Coldwestallenwave, non-power au (:
No powers means no Flash means no Reverse Flash means (at least in my happy little corner of the alternate world) Nora Allen never dies and Henry is never falsely imprisoned. 
This of course means Barry doesn’t grow up with Joe and Iris. Instead he and Iris spend their entire childhood and adolescence still technically joined at the hip but not living under the same roof being raised by the same man, and it helps Iris clue into her feelings about Barry waaaayy earlier.
Barry and Iris start “dating” in the sixth grade, and remarkably don’t break up until their senior year of high school. They both agree they need space to grow and learn more about themselves away from each other, and it’s awkward as hell their entire senior year. Iris goes to prom with the star of the basketball team and doesn’t have a date at all, yet they both spend the whole night watching each other across the dance floor when they think the other isn’t looking. 
Iris and Barry both go to CCU, Iris for journalism, Barry for nursing (he admires doctors, he really does, but he’s seen the job drive his father prematurely grey and anyway, nursing feels a lot more like treating the patient than just the disease, and all Barry’s ever wanted to do is help people)
Their sophomore year of college, after an excruciatingly long time of being “just friends” – being apart – Barry and Iris finally get back together. The time apart was good for them. It let Iris figure out who she is outside of “Detective West’s Kid” and “The Girl Dating Dr. Allen’s Son” and it let Barry explore his sexuality more and come to the point where he’s finally comfortable identifying as bi/ace. But on the other hand, my God does it feel good to be with each other again. 
After Barry finishes school and gets his official nursing license, he and Iris move out of their parents’ homes and get a shitty apartment together in a shitty part of town, all they can afford with loan debts and Iris still in grad school getting her masters, but it’s home and they love it. 
Barry proposes over a carton of Chinese takeout with a white sapphire that puts him out $250, which is simultaneously nothing and a fucking lot. Iris says yes before he has two words of the speech he spent three weeks planning out of his mouth, which is probably for the best, because he’s crying like a baby anyway. They both are. 
Iris gets an internship at CCPN, which is where she gets the incredibly stupid idea to edge out the competition and earn a full time position by getting the exclusive story on a couple of big time thieves moving on mob territory in Central, which brings us to…
Len and Mick, whose backstories haven’t much changed much, except they’re married and have been since they just so happened to be on a job in Massachusetts in 2004, not that Len actively planned for it to work out that way, but that’s basically canon already, right? 
Iris’ investigation takes her into incredibly dangerous territory she’s definitely lying to Barry about being in. Halfway through photographing evidence, a couple of goons from the Santini catch her in the act and point guns at her, and Iris is sure she’s done for, except the gunfire that follows doesn’t come from the Santinis and, surprisingly enough, isn’t directed at her. 
That’s how Len and Iris are officially introduced, with bodies cooling at their feet and Iris five seconds away from a panic attack, but keeping it together better than Len ever expected from a civilian, and damn if that doesn’t impress him even more than her deep brown eyes and they way her clothes fit her like a second skin – and who flashes that much leg trespassing on a mob warehouse, anyway? 
Len takes Iris out to a greasy, hole-in-the-wall diner to get her settled and avoid her going into shock while he calls Mick in to deal with the bodies at the warehouse. Iris is shaken but matches Len’s bravado about “people go missing all the time” and “certain things have a way of happening” and Len knows there’s no way he’s going to throw the young, aspiring journalist off her story, and he really doesn’t want to kill her. Something about the set of her jaw reminds him of someone he used to care about, and the faint smells of harissa and lamb. 
Which is how Len starts acting as Iris’ inside source. He’s prickly about what information he will and won’t give her, and sometimes she pokes her nose where it doesn’t belong even after Len’s thrown her a bone he thought for sure would keep her out of things. They argue something fierce when that happens, but nothing like the night Iris ends up tied to a chair staring down the barrel of a Darbinyan’s gun and she’s more sure that she’s ever been that this is how she’s going to die. 
