persephoneflouwers · 1 year
Wait i dont get the english breakfast thing sorry
Oh angel, that’s a super secret code meant to unlock even the gelid hearts of people like me.
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English Colazione ♥️♥️
Or maybe he meant he’s having his English husband for breakfast. I don’t know, ask Louis 😭
Edit (only to have all the complete compilation in a single post):
Harry has a “colazione” (breakfast in Italian) tattoo on his thigh. @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk ‘s post described it after the AIW BTS.
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Here’s Harry fonding because Louis mentions missing English Breakfast on tour. (Thanks @louansue for the gif addition! I’ll search for the video when I get home)
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And this is Louis in 2023 :) curious how his having the first English breakfast of his US leg coincidentally when Harry’s tour ended just 6 days ago.
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Very funny, very coincidental.
I swear, these two!
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pgfone · 6 days
Guardi un video su YouTube di 4/5 anni fa di Matt the farmer che faceva l'insegnante e poi guardi un video di matt the farmer adesso che fa il contadino e capisci che fare agricoltura non fa poi così tanto bene.
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i-mmaginando · 1 month
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Buongiono. Ti ho preparato una colazione per una perfomance da crocetta sul calendario.
Non mi deludere.
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twopoppies · 1 year
I literally wouldn’t put it past him to get Tattoos for cats. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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sexyluna3 · 1 year
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Ciao faccio colazione …
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il-gringo88 · 5 months
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annapassione · 2 years
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La colazione è in tavola per te...
Buona domenica 💋
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espritcampagne · 9 months
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Je vous souhaite une excellente journée.
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caffeacolazione · 3 months
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il mio ultimo luglio a Roma 8 Improvvisamente, un grande pino
mon dernier juillet à Rome 8 Soudain, un grand pin
My last July in Rome 8 Suddenly, a large pine tre
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roby-500 · 23 days
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pgfone · 9 months
Un applauso al mio vicino che ha fatto il presepe nel barbecue.
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i-mmaginando · 6 days
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Vai di fretta o facciamo colazione assieme?
[source @eroticlass blog]
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twopoppies · 1 year
I know you are one of those who refuse to believe H’s new-not that new tattoo has anything to do with that woman because it’s just ridiculous - for me it’s the same as how everyone related Cinema to her because it’s just 1st thing what come to everyone’s mind. And then we slowly we found out it’s indeed about….gay sex 😂. After finding out H’s finsta is following that hotel in Civita and they have cat named Colazione and dog named…Olivia. It still feels but odd to me that he would randomly tattoo names of dog and cat (or 2 cats if we mention Gemma’s cat) but he’s Harry and his sense of humour is still unknown for us.
Plus, add in that he follows that hotel from his finsta… I’m honestly howling.
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spettriedemoni · 2 months
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Ho fatto un ciambellone.
Ho un discreto coraggio ad accendere il forno con questo clima, però ora faccio una buona colazione.
E la dieta oggi prevede 70 grammi di dolce casereccio.
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ilsilenteloquaceblog · 4 months
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— Le sue mattine cominciavano sempre
allo stesso modo ma non proseguivano mai
in maniera identica.
L’appuntamento fisso era la colazione…
per lei un rituale, fatto da due fette di pan carrè
tostato, burro e marmellata…
quindi il “suo cappuccino”…
una tazza di latte d’avena schiumato,
appena macchiato di caffe.
Nel mentre, lo sguardo fisso sul cellulare…
in attesa d’un Suo messaggio,
il Suo “buongiorno”…
ancor meglio se seguito da quel “PUOI?”
che si trasformava subito in una telefonata […]
Il Silente Loquace ©
— @ilsilenteloquaceblog
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ilblogdellestorie · 2 years
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Buongiorno e buona domenica a tutti
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