#cobblegobble is cobbler + gobble
smash-chu · 5 months
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The Cobblegobble struts about like it owns the place, despite some folks seeing it as just a big, glorified Cluckles. It doesn't take kindly to being hunted and will pick fights with predator piñatas to show them who's boss, whether they actually win or not.
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The Bunbear has a reputation for either being seen as a off putting or goofy piñata, sometimes both! Yet what it really wants is sweet things to lick, particularly honey, just like its cousin the Fizzlybear.
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Left a few chocolate coins laying around that suddenly up and vanished, or had a piñata cry about losing their pretty shiny necklace? The Magpop is a likely culprit, they love pilfering any and all sparkly things they come across.
More piñata friends~
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