#closed starters.
huntrhaunt · 26 days
you look different, marcy. look at your hands, look at your face.   they quiver, they twitch, they clench their fists, they try to let go of the feeling. but it’s so deep inside, they can’t quite locate it. they can’t even properly identify it. it feels heavy. they drag their feet, but they’re quick                   safety, home, mina, is closer and closer. they can see a faint glow. it’s the kitchen window, open, with mina mulling about. footsteps pick up, though exhaustion eats away at their poor muscles. marcy can’t describe what they saw. they just remember the feeling of terror. something in the floorboards, something oozing from the walls, the shattering of glass and a stinging pain across the chest. fingers feel the wounds. deep, bleeding, burning. they don’t know how they got here, even. they pulled up to the house in their car, with their supplies, with a semblance of where they were, and the next thing they remember is   … “ fuck, fuck, my keys. no keys. fuck, ahhh, ” hands fumble around for the carabiner that’s usually hooked to their belt loop. but, nothing. fist against wood, faint and tired                   they try to knock harder but can barely muster the strength. their stomach begins to rumble and turn. they don’t know how long they’ve been gone. and all they can think is ‘ mina’s going to be so pissed for missing dinner. ’ another knock, more frantic, more desperate. they’re bleeding onto their porch. they clutch their stomach, covering the wound, trying to self-soothe. weakly : “ mina, please let me in. fuck. mina. ”
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sunshinesfm · 2 months
𓍼⋆⊹ 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓 : @adrivns.
" okay, wait. just. stop talking for a second. " alyssa made him pause what he was saying for a moment so that way she was able to process everything that adrian was saying. " please start over and say this from the beginning. because you were doing a whole lot of yapping just now and seemingly going on a whole rant. so, i just want to make sure that i'm hearing this correctly. " she simply stated before gesturing for adrian to continue on speaking once more. " go on. i'm all ears now. "
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nuks · 5 months
STARTER CALL: @luminarot ! ˖* ft. barnaby sullivan ⭐
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     Barnaby sighs, his lower lip puffing out as he rests his chin on his hand, elbow on the table.     ❛❛   Look... I'm sorry for staring at you... I just...   ❜❜     He trails off, pouting for a moment, before he sits up abruptly, a grin spreading across his features.     ❛❛   Lemme buy you a milkshake! This place has the best, my favorite's vanilla-   ❜❜     He admonishes, glossing over the fact that he'd been confused about whether Wesley was alive or not... He turns in the booth he's sitting in, moving to his knees before leaning over the back of the seat, and swiping the menu off the table beside him.     ❛❛   But they have a bunch of different flavors!   ❜❜     He continues, holding the menu close to the other's face and pointing out the milkshake section.
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goofily-moved · 11 months
☆ closed starter for @johnnysslaughter ・゚: *
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       Her hips swing as she makes her way into the dimly lit bar, her dark red lipstick-coated lips curved up at the corners in a demure smile as she makes her way to the counter. She sits on a stool delicately, poised and pretty as she waits for the bartender to notice her. She orders a simple whiskey on the rocks,  &  sips on it as her dark eyes scan the bar's sparse crowd for her next potential victim. Her gaze meets with an attractive brunette man's, and Rosemary's smile softens in the perfect mimicry of bashfulness before she ducks her head in a deceptively shy manner.  The bait has been cast,  &  now she simply waits with ravenous anticipation for him to take it. 
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bloody-ugly · 10 months
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“ and you’re from                   ??? ” spoken after a sip from a glass, punctuated with loud lip smacking. platform boots, the scent of aquanet, the heat of a throbbing dance floor just sparkling off bodies that flicker through the strobe. tiff, for a fleeting moment, comes off as accusatory and territorial                   “ never seen you around here ”                   but she says so with a smile at the end, while a free hand extends a martini, a welcoming present.
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pessimisticsarc · 2 years
@stovthearted: "Do you need me to slow down?"
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It took him a few minutes to adjust to Laxus's size—he was bigger in more ways than one, much bigger than any of the men Rust had been with before—but once he relaxed and shifted slightly to accommodate, the way the rhythm was built and how he came to thrust into him so relentlessly, hitting every sensitive spot in its path, sent him into a world of bliss.
