imninahchan · 4 months
olhei seu perfil e gritei cocota!!! Lindo, vou me inspirar em você pra reformar o meu bj 💞
ai obg♡
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determinate-negation · 5 months
SINCE OCTOBER 7, German politicians have proposed rescinding the nationality of German citizens, restricting the civil rights of non-EU foreign residents, and limiting the number of children with a migration background who can attend any given school, which have been promoted as means for preserving and supporting “Jewish life” in the country. A German politician credibly accused of harboring neo-Nazi sympathies in his youth blamed the country’s antisemitism on immigration. Germany’s largest newspaper published a fifty-point manifesto on what it means to be German; number forty-seven reads, “Germany has a heart for children. They are not beaten but promoted.” A prominent German journalist published an article with the title: “The Jews or Aggro-Arabs: we have to decide who we want to keep.” The Anti-Semitism Commissioner of Baden-Württemberg, who is not Jewish, wrote, “The Nazis were still hiding their mass murders, whereas Hamas celebrated them in the media, like Daesh before them.”
Not everything is as it seems in Germany. That tree? It used to be a Jew. That building was once a Jew. That streetlamp was a Jew. And the Jews? It seems they’re all Germans.
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kooradinho · 10 months
memes bio 🙅🏻‍♀️
- //se vc n gosta de mim mete bala na cabenca se esfaquear smt q passa morr
- aiir kkkcomo q vou sentar com força se ele é mt fofo💔
- nois zoa, rir, brinca, faz piadinha, mas só Deus sabe como tá a mente do palhaço ...
- é foda ser emo e romântico na era do sexo😔
- como assi vc quer me namora mas n vai dxar eu clonar seu zapkkkk 0 condições cocota
- como vo dize n as drogas si ela n me perguntou nd oxi kkkk eh mole mofi
- eu bebo e choro enquanto ouvo lana del rey
- oi (com intenção de arruinar sua vida
- do q ainda ser bonita se eu ainda sou dodói ds cabeça kkkkkksk
- nao pode cheira n pode fuma n pd fz nada ent vão se foderem
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hexjulia · 4 months
not what this article was about mostly but the bit about the camaroonian born director is one of the most insane takes on integrating into a nationality i've ever encountered;
"This notion has been integrated into Germany’s self-conception. To be German is to be a Täter, a perpetrator. But the crux of Germany’s national identity, its famed memory culture and the “overcoming of the past,” is, paradoxically, its relationships with Jews, the universal victims. Through empathizing with and supporting Jews, conveniently embodied in the state of Israel, Germans can expiate the evil inherent in being German, passed down from generation to generation as though it were in their blood. Jews become the bearers of an inherited virtue as victims.
Yet far from overcoming the past, this dynamic seems to demand its constant reenactment. Non-Germans can only become German by checking their own histories at the door. Minister of Culture Roth recently told the new Cameroonian-born director of a state cultural institution: “You have become part of the Täternation.” Cameroon was formerly a German colony.'
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mummer · 4 months
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wild article. Disturbed country!
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dykehaus · 5 months
i mean i knew germans were freaks about jews reading this was still a trip
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fursasaida · 5 months
[Excerpts from this piece on the particular German psychosis and relationship to an imagined Jewish life that props up the German repression, islamophobia, and racism against Arabs and Palestinians we've seen explode from their previous levels in the last few months]
Since October 7, German politicians have proposed rescinding the nationality of German citizens, restricting the civil rights of non-EU foreign residents, and limiting the number of children with a migration background who can attend any given school, which have been promoted as means for preserving and supporting “Jewish life” in the country. A German politician credibly accused of harboring neo-Nazi sympathies in his youth blamed the country’s antisemitism on immigration. Germany’s largest newspaper published a fifty-point manifesto on what it means to be German; number forty-seven reads, “Germany has a heart for children. They are not beaten but promoted.” A prominent German journalist published an article with the title: “The Jews or Aggro-Arabs: we have to decide who we want to keep.” The Anti-Semitism Commissioner of Baden-Württemberg, who is not Jewish, wrote, “The Nazis were still hiding their mass murders, whereas Hamas celebrated them in the media, like Daesh before them.”
Not everything is as it seems in Germany. That tree? It used to be a Jew. That building was once a Jew. That streetlamp was a Jew. And the Jews? It seems they’re all Germans. [...]
