#clone oc: chance
Who Wants More Clone OCs???
For those of you enjoying my Infectious series, I've decided to give you more information about the clone trooper cadets I created! Because I don't know if they'll be back or not in the fic.
Adding the fic series tag list in case they're interested: @nahoney22 @bethtizda @skippyhopperwisdom @drafthorsemath @idoubleswearimawriter
Meet Phoenix Squadron:
The leader of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name from the metal used in TIG welding, tungsten.
TIG welding is an artistic form of conjoining metal and requires a great deal of concentration, patience, dexterity, and finesse, to which Tungst has all of those qualities.
He has a big heart, loves his squad, and will gladly die for each one of them.
He is usually level-headed, but can become passionate, overzealous, and protective of the ones he loves.
He has an incredible sense of justice and becomes immovable when he dedicates himself to a cause.
The glass-is-half-empty member of Phoenix Squad.
His original name was Brat, because he would complain about absolutely everything and annoyed Tungst every spare moment he had.
He eventually grew out of his bratty ways and his name was changed to Brett, however, he never lost his pessimistic outlook.
He enjoys weapons the most and wants to be the heavy-gunner of the squad.
He will agree to anything as long as it doesn’t require any effort on his part.
He is incredibly loyal and will follow Tungst anywhere and into anything.
The most sensible member of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name because he drools in his sleep and his brothers make fun of him for it, but he’s a good sport about it.
He is the voice of reason for everything, even though Tungst is the leader.
He is the one with the checklist to make sure they haven’t forgotten anything.
He is sometimes referred to as a “worry-wart” or  “always prepared for the end of the world”.
He is anxiety coded.
The most laid-back member of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name because he would consistently leave out important or key details when telling stories or relaying information.
His tendency to “gloss over” things has gotten the squad into heaps of trouble on numerous occasions.
He is soft spoken and doesn’t enjoy conflict. 
He’s a bit spacey at times, but he has a vivid imagination and is very artistic.
He keeps a sketchbook with him at all times and will draw anything, including his brothers.
The jokester and prankster of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name because he would start petty squabbles between the clones by planting false information, then sitting back to watch the outcome.
He caused so many “rifts” between brothers that he was labeled a menace amongst the cadets, but in reality, he was just bored.
He’s the brainiac of the squad without even having to study.
He likes to keep a rock in his pocket because he’s a chronic fidgeter and fidgeting with blasters does not work out well.
He is ADHD coded.
The beloved “youngest” brother of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name because he enjoyed making bets with his brothers and he always won, every single time.
He was incredibly studious and you could almost always find his nose in a book.
He was training to become the squad’s medic because he couldn’t handle seeing his brothers hurt.
He was more emotional than the average clone, but none of his brothers ever said anything about it.
He unfortunately perished during the invasion of Tipoca City.
Extra Info
After Chance’s death during the invasion of Tipoca City, Tungst refused to replace his “little” brother and chose to leave the squad at five members.
Phoenix Squad has matching tattoos over their hearts of Chance’s name, a phoenix, and the words “morior invictus” underneath, which means “death before defeat”.
Gloss is the one who designed the memorial tattoo.
During the events leading up to the Infectious story line, Phoenix Squad formed a bond with the reader because she reminded them of their little brother Chance who wanted to be a medic.
Reader is aware of Chance's death, but it happened way before she ever got to Kamino, so she never met him.
Tungst likes to share holo-pics of Chance with the reader to help keep his memory alive and also because he misses him.
In Chapter 1, when Gloss mentions that the reader should join their squad as their medic, he was not joking.
They unanimously agreed that the reader could join their squad, which is one of the reasons for Tungst's disdain of Clone Force 99 in Chapter 2.
Tattoo Art
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Made by the extremely talented @commander-sunshine! Thank you, babe 😘
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mttonex · 4 months
oc posting 😜
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(she's a gen 1 clone of Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton😓)
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nikscribbles · 5 months
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In case you haven't met Chance and Hindsight
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hawnkoii · 29 days
I honestly think it would be pretty funny if sumine would scare urogi while taking a shower and the whole thing would be like
Urogi: sumine, what the f##k!!
Sumine: well?
