#cobert winter fanfic exchange
bella-caecilia · 10 months
Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange 2023
We're entering the next round of our Cobert writing exchange! It's time for you to receive your prompts. The prompts will be handed out according to the genre you'll choose. It works as follows.
Underneath you can find a list of the genres we have prompts for. @ohtobealady helped me put together a great prompt collection!
It's now your turn to choose a genre and message me to let me know what genre you want to write for.
Then you'll get two prompts from me; a one-word prompt & a dialogue prompt.
You can use either one or both of the prompts for your story; whatever inspires you most :)
When you have your prompts, you can start writing. There are no limits to what you can write; however long, however short, an AU, modern, canon-compliant... We want it all!
Please post your entries by January 6 and tag the tumblr post with "cobert winter writing exchange 2023" or send me the link if you're only posting on other platforms, so I can link every drabble in one masterpost for the fanfic exchange.
Have fun!
Participants: @abumperprize @adoracora-elizabeth @avoverud @downton-bridgerton @juliasdowntonstuff @modernamericangirl @mrsrobinsong @ohtobealady @randomabiling @whydidnttheyaskcora
If you aren't on the list yet and still want to participate just send me a PM :)
And if there are any other questions left, feel free to message me as well!
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dream-of-ragtime · 9 months
Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange 2023
My folks, is it believable? (hardly) I have written something!! I am alive (barely)
So first off, big shoutout and huge thanks to @bella-caecilia and @ohtobealady for arranging this, it's deeply appreciated and I love, love, LOVE these exchanges! Absolutely cannot wait to read all your contributions!
As for my part... well... I've had quite a lot on my plate and I must say that I had to somewhat rush this. (and one can tell, lol) The story leaves quite a lot of room for interpretation ORRRRRR I might add another chapter... We'll see. But I do understand it isn't Shakespeare.
My prompts were "imbroglio" and "I was such a fool" (hence, the title) and I've set it in S5E5. I've always wondered what could have been and, well, this is very much that. I played with the dialogue of the one and only JFells and tried my best to stick to the character's nature (hopefully). But please be aware that there is mention of SA, so if this story might not be for you, feel free to skip this one <3 I just couldn't stop wondering what might have been if Robert hadn't entered their bedroom so early.
Please let me know what you think of it and if you have any improvements/ recommendations hit me up, I'd love to hear them!
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andallthatmishigas · 2 years
Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange!  My prompt was “sleigh ride” and I had so much fun with this!  Thank you @bella-caecilia for facilitating this fun challenge.
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ohtobealady · 8 months
(Here is my belated contribution to the Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange. Thank you to @bella-caecilia for organizing it. My prompts were Quiver and "I didn't mean it." I used the dialogue as inspiration. It works as a bit of a companion piece to Ch 4 of Le Langage des Fleurs. This is also posted on FF dot net.)
She rubbed the lotion in, making small circles against the heel of her palm. Robert was talking behind her, by the bed, and she glanced up to him in the mirror and suppressed a small laugh. Oh, sometimes he wound himself up so tightly over the simplest things—cinema starlets not excluded. 
“And did you see the layers of paint she was wearing?” he was saying, pulling back the bedsheets and agitatedly sliding in. “Like a piece in a gallery.”
Cora’s laugh came out in a huff. “Oh, Robert, don’t be unkind. I think she’s beautiful.” She stood from her chair, and was pleased she felt no lightheadedness. She smiled. “Besides, it must be quite invigorating to know of one’s own sex appeal.”
“Nonsense. No one can be that sure.”
She rolled her eyes as she also climbed into bed beside him, noting that she did so with ease. She wasn’t sure if it had been the small glass of wine, or the powder Baxter had given her before dinner, or perhaps if it was simply a trick of her mind, but the aching and fatigue that constantly plagued her was absent in this moment, and she would cherish it. She’d use it. 
Robert was still going on and on—about what now, she didn’t follow—as he rolled to switch off his lamp. And then, just as he had rolled to his left, he rolled just as swiftly to his right to press a kiss to her cheek. A kiss good night. A quick kiss. Right at the corner of her mouth.
And she melted at it. 
Oh, she missed him. She yearned for him. And it wasn’t because they hadn’t lain together in weeks, six or even seven—far longer than a month. No. It wasn’t merely that. It was because who knew? Who knew how much longer she’d be able to love him in that way?  How much longer would their lives be free of the shadow she knew was lurking just behind her? How much longer would she even exist?
Cora drew in a breath, and she let herself roll towards him.
