#coco's losing her mind rn!
enluv · 2 years
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dilfl0v3rss · 11 months
hi coco, i want you to be honest w me and tell me if im in the wrong. So me and this boy, we're exes, but we got back together after a year of not dating, anyways i been hearing shit about him entertaining other bitches dah dah dah and obviously i questioned him about it, and this nigga just be crying to me telling me about how pp always b making rumors on his name, so i said okay and we moved pass that. Like a month passed after that right, tell me why my friend sent me a screenshot, that came off of his story that he BLOCKED me from seeing. and mind youuu she wasn't the one that screenshotted it, it was the other girl that idk about talm bout 'oh her man making her so mad rn.', and believe that shit had me heated. In the screnshot, it was him and these two girls, one of the girls was hugging him from BEHIND, and the caption said 'ye dawg.'SO i texted him, and i said 'yo, are you seeing other ppl?' he gon come talk bout no, why am i asking this and how weird the question, and i told him if he is he should tell me so we can end this now bcs ian rlly wanna waste my time and he continously told me no he's not seeing anyone else, so i send him the fucking picture. This dude is gonna come text my bomboclaat phone bout, "(girls name)" with a fucking rock emoji. so i said okay, bcs if i said anything else it woulda been very fucking disrespectful. then this nga proceeds to ask me if the person sent the picture personally, and istg coco i nearly sent him up under his mother, so i said yes. he say 'ohh make sense.' so i say cool. now he text me like five minutes later, "oh i need a break, tired." so i liked the motherfucking message bcs how the fuck do you need a break after you got caught lacking? and when i did ask him why he blocked me from the post, he's dogdging the question like bitch??
this whole thing just gave me flashbacks ong. the first red flag was the crying. i stg every time a nigga doing some weird shit and feel like shit ab to hit the fan he start crying and acting like the whole world against him. that nigga a whole weirdo fr and it’s time for him to goooo. if he dodging the question he gotta be doing and posting some shit that’ll cost y’all relationship and if it’s that deep then its time to dead that shit wit him and let the bitches have him fr fr. they gon lose em how they get em anyways!!
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kazemi-archive · 2 years
oh kaziiie :c wen ur all done w ur other job n u come home ,, i’ll b ready w sum yummy hot food n den we can go out for waffles [ im driving otay !! ] n den we can come back home n snuggle up under da warm covers w our plushies n i will kinda lose my mind talking to u abt ur kita fic [ im reading it rn !! ] n then we will zzzz all night <3 ilysm ^__^
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coco bbie i am here and ready for snuggles
i did not end up going to work—my car broke down and i walked home :( but i found a cute little kitty and brought her home to feed and take to a vet tomorrow (hopefully)
I luv youuu and your tags on my kita fic made me giggle so much I’m glad you liked it <33 this ask made me smile sm
I’m snuggling up to you rn so we can take a nap 💜
Ive actually collapsed on my couch rn and have broken into my stash of candy—gonna be eating lollipops til I go to sleep
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darlinvandijk · 4 years
Valentine’s Disaster
Concept: Haven’t posted in awhile, I’m very sorry about that, but here’s a nice surprise holiday post while I work on getting myself back to normal. I wrote this today so hopefully it’s not too terrible and rushed, because trust me it’s very rushed. I love you all very much and hope your day is filled with love and happiness. (Ps. Will you be my valentine?) I hope you enjoy :)
I groggily roll over, reaching my arm out to grab onto my boyfriend, only to end up disappointingly grasping cold sheets. Lately Ruel has been in the studio everyday, from sunrise to sunset, coming home so tired to the point that all he does is sleep, leaving us with no time to actually spend together. I just want to be able to spend one day with him, where it’s just us for once, especially on a day like today. I sit up, looking around for any sign of him, instantly spotting what appears to be a sticky note on his bedside table. I roll across the bed to his side, peeling the note off of the table, just to end up with a stomach sinking feeling of disappointment. I keep rereading the note, ‘Didn’t want to wake you, in studio today for new tracks , love you’, a feeling of loneliness taking over my body. I grab my phone, checking for any notifications that maybe Ruel texted me something cute, only to see texts from his sisters and mom, telling me they’re having flowers delivered today for me from them.
I drag myself out of bed, slowly pulling myself into the bathroom so that I can wash up for the morning, even though it’s 12 since I slept in today. I set my phone up with the speaker, hitting play on favorite playlist, before getting into the steaming shower. As I stand under the hot spray of the water, letting it wash all over my skin, I can’t help but think about how everyone I know will be with their boyfriends and girlfriends. They’re all going to be lovey dovey with each other, whereas I’m going to be right here at home, because mine just so happened to forget. My heart clenches as the reality of him forgetting sets in, causing me to finish up my shower with teary eyes.
I pull on a pair of shorts and Ruels golf hoodie, getting ready to spend my day cleaning up the apartment. As I walk out of the room, sliding in my favorite fuzzy socks he got me for Christmas, I can’t help but have a sense of hope fill me. That hope vanishes as soon as I found the corner, seeing that the living room and dining room are indeed empty, no sign of a Valentine’s surprise anywhere. I shrug off the sad reality and get to work on the living room, sliding around and singing along to my favorite songs, hoping to put myself into a better mood.
My singing instantly gets cut off as I hear my phone ring, filling me up with excitement that my bubs might be calling me, causing me to answer without looking at the number calling. “Hey babes! How’s your day going? My brother get you anything I can make fun of him for, we both know he’s such a sap for you” Coco laughs out, Sylvies laugh echoing in the background. I let out a small laugh, sad that it wasn’t my boyfriend, but even more sad that the girls are giving me more attention than he is. I ponder how to reply for a few seconds, knowing that no matter what I say, Coco is going to lose her mind.
“Actually Co, he’s in the studio today, left me a note on his bedside that I woke up to. No flowers, chocolates, or even a text. Like he actually forgot. ” I softly hum out, picking at the sleeves of his hoodie. The call hangs up, causing me to look at my phone with wide eyes, only for it to light up with an incoming FaceTime call. I answer the call, letting out a laugh as Sylvie and Cocos faces are practically pressed against the camera, both of them watching me in shock.
“You’re fucking with me, there’s no way he forgot! Like are you sure he’s just not surprising you with something later today?” Sylvie questions, finding it hard to believe her brother would forget a day like this. I give them a small shrug, turning the camera and showing them the empty apartment, completely free of any surprises. I watch the looks of disappoint that fill their faces, laughing at how they’re just as bothered by it as I am.
“This makes no sense, he literally uses any excuse to spoil you, and uh like it’s Valentine’s? He’s an idiot, I’m sorry babes, I know how much you look forward to celebrating any sort of holiday with him since he’s gone so much” Coco tells me with a small frown gracing her lips, I give her a soft smile back, not wanting the girls to feel bad for something they had no control over. We talk for a little longer, before both girls frown, having to leave for their own separate dates today. I reassure them that I’m okay, sending them off with a grin and blowing a kiss before I end the call, leaving me to sit on the couch with a deep frown glued to my face.
I finish cleaning the place around 3 pm, before settling back onto the couch, this time with a blanket as I put on a movie to keep myself occupied. I get up and walk to the door, opening it to see a delivery man, holding a bouquet of light pink roses out to me. A grin instantly takes over my face at the sight of the flowers, the first real smile I’ve had all day today. “Hello miss, these are for you, and I had special instructions to tell you that these are for you from the best Van Dijk and others” the delivery man states, reading off of a card, causing me to let out a laugh, knowing Coco did that without Kate and Sylvie knowing. I thank him and close the door, making my way to the dining room, setting the flowers into a vase with water on the dining room table, smiling at the way they seemed to light up the room.
I get my phone out and take a short video of the flowers, posting it onto my story with hearts and the caption “from my loves”, knowing Coco and Sylvie would be checking their phones all day until I made a post about their loving surprise. I take one last look at the flowers before grabbing my blanket off of the couch in the living room, and making my way into our shared bedroom, deciding to just spend the rest of my day watching Netflix in the comforts of my bed.
Two hours pass and I’m scrolling through my phone as a movie plays on in the background, when I get a notification from the Van Dijk family group chat, causing me to instantly tense up knowing Ruel is in it. I open it up to end up seeing that it’s Kate asking everyone to send pictures from today so she can post them on Facebook, causing me to instantly cringe that she didn’t know what happened and Ruel was about to get called out.
Before I can even reply to her, in hopes that I can divert the attention from Valentine’s pictures, Ruel replies. I read his text that says ‘Pictures of what? I’m at the studio rn so’, annoyance instantly setting in at how he can’t remember something like this, but I can put in the effort to remember even the smallest of important dates for him. I sit there waiting for someone to reply, because I know damn well I’m not going to be the one to do it first. All of a sudden pictures from Sylvie and Coco come in of them with their boyfriends, just them and their gifts and flowers and balloons, giving me the inspiration to send my own photo to the group chat. I go out to where my flowers sit, setting my phone up with a timer, as I sit on the table with my giant bouquet right next to me, flashing the camera a cheesy grin. I look at the picture and laugh, knowing Kate is going to love it, before hitting send.
All of the girls react to my photo with a heart, even Ralph reacts to it with a heart, before my phone is lit up with an incoming phone call. I let it ring for a few seconds before answering it, already knowing that he still doesn’t remember what today was, and was probably going to jump to conclusions. Let’s just say that usually I’d think jealous Ruel was cute, but when I’m also pissed off, it becomes a lot less endearing. Before I can even say hello to him, he’s already spewing out words, unaware of the thin line he’s riding on.
“Who the fuck sent you flowers, because I know it wasn’t me. Just saw that you also have a post for them? Who are you calling ‘love’, is it that one friend of yours? What’s his name, Matt? The same one that continuously blows up your phone, you told me he was just a-“ He spits out, completely taking me off guard. I let him go on for a bit, before taking a deep breath and cutting him off, because if anyone is going to look like an ass, it’s going to be him.
“Trust me, I think we all know you weren’t the one to get me flowers Ruel. Also if you would have read my post more closely, instead of jumping to a conclusion, you would have seen that it was plural! It was loves, not love, because it was from your family asshole-“ I hiss out, all my pent up emotions from the day finally bursting out, leaving Ruel completely silent on the other end. I take a few deep breaths to ease my shaky breathing before continuing. “Also Matt? Like really? You’re going to accuse me of talking to another guy, when you know I’d never do that, you know you’re the only guy in my life. He’s also like 25 and oh I don’t know, engaged!” I yell out, completely fed up with how my day had turned out.