Urogi: the f##k is wrong with you I'm naked!!
Sumine: you're technically always naked...
Urogi: yeah but I'm bathroom naked!!
(Sorry if this is a weird ask btw) 😔
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Lol not a weird ask
This is so funny!!
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coldbrewarts · 4 months
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@nikscribbles perfectly named clone pilot OCs who I am now in love with 😍
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the-little-moment · 7 months
Part 1
In Another Life ~ A Crosshair Fanfiction 🪔
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Words: 2,286
Warnings: Smoking
Summary: Crosshair can't face his family after all they've been through, especially what happened to Tech on Eriadu. Even though his brother is now recovered from his injuries and living happily with his fiancee on Pabu, Crosshair's guilt forces him away from the others. In an attempt to maintain their life-long connection, Senna moves away from the rest of their family, knowing it's the only way she can still see Crosshair.
This fic is an AU of "Not Just the Carcass, But the Spark", set in the future. It is not the same universe as "Only What Burns You Back".
Because I'm With You 🪔
Senna opened the window and lifted her leg over the sash, grunting as she pulled herself out onto the fire escape. From his perch on the narrow stairs, Crosshair turned to look at her. He lowered the cigarette from his mouth. “Coming out here to fuss at me?”
“No. I was coming out here to sit with you.” The doctor waited until he shifted over to join him on the metal step. 
They sat quietly for a moment, looking out over the lower roofs around them. The sun was just rising and the morning air was cool. Autumn was on the way. Senna glanced down at the cigarette in the sniper’s long fingers, sighing internally. She really did hate that he smoked now, but it wasn’t very surprising. They both had their demons.
Crosshair looked at her pointedly, then took another drag, letting the smoke drift out of his straight, narrow nose before he stubbed it out on the railing. “Happy?”
“I don’t know how you deal with the smell.”
“You get used to it.”
That made the doctor smile slightly as she looked down at his now empty hand. She reached out and took it, and Crosshair let her fold their fingers together. He let her do a lot of things these days that he wouldn’t have before. Senna understood. Everything that they had now felt fragile.
Crosshair would come and visit her with no warning, staying for a day, or a week. Then he’d leave again, just as suddenly. At first, he’d slept on her couch. Then Senna had coaxed him into the spare bedroom. But after one night, when she’d walked past to hear him in the throes of another nightmare, Senna had lain down next to him and stayed until morning. They’d never spoken of it but, from then on, Crosshair stayed in her room, in her bed, even though they did nothing but hold each other when the terrors came.
Senna had woken that morning to find Crosshair already gone, although there were signs that he hadn’t really left yet. His wallet and blaster were lying on her dresser, next to a small tray of her jewelry, as if that was the most normal thing in the world. The black duffel bag he always brought was still in the corner by her closet door. So he’s smoking outside. She’d sighed as she’d pulled on a sweater, heading to the window to join him. 
Crosshair ran his thumb over the doctor’s smaller fingers. “You been doing okay?”
Senna leaned into his shoulder and watched as the old man in the next building let his cat onto the balcony, the one with the damaged ear that reminded her of Wrecker. “You know how it is.”
It was always this way. Crosshair would come when he knew it was safe, although that really only meant when he knew no one else was there. His siblings. Not that Senna saw them as often as she wanted to anymore. Tech and Phee had stayed on Pabu. Echo was with Rex and his clone rebels. Wrecker had a long term girlfriend that he’d brought to meet Senna, but they spent most of their time near her family in the Outer Rim or back on Pabu with Tech. Hunter and Omega had a home there too, but they were currently on a year-long trip together. Senna missed them all almost more than she could bear but, for a long time now, Crosshair had been her priority. And she knew he would only come if she was away from the others. That meant this apartment, in a quiet town on a quiet planet in the Mid Rim.
He’d come last night, knocking because he knew it scared her when he let himself in. They’d eaten dinner together, almost shyly, and then gone to bed. It was always the next day when they talked. Senna was used to it now. Used to seeing him in softer clothing instead of armor or fatigues. Used to the way he’d leave while she was asleep so he didn’t have to say goodbye.