Until Len shows up with some new gun she’s never seen before – a prototype he stole from STAR Labs, the same place that launched the wildly successful particle accelerator, Iris will learn later – that freezes every mobster solid like ice. He hits them with the hilt of the weapon on his way over for good measure, then he’s untying Iris from her chair, and Iris can’t even think to be nauseous over how gruesome and brutal Len was, how close she came to dying, because Len’s grabbing her by the elbow and pulling her to her feet, pushing her up against a chain link wall and yelling at her to never be so stupid again, and then he’s kissing her and… oh!
Iris doesn’t mean to kiss back, doesn’t even realize she is kissing back until her engagement ring catches on one of the clasps on Len’s leather jacket that she’s always thought he looked so good in – always though thinking as much was innocent, harmless –  and she’s shoving Len back with a horrified gasp and fingers that fly so fast to her lips there’s no way Len doesn’t see the rock on her finger, even in the low, flickering lights of the warehouse. 
Iris goes home that night sick with guilt. Len dropped her off a block away from her building, citing lingering concerns for her safety, but Iris isn’t so convinced it’s not because Len hoping to find something to say over the twenty minute car ride to make things right between them. When Iris puts her hand on the handle to get out, Len finally breaks the silence festering between them by croaking out a shaky admission of “I’m married” that only makes things worse. 
Barry’s cooking breakfast on their crappy stove that only has one working burner when she gets home, just back from a shift at the hospital probably. He does that, cooks Iris breakfast when he has to work nights so they can spend at least some time together, and Iris feels like shit. Barry’s brow furrows, worried and surprised to see her just getting home instead of being in bed asleep, and Iris breaks down into a fit of tears before she can even slide the deadbolt in place. She tells Barry everything, and he cries too, and the eggs burn, and it’s not a good day. 
Len meets back up with Mick at the warehouse to clean up the defrosting mobster pieces and keep the CCPD off their trail. Mick knows something’s off with Len from the moment he catches sight of him. Mick knows about Iris, knows her having such a close brush with death probably rattled Len a lot more than he was expecting, thinks he’s probably trying to wall up whatever clusterfuck of emotions are swirling behind his eyes like he always does when people get too close, like they both do, part of the reason they’ve been off about as much as they’ve been on over the last twenty-some odd years. He doesn’t expect Len to say, quiet but icy as Mick’s ever heard him, “I fucked up.” Partly because Len’s never one to admit his mistakes. But also because Mick’s pretty sure he made it clear – or as clear as he can without them ever really talking about it, because Mick can’t do talking, can’t get past the lump in his throat and the unshakable fear ever time he tries that promises he’ll say something wrong and fuck everything up – that making a move on Iris West was definitely on the table. 
Mick and Iris meet for the first time a week later. There’s a huge power struggle between the Santini’s and the Darbinyan’s happening that’s sure to leave both sides gutted (which he and Len had nothing to do with, if anyone asks) and Mick can see how much Len’s itching to slip Iris some insider information. Idiot’s go the file all put together and everything. He’s just too chicken shit to make a move, won’t say what exactly happened the last time he tried – if he even did try – but it can’t be half as bad a Len’s building it up to be. He just the kind of guy that deals a lot of his own lashes, so to speak. 
Mick corners Iris as she’s walking home through the park. It’s after dark and Mick knows going in it’s gonna give her a hell of a scare, but he can’t see another way to get to her, and she’s the one walking alone at night in a neighborhood like this like she’s got no reason to be afraid. He barely gets his hand around Iris’ wrist before she comes up with pepper spray from her purse and she gets him good in the jaw anyway, and even before she goes still enough to get a good look at her, Mick gets every bit of what Len sees. 
Mick finally gets why Len’s so prickly when he sees the rock on Iris’ finger, when his introduction is met with her stammered apology that’s both contrite and lanced with an edge of genuine terror her never wanted to make a wildfire like her feel. Mick passes the envelope off, tells her no hard feelings, and leaves as quickly as he came before her soft lips and fierce spirit manage to drag him into whatever hell they’ve got Len burning in. 
