#clown on this fool bully them i dont care someone make people stop saying this shit
rxvera · 8 months
you dirty fucking kike, all of you are monsters, hamas is right to take you all out, they're fighting for the right cause, this is your fault, children are dying and palestinians are suffering because of you and your freak snake people, you all make shit up and pretend like you're the victims and make it harder for REAL sufferers to get any aide, this is your fault and its disgusting you continue to associate with these ugly molesters and choose to be jewish, go burn you fucking freak
We're not doing this bullshit on my blog. Absolutely not. I am done having no fucking spine about this. I'm not putting up with it.
I HAVE SAID NOTHING ABOUT THE CONFLICT. All I asked was that people don't send me fucking graphic images/videos in reference to it, and that post is deleted now anyway.
I can't fucking change your mind. Trying would be pointless, but I can tell you that you are an ignorant antisemitic asshole who's wasting their life away harassing a teenager on the internet.
I was born long after this conflict started and I have jack shit to do with it. It's not my fault. I'm not choosing to be Jewish either. I was born that way. It's an ethnoreligion, and I couldn't stop being Jewish if I wanted to.
I can't fucking win. I'm sick of you sympathizers and supporters. I'm harassed in real life, some of my friends have turned on me without knowing anything about this beyond the fact that I am Jewish, and I'm harassed and sent disgusting shit online too. Stop, just stop.
I've been told over and over that I'm a horrible person for existing, for being born and raised who I am. Stop. Just fucking stop. I can't do it anymore. It's not my fault. None of what's going on has anything to do with me.
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charliedawn · 3 years
How would they react if you ask them to dance?
Freddy :
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"Heck yeah !"
Freddy is one of the only slasher that is musically cultured. He can spot good hard rock from a mile away. He is a rock and roll fan to the end. Just, put on any hard rock song and you will see his eyes literally sparkle in delight. He would dance with you until the end of the night. Literally.
" Come on darling, let me turn your world upside down !"
He would pretend having a guitar in his hands and laugh while shaking his head up and down with the rhythm. In rare moments, he would actually forget where he is and start singing with the lyrics.
"~She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I stare too long, I'd probably break down and cry..."
Surprisingly, Freddy has a great voice and, when given the opportunity, will make the slashers enjoy a live concert of his. In those moments, not even Pennywise dares make fun of Freddy. Freddy understands your love for old music, and god, does he got the moves ! You swear that when he is dancing, you forget all about who he is and who you are. If you weren't dancing before, you certainly are now. 😂
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Surprisingly enough, Arthur would not join right away. He would first see you dance and enjoy himself watching you having fun with the other slashers. But once he is sure that nobody will judge him ? He will join and dance to his heart content. Many people have ways to express themselves, hobbies that help them de-stress..But unfortunately for the slashers, that hobby was mostly killing people. You try to make them see that they can do the same in many different ways. Joker, however, is a very special case, because he actually tried to escape with dance and jokes..People destroyed his dreams. Now, you have to help him get back his hope and the dreams he lost. The first step to do that ? Make him remember what he loved, before becoming the Joker.
" Why do you want to make me believe in something that is gone ?"
" Because I believe in you, Arthur."
He waited for someone to actually believe in him for so long that he can't help but cry at your words. He would then take you for a dance and make you laugh for the rest of the night. He doesn't mind you old-fashioned taste, as he prefers old songs as well, especially the catchy ones.
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" Dance ?! Dancing ! Yesss !"
Penny screams while throwing his hands in the air. He loves dancing. It was the only thing he had when he was alone and penniless. He was dancing in the street in his old clown costume, hoping for some generous souls to find him entertaining. However, when he became Penny, his dance became the last thread of his old life he hanged on to. It may have been a way to lure his victims in as well, but it was also much more for Penny. He loves dancing. He is also very good at it, being a very flexible person with a great creativity. His dance may look childish at first, but it's only because he never got the proper training. You asked the hospital to give him some lessons, but unfortunately, they didn't want the dance teacher to become dinner. This is how you had gotten the idea of Friday's dancing nights. It allows the bond between the slashers to strengthen and for Penny to learn more about what he loves.
