#coffee and the bus again. And WHYYY
timehascomeagain · 7 months
Your heart keeps breaking in the same way. So.
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dianapana · 4 years
SasuHina Month 2020- Day 4
Prompt – Coffee Preferences/The Smell of Coffee in the Morning
Long Distance- Part 2
Sasuke POV
I am chugging a glassful of water after my morning work-out when Naruto comes out of his room eyes closed and wearing only his boxers. Me and my roommates have very different ideas of ‘morning’. For me morning is 7-8 a.m. when I get up, drink my coffee and a protein shake and go to the gym for my 3 hours work out, for Naruto it’s around 10-11-12 depending on the day, he eats ramen for breakfast and his day starts only after 2 pm. Then there’s Gaara; I saw him this morning when I woke up, that’s when he got home and was going to bed so I’m not holding my breath for him to wake up before 5 pm or so.
I watch as my best friend wanders thought the kitchen, eyes still closed, and prepares himself instant ramen. If someone told me this was him sleep-waking making ramen I’d believe them. I fill another glass of water and drink that one too and leave Naruto to his own routine; I’m in need of a shower. Once showered I get dressed for work. It’s summertime so no classes or practice, even so the three of us decided to stay on campus instead of going home. Mom wasn’t happy with me when I told her I told her I’ll be spending my last summer before graduating University here. She twisted my arm until I promised to go visit them for 2 weeks around the end of August. Which happens to be next week. Since I don’t plan on working during the actual year because classes and hokey will take up all of my time, I gave my 2 weeks’ notice already. I picked a random job this summer, it doesn’t really have anything to do with my major but it’s still good money, I’m a mechanic in an auto-service. I declared my major in education only last semester; I plan on going pro with hokey but if anything were to happen, I realized that I wouldn’t mind being a coach.
I pick up my keys and wallet and make my way to the kitchen. Naruto is still eating and I’m still not sure he’s really awake. The drive to work is quite short which is one of the reasons I picked this job, that and the fact that since my 12th birthday each summer both Itachi and Dad have been throwing their car knowledge at me. I’m not particularly interested in it but it’s better than Naruto’s construction job, or his job in moving furniture, or any other odd jobs he picks up every week.  I work from 12 to 8 or 9 at night it depends on how busy the shop is; thankfully it is quite deserted today so I get the ok from the owner to go home at 7:15. I make the short drive home and am about to walk inside when my phone starts ringing. I check the caller and press answer when I notice it’s my mom. I walk in and see Garra in the kitchen eating.
“Hey sweetie, how are you?”
“Hey mom, I just got home from work; how are you?” I say and go to sit down on the sofa in the living room.
“I still don’t get why you wanted to stay behind and work. Your tuition is paid by the scholarship and for everything else you want you know me and your dad will pay.” She says and I can hear the whining undertone in her voice. I am indeed working for the money; I don’t like asking for money from them; I can’t work during the year so I try to make as much as I can now that way, I can depend on myself for a while. I’ll only ask for money if I have to. Then there’s also the freedom; at home there’s always someone asking me where I’m going what I’m doing and so on. I’ve discovered I like my freedom very much during University. During the hokey season some of that freedom is taken by the coach but it’s still more than I’ve had home.
“I know mom. But I’ll be home for two weeks in a few days.”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I was talking to my friend Hikari, and she was complaining about how Hinata said she won’t be coming home at all. Neji and Hiashi are in America for the summer so they can’t drive over to see her. Hinata never learned how to drive and the road is way too long for her to take a train. Can you imagine baby?” Mom likes to give every piece of information; it doesn’t matter that I have no idea who any of these people are. I have never heard of her friend Hikari and her family “And she’s home all alone with Hanabi who is 16 and going thought her rebellion phase. My heart just breaks at that thought, sweetie; doesn’t yours?”
Mom actually makes a pause as if she’s actually expecting me to answer. “Yes, mom that sucks big time” Gaara walks into the living room and mouths ‘I’m off to work’ I nod and continue listening to mom.
