#cmon i chose a heart option one (1) time
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ok damn that escalated quickly |'D
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lizzybeth1986 · 7 years
Quick Thoughts on TRR Book 2 Chapter 18
• Predictions I had made for the two Finale chapters (probs not on my blog but I did say this to several mutuals):
1. Chapter 18 would be filler, Chapter 19 would be likely where shit hits the fan.
2. Diamond scenes would be split between the chapters, 2 LIs per chapter: Hana and Maxwell this chapter, Drake and Liam next chapter.
3. Why? Because Drake was the only LI with a diamond scene last week, and because given how ominous Liam’s future would be, there is a chance they will up the drama/tragedy quotient by having his diamond scene just before it strikes (remember how we got a love scene just before the fiasco at Coronation??). Hana and Maxwell have not had diamond scenes since NY, so obviously they would get a lion’s share of this chapter.
4. LIs would have significant conversations with the MC about their relationship during the diamond scenes. The scenes will be priced at 30 diamonds each - that was exactly how much they priced “last moments with LI” in Book 1. (I see they didn't do this for Maxwell possibly because no sex compared to what the other LIs are getting) (Future prediction: I think Drake’s scene might have some stuff on his real role in court but I can’t be sure, and hopefully Liam’s will expand on family history).
5. Another future prediction: We may or may not get another plot related diamond scene (similar to Olivia’s in the Book 1 finale).
• I didn’t anticipate the impromptu photoshoot or Bertrand and Savannah reuniting or Madeleine appearing at the end (tho I wasn’t exactly surprised she did, we were bound to see her sometime or other). But the rest? On. The. Money 😎
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• Okay let’s start this shizz fam!
• Today’s title: Noble At Heart. Though it actually should have been I Got Land and A Fancy Title Only Because Pixelberry Wants to Justify Getting Me Involved In Some Really Complicated Political Shit The Next Book.
• We’re still not done impressing people. In fact we’re never going to be done impressing people. I fail to understand why the MC is so surprised about this. Boo, this is what you signed up for by being royalty/nobility. You’re not GOING to have a life of your own from now on *shrug*.
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The epic shade Bertrand Beaumont, Duke of Ramsford, gave to Prince Leo tho 😂
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I KNEW naming my duchy Daniel Henney was a good idea! 😁😁😁
• There are mixed responses on Liam’s new suit but I kinda like it? It defines his chest quite nicely I think xD xD I wish it had been a slightly duller/lighter shade of blue tho, similar to what we saw on the cover. The blue suit on the cover wasn’t this bright.
• I really wish his bow could have been silver instead of gold though? Blue and silver are Cordonia’s national colours and it would have been fitting to have him wear those to the Homecoming Ball.
• Also I think the extra diamond scene if you’re engaged to Liam is such a lovely bonus, even if I think the dress for that picture was a little too top-heavy for my tastes and WTF why does my MC have two left hands. But the picture looked sweet xD
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(See the skirts are flowy and wonderful and the sleeves are lovely but I feel like there’s too much going on with the bodice!)
• Sample this dialogue exchange (if the MC says “we would have still found a way to be with each other”):
Liam: I know we have our share of history [in the palace ballroom], but to me, it will always be the place where I first saw you in Cordonia…the moment I realized you had come into my life to stay. Since then, I’d wondered time and again if I would ever stand beside you like this. Now that we’re engaged, there are a million memories I want to make with you.
MC: No matter how bleak things were, or how hard it got…I knew we’d find a way through.
Brb crying 😭😭😭😭
• I have a feeling there might be some emotional importance to this photograph later if you buy it - esp if something happens to Liam or they are not able to get married yet. It could be a reminder of happier, more hopeful times, or Liam could look at this and view it as motivation for a future he wants to give the MC. IDK how it will work out but it would be great if they did that.
• MC: Together, we’ll be unstoppable.
Liam: I think we already are.
Hold on to that thought, you two. You’ll need to prove it pretty soon the way this book is going.
• @feisty-mary pointed out that we get a caption for impressing Justin and speculated on a likelihood that it might have some importance in the future. That kinda depends on how the writers are going to spin his cryptic “our paths may cross again”. Ally? Enemy? He’s like Madeleine now, you don’t know yet which direction this character will be headed.
• Why did they make Hana’s selection look like an over-frosted cupcake? 😣 Stop doing my fashion queen dirty.
• Olivia’s selection was nice but I’m not sure about the tiaras for either.