He had barely heard the other's concern, muffled by the sounds of sweat-dampened slapping skin, but the mere fact that Laxus thought of changing his pace was met with a disappointed groan.
"N-No, fuck, please—don't stop now. It's good—please."
He was almost embarrassed at how good he felt, but he had no way of concealing the blush spreading across his complexion or stopping the way his hips bucked to meet his.
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swervdcity-arc · 1 year
‘ you’ve got a lot of nerve. ’ repeated like a curse or the worst mantra on planet earth. clenched fists, seeing red, grinding teeth and thirsting for blood. victoria isn’t a brute. victoria isn’t imposing. victoria may be one vengeful, vindictive bitch, but she’s never been one to be the shark sniffing for blood in the water. but this time ? she wants to even the playing field. regardless of the giants that’ll be out on the ice tonight, she knows she’ll be pulling teeth and leaving shiners. ‘ stay outta the crease, motherfucker. i will saw your right hand off with my fucking skate so you can never jerk off to your reflection ever again. ’ there’s always a left hand, victoria   …   but she understands how annoying it is to properly jerk off with a non-dominant hand. a grin.       holding a grudge closer than she’s ever held anyone                   fuck you, dallas. fuck you for what you did. the sound of a cracking stick is still fresh in her mind. she can see elliot crumbling onto the ice, writhing around, and coming back up with a split face. the poor pretty boy had his goods damage, and for once, he almost didn’t get hit on at the pub afterparty. almost.       the cool chill of a fresh sheet of ice, shocking her out of the sickening warm sweat she’s breaking                   her pregame ritual is running on the treadmill at an incline and making sure she’s hot and ready. and she sure is. hair in two long braids, draping over her shoulders, lips puckered with a strawberry chapstick. eyebrows press together, sneer prods at her lip, and she’s got her signature gameface on                   a stone cold glare with barely bared fangs. cold glare never leaves, even as she reaches the ice. straight to the rink, searching for the blood in the water. she gets her usual shoulder pats and kind hello’s, but she keeps walking. she doesn’t even harass hector. skate blade hits the ice, and she’s flying off, making her usual rounds. calm, easy, keeping her eyes peeled for the fucking brick wall. ah. hard to miss. stick in hands, eyes scanning as the rest of the brumbies congregate for a pregame skate.       “ hey, dallas, you nervous for your first brumbies game, eh ? ” a voice rising above the sounds of skates and pucks hitting plexiglass. victoria almost cracks a smile. striding up to him, stick in both hands, daggers fixed right on him. if looks could kill   …   tough, poised, ready to strike. what an asshole. exuding testosterone, looking like a GI Joe from this view. stick taps lightly against his leg as she adds : “ i know you juice, bud                   i can smell it off you. try to control your ‘roid rage   …   maybe you’ll get some actual ice time. ” / @fuckedprophet
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fl4y-archived · 1 year
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          Carmen tilts her head when she spots Jude sitting alone, and is quick to make her way over to the other girl, offering a crooked smile as she approaches.     ❛❛   Hope you don't mind some company.   ❜❜     She drawls, sighing softly as she sits beside Jude, kicking her feet out so her legs are stretched straight. It feels nice to take a little break, the arcade had been so crazy all afternoon...     ❛❛   You've been so quiet today, is... Something up?   ❜❜     She asks, tone quiet, as she's not wanting to be invasive. She's quick to hold her hands up.      ❛❛   It's totally cool if you don't want to talk about it, we can just... Sit here.   ❜❜     @j0ysticks
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          It had been... several months? Maybe. Since the apocalypse had started. Her trip to america had started with disney world. Something fun. But that had very quickly ended with her dad being eaten alive in the middle of an overcrowded theme park. And now she was just trying to survive, wandering across a country that she wasn’t all that familiar with. She’d heard rumors. Rumours that gave her hope. Rumours that she strove to prove correct.
          The president of the United States was trying to rebuild America. To Tess, it sounded true and almost inevitable. She was the president. She could do anything, right? Even if it took time. Tess just had to find her and maybe things could be easier.
