#cmd queer
honeybeeofficial · 1 year
surgery was a month ago and like. on paper this seems obvious, but as it turns out, resetting ~13 years of your own mental snapshot of yourself takes longer than that
I keep jumpscaring myself in mirrors going "whoa that looks WAY FLATTER THAN– oh right :)". I'm startled by the way shirts fall when I take off the post-op compression vest at night. I'm alarmed and confused by the absence of sensations that, when I had them, I actively hated. I've gone to multiple queer events in the past week and looked at flat-chested people, especially other transmasc people, with envy thinking "I wish I was flat :/" only to remember that I literally already am. I keep expecting the other shoe to drop, like finding out that this is just the trial version of a subscription service where I have to go back quarterly for new surgeries, or I rented this one but have to give it back when the lease is up, or someone's finger is hovering over cmd+Z to undo it
but in fact. this is mine and I get to keep it. it's pretty neat but it's definitely going to take some time to update the ol' mental mii
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Hey y'all, if any of you are in Hamburg tomorrow, come meet me in the Gängeviertel!
If you didn't know, the Command Queer collective is organizing an alternative to the CSD parade in opposition of rainbow capitalism and a CSD culture that they feel isn't always welcoming to everyone it should be inclusive of. Their SPEKTAKEL is set to start with a rally in front of the Rote Flora from 14h-16h and then move on to the Gängeviertel.
The Queer Referat will have a booth there in the Gängeviertel (we're planning to start set-up around 17:30h, so we should be done around let's say 18h) and I'll help man it - come say hi! 🏳️‍🌈
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blondebooklion · 3 years
Free Ways to Give!
Charity Miles
For every mile you walk or run or bike ride money is donated to a charity of your choosing
Tab for a Cause
When you open new tabs on your browser it collects "hearts" which once you have enough you can donate them to different causes
Free Rice
Answer trivia questions correctly and collect rice, which is then sent to real people living in poverty
Share information! You might not be able to donate but there might be other people who can, awareness is important!
Reminder you can always help out by signing petitions at https://www.change.org/
Disclaimer: DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH BEFORE DONATING! And if any of you know that these organizations are corrupt or bad in anyway please let me know and I’ll remove them
Autism focused:
Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Working to give Autistic people control over their own lives
link to donate: https://secure.everyaction.com/uEXr_TqeBkqmQMlvi7itXg2
Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network
Dispel stereotypes and misinformation which perpetuate unnecessary fears surrounding an autism diagnosis
website: https://awnnetwork.org/
link to donate: https://awnnetwork.org/donate-to-awn/
Autistic Inclusive Meets
Organization to encourage autistic people and their families to socialize in an accepting and supportive environment
website: https://autisticinclusivemeets.org/
link to donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=D6A6EW4UVJXAC&source=url%E2%80%9C
LGBT focused:
Astraea Foundation For Lesbian Justice
Focuses on economic, racial and social justice for lesbian and intersex people
website: https://www.astraeafoundation.org/
link to donate: https://www.astraeafoundation.org/
Working to make K-12 a more inclusive space for queer youth
website: https://www.glsen.org/
link to donate: https://act.glsen.org/onlineactions/x2U7iN4z0EejZIQ4F2a9Yw2
Marsha P Johnson Institute
Uplifting Black Trans people
website: https://marshap.org
link to donate: https://marshap.org/donate/
Trevor Project
Crisis Intervention for LGBT youth
website: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-uKJw-uF8QIVESM4Ch2KoAGkEAAYASAAEgJSDvD_BwE
link to donate: https://give.thetrevorproject.org/give/330001/#!/donation/checkout?c_src=pride2021&c_src2=headerDonate
Outright Action International
Only LGBT+ organization active in the UN, securing rights and protections for LGBT people worldwide
website: https://outrightinternational.org/how-we-work
link to donate: https://outrightinternational.org/?form=donate
Mental Health focused:
National Alliance of Mental Illness
Working to educate and advocate for people struggling with mental illness
link to donate: https://donate.nami.org/give/197406/#!/donation/checkout
To Write Love on Her Arms
Providing help for people suffering from self injury, addiction, depression and suicidal thoughts and push them towards recovery
website:  https://twloha.com/
link to donate: https://twloha.com/donate/
Rise Above the Disorder
Committed to making health and mental health care available and affordable to everyone
website:  https://www.youarerad.org/
link to donate: https://www.youarerad.org/donate
Palestine focused:
Adalah Justice Project
Aims to shift public discourse and policy on Palestine
website: https://www.adalahjusticeproject.org/
link to donate:https://www.adalahjusticeproject.org/donate
Institute for Middle East Understanding
Amplifying Palestinian voices and support for Palestinian rights
link to donate: https://imeu.funraise.org
Medical Aid for Palestinians
Immediate medical response and work towards long term care facilities in Palestine
website: https://www.map.org.uk/
link to donate: https://www.map.org.uk/donate/donate
People of color focused:
Combatting systemic injustices both in and out of the courtroom.
