#collection.ask game
veneritia · 8 months
3 & 7 appearance (@inky-duchess)
Thanks for the ask @inky-duchess !
Fenice + 3. Is there something about your character’s appearance that they would change if possible?
She'd love it if she didn't appear so sickly looking, being a super pale red-head doesn't help because without proper sun protection she'll probably turn red in the sun in less than an hour. And maybe if her appearance looked less fragile people would take her more seriously
Fenice + 7. Is there someone your character tries to look similar to?
Fenice tries to look like her father, Dantalion. Not in physical appearance but moreso in outward demeanor, I'd say. Fenice takes after her mother, Titania, a lot in terms of physical features but the only trait she inherited from Dantalion is the silver eyes. Dantalion is someone Fenice has wanted to have a connection with since she was a young girl, but in adulthood realized that she really doesn't know how to connect with him. Emulating him is her way to try and forge that connection and to endear herself to him, in some small way. Little does she know that it only does the opposite.
🌸📩Send me a number from this super long character ask game!📩🌸
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veneritia · 9 months
Violet - Do a voice claim for your OC (@inky-duchess 💜)
Thanks for the ask @inky-duchess!
General + Violet - Do a voice claim for your OC
I'm not kidding I have no idea what any of them sound like 〒▽〒 They sound like the voices in my head but if you ask me what actor or person they sound like then I will immediately forget the voice of everyone ever
💌🌸flowery oc asks🌸💌
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veneritia · 8 months
12 and 45 for Fenice
Thanks for the ask anon!!
12. What are some of your character's pet peeves?
Haven't thought of this one before, actually. I'd have to say...when people don't follow manners and etiquette. A lot of it stems from her own childhood where she basically obsessed over learning everything about her family and life at the imperial court and all that it takes to be a "proper" imperessa. She learned all this so that she won't be looked down upon if when she came to court. When people don't observe proper manners/etiquette in the same way, she takes it as a slight against her. Like, you don't respect her enough to do so.
45. On a scale from 1-10, how intelligent is your character? (1 being incredibly stupid with almost no knowledge of the world, and 10 literally being Light Yagami.)
I'd say 8 or 9. (that she's much smarter than me is one of the reasons she's sometimes so difficult to write lmao). She's extremely intelligent and shrewd, and not only that she has a superb memory and is a voracious reader on a lot of difficult subjects (when more than half of your life is spend on bedrest, you gotta entertain yourself somehow). Her mind is her greatest asset; she doesn't have a lot going for her compared to her siblings, so whatever she does have, she sharpens and hones to a frightening degree.
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veneritia · 8 months
1, 2, 6, 8, 13 & 14, 24, 41 for Euphemia!
...I went a little berserk haha sorry, but I'm curious about her!
i want you to know that the second i saw this in my notifs the first words out of my mouth were "jesus christ" and "anon i love u"
ok so Euphemia is a little tricky because she's a much newer character compared to the rest of the cast, and she has the most screen time in book 2, so there's a good chance a lot of these answers are gonna change in the future. But honestly this is the perfect excuse to start developing her
What motivates your character?
It's the same thing that motivates every vi Aetier: survival and ambition. While the vasiliers of the empire have many children to their name, at the end of the line, only one can succeed the throne. Everyone else is competition. Everyone else is the enemy. Everyone else is out for blood.
2. How does the public view them?
Euphemia is extremely well-beloved by the public. And by public I mean the noble circles of the empire. She's charming and talented and the physical embodiment of the phrase 'pretty in pink.' She is the jewel of the imperial court, the subject of much ardor, the muse of poets, the sole princess of aetier, etc. etc. If we go beyond the courtiers and the vieux riche, the majority of the common people in the empire have passing knowledge of her. Mostly positive, but generally in the sense that they view her as "Dantalion's child."
6. What, if anything, sticks out about their appearance?
Feels like a cop-out answer but I have to go with the eyes. the vi Aetiers have this weird genetic quirk where everyone born in that family has silver eyes, so meeting euphemia (and anyone on her father's side of the family) is just the people with blue eyes meme
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The second trait...has to be the smile, I think. Euphemia always smiles as if she's in on some big secret and is secretly laughing because you don't know what she knows
13 & 14. Who is the closest person to your character? How did they become close?