          Hope. Over many points over her adventure, it hadn’t felt all that hopeful and other times, the old world felt like it was just around the corner. Weeks on the road were grueling and days where she finally found a town were relieving. But people were selfish and scary. It always ended badly. But that hope always came back. The president wasn’t scary, right?
          Somehow after months of hard detective work and walking, she was close. Each time she heard about the president, she grew closer. The next state over, the same state, just a few towns over. Finally... finally just a few miles away. The young girl ran those last few miles, despite how weak she was from malnutrition and dehydration and how often she stumbled.
          When she finally caught the first sight of what she thought could be them, she was grabbed. In her excitement, she hadn’t really been paying as much attention as she should have been and surprisingly strong, rotting hands grabbed at her and shoved her down, pulling a scream out of her.
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scrunchie-archived · 10 months
closed starter for: @wkdys ! ・゚: *
       Her arms cross over her chest, her glossed lips forming a soft, petulant pout as Kitty plops down on the sofa with a delicate huff. She sits there for a moment  &  when Athens doesn't immediately look at her, she huffs again, glaring at him from the corner of her eye.     ❛❛   I can't believe you.   ❜❜     She admonishes, dark brows furrowed, her scowl deepening.     ❛❛   That girl at the mall was totally hitting on you...   ❜❜     
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hvbris · 5 months
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@multipleoccupancy . Theo's family gets bigger
The Baudelaires had been in New York for a few days now, living in the house of their new guardian: Theodore Beneventi. New York reminded Violet of the town where she grew up, only bigger. Much, much bigger.
Mr. Beneventi, who had told them they could call him Theo, seemed like their most normal guardian so far. For starters, he was not afraid of turning on the stove, which was very nice, because it meant the Baudelaires could enjoy a warm meal for the first time in a few weeks. There were no snakes in the house either, which, to be fair, was to be expected. And of course, here, they were not ordered to do horribly long and difficult chores.
The other thing that differed from their last guardians, was that Theo already had a family. He had a wife, Andrea, two sons, and a baby daughter, who was already getting along great with Sunny.
Violet felt like their luck might have finally turned. Even the terrifying shadow of Count Olaf didn't seem as scary, considering that Theo was an FBI agent. She did not usually consider herself lucky, not since the terrible fire that had killed her parents, at least. But for the first time in months, she was feeling much more hopeful than usual.
And, it's with that noteworthy hopefulness that she left the room she shared with her siblings, and tip-toed to the kitchen. It was still early in the morning, but she was awake and craving a glass of milk.
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"Good morning," she said politely when she saw that the kitchen area wasn't empty. Theo was already there. He was very nice, and she already felt comfortable around him, so she poured herself a glass of milk. "The view is very beautiful from here," she commented, not only to make conversation but also because it was true.
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huntrhaunt · 1 month
an open mouth full of meat, gnashed between rotting teeth and torn apart by clamoring fingers.   the open chest cavity of an innocent bystander                   strolling down the street, probably on his way to work, none the wiser to the creature that lurked in the alleyway. his remains run down marcy’s face, all splattered across her shirt : a now ruined tour shirt, with the exact date she saw some punk band in the city. her third meal, but still not satiated. there’s not much in their head. it’s all static. milky-white eyes pull away from the man-turned-breadbowl and land on kurt                   striking as ever, all ghostly with neon blue hair, and, like a cat and a laser pointer, they stay focus on the chain around his neck. attention is pulled   ;   blinking through bleary, pale eyes, listening to the jingling of all his hardware   +   accessories. kurt won’t be another victim. kurt is, in fact, one of, if notthe only thing marcy recognizes. like an oasis in a desert, they stumble back from the man and clamber to their feet. let this be known : this is not marcy.   this is a vehicle. this is a vessel to obtain more flesh and blood. marcy is pretty much dead, but with newly regained strength, it seems like she might be coming back to the forefront. bloody, beaten vans hobble across blood-soaked soil and carry them to kurt’s apparition, eyes still focused on the sparkling jewelry around his neck. kurt would never be a target of aggression or hunger   ;   he seems to only be the object of curiosity and, sometimes, affection. it’s not really obvious. marcy communicates with grunts and groans, ungodly gurgles and moans. as their bloody hands reach forward, they stumble, and land face first into the dirt. they regain composure quickly, but remain seated, like an embarrassed puppy. it’s never pleasant to see marcy this way. It’s   …   it’s actually kind of humiliating. a bumbling, hungry mess, always covered in the blood, guts, and other bodily fluids of whoever met their unlucky demise. they eat roadkill, they eat men, they eat maggots, they eat whatever they can find. which is funny, considering that marcy won’t anything besides chef boyardee and dinosaur-shaped mac ‘n’ cheese when they’re marcy. pale eyes fixate on the chain again, but they don’t chase this time. that’s too much. this grass feels way nicer.