Her lamplight allowed her to study him, all his curves and lines she’d studied so many nights before: his closed eyes, his lips he moved slightly as he yawned and pressed his mouth, his jaw and chin and his silver stubble. She began to work to commit it all to memory again—images she could have forever, moments she could keep. But then…but then, would that be so? She felt her throat tighten at the abrupt thought she’d spent so much time trying to keep at bay: Did the dead have memories? 
Stillness, then. Gravity. Was this—Was this all she had left of him? Just these few precious moments? 
This was it.
She lifted her chin to loosen the knot choking her. She tried to convince herself she wasn’t sure what her condition was, for she wasn’t. She knew well-enough her symptoms—the constant fatigue, the chest pains, the breathlessness and dizziness and dyspepsia…the sudden, drastic weight loss—could be true of any number of illnesses. Couldn’t they? No. Even her earnest persuasion to believe otherwise failed her. She was no fool. She knew she was ill. Very ill. And her husband did not. 
She looked at him still. She watched the way his breath came in and out evenly beside her, unaware of her thoughts. He was unaware of so much, which was just as Cora wanted it. She wanted to treasure it all. She wanted to savor the beauty of what her life had been–her life with Robert. There were only a handful of hours of their life here before they left for France, and then their life would be different–irrevocably changed. 
She’d tell him after Marseille. She’d have to. 
She heard his small exhale of breath beside her, and she watched the way his chest rose and fell. It made her heart ache. So, much like a pilgrim paying homage, she touched at his shoulder. She touched at the collar of his pajama shirt. And when he didn’t move, she traced a soft fingertip along his throat. 
No. She did not feel lust for him. She did not feel need as she sometimes did, warmth growing deep in her core. No, only yearning.  
He hummed, and he opened his eyes. 
She smiled back at him when he smiled coyly at her, for she was sure he knew what she meant. He understood the secret language they’d created between them in these three decades together. He understood what she meant by her small touches, and by the way she pushed herself ever closer to him. He watched her as she did so, and behind her ribs, her aching heart beat wildly. 
Cora lifted her chin, and she kissed him. Her lips felt the stubble she’d adored, and she let her lips linger at his jaw. His hand, as it always did, went to her arm, and he tugged slightly. Just as he had understood her, she, too, understood him. Her own body flush with his, she slowly rose to rest her weight upon her elbow and she hovered very near his face; and she looked at him.
His tired expression was half-hidden in the shadow made by her head and hair, the lamplight glowing behind her. But tired as he was, he also looked happy. His mouth was relaxed, his lips were parted, and the knot that she’d loosened in her throat quickly tightened again. 
He was beautiful. Every curve, every line…everything. And she loved him. 
She loved him. 
Her chest ached more acutely, and drawing in a deep breath, she pushed herself to him again, and she kissed his lips, feeling his fingers tighten further on her arm. Then, as he lifted his head more to meet hers, she felt him rush to deepen their kiss.
It surprised her, how eager he was, and she sighed in her throat before he broke away.
“You aren’t too tired?” he whispered, his voice low, and she shook her head.
“Lie back.” He shifted himself, and Cora did as he asked of her, nestling herself down into the bedding as he moved to cover her. 
“Are you certain–” Robert nodded at her voice, silencing her; he kissed her mouth and then cheek and then neck. “You needn’t take over completely,” she tried again, but this time Robert shook his head against her. 
“It helps to begin this way.” His voice was in her ear as he kissed her jaw.
She nodded, knowing what he meant.
“Yes,” she amended. She nodded again. “I—“
But she stopped, her thoughts beginning to whir too quickly as he kissed her body. As he palmed her breasts. As his fingers touched and pressed in places that made her breath catch. Still, they whirred, but they weren’t of pleasure. They weren’t of him. They were of herself: Did he feel how much thinner she’d gotten? Did he feel, too, how swollen her tummy? Did he feel how unattractive she felt herself to be? 
No. She reminded herself; no. She loved him. She felt well just now. She couldn’t squander it. She loved him. 
She trembled as she fought against her compulsions–the part she played when they laid together. The other her, the woman six months ago, would reach between them and feel for him. She’d maneuver her fingers inside of his waistband and then around him, to where his aging body still hardened for her. And she would hear him exhale against her. 
But she couldn’t seem to, and she hated herself for it. 
Her hands went instead to his cheeks, the backs of her index and middle fingers stroking the stubble there. And then his hair, where she wove them into the soft, gently graying waves. 
“Touch me,” he said against her ear, and her stomach flipped. “Darling.”
She closed her eyes, and she pushed a hand between them, but slowly. Slowly feeling the fabric of his nightshirt. Slowly feeling the drawstring of his waistband. Slowly feeling the soft, smooth skin of his body–and her lip quivered. Love. So much, so much, love.