“What? Why did they send you flowers then? Not like you’ve done anything lately to deserve them” He snaps out, both of us feeding off of each other’s aggravation, making us spew out insults we both don’t mean. I feel my anger just dissipate, leaving me to sit here, my shaky breathing the only thing you could hear in the silence, my eyes turning glossy with unshed tears. I sniffle and wipe at my eyes, feeling the disappointment from the whole day turn into hurt.
“You’re an asshole, you know that? Have fun by yourself tonight and sleep on the couch, like I’m sorry I just wanted to spend time with my boyfriend today, but now I don’t want to talk to you anymore for the rest of the day-“ I spit out, my voice cracking with emotion. I hear a sharp intake on the other end from Ruel, him finally realizing that he passed pissing me off. I take in a deep breath before finishing off the call, “oh and Happy Valentine’s Day.” I emotionlessly state, hearing him about to say something, but getting cut off as I hang up the phone. I walk back into our bedroom and lock the door, deciding to just take a nap, but not wanting him to show up while I’m asleep and try to talk to me. I get under the blankets and grab Ruels pillow, curling my body around it, before falling asleep with tears slowly sliding down my face.
I finally wake up from my nap and lean over to grab my phone so that I can check the time, seeing that it’s already 8 pm and that I have about 20 unopened texts from Ruel. I sit there silently and listen to see if I can hear him in the living room, only to be met with silence, meaning he probably decided to just stay at his family’s house for the night. My stomach rumbles, causing me to get up so I can first go to the bathroom and rinse off my red and puffy tear streaked face, and then slowly make my way out of the bedroom to search for food.
I freeze as soon as I walk out of the room, looking at the trail of rose petals that I’m stepping on, the string lights on the floor of the hallway illuminating the rose path, and all the different pictures of us or candids of me that I’ve never seen before lining both sides of the hallway. I feel my eyes start to well up with tears as I see just how many photos he’s taken of me throughout the years, photos of me that he’s kept saved for himself to look at when he’s not with me. I let out a choked sob as I walk down the hallway, looking from side to side at all the pictures, before making it to the end of the trail, looking up and instantly letting the tears fall down my face. In front of me stands Ruel, holding the biggest bouquet of red roses that he could probably find on such short notice.
“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry sweetheart, I didn’t mean anything I said, or any of the things I tried to say you were doing. I know saying sorry isn’t enough, but I hope you’ll be able to forgive me for being an ass. I’m sorry that I forgot about today, I should have been here with you-“ he starts off, his eyes slightly red rimmed, and his hands shaky as he passes me the bouquet that I can barely hold. I watch him with wide eyes, the tears still silently making their way down my face, completely in awe at everything surrounding me. “I was frustrated at the studio and took it out on you, it was an asshole move I know. I love you more than I could even describe, you’re my best friend and the person I plan on spending the rest of my life with. But I uhm got you some things in hopes of trying to make it up to you as much as I could on short notice” he mumbles out, scratching the back of his neck as he motions around us. I ignore his motion to the stuff around us, feeling my heart swell with guilt as the green eyed boy in front of me pleads with me to forgive him, knowing that he didn’t mean to hurt me.
“I love you so much bubs, you’re my everything. I’m sorry for everything I said and how mad I was. I don’t care about Valentine’s Day, I just wanted an excuse to be able to spend a whole day with you and only have your attention on me and not work. It was selfish of me to be so angry.” I mumble before I pass him back the flowers to look around the room that he’s anxiously waiting for me to hurry up and see, my eyes end up scanning across a basket filled with my favorite candy, a giant tan teddy bear laying across our couch, vases of red roses scattered throughout the living and dining room, rose petals across the floor, balloons in the corner of the room, and then a little box that is now in Ruels hand? I slowly shuffle towards him, watching as he sets my flowers down and anxiously plays with the little box in his hands. I open my mouth to ask him what it is, only for him to shove the box into my hands and scratch the back of his neck anxiously.
“Ruel what’s this? You’ve already gotten me more than enough, I promise it’s okay. Like literally this is the most that anyone’s ever done for me, I really don’t deserve you” I softly state, trying to give him the box back, only for him to move out of my reach and tell me to open the box. I look down at it and open it, only to be left perplexed by what’s in my hands. I lift it out of the box, looking on both sides for any sort of engraving, coming up blank when I find none. He takes in a deep breath, his face starting to take on a pink hue, letting me know how nervous he is. He walks up to me and pulls me into a hug, kissing the top of my head softly, before pulling back a little with his arms still around my waist.
“I-i was actually going to do this a different day, but I figured it would be better to do this now. I want you to know how much I love you and how dedicated I am to our future together.. so that’s ours” he whispers, pressing a kiss to my forehead as I watch him in confusion. I look at it as it rests in my hand, trying to understand what this boy was trying to surprise me with.
“What is ours bubs? I literally don’t know what this is for-” I slightly laugh out, trying to piece it all together. Ruel grabs it out of my hands and pulls his phone out of his pocket, scrolling until he lands on whatever it was he was looking for. He turns the phone to me, causing my head to snap up, staring into his eyes with nothing but love. I jump onto him, his arms instantly wrapping around me and holding me as tight as he can, both of us sniffling from the tears leaking from our eyes. “Are you being serious?” I choke out, pulling back a little bit, watching as his green eyes studied my face with adoration.
“I hope you like it sweetheart, Happy Valentine’s Day-” he mumbles into my ear, swaying us side to side as he holds me against him. I clutch onto him, gripping him as tight as possible as my heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest. My head already filled with all the ideas and possibilities that are soon to come, all with the man I love more than anything. “I can’t wait to start my life with you bubba, because that key to our new house is only the beginning” he states, my hands instantly tangling in his hair as I smash his lips against mine. Honestly who would’ve thought a disastrous Valentine’s Day would be able to become one of the best days of my life.
But now that we have a house and get to really start on our future together, the real question is... is there a proposal on the way?
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ladynestaarcheron · 4 years
Like Pristine Glass - Chapter Eleven
ao3 - ff.net - masterpost (ff.net isn’t working for me rn, so i’ll update chapter eleven there probably tomorrow)
(tagging these cuties: @humanexile @skychild29 @rhysandsdarlingfeyre @candid-confetti ​ @rhysandsrightknee @missing-merlin @azriels-forgotten-shadow @books-and-cocos @sezkins79 @city-of-fae @someonemagical @dusty-lightbulb @messyhairday-me)
hey hey hey!! i’m back with chapter eleven after only two weeks!! i was actually procrastinating writing my poetry essay and working on my novel by writing this, so that counts as productivity, right?
thanks to my fantabulous beta @thestarwhowishes and thank to you all for reading!! i am just floored by all of your support, it means so much to me!!
(and psst!! if you like my writing maybe try out my sideblog where i post original content @liorzoewrites)
anyway, chapter eleven! enjoy!
November 2 - 4 years after
 When Hazar finally arrives at the shop, Maz, Amir, and Xeyale start to tell the whole staff what happened at Amalike Orchards’ berry fair.
“Chokecherry already had booths set up when we got there,” Maz says, grimacing. “With Morrisey’s new novel.”
“And they had agents with them,” Xeyale adds.
Adil frowns. “What do you mean, agents?”
“Publishing agents.”
“They were signing authors at the fair?” Hazar asks, disbelief all over his normally cheerful face.
“Not exactly,” Xeyale says.
“They were taking in manuscripts,” Amir says. “For short stories, we think. We think their plan is to publish a collection of them.”
“And that’s their brilliant archiving strategy?” Nesta says. “Just taking any short story from any writer who shows up at the berry fair and tying it all together into a book?” She shares a look with Adil.  No one appreciates the art of literature anymore.
“It is a brilliant strategy,” Hazar says, reluctant to admit it.
“We think so, too,” Amir says, and Xeyale nods behind them. Before any of them can protest, Amir raises their hands in surrender. “Look, you’re all archivists. Readers. Some of you are writers. But from publishing and marketing standpoints...it goes faster. If one author writes a three hundred page novel, that one author has to have a good idea and a good execution. Or people won’t buy it. But if you get ten authors each writing thirty pages...even if four of them aren’t that great, people will still buy it for the sixth.”
“Or one big name author with a few other smaller ones,” Hazar says. “That’ll sell just the same.”
“But the same number of books get sold,” Adil says. “Don’t they lose money, with all the authors they have to pay per book?”
“More books get sold,” Hazar says.
“It suits a larger audience,” Nesta realizes. “So more people buy it.” Because those six authors they’ll buy the book for are different authors for everyone.
Sometimes Nesta hates individual taste. Especially if it’s poor.
Adil puts his head in his hands. “How many publishing agents do they have?”
“Not many,” Maz says. “We only saw three at the fair.”
“For all those new authors?”
“I imagine the authors aren’t treated very well,” Hazar says, frowning slightly. “But they might not care, if they get published quickly.”
“That’ll be bad for them in the long run, though,” Leyla says, speaking up.
“I agree with you, but again, they might not care.”
“Do we have to start publishing short story collections?” Zeyn asks.
Nesta thinks about what would go into that. They would need to find so many new authors. Sugar Books--and Adil--believes in the separation of genre, so they couldn’t just cram any random ten stories together. It would go against their idea of what the literary world should be. What would that take, to find a variety of authors who write on the same subject, with the enough of the same general style to create harmony, but each unique enough to justify its presence in the book?
She shivers involuntarily, very thankful for Cassian’s shared account.
"We’ll definitely have to start signing more authors,” Adil decides. “We’ll...send out scouts.”
“To Chokecherry?” Maz says.
“No,” Adil says. “But everywhere else. Where authors frequent. We’ll have to go overtime on reading manuscripts. But we will not--” he slams his hand down on the table quite suddenly, startling them all “--compromise on the integrity and quality of literature.”
“Hear, hear!” Zeyn calls, and Nesta suppresses a smile. He catches it and winks at her.
“We’ll split up. Xeyale, Amir, and Nesta, you’ll stay and run the shop. Hazar, you stay here, too, and wait for our new clients. Miri and I will go to Berries’ Rivers, Maz, you go to Privet Falls, Leyla, Wintergreen Glen, and Zeyn, Juniper Hills. We’re talent scouting. Find places authors frequent, approach them, if they’re any good, send them here.” He looks at them all intently.
Zeyn and Nesta exchange a glance.
“Ah, Adil,” Zeyn says, rather timid. “You do know that that’s insane, don’t you?”
“I don’t want to hear it,” he says, already making to leave the room and go back to his office.
“All the gods,” Hazar says, standing up. “I’ve got to go get a cup of coffee.” And he leaves too.
“I mean, that’s insane, right?” Zeyn says.
“I think we’re all in agreement of that, yes,” Leyla says, nodding.