In the eyes of many German critics, Wolff’s greatest sin was to argue, in the guise of a Jewish identity, that supporting a boycott of Israel is not necessarily antisemitic, even though he did not support such a boycott himself. Wolff was subsequently castigated as a costume Jew (Kostümjude) by Germany’s largest Jewish and gentile newspapers. He’s been called an aspiring Kronzeugejude (key witness Jew). Contra Wolff’s complaints about German, this is a language with an astonishingly nimble capacity for creating neologisms on the word Jew:
Alibijude: an alibi Jew, one who provides cover for antisemitic (or anti-Israel) rhetoric
Berufsjude: a professional Jew, a Jew by profession
Faschingsjude: a carnival Jew
Großvaterjude: someone who has one Jewish grandfather
Kostümjude: a costume Jew
Kronzeugejude: a key witness Jew, providing testimony for antisemitic (or anti-Israel) rhetoric
Meinungsjude: An opinion Jew? Or a Jew by opinion??
Modejude: A fashion Jew??? Or fashionably Jewish????
Schmusejude: a cuddly Jew, one who presumably cuddles up with Germans
Vaterjude: someone who has a Jewish father
Vorzeigejude: a model Jew
With the possible exception of Vaterjude, these constructions are pejoratives about giving the appearance of being Jewish or utilizing your Jewish identity for gain. Far from an aberration, the revelation of Wolff’s fabricated Jewish identity turns out to be something of a German tradition. Not a year seems to pass without a scandal involving the identity of a prominent German Jew. [...]
Not everyone assumes a Jewish identity; some are satisfied with appearances.
The television journalist Lea Rosh was the public face and most vocal proponent of the campaign to build Berlin’s Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. Rosh has cultivated a Jewish aura—a Scheinbarjüdin, perhaps. “I don’t look so Aryan,” she once enthused during an interview. Rosh changed her name from Edith to Lea, and unsuccessfully sued the (Jewish) author Ruth Gay for writing that she had done so to sound more Jewish. She once fiercely rejected a proposal to place the Holocaust memorial across from the Reichstag: “Did the ‘German people’ murder the Jews? Hardly.”
Then there are the literal costume Jews. I have twice witnessed large groups of Germans wearing kippot. Once at a rally against antisemitism and once marching with a large police escort down Sonnenallee, the hub of Arab life in Berlin, chanting pro-Israel slogans. To hold a sign that said “Stop Genocide” or “From the River to the Sea” on that same street today would invite certain arrest and potentially criminal prosecution. The police violently suppressed demonstrations and even basic symbols of Palestinian identity on Sonnenallee in the weeks following October 7; I had to extricate a friend, a prominent (Jewish) journalist, from one such demonstration after he was pepper-sprayed for filming the brutal arrest of a man whose crime was to hold a Palestinian flag. But few here are trying to co-opt a Palestinian identity.
Some years ago, a friend of mine was invited to a Shabbat dinner. The attendees all gave the appearance of being religiously observant. They knew the hymns, the men wore kippot, one even had payot. The hosts insisted that my friend recite the various blessings. Through a chance comment during dinner, he discovered he was the only Jew in attendance. They were Germans who enjoyed enacting Jewish rituals, and wanted a Jew to unwittingly give his blessing.
Many more Germans than Wolff, Hingst, and Seibert “feel Jewish.” Jewish community archives evidence that many Germans attempted to “discover” their Jewish heritage after the war. Everyone seems to have a Jewish aunt here. Or their grandparents were in the resistance. Or maybe it was their great-aunt. Others have simply converted. [Note from me: obvious parallel to Americans' "Cherokee princess" great-grandmothers here.]
[...] German television recently ran an award-winning talk show called Freitagnacht Jews (Friday Night Jews) that featured a roundtable of Jews talking about what it’s like growing up Jewish in Germany. Vogue Germany once ran a column called “Jewish Today”—subhed: “The everyday life of a German Jewess, who takes us on a journey through a world we hardly know”—where readers could learn about Jewish bodies, Jewish sex, Jewish doubt, Jewish decision-making and why Jewish men can’t come as quickly thanks to circumcision. Germans love the peculiarity of Semitic sorrows, the specificity of Jewish joys. They love klezmer music. They will solemnly nod their head when you tell them, “My grandfather is a tree.”
The great beneficiaries of this funereal interest, assuming they don’t criticize Israel too much, are Israelis. In common perception, Israeli is synonymous with Jewish. The reality is more complicated inside of Israel, but Israelis are nonetheless regarded as the summa of all things Jewish by a German public whose thinking is still fundamentally characterized by a nation-state framework. And the cultural predilections of Israeli society—an obsession with interrogating Israeli identity as a sort of special existential condition, an enormous capacity for self-aggrandizement and self-pity—conveniently align with German expectations of “Jewish culture,” and largely mirror those of German society. Germany is the largest market for translated Israeli literature in the world.