“You know that Hinata doesn’t go to your University but the road from your house to hers is only about 2 hours so I told Hikari you’d swing by Hinata’s place to pick her up and you’d come home together. She was so excited baby. She’s on the phone just now talking to Hinata”
I’m stunned into silence. Mom literally tome me to make an additional 2 hours to pick up this girl and then another 2 hours to return from where she is; the only University that is quite close to us is the University of Arts and that’s 2 hours towards Suna and not Konoha. So instead of getting home in about 8 hours it would take me 12 hours. And let’s not forget I’d be stuck in the car with a stranger.
“I don’t know mom; that’s a little inconvenient and—”
“Sasuke Uchiha! What is more important your own convenience or reuniting a mother with her daughter? Plus, Hinata is cute as a button I’m sure the two of you will get along great”
I know better than to pick up a fight with my mom so I just agree; you could call me a pushover when it comes to her, I call it choosing my battles. “Fine. But I’ll need her number so I can talk to her directly and organize the trip I guess”
“Of course, baby. I’ll text you her number in a moment. Love you dear”
“I love you too” I really do but at times she can be very exhausting. Mom is so used to getting her way, both my dad and me and Itachi spoiled her for too long and now neither of us can say no to her, no matter how crazy her ideas are.
Hinata POV
I am stunned. Mom just called to tell me that she found a way for me to come home for two weeks. Apparently, the son of her friend Mikoto, friend she has never mentioned before in my life, goes to KU (Konoha University) and he will come pick me up and we’ll have a grand ol’ road trip.
Let me explain the two main issues here.
1.      I didn’t want to go home. Hell, if I wanted to, I could have taken a train on the first day of summer holiday or looked for a bus to take me home; but I didn’t.
2.      KU is 2 hours away towards Konoha, which means she inconvenienced this guy to drive 4 more hours than he should just to drag me, a complete stranger, home
The levels of guilt I’m feeling have no boundaries. I’m still thinking about how unreal this feels when my phone rings again, it’s an unknown number and under normal circumstances I would not answer but mom let me know that she gave the guy my number so we could talk about the trip home.
“Hello” I hate talking on the phone. I hate talking to stranger. I hate talking on the phone with stranger even more.
“Hey, is this Hinata?” his voice sounds defeated and exhausted too. I can only imagine the conversation his mom had with him.
I let a big sigh “Yes, it is. You my road trip partner?”
This makes him laugh a littler “Yes m’am. I’m Sasuke in case you mom, my mom’s best friend it would appear, didn’t let you know”
“I’m so sorry this got dumped on you. I feel so guilty especially since I could have found ways to go home…I just didn’t want to” I say and roll over so I’m on my back in my bed rather than on my belly. “Can’t you tell your mom the 4 extra hours are too much for you to drive?” “I tried and she pretty much tried to guilt trip me, saying that the, and I quote, ‘reunion of a mother with her daughter’ is more important than my selfishness” he sounds equal parts amused and annoyed. I don’t blame him.
“I too told my mom that I can’t possibly impose but she kept reassuring me how you found out about our situation from you mom and it was you who came up with the idea and that you would not take no for an answer. I knew it was bullshit from the get-go but mom has a way of getting whatever she wants” I confess.
“So does my mom. The more I mull over this the more I think our moms being friends is a bad idea.” The stranger aka Sasuke says followed by a lough sigh.
“You are right. Mom is bad enough on her own, I don’t even want to think what the two of them can do together”
“I wonder how they met. Did one of them put an ad in the paper. ‘Looking for a friend; guilt tripping of the universe, manipulation of everyone around, especially one’s children and the ability to get your way are the main characteristics I am looking for in a friend’”
That makes me laugh more than I want to admit. Silence falls for a few moments before Sasuke talks again.
“Anyway, regarding the drive, is it ok for you if I come pick you up at 9 in the morning or so; I want to get home at a somewhat decent hour” guilt washed over me again.
“That’s great, whatever works for you. I don’t want to inconvenience you even more. I am truly sorry Sasuke”
“It’s ok it isn’t your fault this was dropped on you just as it was on me. So I guess I’ll see you Sunday morning”
“Yes, I’ll text you my address right now so I don’t forget.”