" Penny dances ! Penny is so happy !"
Well, just make sure he has the dance floor to himself, as you wouldn't want any of the slashers to receive a slap or a kick on accident..He doesn't really care about the music, as long as he can dance on it.
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Dance ? What is dance ? When he sees you and the other slashers dance, it makes him think of those teenagers at Crystal lake. He is not too fond of dancing. He will however stare at you and sometimes, even nod his head up and down with the music if he likes it. But, if you try to make him dance with the others ? He will freeze. He is not used to dancing and never cared enough to learn. For a long time, it had only been his mother and him, therefore he hasn't had the chance to make friends or open up enough to dance at parties. He likes watching though. Most of the time, he will stay with Five or Michael, the only ones to understand his predicament. Plus, he doesn't know or understand most of the songs you're playing. He tried to ask you what they meant, but most of the words you used to answer him only made him more confused. Love ? Hope ? Loss ? He doesn't understand them. However, he does understand grief and sorrow. Those are feeling he can relate with as he felt them when he lost his father. When a sad song comes in, he will pay more attention and feel a tug in his chest.
" My boy. You have to live your life as you intended. Don't let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn't feel. One day, the ones who bullied you and called you names will see how amazing you truly are."
The words of his father echo in his head as he listens to the music. He has nearly forgotten about his face, but his voice is still with him, advising him wherever he goes. He just never took the time to listen to him until now. He always thought that his mother was everything he needed, that she was the only one who loved him, but maybe was he wrong after all ? Maybe other people could accept him ?
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*internal panic*
He knows how to dance, that's not the problem. It's just that it's been so long that he's afraid he's gotten a bit rusty. This is why you will most likely find him hidden in a corner, watching over you all. At this point, he is more likely to play the role of the quiet big brother who is making sure none of his siblings accidently hurt themselves or have too much to drink. However, if you really insist, he will try to enter the game and make a few tentative steps on the dance floor. But, dont expect too much of him. He is embarrassed enough as it is. However, he will help in the kitchen if you need to bake something of prepare some snacks for the slashers. Another thing to know about Michael, is that unlike Jason that doesn't mind raising his mask a little to eat or drink, Michael will prefer to wait until everybody is gone or asleep before letting himself do the same. He is very keen on his mask and doesn't want anyone to see him without it. So, maybe prepare a little space away from prying eyes for him to have intimacy ? As for the music, he doesn't mind. Everything is fine with him.
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Unlike Penny, Pennywise is not that much of a dancer. Penny is a dancing clown, Pennywise is a grouchy clown. He would rather be sarcastic all evening than partaking in the fun. However, something that he is good at is inflating balloons. He will help organize the party and will try to entertain Penny as much as he can. Pennywise may not be a dancing clown, but he cares about Penny. Penny is the closest to family he has left, and even though he would never admit it, he would do anything for him. He is protective of him and if it meant making Penny happy ? He wouldn't mind playing the clown for a night.
" Stop looking at me like that. I'm not gonna dance. You can't make me. Invite Penny instead. He's far more excited to make a fool of himself than me.."
He would reply when you invite him to dance. He doesn't care about the songs, as long as they don't have any curses in them. He loves cursing, but he doesn't want Penny to follow his example. He wants him to keep the little innocence he has left.
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(couldn't find a gif with Five, so imagine it's Five in the second gif.)
He will not dance. Not even if you beg him. He will be happy if you leave him alone with the drinks. He will mostly stay with Michael and drown his bad mood in alcool and most likely complain.
"Goddammit. Can't we have decent whiskey in here ?!"
However, if you really insist and he has enough alcool in his system ? He may follow you and make some moves on the dance floor. Maybe.
" I swear you all suck. It seems I'll have to step up to level the game. It's not because I'm having fun or I like any of you, it's just because you bunch of idiots can't differentiate good dancing and monkey dancing."
Five got many classes on how to be the perfect spy while being trained. Let's say that there were some more enjoyable classes than others. He knows how to dance as a result and will steal the dancefloor when given the chance.