“I think it’s a good idea,” Miri says.
They all look at her.
"Maybe it’s time for a change,” she defends. “Maybe this is the way to do it. This is what they do in the acting industry, right?”
“But this isn’t the acting industry.”
“He’s really stressed about this,” Miri says. “He doesn’t want this place to lose anymore than Chokecherry has already taken from it.”  He doesn’t want any of you to lose anymore than Chokecherry has taken, she doesn’t say, but they all see it in her eyes. “I think it will work.” She stands. “And at any rate...it’s what we’re doing.” She leaves.
“I hate what this is doing to everyone,” Maz complains, and Nesta hates to agree with him, but she does too.
“I can’t believe I’m going to be the only archivist while you’re all off turning into the acting industry,” she says, shaking her head.
Zeyn and Leyla laugh.
"Don’t worry,” Xeyale says, grinning at her. “We’ll be here to keep you company.”
“A real comfort,” she says dryly. She stands too. “Well, I suppose we’ve got work to do. We need to find all the places...authors frequent.” She rolls her eyes.
“Yeah, in a fifty mile radius,” Maz grumbles. “This is never going to work.”
“Don’t say that,” Zeyn says lightly. “It might. And wouldn’t it be great? To discover new talent like that?”
Nesta knows the question isn’t directed at her, but she wonders anyway--what would it be like? In publishing? She didn’t think she’d like archiving before she started; she thought reading was the only thing she enjoyed.
That’s not something she can explore now, though, and that’s why Adil is having her stay here. So she shakes herself and goes to find maps of the surrounding towns.
November 20 - Year of
 She avoided him for days after she snapped. He caught her in the living room when she came back from work one day.
“Wait, Nesta,” he said, jumping to his feet as soon as she walked in.
Nesta stifled a groan. She didn’t want to have this conversation.
She didn’t like that tentative, detached politeness. She was angry.
(And Cassian was anything but tentative and detached. It felt abnormal sharing that with him.)
“Please,” he said. “I just wanted to apologize.”
Nesta said stiffly, “Don’t worry about it,” and tried to push past him.
“No, Nesta,” he said, raising his hands and blocking her path to the hallway. “Not for breakfast. I mean, yes for breakfast, but also...for everything. For bringing you here. For...leaving  you here.”
She froze. He did too.
She moved her eyes from his face. She couldn’t look at him.
Why was everything so hot all of a sudden?
“I...should have known this wasn’t the right thing to do,” he said, slowly, carefully. Nesta could tell he was thinking hard about each word before he said it. “To bring you here and leave you alone. Here, of all places. We thought...I thought it would be good for you. I thought...you would have space and maybe you would want to train and that would be a good outlet for you the same way it is for me and you’d get....”
Better, he didn’t say.
“I’m sorry,” he said. His voice was hoarse and Nesta was scared to look at him so she didn’t.
He sat back down. “That’s...all I wanted to say,” he said lamely.
Nesta kept her eyes averted as she nodded slightly and ducked into the hall, into her room, shutting the door behind her.
He apologized. 
She wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but it wasn’t that.
And he certainly seemed sorry--just by his voice, of course, because she hadn’t seen his face.
He’d thought she might want to train...he didn’t know her at all, clearly. And he hadn’t mentioned all of it; not all that happened in Velaris and the fact that  she was this thing now, but she was glad of it, because all he did say was nearly too much to bear.
And she couldn’t spend the rest of her night going over everything, playing it all back in her head until she knew the words by heart, so she tried to best to put it all out of her mind.
Because...was she supposed to forgive him now?
November 2 - 4 years after
 The staff is gone later that day, as Adil is determined to discover five brilliant new authors before the month is over. Nesta is glad Miri is going with him; she might talk some sense into him.
“Does he actually think Gilameyva’s just bleeding ingenious writers?” Leyla had muttered to her before they all left.
Nesta laughed a little. “He’s just anxious,” she said, echoing Miri.
"I can’t believe I have to go to Wintergreen Glen. It’s so boring.”
"Well, maybe you’ll find a whole new world to fall into.”
"Right. I’m sure we’ll find the next Morrissey in Wintergreen Glen.”
"Why not?” Zeyn had said, appearing next to them. “Morrisey’s from Privet Falls.”
And Morrissey, Nesta thinks to herself as she walks back home, isn’t even that great of a writer.
She doesn’t have to pick up the children from nursery because Cassian’s already got them. It’s quite nice, actually, to be able to spend a little while longer at work locking up and stop for a coffee from Jamal’s without worrying too much.
Aysel is there, too, and she walks back with her. “So,” she says to her, eager to get to the point after what was surely a painful exchange of pleasantries for the town’s resident busybody, “I hear that Cassian of yours has been staying for quite some time.”
"He comes and goes.”
"He’s been here a week.”
“That’s true,” she says.
“I saw him today. He picked the children up. Oh, they’re so cute, you know. Just the sweetest little things.”
“I agree with you.”
“You do such a good job with them!”
“Thank you, Aysel.”
“I remember when they were born. Ooh, Ollie was so tiny, do you remember?”
“Their birth?” Nesta laughs. “Vividly.”
Aysel laughs too, in that hurried way she always does. “Of course, of course. He’s so big now.”
“He is,” she agrees. She can’t believe it, sometimes, how much they have grown in three years. Especially Ollie; he had been so small.
“And his father,” Aysel says, in a tone she thinks is supposed to be sly. “Well, he’s not small, is he?”
“He’s tall,” Nesta says neutrally.
“ Very  tall. Probably the tallest person in Sugar Valley, ever.”
“We had some tall people in for the last Berry Fair.”
“Tallest one now.”
“How tall do you think your boys are going to be?”
“I don’t know.”
“And Ava?”
“Taller than I am, I hope.”
“Oh, don’t say that, dearie. You’re such a darling height.”
They reach their street then, and Nesta might’ve invited her for strawberry tea and jam, but she’s not going to. Confirming personally that Cassian is her children’s father to Aysel is one thing, inviting her inside to meet him is quite another.
“Well, have a good evening, Aysel,” she says.
“You too, dearie. Kisses to the babies!”
 She waves at her over her shoulder and strides up to her porch.
She might’ve guessed something is wrong by the fact that she can’t hear any noise from the inside, but she knows for sure because Cassian rips the door open as soon as she reaches it. His face is pale.
Nesta’s heart drops. “What is it?” A million different scenarios run through her mind, each one worse than the last.
“Come inside,” is all he says.
They rush up the stairs, Nesta’s pulse going faster than it ever has before when he leads her up the stairs and to her children’s bedroom. She braces herself as best she can for when she goes inside, but she knows there isn’t a good way to prepare.
But they’re all there...whole. In three perfect pieces. Nicky and Ollie laying in the beds, Avery standing in between them, her hand on Nicky’s form.
She looks at Cassian, his face still ashen. “What?” she asks.
His eyes widen. “They’re sick!”
Nesta throws a hand to her forehead. For mercy’s sake. “Don’t,” she says, rubbing her temples, “ever deliver news to me that way.”
Her heartbeat back to normal, she joins Avery in the middle of her sons’ beds. She settles herself on her knees and pulls her close. She doesn’t feel hot.
"How are you feeling, ladybug?”
"Good,” she says, slightly muffled against Nesta’s body. She looks up at her. “Nicky and Ollie are sick.”
"Yes,” she says, nodding. Then she looks at Cassian. “It’s flu season.”
"Emilia’s sick, too.”
"Yes,” she says, still looking pointedly at Cassian. “Probably the flu, poor thing.”
He glares at her, but she can see his coloring darkens slightly, which probably would have delighted her once.
She doesn’t hate it, now.
She puts her hand on Nicky’s forehead and then Ollie’s. A fever, each of them. Ollie is sleeping soundly, and Nicky seems like he’ll fall asleep soon.
"Mummy will bring you something to drink,” she whispers to him, dropping a kiss on his forehead.
She leads Avery and Cassian out of the room.
“I don’t want to be sick.”
“You won’t,” she assures her. “You’ll be fine.”
“I don’t want my brothers to be sick.”
Nesta feels the same rush of overwhelming emotion she always does when her children express how much they love each other. “Don’t worry,” she says to her, smiling. “They’ll be better soon. Why don’t you go play outside for a bit?”
“Are you out of your mind?” she says to Cassian when she’s gone. “Do you know what went through my head?”
"They’re sick!”
“Children get sick! People get sick! They’ll get better!”
“Well, I’ve never had children get sick before!”
Nesta softens at the fear in his voice, shining through his eyes as well. “They’ll be fine,” she says in a more gentle tone. “It’ll be a few days...it’s properly miserable to see them, but they’ll be fine. I only don’t want to keep Avery here...I don’t want her to get sick, too. Normally I’d ask Miri and Adil,” she says, talking more to herself. “But they’re gone, and I can’t ask Amorette. I guess I’ll keep her in my room. Oh, and I’ll have to stay here. Oh, but I’m alone at the store....”
"You’re alone at the store?”
"Yes, Adil’s got everyone traipsing around the country, looking for authors,” she says, waving a hand. “Unless...when are you going back?”
“Not before they’re better.”
Nesta straightens. That was the right answer. “Well, could you watch them during the day?”He nods, his expression casual, but Nesta can tell he’s terrified.
"It’s really not that big of a deal,” she says. “I’ll show you which medication to give them, how often. I’ll make soup. They’ll need fluids. Oh, and Nicky can’t have plain water when he’s sick, he’ll need tea...I’ll write this down for you...but it’s not like I’m going to be leaving you alone,” she adds at the sight of him. “It’s not like I’m going anywhere. Just work.”
“I know,” he says. Hesitates. “I just...”
Nesta puts down the pen she’s picked up and crosses the room to his side. She moves her hand to take his, but thinks better of it. “You don’t need to. They’ll be fine. So will you. You’ve been...” her eyes dart around the room, but she meets his gaze when she says, “very helpful. This week.”
His head lifts slightly, and that all-too-familiar cocky grin appears. “Yeah?”
“Yes. In fact...” Now Nesta hesitates. “Maybe...if you would feel comfortable...you could spend the night with Avery at Miri’s house?”
His grin slides off his face.
“If it’s too soon,” she says quickly, “then--you know what? Forget--”
“No!” he says. “No, I can! I can--sure. At Miri’s...yes. I can. I know what she needs. I can...yes.”
“All right,” she says, relieved somewhat. “I’ll...make you a list.”
“And...she’ll have flying lessons tomorrow. Maybe you’d like to go with her? And I’ll stay home with the boys?”
Nesta’s never seen his eyes light up the way they do now.