• It’s interesting how they have gowns that are custom-made to suit what Liam is wearing (Hana mentions this): the pink gown I’m guessing is meant to suit Liam’s blue suit overall, and the gold one to match his bow.
• Fam this tiara is clashing with my pretty gold hairclip help.
• Now that Olivia has found out who was responsible for the threats, can’t do anything about it because it would hurt Liam, and basically feels she has nothing left to investigate, her work seems done. But is it really?
• There’s still so much story left to Olivia. Esp re: her parents. That’s why they’re keeping her appearances limited to just helping the MC this book. Book 2 is supposed to be about the MC clearing her name and defining her relationships, but Book 3 will undeniably be about Cordonia. Olivia’s story is a big part of that history so I guess it makes sense for them to put it off till then. @ladynevrakis and I have this theory going on about how Olivia’s parents might have been trying to protect Liam’s mom - I personally think that would be a great way to tie those two stories together!
• Only Olivia Vanderwall Nevrakis, Duchess of Lythikos, would suggest placing her future queen in a dungeon. Only Olivia 😂
• I’m not going to say much about the Hana lake scene, esp since it’s largely a sex scene and the non-diamond buildup is just as important, BUT HANA STANS CONGRATULATIONS I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU.
• So Hana’s going to stay with us, Drake might stay/visit, Maxwell might visit, Olivia might return to court when she hears about Liam and Liam…man that depends on what happens next chapter 😟 So we’re kinda starting to get a clearer idea of where the gang will be at.
• The scene with the guys, Bertrand, Savannah and Bartie was sweet, but my lack of investment in Bertrand/Savannah doesn’t really let me enjoy it. I think PB did all three characters (Bertrand, Savannah, Maxwell) a disservice by handling that story the way they did. Savannah’s story started out as this very emotionally charged mystery that kept Drake going in Book 1, and people got invested enough, but IMO it was handled so shoddily you end up feeling irritated at Savannah and Maxwell for how they handled things, and saddened because Bertrand’s entire character gets shortchanged so that the only thing he seems to care about anymore is Savannah (which is fine, but the reason I liked Bertrand in the first place was the way he was depicted before she came along). So Savannah is still a big part of Drake’s story, and the Beaumont brothers’ history, but the investment in her is simply not there anymore. At least for me. Sigh.
• Also CONGRATULATIONS MAXWELL STANS! The screenshots I saw looked sweet and I’m glad they had that all-important chat about how they want to move forward. I’m guessing Maxwell’s relationship will take time since they’d just confessed to their feelings in NY and they’d need a lot more development as a couple before they reach that stage. But I’m guessing that will happen in Book 3! Splurge on those diamond development scenes like your life depends on it till then! XD
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If Liam is sending his personal security detail to guard me…then who’s guarding Liam?? 😱 😱 😱
• Adeleide looks very happy for the mother of a thwarted almost-queen. But she did mention that becoming royalty was changing Madeleine for the worse so I’m guessing she thinks her daughter almost dodged a bullet there. Plus, free booze.
This is Adeleide when she talks about Madeleine.
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• I’m totally waiting for you to get that “hip hopera” of yours’ ready, Maxwell. Like Elvis Presley would say…
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• I like the idea of Bertrand getting some love in his life…I just want to be able to enjoy the good ol’ curmudgeony go-getter Bertrand we all grew to love while we’re at it. Is that too much to ask for, PB? Is it?
• “Will Madeleine spoil your big night?” - I don’t think you would have placed her so early in the next chapter if that was the case, PB, cmon (then again, the message at the end of Chapter 18 last book didn’t sound that threatening either and look what happened there. So I could be wrong). Plus, I think we have bigger threats to worry about, threats we don’t even know about yet.
• So I saw a screenshot of what would happen if you’re with Liam and tell Hana you still want her, and she seems okay with it. I have the same problems with this scene that I have with the other scene - in fact more so because at this stage the MC is officially engaged to the other LI. But you know what worries me more? That there was such an intense reaction when Liam did it (including people stating they were glad they did not choose him and comments on Liam’s “integrity” - thankfully most of the people I followed pointed out how OOC it was) but almost-radio-silence when it came to the other LIs doing the same thing. I mean Drake last chapter still got to imply that he’d be more than happy to take us up on that offer if we chose the “tour of the room” option, and Hana here immediately agrees to what the MC wants if she implies that she is willing to cheat on Liam with her (unless the MC has Liam’s consent on this, that’s what it is). Very few actually commented on either. That’s not fair, fam. You can’t hold one LI accountable for something like this and not say anything about the others.
