#cody killed a dragon to save his pet lizard dog and obi-wan nearly had a heart attack
mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
Cody seems ok with the whole growing giant situation after he gets a handle of it. I have to ask if there has been any time where he or someone else was afraid of him? Properly afraid I mean, not just at the start like Luke.
Well... There was one incident that greatly disturbed Obi-wan and that has really cemented in him the fact he needs to train Cody on how to better control his ability. Mainly meditation and releasing his emotions into the Force.
Cody is a pretty disciplined soldier. He's got a good hold of his emotions on most days to the point he's got the perfect Sabbacc face, and not a lot of things really bother him that much (aside from the logistics of maintaining his Size-Shifting without exceeding supply consumption).
He's also an ori'vod who misses his brothers terribly, who's traumatized by his experiences serving both the Republic and the Empire, and on top of all that he has intense survivor's guilt. All of this manifests as constant nightmares, exhaustion and overprotective tendencies.
Such tendencies proved to be incredibly dangerous when, while out searching for black melons with Obi-wan and the massiff squad, Little Rex (the sandy colored massiff Cody has become very fond of) got ambushed by a Krayt Dragon.
Before Obi-wan could pacify the desert beast, Cody reacted and it wasn't pretty...
Needless to say the meat they got out of it lasted weeks after it was properly butchered and cured. But Obi-wan was thinking less about successful hunts and rescued pets, and more about the fact his friend is a lot more powerful than he originally thought if he could strike down a fully grown dragon like it was nothing.
And the last time he had to think about dangerous attachments and overprotective Force users, it didn't end well... And even if Cody isn't Anakin, Obi-wan is still quite traumatized and he doesn't want another beloved friend to fall on his watch...
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