November 12 - 1 year after
 She didn’t feel exactly ill, but she felt off. Like the world had been tilted a few degrees. She had been hungrier than normal for her the past week or so, but it’s not till that day she wondered if something was wrong with her.
Only briefly. Then she pushed the thought aside. Things were going well, and she didn’t need to look for something to be upset about.
"Good morning, Nesta,” Zeyn greeted her cheerfully. How was he always so happy all the time? It was jarring.
"Hello, Zeyn,” she said, rubbing her temples.
“No...” she said, because her head didn’t hurt, it just felt...weird. “Just tired.” Perhaps that was it.
“I’ve got a lot of new books today. Maybe you’d like to read one. Do you like mystery?”
“It’s all right,” she said. Most mystery novels were predictable to her. “I’ve got to finish mine, though.”
“How have you been with all those?” he asked, following her to the back room.
All that is Holy, she thought. “It’s going well, thanks.” It was reading. And fixing up books. And setting a price. As long as you could read, it wasn’t hard.
“I just get so overwhelmed sometimes,” he said. “You know, all those books. In such a short amount of time. And how do you set a price!”
“Length and demand,” she said, frowning slightly. How else would you set a price?
“Yes, but it’s hard to foresee demand at a store that sells used books,” he said. “I imagine it’s even more so for you, because human-authored books are so unpopular. Not that they aren’t good! Just so, I guess, uncommon. Yes, that’s the word. It’s rare to come across one. But now that the Wall is down, we might trade more. It’d be really fascinating, don’t you think, to see what books are popular with humans. Don’t you think? Nesta?”
“Just...” Nesta said, “I. Oh. Oh, I have to...” she trailed off, not being able to hear herself suddenly.
“Here, lie down.” She could feel a pair of warm, strong hands lower her gently to the ground. Oh, it felt so-- wrong , to be touched like that. By another male’s hands. Oh, she didn’t like it...
The room was spinning. She could hear more voices. Emerie was yelling. No, not Emerie. Not Emerie, right? Who was that? Who was speaking?
Someone was saying her name. Someone...but she couldn’t hear.
And then she couldn’t see.
November 2 - 4 years after
 Cassian’s still has yet to regain his power of speech, but it doesn’t matter, because Ava keeps the conversation going on her own.
“And I will put my horse here, and I will put my dog here, and I will put my owl here...” she sing-songs, placing her stuffed animals in various spots on the bed he has set up for her in Miri’s house.
She’s ready to go to sleep, after being fed  and bathed at Nesta’s house. But she wants to set up the room the way she likes it first.
"And I want...my giraffe.”
“Your giraffe?” Cassian repeats, looking around. “I don’t see...”
“Nicky has it.”
“Nicky has it?”
“But Nicky’s at home.”
“Let’s go get it.”
“Well,” he says, wishing Nesta were here, “we’ll go home tomorrow morning, and we’ll bring your giraffe then.”
Ava looks outraged. “I want it now!”
She hadn’t mentioned this. Nesta didn’t say anything about a giraffe. And he’s never been out with Ava before; how was he supposed to know? “But...we’ll let Nicky have it. Because he’s sick. Just for tonight.” Maybe that tactic will work?
Ava considers it. “Tomorrow I will get my giraffe?”
He’s nothing if not strategic. “Yes. Tomorrow.”
“Not tonight?”
“No, not tonight.”
Ava thinks some more. “All right, tomorrow.”
Cassian breathes a sigh of relief. Ava’s been throwing crisis after crisis at him. He feels like a novice, back when he did simulations. When his commanders had given them every possible thing that could go wrong, all at the same time. There was an Illyrian expression that loosely translated into “difficult training makes for an easy battle”--but there is no training for parenting and it is by no definition an easy battle.
“Tell me a story,” she orders him when he finally convinces her to get into bed.
Cassian nods. Nesta had told him one as they packed, reciting the important lines a few times over for him to memorize. “I’ll tell you the one about Jack,” he says.
“No, I don’t want Jack.”
"Well,” he says, trying to keep a level head. “What...story do you want?”
“Not a Mummy story.”
“What’s a Mummy story? Oh, not one of Mummy’s stories.” She wants one of his? Nesta wouldn’t like him telling any Illyrian tales...and he doesn’t think it’s a particularly good idea either. “Maybe...” Cassian rack his brain.  He has stories, doesn’t he? One of them must be child-friendly. Or he can edit it to make it so.
Had he ever gone on some sort of quest that didn’t end in bloodshed?
“Not too long ago,” he says, in the way Illyrian tales always start, realizing as he begins that it’s quite eerie, but no matter, “there was a male who loved a female very much. And the female loved...very much...more than anything in the world...chocolate.”
Ava laughs. “I love chocolate!”
“You do? Well, the female loved chocolate so much, but there was one type of chocolate she loved more than all the others. But she hadn’t had it since she was a little girl, and she now lived very far away from the place where they made it. One day, she was very sad...and he knew only that chocolate would make her happy again. So he decided he would travel to find it.
“He had to cross an ocean and many lands, for only one tiny little town across the world made this exact kind of chocolate. When he got to the tiny town, he searched and searched for the chocolate shop. And then...he found it. And he bought some chocolate...and he brought it home...and then the female was happy again,” he finishes lamely.
Ava looks at him, unimpressed. He doesn’t blame her. Although in his defense, it had been more exciting when it had actually happened.
“Tell it again!” she says.
He does, trying to make it sound better this time around, but he isn’t very good at it. He might’ve laced the story with bits and pieces of other (real) quests he had been on, but he isn’t sure what he’s allowed to say.
After the second time, Ava looks at him thoughtfully. “That was not a good story,” she tells him.
He laughs a little. “I’m sorry. Should I tell you the story about Jack?”
He recites the story Nesta had told him, exactly the way she had instructed, and Ava is thrilled. She laughs and claps along.
"Again!” she says when he finishes. And again and again.
Until he says, “It’s time for you to go to sleep, now, Ava.”
"So let’s go home.”
“We’re sleeping here tonight, Ava, remember?”
To his horror, her eyes well up with tears. “I want to go home with Mummy and Nicky and Ollie.”
“Don’t cry,” he says, fretting. “Don’t--it’s okay, don’t--oh....”
“I don’t--want--to stay here,” she sobs. “I want to go home!”
“I’m sorry...we’ll go home tomorrow, Ava.”
“I want my giraffe!”
“But we said we’d let Nicky have the giraffe tonight, don’t you remember?” he says desperately. But Ava doesn’t care. He can’t quite make out exactly what she’s saying and he doesn’t know what to do.
So he picks her up out of bed and lays her against his shoulder. “It’s okay,” he says, trying to bounce her. That’s how to calm children down, right?
“I don’t want to stay here all by myself!” Her cries are muffled against him.
“Well, you’re not all by yourself,” he says. “I’m here. I’m staying with you.” Would that be enough?  Please let that be enough. He doesn’t know what he’ll do if that’s not good enough for her. Just for one night.
She sniffles a little and lifts her head, looking up at him with his own eyes. Except so innocent, so pure. “Can I sleep in your bed?” she asks, voice still wavering.
Relief crashes over him. “Sure,” he says. “Of course.”
The smile she gives him is vibrant, and he marvels at how little he loved her at the beginning of the week compared to now.
November 30 - Year of
 She’d told her sister, once, that the last thing she would want would be to be remembered as a coward. She felt like one now.
Like a coward and angry and hurt, perhaps, more than anything. Which made her feel stupid.
Sometimes Nesta thought she felt too much.
After Cassian had apologized, she’d fled to her room and avoided him successfully for over a week. It was made easier by the fact that he did have to leave a few times during the week, to one of those neighboring camps he always went off to.
She didn’t want to think about it. Especially the pain. Because if he had hurt her...she didn’t let herself finish the thought.
But one afternoon, at work, while counting out jackets in the back, she heard Emerie say, “What are you doing here?”
And then she heard him reply, “I came to see Nesta.”
She nearly dropped the jacket she was holding. She normally felt him before she heard him. Where had that gone? It was of no use to her when they were both in the house, and now it was too late to sneak out the back, because he was coming.
"Nesta,” he said, pushing open the door.
“The sign says ‘employees only’,” she blurted out, which she knew was the stupidest thing she could have said, but it was too late.
“Emerie said I could go in.”
“I needed to talk to you.”
“It couldn’t wait? I’m working.” Perhaps he’d make some snide comment about working in a clothier as opposed to being the Night Court’s Emissary and then she could pick a fight over that and kick him out of the shop and they’d go back to the way things were when she got here. Except she’d have Emerie and her drinking habit more under control, so it’d be better. 
But he just said, “I know. I’m sorry, it couldn’t wait. I’ll be leaving again soon. For about five days, I think. Maybe longer. And I couldn’t go without...” he trailed off. Ran a hand through his hair and let out a frustrated sound. “I keep doing things wrong with you, Nesta. 
She averted her gaze. She couldn’t do this. This was too much. And if he mentioned...that day...the battlefield...she didn’t know what she would do.
But he did.
“I promised you time, once,” he said softly.
No. No, she could not do this.
“I have to go,” she managed. She pushed past him, quickly, careful not to touch him.
“Wait, Nesta, please--”
“Nesta,” Emerie said, turning as she entered the room. “Where are you--?”
But Nesta didn’t stay to hear her finish. Instead, she ran.
November 3 - 4 years after
 This time it is Nesta who rips open the door as soon as she hears Cassian approaching.
“Mummy!” Avery calls, reaching her arms out for her.
“Hi, ladybug,” Nesta croons. She holds her tightly against herself. “I missed you so much.”
She had regretted sending Cassian out with her the moment they had gone. She hadn’t spent a night away from them, ever. She had never not tucked them into bed. And now...Avery had had a night without her. It felt like she should look different. There should be some mark upon her face.
But her daughter looks just as she did last night, just as cheerful and chattery. Cassian looks relatively unscathed, too, if a bit tired.
“Did you have fun?” she asks her as she ushers them inside.
“Appa told me a boring story,” Avery says, and wiggles out of Nesta’s arm onto the ground. “I want some orange juice in my purple cup, please.”
“Boring story?” Nesta says to Cassian.
“She didn’t want yours. And I didn’t want to tell her something you wouldn’t approve of. She still asked for it again, anyway,” he says defensively.
Nesta looks at him. “And you told it to her?”
“Yes.” Now he looks unsure. “And then she wanted yours...so I told that one, like, three times.”
Nesta shakes her head. She looks at Avery. Her daughter knows how to get what she wants, that’s for sure. “Did she ask to sleep in your bed, too?”
“...is that bad?”
