tungst, Brett, Drip, Gloss, Rift, and Chance (deceased). All six clones are batchmates, with Tungst being the eldest, then Brett, then Gloss, then Rift, then Drip, and finally, Chance is the youngest.
Invasion of Kamino:
Phoenix Squad was in their seventh year of training when the separatists attacked their home world of Kamino in 21 BBY. Following orders from a clone officer, Phoenix Squad helped defend their home by taking up armaments and participating in offensive maneuvers. Unfortunately, during the battle, Chance was killed in an explosion while rendering aid to a group of wounded clones.
Order 66:
Phoenix Squad was still in their ninth year of training on Kamino when Order 66 was executed in 19 BBY. They were not involved in the killing of any Jedi, but their chips did activate. 
Destruction of Tipoca City:
Phoenix Squad, alongside many other cadets, was evacuated from Kamino before Tipoca City was destroyed in 19 BBY. They were confused and unsure of what was happening but followed orders as they were given. When they saw their home, and the last resting place of their beloved brother Chance, being destroyed, they grieved sorrowfully. 
Imperial Service:
Phoenix Squad was considered amongst the last batches of viable clones created and therefore completed their remaining training on Daro. Unfortunately, younger clones were not so lucky as they were terminated along with the cloning program. When Phoenix Squad completed their training, they became Imperial Purge Troopers. 
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Phoenix Squad - Members
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Art by @mire-draws-things
View the tags -> #phoenix squad
Phoenix Squad personality quiz -> here
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Phoenix Squad - Art
A Short Caf Break
Beach Fun!
Greyscale Busts
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Phoenix Squad - Shenanigans
Cupcakes For All
The Cuddle Pile
Did Someone Say Cookies?
Summer Popsicles
Did Someone Say Cookies Again?
Glow In The Dark Paint
Flowers For The Boys Part 1
Flowers For The Boys Part 2
Flying Caf
Did Someone Say Cookies Again Again?
Did Someone Say Cookies Again Again Again?
Dogs and Frogs
Sad Interview
The Live Hummingbird
Chance Getting Married
Do Mermaids Lay Eggs?
Trick or Treat Event
Valentine's Day Event
Nobody Asked You
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Phoenix Squad - Fanfiction
Icon Guide -> HERE
📘🛠♀️🤝🏻🌪 Infectious (first appearance)
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Updated: 5/11/2024
Navigation Page
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For Tungst, Drip and Gloss 😌😌
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast? 🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it? 🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat? 🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food? ☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink? 🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable? 🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
Holy moly Chrystal! That's a lot of asks for my boys 😱 *cracks knuckles* Let's get started!
🥞 - What is their comfort breakfast?
Tungst: Cinnamon buns, but only the ones that Drip makes.
Drip: A full complete breakfast that includes eggs, bacon, hash browns, and toast.
Gloss: The breakfast burritos Drip once made them, but with some hot sauce.
🎂 When is their birthday? Do they like celebrating it?
Tungst: They all have the same birthday (28 BBY). Tungst always loves a good party, whether he has a reason to celebrate or not!
Drip: They all have the same birthday (28 BBY). Drip doesn't mind celebrating their birthday, but he prefers when they do it quietly.
Gloss: They all have the same birthday (28 BBY). If someone didn't mention it was their birthday, he wouldn't even know.
🍩 - Favorite sweet treat?
Tungst: Brownies. He can eat an entire tray of them by himself and won't even get sick.
Drip: Drip doesn't enjoy sweet foods, but if he had to pick one for the occasional treat, he would pick crème brûlée. (he's got fancy taste, like me).
Gloss: Cookies, because they're not messy, and they keep his hands clean. They also come in a huge variety and array of colors, which satisfies his artistic side.
🍟 - Do they order food often? Or do they prefer to cook their own food?
Tungst: Tungst can't cook to save his life, so as long as Drip is making dinner, they're eating in, and he prefers that. The only time the squad ever eats out is for special occasions or if Drip is sick.
Drip: Drip cooks all of the squad's food. He believes a home-cooked meal is healthier and tastier than anything they could buy at a restaurant. He likes cooking, so he doesn't mind.
Gloss: Gloss doesn't have a preference. He eats whatever is put in front of him. However, if nothing is put in front of him, he has a tendency to forgo eating instead of ordering out.
☕️ - Do they prefer hot or cold drinks? What is their favorite drink?
Tungst: Tungst prefers cold drinks. He's not big on flavored drinks, so he mostly only drinks cold water. He does drink caf in the morning, though.
Drip: Drip can go either or. He's a tea drinker and will drink it hot or iced. His favorite hot tea is an earl grey blend with coconut. His favorite iced tea is green.
Gloss: Gloss loves warm drinks because of how soothing they are. His favorite drink is a white chocolate mocha latte with whipped cream on top.
🍓 - Do they eat their fruit and veg? What is their favorite fruit and vegetable?
Tungst: Yes, the entire squad eats their fruit and veg thanks to Drip. His favorite vegetable is potatoes, in any preparation, and his favorite fruit is apples, but they have to be sliced.
Drip: Drip believes in a balanced diet, so he makes sure the squad gets their portion of fruit and veg, even if he has to cram it down their throats. His favorite vegetable is corn, and his favorite fruit is peaches.
Gloss: Yes, the entire squad eats their fruit and veg thanks to Drip. His favorite vegetable is specifically rainbow carrots. They lose their charm if it's just the orange ones, and his favorite fruit is strawberries.
🍰 - Favorite cake flavor? Are they specific about types of cakes?
Tungst: Tungst's favorite cake flavors is red velvet, but it has to be with the cream cheese frosting. It can't have any other type of frosting or he won't eat it. It also needs to be moist, not dry.