website: https://www.aclu.org/
link to donate:https://action.aclu.org/give/now
Working to combat the racial wealth gap, demilitarize neighborhoods and end program 1033 which allows the transfer of surplus military-grade equipment to local law enforcement
website: https://blacklivesmatter.com
link to donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019
Chinese For Affirmative Action
Advocate for systemic change that protects immigrant rights, promotes language diversity, and remedies racial and social injustice.
website: https://caasf.org/
link to donate: https://caasf.org/donate/
First Nations Development Institute
Improving economic conditions for Indigenous people
website: https://www.firstnations.org/
donate: https://www.firstnations.org/fndi_donate/
LDF works to secure full and fair access to democratic citizenship by promoting equality in education, voting and political participation, economic justice and criminal justice.
website: https://www.naacpldf.org/
link to donate: https://engage.naacpldf.org/dBCvDTd9IEiXX_jPkmkT_w2?_ga=2.5907635.1801264369.1623078560-2096577019.1623078560
Native Women’s Association Canada
Enhancing the lives of Indigenous women and girls in Canada, promoting economic, social and cultural well being of women in Indigenous communities
link to donate: https://www.nwac.ca/donate/
Stop AAPI Hate
Stopping hate crimes against Asian American and Pacific Islanders
website: https://stopaapihate.org/actnow/
link to donate: https://donate.givedirect.org/?cid=14711&n=203910
Immigration/Refugee Focused:
Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights
Immigrant-centered and immigrant-powered organization working to achieve a just society fully inclusive of immigrants.
link to donate: https://www.chirla.org/get-involved/donate-support/give-today/
International Refugee Assistance Project
Organizes law students and lawyers to develop and enforce a set of legal and human rights for refugees and displaced persons
website: https://refugeerights.org/
link to donate: https://refugeerights.org/donate
UN Refugee Agency
Provide education, healthcare access, employment and freedom of movement to those displaced.
website: https://www.unhcr.org/figures-at-a-glance.html
link to donate: https://donate.unhcr.org/~share?cid=91&lang=en_EN
Women Focused:
Aims to help survivors if domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual abuse and childhood abuse
link to donate: https://www.shatteringthesilence.org/paver
Planned Parenthood
Education of sexual health, birth control and healthy relationships
website: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn
link to donate: https://www.weareplannedparenthood.org/onlineactions/2U7UN1iNhESWUfDs4gDPNg2?sourceid=1000063&_gl=1*45e2bt*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE2MjMwODE3NDkuRUFJYUlRb2JDaE1JNGRfdDFmS0Y4UUlWeG0xdkJCMmg4UUkzRUFBWUFTQUFFZ0lpZl9EX0J3RQ..&_ga=2.128520773.835406904.1623081749-1375376573.1623081749&_gac=1.249177523.1623081766.EAIaIQobChMI4d_t1fKF8QIVxm1vBB2h8QI3EAAYASAAEgIif_D_BwE
V Day
Global movement to end violence against women
website: https://www.vday.org/
link to donate: https://secure.everyaction.com/JIJyguPnYkyDJSAHqetvXQ2
Disability/Chronic Illness focused:
Chronic Disease Coalition
Fighting against workplace, school, and insurance discrimination to those with chronic conditions
website: https://chronicdiseasecoalition.org/
link to donate: https://chronicdiseasecoalition.org/join/
Epic Foundation
Providing support to people with invisible chronic illnesses
website: https://epictogether.org/
link to donate: https://epictogether.org/join-us-or-donate/
Good Days
Provide uninsured people with chronic illnesses the medication and care they need
website: https://greatnonprofits.org/org/good-days
link to donate: https://greatnonprofits.org/org/good-days
St. Jude Children’s Hospital
Allows children to be treated for conditions without having to worry about paying for their car
website: https://www.stjude.org/
link to donate: https://www.stjude.org/donate/donate-to-st-jude.html?sc_icid=wtg-mm-btn-donate-now
Poverty and Food Insecurity Focused
Commitment to end homelessness, provide clean water and food and combat unemployment
website: https://www.wehope.org/
link to donate: https://www.wehope.org/get-involved/donate
World Central Kitchen
Sending nourishing meals to areas struggling from natural disaster and promoting food stability to prevent future hardship
website: https://wck.org/mission
link to donate:https://donate.wck.org/give/236738/#!/donation/checkout
Support Native food sovereignty and security
website: https://nativefoodalliance.org/get-involved/
link to donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=RBNE8GMXUQVZL
Environment Focused:
Coral Reef Alliance
Preserving and researching the coral reefs as they adapt to climate change
website: https://coral.org/
link to donate: https://coral.org/donate/
The Nature Conservatory
Preservation and conservation of nature so that people and nature can best coexist
website: https://www.nature.org/en-us/
link to donate:  https://support.nature.org/site/Donation2?df_id=10420&10420.donation=form1&intc2=nature.donredirect
Natural Resources Defense Council
Employs scientists and lawyers who are working to improve environmental conditions on legal levels
website:  https://www.nrdc.org
link to donate: \https://act.nrdc.org/donate/monthly/?locsrc=nr-glb-nav-btn&source=WEBMEM&_ga=2.144394805.1665141286.1623090391-64799043.1623090391
Rainforest Alliance
Conserve Biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods (you can also help by buying things with the little green frog guy)
link to donate: https://give.rainforest-alliance.org/give/291977/#!/donation/checkout?