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bunny-xoxo · 3 years
Power Couple Playlist
for my love @ikigaitooru , please enjoy Shawty :)
warning: slight timeskip!oikawa spoilers
Relationship Head cannons 
I am not joking when I tell you you guys would be the definition of a power couple, like the kind where when people see you together they definitely get a little nervous assjjjdjsakaka
The team adoressss you too, like you are constantly clowning Oikawa and he’ll just be there like 🧍‍♂️ while the rest of the team loses their minds
Don’t let him fool you though! Oikawa clowns you just as much as you clown him definition of a petty queen
But also let literally anybody else say something to either of you, y’all just go innn on them (unless it’s Iwaizumi of course)
But as much as you two bully each other, you guys are infatuated with each other like you guys got each other on the brain constantly
IMO you guys definitely started off as flirty bullies, to flirty jackass friends to lovers 😶 (I’ll go more into detail with the playlist ;))
Your relationship definitely gives off summer fling type vibes but it just ,,, never ends lmaoo
You guys are LITERALLY the king and queen of the zodiacs and I feel like Oikawa would bring it up constantly “who cares babe we rule the world, let’s do what we want 😩” headass you cannot tell me he wouldn’t say this shit slightly unironically
Stares at you any chance he can get, he loves it when you’re hanging out with someone and you’re doing most of the talking so he can just watch you (will get embarrassed and sheepish if you notice though)
His favorite is when you’re smiling or laughing really hard and then look at him to talk or wait for his response shit gives him butterflies every time
Totally the type to wipe your face with a napkin if you guys are out and you got something on it and then just smile at you like 😊 got it
OKok i dont know much about smoking but he’d DEFINITELY be the giggly type probably horny too but you didn’t hear that from me
Boasts about you literally all the time whenever he gets the chance pls, whenever he gets interviewed at his games in Argentina he relentlessly finds ways to bring you up
Definitely let’s you do his makeup, no questions asked
Sometimes you’re aggressive and chaotic and it scares but also excites him in the best way
OKOK Playlist time!!
(the title is a joke pls don’t come for me asjfkdllsjs)
I kind of made this playlist as a soundtrack to your guys’ relationship and did my best to have it align with your music taste even though I feel like I did horrible job of that 
I really hope you enjoy it and if you need me to change anything please tell me!!
1. Song for Me - Greer: Ok here we go, friends to lovers gang!! Y’all definitely trying to deny it, but you’re catching stupid feeligs stupid fast. He can really talk to you about these big dreams and you just listen and talk with him so intently that it makes him feel something he can’t explain at first it’s called romantic feelings dumby. And hearing him talk about his dreams with you and just really want to talk with you really makes you so happy; and you can’t help but imagine getting to be by his side with him while he does this and- hold on, did you really just think that? Yeah cue 2:37 of the song 
2. This Side of Paradise - Coyote Theory: Yeah, so you guys mutally realize that you like each other and do NOT know what to do. You guys kind of start to dance around it and aren’t sure what signs are real or made up lmaooo. You’re both so playfully flirty it’s like 😏 ahahahah.. 👀👀 bimboz anywayyy cue the side glances from Oikawa and his relentless staring as he slowly falls more and more for you
3. Heavenly - Cigarettes After Sex: UGH DID SOMEONE SAY MUTUAL PINING, pls I feel like this would go on for a fair bit with Oikawa, he’s so dramatic. This song is just the definition of you two just wanting each other. And the fact he’s so nervous to screw it up with you just makes him more nervous cause he’s like oh shit, I really like her. Iwaizumi talks it through with him though knocks some sense into him “If she’s so great why wait until someone else recognizes that and want’s her all to themselves? As a matter of fact I’m sure-” “IWA PLEASE I GET IT” literally runs to your house out of breath after practice to confess to you assjfjdkkd
4. Violet - Hippo Campus: Ok so you guys are definitely together now, and this song just reminds Oikawa of you so hard. It played on his way home from your first date and now he just completely associates with you. Sometimes if he’s feeling extra nervous before a game he’ll listen to it and immediately feel better, it’s like your theme song for you in his mind right now, not that he would tell you that. Whenever he see’s you in the stands at his games this song is like a backtrack in his mind and it just gets him so extra pumped them serves are definitely extra terrifying
5. Michelle - Sir Chloe: Ok we’re gonna get a teensy bit angsty in here 😶 this song is definitely about Oikawa. He’s just so perfect and you hate it, you can’t help but start to love him and it’s so frustrating? He’s just gonna ruin you and you know it. You wanna try to fight falling in love with him so bad but you know there’s just no way that’s gonna happen. It’s like, who are you to be falling for him? It’s intimidating to fall in love with someone you can’t help but see as literally so perfect, knowing practically everyone wants him. He would obliterate you if he heard you think this way but who has to know
6. Sweet - Cigarettes After Sex: This is it, this is the song Oikawa realizes he’s in love with you to. Not just loves you but like in love with you. It starts playing in his headphones while he’s on a run and it makes his heart stop. He just can’t stop thinking of you alongside every lyric (1:45-1:53? Oh yeah) and it makes him so soft; while also scaring the absolute shit out of him. He’s just so in love with you.
