dontdropthedoritos · 2 years
you can’t become to best version of yourself if you don’t surround yourself with people who help you to show up as that person
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vojvode · 6 years
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❝  YOU KNOW, I NEVER DID bother asking; why is it you always call me that?  ❞  
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prodigil · 6 years
shut up. i observe with my eyes.
fun spn quotes.  /  always accepting.  /  @closecircle
‘  ----right,  that..  that’s  usually  what  you  use.  ‘  
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    but  sam  obliges,  a  thousand  further  retorts  perching  desperately  across  the  top  of  his  tongue.  it  usually  took  more  than  that.  perception  of  sound  and  smell  was  important,  too,  though  sam  understands  what  mason  is  getting  at.   he  cannot  count  on  one  hand  the  occasions  in  which  his  sight  was  hindered,  but  he  had  safely  been  able  to  fall  back  onto  his  other  senses,  compensating  for  the  hindrance.  some  nasties  spat  acid,  or  eked  toxins  that  disrupted  the  senses.  
    he’s  not  so  sure  mason  always  says  what  she  means,  though,  so  he  feels  no  need  to  relay  this  information  to  her,  fingers  fluttering  over  the  part  of  his  machete  that  would  fit  into  his  palm.   ‘  think  we’re  close.  ‘
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brutlista · 6 years
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     “     hey . can you .     “     he’s pushing an entire bag of picked up food towards her , with a look of disappointed disgust . disappointed , because     ---     “     i thought i wanted it but then i caught a whiff of it and now i wanna puke . apparently i can’t enjoy things i like now . which is     ...     you know . life .     “ 
@closecircle // starter
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orphik · 6 years
closecircle replied to your post: 
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the price of being nice
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blccdmagic · 6 years
     HE LIKED her idea, lips cutting the flesh of his cheeks like a blade he’s GRINNING at her, eager, hungry  - and who could blame him ?  he liked getting lucky and it was not often that he found himself striking gold !  what a joy !  to have a taste of another so close.  offering her his hand ( what a gentlemen ), hawke rises from his seat, smug grin set in place as he stares at her through dark lashes, amber eyes swimming in her skin and dancing along her curved features, dissecting her without restraint, and without an inch of subtlety.  
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vojvode · 6 years
every time i see ur dash icon my brain goes 'thats rami malek's eye' and
can sb decipher this 4 me its 1am and im an idiot
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prodigil · 6 years
‘ who cares where happiness comes from? look, we’re all a little weird, we’re all a little wacky – some more than others – but… if it works, it works. ’
supernatural.  /  accepting  always.  /   @closecircle
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‘  i..  um.  i  used  to  ---  i  thought  i  could  get  away  from  it.  from  ..  hunting.  have  a  normal  life.  i  wanted,  normal  things.  ‘  
a  spouse,  and  a  place  to  call  home,  and  a  dog,  and  no  more  nightmares,  no  more  blaring  yellow  eyes  and  the  coppery  taste  of  fresh  blood.  no  more.  that  rug  has  been  ripped  from  beneath  his  heels  and  long  soiled,  and  it  isn’t  fair,  not  really,  but  what  choice  do  they  have?  what  life  can  they  live?  none  but  this  one.  
(sometimes  he  thinks  mason  is  going  to  kill  dean,  spooling  the  blame  around  him  like  red  threads,  small  and  agitated.  when  his  eye  blossoms  with  bruises  or  his  shoulders  ache  where  dean  thrust  him  down  into  the  floor,  he  sees  her  eyes  split  like  cells,  and  her  anger  comes  to  neatly  sit  on  her  face.)  
(he  doesn’t  mean  it.  that  doesn’t  give  him  the  right  to---!)  
but  that  was  neither  here,  nor  there.  
‘   i  don’t  think  i  could  ever  go  back  to  that,  or  ..  being  that  person.  but  ..  i  guess  i  found  something  anyway.  in  all  of  this.  ‘
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orphik · 6 years
"Capitalism is a scam, but I bought you this anyway!" She holds the shirt out, grinning and bouncing and just SO EXCITED. The front of the shirt says, 'I'M A LUXURY' and the back, when she turns it around for him to see, says, 'THAT FEW CAN AFFORD.'