(People who may have taken the option to have sex with Liam while being with the other LI, and continued the chapter, does the MC inform their LI about this development?)
For me, the problem in both cases is that the MC doesn’t bother to ask the other person. She doesn’t say “look this is what I want to do, but I want to talk to both you and my fiance before I move forward”. She just takes what she wants from whoever she wants and the LIs just let her. It makes me feel sorry for them and really angry at her.
• Is it me or will Hana have an outdoor kink too? Homegirl has her first time with the woman she loves just as the setting sun kisses the lake xD
• Next chapters the finale, fam. The sex is going to be HELLA. The drama is going to be HELLA. And the wait for Book 3 is going to be…not hella.
• Will Liam finally have sex with my MC in a bedroom? Or will we find some other nice outdoorsy place since the hedge maze is already done? Whatever it is, we’d better get a scene absolutely worth 30 diamonds. No fade-to-black bullshit. LIAM STANS WILL RIOT.
• This is my MC to Liam next chapter:
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Credit to @callmetippytumbles the genius who began the trend of putting gifs on her “Thoughts” posts. I can’t imagine NOT using them now thanks to you 😂
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doubleddenden · 5 years
Finished Sonic Adventure 2 again for the first time in years
The story isn't perfect, and I do think a lot of my love for the story is tinted by nostalgia glasses, but still, it's one of my favorites of the series and Shadow's redemption really tugs at my heart.
I still enjoy him, and admittedly his true ending in Shadow the Hedgehog is pretty badass, but I do have to say? I preferred this ending for him. In a moment of selflessness, he chose to fulfill his promise to Maria and sacrifices his life to save everything. This, even knowing that there's a possibility that he may not even be the true Shadow or that his memories may not even be real (as brought up by Rouge) is still a really powerful moment that just hasn't been replicated by Sonic games since (Although Chip comes close in Sonic Unleashed).
Compare Sonic Adventure 2's ending to Shadow the Hedgehog's final ending where he decides to use his power to stop the Black Arms after remembering everything, and choosing to wipe the slate clean and start fresh- even outright throwing away Maria's picture- declaring his old self dead and starting a new life. That's somewhat powerful, but it also kind of throws away the conviction he had in SA2.
It's a complicated dilemma.
What isn't complicated is my love for this game. Sure, some of it is a bit janky and I'm not totally in love with mechs, but I still love Speed and Treasure stages. Something really distinct about Adventure 2 is that the movement for Sonic/Shadow is very fluid and momentum is earned. Unleashed, Colors, and Generations' boost mechanics aren't bad at all, and in fact are a really cool way to convey just how fast Sonic can run, but for a platforming basis SA2's momentum and spin dash are wonderful.
The game even has a good understanding that the other characters do not need to be slow just to make Sonic and Shadoe fast. Its something I haven't liked since Heroes tbh, because someone like Knuckles was in fact Sonic's first rival and was capable of running pretty fast himself, even having a spin dash. Mechs especially have this earned momentum to them that is difficult to achieve, but feel pretty good when you do.
And again, not totally in love with everything. I do wish they had cut back on mech stages or just found something that works a bit better, like letting Tails fly instead. Also there doesn't have to be a 1 to 1 playing style with good and dark characters. Sonic and Shadow, sure, but Rouge could have focused less on treasure and more on stealth, Tails could have focused on flight, etc.
But what this game does right is give you linear but spacious options to move around and a fluid momentum based movement that still makes it one of the best platformers I've ever played. This, and the story is dark and over the top but not too edgy and unaware of its audience like ShTH or Sonic Forces, and it at least tries to tell a compelling story, unlike Sonic Colors and Lost World. The voice acting needs work and the audio mixing needs a touch more control, but I still appreciate these voices the best out of the series, and the characterization is still spot on before they decided to turn Knuckles into a 100% meathead, Eggman into an incompetent fool, and Shadow into a blank slate for whatever the game needs. Plus, the Level Up items provide a neat update to aesthetics that I absolutely adore and wish modern games would try again. Sonic's whole get up once you get all his items, and Knuckles's entire get up after he gets his (and his darker muzzle) are still my favorite iterations of them.
Plus cmon. City Escape? How do you top that intro? You can't.
Still 9/10 worthy.