She didn’t know if this was healing, but it was better than letting go. She had promised him, in that cell on Weyland, that she would never let him go. They had taken him from her then. Now she was giving herself to him, in every way she knew how, desperate to make up for what they had lost. 
“How have you been?”
Crosshair looked down at her, then away, giving Senna a view of the way his hair curled gently around the scar above his ear. She reached up to brush it softly, waiting for his reply. 
“Your job?”
“Also fine.” He glanced down again to catch the doctor rolling her eyes. “What do you want me to say? Life’s perfect. The job’s perfect. I have everything I could possibly want and more.” Crosshair smirked as Senna turned a mild glare on him. 
“Everything could be in absolute flames and you wouldn’t tell me.”
“You’d smell the smoke.”
“I do smell the smoke,” she muttered and Crosshair huffed a laugh. 
“There are worse things than cigs, Sen.”
Senna didn’t want to rehash it with him. He already knew how she felt. She knew smoking was a comfort to him, and it seemed unfair to force him to give it up when she had nothing to offer in its place. I would if you’d stay. We could make things better.
Still, it hurt her to know he was hurting himself. “There are better things than cancer.”
Crosshair took his hand out of hers and stood, reaching down to pull her up. “Not gonna live that long anyway.”
Back inside, he brewed a pot of caf while the doctor made breakfast. “I haven’t been here in a month and you’re telling me nothing’s new?”
Senna turned to look at the sniper as she stirred their eggs. “Is my life just not exciting enough for you?”
“Your life’s not exciting enough for anyone.” Crosshair chuckled as he caught the salt shaker the doctor threw at his head. 
Senna bit back a barbed comment. I’m here because of you. For you. And I haven’t seen you in a month. “What ‘new’ were you hoping for?”
Crosshair took the plate of eggs she handed him and set it on the counter with the rest. “I don’t know. A pet? A plant? I told you last time you should get out more, but I get the feeling that isn’t happening.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Senna looked affronted as she sat next to him at the counter. 
“Everything in your closet is extremely boring.”
“Crosshair!” Senna fought the urge to stab him with her fork as the sniper smiled into his caf. “First of all, my clothes are not boring. And, second of all, stay out of my things!”
“Your closet was open. Besides, I’m right, aren’t I?”
The doctor sighed deeply. “Why do you want me to get out so badly?”
Crosshair shrugged as he helped himself to more toast. “Meet new people. Maybe someone who’d keep you from being so lonely here.”
Senna stared at him. “I’m not…” 
The sniper lifted a skeptical eyebrow, knife scraping against the dry bread as he buttered it. “You are.”
Heat rose in Senna’s cheeks as she looked down at her plate. Of course she was lonely, but that didn’t mean she wanted to go find someone at a bar. Considering the fact that she was still wanted by the Empire, she tried to spend as little time with strangers as possible, unable to shake her paranoia even after these few non eventful years.
“It’s not like you’ve found someone," she said stubbornly, still looking at her unfinished eggs. "And you do get out." Then, a thought hit her, and the doctor raised her eyes to Crosshair's with an air of suspicion, tapping her fork against her plate. “Unless, of course, you have and you’re just not telling me.”
Crosshair's face was mild, the corner of his mouth lifted just a hair. “What makes you think that’s what I want?”
He said it with no tone at all, but the words hurt her all the same. “I just want you to be happy,” Senna said quietly, standing and taking her plate to the sink. When she turned back from scraping it, Crosshair was still watching her over the counter.
“What makes you think I’m unhappy?” he asked, with a crooked smile to soften the obvious. When Senna dropped her eyes to the sink, Crosshair stood and came around to hug her. “It’s not your fault, Sen," he said quietly as he pulled the doctor gently towards him. "Being here with you makes me happy. Why do you think I keep coming back?”
Senna swallowed a sniff against his chest, disappointed in the tears she felt coming. “To make fun of my clothes?” If I make you so happy, why won’t you stay? He didn’t owe her anything, it was just… Every time he left, she was afraid he’d never come back, just as she’d been during the war. 
A laugh rumbled beneath her ear. “You make it too easy. I’ve seen nuns with better style.” 