That would be her mother, Eudocia vi Kallystos. Eudocia has always kept her daughter close, and is Euphemia's staunchest advocate in the sociopolitical scene at Court. Euphemia looks up to her mother a lot. Outside of the family, though, possibly one of Euphemia's reiakomes (lady companions), whose been raised with her since she was young.
24. From childhood to their current age, how has your character changed?
Euphemia's twice as cunning, thrice as ruthless, and infinitely better at hiding it. As a child, she would've been the little girl that had all the adults wrapped around her finger and knew it. I wouldn't say that she's changed all that much since she was a child, just gotten a lot better at smoothing or hiding the more vicious parts of her personality...until it was time to strike. Roses have thorns and all that
41. What kind of clothes does your character wear?
Expensive ones. Imported silk and gold brocade, brightly colored cloth (hues of pinks/reds/purples are her favorites), and all the jewels. She was an imperial princess and wanted everyone to know it. As for the specific style, wctd is loosely (and i mean very loosely) based off of the various styles of byzantine court dress (no specific century though bc this is fantasy and we play fast and loose lmao)
This was so much fun! Thanks so much for this ask anon!!
📩 Send me one of these 50 OC questions! 📩
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veneritia · 9 months
orchid and violet for Nike (from writinglyra)
Thanks @writinglyra for the ask!
Nike + Orchid - What is your OC's biggest fear?
If you asked Nike that question five years ago, he'd have said something like death or insects. But now....I think he's afraid of making the wrong choice and having to live with the awful consequences that follow. It's something that I noted down in my notebook actually, how he feels a bit like his Hesperia (his own country) trapped in a game between two powers, where no matter who he sides with or who wins, he and the people he loves will never come out of it unscathed. No matter what choice he makes, he'll always have to hurt someone, sacrifice something, risk everything. And once he makes that choice...he can't take it back.
Nike + Violet - Do a voice claim for your OC?
Oof, no. I can't even visualize what he looks like half the time XD
💌🌸flowery oc asks🌸💌
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veneritia · 8 months
24 and 25 for Dantalion!
Thanks for the ask, anon!!! ngl, these two are probably one of the best questions you can ask for Dantalion
24. From childhood to their current age, how has your character changed?
The question has perfect timing since I've been writing bits and pieces of a Dantalion character study on the side exploring his childhood, lol. Compared to how he was as a child, Dantalion is definitely a lot more closed off and less willing to trust others. That's not to say that kid Dantalion was particularly extroverted, but he was more likely to wear his heart on his sleeve as opposed to his adult self. Over the years, and as Dantalion grew into power, the circle of people who could definitively say they knew him grew smaller and smaller. By the time of the Hes-Aei war, that circle was made up of two people: Titania (his wife) and Andras (his brother). By the start of the story, one of those people comes home in ashes.
As an adolescent and a young adult, when Dantalion loved he loved with the full force of his being. He defied "tradition" by refusing to kill Andras at the end of the king's game, and his relationship with Titania in their marriage can basically be summed up with this Gomez Addam's quote: "I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss."
But somewhere along the line...his priorities shifted. Or maybe they never changed at all. Glory and legacy are obsessions embedded within his bloodline, and in a choice between fulfilling that and love, there was only ever one option for him.
25. What is the main setting of your story and how does it impact your character?
The main setting of wctd is the Aetierian Empire, of which Dantalion is the supreme ruler of. This fucks him up. Even before his coronation, this empire has fucked him up so badly.
Specifically, I'm talking about the Imperial Court in Kaelstanopolis, which starts off book 1 and is the primary setting in book 2. For all its gold and polish, it's no secret to anyone how toxic and dangerous that place is. It's full of schemes and cloak and dagger deals, and if you're unfortunate enough to be born into the vi Aetier family, your future is basically hinged upon whether you can kill the rest of your siblings. He grew up in an environment where it was very common to wake up and hear that your half-sibling (and/or their parent) was murdered in the middle of the night, knowing that the culprit is probably connected to or one of your relatives. He grew up in a family where his mother all but disowned him when she thought he would only be a liability, and a father that sent him away to be a political hostage as punishment.