Sonic Team: give me Sonic Adventure 3 already. Pay attention to what went right in this game and bring some of that ambition back. You had something brewing for 06, and maybe that ball was dropped, but you can totally do it again if you just try.
My personal wishlist would be a Dragon Ball GT race through space with Team Sonic, Team Dark, Silver, Blaze, Amy, Team Chaotix, Mighty, Ray, and possibly even a character you can create (not like Sonic Forces. Think something a bit similar but with more body options, and something akin to Emerl from Sonic Battle for certain traits from others).
If I could make a game, hoo boy would I want to make that.
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adder-lykel · 7 years
The Love Game (Part 1/?)
The Royal Romance meets The Crown and The Flame! For the sake of a new peace, Kenna must choose between contenders for her future king or queen. Ships: (Eventual Kenna/Raydan, Kenna/Diavolos, Kenna/Val, Kenna/Annelyse, Kenna/Tevan, Kenna/Dominic) (Eventual Underlying Sei/Dominic, Will/Dominic, Val/Annelyse, Zenobia/Tevan, Rowan/Kai)
If she had known it will come down to this, Kenna would have eloped. It was a simple thing really, she just said she didn’t want to marry yet. Now, she was sure it was a better answer than suddenly proposing to who she pleased after winning the battle of her life but the nobility saw a way to win people over. It was barbaric, really. Breads and circuses to pass time while everything was situated was a ridiculous but effective idea. All she had to do was play a love game. With various suitors chosen by nobility. After fighting for so long she did not even have the peace to develop a relationship with a man or woman she was interested in. Nevertheless she had to give in, because for now it would solve the issue of diplomacy.
Tevan was so elated when he got the news that he appointed himself as the suitor from Fydoria. He had always admired Kenna since she saved him, but now he was able to show her people he was the right choice. He assumed it would be easy, after all he was probably the prettiest in the competition. How hard could it be after all? “I am sure the kingdoms have matters that are more important than a courting rite.” Aurryn mumbled shyly as she looked up from the book she was reading at the table.
“Which is exactly why they need it.” Tevan replied with ease as he stood up. “Romance is the best type of sto–”
“Actually mytho–”
“Hush sister.” Tevan interrupted smoothly as he walked away. He had a Queen to win over.
“No.” Noa said quickly before Kai could answer.
“Okay, I’ll do it.” she coolly replied with a smile.
“What? Kai, no.”
“Noa yes,” she reached out for him,“We need to build relations.”
“We are already rebuilding their walls! No.”
“It will be fun, it’s a strong political move, and maybe there will be love.”
And so the argument ended in silence between the two siblings, confidence radiating off of one, and worry springing from the other.
Rowan sat alone in her kingdom of thorns. It was idiotic of the Stormholt Queen really. There were better things to do. Like figure out taxes and trade. Still, she managed to find the rose in the bush. She could have a bigger presence, and establish her dominance as a queen. So, she decided silently to herself that Thorngate’s suitor would be her.
Annelyse felt hope. She had another chance with Kenna. She had always been a dear friend but she felt something stronger.
There was always this unspoken connection. Kenna provided her more satisfaction than any man would. She understood what it was like to be a powerful women. Kenna respected her and her way of ruling.
Annelyse would have been more open about these feelings but she realized three truth at that time.
Number one was she was a woman who was expected to keep the Adair line in place. Her father had no sons, or daughters, so she had to continue the social climb. At the time she met Kenna the woman with no kingdom was penniless. It didn’t mean she wanted her any less.
Number two was she had to guard her heart. When they met she knew Kenna was after funds and an army. She had to be naïve to set that aside. She let Raydan observe, just like she made him do with anyone else who was after her.
Finally, Kenna had a big heart. A big heart was a confusing heart. She saw Kenna and how other people looked at her. Though she would not say who, she knew she wasn’t confident in knowing that she was Kenna’s only. This also meant that she was right about one thing: as far as she could tell, the queen would never be satisfied.
Annelyse knew one thing that no one else did. Kenna was born on a throne of blood. She became queen in a untraditional way. Kenna had her title ripped away from her, and she only became queen by war. Until this last battle she had always been at war. Annelyse could not recall a time when she was at peace. She did not know how Kenna would rule. Would she be hungry for battle? Would she be able to handle economic diplomacy? Or would she be a stagnant queen?
Annelyse pushed all thoughts of doubt of the way as she prepared to make her way to Stormholt in hopes of Kenna returning her feelings.
