#clusius college
regioonlineofficial · 2 years
In Hoorn vond een kluisjescontrole plaats op 3 scholen, want een veilige school is een belangrijke voorwaarde om je te kunnen ontplooien en je schooltijd als een prettige tijd te ervaren. De Westfriese gemeenten, scholengemeenschappen en de politie werken al een aantal jaren samen om de veiligheid te waarborgen. Eens in de zoveel tijd controleren zij onaangekondigd de kluisjes op wapens, drugs, illegaal vuurwerk en meer dat niet thuishoort op een school. Op het Oscar Romero, d'Ampte en de Praktijkschool werden donderdag 15 februari de kluisjes van de leerlingen gecontroleerd. Convenant Veilige School Westfriesland In oktober 2019 hebben de zeven Westfriese gemeenten, de politie en het Atlas College, Clusius College, St. Trigoon, Martinuscollege, St. Ronduit, RSG Enkhuizen en het Tabor College de handtekening gezet onder het (herziene) convenant Veilige Scholen. We leveren samen de inspanning voor een optimaal veiligheids- en zorgbeleid op de scholen. Dat betekent dat we samen aan de lat staan om vroege schoolverlaters te voorkomen, de verbinding te leggen tussen onderwijs, jeugdhulp en veiligheid, maar ook om te handhaven op wapens- en drugsgebruik onder scholieren. Controle van de kluisjes Wapens, drugs, illegaal vuurwerk en nog veel meer zaken horen niet thuis op een school. Dat we de controles doen zonder ze vooraf bekend te maken, heeft te maken met het vergroten van het bewustzijn over de pakkans. Halt is aanwezig om als het nodig is in actie te komen. De scholen doen periodieke controle en gisteren waren dat het Oscar Romero, d'Ampte en de Praktijkschool. Het team Veiligheid van de gemeente Hoorn, de politie, boa's en Halt ondersteunden de scholen. Wat is er aangetroffen Twee honden zijn ingezet om drugs en vuurwerk op te sporen en er werden steekproefsgewijs kluisjes geopend. In het totaal van de drie scholen is in een kluisje een paar gram wiet gevonden en in drie andere kluisjes preparatiemiddelen om wiet te bereiden en in te bewaren.  Nazorg De controles door de scholen in samenwerking met de boa's en de politie hebben veel impact, ook omdat er met honden wordt gewerkt. Daarom zijn we na de controles met de leerlingen in gesprek gegaan en is opvang en ondersteuning van schoolmaatschappelijk werk en de jeugd- en gezinswerker mogelijk. 
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de-meerpeen · 2 years
16 Evert Vorderman
De hete aardappel: '16 Evert Vorderman'
Dit keer in de Hete Aardappel: Slootdorper Evert Vorderman. Dierenarts, docent bij het Clusius College (sinds 01-08-2022 Vonk) en vrijwilliger. Vorderman is geen alledaagse naam in de polder. Mag ik vragen waar je roots liggen? Jazeker. Mijn roots liggen in Gelderland. De Vordermannen woonden in Terwolde, tegenover Deventer gelegen aan de IJssel. Je bent voor deze rubriek genomineerd door Sam…
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regiowestfriesland · 2 years
Clusius opleiding Voeding wint Impactprijs Groen Onderwijs
Clusius opleiding Voeding wint Impactprijs Groen Onderwijs
Afgelopen maandag 16 mei 2022 mocht de mbo-opleidingVoeding van het Clusius College in Alkmaar met de All You Need is Food Tour de Impactprijs Groen Onderwijs in ontvangst nemen. Studente Voeding & Voorlichting, Marit Hoogcarspel en Sil de Weerd van Beter (W)eten voorlichtingen namen de prijs (een cheque t.w.v. € 2.500,-) in ontvangst. Een mooie opsteker voor de drie mbo-opleidingen Voeding die…
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istanbulperitaliani · 4 years
Festival dei Tulipani
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Ad Istanbul ogni Aprile prende il via, dal 2006, il Lale Festivali, il Festival dei Tulipani. Nei mesi invernali vengono piantati nei parchi, nei viali, nelle aiuole, nelle rotatorie del traffico milioni di tulipani pronti a sbocciare ad Aprile.
Il tulipano é il simbolo nazionale floreale della Turchia.
Sfatiamo subito un mito dicendo che i tulipani non provengono dall’Olanda come molti credono. Il tulipano é un fiore nato nelle steppe asiatiche e la sua coltivazione commerciale (Tulipano in turco Lale dal persiano Lâhle) é iniziata sotto l’Impero Ottomano. Il regno del sultano Ahmed III (1673-1736) viene ricordato come il Periodo dei Tulipani per indicare la realizzazione di numerose e positive riforme e per finire: il tulipano é il simbolo nazionale floreale della Turchia.