Crosshair watched Senna lazily from his reclined position on her couch as she strung small, colorful lights around the apartment for the impending Dipa Utsaava celebration, the Lights Festival, a tradition from her mother's home planet. The others would be coming in a few days. That meant it was almost time for him to leave. 
In bed the night before, while he listened to the doctor sleep, the thought had come again, that this was as close to happy as he’d ever be. That this was what he really wanted. But Crosshair had pushed it away, the same as every time before. He needed Senna to find someone else, someone who was good for her and would take care of her. He needed the choice to be taken out of his hands. Because every time he left it was harder. And everytime he held her in the dark it was easier. 
The sniper was shaken from his thoughts as Senna materialized next to him, holding up a shining holo disc with a smile that was just a little threatening. “It is time for the annual tradition,” she intoned as Crosshair groaned dramatically, pulling his hand out from behind his head to press it to his eyes.
“Maker preserve us,” he grumbled. 
Senna laughed as she stuck the disc into the holoplayer on the low console in front of the couch. “You know you love it.”
Crosshair frowned as the title of the movie appeared on the large vidscreen mounted on the opposite wall. “I think it actually gets worse every year.” He turned his scowl on the doctor as she forced him to sit up so she could join him on the couch. “I can't believe you're not saving this for the others.”
He received an innocent look in return. “I’m perfectly capable of watching my favorite holo twice so you don’t miss out.”
The source of Crosshair's pain was a cheesy holiday romance that Senna had first shown him and his brothers when they visited her at the army base on Coruscant, a lifetime ago. Crosshair found it atrocious, but there was something almost nostalgic about the predictable plot and idiotic characters after all this time. Wrecker, of course, had loved it from the beginning, and found far too many opportunities to squeeze awful quotes from it into daily conversation. 
Crosshair tried not to think about his brothers while he sat with the doctor. About the way Tech had picked apart every plot hole until Senna had yelled at him to hush. Or about the way Hunter had fallen asleep halfway through and continued to do so during every successive viewing. The year Echo had joined them, there had been no Dipa celebration with Senna, but Wrecker had forced their new brother to sit through the vid on the Marauder, with Tech later noting that the harrowing experience had been his true induction into the squad. 
Crosshair smiled faintly at the memory of Echo’s ire, but it soon fell away. None of that mattered anymore. They’d all be here in a few days and he’d be gone. That was just the way things were now. The way they had to be. 
Crosshair winced as the couple on the screen kissed, narrowing his eyes when he caught Senna smirking at him. “What?”
“I know that’s your favorite part,” the doctor chuckled, turning back to the screen. “I always like to watch you see it.”
“I don’t know how they manage to make it look so unappealing,” he muttered darkly. Senna just smiled as Crosshair turned to watch her instead. He thought she looked especially soft tonight, her hair loose and still damp from her shower. It had been years since he’d seen her in uniform, but that was still how he imagined her, in a starched white jacket or scrubs. He wondered, if anyone saw the two of them now, would they be able to tell what they’d used to be? Was there still something in the way they held themselves, an air? Not just Crosshair and Senna, but the most deadly sniper in the Grand Army and its chief medical officer, a decorated vice-admiral. Not likely, he thought, as the movie finally ended.
Senna sighed contentedly and rested her head against Crosshair’s shoulder. “Happy Dipa, dear.”
A snarky response rose to his lips, but Crosshair paused, shifting to wrap his arm around her instead. “Happy Dipa, Sen.”
Because I’m with you.
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Taglist: @just-here-with-my-thoughts @bad-batch-lurker @lightwise @freesia-writes @kybercrystals94
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wolfylch · 11 months
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👁✨️Unconventional Allyship✨️👁
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fereldanwench · 2 years
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Is it a mirage? A hologram? No, my friends, it's clear, open skies! But don't take it from me--Get out there and enjoy the sun! ☀️ ∟valerie's nice charter hill jog under cut for length & maximum VPer self-indulgence
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Ao Fang: Why not put them to work? Rumble: I'd prefer to go over board Savage: Mhm!