“Ok thanks”
“Bye, see you Sunday” I say and hang up just as Ino opened the door to my room.
“Ooooo who will you be seeing on Sunday?” Ino asks and she winks and wiggles her eyebrows ate me.
“Oh, stop that, it’s a poor guy that my mom and his mom forced to swing by and drag me home for 2 weeks” I say.
“Oh no, you’re going home? Nooo, whyyy???” that is how I wanted to react too when mom told me but I couldn’t do that, no matter how meddlesome she is I never want to hurt her feelings.
“Mom insisted. And as I said she even secured me a way to go home and return” I still feel so guilty about troubling Sasuke so I make a note to cook breakfast for us or something nice like that.
Sasuke POV
Sunday morning, I arrive at Hinata’s a bit earlier than intended but I did text her when I left my home so I hope she’s ready to go. I walk to the door and knock. A girl that I assume is Hinata opens the door and to my horror she’s in her pjs. Her blonde hair is a mess and over all she does not look ready to hit the road.
“You must be Sasuke, come on in.” She says and I can’t even protest that we’re in a hurry and it’s better to just go because she’s not freaking dressed.
I walk into the small home and the smell of coffee hits me from every possible way. I’ve already had my first cup but I feel tired and the smell only makes me crave another cup.
“The kitchen is that way make yourself comfy” she says and walks to the stairs her own cup of coffee in hand. I hope to God she’s going to get dressed so we can leave as soon as possible.
I walk to where she pointed and find myself in the kitchen. On the island there is a plate filled with eggs and bacon, another with pancakes and a bowl of fruit salad. I have questions and look around confused, when a petite girl pops up from behind the island with two cups in her hand. I make a startled noise and she in turn screams. We look at each other for a few moments before she asks “Sasuke?”
I nod and she sighs in relief. “Oh, thank God I thought you were an intruder. I made breakfast so we can eat before leaving if you’re not in too much of a hurry”
She’s dressed and I see a suitcase next to one of the chairs. So, this girl is the real Hinata and she is almost ready to go, thank God. “Yea that’s cool.” I sit myself down.
“Do you want coffee?” she asks, I was hoping she would.
“Yes please. With just a bit of sugar and nothing else” I say  
“Ah you’re that kind of person I see” She says and gives me my filled cup. I watch her add maybe 5 ml of coffee in the next cup fill that with milk a lot of sugar, cinnamon and even vanilla. She puts it in the microwave for a while and finally walks around to sit herself down too.
“Ah so you’re that kind of person” I say right back. Hinata drinks from her cup but her eyes are smiling at me. I wait for her to fill her plate first before doing the same. We eat in silence; I finish first so I take her suitcase and take it to the car. I return to the door just as she walks outside.
“INO I’M LEAVING” Hinata screams, I assume Ino is the blonde girl.
“OK BABE, CALL ME WHEN YOU GET THERE” a voice screams right back.
I chuckle and we get into the car. I notice Hinata holds two to-go cups in her hands. She notices me looking at them and shrugs. “I made both of us another cup of coffee for the road” her declaration makes me thank the Lords.
“Good idea. It’s going to be a long road”
Part 1
(This story happens before part 1 so you can read them as you wish)
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anothayoongitrash · 7 years
Merry Go Round // Min Yoongi
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Min Yoongi x reader
Word count:2437  
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
“Yes, Dad. I’m doing fine here” You take your phone away from your ear. It’s 30 minutes already.
“Really? Did you eat properly, though? Your voice sound like you haven’t been eaten for 2 days” You rolled your eyes
“Dad! Geez, I’m a human too, you know? I’m feeling hungry too” Your Dad chuckled.
“So where are you right now?”
“I’m on Gallery of Modern Art right now. I’m hanging up. I need to take photos. Tell mom to eat her food properly or else I won’t eat any too. And tell Jin guk to study properly” Your dad replied and the call ended.
You took some photos and walked a bit more before you decided to go back to the hotel. Before, you go to Queen Street to buy raspberry yoghurt, you and your brother Jin Guk’s favourite. You smiled. How is that little guy doing? He must be working on his college assignments to the fullest right now.