“I did worry.” His voice was huskier, breathier, and Cora swam in the headiness of the moment.  
She whispered, “Worry?” and kissed his jaw. His cheek.
He nodded, and she felt his small smile against her lips. “That I wouldn’t be up to snuff.” He kissed her, softly. Soundly. “That my age would be against us.”
“Oh, darling,” she sighed, and kissed him again, and again. “Our age,” she corrected him. And then, she pulled away, slightly, so that she could see him better. So she could see his eyes. And her voice wavered when she spoke. “We’ve grown old together.”
“Yes,” he laughed, appreciatively, and pressed his lips to hers. “And together we’ll grow older, still.”
It was a lie, her nod. “Yes.” Her eyes prickling with tears, her throat tightening, and her heart aching, she pushed the lie from her chest as her husband kissed her breasts through her gown. “And together we’ll grow older, still.”
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juliasdowntonstuff · 9 months
My entry to the Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange has just been posted to Ao3 and ff.net as well as on here for anyone who might want to read. Thank you @bella-caecilia for organising this event, this was great fun and I’m so looking forward to reading what everyone wrote!
I chose the Hurt/Comfort category and my prompts were “You don’t have to be so brave with me” / laceration
Without further ado, this is set after S6E5 (the bloody dinner episode)
Robert was coming home. It had been two weeks since that fateful dinner party, a night she would never be able to forget, and now he was finally returning from the village hospital.
Cora was standing by the window in the small library of Downton, anxiously peeking out and letting her eyes wander over the grass and gravel leading all the way down to the gates of their estate.
He was supposed to arrive at the abbey at half past two. A quick look at the clock to her right told her that they were running late, almost half an hour already.
What if something had happened, what if he was not coming home after all?
Then, as her mind began to spin with all the what-ifs she could possibly come up with, each one worse than the one before, she saw a big motor coming up the gravel driveway. It was driving slowly, much too slowly for her liking, but after a while, she saw that this was the ambulance bringing him home. For the past two weeks, there was nothing she had wanted more than to simply hold him in her arms, to feel his presence with her while it was so sorely missed. She had found it hard to fall asleep without him next to her in bed every night, not that she would admit to that.
Quickly, Cora turned on her heel and left the room. With long strides, she crossed the entrance hall and walked out the front door to welcome him, just like they always did with their guests. Right when she came to a halt outside the grand wooden doors of their family home, the back doors of the ambulance opened and she got to look directly into his face, a sight she had been looking forward to for days now.
She had been so incredibly scared when they took him and rushed him to emergency surgery at the village hospital. She had been afraid that she would never get to see him again, that she would never get to see his gentle smile and feel his loving gaze on her, ever again.
The image of him lying in a pool of his own blood on the dining room floor, trying to tell her he loved her — it haunted her. She might have appeared put together as she tried to calm him down, but that was really just a façade. Deep down, she had been scared out of her mind, had been afraid of losing him forever. However much she had wanted to, she simply could not allow herself to fall to pieces in front of everyone — least of all their daughters, who had to watch their father be rushed away, covered in blood.
When Robert saw her, his face lit up into such a bright smile. But even the brightest and most sincere of smiles couldn't get rid of the dark circles under his eyes. His unusually sallow complexion worried her, as did his sunken cheeks. She had to remind herself that he had just undergone a major emergency surgery — of course, he was not going to come back home the picture of health. A gastrectomy was not to be underestimated, that's what Doctor Clarkson had told her when she visited Robert the morning after the incident.
She had expected him not to look his usual self, but not quite as bad as this. It would take a while and exceptionally good nursing to get him back on his feet. Cora was determined to help him as best she could.
The people who had driven him there set about getting his stretcher out of the ambulance to take him inside and up to the bedroom like they had been instructed to. Robert winced noticeably when they hoisted him out of the car, the sudden movement causing his fresh wound to hurt again despite the strong painkillers he had been given ahead of his departure from the village hospital.
"Cora!" he exclaimed weakly as they started to carry him inside past her. Upon this, though, the men stopped and waited until the Countess had had a chance to greet him.
„Welcome home, my dear. They will take you up to our room and I will join you as soon as I have talked to Doctor Clarkson," his wife replied reassuringly, letting her hand graze over his arm as he was carried inside once more.
Robert only managed a small nod in return, wincing and inhaling sharply at the swaying motions shaking him through.