COVID Focused:
COVID 19 Response Fund (WHO)
website : https://covid19responsefund.org/en/
link to donate: https://donate.covid19responsefund.org/
MAP International
Providing medical care to countries struck hard by covid, particularly India.
website: https://www.map.org/the-need
link to donate: https://give.map.org/give/261871/?utm_source=web&utm_medium=btn&utm_campaign=visits#!/donation/checkout?c_src=MAPONE&c_src2=GIVE
And there are always individual cases on sites like https://www.gofundme.com/ 
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Was tagged by @switching-soft
1. Name? - Amanda
2. Nicknames? - Scarlet
3. Zodiac? - Virgo
4. Height? - 6′2″ (187.9 cm)
5. Languages? - English
6. Nationality? - American
7. Favorite season? - Late Summer when it feels like a warm afternoon all day.
8. Favorite flower? - Sunflowers
9. Favorite scent? - Pizza, Mexican food, and freshly baked brownies and cookies.
10. Favorite color? - Red
11. Favorite animal? - Cats!!!
12. Favorite fictional character? - Princess Midna, Lt. Cmd. Data, Geordi LaForge, Princess Daisy, Roxy Lalonde, Kanaya Maryam, June Egbert
13. Coffee, hot tea, or hot chocolate? - Hot chocolate.  Coffee is too bitter and tea has almost no flavor for me.
14. Average sleep? - Fuck if I know.  6-10 hours?
15. Dog or cat person? - Cats!!!
16. Number of blankets? - Um, 4?
17. Dream trip? - Hawaii or Japan
18. Blog established? - 2013
19. Followers? - 746 on my reblog-blog and 805 on my main blog
20. Random fact? - Your body is made up of mostly empty space.
Tagging @notquitetoxic @sarahhascooties @goblinoracle @curiousscientistkae @queer-trans-amazon @livia-the-best @julia1x5 @pokedyke @tarafox @calliopeisamused @ravenmacduff @pastel-lizards @translesbianorchestra @luminiferous-aether @spashadow @seremedyxiii
Couldn’t quite reach 20 but meh.
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xxy-dd · 6 years
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Œuvre ist ein Kollektiv, das Drag Art, elektronische Musik und bildene Kunst von jungen Künstler*Innen aus der ganzen Welt in Großstadtclubs und Galerien des Landes zusammenbringt. Für das Drag Takeover im objekt klein a Dresden kommen Psoriasis, the mother monster of Oeuvre und ihre crazy sisterhood of travelling babes angereist um in Dresden zu explodieren. Queer Club Culture im Osten Deutschlands here we go — 3 2 1 Oeuvre PerformerInnen: Psoriasis: https://www.instagram.com/psoriasis__/ Dollar Baby https://www.instagram.com/dollarbaby666/ Mascha: https://www.instagram.com/mascha_sal/ + SPECIAL GUESTS TBA + A1 Art Print & artwork by Paulin Rogues aka elpoposangre https://www.instagram.com/elpoposangre/ Music: Œuvre https://soundcloud.com/oeuvreimprint A: DANIELA LA LUZ live (Parallel Berlin) https://soundcloud.com/daniela-la-luz raedea live (Œuvre) https://soundcloud.com/raedea-v Yngve b2b Sören Torney (Œuvre) https://soundcloud.com/yngve-eaux https://soundcloud.com/s-ren-torney a: B1txx3$k⍰llah* aka Psoriasis (Œuvre) https://soundcloud.com/bitxxeskilla Dyscotheque (G-Edit) https://soundcloud.com/dyscotheque Homo Helal aka cmd q & Eau Thermale (Kann) https://soundcloud.com/homohelal Linus (Œuvre) https://soundcloud.com/nelson-920567409 a cooperation between objekt klein a, XXY & Oeuvre * Wir, also alle Mitarbeiter*innen des objekt klein a, bitten euch ganz herzlich: Wenn ihr belästigt, diskriminiert werdet oder andere seht, die davon betroffen sind, ist unser Personal jederzeit für euch ansprechbar. So haben wir die Möglichkeit haben einen Raum zu erschaffen, in dem wir uns alle wohl fühlen können - unabhängig von Geschlecht, Sexualität, Herkunft, Hautfarbe oder Schönheitsnormen.