You walked around the city to the nearest bus stop. Before that, you saw a fish and chips store.
“Well, couple boxes of fish and chips won’t hurt” You smile and buy 3 boxes of Fish and chips. One box of fish and chips is so big that the boy that is lining is staring at you and your three boxes of fish and chips. But you care less. Okay, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner are decided.
30 mins later, you arrived in the hotel. You walk in and found Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin talking with a grandma. When Jimin saw you, he quickly waves his hands and tell you to come.
Oh, it turns out that grandma was asking about how can she order a uber taxi from her phone. But Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung can’t really speak English so grandma became more confused than before.
“Oh, dear, thank you very much! You are such a kind-hearted girl. Not like those boys who were only making fun of me” Grandma stares at those three boys that are currently playing with the bag trolley. You smiled at her and she left. You walk toward them.
“Noona!” Taehyung runs to you “How was it? What was she asking about?”
“She was asking how to order uber” you answered. They nod in a rhythm.
“See? I told you she was asking about the uber thingy!” Jimin snaps at Jungkook
“No she’s not! She was asking what is wrong with her phone! Because she can’t call anyone!” Jungkook snaps back at him
“Then why didn’t you answer her then?” You asked. Jungkook laughs shyly
“He was just making that up. To look cool” Taehyung kicks Jungkook. You chuckled.
“Where are the others?” You asked
“You mean ‘where is Yoongi hyung?’” Jungkook smirking. Your cheeks blushed
“Y-Yah, I didn’t say that!” You eat your yoghurt and looking somewhere else. The three of them chuckled and keep teasing you. And your cheeks keep showing that red blushes.
“Hey, what did I miss?” Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi appeared. They look confused when they saw your cheeks blushed even more when you saw Yoongi.
“What did they do to you?” Yoongi asked.
“N-No! Nothing” He looks annoyed when you avoid eye contact with him and keep stirring your spoon on the yoghurt. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook keep smirking.
“Oh, yoghurt! Can I have some?” Hoseok grab your hand with spoon on it and shove the yoghurt into his mouth. You may not notice it, but Yoongi’s eyes widen because of shock.
“Mmm… Delicious! Thankyou!!” You smiled at Hoseok. Yoongi opens his mouth, wanted to say something, but your phone vibrated.
“Noona” Your smile widens when you hear that familiar sound
“Oh Jin Guk-ah! Oh my, do you miss me?” The seven boys quickly getting closer as they heard you mentioned a boy’s name
“Nah, father told me to call you. He doesn’t want you to get bothered by him” You scoff
“But he just called me a while ago! Should I just turn off my phone?” You pouted
“Yeah do that and he will go to Brisbane. I’m dead serious” He chuckled “Anyway noona, I’m quite busy so I will go now. Take care! Don’t drink too much coffee or your teeth will become yellow” You smiled at the words that he has been saying since both of you were 10 and 8.
“Yes, yes, yes. Go study. Bye!” You stare at your phone screen for a minute while smiling.
“Who was that? Your boyfriend?” Yoongi flinches when he heard Namjoon’s words. You laughed sarcastically.
“And why would I date someone who only have trigonometry, Pythagoras, and other shit like that in his mind? Nah, he’s my brother, Jung Jin Guk”. You explained “Anyway, where are you guys going?”
“Oh, we were just want to go grab something for lunch. Wanna come?” Ask Yoongi. Your eyes widen
“Actually, I just came out and bought 3 boxes of fish and chips. Do you guys want to join me instead?” Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook quickly stare at Jin and Namjoon.
“Okay, okay. Then Namjoon, you go with me to buy another box of fish and chips. Where is your room, Jinyoung-ah?” ask Jin. You smiled “it’s 1079”
After parting with Namjoon and Jin, you, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook walk to the lift
“Wow Noona, I’m so touched. You actually intended to have lunch with us” Jungkook starts the conversation
“What? No, these three boxes of heaven actually for my lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner” The boys shocked.
“You actually gonna finish one big box of that in one gulp?” Ask Jimin. You nod cheerfully. “You will become fat!”