He could hear her voice through the closed door, along with Doctor Clarkson's. However much he tried to concentrate to understand what they were saying, he could not hear a word of what was spoken. Their voices were simply too muffled by the wooden doors separating them from him lying in their bed, and his mind was still hazy from all the painkillers he had been given in the hospital.
Robert was already starting to drift back off to sleep, his eyelids getting increasingly heavy, when the door finally opened and Cora walked in.
She closed the door carefully behind her and took a seat in the chair that was put close to his bedside. When she reached out her hand to take his hand in hers, his eyes immediately flew open again. His gaze met his wife's, and he recognised the concerned look she tried to veil behind an encouraging and welcoming smile — he had seen this before.
"Oh my dear, I am so pleased to have you back home. You have no idea how worried the girls and I have been and how anxious we were to finally have you here with us again. Even your mother decided to let her grudge rest for now, though I suppose your return will lead her back on her warpath with me." She saw his blinking slow down — a clear sign he was tired — and so, after a short pause, Cora added: "I'll let you rest for now. I will redo the dressing on your wound after dinner, as Doctor Clarkson instructed."
Robert still had trouble speaking with his throat feeling sore, but he managed to croak out: "I am so- I'm so sorry you all had to witness this. But what about the nurse Doctor Clarkson wanted to send up to the house along with me?"
Cora handed him a cup of water already standing on his nightstand when he started to cough, wincing and pressing his hand to his side all the while.
"I sent her back to the hospital, she's more needed there to help with all the hurt and sick in the village. I can care for you, and Doctor Clarkson explained it all quite well. I know that I am capable of doing it," Cora said confidently when she set the glass back down.
"You really shouldn't, these are trained people for a reason and I wouldn't want you to have to see this," he whispered in reply.
"But I want to, Robert. Please."
Robert knew that this was an argument he was not going to win, his wife was quite headstrong when she wanted to be and clearly, she wanted in this case. So instead of arguing some more, he simply nodded slowly before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep again.
Later that night, Cora excused herself directly after dinner ended, not joining her family in the drawing room as usual. Instead, she climbed the flights of stairs to go to her bedroom and care for Robert. Mary and Edith had offered to help with the wound dressing, but Robert had refused them much more profusely than he had Cora when they had gone up to welcome him home after tea.
She felt nervous, even though there was no particular reason for her to be. Her husband was home and he was safe. He had had an emergency surgery a fortnight ago and there were hours when she didn't know if she'd ever see him again, but she did. The doctors managed to save him, to keep him there with her, and now it was on her to help him get better.
Doctor Clarkson had shown her how to dress the wound in fresh bandages and how to apply the creams and tinctures to help the wound heal quicker and better, and hopefully also scar less. He had also told her when to give him what kind of medicine to help manage his pain and minimise his discomfort. She was prepared as best as anyone probably could be and still, she was nervous.
What would it look like, how bad would it be?
Taking a deep breath to calm her down, she opened the door and entered their shared bedroom to find him asleep on the bed. However, he wasn't sleeping as peacefully as she had hoped — his face was pulled into some sort of grimace of constant pain.
Quietly, she gathered the supplies she would need to care for his wound and neatly assembled them all on his nightstand. Then, she took a seat in the chair that was still pulled to his bedside and tried to gently wake him from his uneasy slumber.
Robert heard a familiar, gentle and soft voice ring out to him and slowly, it took him out of his uneasy dream. Almost hesitantly, he came to and found himself face to face with his smiling wife.
"What a sight for sore eyes," he whispered softly, his voice heavy with sleep.
A wide smile graced Cora's features when he slowly reached out his arm for her to take. Gingerly, she put her hand in his offered one. When his fingers closed around her delicate hand, she was surprised by the strength of his hold. He had barely managed to reach out his arm, but his hold was fast and steady. That fact encouraged her, it gave her hope.
"Can you sit up in bed? I am afraid it is time to change your bandages and apply the creams Doctor Clarkson prescribed," Cora said after a while of simply sitting there and holding hands.
Robert nodded and further strengthened his grip on her to hoist himself up.
However, before he could even try to sit up on his own, Cora asked: "Do you want some more medicine to manage the pain? You did not take any this afternoon and you seemed to be in quite some pain when you were asleep just now."
Shaking his head no, he replied: "No, I can manage without." After a few short seconds and seeing her doubting look, he tried to distract her and added: "Are you sure you want to do this? Maybe Cousin Isobel coul-"
"No, Robert. I won't trouble her with this," she retorted sternly. Then, Cora stood up from her seated position to help him sit up in bed as well. "And now, let me help you."
He tried. He truly thought he would be able to do it. After only a second of trying, though, the pain in his abdomen became too much to bear and he wincingly fell back into the pillows. He didn't move, inhaling and exhaling quite sharply as he pressed a hand to his upper belly.