“Wait, what?” Val almost exclaimed as she put a training sword back on its rack. She had just finished a training session when Whitlock made an unexpected visit to tell her that the Foundry had officially made her a suitor to Kenna.
“Cmon I know how you li-” Whitlock was immediately cut off when Val slapped her hand over his mouth with a glare.
“Someone will hear you.” She hissed as her eyes darted around the room.
Whitlock pulled her hand from his mouth and said,“Say what you want, but I’m pulling for you. They’re only taking noble’s choice and this is your only chance.”
Val looked down, weighing her options. “Fine.”
“I. Don’t. Like. You.” Sei said through gritted teeth as she glared at Dom, her eyes refusing to portray her real thoughts.
“Admit it Sei-Sei you lo-” Dom stopped immediately as he saw Anu walking towards them. Ever since the volcano the old man still has not spoke to him.
“We have new word from Stormholt.” Anu said smoothly, his gaze not meeting Don’s.
“Dom has been here for a while.”
“Yes, well it seems he has been slow on the news… Queen Kenna is going to have all the kingdoms to chose one representative and contend for her hand in marriage.”
Sei’s gaze flickered to Dom, looking for a reaction. She was disappointed. His eyes were filled with something she could describe as a mix of hurt and jealousy. She sighed and looked at her grandfather. “I know who to send.”
“Who?” Anu and Dom both said at the same time.
“Dominic Hunter.”
“I just don’t see why it has to be you.” Adder said carefully as she stared up at Diavolos. She had no feelings that radiated off of neutrality for him but she had someone else in mind.
“Who would you suggest, your spymaster brother who works under Queen Kenna in Stormholt and who has no allegiance to Abanthus.” Zenobia said smoothly with venom coating her voice.
Diavolos managed to keep his cool even though he wanted to back up his sister. With passive aggressiveness he said, “I know Kenna more than anyone else who lives here. I am of noble blood. I have fought more battles than anyone else sitting at this table for three. I am more than certain than I am qualified to compete and win her hand. Need I remind you Adder, that we only need you for decision regarding our economy.”
Diavolos’ mind was set on winning Kenna’s hand. It would be easy. He was sure he had already won her affections, and a marriage with him would be the best for all the kingdoms. He promised security for her legacy, something he was sure the other suitors would not provide.
“I am sorry Lady Lia, I am afraid I cannot.” Raydan said, his eyes not leaving the ground. He was on a diplomatic mission to the young Empress’s country when the news quickly followed him.
“Very well, but I insist we play a game before you leave.” The child said with a bright smile while Jorrin’s eyes bore into him, looking for any signs of betrayal.
“Fine, what is it.” Raydan said with a small smile, disregarding Jorrin and ruffling her white hair.
“Sly fox.” Lia said with a mischievous smile.
“I feel like I walked into that.” Raydan muttered as he averted his gaze.
“Sly fox says… You continue to have strong feeling for Kenna Rys.”
Raydan groaned,“Correct.”
“Why don’t you marry her?”
He sighed, wringing his hands together. “We are from different worlds. I live in the shadows and she walks in the light. She will have no benefit from having a King with no worth other than being a former spy. I don’t think she knows that I would give this life up for her just to stay by her side everyday.
“But love has to be enough!” Lia squeaked, almost jumping up from her bench.
“Alas it isn’t. And now it’s my turn. Sly fox says…” he looked at her growing smile and her eyes that seemed to be holding something in. He stopped a groan from coming out. “You have plans for me.”
“Correct! I would like to name you Lord Raydan of Marossi, contender for Queen Kenna’s hand.”
“Lia no.” Raydan said desperately.
“Lia yes! You love her!”
“Yes, but shouldn’t you chose an actual citizens.”
Lia looked down at her feet shyly, “Well, the actual citizens are still wary after mother’s…departure.”
“What about Jorrin?”
“Jorrin is not interested.”
“You are an empress!”
“I am an empress who believes in love and good men. I think you are a good man Raydan, and a suitor who would win Kenna’s heart and form a strong bond with my empire.” Lia said innocently.
“I can’t get out of this, can I?” Raydan sighed as he looked up at Jorrin. Jorrin shook his head with amusement in his eyes.
“Shall we get started then?” Lia said excitedly, hopping up.
“We shall.”
Raydan felt unbelievably nervous. Could he convince her that he was a good husband. Could he be enough? He dreamed of a reality where they are just common people on the street with no worries. All they had to do was love.
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