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Si deve al tulipano la prima bolla speculativa della Storia del capitalismo.
Oghier Ghislain de Busbecq (1522-1592), l’ambasciatore dell’imperatore austriaco Ferdinando I presso Solimano il Magnifico, colpito dalla bellezza dei tulipani fece spedire alcuni bulbi al suo amico botanico Carolus Clusius responsabile dei giardini reali olandesi. Nei Paesi Bassi questi fiori divennero un vero e proprio bene di lusso. I prezzi dei fiori venivano contrattati a casa del mercante olandese, di origini venete, Jacob van der Beurze, da cui nascerà il nome Borsa per indicare il luogo dove si svolgono i mercati finanziari.
L’interesse per i tulipani divenne talmente eccessivo che alcuni bulbi venivano scambiati con terreni, case e bestiame. Questo eccesso diede origine alla prima bolla speculativa documentata che passerà alla storia come la bolla dei tulipani (5 febbraio 1637).
Immense fortune si accumularono e vennero dilapitate nel volgere di pochi giorni.
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Ma quali sono i posti migliori per ammirare i tulipani ad Istanbul?
Come tutti gli anni ci saranno una serie di iniziative collegate al fiorire dei tulipani: concerti, mostre, concorsi ed altri eventi culturali.
Luoghi dove ammirare i tulipani: I tulipani vengono piantati un po’ ovunque ad Istanbul, naturalmente sono i parchi ad ospitarne le quantità maggiori come il Gülhane Park ad Eminönü e il parco Yıldız vicino ad Ortaköy. Se cercate la magnificenza dovete recarvi al parco Emirgan che oltre ad ospitare il Museo del Tulipano é il luogo dove vengono piantati 2 milioni e mezzo di tulipani suddivisi in 270 qualità diverse.
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Nota: In base alle condizioni climatiche la fioritura dei tulipani dovrebbe, il condizionale é obbligatorio in quanto i cicli della natura non possono essere regolati con il telecomando, raggiungere il suo massimo a metà di Aprile.
La mia Vita a Istanbul: consigli e informazioni turistiche. Disponibile come GUIDA per delle ESCURSIONI in città. Scrivi una e-mail a: [email protected] Seguici anche su www.facebook.com/istanbulperitaliani
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alkmaarcentraal · 3 years
Vakdiploma Gewichtsconsulent van Clusius College weegt voortaan zwaar
Vakdiploma Gewichtsconsulent van Clusius College weegt voortaan zwaar Studenten van de mbo-opleiding Voeding & Voorlichting v...
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langedijkcentraal · 4 years
Clusius College en ROC Kop van Noord-Holland akkoord over fusie in 2022
Clusius College en ROC Kop van Noord-Holland akkoord over fusie in 2022 bit.ly/…
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atevegter · 4 years
2009 Een raar jaar
2009 Een raar jaar
Dit is de laatste schoolfoto van Sofieke op Oecumenische Basisschool De Binnendijk. Volgend jaar gaat ze naar de middelbare, zoals dat tegenwoordig heet. Wij zijn samen al druk bezig met het kiezen van de school. Wordt het het lokale Bernard Nieuwentijt College met aandacht voor dyslexie in Monnickendam, de creatieve mbo Triade met mode en kunst in Edam, het groene Clusius College met dieren in…
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naturecpw · 4 years
When tulips came to the Netherlands, all the world went mad. A sailor who mistook a rare tulip bulb for an onion and ate it with his herring sandwich was charged with a felony and thrown in prison. A bulb named Semper Augustus, notable for its flame-like white and red petals, sold for more than the cost of a mansion in a fashionable Amsterdam neighborhood, complete with coach and garden. As the tulip market grew, speculation exploded, with traders offering exorbitant prices for bulbs that had yet to flower. And then, as any financial bubble will do, the tulip market imploded, sending traders of all incomes into ruin.
For decades, economists have pointed to 17th-century tulipmania as a warning about the perils of the free market. Writers and historians have reveled in the absurdity of the event. The incident even provides the backdrop for the film Tulip Fever, based on a novel of the same name by Deborah Moggach.
The only problem: none of these stories are true.        
What really happened and how did the story of Dutch tulip speculation get so distorted? Anne Goldgar discovered the historical reality when she dug into the archives to research her book, Tulipmania: Money, Honor, and Knowledge in the Dutch Golden Age.
