codexposition · 6 years
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Drummers in Turlington
(It works, I promise.)
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seanpiontek-blog · 6 years
Play Doh Activity
1. Take your large piece of clay and remove 4 small spheres, and two strips about one inch by 3 inches. This should leave you with a large piece which you should mold into an oval (the shape of a head)
2. Flatten one of the strips (not completely flat). Take one of the small spheres and shape it into a right triangle and flatten it. Place the long end of the triangle along a short end of the flattened strip (an arrow)
3. Place the 3 other spheres on the head in the place of eyes and a nose. Then place the final strip that hasn’t been flattened underneath the nose in the shape of a mouth.
4. Finally, take the arrow and drape it over the top of the head with the arrow pointing at the eyes from above.
My Image
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codexposition · 6 years
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Some interesting zines that I came across in the CMC.
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seanpiontek-blog · 6 years
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Grad Cap
This is my grad cap design with a photo I took on vacation in California and with a quote from Emily Dickinson. Emily Dickinson was the first writer to get me interested in writing and this quote seemed applicable to graduating. 
Sean P.
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codexposition · 5 years
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Navigating Codexposition Course Tumblr
Welcome to the course blog for the Fall 2018 section of Advanced Exposition at the University of Florida! This course is designed to practice public writing, digital rhetoric, and multimodal composition. Most of the required course assignments and readings are in the schedule. In addition, all required course tools are free for students, including Canva, Arduino, Instructables, Cura, and Tumblr. Assignment prompts and student responses are all tagged and searchable for future educational purposes.
(This course Tumblr is designed as a closed, secondary group blog, meaning that students need a Tumblr account and an invitation to access, and no external replying is allowed.)
Please contact the instructor, Emily Brooks, at emilyfbrooks [at] gmail [dot] com if you have any questions!
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Activity Tags
Speculative Introduction #gradcap Playdoh Instructions #playdoh Testing Printrbot Plays #3Dprints Bookmaking Activities #bookmaking Baldwin Library of Historical Children’s Literature Movable Books Visit #UFlib Post-It Notes Stack Flip Book #postitflipbook Animated GIF #animatedGIF Light Up Paper Circuit Cards #papercircuits Arduino Pseudo Theremin #Arduino
Reading Response Tags
Gamebooks Internet Archive Collection #Chooseyourownadventure Interactive Fiction Theory excerpt “Thinking Into the Box: On the Use and Deployment of Puzzles #Thinkingintothebox Sensing Success, Touch, Tactile Fictions #tactilebooks Thinking as Handwork: Critical Making with Humanistic Concerns #criticalmaking Dialogic Objects in the Age of 3-D Printing #dialogicobjects Zines Then and Now #zinesthenandnow The Margins of Print #Marginsofprint Picturebooks #Picturebooks Zoetropes, Phenakistoscopes & Flip-Books Were The Original GIFs #originalGIFs Bibliocircuitry and the Design of the Alien Everyday #Bibliocircuitry
Assignment Tags
Twine Narrative Code Assignment #twine 3D-printed Tactile Book/Instructables Assignment #instructables Fan-fographics Assignment #fanfographics Expert Little Golden Book w/ Rhetorical Analysis #Littlegoldenbook #rhetoricalanalysis Final Reflection #reflection
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codexposition · 6 years
Final Reflections
I can’t believe this semester is already over! It seems like only yesterday that I was scrambling around campus looking for my classes and anxious about what this new chapter in life would bring. Well, now I am here and I can say that taking this class this semester has made me a more confident writer, increased my ability to digest scholarly papers and boosted my confidence for treading in sensitive areas when telling a story. The format of the class really pushed me out of my comfort zone which I can already feel the effects of in my ability to create. Thinking about reading and writing in terms of form and function as well as design has opened doors for me in my mind freeing me to just write and see what happens. The revision process we learned is really helpful as well. I used to try and make it perfect on the first draft, but now I write and reflect and then edit and write again. This new approach allows me to look at things I want to tell a reader but think of how I can do it symbolically, allowing the reader to make the connections themselves. This method of show don’t tell is more rewarding for the reader and for the creator as well. One thing I really enjoyed this semester is the reactions I got to my writing. It is very hard to create something personal and let others look at it, but the looks on everyone’s faces whether disgusted, surprised, or happy, let me know that my intent was felt and that my work was having the desired effect. One thing that pushed my boundaries was all the crafting! I love words and I love playing with words, but as is evident in my final project, I came to enjoy (slightly) working with my hands to craft an interesting and memorable experience for my reader. Going to the libraries and seeing the different books from the special collections played heavily in some of my design decisions, and I would love to play more with different builds and methods in the future. I want to mix adult themes into the children’s book space and create something like pulp fiction the pop-up...it would be hilarious. At the end of the day though I am sad that this class has come to an end (even though I am ready for the semester to be finished!) I enjoyed growing as a writer with this class and I hope to see you all around campus.