Iris wars over what to do with the information for an impressive two hours before running with the story. She’s not even surprised at her own behavior, unfair as it might be to Barry. This isn’t about her feelings. It’s about her career. Somehow, the pages still smell like Len – sandalwood and wintergreen and orange blossom – and Iris tries to pretend it doesn’t make her heart skip a beat. 
Mick acts as Iris’ informant from then on. She tells Barry after she publishes her first article using Len’s information delivered through Mick, and Barry understands her obligation to her career, respects it even. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t start tagging along to info drops that turn more and more into strange, almost social outings the longer the arrangement goes on. After almost six months of Len running Iris intel through Mick, Barry and Iris meet Mick at a sketchy bar downtown and order hot wings and cheap beer and Iris doesn’t even realize until she and Barry get home that no information had even been exchanged – the meeting (or was it a date?) hadn’t even been set up under the pretext of doing as much. 
The first time Iris sees Len again after the kissing incident comes when she runs into Mick dragging his listless body up the stairwell in her apartment building and Iris doesn’t even ask how or when Mick found out where she lives. She knows Mick knows Barry’s a nurse, and that’s the only thought she can process, the only thought that screams at her as she rushes forward to prop Len up on his other side and help Mick haul him up the last two flights of stairs. She doesn’t think about how the pit falls out of her stomach at the thought of losing Len, or that she’s bringing the man she had an affair with – if not physically, at least emotionally, Iris is a big enough girl to admit that much – to her fiancé to beg with him if she has to to save his life, or that the man who’s helping her do it is Len’s husband who she realizes, as she notices the cut on the the side of his cheek for the fist time, she’s just as worried about. 
Iris’ cry for help is so chilling, haunting, it wakes Barry up in a cold sweat. He’s still in his underwear when he stumbles into the main room of their apartment and sees her and Mick carry in a man who’s either already dead or on his way fast. It registers with Barry that this has to be Len – Leonard Snart – criminal kingpin, subject of Iris’ past indiscretion. But the desperate look in Mick and Iris’ eyes alike keeps from even breaking stride. Barry’s wide away, directing Mick to lay Len down on the couch, rivers of blood and all, and yelling at Iris to get him his first aid kit and clean set of towels. 
The fact that Len’s still breathing after Barry pulls two slugs out of him and stitches up close to a dozen knife wounds is a miracle. Mick sits vigil on the floor by Len’s head waiting for him to wake up and Iris stands as far away as she can manage in an apartment their size while still keeping an eye on Len, too. Eyes that look worried, but also incredibly guilty and self-loathing, and Barry feels every ounce of hurt and uncertainty leave him in one heavy breath. He presses along Iris’ side and holds her tight and whispers a soft “okay” in her hair that he follows up with a soft, delicate kiss, and Iris sags against him, buries her head in his shoulder, and cries, but this time, it’s with relief. 
Len isn’t fit to go anywhere for a few days, and it sounds like it should be a disaster, but they adapt to it quickly, almost naturally. They give Len the bed as soon as he’s mobile and Mick stays with him, unwilling to leave his side, not that Iris or Barry blame him. Iris and Barry buy a shitty air mattress to lay out in the main room that always deflates by morning, but it’s not like either of them were repeatedly shot and stabbed, so they make it work. Barry comes back from grocery shopping with Mick one afternoon to see Iris curled up against Len’s side in the bedroom, both fast asleep, and it doesn’t make jealously well up in Barry’s throat like the thought it would. Barry and Mick cook supper together and Mick’s hands trail over Barry’s finger on the knife, against the small of his back as the navigate the tight space. They eat soup together around the same rickety table Barry proposed at nearly three years ago, and it feels oddly right. 