Cora let him catch his breath and then handed him a tiny glass filled with a clear liquid she took from the nightstand. Silently, she urged him to drink it, promising him a sip of water afterwards.
"You don't have to be so brave with me, dear. Take the medicine and it will all be a bit easier, for both of us. I can't bear to see you in such pain, not when there is something I can do to help," she said when he only eyed the small glass, clearly hesitant to sip it.
Begrudgingly, Robert drank the medicine, pulling a funny face at the lingering bitter and unpleasant taste.
They sat in silence for a little while, waiting for the medication to start working its magic. Slowly, Robert's tensely clenched jaw began to relax and his steely grip on the bed frame loosened.
"Let us try again, Cora," Robert said with a determined expression.
It cost him great strength and it hurt immensely, but he did it. They did. Somehow, he got into a seated position and managed to stay there while she unwrapped the white cloth bandages that were tightly wound around his torso.
The less his chest and belly were covered, the more her hands started to quiver. She kept her eyes fixed on the slowly disappearing bandages, until finally, the last of them fell away and she saw the wound.
Her breath got caught in her throat. She had imagined a lot, but nothing seemed to have come close to the reality. The wound was long and crooked, the edges jagged. It was painfully obvious that this had not been a planned operation. The flesh held together by the many stitches was coloured a sort of angry red, and it looked incredibly painful.
"That's why I wanted the nurse here to take care of this, at least in the beginning. I did not want you to have to see this, not when it still looks as bad as this," Robert whispered. He had noticed her hesitation and had seen and felt her movements cease when the bandages were gone.
Cora shook her head slightly at that.
"Why? You are my husband and I vowed to take care of you. I am not a young girl you could scare to death with this. You have been injured and I want to take care of you, that's all there is to it," she said, motioning towards his wound and the medical supplies on his nightstand.
With determination in her eyes, she set about caring for the scarring wound the way the doctor had instructed her to and before long, Robert got to lie back down with a fresh bandage wrapped around his torso underneath his nightshirt. This was exhausting, he had to admit, and he almost immediately dozed off into a light slumber.
Not much later, Cora got into bed next to him after her lady's maid had left the room. Baxter had worked silently and very efficiently so that she would not wake him when she helped Cora get ready for the night.
The mattress shifted when she got into bed, the motion woke him up and he watched as she tried to come closer while still trying to keep some distance between them so that she would not unintentionally hurt him.
"Thank you for doing this," Robert said, his voice heavy with sleep.
"We will manage this, you'll see. Just don't hesitate to take the pain medication from Doctor Clarkson, it is there to help you. You don't have to prove anything to me. It is not admitting a weakness or even defeat. You never have to be brave with me, dear."
Cora sat up in bed and placed an innocent kiss on his lips when he hesitantly nodded in agreement, followed by another one she placed on his jaw. Then, she settled back into bed and pulled the covers up over the two of them.
"Cora?" he asked again shortly thereafter.
She had already begun falling asleep, feeling exhausted after this day, and only managed a small: "Mmh?" in reply.
"I know this is hard for you, all of it. Just know one thing: you don't have to be so brave with me, either," he said firmly in the silence that had fallen over their room. His hand left the space on his belly where it had been resting until then and softly fell into the space between them.
Cora turned off the lights and settled into bed next to him. She couldn't cuddle up to him or even lie too close without possibly hurting him. But she could hold his hand, and so she did.
That night, for the first time in two weeks, she fell into an easy sleep, not haunted by a gruesome nightmare that took her back to the dinner party. She fell asleep with a smile on her face, thinking that finally, things were looking up again. She had her husband back home with her. Robert was lying next to her, he would eventually recover and she would help him as best she could. That was a promise she gave him and herself.
Things would turn out alright for them in the end, she was sure of it.
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adoracora-elizabeth · 9 months
Cobert winter fanfic exchange 2023
Here is my input for the Cobert winter fanfic exchange 2023. Thank you @bella-caecilia for letting me enter.
Theme: Hurt/comfort
My one-word prompt was: 'Seclusion'.
And my dialogue prompt was: “I’m here. Don’t worry.”
The family had gathered for Christmas Eve. Violet insisted that Cora would host this year's Christmas Eve dinner. It was her first Christmas as a Viscountess. She was still figuring out what was expected of her and adapting to the British culture. She did not understand why Violet had insisted she would host this dinner. Violet was the Lady of the house and should be the one hosting dinners.