Nesta rolls her eyes. Avery wraps everyone she meets around her little finger. Why should her father be any different?
“How are Nicky and Ollie?” he asks.
"Still ill,” she says. “The main thing is just to keep them on a constant stream of fluids so they don't dehydrate. Soup, if they feel up for it. Talk to them if you can, but they might be too tired.”
“Shouldn’t we take them to a healer?”
She hadn’t realized how much she’d appreciate hearing him say  we . “We don’t need to,” she says. “It’s the common flu. They’ll be fine.”
“So...you never take them to the healer? If they have the flu?”
“It’s not necessary if it lasts only a couple of days,” she reminds him, “for adults and children both.”
“Not the same,” she explains patiently. “They can digest medication. Infants can’t.”
She finishes putting Avery’s breakfast in front of her. “When you’re done, Mummy will take you to nursery.”
“I want to say hello to Nicky and Ollie.”
“Finish your breakfast and then go,” she says to her. Then she says to Cassian, “Well, other than that...how was it?”
“She cried,” he admits. Then he grins. “But I calmed her down.”
“By letting her sleep in your bed.”
“Why is that not allowed?”
Nesta shakes her head again. “You were only with her. What if they all wanted to sleep in your bed?”
“What then?”
“They would kick you out and you would end up on the floor.” Nesta had thought moving them into their own beds would be a hard step, and it was, but as soon as she woke up from her first night alone in over two years, she didn’t miss it anymore.
Cassian laughs. “I can take them.”
Nesta hides a smile. “Finish up, Avery,” she says. “It’s almost time to go.”
She busies herself around the kitchen with nothing in particular, just feeling his eyes on her.
November 12 - 1 year after
 She could hear everyone around her before she could see them. Low, hushed voices. Some whirring sound, too. She shivered from the cold and from something else.
“Oh, she’s waking up,” she heard someone whisper.
“Nesta?” another voice said. Miri, from Sugar Books. What was she doing here?
Nesta opened her eyes. Where was here, exactly?
Here was a small room Nesta didn’t recognize. Pale blue walls decorated with tiny sugar berries; the sheets on the bed she was lying on the same design. The curtains on the window were a cheerful yellow and the expressions on Zeyn and Miri’s faces were anything but.
“Can you hear us, Nesta?”
Nesta struggled to sit upright. “Of course I can hear you,” she said, grumbling slightly. “What are these?” She shook her arm as she spoke, at the needles prodded inside her. She was in an infirmary of some kind. She vaguely remembered blacking out at the store, but since she could feel no pain, she assumed she was fine. Probably just dehydrated. After all, she had been Made. The epitome of perfection, was she not? She didn’t get sick anymore.
“Fluids,” Zeyn said unhelpfully.
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Of course they were fluids. But Zeyn was harmless, if annoying, and she didn’t want to start an antagonistic relationship with the coworker who clearly liked her best.
“You blacked out,” Miri said, her wide dark eyes searching Nesta’s face. “We brought you to the clinic. A healer is seeing to you. Her name’s Amorette. She’s fairly new here, but I’ve been told she’s very good.”
Nesta nodded. “Thank you for bringing me here,” she said, hoping they’ll hear the dismissal.
They do. “Feel better, Nesta,” Zeyn said, reaching her hand to squeeze it. She tried not to flinch.
“We’ll be by to check in on you,” Miri said.
Oh, for the love of all things Holy. “That’s very kind of you, but I’m sure I’ll be fine.” She smiled as she spoke, hoping she did so normally.
Cassian used to make fun of her forced smiles. You look like you’re in pain.
Why was she thinking of him all of a sudden?
They left as the healer stood in the room. She looked to be about Nesta’s age--although with Fae, you couldn’t really tell, could you? But at any rate, a pretty, High Fae female, with light blue eyes and blond hair that kept tied at the nape of her neck.
“Good afternoon, Miss Archeron,” the healer said. “I’m Amorette Dadashov. I’ll be your healer today. May I come in?”
Nesta raised an eyebrow. “Sure,” she said, pleasantly surprised at the healer asking permission.
Healer Dadashov closed the door behind her. She was holding a notebook in her hand. “I can see all your vitals have returned to normal,” she said, without checking them like a mortal nurse would have to. “All things considered.”
"All things considered?”
“Yes,” she said, flipping through the pages of her book. “I understand you’re new in town?”
What on Earth did that have to do with anything? “Yes.”
“And, forgive me, you’re here alone?”
Nesta’s eyes narrowed. “Yes.”
“And you’ve not been to our clinic yet, correct?”
“Correct.” Shouldn’t that all be in her book? Why is she asking all this?
“So your options have not yet been explained to you?” Dadashov looked Nesta in the eye as she spoke.
Nesta’s patience was wearing thin. “Look,” she snapped, “I really don’t know what you’re talking about, and I’d very much like if you could just tell me what happened and what I have to do so it doesn’t happen again and let me go. Please,” she added as an afterthought. It didn’t sound very gracious.
Dadashov’s eyes widened. “Miss Archeron,” she said, not quite stuttering but certainly with none of the confidence she’d had before. “You do...I mean...you know that you’re pregnant?”
Nesta’s favorite book as a child was about magic. It wasn’t called magic, of course, for in the tiny human section of their island, magic was shunned. But that power to manipulate nature; that was what it was. The heroine was a girl named Avery, and Avery’s villain was a woman who could make things vanish. The most terrifying part of the story, in eight-year-old Nesta’s opinion, was the part where the villain made the floor vanish right from underneath Avery, and she fell and fell for miles until she could get her magic working to pull herself back up.
Nesta felt that. But there was no one to pull her back up. Because she was alone. There was only falling.
“I...can see you did not know,” Dadashov said softly. “All right, well...” She pulled a chair towards the bed and sat down. She gripped Nesta’s hands, hers a warm peach next to Nesta’s stark white. “It’s going to be all right,” she said soothingly. “The clinic is very well prepared for any option you choose. We have three healer’s for female reproduction, myself included. We’re all more than capable of treating you in whatever...oh, dear. Here,” she said, passing her a wad of tissue paper.
“Oh,” Nesta said, taking some and wiping her eyes. “Oh, er, tha--” 
But she choked on her words.
What was she supposed to do?
“I can’t be pregnant,” she whispered aloud. Because she couldn’t. Then she realized--she truly couldn’t. “This...can't be possible. I haven’t...been with anyone in months.” Even with the gravity of the situation, Nesta still felt a slight blush creep up on her cheeks. Perhaps she had not entirely thrown out the excessive modesty of her upbringing with her few months of numerous partners in Velaris, and the few months living with Cassian.
Oh,  Mother.  Cassian.
“It’s...possible for a female to get pregnant months after intercourse,” the healer said slowly, carefully, like Nesta was an idiot.
“It is?” she replied, feeling like one.
Of course, Nesta thought, thinking it through. Because her cycle was so slow...and that meant her whole system was so slow...and if pregnancy once would have occurred a few days after sex, now it happened months.
And she had stopped taking the potion. Because she had stopped sleeping with people. But that didn’t matter, because it had only been...Nesta counted backwards in her head...a month since she had last slept with Cassian.
(A month? Had it really only been a month?)
Nesta put her head in her hands. “All right,” she said, summoning her nerve. “Tell me about the other two healers.”
“Well,” Dadashov said, slightly taken aback, “there’s Huseyn Por--”
“Er, yes.”
“No. The other one.”
"Marya Kamal. She’s brilliant, one of the best in the field. We’re lucky to have her. Her studies--”
“How old is she?”
“Er,” Dadashov said, eyes darting around. “I believe...twelve-hundred, or so?”
“No. You, then. All right.” Nesta paused to take a deep breath. “I don’t know anything about faerie reproduction. I wasn’t born faerie. And I...can’t have this baby.”
Eugh, why did she say baby?
Dadashov’s eyes go even wider.
She’s a patient from Hell, she imagined. But Healers liked a challenge, didn’t they?
November 3 - 4 years after
 The day spent with his sons is miserable. He sits with them all day, talking to them while they’re awake and running his hands down their backs while they sleep. Nicky seems to be doing a little better towards the late afternoon, and sits up to have soup, but Ollie barely takes the water Cassian makes him drink.
He’s beyond relieved when Nesta and Ava come home.
Ava rushes up the stairs ahead of Nesta. “We’re going to flying lessons now, Appa,” she sing-songs. “We’re going now, we’re going now, we’re going now.”
"Hi, angels,” Nesta says, coming into the room and sitting by Nicky. “How are you feeling?” she asks him, putting a hand on his forehead.
“Better,” he says, but his voice is still so weak.
Nesta kisses the top of his head and hugs him. “What about a bath? Would that make you feel better.”
He shrugs into her.
“I think it would,” she says, standing up. “How’s Ollie?”
“Sleeping, mostly.”
“Poor angel,” she sighs. “All right, you go on to flying lessons. Have fun, Avery. Say hello to Madam Sabina for me.”
“Bye-bye, Nicky! Bye-bye, Mummy! Let’s go now, Appa!”
Ava takes his hand and starts dragging him towards the door. “Bye,” he says over his shoulder. “We’ll come back soon.”
“Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go now!”
Ava keeps up variations of her chant until they arrive at one of the parks where flying lessons commence. The children all look to be around her age, accompanied by a parent or two. They’re all various types of lesser fae, none of the likes of which he’s seen in the Night Court.
Madam Sabina is a round, pink female with large, feathery wings. 
“Hello,” he says, introducing himself. “I’m here with Ava.”
“You’re her father?”
“Yes. Nesta’s at home. With the boys. They’re sick.”
“Ah, flu’s going around. All right, then. Normally I fly with the triplets, but good. You’ll do it. Wonderful. Are you excited to fly with your Daddy, Ava?”
“He’s my Appa,” she says. And then she starts singing again, “We’re at flying lessons now, we’re at flying lessons now.”
Madam Sabina shrugs. “Excited enough, I guess. All right, students!” she cries, clapping her hands. Let’s all gather around in a circle--mummies, daddies, uncles, let’s get behind them. Let’s start our stretching exercises.”
"Hi,” says the female next to him in the parents’ circle. “I’m Nuray, Zehra’s mother. I’m a friend of Nesta’s. You’re the triplets’ father, right?”
He nods. “Cassian,” he says.
“Nicky looks so much like you,” she says. “Where are the boys?”
“They’re sick,” he says, wondering how many friends Nesta has here, or if everyone who has a child in the same age group counts as a friend. “The flu.”
“Oh,” she says, clucking. “Poor dears. Well, it’s going around. Nice that Nesta’s got you here now, to help out. Especially with Zeyn gone.”