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crosshairscrustysock · 2 months
Redo sketch of my chaos twins Brody and Scooter 🫶🫶🫶🫶
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Og sketch 👇🫣
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relicsongmel · 5 months
Alright I figured since I ramble about them so much it's time I made a post talking all about my two darling girls!!! As some of you already know, these are my two (pseudo) self-insert characters; their primary canon is based around the events of Pokemon Black and White and their sequels.
images made using Picrew and Love Nikki (with the latter having the closest I could get to their canon outfits)
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Sylvia Goldwood
Gender: female (she/her)
Orientation: pan(demi)romantic demisexual
Birthday: March 10th
Height: 5'8
Hair color: light blonde
Eye color: aqua
Color scheme: light blues, whites, and silvers/grays with occasional darker blues, yellows, greens, and purples
Ethnicity: Unovan (Martha her mother is from Icirrus City, Roger her father is from Driftveil City)
Interests: music (singing, piano, flute, composition), theater, gardening/botany, baking, poetry, dancing, swimming, boating, foreign languages
Fashion is romantic and feminine with frequent floral elements
Born in Nuvema Town and lived her whole life there
Her father was a musician and aspiring composer who died a little over a year after she was born. Her mother is a florist
Inherited Roger's love of music despite never knowing him. Dedicates herself wholly to the musical arts and shows an exceptional level of skill for her age, but develops burnout as a result of her perfectionist nature and harsh self-criticism born from the pressure she felt to succeed. Leaves on a Pokemon journey for a change of pace and to search for the mythical Pokemon Meloetta in hopes of rekindling her inspiration.
Personality: ambiverted, imaginative, deceptively slow to trust, selfless to a fault
Notable Pokemon: Samurott, Cinccino, shiny Gardevoir
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Denise Hitoki
Gender: female (she/her)
Orientation: biromantic demisexual
Birthday: September 10th
Height: 5'4
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: dark gray
Color scheme: greens, browns, and other neutral tones with occasional blues and yellows
Ethnicity: half Unovan, half Johtonian (Jennifer her mother is from Icirrus City, Ryuji her father is from Goldenrod City)
Interests: reading, video games/anime, drawing, writing, playing guitar/songwriting, tree climbing, mythology, history
Fashion is minimalist and practical, avoiding unnecessary flourishes
Born in Ecruteak City and lived there with both parents; moved to Aspertia City with her mother at about 13 years old
Both parents are top-class Pokemon breeders who spent their teens and early twenties competing in competitions worldwide; after their marriage her mother starts a business selling various Pokemon care products. Her father assists her but tends to work from home so he can focus on taking care of Denise
Her parents' marriage grows unstable and her father abandons the family when Denise is 10. She and her mother have wildly different responses to this, which becomes a source of conflict as Dena becomes frustrated with her mother's state of denial and Jen is incredibly ill-equipped to deal with her daughter's grief on top of her own while now facing the challenges of being a single mother. Denise has a long depressive period before she leaves on a Pokemon journey to escape her home life and possibly find her father.
Personality: introverted, blunt, logical, fiercely loyal to her loved ones
Notable Pokemon: Ninetales, Glaceon, Zoroark
Other facts about the girls:
Martha and Jen are sisters, making Sylvia and Denise cousins. They are two years apart in age (with Sylvia as the older of the two) and each leaves on her respective journey at 18 years old.
Sylvia started as a Bleach OC and used to be named Lilybell, while Denise was created for an unfinished lineup of characters representing musical keys (she was D minor, hence her name). Both are drastically different characters now than how I envisioned them at the time of their conception.
Sylvia's tag [#little songbird] is a nickname Roger used for her when he was still alive.
Denise's tag [#forest for the tree] is in reference to her last name, which means "solitary tree." It symbolizes her tendency to isolate herself due to recurring abandonment issues as a result of her father's disappearance, even though trees usually thrive in community by nourishing each other through interconnected root systems. However, after letting go of her fears and allowing others into her life (finding her "forest" so to speak), she becomes a source of shelter, strength, and comfort for those around her.
Sylvia can be shortened to Syl and Denise to Dena (pronounced "DEE-nuh"); they have a few other nicknames but those are the most common ones.