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bbcbreakingnews · 4 years
S&T: 30% top positions for women, spousal benefits for LGBTQ+
India’s latest national science policy — Science, Technology, Innovation Policy (STIP-2020) — has given a decisive push to make the S&T ecosystem more diverse and inclusive by design by providing a renewed impetus to mainstreaming of equity and inclusion. With an overarching focus on equity, it mandates that there are at least 30% women in all decision-making bodies including selection and evaluation committees, while also entitling Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) community for retirement and spousal benefits. Also, a dual recruitment policy in all governing bodies, funding agencies, so that couples do not face the challenge of ‘choosing’ a spouse’s career over theirs is mooted to bring gender neutrality. But most importantly, the policy, according to the draft, proposes to set up an “Equity and Inclusive (E&I) Charter”, that will tackle all kinds of discriminations — gender, caste, religion, geography, language, disability and other exclusions and inequalities — by drawing essence from different E&I frameworks like the Athena SWAN (Scientific Women‘s Academic Network) Charter14.
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Renowned scientist Prof Rohini Godbole, who chaired the committee on equity that made many of these recommendations, told TOI: “I am most happy about the recommendation on E&I having been included in the policy. While the numbers (reservations etc) and other specific access-related issues are important aspects, the most significant part is the focus on equity and not just equality.” She added equity includes aspects like grassroot innovations, access to people from remote areas and so on, and is not just a gender issue. The policy guarantees equal opportunity in academics for women and other genders, people from remote areas, marginalised communities, differently-abled groups, caste, creed, religion and race. “The LGBTQ+ community to be included into all conversations related to gender equity. Provisions will be made to safeguard their rights and promote representation and retention. Differently-abled individuals, including Divyangjans, will be given special attention. Institutions are to be mandated to make structural and cultural changes for supporting such excluded groups,” the policy reads. DST secretary Prof Ashutosh Sharma, said: “Key goals are to enhance ease of doing R&D, expanding funding opportunities and providing access to S&T information, technology and infrastructure. To achieve this and become self-reliant, we have to be all-inclusive and that’s reflected in the focus on equity.” On women-specific issues, the policy addresses ageism-related issues and minimisation of career breaks for effective retention of trained women. “All career milestones (recruitment, awards and funding schemes, age cut-offs) will be implemented considering academic age rather than biological/physical age. This’ll not restrict to gender but will include a broader context,” it reads. Flexibility in work timings and adequate parental leave — Childcare benefits should be gender-neutral — will be provided to cater to maternity, childbirth, child care and other emergent needs. Biocon CMD Kiran Mazumdar Shaw said: “Overall, from the focus on R&D, proposed incentives and private push, the policy appears to have the right intent. The E&I charter is especially encouraging and an important step in the right direction. But I hope that what looks good on paper is also translated to spirit when it comes to implementation.”
source https://bbcbreakingnews.com/2021/01/02/st-30-top-positions-for-women-spousal-benefits-for-lgbtq/
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j-r-latham · 5 years
This panel considers how the imagined futures of trans and intersex people act in clinical practices. We examine how the pasts, presents and futures of trans and intersex young people constitute particular possibilities for gender and sexuality. How are sexuality, pleasure and sexual possibilities entangled in these gender treatment practices? What assumptions about sexuality, progress and development inform youth gender medicine and how are these intra-acting with temporal models and assumptions about gender? Informed by STS approaches to reality, multiplicity, time, actor network theory and research ethics, we consider what it would mean to be a good social citizen in the face of systems that act-as-if eradicating trans and intersex people from our shared future is a desirable, if difficult to attain and ambiguous, objective.
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pilotpress-blog · 7 years
Not here is here!
Not here, a queer anthology of loneliness has been launched. Featuring contributions by:
Nick Blackburn, Robert Chevara, Philip Cornett, Richard Dodwell, Jez Dolan, Harry Freegard, Alice Goodman, David Hoyle, Paul Hughes, Marc Hundley, La John Joseph, Luke Kelsey, Ash Kotak, Olivia Laing, Jeremy Atherton Lin, Colby Keller / Donald Lynskey, Keguro Macharia, Mary Manning, Bertie Marshall, Neil McNally, Monique Mouton, Charlie Porter, Heretik Radikal, Holly Revell, Tim Spooner, Verity Spott, Mimei Thompson, Timothy Thornton, Urara Tsuchiya, Toby Upson and Eley Williams
If you would like to purchase one, or support the ongoing work of Pilot Press, please do so via the link, or by emailing Rich at [email protected].
Thank you. 
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