Rosamund had stepped in and gave Cora some tips on who to invite and how. She had spent hours writing the invitation letters and setting up a menu with Mrs. Patmore. For after the dinner she arranged a string quartet to play in the great hall.
The evening was going well. To Cora’s surprise, the table seating had gotten Violet’s approval. All the guests enjoyed the food and were lively talking with each other. Cora had two men next to her, whom she had never met before. They did talk with her, but she noticed that the way they talked with her was different from the way they talked with other Ladies. It had hurt her, that she was treated differently. She could feel the looks people gave her.
Cora had hoped that by now people would be used to her being American. It had been ten months since she became Viscountess, ten hard months she had to admit. Robert visited her regularly at night, he even spent a full night next to her occasionally. During the day, she hoped he would give her more attention. Be there for her, but it was like he did not genuinely love her.
She had questioned that from the moment they said yes to each other, she had accepted the fact that there was no true love. Even though, she hoped he would stand up for her more. Violet scolded her a lot as if she was a little child. She had gotten looks from her during tonight's dinner, that she could only hope the guests would not notice.
Robert looked at Cora across the table, when you looked at her briefly, you would not think she did not grow up in this environment. She fitted in perfectly, for the fast eye. But Robert knew better, she was not fitting in, at least, the people were not letting her fit in. They secluded her a lot, he could see it in the way the man next to Cora spoke with her. It did not help, that his mother was openly criticizing his wife.
He did not understand it, she asked him to marry for money. He did, there was not a richer, available woman, to be found in England at the moment he married Cora. But his mother had not wanted that woman to be American.
The American in Cora was what attracted him the most to her, besides her stunning appearance. There was a sense of freedom surrounding her, and he loved that. Although the marriage was not grown out of love, he started to feel more and more in love with her. Cora was beautiful, her face was that of a porcelain doll. And her body was irresistible, he loved touching her in every way possible. Robert felt his lips curl up; he could not wait to see her body change in the coming months.
All the guests were in the great hall. Violet and Patrick opened the evening with a dance, Robert and Cora followed. Robert held Cora close, he could see in her eyes, that she was anxious. He could also feel it in her body, she was tense. He could not blame her, the moment they entered the great hall, not a single guest had started a conversation with her. Was there anything he could do to change that?
He felt Cora let out a sigh, he stopped worrying and looked down at her. Did he see a tear in her eyes? It could not be, she was always so strong when they were in company. "What is wrong?" He asked while he kept twirling her around.
Cora got spooked when Robert spoke, she looked up and had to lower her eyes directly. The look in his eyes made her choke up. She felt his hand on her back pull her closer to him. "Never mind." she said, he would not understand how it hurt her, that the guests were talking about her. She overheard two men: 'You see that, she cannot even dance properly' 'Does she even know how….' the rest of that sentence she did not hear, Robert had twirled her around at that moment.
When the music stopped briefly, Robert took Cora's hand and guided her off the dance floor. They stepped outside the great hall.
"Robert?" Cora said surprised. "Where are we going? We cannot leave. Mama will be furious!"
"What happened just now on the dancefloor?" He put his hand on her cheek.
Cora felt her eyes burning, but she was not going to cry. Her emotions were normally not easily to see, but since a couple of weeks, it was hard to supress her emotions.
"Cora, I do not like, that Mama is taking credit for tonight. You organised an incredible Christmas eve dinner and the string quartet was a fabulous idea. Look at everybody dancing."
"Oh, Robert, I will never be good enough, no matter how hard I try."
"Why do you say that?" Robert knew it was a stupid question, it was obvious why she felt that way.
Cora looked at him and gave him a faint smile. "We should go back. I do not want to be scolded in the morning or even worse in front of everybody."
Robert put Cora's face in his hands. "I love you" He saw doubt in Cora's eyes. "I mean it. Darling. I love you." All of a sudden, his eyes lit up. "You know what would make this evening even merrier?"
Cora was shocked, did he say he loved her. Did he honestly say that?
"We should announce our little secret tonight." He put his hand on Cora's abdomen. She was carrying his child, and he could not be prouder of her.
Cora's hand covered Robert's. "Are you sure? Do you think Mama will like that?"
Robert snorted. "I do not care. I like it. This little one will be the next Viscount of Downton and I want the world to know that you made me the happiest men alive." He kissed her passionately and then started to walk back to the great hall.
Even though her mind was racing, she kissed him back. What if there was a little girl growing and not a little boy. Would Robert still be happy?
Robert turned around and stretched his arm out. "We are going to tell this together and you will be the talk of tonight but this time in a positive way. I just know. Come…."