“Oh, yeah,” he says, struggling to maintain a casual tone. “Good stretching, Ava,” he says to her.
“All right, now, let’s just flap our wings. Just like that. No, Fidan, not too fast! We’re just flapping, we’re not flying! All right, good!”
Ava grins up at him. “I already know how to fly,” she tells him.
“Oh, do you?”
“I’m so good at it.”
“I bet you are.”
“We’re not allowed to fly until Madam Sabina says it’s okay.”
“That’s right.”
“Because we have to stretch first because it’s very important.”
“It is very important, you’re right.”
“And, now we’re going to run all the way over there and then back again, all right? Go!”
Ava shoots off as fast as she can, making him laugh in delight. He feels a rush of gratitude towards Nesta for giving them such a beautiful, quiet place to learn to fly.
"I think it’s great that you’ve moved back in,” Nuray says. “In a town like this, people talk, but they’re good. People talked when my wife and I separated, but now we’re back, and people stop talking, you know?”
"Er,” Cassian says. “We’re not--I mean, I’m not--I don’t...live...here.”
“Oh!” Nuray brings a hand to her mouth. “Oh, I’m sorry! I just...assumed. I’m sorry.”
“No, that’s all right,” he says, eyes darting around. This is so--weird. Sugar Valley is so weird. People he doesn’t even know congratulating him on moving back in with Nesta. No one here knows who he is. No one here has served in any military. He’s not even sure Gilameyva has a military. It’s so detached from Prythian, so different.
“Well, at any rate...I think it’s great that you’re stepping up.”
“Thanks.” Is this a normal conversation?
Thankfully, Ava comes back then.
“All right, everyone,” Madam Sabina announces. “Pair up, pair up. We’re going to go up! Stand by your partner!”
Ava stands in front of Cassian, beaming up at him.
“Okay, just high enough to their heads. Now...up!”
Ava kicks herself off the ground--it isn’t graceful in the least, but he’s so proud, prouder than he’s ever been in his life.
“And now we’re all going to do a lap around the park together. No higher than six feet, parents! And uncle!”
Ava takes his hand as they fly together. He’s going abnormally slow, but he doesn’t care at all.
Chapter Twelve
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Favorite beverage: Just your good ol’ cold water. If I wanna treat myself I’ll get milk tea. When was the last time you had ketchup? Ooh I don’t remember...it would probably be 3-4 weeks ago. Or whenever the last time we had lumpia was, because I like drowning that shit in ketchup. Have you ever had a red hotdog? Yeah frozen hotdogs is a favorite snack here and they’re usually red. We usually have them for breakfast, it’s served in parties, it’s in every school caf, etc. What is the most recent gift you've been given? So my uncle has his budding cooking business and sells different dishes everyday. His most recent bestseller is burnt basque cheesecake and while I’ve always wanted my own because it looks SO good, I just haven’t had the money to allot for it. I was really surprised when my grandma called me up today and told me she had ordered an entire cake for me as a graduation gift :) I asked my dad to pick it up from her place this afternoon and it’s crazy delicious.
Is what you're wearing comfortable? Yeup, now that it’s cooler. I sweated through my top when it was hot earlier though, and that wasn’t a comfortable situation at. all.
Did you leave the house today? Nah. I did step out to help my dad with the groceries, but that was it for today’s adventure. Are there bumper stickers on your car? No. If I wanna put stickers on my car I would rather have them on my rear window, and not directly on my car. Are you watching tv right now? What? The dining room TV is turned on but I’m not watching; my dad likes to have it on to listen to the evening news while he cooks dinner. Are you wearing anything blue? Nope, it’s all black for me today. Do you have a job? Not yet. Is your car messy? No. There’s really no reason for it to be, I’ve only driven out once since March. When did you last have whipped cream? I...can’t recall, actually. We don’t have whipped cream at home and I don’t think I ever ordered anything with whipped cream on it shortly before lockdown. How far away is the closest house? 10-20 steps away, depending on how big your stride is. What street do you live on? I’m not dropping that on here. The most I’ll tell you is that our streets are named after tropical cities, haha.
What is your favorite flavor of smoothie? Used to not like smoothies 100% because of the presence of fruits in them, but thanks to my friends Apple and Ed introducing me to Go Salads I’ve come to really like their Breakfast Smoothie – which, after looking up their menu just now, has apple, banana, cinnamon, oats, coco sugar, chia seeds, greens, and soy milk. Are you dating anyone? Yes ma’am. What color is you computer? Silver. Do you own an iPod? What color is it? Technically I still do but only because I haven’t thrown it out. It’s a blue iPod Nano. What is the most recent picture on your phone/camera of: A photo of the aforementioned burnt basque cheesecake. I was planning to post a Facebook status to promote my tito’s business and show my support, so I asked my sister to take a few aesthetic shots of the cake for my post to look presentable. Have you ever shot a gun? No. I’ve shot a fake one that belonged to Athenna’s dad, which he used for like target practice or something. What temperature is it? 31C.
Do you know anyone with a third nipple? No but Harry Styles has four, HAHAHA. There’s your random fact for the day. What do your parents do for a living? My dad’s an executive sous chef and my mom’s a secretary in her specific department in the hotel she works in. Both have always been in the hotel and restaurant industry. Have you ever had a pet that had babies? No. We’ve avoided female dogs because we know we’re not capable of caring for newborn puppies, so instead of potentially being reckless owners we’ve just not had female pets altogether. Which grocery store is closest to you? A local mall chain that has their own grocery, SM. Do you have a hamper in your room? Nah, my parents prefer a general hamper in the bathroom. Do you know anyone that's a nurse? Yes, I have several aunts and as far as I know, one cousin :) I feel really bad for them especially in these times, but they’re such strong people and they just keep powering through and powering through. Do you know someone with the name Alaina? Not that I can recall. What color is the blanket on your bed? Off-white. What are your parent's middle names? No thank you. Have you ever broken a bone? Never. Do you wear braces or glasses? I wore braces in high school, and I’ve had glasses since Grade 5. What color are they? I picked a different color for my braces for every monthly visit cause it made me feel quirkly; my glasses’ frame is dark brown. Are you currently reading a book? Not currently, no. When did you last get your blood drawn? Ughhhhh, cringed reading this haha. Last May when I needed to get a blood test done. Have you ever done hard drugs? Nopes. How many contacts are in your phone? I just know I have a lot, but Apple doesn’t tell you exactly how many and I don’t feel like counting all of them right now. Does your toilet have a seat cover? It has a lid cover, but not a seat cover. What's currently on your grocery list? My dad did the groceries today so we’re pretty stocked rn. What things do you take with you everywhere? My glasses, car and house keys, phone, wallet. Do you know someone that is/was over 100 years old? Gab’s great-grandma was like 106 or 107 by the time she passed. Was your HS principal a girl or a boy? Girl. I went to an all-girls school so it would honestly be a little peculiar if we had a male principal. Have you ever eaten a raw egg? Nah. I wanna try it out though, just for funsies. Do you own any rings? Gab got me this cheap ring for the shits and giggles, but I stopped wearing it when it started turning pink and smelling weird. So no.
If you were to get a new puppy what would you name her? We did get a new puppy! ;) But should we get another, the name will depend on the puppy’s attitude and overall vibe. That’s what we did with Cooper, who was named after Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory because he had been a smartass from the very first minute we played with him. Have you eaten fruit today? No. What about milk? Even more nope haha. I can’t have it all the time. What letter does your state start with? We don’t have states. My province starts with the letter R. Could you list all 50 states? I’ve listed them down on countlesssssss occasions but I always only come up with 35-45 states. I’ve observed that the ones I always forget about are the states in the middle of the map/country-ish states hahaha. What about their capitals? I know a good number of the states’ capitals, but I’ll still undoubtedly do worse. What internet browser do you use? I’ve been on Chrome for the longest time. Do you know anyone that lives in Wyoming? I don’t think so. Do you smoke cigarettes? Yes, starting this year lol. Which person you know has the most unique name? I’m sure I know more unique ones out there but the first names that came to mind are friends of mine named Bernadean, Jeuel (pronounced Jay-well), and Jabes. Oh and I also have an aunt named Marheedoll. Do you know someone that's missing a limb? I don’t think so, no. Do you have facial hair? I do not. Are you a bad person? Not when it comes down to it. I have my petty moments though. What was the last swear you said? I almost yelled the word puta in front of my dad earlier, but I slurred the word and made random noises to avoid saying the full thing haha so it kinda went like puuuuutehshahjskhf. Have you ever called the police on someone? No. What is the most amount of pets you've had at one time? Three – one dog and two birds. When did you last check your email? Last night. I wanted to check if I received any email from the college. Have you ever had a 3rd degree burn? Nope and that sounds so painful, I never want to sustain one. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? I haven’t. How long is your hair? Right now it reaches only my collarbones. I had it cut fairly recently, so it’s still on the shorter side. Do you lock your doors at night? The doors on the first floor. Does your bedroom have a lock? It does but my mom is such a big sissy about locks and says that “there’s nothing to hide/be private about” since we’re all relatives. She really shouldn’t have gotten a lock for my room if I wasn’t allowed to use it anyway... What do you have at your bedside? I have a rattan trunk that stores all my childhood knickknacks like board games and encyclopedias; then on the other side is a drawer with my home clothes and other knickknacks on the lower drawers. I got some hoarding tendencies from my grandma, so a lot of the stuff I keep in the drawer really has no reason behind my keeping them until today. How big is your bed? Not big at all, it’s just twin-sized. I am so investing on a big-ass bed when I have my own place. Do you know someone that was murdered? I didn’t know her personally but an alumna from my old school got stabbed to death. I don’t know the details but I think she got stabbed because she had gadgets on her, which makes you an easy target for criminals here. The only reason I know her is because my school would do tributes for her from time to time, so I really can’t tell you anything more other than she was stabbed. Do you know someone who's pregnant? I don’t think so. Do you wear a watch? Used to, but I kept losing them. What was your first pet? A pair of goldfish. How much jewelry do you own? Not a lot. The ones I do wear are technically my mom’s too; she just likes sharing them with me. What is the closest purple thing? Probably the ube halaya in the fridge. Green? A piece of Cooper’s toy. What time is it? It isssss 8:43 PM. What is your ideal profession? Lawyer. How tall are you? A little over 5 feet. Have you ever gotten x-rays? Probably once when I was a kid, then around two or three times before I started college. Do you wear gloves in the winter? I imagine I would but we don’t get winter. Do you consider yourself smart? Academic-wise, yep. I’m good at tests and memorizing and I generally enjoy reading educational content. Are you good at algebra? Yeah but I wanna keep it at algebra and geometry lol, I don’t have the patience for calculus and trig. What color eyes are the prettiest? I’ve always loved green/olive green eyes. Are your teeth straight? One of my front teeth protrudes a bit, but that’s all my fault because I lost my retainers back when I still had to use them. My teeth are otherwise fine. Do you like chocolate milk? LOVE IT Do you own a bike? We own a family bike and I’m free to use it, I just don’t because I don’t know how lmao Are you taller than your mom? No. I thought I’d grow taller than her because I had an intense growth spurt at one point, but it never happened. Have you ever been engaged? No. What, in your opinion, is the ugliest name? I’m not a fan of names that end in -leigh, but I don’t think they’re ugly names.