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robininthelabyrinth · 8 years
Do you have any thoughts on how Coldwestwave would go? :D
With hilarious amounts of horror from Barry and Joe, I’d imagine. no the way they keep babying her against her will in the Flash totally does not piss me off beyond belief
But seriously, I always write Iris with a strong healthy wicked streak, not to mention a bit of daredevil, and I think that if she wasn’t predisposed against them for some other reason (Barry’s the Flash, they’re supervillains, etc.), she’d hit it off great with them and be willing/able to overlook the minor criminal issue.
They’d probably help her with her journalism career, getting her into places no journalist can safely go, too; she’d enjoy that.
Honestly, if Barry never told her about the Flash, and a certain two supervillains grabbed her as the Flash’s favorite reporter instead of Caitlin (say, if Caitlin had worn a mask when Cisco et al went after Cold with the vacuum, god that’s still such a dumb mistake), she probably would have ended up having coffee with them and playing the oh-woe-is-me damsel in distress on camera willingly. And helped cover their tracks, too.
…they would have so much fun is what I’m saying here.
(They’d probably also be more upfront with her about everything that Barry is, sad to say. “we are criminals” “we are supervillains” “Len’s childhood sucks, be careful about that”, etc. instead of “I’ve had a crush on you forever and I never told you, but I don’t like it that you’re dating someone new after I was in a coma for nine months with no expectation of waking up”, “you should stop writing about the Flash (who I totally am not familiar with and/or am) because it’s dangerous for you for unclear reasons because a blog writer/niche news aggregator is totally a first target”, “but your dad told me to keep you in the dark”, “I erased your memory of our first kiss, like, three times by now”, “we’re married in the future and meant to be, btw”….man, given the fact that I actually like westallen as a ship, the show REALLY does a bad job at convincing me it’s a healthy relationship)
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heyheyohsorry · 6 years
Private Lessons
inspired by @holland-ish 50 NSFW prompts
Fandom: The Flash
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Mick Rory x Leonard Snart x Iris West
The idea to have a “Team Flash Orientation” makes sense. Especially after Mick sets a building on fire in order to pursue a non-lethal meta.
Len is a big enough to admit that despite their time on the WaveRider and his self-sacrifice, there are “fundamental morals” that he and Mick lack.
Still, he wasn’t looking forward to listening to Barry blab on and on about “societal good” and “the value of every life” for 2 hours at 9am on Saturday morning.
He’s even more surprised when it’s Iris West who greets them.
“Expecting someone else?” Iris asks, leaning back against the desk. She’s dressed in a simple outfit, black heels, black skirt, beige v-neck sweater.
“Perhaps,” Len drawls.
“Well, Barry isn’t the one with a B.S. in Sociology and Philosophy, so I’ll be your teacher today. Is that okay?” Iris asks, her arms crossed in front of her chest further accentuating her cleavage.
“Yes, Ma’am.” Mick smirks.
“Good. I’ll be right back with your first assignment,” Iris says, before walking out the office.
“Never knew West’s daughter was so hot.” Mick says, nudging Len as they sit down in their seats.
“Never knew a sweater could be sexy” Len states.
“Bet she’s one of those ‘Angel in the streets, freak in the sheets.’ type of girls” Mick laughs.
Iris walks back in with two stacks of paper, dropping them in front of Len and Mick before moving to the white board.
“Lesson One,” Iris says, writing on the board “Respectful words.” fixing them both with a knowing glare.
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lesbiandanieljacobi · 8 years
ColdWestWave (Len, Mick, and Iris) ?
Another OT3 that I hadn’t considered but love the idea of. 