[...] To be German is to be a Täter, a perpetrator. But the crux of Germany’s national identity, its famed memory culture and the “overcoming of the past,” is, paradoxically, its relationships with Jews, the universal victims. Through empathizing with and supporting Jews, conveniently embodied in the state of Israel, Germans can expiate the evil inherent in being German, passed down from generation to generation as though it were in their blood. Jews become the bearers of an inherited virtue as victims.
Yet far from overcoming the past, this dynamic seems to demand its constant reenactment. Non-Germans can only become German by checking their own histories at the door. Minister of Culture Roth recently told the new Cameroonian-born director of a state cultural institution: “You have become part of the Täternation.” Cameroon was formerly a German colony.
These prevailing tendencies have become ever more apparent in the wake of the horrifying violence in Israel and Palestine over the past months. Germany’s political, media, and cultural elites have rushed to demonstrate who can stand closest to Israel. The identification has been so intense and Israel’s security so frequently invoked as a matter of Staatsräson that at times I have wondered if some Germans don’t believe Hamas’s attack wasn’t obliquely directed at Germany. Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck gave a much-lauded speech in which he called on Muslims in Germany to “clearly distance themselves from antisemitism so as not to undermine their own right to tolerance.” No similar imperative was given to Germany’s good Christian citizens. Friedrich Merz, the leader of the CDU (Angela Merkel’s party) who is widely presumed to be the frontrunner to become the next chancellor, proposed mandating recognition of Israel’s right to exist as a condition of acquiring German citizenship. His proposal has become reality in the east German state of Saxony-Anhalt.
This formulation of German identity does not offer an inclusive vision for a diversifying country. A friend’s partner, the descendant of Kurdish “guest workers” who arrived after the war, was so impressed by her vociferous school lessons about the misdeeds of Germany’s prior generations that she briefly believed her own grandfather had likewise slaughtered Jews in Europe during the war. Germanness as such has no aspirational, positive content. It’s not hard to understand why some would want to escape this cycle of pathologized guilt, just as it’s not surprising that some would take identification with Jews a step further.
[...] The “I am Jew in Germany” essays articulate something like the opposite: a brittle, uncertain identity in a country that offers Jews many assurances and no certainty. They mark out “Jewish” and “German” as dichotomy of distinct, irreconcilable identities. These essays celebrate “Jewish humor” and are chronically unfunny. They nod to the profundity and factiousness of Jewish culture and hew to the schema of the local Weltanschauung. Profoundly awkward social mannerisms abound. It is almost as though they were . . . German.
The farce of this situation is readily apparent. But the tragedy has never lingered far from the surface, and that tragedy has come into clearer view since October 7, which occurred a few weeks after I initially turned in a draft of this essay to a different magazine. Since October 7, German politicians have authorized breaches in the country’s constitutional order on the basis of nebulous sensitivities, unwittingly setting a ruinous precedent for when the far-right Alternativ für Deutschland comes into power. Since October 7, German arms shipments to Israel have risen so substantially that the total for 2023 represented a ten-fold increase from the previous year, and now account for 30 percent of Israeli arms imports (another report puts it as high as 47 percent). And since October 7, those munitions have been used by Israeli forces to kill more than fourteen thousand children in Gaza. Germany has a heart for children.