Drip: As stated previously, Drip isn't a huge fan of sugar, so he is very particular about cake that he eats. His favorite cake flavor is carrot cake. He likes the balance of earthiness and sweetness.
Gloss: Gloss's favorite cake flavor isn't so much a flavor, as it is a type of cake. He loves strawberry shortcake made with angel food cake, smothered in strawberries, and stacked high with fresh whipped cream.
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I come bearing silly questions for the boys
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So that being said for phoenix squad: Choose one: A book made of chocolate or toilet paper made of cotton candy?
Crystal 😂 How do you come up with this stuff??? Well, it's been a little since the boys were all together for some shenanigans, so let's ask them their opinion on the matter, shall we?
*Phoenix Squad sitting on a couch waiting for you to ask the question*
*you ask the question*
*cricket noises*
*Brett gets up*
Brett: I'm leaving.
*Tungst grabs Brett by his shirt and yanks him back down*
Tungst: You're not getting out of this that easily.
Brett: I am a trained soldier. This idiocy is beneath me.
*Drip snorts*
Brett: Something you want to say?
*Drip shrugs*
Drip: I just find it funny that you're getting all riled up over a hypothetical question that has no consequence on our actual lives.
Brett: It's a dumb question.
Chance: If you ask me–
Brett: I didn't.
*Chance crosses his arms and huffs*
*Tungst sighs*
Tungst: Can we please just get a long for five minutes?!?!
*Drip pouts*
Drip: Not with him around.
Brett: Oh, because you're so riveting.
Drip: Hey, people like me.
*Brett rolls his eyes*
Brett: Only in your dreams.
*Tungst swats Brett*
Tungst: Be nice.
Rift: Personally, I think–
Brett: Nobody asked you either.
Rift: But... but, they did?
*Rift points at you*
*Drip snorts*
*Brett narrows his eyes*
Brett: You're so kriffing annoying!
Tungst: Inside voices please.
Chance: Why does the brat get to control this conversation?
*Tungst's, Drip's, and Rift's eyes widen*
*Tungst, Drip, and Rift get up to leave*
Chance: Uh, guys, where are you going?
Tungst: I'm gonna... go take a shower...
Drip: I got... a... thing... in the... oven!
Rift: I also have a thing in the oven.
*Brett cracks his knuckles*
Brett: Hold still, blondie.
Chance: Oh, no...
*Chance jumps up from the couch and runs away*
Brett: Get back here! I'm gonna kick your shebs into the next galaxy!
*Brett chases after him*
*Chance screaming in the background*
Gloss: Can I choose the flavor of the chocolate book?
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Hiii, happy OC Sunday!!!
From the emoji asks, I'm curious about Gloss (surprise, surprise), Tungst (he's given me the rot of the brain 😔) and Rift!
😭, ☀️, 🌱, 🪤 and 🎡~
Mireeeeeeee, my sweet pea 🥰 Happy OC Sunday to you, too! I knew the Gloss one’s were coming 🤭 Yo, listen, the Tungst brainrot is real 🥴 That man is so fine. Oh, and Rift, toooooooooo 🥺 My little adhd boy 💜
😭 - What makes them cry? Do they cry easily?
Gloss: The only time anyone has ever seen Gloss cry actual tears, is when Chance died. No, he does not cry easily, just like the rest of his emotions, he's really good at not showing them.
Tungst: Tungst can be brought to tears, but it's a rare occurrence. He's the leader of the squad and he needs to remain strong, even if everyone else is falling apart. He didn't cry when Chance died, but he cried afterwards.
Rift: Rift cries more when he's laughing than he does cry tears of sadness. He can easily be brought to tears by a good joke or one of his brother's doing something ridiculously funny.
☀️ - Are they a morning person? What the first they do in the morning?
Tungst: Tungst is not a morning person at all. If he could shoot the sun, he would. He hates leaving the softness and warmth of his bed to get up. The first thing he does in the morning is slam the snooze button on his alarm ten times.
Gloss: Gloss wakes up when he wakes up. There's only one force in the galaxy that can wake Gloss up prematurely, and that's Tungst's foot when he kicks him awake. The first thing he does in the morning is pull out his sketchbook and draw his dreams.
Rift: Rift is kind of in between. It really depends on how much sleep he got and if he has to do something in the morning. He can wake up early or he can sleep in late. The first thing he does in the morning is his stretched to get his body ready for the day.
🌱 - What is their most vivid memory from childhood?
Tungst: When the Jedi told him he was the leader of the squad and that his brother's would be his responsibility.
Gloss: The first time he ever held a crayon and got to scribble with it.
Rift: When Chance showed him what a tree looks like in a holo-book.
🪤 - What will always lure them into certain danger? A loved one in danger? A promise of something they are always searching for?
Gloss: Laughably, his art. He has been known to go to precarious lengths to sketch something he finds interesting. He once stepped out into live fire because he saw a pretty flower he wanted to sketch.
Tungst: His loved ones, absolutely, including his entire squad. He would burn the galaxy down and be burnt up with it if he had to. He would do anything to keep his family safe, and we never do anything to jeopardize their happiness.
Rift: Rift is actually very cautious, considering his whimsical nature. Sometimes people forget that he's still a clone, and his brain works really well. Rift is more the type to weigh the pros and cons before rushing into a dangerous situation.
🎡 - Are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?
Gloss: He'd be so busy sketching his beautiful partner that they'd have to make the move on him.
Tungst: Absolutely. He's such a flirt. However, he may do more than just kiss though...
Rift: Once he gets down from his high of seeing all the cool things around him, he would definitely go in for a kiss.
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