7. I Love You - The Post Nobles: OK IM SORRY A LITTLE WITTLE BIT OF ANGST! I do see falling in love scary period, and I do feel like it would kind of scare Oikawa for a second, like he’d really have to sit with his thoughts for a second and be like?? I love this girl? Oh god what if I mess it up? What if I lose her? What would I do? What if she doesn’t love me back? It would just be so much easier if I didn’t love her. So this song is more to himself like, fr my guy?? You love this chick? Wanna take it back? Nope. He can’t believe it but he’s in love with you and has no choice about it, it’s scary but he would let you ruin his life and he ultimately wouldn’t want it any other way. 
8. Pretty Boy - The Neighbourhood: I mean c’mon, this SCREAMS falling for Oikawa vibes. But it’s kind of like your song to each other like fuck it, we’re in love and we can’t do a damn thing about it. ~acceptance
9. Hot Faced - Margaux: I don’t know how to explain it but this is definitely you and Oikawa?? (”King” C’mon now 🙄) I have a feeling people are easily intimidated by you (you look like someone I’d be scared to talk to you) and Oikawa is so charming and inviting, like everyone loves him. So I’m sure there’s people who are like 🧍‍♀️ she’s intense, how’d he just get her like that? And she got him? Power Couple
10. Driving - Donna Missal: Honestly, this is totally just a ~vibe time song for the two of you :)
11. Burning Pile - Mother Mother: Ok TELL me you two wouldn’t blast this song, singing your lungs out together when someone’s had a bad day or is particularly stressed out? Definitely becomes somewhat of a ritual between you two 🖤 you guys are so cute I love you
12. Sunrise - Kevitch: This song is just the definition of your guy’s infatuation and love for each other. People are definitely jealous of you two cause it’s just so obvious on your faces you love each other. 
13. The Girl - City and Colour: Don’t hate me - slight Oikawa angst 🧍‍♀️ It’s Oikawa, he’s angsty. I strongly HC he’ll just never feel quite good enough for his s/o. He just feels like he’s dragging you around so he can chase his dreams and he hates how selfish he feels for doing that to you, but he just couldn’t imagine loving anyone but you. He has these big dreams of becoming a professional volleyball player, and even when he makes it to Argentina with you he feels like he constantly needs to do better for you and just loves you so much it hurts, and he just hopes that that’s enough for you :( 
14.  Cover Me in Roses - Holden Laurence: Intimate much?? Oikawa would most definitely make you slow dance to this song with him. It plays in his head if he wakes up before you, or if you fall asleep before him, all while he just can’t help but look at you and feel so so soft while he caresses your face and just thinks: this is it, this is all I need to make it through anything.
15. I Wanna go to the Beach - Algernon Cadwallader: Did someone say laughing and dancing in the hot night air or Argentina in nothing but your underwear inside your house with all the windows open? Cause that’s what I heard.
OKOK THAT’S IT BABES, I really hope you liked it, pls tell me if you’d like any changes.