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survivorbehemoth · 4 years
Episode #9: “i hope that i'm out of the pickle and eating the... pickle” - Daisy
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how i feel about merge: https://66.media.tumblr.com/68a1cf13a1ea5ca8ec0c6c8a044f92ad/fdb9160ed3342b6d-08/s500x750/a71a511c4f332aba10424d15b5e074bc9bbe5e0d.gifv
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Click HERE to watch Szymon’s Video!
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Click HERE to watch Daisy’s Video!
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Click HERE to watch Chips’ Video!
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Click HERE to listen to Szymon’s Vocaroo!
Click HERE to view Szymon’s Trust Rankings!
Click HERE to listen to Szymon’s Vocaroo!
Click HERE to listen to Szymon’s Vocaroo!
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Click HERE to watch Daisy’s Video!
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Click HERE to watch Rob’s Video! Click HERE to watch another of Rob’s Videos!
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So here is my i guess merge confessional! LOOK WHAT I DID! I MADE THE MERGE HEHEHEHEHEHEHE. Voting cindi out last round was very sad but very needed, i think she was looking to have fun and cause chaos but i need some stability in my life rn, crackhead seamus has not came out yet and he can’t yet LMAO. so what happened is as soon as we merged Szymon approached me and wanted to call, and pretty much went on a rant about how annoying Rob is and how everyones so far up his ass, and that HE HAS THE IDOL!!!! And that Szymon wants me daisy and jules to start working together which i was like OH I LIKE THIS. Going into merge i wanted to reconnect with rob, and then keep my alliances with daisy and gage and try and just use them as shields to get into deep merge and then start causing shit.
In terms of my thoughts on everyone…. Gage i am very torn about. Because he is the person i am closest to on a personal level but i think game wise he just is rlly desperate to not lose. I offered him a f2 on our last tribe which i do intend on keeping my word on, but then as soon as we merge i just felt kinda off about him? And he formed a new alliance with Szymon Rob and Conor and didnt say nothing to me or tried to include me. Szymon leaked it tho and so im like oh ok i see i see. I think he is trying to have his hand in everyones cookie jar, but knowing he wants everything is off putting from an ally stance. But also last night he opened up a bit with me and i think he genuinely does wanna work with me, just perhaps not with Daisy. so i am trying to figure out like what is the right move with Gage, is he someone who can actually commit? and will he defend me if people like rob or conor suggest voting me? idk, but i hope he would.
Daisy: my relationship with Daisy is really strong. I think we have a lot in common personally and game wise we mesh really well. Coming in from embb10 i wasnt sure how we would work together but so far so good. everyday she makes me laugh and i want to keep working with her. Supposedly people are painting us two as a duo but i also think if people targeted us they would choose Daisy over me at this point which means i can embrace and keep working with her however openly i wish. Daisy i think also wants to more so work with Szymon and Jules which is fine by me. I think us 3/4 can work really well, it’s just about finding the right time to possibly take a shot at someone.
Szymon: i wasnt sure how i felt about Szymon at the beginning. Sometimes i thought he was annoying, other times i just thought he was being himself which i sometimes just dont vibe with. But him being really honest about his opinions with people shows that he actually is someone i can work with. i am a blunt person and when others are willing to throw mud too, it means we can work well together. I think he is very eager to vote out Rob and also doesnt want to work with Gage which i’m not 100% sure what my plan is yet regarding both.
Rob: rob is a big threat but only because he is so blatantly talking to everyone. dont get me wrong Rob is a great guy, but he isn’t a great ally just because he talks to me. I also know that he has the idol and clearly I aint the top of his ally list since he didnt include me in the one with gage szymon and conor and he also didnt tell me about his idol. Also every inactive person talking to him is not good bc i dont want his farmer ass to let his sheep target me. I think Rob may go home very early and he wont even see it coming.
chips/brandan: we arent working together. that’s about it.
Conor: we became a bit closer during the swap but i certainly wouldnt say he is an ally. more like a neutral friend. i think conor plans on working with gage/rob/szymon. which doesnt include me. But i dont think he has many other connections such as with dylan or daisy or jules. so im not sure how much he’ll be doing anytime soon.
Lovelis: he seems pretty inactive. itll be interesting to see if i can use our pre-established friendship to kinda pull him in and work with him but i also dont know who he plans on working with or doing. very nice and everyone agrees when he is on he is fun to talk to, its just about activity levels and trying to see if he actually is here to play or not.
Dylan: I LIKE DYLAN. BUT HE ALSO LEFT ME ON READ FOR LIKE 16 HOURS NOW LMAO. He was super fun to talk to on our tribe game night, and then in pms but then he kinda ghosted me but continued to talk in the tribe chat. granted i got rlly sloppy drunk last night so when he was free to talk more i wasnt ;/ So ill be interested to see if we can keep vibing, im defnitely open to working with him bc he seems like he would be fun to strategize and work with, but we aren’t necessarily at that point yet.
Jules: juuuules!!!!! amazing, fantastic, the best. but also not the most active. im interested in working with her and i think she appreciates me being crazy and i appreciate her being crazy too. also she is the main reason i won this challenge SOOOOOO. I think me szymon and daisy have a great opportunity to work with her and form a tight 4 if thats the path we choose to go down. Jules is here for fun and to socialize with people and i think some people are off putted by that but i thinks its fine, i just hope we have fun doing crazy stuff together and not against one another :D
SO I WON IMMUNITY! HEHEHEHEHEHEHE WHICH IS KINDA EMBARRASING SINCE I ONLY ASKED 2 PEOPLE FOR THEIR WORDS, AND THEN DAISY/JULES/SZYMON GAVE ME THE REST. Honk honk i love sharing, this is what communism is all about! But being immune first is kinda a great thing because it really puts you in a firm spot and allows/forces people to strategize with you. since i am unsure if i can attend tribal/live night it also provides some much needed security early on. i am hoping chips goes home at this first tribal which seemingly everyone is on board with. And then id prefer brandan or lovelis to go in live night. But i think Szymon and Daisy will want to vote for Rob. I am not sure if i want to take that shot yet because it might hurt my chances of working with Gage, but also leaves several more inactive people in. if i was confident people like lovelis and brandan would follow rob out the door that would be one thing, but i think it would make people like conor/gage possibly start targeting szymon/daisy/myself and that isnt a good thing. especially if we can wait to f9, and have 5 directly on rob and he goes home and then theres less potential for us getting outvoted
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Click HERE to watch Daisy’s Video!
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Click HERE to watch Dylan G’s Video!
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I know I have been sending only really text confessionals right now and I am REALLY sorry about that, since pretty much a lot of my life has FINALLY FUCKING CLEARED UP I can actually start doing them, butttt since I'm a procrastinator on all sense of the word I'm just gonna type something here and be done with it okay?
Anyways, MERRRRGGGEE! I am fucking SHOCKED that I have made it this far. Keep in mind I really don't think that I would have had any issues getting to the merge keep in mind. Other than the shit I was going through early game and then with some other stuff I feel relatively blessed to be here. I made some connections on my swapped tribe which helped me stay around, and then afterwards I pretty much like... I'm here! I wanted to try and win as many challenges as I could just to help me get by, but then again I'm not the most TALKATIVE person in the world so whatever, I'm planning on fixing that now.
ANYWAYS going into live night I am worried. I was playing three games at once including this WHILE working and BEFORE I got COVID so that was.... okay that wasn't really that fun but still WHATEVER I TRIED GURL OKAY? And from the looks of it the first round should be easy with a relative chips boot which I am fine with. The second round though? That's where the primary issue lies. The only name I heard relative to that is potentially lovealis which I am down with. I got Jules who is a Brandan STAN, my Coco loco alliance with daisy/szymon, and other connections I have made with people like rob. Since after Chips leaves we're in the Final 10 during live night that's easier for my mental sanity. and with me/daisy/szymon/rob/jules, that is already HALF the votes. So I feel... good.
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I did not succeed at the social queen immunity.
A social queen i am not.
I was told the vote would be me... so I packed my bags.
Then... a LONG time later they want to blindside Rob. I say okay, I'm down knowing I trust no one so trying to hold on to my smallest sliver of hope that this isn't an elaborate lie.
Then we get live round! If I make it that far I'm ready to party!
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Click HERE to watch Gage’s Video!
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Click HERE to watch Rob’s Final Words
Rob is voted out 6-3-1. He becomes the first member of our jury. We then have LIVE NIGHT! At live night, Lovelis goes home 9-1 and becomes the second member of our jury.
Watch the Cast Assessment for this Episode and last Episode below:
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memekingjrsupreme · 6 years
Ask Away Anonymously Or Not.                        (◕‿◕✿) All My Asks I Answered On My Blog Deleted, So I Decided To Make An Ask Meme Thingyy.
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed? Closed, ain't no monster gonna get these feets.
(2) Do You Have Freckles? No, but most of my family does.
(3) Can You Whistle? Hell yeah, my only talent. I can whistle in and out too, I do a bomb ambulance impression.
(4) Last Song You Listened To. Brown Eyes by Lady Gaga I think.
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour? Blue, Green, Orange. I don’t really like red or yellow, the rest are just okay.
(6) Relationship Status. Single but not wanting to mingle ;)
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now? Cold? Like 68 degrees maybe (Fahrenheit because America is the only real country)?
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky? Waking up makes me cranky, but I’m also sick so probably.
(9) How Many Followers? Only 204 rn, I don’t post content so whatchu expect (shoutout to all those pornbots following me).
(10) Zodiac Sign. Sagittarius
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour? Bluey-green
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily? I have some vitamin c chew things, but they kinda make me gag.
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower? If people aren’t home, or I can close all doors to ensure they can’t hear me.
(14) What Books Are You Reading? I can’t read.
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14. I don’t have any books other than my yearbooks in my room.
(16) Favourite Anime? I’ve only seen one, so it’d have to be Cory in the House.
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of? My dogs? I don’t really cry unless I’m thinking about stuff late at night so.