“Eh, so what? As long as I’m happy” You wave your hand in front of Jimin. Yoongi smiled
“Oh, man. Suddenly I miss my sister. She looks exactly like you” Said Hoseok. You chuckled.
On your room, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung play with your laptop, Yoongi looking around, and Hoseok reads novel in your bed. Meanwhile, you still pouring the hot water on the cup that already filled with coffee powder.
“Another coffe?” Yoongi stands beside you. You nod
“Your teeth will become yellow if you drink coffee too much” You look at him surprised, then laugh
“You just sounded like my brother!” Yoongi raises his eyebrows, then laugh along with you.
You start drinking your coffee while looking at the 4 boys “They sure are lively”
“Yeah right” Yoongi answers sarcastically. You chuckled.
“So you guys have nothing for the rest of the day?” You ask him. He nods “Yeah” suddenly his phone vibrates
“Hello?...... Oh, OK” He turns off his phone and looks at you “Namjoon and Jin hyung are in front” You put your coffee cup and run toward the door.
After that, you eat your lunch with them, along with playing games. Time flies so fast. When you look at the clock, it’s 7 pm already.
“Whoa, we played this long” Taehyung shocked.
“Man, I’m hungry again” Namjoon holds his stomach “Want to order Pizza?” Everyone agreed
“And let’s eat pizza with this” Jin takes out bottles of soju.
“Yah, where did you get that?” Ask Yoongi
“We went to the Korea store near the station earlier.” Jin looks at you “Is it okay?” You nod quickly. Everyone smile.
10 mins after that, the pizza come.
“YAY!” Taehyung screams and grab a box from Namjoon’s hand. Everone start munching.
“Noona, can you drink?” Jungkook ask. You smirk
“Well, duh. I’m an independent woman who could drink 3 bottles of soju without getting drunk, my dear” Hoseok and Taehyung laugh. “Really?” Ask Yoongi. You nod.
“Then let’s prove it. I will bring more if it’s not enough. Our room is not that far” You smile and nod at Namjoon’s challenge.
“Let the game begin”
“Yah Jeon Jungkook! Give me back my underwear!” Taehyung pulls Jungkook by his collar and shakes him.
“No, no, no I’m not giving back the last pizza slice. I ate that already” Jungkook answers him and giggles
“BUT THAT’S GUCCI!” Taehyung screams.
“YAH! YOU GUYS ARE NOISY! MY BABY IS TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!” Jimin lays in your bed while patting his shoe. You chuckled.
You turn your sight to Jin that is telling his lame dad jokes to Namjoon. Namjoon laughs loudly. They are also drunk. And how about the rest? You look around and see Hoseok sleeping while hugging the trash bin. And you found Yoongi is sitting alone in the couch that facing the big window. You take the blanket near Jimin and sit in the couch beside Yoongi.
“Oh? Who are you?” Yoongi turns his head slowly. Oh, he’s a bit drunk.
“This is Jinyoung” You chuckled.
“Oh, the lift girl. I still remember it clearly when your dad called you” He started murmuring.
“He said you are a disgraceful little thing” You chuckled. “hm-hm”
“And then you just ran away from the lift” he says “Hm-hm”
“And then I met you on Southbank. You were lining in the Ferris weeee!” You smile and look at him.
“I was being chased by my faaaannsss. And when I saw you, I quickly feel reassured. I don’t knoooowww whyyy?” You stop your smile
“So I went in and rode the ferris weee with you. And I saw you squealed and giggled. That made me happy. Whyyyy??” He stares at you. Your cheeks blushed. “Oh my, am I started to feel drunk? Why am I like this?” You whispered. You take another shot of soju to calm your heartbeat, but nothing change.
“And that night when we walked around the river siiideee. You took so many photos. You know what? I actually took ssome picturrreess of you! Cause you are so pweeeetttyyy! See?” He shows you his gallery and your cheeks became more red.
Yoongi chuckled
“But then I saw you were blushing in front of the maknae line, and Hoseok casually shoved your yoghurt into his mouth. I feel jealous.” He pouts.