  “I always joke that the book should be called ‘Tulipmania: More Boring Than You Thought,’” says Goldgar, a professor of early modern history at King’s College London. “People are so interested in this incident because they think they can draw lessons from it. I don’t think that’s necessarily the case.”
But before you even attempt to apply what happened in the Netherlands to more recent bubbles—the South Sea Bubble in 1700s England, the 19th-century railway bubble, the dot-com bubble and bitcoin are just a few comparisons Goldgar has seen—you have to understand Dutch society at the turn of the 17th century. 
 For starters, the country experienced a major demographic shift during its war for independence from Spain, which began in the 1560s and continued into the 1600s. It was during this period that merchants arrived in port cities like Amsterdam, Haarlem and Delft and established trading outfits, including the famous Dutch East India Company. This explosion in international commerce brought enormous fortune to the Netherlands, despite the war. In their newly independent nation, the Dutch were mainly led by urban oligarchies comprised of wealthy merchants, unlike other European countries of the era, which were controlled by landed nobility. As Goldgar writes in her book, “The resultant new faces, new money and new ideas helped to revolutionize the Dutch economy in the late 16th century.”   
As the economy changed, so, too, did social interactions and cultural values. A growing interest in natural history and a fascination with the exotic among the merchant class meant that goods from the Ottoman Empire and farther east fetched high prices. The influx of these goods also drove men of all social classes to acquire expertise in newly in-demand areas. One example Goldgar gives is fish auctioneer Adriaen Coenen, whose watercolor-illustrated manuscript Whale Book allowed him to actually meet the President of Holland. And when Dutch botanist Carolus Clusius established a botanical garden at the University of Leiden in the 1590s, the tulip quickly rose to a place of honor. 
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willieswhereabouts · 4 years
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hello hello #neighbour #buurtgenoot #fellowcreature (bij Clusius College Amsterdam) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-emB21hhlK/?igshid=17uqxtcqlqhy1
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omroepcastricum · 5 years
CASTRICUM – Muziekvereniging Emergo Castricum is druk met de voorbereiding van haar jaarlijkse donateursconcert. Met een muzikaal programma rondom het thema ‘We have a dream’ zal de hele vereniging zich presenteren.
  Als bloeiende vereniging heeft Emergo vele muzikanten, die in verschillende onderdelen musiceren. Al deze onderdelen geven acte de présence op deze avond.
Van de blazersklassen onder leiding van Nico Strubbe naar het opstaporkest dat deze avond voor het laatst onder leiding van dirigent Thomas Heikoop optreedt.
Henk Veldt heeft de leiding over zowel het opleidingsorkest als het nieuwe DagOrkest Emergo (DOE). Sinds de zomer van 2019 spelen ervaren muzikanten hier samen in een harmonie-bezetting.
Zowel de repetities als optredens vinden overdag plaats, maar voor het donateursconcert maken deze liefhebbers graag een uitzondering.
Na de pauze kan het publiek genieten van het fanfareorkest, waar onder leiding van Erik van de Kolk gekozen is voor’Of preachers and presidents’ met medewerking van het koor Papaya.
Backum Brass is in volle voorbereiding voor de Vlaams Open in mei, maar maakt uiteraard ook tijd vrij voor deze gevarieerde avond. The Think BIG-Band zorgt voor een swingende afsluiting.
Het concert start op zaterdag 8 februari om 19.30 uur in het Clusius College aan de Oranjelaan 2A in Castricum. Meer informatie over Emergo is te vinden op http://bit.ly/1RtaRPo
Als blijk van waardering hebben donateurs van de vereniging vrij entree.
foto: blazersklas Emergo (aangeleverd)
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de-meerpeen · 2 years
Nieuwe opleiding melkveehouderij in Noord-Holland
Regio: 'Nieuwe opleiding melkveehouderij in Noord-Holland'
REGIO – Het Clusius College en AB Vakwerk hebben de krachten gebundeld om in Noord-Holland een nieuwe opleiding voor melkveehouderij aan te bieden. Deze opleiding op niveau 2 is gericht op de praktisch ingestelde jongeren die passie hebben voor melkveehouderij. Marinus Hovius, bpv-begeleider, vertelt: ‘Deze opleiding richt zich niet alleen op melkkoeien, maar ook op melkgeiten en melkschapen. We…
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regiowestfriesland · 3 years
Nieuwbouw Clusius College weer een stap dichterbij realisatie 
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haarlemupdates · 6 years
New Post has been published on Haarlem updates
Nieuw bericht op https://www.haarlemupdates.nl/2019/03/05/besluiten-provinciale-staten-van-noord-holland-4-maart-2019/
Besluiten Provinciale Staten van Noord-Holland 4 maart 2019
Initiatiefvoorstellen, interpellatiedebatten, een aantal moties en leerlingen van het Clusius college uit Castricum die tijdens de vergadering aan een verkiezingsfilm werkten. Het was nog een volle agenda waarover de statenleden deze laatste Statenvergadering voor de verkiezingen moesten...
