#collen helme
weirdesplinder · 2 years
La mia lista di libri per l’estate: cosa spero di riuscire a leggere
Le mie ferie si avvicinano e voglio condividere con voi parte della mia lista di libri da leggere quest’estate:
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- Ghosted, di J. M. Darhower (inedito in italiano)
Genere: second chance romance
Link: https://amzn.to/3nmrlOa
Trama: un famoso attore che per anni è stato dipendente da alcool e droga trova la forza di disintossicarsi e ritente ancora una volta di riallacciare i rapporti con la figlia che praticamente non ha mai consciuto e il suo grande amore, la ragazza che lo ha amato e sostenuto facendogli ottenere tutto ciò che voleva, e che lui ha trattato malissimo quando ha raggiunto il successo.
- Palazzo di sangue, di Jane Hur
Genere storico giallo
Trama: Korea, 1758. Figlia illegittima, la diciottenne Hyeon ha studiato e lavoroto duro per diventare assistente del medico di palazzo. E quando il suo maestro viene sospettato di 4 omicidi perpretrati all’interno della corte in una sola notte, è decisa a indagare da sola per scagionarlo. Le sue indagini le faranno incontrare l’ispettore di polizia ufficialmente incaricato di trovare il colpevole ed entrambi si accorgeranno subito che tutti gli indizi puntano al principe ereditario....
- Romanzo d’estate, di Emily Henry
Genere rosa contemporaneo
Trama: Augustus Everett è un autore amato dalla più intransigente critica letteraria. January Andrews invece scrive deliziose commedie romantiche che scalano regolarmente le classifiche.Lui è uno scrittore serio, ma non riesce a parlare di sentimenti. Lei è una sostenitrice dell’amore per sempre e del lieto fine. Non hanno niente in comune. A parte che per i prossimi tre mesi saranno vicini di casa.  January ha infatti deciso di rifugiarsi nel cottage del padre sul lago Michigan e pensa di trascorrere l’estate raccogliendo le idee e scrivendo un romanzo pieno della felicità che non sa più immaginare: ha da poco scoperto un segreto sui suoi genitori e non crede più nell’amore. Nella veranda accanto alla sua c’è però un vicino di casa inaspettato: Augustus Everett, suo ex compagno di college e soprattutto autore di fama. Anche lui colpito da un paralizzante blocco dello scrittore. Da sempre i due non si sopportano, ma decidono di lanciarsi una sfida per cercare di darsi una mano, o più probabilmente di punzecchiarsi. Si scambieranno il romanzo. E così Augustus dovrà dimostrare di saper scrivere anche un lieto fine e January di sapersi cimentare nella scrittura del Grande Romanzo Americano. E questa scommessa cambierà inevitabilmente tutti i finali…
-Angel falls, di Colleen Helme (inedito in italiano)
Genere paranormal romantico/ironico/suspance
Primo libro di una serie spinn off della serie Shelby Nichols di cui vi avevo parlato qui: https://weirdesplinder.tumblr.com/post/657614393887047680/ho-scoperto-una-nuova-serie-di-libri-shelby
Trama: Dopo essere stata mandata via dall’ospedale di New York dove lavorava come infermiera con l’accusa di non aver fatto il necessario per salvare un paziente, Ella St. John dopo aver incontrato Shelby Nichols deve fare i conti col fatto che i suoi poteri sono nuovamente stati notati da qualcuno e nemmeno fuggire nel deserto le impedirà di venire rintracciata da un misterioso conosciuto che ha bisogno del suo aiuto. Purtroppo però aiutarlo potrebbe essere il più grande errore della vita di Ella....