Suffice to say, the Court has basically given him a very warped view of what familial relationships are supposed to be like
📩 Send me one of these 50 OC questions! 📩
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veneritia · 9 months
marigold for Fenice!
Thanks for the ask anon!
disclaimer that I am not good at this game
Fenice + Marigold - Describe your OC in three words or less
Seeking Parental Approval
💌🌸flowery oc asks🌸💌
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veneritia · 9 months
winterberry, snowdrop ane buttercup for Aretos
Thanks for the ask, anon!
Aretos + Winterberry - Use one or more photos that encapsulates your OC's clothing style.
Aretos is so very lelouch coded, so whenever I think about him he's just a bottle-blond version of Lelouch in his Julius Kingsley outfit but as a kabbadion (a byzantine style caftan-like garment), or as a tunic and surcoat, (i don't have the brain power to figure out the right search terms to bring up the results I want) and drowned in purple. And gold. And jewels. Did I mention the purple?
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Aretos + Snowdrop - What is something your OC loves, and what is something they hate?
He loves dogs. He doesn't have one himself, but you can be sure that if he sees a dog he's going to go and pet it. Dogs tend to gravitate towards him in return too.
Things that he hates...well, there's Dantalion, and the eyepatch he's forced to wear, but he only has to wear the eyepatch because of Dantalion...so, Dantalion.
Aretos + Buttercup - Does your OC have any odd quirks/habits?
He wears a long dangling earring on his right ear. You can tell when he starts to get angry or frustrated because he'll start fiddling/tugging on that earring. If you know him well enough, you'll know that the only reason he wears that earring is to keep himself from ripping off his eyepatch.
💌🌸flowery oc asks🌸💌
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veneritia · 3 years
✌️ let's see!
you get a wip that i've barely talked about on here yet.
Here's SaS!
The main character is a major simp
The story progression is somewhat modeled after Hector Berlioz' Symphonie Fantastique
It will be written in first person
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veneritia · 3 years
for tsdnbu!
Six, as god's chosen, is a particular favorite of the Ever Changing Forest
Six doesn't know her parents' names
Being the next sybil involves being occassionally possessed by a goddess
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veneritia · 3 years
for sleeping beauty wip!
Waking up sleeping beauty was the best decision the prince ever made
the prince is a himbo
the setting for this wip exists in both wctd and ivan wip
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veneritia · 3 years
For Ivan wip!
Ophelie ends up posing as a bridal candidate for the Kossiyan prince
Ophelie is ex-new money
Ophelie was the only person in her family to be one of the bloodless
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veneritia · 3 years
for wctd
Fenice is a scorpio
For a man with a harem, Dantalion's pretty celibate
Titania's not actually dead
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veneritia · 3 years
maddie, i'd love to hear a lie and some truths of whatever wip you so please ✌️
for ivan wip!
People live in bone cities
Vasily had to wear an iron mask over his face for the majority of his life
Jehan can't use his own magic
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veneritia · 3 years
for tsdnbu!
Six's new housemate is the guy who murdered her
The hero and the villain stop fighting and bake bread
The goddess of destiny is on the side of good
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veneritia · 3 years
🪡 for fenice and sola 😌
ty nicole (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
-> Fenice views Sola as like, that cool cousin that comes around the house every so often who always brings the best presents and tells the best stories
-> They're pen pals your honor. They don't a lot of chances to meet in person, what with Fenice being sick most of the time and Sola's work and general wanderlust taking him all over the place, so the bulk of their relationship was fostered through letters. Fenice keeps these letters in a box in her room and likes to pull them out to read sometimes; though the wording isn't the most eloquent, Sola is very descriptive when he talks about the places he's been, and if Fenice closes her eyes, she could almost imagine she was there too.
-> Sola thinks of Fenice as both a kid sister and well, someone he's indebted to. He escaped as a traitor to his homeland and came to Aetier with nothing but a made-up name and the clothes on his back; it was Titania who gave him a place to stay, and it was Fenice who managed to give him a home he could return to. And this was such a meaningful thing to Sola, who hadn't had anything or anyone he considered to be 'home' in years. He wants to help Fenice both to repay the debt he thinks is due and because he genuinely cares about her and thinks of her as family.
send me a 🪡 and two chacters and i’ll talk about their dynamic!
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