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aprincesss · 4 months
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bem cocota kkkkkk
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tt-type · 2 years
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Cocota ••type:Mineral
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almapisciana · 2 years
Qual teu filme favorito, Cocota? kkk
Brilho eterno de uma mente sem lembranças
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schoje · 2 months
A Semana Municipal do Livro Infantil de Florianópolis está confirmada para ocorrer de 12 a 16 de abril. Como em 2020, as atividades serão na modalidade remota.  Haverá lives com autores catarinenses, que irão interagir com estudantes e profissionais da rede municipal de ensino. Estarão presentes Adriana Sgarbossa, Alexandre Beck, Carlos Stegemann, Cleber Coelho, Cristina Santos, Eleutério Nicolau da Conceição, Eliane Debus, Luana von Linsengen, Marta Martins, Raquel Ribeiro e Yedda Goulart. As atividades foram organizadas por temas e, para cada um deles os autores falarão sobre suas vivências e suas obras. A Semana, em sua décima segunda edição, prevê ainda a contação de histórias para o público infantil e palestra. Todas as lives serão transmitidas pelo YouTube e Facebook e publicadas no Portal Educacional da Secretaria de Educação da Capital: https://sites.google.com/sme.pmf.sc.gov.br/portaleducacional/sala-de-leitura/xii-semana-municipal-do-livro-infantil. A produtora cultural, atriz e jornalista Lieza Neves narrará histórias para a criançada. Na abertura do evento, por meio de musicais, bonecos e livros, a Cia Mafagafos também divertirá os internautas. Trata-se de uma companhia de criação e pesquisa com foco na cultura da infância. "Nosso olhar diante da literatura: como escolher com e para as crianças". Esse tema será abordado no primeiro dia, 12 de abril, com a palestra da professora  Rosetenair Feijó Scharf. O gosto pela leitura Conforme o secretário de Educação, Maurício Fernandes Pereira, a Semana Municipal do Livro Infantil será uma grande oportunidade para a ampliar o repertório sobre a literatura catarinense entre as crianças, estudantes, profissionais e público em geral. O evento foi instituído em 2010 pela Lei Municipal 8.125. Ocorre sempre no período de comemoração do Dia Nacional do livro e a data de nascimento do escritor Monteiro Lobato, 18 de abril. A Semana visa estimular o gosto pela leitura e escrita, ampliar o repertório sobre a literatura catarinense, informar sobre processos de produção de livros literários e refletir sobre a escolha do livro de literatura para crianças. AUTORES CATARINENSES ENVOLVIDOS 1- Adriana Sgarbossa OBRAS DE REFERÊNCIA Brincando de poetar A lagarta que mudou a minha vida 2- Alexandre Beck OBRA DE REFERÊNCIA Armandinho 3- Carlos Stegemann OBRA DE REFERÊNCIA A ponte sumiu 4- Cleber Coelho OBRA DE REFERÊNCIA Sofia: a rainha dos porquês 5- Cristina Santos OBRAS DE REFERÊNCIA Abecedário da natureza brasileira Um por todos, todos por um: A vida em grupo dos mamíferos A vida secreta das formigas Eu produzo menos lixo Passarinhos da mata Atlântica 6- Eleutério Nicolau da Conceição OBRAS DE REFERÊNCIA Náufragos e conquistadores Nossa Senhora do Desterro: os primeiros anos 7- Eliane Debus OBRAS DE REFERÊNCIA É tempo de pão-por-Deus O medo e seus segredos Antonieta 8- Luana von Linsengen OBRAS DE REFERÊNCIA Botão grená A casa de Hans Kunst 9- Marta Martins OBRAS DE REFERÊNCIA Brincar de verdade De mãos dadas Maria mania Maricota e Cocota A festa do boi-de-mamão   10- Raquel Ribeiro OBRAS DE REFERÊNCIA Pablo e o ciclo da água A fuga das minhocas 11- Yedda Goulart OBRAS DE REFERÊNCIA  Em busca do grande portal Aventuras na ilha da magia galeria de imagens Fonte: Prefeitura de Florianópolis
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Girias dos Anos 2000 que as Vezes uso em algumas cenas!!
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Olá Meus Amores!! Para quem não sabe minha historia se passa nos anos 2000!! Escrever uma historia sobre fadas que se passa na decada de 2000 não é facil o maior desafio que encontrei até agora foram as girias que os jovens usavam na epoca! Bem aqui está algumas girias bem populares entre as patricinhas dos anos 2000 já que as fadinhas são meio que patricinhas!!