-Dream Maker di Kristen Ashley (inedito in italiano)
Genere rosa contemporaneo suspance
Trama: Evan "Evie" Gardiner ha passato la vita a dover essere responsabile per la sua famiglia scapestrata, finchè ha detto basta, e ha deciso di inseguire i propri sogni, cioè laurearsi in ingegneria. E per finaziare i suoi studi inizia a ballare nel club Smithie's finchè i suoi parenti non finiscono di nuovo nei guai e decidono di coinvolgerlancora una volta nei loro problemi. Per fortuna al club Evie ha conosciuto Daniel "Mag" Magnusson che decide di aiuatarla nonostante il problema di Evie possa mettere in pericolo anche la sua vita. 
-The truth about dukes, di Grace Burrowes (credo sia inedito in italiano ma non sono certa)
Genere romance storico
Trama: Robert Rothmere è un duca atipico, che porta ancora le cicatrici mentali e fisiche del fatto che da giovane è stato internato in un manicomio. Per aiutarlo a sopportare il peso sociale del suo rango deve sposare la donna adatta una lady perfetta e crede di averla trovata in Lady Constance Wentworth. Purtroppo la donna in relatà appare perfetta perchè si sforza ogni momento della sua vita di non dire o fare mai nulla che possa  collegarla la più piccolo scandalo per la paura che un segreto del suo passato venga rivelato. Perciò dovrebbe rifiutare Robert, ma purtroppo ne è infatuata da nni, fin da quando l’avev aiutata nel momento del bisogno anni prima...
- Spelunking Through Hell: A Visitor's Guide to the Underworld di Seanan McGuire (inedito in italiano)
Undicesimo libro della serie InCryptid di cui vi ho già parlato molte volte: https://weirdesplinder.tumblr.com/post/146951171758/salve-a-tutti-vi-ho-gi%C3%A0-ampiamente-parlato-della
Genere: urban fantasy
Trama: Finalmente dopo 11 libri Alice, la nonna di Verity Price, ha forse individuato la dimensione dove è finito anni prima sua marito Thomas e ora armata fino ai denti come suo solito è decisa a salvarlo ad ogni costo. Distinguere i nemici dagli amici non sarà facile ma lei è una donna che non sa arrendersi mai, proprio come sua nipote che le somiglia così tanto.
Fatemi sapere le vostre liste di libri da leggere quest’estate.
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noramoya · 7 years
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"THIRTH YEARS AGO , TODAY - ON AUGUST 31 , 1987 - MICHAEL JACKSON DEBUTED ONE OF THE MOST ANTICIPATED ÁLBUNS IN THE HISTORY OF POP MUSIC : BAD , THE FOLLOW -UP TO 1982's THRILLER , WHICH HAD ALREADY BEEN CERTIFIED 20 X PLATINUM BY THE RIAA UPON ITS SUCCESSOR'S RELEASE, WELL ON ITS WAY TO BECOMING THE BEST-SELLING ALBUM OF ALL TIMES . " " Undaunted, Jackson and producer Quincy Jones attempted to outdo themselves with Bad, setting their sales goals even higher the next time around. "I heard was that [Michael] was carrying around -- I can’t remember if it was a quarter and a nickel or three dimes -- but he was carrying around 30 cents in his pocket because he wanted to sell [that many million copies of Bad]," says Geoff Mayfield, retail editor at Billboard in 1987. Jackson would fall well short of that goal -- Bad had topped out at 6-times platinum in the U.S. by the time the album's promo cycle finally ended at the close of the '80s, and was finally certified diamond (for 10 million equivalent album units) by the RIAA earlier this year. But despite the lesser sales, Bad did achieve a feat that not only did Thriller not accomplish, but that no album in history ever had before: It spawned five No. 1 hits on the Billboard Hot 100. Each of the set's first five singles -- Siedah Garrett ballad duet "I Just Can't Stop Loving You," storming title track "Bad," strutting love song "The Way You Make Me Feel," anthemic power ballad "Man in the Mirror" and rock-infused backstage drama "Dirty Diana" -- made it all the way to the Hot 100's apex, breaking the previous record of four No. 1 hits off the same album, initially set in 1978 by the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. For more than two decades, Bad reigned as the lone album to notch five Hot 100-toppers, until Katy Perry finally tied the achievement in 2011 with her fifth No. 1 off sophomore album Teenage Dream. So how did an album that largely failed to live up to commercial expectation manage to do