#clotho Buer
the-wild-card-hand · 9 months
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"Well now. Are you helpful or are you just a little EXP bump for me?" Clotho was looking a little feral, blood splattered on his uniform and he could of easily spooked this person if they weren't careful.
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charlezarrd · 2 years
Is there a SEED character you think should have been more focused upon?
Is there one you think should have had less focus?
Hi, I’m very late in answering this and I’m sorry, but I have Opinions™️ again.
I could pick just one of each, but I’m going to be fully honest, that would be off brand for me. SO.
Spoilers for Gundam SEED, (duh):
Characters That Needed More Focus:
1.) Yzak, i think, comes to mind immediately. We see a decent amount of him as a member of the villain quartet at the beginning, but after Nicol dies, we see not very much of him, especially leading up to his decision to abandon his revenge plot to rescue Dearka. I think seeing this change build in him gradually would be important to see for the message of SEED in general. (And also make his mini-redemption moment in Destiny, which i still haven’t seen, more impactful)
2.) Andrew Waldfeldt. I’d like to know how he survived being exploded, and ended up on Lacus’ ship. He plays a lot of the same role as Ramba Ral for kira, but with a bit more Vash The Stampede esque goofiness, and quite frankly, I love him. The character he’s initially presented as, and the Waldfeldt that shows up piloting Lacus’ ship aren’t neccisarily consistant though, and I want to see how he survived. It would have been nice to see him questioning ZAFTs motivations a bit more, and coming to his own conclusions on things.
That said, apparantly being in an exploding mobile suit in SEED is even less fatal than it is in Wing.
3.) Juri Wu Nein, Mayura Labatt, and Asagi Caldwell. The three ORB test pilots for the M1 Astray. Honestly, their deaths are more dissappointing than anything else, they could have just not died and the series would be the same. If you want deaths to have meaning, I’m of the philosophy, you need to focus on the characters for a bit longer than these guys got.
Characters that deserved Less Screen Time:
1.) Orga Sabnak, Clotho Buer, and Shani Andras. I was so dissappointed by these guys. They could have honestly never been shown, or been shown a lot less, just to illustrate the concept behind Boosted Men. But when I played G Generation Cross Rays, I thought that the character details of showing their hobbies would make them into tragedies, and the game was just stripping out a bunch of context, like it did with Rau Le Creuset. Instead it turns out they’re just assholes who fucking hate each other, with a mean streak. They feel like wasted potential, and the screen time devoted to them felt wasted.
2.) Sigh/Sai Argyle (I’m not sure how you spell it anymore). To be honest, the only role he served to the story was to create a weird love triangle, before he was immediately forgotten. He could have been written out of the plot and the story wouldn’t change in the slightest, except Flay might have come across as slightly less mean. You could have spent the screen time that was spent on him further establishing the relationship between Miriallia and Tolle, to make Tolle’s death more impactful. (Instead of “AND HE DIES ALSO!”)
I think thats it. There is a lot more that I think the series would benefit from changing, but not in terms of who gets screen time.
That said, for all the criticisms I have of it, SEED is still a fun story, and I do like it quite a bit.
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incorrectcosmicera · 3 years
Kira: How do you sleep at night?
Nicol: Very well, thank you.
Athrun: Alone.
Dearka: How should I know? I'm asleep.
Yzak: Like I never committed all the murders.
Clotho: I'd sleep better if Azrael was dead.
Shani: Very comfortably with my Lacus Clyne body pillow.
Orga: With my eyes open.
Miguel: My astrology sign says I shouldn't...
Rusty: Paranoid and cautious.
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alybrilliant · 3 years
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It has been a long time since I drew them lol, probably it’s because I finally had a chance to ge a rare merch of them. Haha. Clotho feels tall and yes, the two are sitting hehe.
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pastatart · 5 years
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Clotho Buer from Mobile Suit Gundam Seed cusses kids out on Fortnite!
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Clotho Buer from Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
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Clotho Buer from Mobile Suit Gundam Seed plays Skyrim!!
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your-fave-t-poses · 5 years
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Clotho Buer from Mobile Suit Gundam Seed t-poses!
Requested by @lookitsmorefandomtrash
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annicon · 6 years
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.。.:*・ clotho buer  icons ・*:.。.
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© on twitter @MeNtAlLyBrOkeNX
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minty-the-demon · 2 years
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It’s interesting how calm the biological cpus are when they’re not in battle. It makes me wonder how much they really think about bloodshed.
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the-wild-card-hand · 2 years
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Here we have the gamer in his natural habitat hyper-focusing in on trying to clear a dungeon
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char-x3 · 3 years
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MSG SEED Destiny
Muruta Azrael | Shani Andras | Clotho Buer | Miguel Aiman😄
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incorrectcosmicera · 3 years
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The Mincing Mockingbird’s Guide To Troubled Extended - 100 posts special
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annicon · 6 years
Icons of clotho buer please?
done x
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minty-the-demon · 2 years
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Why did I look at these and think “this looks vaguely sexual”? Am I that down bad?
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the-wild-card-hand · 2 years
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“The Princess of Hell has her own Human Hellhounds....?”
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“We’re not as flashy-”
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“But we are equally as ballsy and crazy-”
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“So cross Charlie....and we come knocking.”
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incorrectcosmicera · 3 years
Orga: On a scale from “Damn Daniel” to “Fre sha vaca do” how are you feeling?
Clotho: In between “It’s an avocado, thanks” and “How did you defeat Captain America”, but as a solid answer I would say “I don’t need a degree to be a clothing hanger”. How about you, Shani?
Shani: Probably “Road work ahead”.
Azrael: I speak two languages and this is neither of them.
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