Abalar: Arrasar, estar linda. Antipattyco: Pessoa que não gosta de pattys. Anyway: Mesmo assim As If: Até parece Atolada: Menina que come demais Avon: Garota medíocre. Babado: Confusão Balada: Festa. Básico: Quase como "clean", visual limpo. Betty: Patty Boy: Playboy, mauricinho. Bye bye: Tchau Chocar: Impressionar. Clean: Visual limpo, sem exagero. Clueless: Confusa Cocó: Menina Galinha. Cocota: É aquela menina que quer pagar sapo de patty usando calça lilás da feira. Cute: Fofo, gracinha Dar um tapa: Levantar o visual, se produzir. Darling: Querida Eco: Jovens aspirantes a pattys ou boys. Fashion: Tá na moda, tem estilo. Fashion-victim: Vítimas da moda. Fazer uma noite: Sair pra noite com a intenção de arrasar. Hi: Oi. Hello: Olá  Honey: Querida Hype: Último grito da moda, última moda. Ímpar: Alguma coisa que não tem igual, que é o Maximo. In: Está na moda, é bonito. Kiss (Kisses; kiss pink; kisses pink...): Beijos Look: Visual, aparência. Looser: Alguém muuito fracassado(a) Makeover: Remodelagem Mano: Suburbano. Miga: Amiga. Migo: amigo Mina: Garota More: Amor ou amiga. Na Night: Qualquer lugar à noite. Necessáire: Bolsinha salva-pattys, aonde está tudo o que precisam. Nice: Legal Out: Está por fora, é feio. Passado: Que está fora de moda. Peteca: Patty assumida. Se arrombar: Fazer bronzeamento, pegar um sol Show: Demais. Solid: + ou - So so: Mais ou menos Totally: Totalmente Unfashion: Uma pessoa brega, ridícula, ou que não é patty Whatever: Que seja
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darlingpwease · 1 year
Wait, I'm unlovable?? Ouch??? That hurts.. >:□ why are you attacking me >:((( no it's not!! NOOOOO please drop that <//333
Do I have to say how much I admire you again?? I tease but I can't be mean to you :// NOooo you must lay down </33
Nope, not stereotypes, just medical facts. Our bodies are much more fragile than people realize, so you've probably hit your head harder than you meant to,, so you must rest very well :))) I'm not trying to get rid of you, I swear,, so please stay out of my closet and leave my ankles aloNEEEE
SHUSHSHSUSHSHSH– I was always worried about that happening too, so I would reread what I wrote, but THE ONE TIME I DONT, IT HAPPENS!! I don't even know how to respond to that, honestly. /pos, /neu, /even I don't know, rotten crumb >:(( /t are you seriously bringing this up as well–
Don't try to charm your way out of this!! As much as I hate that I didn't finish that message, it's also a prime example as to why you should believe me when I say you make me speechless :// ..overreacting is a stretch...
That's even wORSEEE (╥﹏╥)
-panna cotta
I said that you are a brat to whom no one (except the beautiful me, of course) talks about it, but I did not say that you are not loved, otherwise it will contradict my past words, while I never contradict myself🧐 it's not an 'attack', it's self-defense ~ <3 after all, we're talking about someone who doesn't sleep like he should; do you want to grow up small and sick? if so, of course, you can continue in the same spirit🤨 look at you; so emotional because you don't get enough sleep, huh? because you need to sleep A LOT, little cotta!!! oh, but should I~? not suure~<333 /t /hj
before you say anything, you need to at least half believe in it, cocota</333 you're always mean to me what does that mean :/// I want to bite you less than you show meanness to me ;///// /t /hj look at yourself; first you tell me to rest, then you advise me to lie down, hinting that I should sleep. but don't you, with your huge brain, know that if there is a chance of a concussion, you can't go to bed before a doctor's examination, since you & others may not notice a deterioration in the condition, especially with the risk of internal bleeding🤨🤨🤨 you say you don't want to get rid of it, but you immediately send me away ://// sus cotta sus :////////// /j
the only thing I can hit my head about is your stubbornness about lack of sleep, because sooner will an egg break a stone than you will stop torturing yourself /t /hj >:3 It's too late, I've already crawled into your closet >:333 get your anKLE READY—
It makes everything even funnier, please stop, I can't laugh, it's already night</3333 pfffFFFFF— HAHAHHAAAAAA of course; I promised you that I would never forget and I will always remind you about it<3333 after all, we know each other so little, it's not even a year, we're not close enough yet, so we don't have that many memories together, so I have to remember every one of them~ /t /j /nsrs
don't blame me for the tactics you use all the time!!! sly charmer</33 it's not "speechless", it's "let others see a raw script where you write [person A] [person B] and the like because you don't sleep like a good panna cotta and then find yourself in funny situations"~ It's okay, shush, it's okay *pat pat*<3333 /ht /affectionate
okay, then tomorrow, at the approximate rush hour, I'll do it~ all for you, sweetest<333 /t /hj /¾srs >;3
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angel50kg · 2 years
Vou colocar uma música pra ficar em paz
A música 🎶
Cocota feia pra caralho vou bater puneta mas não vou quebrar seu galho
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passaro-selvagem · 2 years
4 👀
4. Tem animais?
Sim, tenho 2 gatos e 1 cocota.
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tt-type · 2 years
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Cocota ••type:Mineral
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