something no blockbuster album had managed before? A lot of the answer can be found through the album's surrounding context -- in terms of Michael Jackson's career, in terms of the pop landscape in the late '80s and in terms of the Billboard charts of the time. Though Thriller managed "only" two Hot 100 No. 1s of its own -- "Billie Jean" and "Beat It" -- it raised the bar for how long an album's shelf life could last. "It’s one of those few records I can think of with three meaningful Christmas seasons," says Mayfield. "When I was at Billboard [in 1984] it was the third Christmas season for Thriller, and it was still one of the records that retailers cited as a traffic builder for them, and that’s unusual." The album also set new standards for the number of hit singles that could be pulled from the same record, with seven of its nine tracks becoming top 10 hits on the Hot 100 -- a then-record. "Having seven top 10 hits [on Thriller] was important," says Larry Stessel, senior VP/marketing for Jackson's Sony-owned label Epic in the '80s. "Because you had all of those songs that were being played on 98 percent of the radio stations in the country, whether it was some lesser singles... as long as they’re in the top 10 or top five, they’re going to have a tremendous impact." After Thriller, albums that previously would've only spun off three or four singles were now increasingly likely to have five, six, even seven songs pulled as A-sides before the artist would move on to a next album. Tellingly, Def Leppard's Diamond-selling Pyromania set, released just a couple months after Thriller in 1983, saw only four songs released as singles, but by the time of 1987 follow-up Hysteria, that LP spawned seven singles -- with the fourth and fifth single in the U.S. ("Pour Some Sugar on Me" and "Love Bites") becoming the set's biggest Hot 100 hits, reaching Nos. 2 and 1, respectively. "'We should do a rock version of Michael Jackson’s Thriller,'" Def Leppard guitarist Phil Collen recalled to Billboard of producer Mutt Lange's goals for Hysteria. Also contributing to these albums' extended lifespans was the rise of MTV. Albums like Bruce Springsteen's Born in the U.S.A. (1984) and Janet Jackson's Control (1986) were able to generate at least five top 10 hits each (seven for Born) in large part because many of their singles were accompanied by captivating music videos that were endlessly promoted on what had become the world's most influential musical outlet. And Michael Jackson, who had helped the channel go truly global with videos for Thriller's "Beat It," "Billie Jean" and the title track, was the station's unquestioned male lead. "They were so hungry for Michael Jackson videos that we could’ve put out Michael singing 'Happy Birthday' and they would’ve played it," Stessel recalls. And when Bad was finally ready for release in 1987, a half-decade after Thriller had permanently changed the parameters for pop album scaling, it was given one of the great promotional pushes in record industry history. Walter Yetnikoff, then-CEO of CBS and Sony Music, was behind Jackson fully. At the time, Columbia Records (a CBS division) had mega-selling acts Springsteen, Pink Floyd and Billy Joel on its roster, but it was clear which artist was Yetnikoff's top priority. "As much as Walter loved those [other] acts, Michael was the king at the company,” says one former Sony executive. “The push behind Jackson kept Columbia from getting to No. 1 with their records. They over-aggressively promoted Michael Jackson, because that was what Walter wanted.” (Journey's Frontiers album on Columbia stalled at No. 2 for nine weeks in 1983, stuck behind Thriller.) The Bad album -- whose progress was kept as a secret even to Jackson's label, Epic Records, until shortly before it was delivered -- was first introduced to a who's who of radio and retail bigwigs at a private dinner at the pop star's house in Encino, California. "The first thing I thought was... we have to make Michael real to the industry again," says Jim Caparro, then-head of sales at Epic. "To make him real again I came up with this wild notion that we should bring all the accounts and big radio people to Michael’s house and have him debut the album to them." “Sony brought in Wolfgang