“Yah, Jung Jiyoung. I think I love you” He fell on your right shoulder and starts a smooth snore.
You hold both of your cheeks. It feels hot. You looked at snoring Yoongi. He is so cute. You pat his head while smiling.
“I love you too”
Yoongi opens his eyes. It’s morning already. He looks at his phone. 08.10 AM.
He wants to move his body, but something leans on his shoulder. He turns his head. Jiyoung?
He moves his body slowly, trying his best to not wake you up. You let out a small groaning
“Hmm… Dad, don’t move around too much” you murmuring. Yoongi chuckles “Okay, okay. I give up”
“But sadly, I’m not your dad” He says smoothly. You slowly wake up and brush your eyes. “Morning” he gives you his gummy smile.
“’ning” you said. Then suddenly you remember what happened last night. Your cheeks reddened.
“Hm? Why?” Yoongi smiles. He knows what you just remembered.
“La-last night.. Um..“ you stuttering. Yoongi’s smile widens
“Yeah, what about it?” he stretches his left arm and pull you closer. You cover your face with your arms.
“Nah, forget it” Yoongi chuckles. He hugs you tightly “I love you” he whispers. You turn your head into him, surprised.
“But, it’s only been 3 days” you said. Yoongi rests his head on your right shoulder, while his arm still hugging you.
“Yeah, crazy huh?” You chuckle “Not really. The first day my mom and my dad start dating was the first day they meet each other” you said. Yoongi lifts his head “really?”
You nod “Love at the first sight, they said”
“So are we official right now?” you ask him. He raises his eyebrows
“Well I don’t know, do you want to be mine?” he asks. You giggle, then nod. Yoongi smiles
“Aaaahhh finally, our job is done. I’m quite surprised it only took them this fast” You and Yoongi turn when you heard someone talking. The other boys are already wake up! And they staring at both of you right now.
“Well, they madly in love already since the first day” said Namjoon “Sigh, when will I found mine?” He looks at Jin with hope dangling in his eyes
“No, don’t even” Jin shoves Namjoon’s face. Everyone laugh, except you and Yoongi.
“Wait, I don’t get it” you broke the laughter.
“Geez, Noona. We were trying to hook you up with Yoongi hyung! And it turned out that we only need 3 days” Taehyung explains. You look up at Yoongi and he shakes his head, telling you that he does not know a single thing.
“Then, let’s go grab breakfast and leave those lovebirds alone.” Hoseok stands. Jungkook running towards you and hugs you
“Congratulations Noona! Just remember, if things do not turn out right, I will be here” You chuckled.
“Hey, hands off” Yoongi pulls you into his hug. Jungkook scoffs
“Here comes the protective father” He runs away before Yoongi stretches his leg to kick him. After the boys left you alone, Yoongi lays down in the couch and still hugging you.
“Come on, lazy boy, let’s get our breakfast” You stand up, but he quickly grabs your wrist and pulls you back into his hug
“Can we just grab it later?” He rests his chin on top of your head. “I just got mine and I want to enjoy it first” Your cheeks blush
“Alright, alright” You hug him. He chuckles “Aahh, it feels nice”
Yoongi clicks his tongue. You sit and click the green button
“Hey Dad, what’s up?” you answer with annoying sound.
“Yah, what’s with that attitude?” You roll your eyes
“I’m sorry. Hey Dad! I’m doing fine! Just want to grab my breakfast when someone suddenly calls me! You know, I’m really hungry right now!” Yoongi scoffs and snickers when he heard your talking tone. You tell him to shut up.
“When will you come back from Brisbane?” He asks
“I don’t know. I may stay here forever” You snicker.
“Do that and I will block your credit card” You roll your eyes
“If I come back, then you will force me to do that ridiculous dinner party with those random boys again!” Yoongi raises his head and pouts. He hugs your waist from behind.
“They are not random! They are my colleagues’ sons! I do that so you can start your own romance story, my dear daughter” you scoff
“Okay, okay. But there is no need to do that anymore” You smile and look at Yoongi who closes his eyes.
“Dad, I got mine”.
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