The descriptions in this post pertain to the main timeline; that is, Sylvia and Denise's adventures across Unova and a few other regions they travel to with the background details exactly as described above. Several other AUs exist, most notably two PLA AUs (one for each of them), Denise's Paldea AU in which she and her mother move there instead of Unova, and a few different Sylvia AUs in which her confrontation with Team Plasma plays out slightly differently. In addition to these, I occasionally put my girls in the universes of other franchises (Bleach, Stardew Valley and Ace Attorney to name a few), but many details there are far less consistent considering the characters weren't created with those universes in mind. As such I generally don't like to discuss them as much, but they are very fun nonetheless and often help me recontextualize how I view their canon storyline.
And that's the overview! Thank you to anyone who's read this far—my lovely ladies mean the absolute world to me and I hope you found their backgrounds interesting <3
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Phoenix Squad Personality Quiz
I saw someone else make one of these, and I decided to make one too 🥰
Please reblog with your results!!!
Check out my OCs here
OC taglist below the cut:
@commander-sunshine @coraex @sunshinesdaydream @homemade-clones @523rdrebel @thestarwarslesbian @clonemedickix @moonwrecked @ladyzirkonia @cdblake1565 @ladytano420 @moonlightwarriorqueen @trixie2023 @ca77m3anna @reader6898 @kimiheartblade @dukeoftheblackstar @totally-not-your-babe @arc-trooper-8008 @msmeredithrose @grindeeloo @tesahuy1629 @gjrain20-starwars @nerd-ika @imabeautifulbutterfly @tallrock35 @asyas-daydreaming @t3mpest98 @twincesskorisoka @vodika-vibes
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Nav: 👗🌼💌🦸‍♀️🥘🍁
And for a little treat:
Clone Boys: 👀
I have asked so much but I need to knooowwww
Take your time, Ily 🌙🔮
ahhh yessss thank you so much, Hex, for asking all of these wonderful questions. answers below the cut because this got away from me 😂😅
👗 Describe their style
when they worked on Coruscant before joining the GAR, they 100% rocked the thrifted light academia aesthetic, but it never fully fit their personality.
on the run from the Empire, and just in everyday life, they are much more prone to utilitarian, functional garments in neutral tones. sleeveless tunic belted over utility pants, with steel-toed boots and their trusty backpack. they steal one of Hunter's old bandanas and tie it around their bicep; Hunter loves it. and of course once they settle on Pabu, they start wearing more tank tops and shorts, soft-bottom shoes, a shark-tooth necklace that Omega crafts.
used to have long hair, but cut it really short when they joined the GAR and just never grew it out again.
they also have a single tattoo, a complementary pair to one that Arien had, on their ribs: a deadly cactus flower native to Iridonia. (Arien's was a sketch of Umate, the mountain peak on Coruscant.)
🌼 Assign them an aesthetic
alright take all of the above and now consider: space grunge
💌 How would they react to a love letter?
sorry my first thought here is the fact that Hunter would write said love letter and now I've made myself squee
anyways. on topic. I think the circumstance would be something like, Hunter writes a letter for Nav and leaves it for them to find somewhere, so it's a surprise. like, at the bottom of their pack (because we all know how often Nav cleans that out... 👀). & then reading it they'd need to sit in case they swoon, the paper held in one hand while the other is clasped over their mouth to hide their smile. definitely blushes. depending on how sappy Hunter got while writing, Nav may or may not tear up.
& then immediately tackle Hunter into a giant hug and smother him with kisses.
🦸‍♀️ What would they dress as for Halloween?
Nav would totally talk Hunter into couples' costumes--and of course that means Omega's costume is also themed, which probably means everyone else's as well. the squad as bowling pins and Omega as a bowling ball?
but for one year, Hunter and Nav make sure that their costumes match each other's and only each other's. Hunter as a werewolf and Nav as a werewolf hunter 👀
🥘 Favorite food?
this depends. if we're talking like, most nostalgic, then it's definitely the beef stew and crusty bread that the matron of the orphanage made on a regular basis. a whole big vat of the stew and the huge ovens made the entire building always smell so good.
but now as an adult, their favorite is the salad that Shep taught them to make on Pabu. starfruit and berries, nuts, crumbly cheese, and a decadent oil-based dressing. filling, sweet, and savory all in one.
that, or Hunter's meat pies. Hunter totally learns that he loves to cook once they all settle down on Pabu.