Cora had crawled into a ball; the night had not turned out like Robert had predicted. She had been the talk of the evening indeed, but not in the positive way Robert had hoped. The gossip had only gotten louder and harder after they announced her pregnancy. As soon as she could excuse herself, she rushed upstairs and went to bed.
She heard her bedroom door open and recognised Robert's footsteps. A sudden chilly wind over her back told her he lifted the covers to crawl next to her. Before she knew it, he pulled her against his chest. She tried to stop her tears. It was such a relief that he was with her at this moment. He could have gone to his own bed, but he made the decision to be with her.
Very softly he said: "I'm here, don't worry. You are going to prove to all those stuck-up people that you are better than all of them together." He lowered his hand to her abdomen. "You are growing our little wonder, and we will be a family. Just the three of us. They can seclude you all they want, but one day you will be the Countess of Grantham. The first American-born Countess of Grantham, my wife, my Cora, my pride."
Cora turned around in his arms and faced Robert. "Do you think that I will make you proud one day?"
"One day?" He said surprised. "You cannot understand how proud I am already. You hosted a perfect Christmas Eve dinner; you stood strong while they were gossiping about you. You did not falter, not one second. But Cora, I want you to know, that I do not care about their opinions. I know why I chose you."
"For my money." Cora murmured, lowering her face.
"That was one of the reasons. Yes, you are correct." He put his hand under Cora's chin to lift up her face again. "However, your beauty was what attracted me to you. And when we first started talking, I knew you were an intelligent woman, and I knew I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life." He pressed a kiss on her lips. His hand was still on her abdomen, Cora curled her fingers around his. "And God willing, we will have many more of those wonderful announcements to make in the future.
Cora chuckled. "Let us first see how this will go and then we can see."
Robert crashed his mouth on Cora’s. "As long as I can have terrific fun with my beautiful wife, I am alright with one little wonder." He said when he pulled back for air.
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bluetoblackk · 2 years
finally! my written promt is 'rosy cheeks.' @bella-caecilia, thank you <3
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That’s better.
More a snippet/snapshot than an actual story?
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bonhughbon · 2 years
Well...it's finally here! My Winter Fic is finally here...two days late. But who cares? It's here anyway! 😂 Also, huge shout out to @bella-caecilia for organizing this! 💗 I really had fun in making the cheesiest Christmas rom-com fic in existence
Also on Ao3 right here! Enjoy!! 🫶🏼
Prompt: “Chocolate Bar”
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mrsrobinsong · 9 months
This is my (late) entry for the Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange 2023. My theme was fluff, prompt 'Panacea' and dialogue "You're the only one that matters." This is a scene from my headcanon of what happened after the series finale.
You may notice that I changed "You're the only one that matters" to "Yours is the only one that matters". I hope that's ok!
This is my first time writing Robert, so I hope it turned out alright. Thanks for reading!
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bella-caecilia · 1 year
Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange 2023
It's that time again! I'm making another Cobert Writing Exchange for our lovely Cobert fandom! Last year I organised the Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange and this year I want to open up the theme a bit. I already discussed this idea with a few mutuals on Discord. And this is what we came up with :)
The prompts this year won't be winter/holiday-themed. Every writer can choose a genre and will get a prompt from this category. You're free to write whatever you like within your prompt (pre-canon, post-canon, AU, ...) More details about the prompts/prompt lists for the different genres will follow!
The date to post the fanfics will be January 6, so we have enough time to write and enjoy the holidays :)
If you want to participate, please comment under this post!
Participating so far:
@abumperprize @avoverud @modernamericangirl @mrsrobinsong @ohtobealady @randomabiling
And maybe you guys want to participate too:
@whydidnttheyaskcora @andallthatspookymishigas @adoracora-elizabeth @downton-bridgerton @dream-of-ragtime @fantasy-fallacy-tumblingstone @whatsabriard @bluetoblackk @idoloveouradventures
(I'm sure I forgot some, so please tag whoever you'd like to see here and just comment if you want to participate!)
And if you have cool name ideas for the event, please let me know! Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange is maybe not the best fit when we're going without the winter theme :)
I'm very excited about this! Love yall <3
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dream-of-ragtime · 2 years
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Hey everyone and a very merry Christmas!
Wow, I actually got to finish my contribution to the Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange in time (somewhat). Didn't think I'd make it tbh. Currently traveling through New Zealand and never in my life have I felt so not in the mood, which was why I put it off for so long. But here we are, yay haha.
Anyways, my prompt was "new hope" and this was the card I got. The story is set after ANE, just right before Christmas. Cora finds herself wandering at night to Robert's desk in an attempt to find some spare ink. However, it is not the ink that makes her linger for longer than intended.
