Can anyone please draw me cj and Margaret from regular show in love please 💝🥰🥺
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homunculusalphonse · 2 years
we do not accept cj hate nor margaret hate in this household. stop pitting these two against one another. let them kiss.
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swift-kwikster · 3 years
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what a season, right
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capn-james-t-spirk · 7 years
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Look @these cuties
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doggirldick · 7 years
concept: cj trying to get margaret into camping. nature dates. also cj has a motorcycle and margaret rides on the back of it while hanging onto cj's waist
YES YES YES!!! cj putting her motorcycle helmet on margaret and saying she looks cute. cj and margaret sat in front of a campfire, margaret it cold, cj puts her biker jacket on her. margaret lying on her back with her head on cj’s lap and pointing up to the stars while the campfire roars. the campfire starts to die out and it’s late so they get up, cj stretches her arms and cracks her knuckles then puts her hands on margaret’s hips and pulls her close, margaret puts her arms around cj’s shoulders and they kiss, cj pulls her head away and giggles while they stare into each others eyes. cj grabs margaret’s hand and pulls her into the tent. in the morning cj rides her motorbike home while margaret sits on the back with her arms around cj’s waist while she sleeps peacefully lying against cj’s back
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lapis-lazuliie · 7 years
not gonna lie, i’m so on board with the theory that margaret and cj hooked up in the end. i mean we saw Nothing with where their characters ended up so this theory’s practically canon in my books !!!
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sonic-adventure · 3 years
did the internet just get rid of all the cloudaret content or am i just not looking right
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[ID: Margaret, an anthro robin, and cj, a cloud person. They are colored in, surrounded by white leaves, and holding hands while facing away from each other, smiling. In between them is a single orange leaf. The pile of leaves they are in is shaped like a heart. /end ID]
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[ID: a drawing with two black bars at the top and bottom of the image. White outline text at the top reads, "musclemanveryregular presents <3" and the bottom reads, "Falling Leaf." In the center of the image is an orange leaf, it has a brown outline and the veins of the leaf are yellow. Behind it is Margaret, an anthro bird, on the left and CJ, a cloud person, on the right. They are both laying in a pile of leaves facing away from each other and frowning. /end ID]
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capn-james-t-spirk · 7 years
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I little something for @transgirlmargaret. Thank you for enabling my Cloudaret ways. 
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capn-james-t-spirk · 7 years
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*Sinks further into rare pair hell*
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capn-james-t-spirk · 7 years
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I can’t believe CJ and Margaret are married and living happily ever after.
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capn-james-t-spirk · 7 years
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You guys are seriously too much!! Thanks for all the positive feedback on my Cloudaret designs and spam. 
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capn-james-t-spirk · 7 years
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Regular Show is ending, and I’m still bitter that Margaret and CJ were pitted against each other in a lame ass love triangle instead of dating each other.
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lapis-lazuliie · 5 years
idk if you would do the ask game thing for regular show characters, buuuut.... how about rigby and cj?
aah sure ^ ^
sexuality headcanon: i’ve always seen his as asexual. maybe aromantic too…? 
gender headcanon: cis i think…?
a ship i have with said character: oh, rigleen. all the yes
a friendship i have with said character: m+r!!! rs brotp for life
a notp i have with said character: fhghggfghhfg don’t make me type it >.>
a random headcanon: g od um…i honestly don’t know sorrY 
general opinion over said character: i do not have one
sexuality headcanon: bisexual
gender headcanon: again, cis…? idk though i haven’t rly thought about it before. maybe agender…?
a ship i have with said character: cloudaret!!!!! also thomjay bc Why Not!!!!!
a friendship i have with said character: cj+mordecai. they work so well as friends ok 
a notp i have with said character: oh cj x mordecai……it’s all bad
a random headcanon: maybe it’s bc i haven’t seen the show in years, but i literally have no hc for her…that i can think of lol
general opinion over said character: she’s so cool!!!! fuck the writers for treating her Like That!!!!!!
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lapis-lazuliie · 6 years
2, 16, 20 and 25 for the shipper ask meme!
thank u!!!! :]
2. talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life:
oh boy, alright
- blue x magenta from blues clues ; they were my very first otp lmao and no i didn’t know blue was a girl. wonder if that reads into anything….- harry x hermione ; like a lot of other young adults on the planet, i grew up w/ the harry potter films and shipped harmione from the get go….as well as everyone else in my family 😂- mordecai x benson ; i will ALWAYS hold a soft spot for these two. regular show was my first fandom, mordeson was my first ‘official’ ship, and i just really loved having so many amazing people to talk to. ah i miss it all so much :’>
16. talk about a ship you initially disliked ahaha um honestly, i can’t think of any. if i hate a ship at first or have any dislike towards it, it’s very difficult for me to at least try to warm to it ;^-^
20. talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping first one that comes to mind is cloudaret tbh! their dynamic seems pretty similar to benson & mordecai’s, so really what’s not to like lol
25. have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar? ……..i don’t think so :0 i gotta see the movie/show before getting invested in a ship from said piece of media. that said, maybe there is but it’s buried somewhere in my subconscious
sorry i took hours to answer this, lotus! my computers down at the moment so i gotta use mobile to reply to asks, and it’s just a pain .-.
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