🍁 Their favorite season and why?
alright hc time: Coruscant doesn't have seasons, & Pabu basically has 2: hot and hotter. Iridonia is probably the same, though it gets chilly at night. therefore, Rintonne is the one planet that Nav has been to relatively frequently enough to experience four seasons. their favorite is by far autumn, with spring coming in second. there's something about transitory periods, life in flux, that just Hits Different for Nav. spring is in second place because allergies lmao.
Clone boys:
👀 How do they look like? Give an overall description of them
ohohoho strap in, here we go
387th Battalion, 13th Sector Army
Commander Creed. he presents a very stern, disciplined facade that intimidates shinies and civvies alike, but in reality he's very soft and compassionate. it's what makes him such a strong leader. he's unafraid to voice his opinion when he believes his Jedi General is making a foolish or wrong move, but is humble enough to admit when he's wrong. well-trimmed beard and mustache, undercut with a mop of dark curls. there's a scar from an errant blaster bolt during commando training, that streaks down the left side of his face. he has a tattoo under his left pec that reads 'for the people' in blocky Basic letting--that is his creed. he has a second tattoo on his right hip of his battalion's mascot (pls don't ask me what this is, idk yet).
Captain Static, Shatter Company. earned his name because when he was a cadet, he always pretended to talk on the radios with sound effects (*cksh* come in, command, *cksh*). he's a little bit naive, but very loyal and values intelligence. he often volunteers his company for recon missions, having trained them specially to communicate effectively. he's clean-shaven, with a stud nose piercing and regulation haircut.
Captain Flare, Phoenix Company. loves, loves, loves flare guns and will pout (mostly in jest these days) if he doesn't get the chance to pop one off at least once during a campaign. he's loud and unapologetic, a little cocky, but he does genuinely mean well and respects the hell out of anyone who can outwit his twin, Seg. with a permanent five o'clock shadow, brilliant white teeth, and that one perfect curl that always rests so nicely on his forehead, he's hot and he kriffin' knows it.
Captain Seg, Flare's twin, commanding officer of Angel Company. Seg is a little bit more withdrawn and quiet than Flare, but no less quick-witted--and quick-tempered. he often waits for an opening in his enemy's forces rather than making an opening himself (he leaves that to Shatter & Phoenix Companies). this is both in terms of battle tactics and verbal sparring. often known for silently observing conversations or debates, and drops one-line zingers that leave the entire table slack-jawed and/or in uproarious laughter. he's the most "reg" looking of the captains, but don't let that fool you.
Captain Drifter, of Hollow Company. Drifter is an old grumpy man at heart, rather pessimistic, but can be charming and suave when the occasion arises. something of a social chameleon, often chosen for diplomatic missions alongside the General. he's sarcastic but genuine, a balance he learned early on how to maintain, and it's gotten him into trouble as much as out of it. he has ear piercings, a septum ring, and a huge geometric tattoo sleeve on his right leg; and sometimes lets his hair grow out to about shoulder length.
Bonus boys! Hotshot and Screwball, ARC troopers, who featured briefly in Second Chances. Hotshot has a buzzcut and goatee, vitiligo, a rough hand-drawn star tattoo beneath his left eye, and a scar across the bridge of his nose. Screwball has long hair that he keeps tied back in a low bun, and a scar along the right side of his face. both Hotshot and Screwball are pranksters (and don't get me started on when they have shore leave with Screwball's twin, Misfit), but very, very good at their jobs. they specialize in destabilizing the enemy from behind enemy lines, often using their chaotic impulses to their advantage.
anyways thanks again so much, Hex, for letting me ramble about my blorbos 💖💖
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nikscribbles · 4 months
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The Boys are Back in Town
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coldbrewarts · 3 months
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More of the pun pilots belonging to @nikscribbles. Blood and sads under the cut
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Catch is my favorite so I had to throw him in the whump blender. He’ll be ok just a concussion
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cinemagh0ul · 1 year
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Made some Clone High clone concepts or whatevah.
(listed clones [L to R]: Clone of Salvador Dali, Clone of Tarrare the Freak, Clone of Mary Shelley, Clone of Anthony Perkins, Clone of Margot Kidder)
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