who is more likely to hurt the other? Mick, physically, Len, emotionally. who is emotionally stronger? Lenny. But they are all tough as all hell. who is physically stronger? Mick. who is more likely to break a bone? Lenny or Iris. Mick is a grumpy nurse who still has all their fave things waiting for them. who knows best what to say to upset the other? Iris. Journalist queen of weak spots. who is most likely to apologise first after an argument? Mick is the least stubborn of these three. who treats who’s wounds more often? Iris is always patching her boys up. who is in constant need of comfort? ALL OF THEM look there is no one in the DCTV universe except maybe Jax, Nate and Stein who isn't horribly traumatized. who gets more jealous? Mick’s a possessive fucker.  who’s most likely to walk out on the other? Iris is very good at dramatic exits. She’s also very good at the kind of exit that makes people want to follow and make up immediately. who will propose? Mick. He’ll have it all planned out. Lenny’s scared he’ll end up like his Dad and Iris is trying to figure out whether they can pull it off without her being very publicly connected to them and Mick just organizes the rings and whips them out on an anniversary and when Len protests he points out that Lenny hasn’t hit them yet and he’s not going to start now and when Iris sobs her way through an ‘I can’t’ Mick comes back with ‘spousal privilege” and fuck I have to write this now. who has the most difficult parents? Iris - Joe’s not exactly Len and Mick’s biggest fan, and also both her boys’ parents are dead. who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? Iris. Iris takes great glee in hold the hands of her big bad criminal boyfriends. who hogs the blankets? Lenny. Iris lets him, and snuggles up to Actual Space Heater Mick Rory. who gets more sad? Iris is the only one who voluntarily expresses emotions like sadness. The other two hide it. who is better at cheering the other up? Mick bakes brownies. Failsafe for both Lenny and Iris. who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes? Mick and Iris double down on Len’s puns. who is more streetwise? Mick and Lenny, although Iris has her talents. who is more wise? Iris and Lenny are a scary combo. who’s the shyest? Probably Lenny. who boasts about the other more? Lenny loves boasting about Iris’ articles. Iris loves rubbing it in that she’s literally in bed with the mob. who sits on who’s lap? Len does his dumb cat sprawl over anyone, and Iris likes being cuddled up in Mick’s lap in particular. 
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ekuestr · 8 years
Title: Yours
Ship: ColdWestWave
Notes: This is a Soulmate AU where soulmates gain the scars their soulmate has. There is a general desire and draw between soulmates when they find each other as well.
Barely three hours after Iris West was brought into the world her cries filled the nursery of the hospital. The nurse that went to check on her gasped at the purple bruise that came to her cheek before fading gently. Bruises never stayed, but scars would.
Joe West was almost ready to start a search that would surely end in a murder when the nurses told him. Someone was hurting his baby girls soulmate and by what the nurses recounted it was child abuse. He was seeing red.  
Before Iris was a week old she would have her first scar. Jagged and right along her elbow. If he had to guess Joe would say it was from broken glass.
It was impossible to find the child though. There was nothing to go on other than a list of scars and although he spent hours searching hospital records there was no patient that matched. He was helpless to protect the kid.
Len and Mick had found each other when they were 14 and figured that was it. They had been in juvie and each had plenty of scars of their own already so it wasn't difficult to put it all together. More scars would come, of course, but they did their best to look out for each other.
Still, it was weird when a scar would show up that neither one of them could remember getting. There was a line on their ankles that looked like it came from a broken ankle, a medical scar on their side that neither had had done. It was strange, but they mostly wrote it off.  
The thought did cross both of their minds that maybe they had someone else waiting for them but it was easier to brush that off. They didn't want to scar someone else with their history and if they could ignore it and pretend everything was fine they would rather do that. At least for now.
Putting your head in the sand only works for so long, though. For Len and Mick it worked for about 20 years.  
Iris West was standing next to the Flash when they broke into S.T.A.R. labs. It was supposed to be a reconnaisance mission but it was so easy to break in they decided to push their luck. They did have a deal with the Flash anyway, if they got caught they figured they could work something out.
Mick was the one who saw the scars first, some nicks all up and down her arms and peeking out the bottom of her dress was a deep scar on her thigh. Len remembered getting that when he was 15 and tried sneaking out of the house to go see Mick.
They did make it back to their hideout without much incident, thanks to the Flash apparently having a soft spot for them. Maybe that would be good considering they were apparently the soulmates of one of his close friends.
"She's close with the Flash."  
