Dont mind me, just rambling about Sayaka at 1 am cus I fucked up my sleep schedule yet again 😃
Sayaka is very much so capable of killing someone. This is shown in her 4th bad ending, the one where she kills Seven without any sort of brainwashing involved to make her want to like in her BE3. She's kind of like Ray, where she looks cute and harmless (well, as cute as you can look when your face looks constantly devoid of emotion and your skin is basically porcelain colored and you look like a ghost) but is actually extremely dangerous in several ways. She may not be strong physically (seriously there's no way with her semi-malnourished, thin body, and short stature she could in any way be physically strong enough to actually hurt someone or even defend herself if she has absolutely no access to anything that could hurt someone, weapon or anything that can be used as a weapon like a pencil or a pen or something, or even just a fucking table she could throw at someone somehow) but she's extremely good at deception when she wants to deceive. She knows how to fake an extremely convincing smile, trust me, she's had to fake a smile or two when she was living with her brother since in her eyes he was constantly worried about her and she didn't want to worry him hence fake smile, plus her ex-abusive-boyfriend treated her like a doll (obsessively) in a lot of ways and one of those ways was where he wanted her to never stop smiling- since a lot of dolls are constantly smiling. He also stated she looked cuter when smiling (for better or worse, she didn't know, but probably for worse).
If Ray or Rika ordered her to kill someone, she would do it without question.
And she has killed people before AS/OS. I headcanon that "Traitors" in Mint Eye sometimes have been executed, probably if their disciples, not the lowly believers, since the disciples are highly respected and trusted by Rika so it's a huge betrayal in a sense to the cult and Rika. Since Ray is busy working, Sayaka becomes the executioner (good for Ray, bad for Sayaka I guess?). I mean, she's already the party planner, interrogator, investigator, and resident creepy doll-like lolita, so why not add executioner to the list?
Sayaka loves playing the violin. I forgot to elaborate on it in her bio info, but when she was younger one of the few things she had to distract her from her parents' fighting and abuse towards her and her siblings was a violin she found near her house one day. It was in playable condition, and so she taught herself how to play. She also likes to sing, and can reach pretty high notes, but can't sing very low (her voice is fairly high). She is good at singing, actually, and trust me, she's is the best lullaby singer you'll ever meet. Once whilst Ray had one of the extremely few day-offs he had ever been given (probably Sayaka negotiated it with the Savior *cough* not because she's hopelessly in love with him *cough* ok maybe *cough*) she sang him a lullaby to help him got to sleep and he fell asleep only moments after she began to sing (despite his attempts to stay awake to keep on listening). He once secretly heard her singing to herself in her room and he recorded it and made it his ringtone despite it being fairly quiet. He has since kept his phone as far away from Sayaka as possible so she doesn't find out.
Honestly, Unknown is not a very good person for Sayaka. I think you know why. Post SE Unknown is a huge maybe. Sayaka goes with Unknown in the SE and undergoes everything he does. So, she'd be in a lot better of a mindset, especially since she is far more willing to get help than he is since she chose to go with him Seven and the MC whilst he did not. She chose to do a lot of what Saeran is forced to undergo in the SE. She already had a major realization about what the hell Mint Eye is and realized that she's just being abused once again. So, as I said, huge maybe. Their two people with similar pasts who have recovered from it unwillingly in Unknown's case and willingly in Sayaka's case. Sayaka is probably in a better mindset than Unknown is.
Sayaka is probably only shipped with Zen in OS. She probably is chosen by the Savior to infiltrate the RFA and in the process, she falls in love with Zen accidentally; since her love for Ray at this point has become an obsession, not love. In AS it's genuinely a mix of more love than obsession, but in OS? 17 months can change people a lot. And it twisted Sayaka's love into pure obsession.
Zen may be kind of a narcissist, but he is a good guy. And trust me, he did all he could to try and get Sayaka out of her self deprecating habits (you better bet whenever she was in the chatroom it eventually led to her being self-deprecating because of her comparing herself to the RFA, especially Jaehee because to her Jaehee was far more beautiful while Sayaka sees herself as an adult (well, a 22-year-old) whose in a child-like body (*cough* her development got fucked over by years of abuse, constant starvation & malnourishment plus the elixir, so...*cough*), since she herself says "my chest is almost completely flat, my behind is similar, and I'm not at all curvy anywhere."). Sayaka is, however even more self-deprecating in real life than in the chatroom.
The huge thing here is the difference in how they got out of Mint Eye. Specifically the willingness. I just don't think with how things panned out that they could work, but I honestly don't know how to describe it. Post SE Sayaka and Zen might work better honestly. So, yeah. — Submission 
It’s an intriguing concept, I will say that. The shared trauma of a situation can very well bring people together but it can also be a sentiment that holds you back if it doesn’t help your recovery. I’d say that they would stand to be able to do a lot together, even as friends, in the SE, simply for the fact that Saeran and Sayaka share a lot of... traumatic choices. They might benefit from growth on the level that they need. 
Zen can only reach out and try to help if she’s willing, so a part of Sayaka will have to try to listen to him for it to work.
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