Now, I wish you all the best for this Christmas, hopefully you get to spend it with all of you loved ones! And a big shout-out to @bella-caecilia for once again making this possible. I cannot wait to read all of the other contributions, you guys are all so talented and it's always so inspiring to see your work!
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dream-of-ragtime · 2 years
yes, evidently I'm only writing this now last minute, yes, I hate myself.
Anyways, does anyone know in what year exactly ANE is set in? There are several possible years but I really don't want to mess this up, so which one is most likely to be accurate?
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bella-caecilia · 9 months
My contribution to the Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange 2023. My prompts were tryst / "I needed this, needed you." Genre: smut
Set somewhere around S1 in the summertime, Robert plans to take Cora out on a special rendezvous while she hopes for more than just a sweet, innocent time together. Somehow they end up in a very improper situation under the stars.
"It was not planned, and still, Cora had sensed from the start that this outcome had been inevitable. It was just one of the days she needed him more than was reasonable. She needed him, and luckily, he was there for her."
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If you want to read it on AO3, the link is here.
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bella-caecilia · 7 months
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Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange 2023 - All Entries
Here it is finally. The masterpost for this year's winter writing exchange. I want to thank everyone for contributing and sharing such lovely Cobert fics with the fandom! And big thanks to all the people supporting this event as readers and cheerleaders :)
Please leave love and comments on all these wonderful stories if you haven't already!
I was such a fool by @dream-of-ragtime (Prompts: imbroglio / "I was such a fool.") Synopsis: Set in S5E5, in THAT scene, the first part consist of dialogue by the one and only J Fellowes, all credits to him. I explored a little what could have been. Please be aware that there is some discussion of SA in this story, so don't hesitate to skip
Quiver by @ohtobealady (smut & angst) (Prompts: quiver / "I didn't mean it.") Synopsis: I used the dialogue as inspiration. It works as a bit of a companion piece to Ch 4 of Le Langage des Fleurs.
A Long and Happy Life by @mrsrobinsong (Prompts: panacea / "You're the only one that matters.") Synopsis: This is a scene from my headcanon of what happened after the series finale.
Cobert winter fanfic exchange 2023 by @adoracora-elizabeth (Prompts: seclusion / "I'm here. Don't worry.") Synopsis: It is the first Christmas after Robert and Cora are married.
Love in moonlight by @countesscorazelizabethcrawley (Prompts: nyctophilia / "May I hug you?") Synopsis: Nyctophilia: a condition that makes you want to sit in the dark all by yourself late at night, wide awake. and "May I hug you?
Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange 2023 by @juliasdowntonstuff (Prompts: laceration / "You don't have to be so brave with me.") Synopsis: This is set after S6E5 (the bloody dinner episode)
Horse Ride by @sarakmm (Prompts: evanescent / "I already forgave you. I think it's time you forgive you, too.") Synopsis: Edith is injured during her first ride on a horse.
The Pearls by @whydidnttheyaskcora (Prompts: trepidation / "You didn't do anything wrong.") Synopsis: The premise is taken from the Tumblr thread about 'the guilt pearls'. While in London for Rose's wedding, Robert decides to spoil Cora with an expensive gift, while Cora still grapples with the incident surrounding Mr. Bricker.
Tryst by @bella-caecilia (Prompts: tryst / "I needed this, needed you.") Synopsis: Set somewhere around S1 in the summertime, Robert plans to take Cora out on a special rendezvous while she hopes for more than just a sweet, innocent time together. Somehow they end up in a very improper situation under the stars.
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bella-caecilia · 2 years
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Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange 2022 - All Drabbles
The holidays are long over but I finally present you with the finished product of our Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange. I hope everyone had/has as much fun writing and reading all these lovely stories as I did <3 You can find the link to every entry under the respective postcard prompt.
Thank you all for participating and contributing your amazing talents! Love yall <3
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"Handmade Gifts" by @abumperprize
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"Christmas at Downton" (Part 1) & (Part 2) by @adoracora-elizabeth
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"Let's Take the Road Before Us" by @andallthatmishigas
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"Safe In Your Arms" by @bella-caecilia
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"Rosy Cheeks" by @bluetoblackk
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"Downton Christmas Memories" by @countesscorazelizabethcrawley
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"Last Minute Surprises" by @downton-bridgerton
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"A Letter of Gratitude" by @dream-of-ragtime
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"A Sky Full of Song" by @fantasy-fallacy-tumblingstone
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"Evergreen" by @ohtobealady
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"These Are The Special Times" by @whydidnttheyaskcora
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