"I don't care. She's ours." Mick didn't know why they were even having this conversation. She was theirs and he wasn't about to ignore that just because she happened to be close with Central City's biggest annoyance.
When his family died due to his own stupidity Mick made a promise to himself that his soulmates would never meet that same end. He would protect them and kill himself before he let them go. He couldn't protect Iris if she wasn't with them.
"I know." Len scowled and played with his pinkie ring, staring into space as he tried to think through this new development. "I'm just saying we'll have to be careful. She's not going to trust us."
"Sure she will, she's our girl."
Len wished he could have that kind of faith but somehow he doubted it would be so easy.  
It was only two weeks later he found out it was that easy though. Anyone he could control had been told to watch out for Iris and as soon as it got back to Len and Mick that a metahuman had grabbed her to lure out the Flash they were headed to get her.  
"Captain cold and heatwave saved me? Why?" Iris watched them warily, staying as far back as she could. "No." Mick grunted and pulled off his coat and then his t-shirt in one smooth motion to reveal a scared chest that mirrored Iris' own. Iris' eyes widened and she stepped closer, one hand moving out to run gently over the scars on Mick's chest that she had touched and memorized for years.  Iris looked over at Len with a curious look, sizing him up for a moment before some defense in his eyes let up and he nodded. She stepped over to him and pushed his parka down his arm and then slipped her hands to his shirt. Every inch of skin the fabric revealed held another scar that matched hers.   Iris leaned forward to kiss at the scar that rested over Len's heart gently and then turned to do the same to Mick. There was no more fear and whatever defense she had been building slipped away. Her soul mates had figured out she was in trouble and saved her. The fact that they were criminals didn't matter. Knowing the kind of childhood had made it a lot easier to understand how they were led to this career. Iris couldn't even imagine who she and Barry would be if they hadn't had her dad. Mick brought his hand up to her cheek and stroked gently with his thumb and she leaned into the touch. She felt alive. Of course there had been stories but she couldn't have believed being touched by her soulmate felt this good. The stories had nothing on this. "I can't believe you found me." She smiled and closed her eyes to soak in the feeling for a moment.   "Dissapointed, sweetheart?" Mick asked softly. "No." Her eyes snapped open again and her glare returned at the insinuation she could hear in the tone. As if she could be disappointed in who her soul mates were. Her eyes shifted from Mick to Len to see the same doubt.   "You listen here, you idiots." Iris poked Mick's chest hard enough to make him take a step back and being a hand up to rub the spot with a scowl.   "I have been in love with you since I knew what the word soulmate meant. Since I knew what these scars on my body meant." She scowled and crossed her arms over her chest. "I memorized and worshipped each one that came to my skin because it was my connection to you and I knew that at least you were still alive." Iris remembered some nights that she cried herself to sleep because of how bad the scars looked. Worry would often fill her and she would worry another scar would never come. She didn't want her soulmate to be in pain but if he was still getting scars then he was still alive and with the amount she had she was sure one day he wouldn't be. "I swore to myself that I would find you and kiss every single scar away and that hasn't changed. I didn't know I had both of you but I wouldn't trade either of you now for anything." Her eyes were blazing and she took the step toward them, her jaw set with a certainty that left no question. "I will love you. Both of you and I am not disappointed by who you are."   She leaned up and pressed her lips to Mick's. It was a short, firm kiss and she pulled back quickly so that she could lay one on Len's lips as well. It took all her strength not to draw it out. The ache that had filled her since the second she saw them let up just a touch. There was a draw to them and a need to be with them that was stronger than it ever had been now that they were in front of her. Mick chuckled softly and rested a hand on Iris' waist so he could pull her closer. "Didn't I tell you, Lenny? She's ours." "Yeah, yeah, you told me." Len smirked and reached out to grab Iris' chin in gentle fingers and Iris opened her mouth to tease him with 'Lenny' when suddenly she was several feet away from her newly found soul mates. She could still feel the heat from their touch and she yearned to be back there.