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alkmaarcentraal · 4 years
Clusius College en ROC Kop van Noord-Holland akkoord over fusie in 2022
Clusius College en ROC Kop van Noord-Holland akkoord over fusie in 2022 De fusie van het Clusius College en ROC Kop van Noord-H...
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langedijkcentraal · 4 years
Clusius College organiseert 16 maart gratis online masterclass thuisbrouwen 🗓
Clusius College organiseert 16 maart gratis online masterclass thuisbrouwen 🗓 bit.ly/…
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eacci · 7 years
WASTED EDUCATION | How to become a Plastic Expert
The real value of an effective solution to a societal challenge is deeply entrenched in social factors and public acceptance. Therefore, after assembling local knowledge and needs with regards to waste separation and simultaneously supervising conscious behavior in Amsterdam Noord and beyond, WASTED has developed a complementary branch to its reward system – despite incentivizing local community to separate their household waste, the WASTED team has invested a great deal of its energy into social engagement through educational activities.
WASTED has been breaking myths – the learning process how to use, reuse and recycle has been proven to be entertaining and fun.
  WASTED educational activities consist of series of classes where school children are invited to study plastic life cycle, understand the problems in terms of plastic waste, and together find innovative solutions to environmental challenges. Students can co-create plastic objects, and also find out the short-term value of waste separation. This is possible thanks to the WASTED laboratory, which is designed to repurpose plastic waste and co-create new products. For this purpose, WASTED has worked together with local residents, organizations and schools to collect plastic waste from local areas and to re-process it to WASTED modular blocks: colorful building blocks, which can be used for various purposes, for example, constructing flowerpots or park benches in the neighborhood.
After taking WASTED classes, students become Plastic Experts, who are aware and actively involved in plastic recycling processes. This contributes to a bigger goal – it motivates people from a very young age to make conscious choices regarding the use of plastic. It reassures that:
  we, through both individual and collective action, are capable of making the difference.
 The WASTED Educational Package includes:
We cannot live without plastic and therefore we are all addicted to plastic. Through this session, students are expected to be shaken by the number of problems that plastic waste creates around us. Additionally, together with the WASTED Team students compile an inventory of all plastic types that are used daily. This activity enables to see how much everyone of everyone addicted to plastic. This is presented in a funny an entertaining way through an interactive presentation about the history and future of plastic.
After a short introduction, students are divided into groups. Through various experiments groups explore different plastic objects that are made of different plastic types. Activities are finalized by group presentations, where the importance of recognizing different types of plastics is explained.
At the laboratory the plastic waste is processed to the WASTED Blocks. In order to prepare for this process, the plastic waste is collected from the neighborhood, sorted in the laundry area and cleaned. During the workshop students first are introduced to the different stages of the production process. Later they are able to brainstorm together what objects could be constructed from the melted plastic, which is later made into recycled plastic blocks. The workshop is culminated by constructing a real object, for example, a bench or a real WASTED Trash can.
The WASTED Educational package has been developed and based on the proven methods of Kempton and Holland’s study from 2014 “Uncovering Students Environmental Identity”, for High school students and environmental issues. The lesson package started in May 2015 at four high-Schools in Amsterdam North: The Clusius College, Hogelant, Rosa Occupation College and the Hyperion Lyceum. Over 200 students are now plastic experts! Together with the students, more than 30 blocks have been created and a number of new objects made for the neighborhood.
NEW PARTNERS | Cooperation with Nationale Opera & Ballet
The Nationale Opera & Ballet developed an opera “Honderhartje” for children from 8 years old. This opera touches upon the actual issues related to the plastic use and waste.  Therefore, WASTED was invited to complement the play with educational workshops where children could become the new plastic experts and generate solutions to plastic waste problems while participating in fun activities.
That’s why WASTED placed its Plastic Waste container in front of the Stopera. This container was used to store household plastic waste. The stored plastic was cleaned and sorted and later on used to make a massive shark. Children from the workshops were able to participate in this entertaining creation and despite making the giant shark all together, also make a small shark toy.
For more information and to discuss the possibilities for it Take out lesson packages at your school, write to [email protected].
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