(18) Do You Collect Anything? I really like figures like of any kind so like I’m one of the only people I feel that likes Funko Pop.
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch? Nothing, I woke up at like 12pm and I can’t cook well.
(20) Do You Dance In The Car? Not really, I sing though (I can’t drive so its only with other people).
(21) Favourite Animal? I literally would love to meet any animal ever, but I’ve always had a special place for dogs and elephants.
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics? Whom?
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed? 2 am is the max I really do anymore, usually around midnight.
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now? Full face obviously (jk).
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean? I don’t swim, but probably ocean since there’s some good sea boys up in there.
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog? You’re all my friends and babies, but Otterlycrete since I tagged her ;) (how can you pick favorites though)
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water? Bottled unless I can have it from a filter.
(28) What Makes You Happy? Animals, family, friends, memes, graphic design (its my passion).
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now. Too lazy.
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music? With, otherwise I space out and don’t do anything.
(31) Dogs Or Cats? All animals are good, but I really love doggos.
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be? Black. It’s dependable and adds structure to pictures.
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox. No. I really only use my computer.
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean? This feels very similar to the other question, but lake or ocean to see swimmy animal bois.
(35) Do You Believe In Magic? Yes, as well as life after love.
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing? Black
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue? Yeah
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It? Hnnnng, spend.
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You? Mmyes, the merch of Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson.
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now? I only really get obsessed over music and albums, right now I’ve been listening to things like “The Fame” (as a good throwback), “Rainbow”, and “Poppy.Computer”.
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly? Yes.
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People? Depends on the person, I definitely second guess things if someone says something but I’m usually strong in my decisions.
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams? I had a dream about being in kindergarten and playing with penguins and an elephant last night.
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes? I don’t like the idea of them, but I’m fine with being on them.
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry. Hidden Figures or Selena, both are ones I watched/rewatched recently.
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds? Peanuts
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be? Lana Del Rey, Marina and the Diamonds, Poppy, Katy Perry (again), pretty much anyone except T*ylor Sw*ft.
(48) Are You A Picky Eater? I don’t eat meat so yes I suppose.
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper? Kind of, things wake me up but I usually don’t care enough to stay awake.
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning? Love storms
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write? Depends on what I’m reading, I like the idea of writing but not actually doing it because it makes me feel self conscious.
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud? Yeah, as long as I’m not bothering people.
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? Probably carve pumpkins because I suck at wrapping stuff.
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up? Body Electric by Lana Del Rey (issa bop)
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather) Winter (the best season).
(56)What Are You Craving Right Now? Nothing? Maybe the tofu from this one place (it's amazing), but idk.
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed. Too Lazy (again).
(58) What Is Your Gender? I’m boy
(59) Coffee Or Tea? Both, those are my two favorite drinks how dare you pit them against each other.
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About? Yes. I gotta make some posters for a digital design class, but will I? No.
(61) What Is Your Sexuality? I’m not really into anyone in a very sexual way, I’d say I’m asexual. I’d rather be in a relationship with a guy though.
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning? No, its easier to get back into once I’ve decided I don’t want to face the realities of the modern world if I don’t make it.
(63) Favourite Pokemon? Arcanine? Charizard? Sceptile? Gardevoir? I love a LOT of them.
(64) Favourite Social Media? Twitter cause its like I’m friends with celebrities ;)
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories? I don’t use Instagram
(66) Do You Get Homesick? If I’m away for a little sure, I’m living at home before I go off to school so.
(67) Are You A Virgin? If you’re asking if I have a virgen de guadalupe candle, then yes.
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now? Some random stuff, it smells dank though.
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free? I’d go sleep in a car rn, idk why but I actually really don’t mind it. Maybe it's the cold or something.
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life? Yep.
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? Coco, it looks great :)
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex? WHOMST’VE?
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now? “Pushing my ex husband off of his own balcony has been the highlight of my day.” - Joanne the Scammer
(74)  What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest? Not really that they’re sexy but I like blue eyes, brown eyes, idk they’re all nice.
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set? I could take it or leave it both now and then.
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate? Soup and salad.
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone? Only Magikarp Jump and ACPC.
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not? Who would just watch and let someone die…. What kind of question is this.
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight? Of course, I’m a hooligan.
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network? Not really, maybe a person I thought was familiar and wanted to verify.
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People? Not really, unless its someone I’ve heard of beforehand.
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them. No, they give me anxiety (what if I lose them).
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed? 100% always closed, I’m not trying to have someone watch me while I sleep.
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today? Classwork, listened to music, played video games (lazy day).
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed? T-shirt and shorts (I can’t wear long pants and I’d never sleep without some type of clothing).
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now. I’m ugly, what are those.
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person? Night, its way more calm.
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc. Oh honey…. To many to name (my favorites are Overwatch, WoW, Smite, BattleRite, etc).
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened. I once dreamed I was in an 8-bit arcade game a few years ago, nothing topped that one.
(90) Favourite Soda Drink? Dr. Pepper?
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite? I don’t understand this, but like animals and music I guess.
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More? Sweats, jeans remind me too much of where I live.
(93) How Do You Look Right Now? A mess, sis.
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You. Family (sometimes, friends (sometimes), animals, games, music, rain, snow, nighttime.
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want? A lyric/quote from the song “Spaceship” by Kesha. “Nothing is real, love is everything, and I know nothing.” or some variation of that.
(96) Favourite YouTuber? EthosLab, Xisumavoid (even though I don’t really care about playing minecraft), I also really like Jaymes Mansfield.
If any of you wanna do this, feel free :)
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enluv · 2 years
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scientistician · 7 years
omg there are so many fuck
rules: complete the questions & say who tagged you in the beginning. when you’re finished, tag people to do this survey. have fun and enjoy!
@mgcroft​ tagged me again thanks bro <3 
1. are you named after someone? anna is from my greatgrandmother who died right before i was born and was one of my dads favorite people, and kathrine my granddads aunt’s middle name, who my mom liked better than pretty much anyone in her family and my parents chose her middle name cause they didnt wanna call me ingeborg 
2. when was the last time you cried? prob a bit every time my dad is a dick but ive been holding it together pretty well lately. last time i really cried was when i saw my brother crying. 
3. do you like your handwriting? lets just say it could be worse??? idk sometimes i like it but also there are people with amazing handfonts, like HOW
4. what is your favorite lunch meal? breakfast :) (maybe i should elaborate: ideally i get up around lunch time so that lunch is really breakfast. or maybe breakfast is lunch?) 
5. do you have kids? nah, dont know if id be a good mom either 
6. if you were another person, would you be friends with you? would i know how shitty of a person i am?? probably not, but also depends on what other person i am 
7. do you use sarcasm? yes most of the time 
8. do you still have your tonsils? sí but my parents are saying i should get them removed cause i keep getting tonsil stones 
9. would you bungee jump? id like to say yes but i also know myself and might chicken out unless i have my best friend w me to cheer me on (read: push me) 
10. what is your favorite kind of cereal? depends on what im craving, probably coco pops tho, and only the kelloggs version of stuff 
11. do you untie your shoes when you take them off? no
12. do you think you’re a strong person? in some respects sure but generally not at all 
13. what is your favorite ice cream? strawberry boissssss 
14. what is the first thing you notice about people? whether their movements and the way they talk fits the way i see their personality 
15. what is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? not sure i get the phrasing but prob my knees? if were talking “things youd like to change” its knees cause i wanna retain who i am, and also not have it be something where im reminded every moment that i changed that thing, so knees seems pretty good. also id like to be taller cause im too short for everything 
16. what color pants and shoes are you wearing now? grey sweatpants and no shoes (but like i said unmatching socks) 
17. what are you listening to right now? not sure, im on spotify daily mix (checked, its wild child by lupe fiasco) 
18. if you were a crayon, what color would you be? wtf kind of questions is this (gotta check crayon colors) okay i cant find a good color chart but probably some kind of earth tone 
19. favorite smell? no idea, probably dogs, but i also really like the smell of raw meat (dear cia im not a cannibal pls dont assassinate me love ak) 
20. who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my mom to say goodnight 
21. favorite sport to watch? dancing, that shit looks amazing and is inspiring as hell 
22. hair color? baby’s first poop 
23. eye color? blue/grey 
24. do you wear contacts? yea but not rn, for school i mostly wear glasses 
25. favorite food to eat? nachos, and pasta with this one sauce you get at a restaurant in germany 
26. scary movies or comedy? dont really get scary movies, but on the other hand comedies usually dont make me laugh :( 
27. last movie you watched? Moana 
28. what color of shirt are you wearing? wearing a grey sports jersey-kinda shirt 
29. summer or winter? summer but not too hot pls 
30. hugs or kisses? both?? like why we gotta limit ourselves? but hugs with most people, i love hugs 
31. what book are you currently reading? reading so many books rn and i never get to finish them cause i dont have time and lose interest but here the ones i remember: pride and prejudice, one of the original sherlock holmes stories, house of hades, the stranger, thinking fast and slow 
32. what do you miss right now? my brother, my best friend, happiness, getting carelessly drunk, being able to talk to other people easily 
33. what is on your mouse pad? lol who still uses mouse pads 
34. what is the last tv program you watched? just caught up on the flash but im watching its always sunny in philadelphia rn 
35. what is the best sound? happy growl of a dog maybe? never thought about this before but thats the sound that came to my mind 
36. rolling stones or the beatles? neither is really my thing 
37. what is the furthest you have ever travelled? went to tenerife, which is technically africa but counts as europe, and the furthest east ive been is bulgaria, but im going to georgia (the country) for a conference this summer  so thatll maybe be the furthest? not sure. and think im going to the us with my dad sometime soon and then thatll be it 
38. do you have a special talent? i can wiggle my ears (its not as cool as people think :( ) 
39. where were you born? konstanz, germany, which, fun fact, is a city that is half in germany and half in switzerland but its called kreuzlingen on the swiss side 
gonna tag all of u guys cause i dont know all these things and it seems like something youd wanna waste time on: 
@gibberingme @gel-toothpaste @rnalloryrose
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lol-dorsvera-blog · 7 years
i started snooping around nrt after you posted the cap of the video and ok @ that coco girl tweeting naya happy birthday and calling her her bff, she needs to get boundaries
Lol yeah. We've talked about her before. Seems a little stalkerish to me. I'm sure she's losing her mind rn cause Naya just tweeted NRT
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enluv · 2 years
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enluv · 3 years
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jisung ulters...how do we feel...
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enluv · 2 years
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enluv · 2 years
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hey johnny *louder than the others*
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enluv · 2 years
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