Mick immediately growled and Len reached for his thigh for his cold gun which only made Iris roll her eyes. "You three are going to learn how to get along." Her tone was no-nonsense as she swatted at Barry's hands till he let her go and she started to walk back to the two criminals, completely ignoring Barry's warnings.
Barry had seen many of her scars several times but she knew he didn't know them like she did. Len's shirt had slipped back down her chest but Mick was still shirtless and she stopped just to the side of him and spun to look back at her best friend. Iris lifted her shirt up just enough to show some of the scars along her hip and stomach and waited for the look of understanding to cross his face when he saw the mirror image on two different bodies.
"And him." Iris said, nodding toward Len with a tone that warned Barry if he said anything wrong she wouldn't play nice. She could never hurt him, not really, but she also knew that Barry knew she wouldn't be happy if he hurt her soulmates.
Iris had never been one to dedicate her whole life to finding her soulmates but they did mean something to her. Barry would remember the way she would catalog her scars and the way she would never get serious with anyone because they weren't her soulmate. When her dad had wanted to teach her to defend herself she learned for herself, for Barry, but also so that she could chase away her soulmates bullies if she ever met them. She had always wanted to hurt whoever had hurt her soulmates, even more after the night Joe sat her down and explained how many of those scars most likely came to be.
Barry nodded slowly, looking back and forth between the two criminals even he knew had good in them, and stepped back. "You're going to be the one to tell Joe." He grinned.
Iris rolled her eyes again and shrugged before turning back to Len and Mick, barely waiting to hear Barry speed off. One of her hands moved down to take Len's hand off of his cold gun while the other went the fist Micks' was making.
"He's not going to take me anywhere." Her lips quirked and her eyes turned playful as she looked at Mick and then glanced at Len to see any anger that was there fade away fast. "I'm yours, remember?"
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robininthelabyrinth · 7 years
ship grade meme: len/mick/iris (coldwestwave)
A: I love it/B: It’s really cute
I would LOVE to see more of this. Iris is awesome, and has a wicked streak, and I think she would have a lot of fun with Len and Mick. She'd be their favorite reporter, and she'd have a million scoops - like Lois Lane in reverse, with a killer fashion sense and a satisfied smirk.
...damn, I should write that.
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Iris&Snart as an OTP? Do you think they could work? Would they be happy? Or do you think they could only every be a couple without Barry as triad?
Realistically in canon? I mean, don’t get me wrong, the ot3 is pretty cracky too, but in my opinion it’s still far more plausible than coldwest in shows’ canons.
That being said, I do think the possible ways their personalities might play together and the dynamics that would arise from the two of them together absolutely makes the solid foundation for a ship, especially in aus or fics that are “canon-adjacent”
I think Iris and Len are both tenacious and methodical and wicked smart. I think they have protective streaks a mile wide for their families and the people they love. And I also think in a way they have the same practical point of view at the end of the day. I think they know when to push and when to cut their losses. And (this might be due more to my headcanons about Iris and less about canon) I think they both carry around a lot of bitterness and resentment about things they feel are out of their control, hence they crave a sense of control.
Mind you, I think that also makes for a lot of conflict in any potential relationship. Just like coldflash has a lot of potential conflict. But what makes coldflash sing is the on screen chemistry between Barry and Len, which we haven’t really gotten the opportunity to see from Iris and Len. Which is why, even though I find the Len/Iris potential dynamic fascinating, I tend to actually write coldwestallen instead. But I do think Len and Iris on their own could make it work, and that they could be happy.
Also I like coldwestallenwave as an ot4, and other Len/Iris polyships without Barry, like coldwestwave and coldwestlance (which I’ve actually written)
Hope that answers your question.
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robininthelabyrinth · 7 years
coldwestwave, as in iris and mick and len
OTP. I mean, I love Iris. I think Iris would get  along great with Mick and Len. She's always struck me as more morally flexible than Barry, and a bit more mischievous. And they would think she was hilarious and just a little wicked. They would be the most adorable trio.
And they would drive Barry up. the. wall.
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