Puck, he was the chef at the house,” recalls Bruce Ogilvie, now the CEO of Alliance Entertainment and the then-owner of the Abbey Road One-Stop distributor, about the summit. “They had all the Sony senior people there and [manager] Frank DiLeo was there, and so was Janet Jackson. They didn’t spare any expense. They picked everyone up in limousines to bring us there. It floated around the party that Michael Jackson was sleeping upstairs in the oxygen chamber but would come down later.” Bad was brought to the general public via a half-hour special, Michael Jackson: The Magic Returns, which debuted on CBS primetime the night before the album was released. The centerpiece of the special was the "Bad" music video, an 18-minute short film helmed by legendary director Martin Scorsese and co-starring a pre-fame Wesley Snipes. "It was on from 8-8:30 [on CBS] and it was the No. 5 show of the week," says Stessel, who wrote, produced and directed the program (along with Don Wilson), which also featured a short catch-up film summarizing Michael's career to that point. "It was a tremendous coup... we shipped 4.2 million copies [of the album], and we sold half of it the first week." All of this set the scene for a singles rollout that built on the momentum of Thriller and attempted to take it to new heights. "The album of your career is always going to put you on a higher plateau than you were before," Mayfield says. "And I would say that Thriller did some of the heavy lifting for Bad just by making his tent larger than it ever could have been prior to that album." Not wanting to mess with the successful formula of the latter, the release strategy for Bad closely mirrored that of its predecessor. "I Just Can't Stop Loving You," with Siedah Garrett -- the more traditional pop duet without a music video -- was pulled as a single first (as the Paul McCartney collab "The Girl Is Mine" was from Thriller), followed by two more obvious modern pop knockouts with elaborate visuals to match in "Bad" and "The Way You Make Me Feel" (just like "Billie Jean" and "Beat It" an album earlier). "Everything was about, 'Let’s just do everything the Thriller way,'" Stessel recalls. "
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jdrespling · 4 years
JEFF KEITH Defends TESLA's Collaboration With DEF LEPPARD's PHIL COLLEN: 'We Were Trying Something Different'
JEFF KEITH Defends TESLA’s Collaboration With DEF LEPPARD’s PHIL COLLEN: ‘We Were Trying Something Different’
In a new interview with “The Classic Metal Show”, TESLA singer Jeff Keith was asked about the criticism that has been leveled at the band for adopting a 1980s-style polished production for its latest album, “Shock”. The follow-up to June 2014’s “Simplicity” was helmed by DEF LEPPARD guitarist Phil Collen, whose own group is no stranger to slicked-up, glossy-sounding recordings. Asked if he can…
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TESLA has set 'Shock' as the title of its ninth full-length album, tentatively due in the fall. The long-awaited follow-up to 2014's 'Simplicity' was helmed by DEF LEPPARD guitarist Phil Collen, wh...
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jdrespling · 7 years
TESLA To Release 'Shock' Album In The Fall
TESLA To Release 'Shock' Album In The Fall
TESLA has set “Shock” as the title of its ninth full-length album, tentatively due in the fall. The long-awaited follow-up to 2014’s “Simplicity” was helmed by DEF LEPPARD guitarist Phil Collen, who co-wrote and produced the TESLA song “Save That Goodness”, which was released in August 2016 and included on the “Mechanical Resonance Live!” album.
When asked in an interview with “Rock Talk With…
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jdrespling · 7 years
TESLA's New PHIL COLLEN-Produced Album Tentatively Due In June
TESLA‘s long-awaited follow-up to 2014’s “Simplicity” album will tentatively arrive in June. The new disc was helmed by DEF LEPPARD guitarist Phil Collen, who co-wrote and produced the TESLA song “Save That Goodness”, which was released in August 2016 and included on the “Mechanical Resonance Live!” album.
When asked in a brand new interview with “Rock Talk With Mitch Lafon” why TESLAdecided to…
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