#cold banette anon
pokemonranch · 5 months
[Attached is a photo of a Banette, curiously following the photographer along a frosty path from behind.]
Hey, it’s cold Banette anon, and this is cold Banette. Took your advice and went to talk to the rangers and Pokémon Center. It’s much more convenient to talk to them about a Pokémon you’re concerned about when the little thing is following you like a lost skitty.
Turns out, it was indeed released. Someone was able to confirm this, claiming that they recently saw someone release their Banette in the neighbourhood. Must’ve heard that this place gets ghost types fairly often, and thought that it would be fine here. I don’t know why it came to me specifically, but I’m buying a couple cleanse tags just to be safe anyway. I didn’t know what to do and just… went home.
It followed me home too, but just decided to make a little den with the blankets I put out in the yard for it. Guess I have a new neighbour… Maybe I’ll see if I can build up a bond with it, find out more about it, y’know? Maybe I can be its new friend!
[Cold Banette Anon referencing this ask]
Happy to see you're doing good! With its story, I think it's safe to say the poor thing is lost and probably not as dangerous as a wild Banette could be. It might have been attracted to you because you lived near its old trainer, or just because you seemed like someone that would be chill with it, and it seems it was right!
Now, on the bright side, having a ghost in your yard can be good. It certainly helps you avoid unwanted visits. Worst scenario it also attracts some Shuppets... But you shouldn't worry 'bout that now! Best of luck with befriending it!
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pokemonranch · 7 months
Banette anon here! The one who found a Banette in their frosty yard. For simplicity’s sake, I’ll specify as the “Cold Banette anon”.
Anyway! I’m here for an update. When I went outside to try setting out some blankets for it, it came right up to me to see what I was doing. It doesn’t seem wary at all, and I’m starting to worry for a different reason. It’s not afraid of people, seems used to them actually, but still won’t actually try to come in. Is it waiting for an invite of some kind? Is it anxious about homes? My main concern is the possibility that it might’ve been released or abandoned by a trainer and isn’t sure what to do now. I could be wrong of course, and I’m still wary. It’s got such curious eyes though…
Looks like he might be indeed a recently released/abandoned 'mon, or maybe his old owners lived in your home previously and he was looking for them and found you, instead?
You can always check with your local 'mon Center or Rangers if someone reported a Banette that might be lost, or even if your neighbors have seen a wild Banette around and might know its trainer. I wouldn't recommend letting a wild 'mon inside your house unless you're 100% sure it's harmless, especially if you have any other pets in your home! If you're not sure but want to give it a chance anyway, getting some Cleanse tags for your own protection won't hurt.
Be careful, and let me know how it goes!
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