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codexposition · 6 years
Arduino Project...Can't really hear it though...
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codexposition · 6 years
Zines then and now
Like many of us, I did not know what Zines were prior to being assigned to read about them. So, when hearing more and reading about them (i.e. this article), i’m surprised to hear about ho incredibly popular zines have been for such a long time. Its funny how even in the article, there really isn’t a definitive definition for a zine saying that there is a “ubiquity” in finding a true definition and “acknowledging how difficult [defining zine] is.” I also like how the example used in the article highlights how zines cannot be described without a “show and tell” first. I also learned about how they come in all shapes and sizes, mainly due to them mostly being self-made and self-written. During my time in the Civic Media Center, I read some zines that were akin to actual magazines you would see at a grocery store line, and others that had mostly pictures with a few words and sentences around them. Zines really highlight and describe the complexities of art. It has no real definition, and one zine can look entirely different from another. The article describes this notion by stating that “describing zines abstractly is difficult, [and] nearly everyone agrees.” Zines have the ability to be able to tell a variety of stories, describe unique and interesting ideas, and highlight artistic talent that you seldom can get from reading typical books. Zines are very interesting and I will definitely look into them a lot more in the future. 
-Andres C.
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codexposition · 6 years
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The ideas contained within the reading were very thought provoking. This semester we have been questioning what a book is or what it can be, but we have only scratched the surface on form and function. As I am writing this I am still digesting what I read and trying to find a center on my now shaken foundation on my understanding of the codex as a form. Some of the things that really struck me were the ways to play with text and limitation of information. The section “The Hollow”: Form That Foils Content raised the question, for me at least, what does it mean to tell a story? The project by the author involved one story told in multiple portions restricted by form and it was up to the reader to determine how satisfied they were with the story they were given. The idea of possibly destroying parts of the story to dig in and discover what was really happening was very thought provoking and immediately got my wheels turning. I don’t know if I will get that complex with my final project, but I have changed the idea of my form to include the possibility for misreads and deception, making it up to the reader to find what is really going on.
Some quotes I found interesting were:
“Fluency, in contrast to literacy, affords creativity.”
“Denying or frustrating access to the text in the conventional way (turning consecutive pages to advance the narrative) defamiliarizes the experience of reading, to the point that the reader becomes aware of the book as an object again, rather than as a mere container for text.”
“Reading, in other words, is a practice situated in larger medial and physical contexts that can be purposefully altered to create more affective experiences.”
“Combining books with technology doesn’t have to mean a device with a screen.”
Based on my quotes, these are my questions:
What do you when you are getting to read, as in what is your pre-read ritual?
What is your most interesting reading experience, digital or otherwise?
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codexposition · 6 years
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Here is my robot! 
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codexposition · 6 years
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A robot with a green Terminator eye.
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codexposition · 6 years
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Pictures From Special Collections (moving books)
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codexposition · 6 years
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Photos From Special Collections (picture books)
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codexposition · 6 years
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Animated GIF Princess Rose Petal
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codexposition · 6 years
[RESOURCE] Making Animated GIFs from videos using VLC/Photoshop
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codexposition · 6 years
[RESOURCE] Animated GIF Tutorial in Photoshop
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