#cnu is like 'wtf guys' lol
fluffypuppychan · 7 years
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playful badeul 💕
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shinwhoohoo · 2 years
OH GOD I JUST SAW GONGCHANS EVENT PLS THEY DRESSED HIM WORSE HE LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING TODLER I'M CRYING NOT EVEN HIM CAN PULL THAT OFF AND NOT LOOK RIDICULOUS WTF IS WM EVEN THINKING I'M MAD.... in a nicer note, it seems that the one that hosts dresses up normally and quite nicely, there's a picture on their official insta where cnu is wearing a white shirt and kakhi? pants and he looks amazing tbh (and somewhat skinny? or like not buff like he likes to be but in a *tired* way 😔 hope he is fine)
My friend, I don’t even know what to say anymore about these outfits…. Lmao like what is going on, honestly speaking. Who do we need to contact. Send me names, phone numbers, addresses, whatever. I will literally fly over there at this point to confront this stylist.
And it’s like, these guys look so good dressed appropriately!! Gongchan is so effing handsome, put him in something that does him justice!! Ugh 😩 I’m depressed lol (ok not really but actually kinda?! 😂)
Ok but also re: CNU I actually for the first time in a while (since his weight has seemed to be pretty consistent since he’s been out of the army) thought he was looking a bit skinnier. His photos from the Tomato festival really made me do a double take, like oh wow did he lose some weight since his fanmeet the other month?? Idk but I do agree with you, he does seem noticeably thinner.
(And let’s be honest, he has not returned to his true beefed up self since enlisting 🥲 like he has yet to return to his pre-enlistment 2018 bear bod and I’m sad but also maybe he just prefers a bit of a trimmer look now??)
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iamnothyper · 8 years
Cause I had such a great time and I need to share my delulu “OMG HE LOOKED AT ME” moments.
lining up was messy, almost fought with this power tripping venue supervisor, but got over that. i had balcony ga and lined up sometime after 6. it was fucking cold. i couldn’t stop shivering and the show as usual started late. we were still outside when it was 8. (spoiler: no photo-op sticker for me :/)
i ended up super close to the stage. i kinda half-trespassed into this curtained-off area and this guy tried to barrier me out, but some girl had wound up on the floor next to me so i literally could not move. pros: i was close. cons: i was next to a huge column and this huge speaker was blocking part of my view. i have two shitty videos that i can post. the irl view was much clearer though and wasn’t so fucking bright.
the boys were awesome, they were so into it. so much fanservice my god. they just looked like they were having the time of their lives with us and it was great. the funny thing was that from my spot i could see the prompter and basically all their ments. baro spoke so much english ;D and i’m really shitty at recounting this stuff so i’m just gonna do moments i remember. in no particular order cause did i mention my memory sucks?
I am Jinyoung/Sanduel biased so I noticed both being super into the singing. They also were miming Baro’s rap to each other at one point and Gongchan was in between them completely oblivious. Baro was hyping up producer Jinyoung when a fan shouted out “1 Step, 2 Step” and B1A4 ended up singing/dancing to a bit of Oh My Girl’s song. During a ment, Jinyoung messed up and they all teased him. During another ment (encore/last one I think) Sanduel started singing some English song and all the fans started singing along. He was taken aback and we were told to calm down. Actually, they said calm down very dramatically a lot lol.
This was something small but I found it funny. They were doing the “SAY YEA” thing and Gongchan kept holding out his mic when it wasn’t the fans’ turn to scream. He realized this after awhile and “smoothly” made it seem like he was just throwing his hands up. (i saw u, i know what you did)
There were a lot of cute interactions between members and towards fans, but I remember the encore and fanservice most. They replayed that Good Timing chorus so many times. They kept saying “1 MORE???” and it was great. So many water bottles were sacrificed that day. They were really just enjoying it and trying to hype everyone up.
There was a huge column that was in the middle of the crowd. Gongchan was using it as leverage so he could lean out more and high-five people. Sanduel later did the same thing and was having a grand time with himself. Gongchan also started waving like a maniac. And, so so many hearts. 
Gongchan took so many selfies with fans’ phones. He was even taking them as the group was leaving the stage so Jinyoung came back on and lingered with him. Jinyoung was trying to tell the fans to take pics OF him when they wanted him to take selfies. Communication failure. He later did take people’s phones, but I thought it was a funny interaction. Sandeul on the other hand was trying to take a selfie and accidentally exits out of the camera. Don’t worry, he figured it out in the end.
Someone threw a plush pokeball onstage that landed between Baro’s feet. He held it out and struck that pokemon pose before throwing it at himself. Sandeul had a panic wtf moment when bunny ears were thrown on stage. He picked them up but never wore them (no one else did either). Gongchan was very pleased with the plastic roses someone threw and started waving them around. Overall, they loved it, we loved it, it was awesome.
So, in my mind these are totally interactions that happened to me directly.  CNU was waving to the crowd, looks in our direction so I start waving, he looks surprised for a sec (could be because the girl sitting under me had a sign in korean, but nah its def cause my good looks) and waves back. Towards the end of the concert he’s waving again and just as he’s about to stop I start waving like a maniac so he waves back.
So, being in the balcony (and half of me illegally trespassing) there’s not much room to get hype. Most of the people were just standing/sitting still. I started bouncing and throwing my hand up and down over the railing during the encore. And... I ALMOST MISSED THIS, but I looked back at my side of the stage and Jinyoung was looking up (at me yo) like he was waiting for something. I had my hand out and bobbed along to the GOOD. TIME.ING. beat (with him? tbh I cant remember) and he did that satisfied “good job” expression. I felt so accomplished. This happened with Gongchan too. GOOD. TIME.ING. smile, nods, moves on with life. 
Now, Gongchan is not my bias, but he was on my side of the stage and he looked up a lot. Prettttyyy sure we made eye contact a buncha times. We gots that connection you know? Most notable would be when I did the finger heart then when he saw me went on my tippy toes to lean closer. He raised one eyebrow and gave me the “hmm??” look before turning away. As he was waving goodbye I waved too and I swear to god he smiled and waved back. I’m also pretty sure I did finger heart again and he reacted to it by smiling that time.
Who know’s though, I’m probably insane. 
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