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immortalmolloy · 6 months
Daniel was a bundle of nerves and excitement as he entered the bar. He hoped that he would meet someone tonight. Sure, he would like to get laid like any young man his age, but it was more than that. He hoped to meet someone special. Someone who was interesting and different than all of the other lame assholes Daniel had ever met. He was desperate for a real story, something no one else could write. He hoped that this would be the night that lightning would strike and illuminate his life.
He wasn’t exactly sure who he was searching for until his gaze stumbled upon him. The first thing Daniel noticed about him was how breathtakingly gorgeous this man was. Daniel was pretty sure he’d never seen anyone this devastatingly beautiful before. And there was something about him. Maybe it was his aura if you believed in that sort of thing. He seemed to radiate this electric energy that drew Daniel in like a magnet. He didn’t know what it was yet, but he just had a feeling that that this guy was unique. His gut told him that this guy had a story to tell. So he approached him and tried his best to act confident and cool.
“I mean, if something happens, I’m cool,” Daniel said. It was no secret to Daniel that a lot of queer people frequented this particular bar. Maybe he’d be extra lucky and he’d get a story as well as getting laid. Would someone so gorgeous and mysterious actually go for him though? “But I really want to interview you.”
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nuks · 5 months
STARTER CALL: @curseplay ! ˖* ft. kitty carlisle ☆
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     Kitty's batting her lashes at Paris, her glossed, pouty lips in a sweet smile as Kitty drapes her arms over Paris' shoulders, drawing her closer. There's a twinkle in Kitty's eyes, her gaze soft- a harsh contrast to the ice that's for anyone other than Paris.     ❛❛   You know I love you, right?   ❜❜     She begins, tilting her head as she twirls a lock of Paris' hair around her manicured fingers. Kitty gets clingy sometimes- especially when she sees other girls fawning around Paris too much... Like she did tonight, after one of Paris' performances. 
     She knows Paris is hot, and Kitty's got her kitten claws in her, refusing to give them up or share them. Even now, Kitty catches someone looking their way with what Kitty knows is envy. Kitty's quick to smirk as she leans in, holding the person's gaze as she presses a kiss to Paris' lips.     ❛❛   You did so well tonight, baby.   ❜❜  
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goofily-moved · 1 year
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              ❛❛   I, um, really enjoyed your memoir.   ❜❜     Valeria speaks softly, her lips quirked up at the edges as she absentmindedly fidgets with the leash in her hand. Detecting her owner's growing anxiety, Athena subtly steps closer to Valeria, standing between her and Ethel. Valeria is quick to pet the dog's head, letting her know that Ethel isn't a threat. Valeria's just nervous     ——    Ethel's book really spoke to her and she doesn't want to make a bad impression.  @freezeher
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bloody-ugly · 10 months
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a bottle of cherry coke with a red-white-striped straw poking out, fire engine red lips poking into a cheesy grin : “yep, that’s me !!! except about 30 feet taller !!! ” beaming with pride and excitement, tiff bounces on her toes. arms swing and twitch with giddiness                   she’s been moderately famous for a while, but not billboard on the sunset strip famous … and she giggles about it, like an excited kid on christmas. a real look mom i made it moment. another giggle : “ made my ugly mug all big, gonna haunt ya dreams for the rest of your lives. ”
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