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❛ Mason, ❜ They stare at the shirt for a time, before slowly returning to her. They take in her excitement and decide that perhaps they will endure. ❛ I see no point in gifting me this but I will accept it. ❜
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righteousmade · 7 years
She tied bows into his hair while he slept and is currently trying SO HARD not to giggle as he goes about his business with pink and lilac ribbons. She's failing.
sleeping’s become that little bit easier, what with promised warmth and a comfort found in a woman soft and treasured. so he’s fallen that little bit more into sleep, his guard is that little bit dropped --- and here, he’s paying the price for it. 
but, the noise disturbs the peace, a giggle that speaks of a secret mischief. first there’s frown, a wriggle of his nose before he shifts his body to find another spot of comfort. there it is again! and now that he knows the efforts for more sleep are for naught, he dares to open an eye. 
a grumble and a groan  and the small curve of lips when he sees that smile that dazzles. but something’s off that causes another frown. something accusatory there then in the cracked, still sleep caught voice that slips in a mumble. “ what have you --- ”
he notices the pink in her hands.
he’s quick. quick to pull, quick to grab at her waist to press her close and press a kiss and surround her in pillows and blankets. “ mason! ”
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blccdmagic · 6 years
It’s Sinday! Send 💋 to straight up kiss my muse!
status / accepting / @closecircle
     HE HADN’T SEEN HER COMING but he wasn’t complaining from where he was standing, her little arms wrapped around his neck seemed to fit perfectly- fingers pressed into his hair, HER LIPS AGAINST HIS - oh and she tasted sweet - like berry wine and honey and he was ready to lap at her fruit all night long. 
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     “ eager now, aren’t we? “ he teases, dipping his hands lower onto her hips, nails scraping at the exposed flesh beneath her top and trousers.  he enjoyed the look in her eyes, the feverish  glint she had to them as she looked up to hawke  with batted eagerness, keeping herself on the cusp simply for the sake of saying she could last far longer than he -  “ ah, ah, ah - patience my dear, lest we stop all together ? “
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luciouschest · 7 years
❝ I can’t prove that someone ISN’T a reptilian. ❞
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‘ no. ‘ he pauses, raising a hand in the universal sign of stop. ‘ we’re not going this again. we’re not having a repeat of the time you made me question whether the orlesians had eyebrows under their masks. not again. ‘
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hraunwyf-a · 7 years
i like how passionate you are about her and how much you just love her? i love watching muns adore their muses, and i extra love when they can do it without ignoring the Bad Parts. you keep loki really cool n 3 dimensional and its GREAT!
the bad parts are what keep it interesting !!! and loki has AN ABUNDANCE OF BAD PARTS !!! and i LOVE THEM ALL !!
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vojvode · 6 years
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THAT HE HAS TO BEND for maze to reach is a small price to pay, really, no matter how many times he does it. a hundred, a thousand; it’s never too much. surely, nothing ever could be. and just as all those blesséd times before, he smiles into the press of mason’s lips. they’re soft, softer than anything he’s known. sweeter than the memory of honey on his tongue. 
alucard lingers. her warmth, like her love, is the only sun he’ll ever bask in, and it’s only once he’s had his fill that his eyes finally deign to open. they're smiling, too. ❝  i think i need another.  ❞
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prodigil · 6 years
‘ you, me? we deserve to be loved. i deserve to be loved! i just want to be loved. ’
supernatural.  /  accepting  always.  /   @closecircle.
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the  self  directed  doubt  that  flits  through  sam  is  like  an  outcropping  of  feathers  billowing  in,  inhaling  a  birds  nest  --  his  heart  is  a  ball  of  twine,  delicately  threaded  in  mason’s  hands,  and  her  damp  eyes,  and  her  grit  teeth,  the  bubbly  accentuation  of  her  poppy  voice  descending  into  a  low  ignominous  stutter.  her  grip  on  his  open  lapels  wavers,  sliding  across  the  thin  cotton,  dropping  to  painfully  claw  at  herself,  her  face,  then  the  jut  of  flesh  and  bone  beneath  her  breasts,  as  if  she  wanted  to  rope  something  out  of  her  lungs,  tear  out  her  pain.  
sam  wishes  he  could  do  it  for  her,  wishes  his  angular  frame  and  big  hands  could  provide  enough  comfort  to  ball  up  her  pain  and  shovel  it  out.  but  there  is  nothing  he  can  do  but  offer  his  wounded  heart  and  open  hands,  all  pecked  out  like  a  corpse,  all  ripped  and  eaten.  
all  he  can  do  is  hope  that’s  enough.  
(i’m  not  worth  more  than  anyone  else.)
‘  i  love  you.  i  ..  don’t  know  ..  how  much  that  means.  i  know  i’m  not  a  lot.  but..   i  do,  i  love  you.  and  other  people  do,  too.  ‘
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orphik · 6 years
closecircle replied to your post: 
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entity vc: hm
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