And if anyone else see’s this I’d be more than happy to do this for you, too! Just send an ask with your music taste, tell me about yourself (a fair amount pls lmaooo) and whether or not you want someone or want me to pair you up! (haikyuu only please!)
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rcl-stan · 3 years
would i be friends with the pjo characters irl?
stolen from @best-ofpjo
(im writing essays for these istg)
percy - absolutely not. i hate that man. we’d know each other from middle school band where we both did percussion. i barely know him but every breath he takes shortens my fuse. i look forward to the class but every time i’m there and i remember he exists i just cannot wait to leave. he sucks at mallets but the teacher wont stop giving him mallet parts. his lack of talent is infuriating. in high school we have more classes together and i realize he’s not as bad, but this scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle gained so much raw fuckboy energy over the summer even though i at least know he’s not like that. we bond over our great taste in music after running into each other at a park, but we aren’t friends. if anything he’s only more of a minor significance to me. his existence still enrages me and no amount of halestorm can fix that
annabeth - we would have an unbelievable amount of mutual friends, but no matter how much we hang out i just can’t stand her. and the worst part is: i dont know why. shes so nice. she gives me homework answers and gives me her cheeze-itz when i dont have a snack in seventh hour. im never rude to her either. if anything, im the nicest i ever am around her. she thinks we’re friends but i just cant bring myself to be honest with her, especially because i dont know what about her bothers me. we make a tiktok together during a free period and from that point on i have a crush on her, but i only makes me hate her more. she has what my fans wish they had
grover - we’d be decent aquaintances. i find out he listens to coin a bit, but thats as close as we get. this dude smokes so much weed. i mean, not really that much, but he’s high off his ass pretty often. theres no way someone could possibly be so chill, with or without the 🍃. he offers me a hit but i decline. he’s respectful about it. the tech theater vibes are intense. its never his first choice, but hes always on lights. jokes on him, hes afraid of heights and hates going up on the catwalk. i call absolute pussy shit. thats the coolest place in the auditorium. he’s clowning
thalia - god i hate her. so much. just knowing she exists makes me want to cry. how can someone so horrid be related to someone so kind and respectful. sometimes im tempted to talk to her because she also likes halestorm and most of my friends get scared when im handed the aux, but i control myself
bianca - we’re best friends. shes so sweet. like, one of the sweetest people ever. shes very impulsive though and doesnt think things through often. this has torn apart lots of her friendships, but we always manage to sort things out. we’ve been friends since kindergarten. we make a pretty great team, but sometimes she forgets what kind of music i listen to. i get handed the aux. she’s startled, to say the least. she listens exclusively to girl in red, clairo, and tame impala. pros - she knows theyre not underground. we are often told that our music tastes match each other’s aesthetics. spoiler alert: we know
nico - surprisingly yes. when we meet we sort of just click. we’re absolute losers together and we like it that way. although ive known bianca for forever, we dont actually talk until middle school when im his band mentor buddy. hes absolute trash at music but we still become good friends. he has the energy of a baritone (iykyk, iydk: small feral animal) but he just doesnt have the talent </3 bianca jokes that i should bully him when she finds out we’re partners but is genuinely surprised when we become close. i’ll be hanging out with nico at their place and bianca comes home like “👁👄👁 girl- well do u wanna hang out after?” our favorite thing to do is watch bad netflix coming of age movies and judge them (and talk about how attractive some of the guys are)
will - yeah. hes nice, quiet, and chill. definitely the loud/chaotic one when hes with close friends. hes a people pleaser though and forgets to take care of himself sometimes. he has the absolute worst taste in music. arrest worthy. exclusively country, except for his favorite artist, which is ed sheeran. his personality makes up for it though. hes the only other one in our friend group whos seen glee and we mourn naya rivera together
luke - no. hes a predator and everyone knows it. he has intense sde. he has almost no friends and everyone likes it that way. hes a supersenior bc this man has no 🧠 and is also still trying to get freshman girls bc he knows no one else is dumb enough to let him techdeck on their tiddies. but he’s a fool. no one is dumb enough to let him techdeck on their tiddies
imma make a part two with more and also continue on with other series !! this was fun ☺️
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